A project like this would probably take 100 years to complete if not for many devoted team members contributing generous time and talent throughout this journey to Celebrate 100. Each one of you has helped with your unique gifts to make this much more than just a great book. It is an awakening and awareness and celebration of life for everyone who seeks to live long and live well. We hope every one of you experience and celebrate the centenarian spirit each day of your journey into the exciting future.

Thank you with all of our hearts.

My wonderful wife, Elaine, for your tireless data tabulating and rich content contributions; all my beautiful children and grandchildren; Leo Wells for your enthusiastic support and encouragement; centenarian research team wannabes Nancy Daniel, Kendra Emigh, Doug Buce, Joe Colavito; Andy Stanley and Jeff Henderson for your encouragement and counsel on sharpening my 100 presentations; the awesome Northpoint and Buckhead Church replenishers for your priceless feedback; Tripp Crosby, Matt Garret, and team for creative context; Debbie Woodall for design ideas; all the Cathy family for your years of amazing generosity and support; Bill Heavener, Greg Suess, and Cynthia Manson for connecting us to create this book; and my two lifetime spiritual and barbeque buddies Robert Wynne (Joker 2) and Bob Day (Joker 3). You’re the best!


My husband, Jim Adler, for his editorial wordsmithing and good counsel; my friend, Neil Holland, for his extraordinary dedication and collaboration, invaluable suggestions, proofreading, and contributions in research; Donald Downes for his loyalty over many years, creating and maintaining the centenarian web site and blog; Ole Amundsen for his continued interest; Rebecca Strang for lending a helping hand; and the volunteers in Phoenix who worked on survey mailings, and the 319 Venti Sea-Salt Caramel Mocha coffees from Starbucks.

I also wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks the innumerable centenarians and their families over the years for their warm response to my efforts bringing and keeping centenarians “front and center.” And my twin brothers Brian and Marty Peters for their ever-present support, and posthumously, my mother, Evelyn R. Peters, who was always my steadfast advocate and best volunteer.


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