Praise for What Is Your WHAT?


“Every once in a while a book comes along that stands out in its ability to really help people. If you are one of those people who feels unsatisfied with your work or still haven't figured out what you want to do when you grow up, read this book, do the brilliantly constructed exercises and watch your life transform.”

Jack Canfield

Cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and coauthor of The Success Principles

“This isn't a book as much as it is a road map. It takes you on a journey where you'll meet the most interesting character in the universe (Spoiler Alert: It's YOU). But the YOU that embarks upon this journey will not be the same YOU that reaches the horizon…in fact, What Is Your WHAT? will specifically guide you, step-by-step toward something most people never discover…and with this discovery you can, as Steve Jobs suggested, ‘put a dent in the universe.’ This book clearly puts the author, Steve Olsher, in the Who's Who of What's What.”

Dan Hollings
Marketing Strategist (best known for his work with “The Secret,” Zero Cost Marketing Secrets, and Email Clockstar)

“We are told the biggest regret shared by people in the last days of life is that they did not live an authentic life. Busy living out the expectations of others, they tried to be ‘responsible’ and ‘practical,’ but missed the one thing that would have made them great. In this timely book, Steve draws from the examples of people living their WHAT to give each of us a step-by-step process for living authentically. Prepare to become who you were born to be.”

Dan Miller
New York Times best-selling author of 48 Days to the Work You Love

“In every generation, there are a mere handful of books that truly stand out to people looking to get ahead in life in a positive and uplifting way. Steve Olsher's What Is Your WHAT? is in that elite field and needs to be read (make that devoured!) and applied today.”

Ric Thompson
Healthy Wealthy nWise

“I believe we are all created by God with a unique set of passions, talents, skills, abilities, personality, and presence that make us unique. That means you are the only one that can bring your unique value to the world! In What Is Your WHAT?, Steve Olsher helps you identify and move forward into what you were born to do. That fire burning inside you? It's calling you to impact the world. Do it!”

Joel Comm
New York Times best-selling author

“I spent years figuring out what I was meant to do and it boiled down to a simple idea of helping others live their Full Potential. Steve has simplified the process and asks important questions that will help you go deeper in less time. If you're like me and tend to be overly analytical, this book will help you overcome perceived obstacles and take action. You don't choose your ‘one thing,’ it chooses you…and similarly, you don't choose this book…it chooses you!”

James Rick, “Mr. Full Potential”
Founder of

“Far too many struggle with defining who they are and what they were put here to do. In What Is Your WHAT? Steve Olsher shows you exactly how to tap into your natural wiring so you can monumentally impact not only those who share this lifetime with you, but also those of lifetimes to come.”

Bill Renkosik (aka Bad Boy Bill)
International DJ and Producer

“If you're ready to learn a blueprint for discovering your true talents, skills, and abilities, then read and absorb the strategies in this book by Steve Olsher!”

James Malinchak
Featured on ABCs Hit TV Show Secret Millionaire; Coauthor, Chicken Soup for the College Soul; Founder,

“Following the existential question of ‘Why am I here?’ that each of us strives to understand is the as-important ‘What is my WHAT?’ Avoid starting with the enigmatic ‘Why,’ and rather, seek your ‘WHAT.’ When you discover it, you'll undoubtedly realize deeper meaning, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose unlike anything you've ever known!”

Mike Muhney
Coinventor of ACT! Contact Management software; CEO and Inventor of VIPorbit Mobile Relationship Management software and

“Some people are just lucky…they immediately know who they are and what they were born to do. For us mere mortals, the process is typically a journey—one of trial and error. Identifying who you are and WHAT you were born to do can be daunting. With Steve Olsher's book, What Is Your WHAT?, you no longer have to go it alone. The answers you need are right here.”

Bryan Toder, The No Fear Guy

“In What Is Your WHAT? Steve Olsher shows you how to move from being awake to being ALIVE. Seriously…life is short. Read this book, discover what you were born to do, share your gifts with the world, and get paid extraordinarily well for what you would gladly do for free.”

Suzanne Evans

“If you've been frustrated with the direction of your life and there is a part of you that knows you are meant for something bigger, What is Your WHAT? is a must read! Why continue to try and figure things out on your own when Steve can show you the way?!”

Joe Amoia
The Smarter Dating Guy; Creator of Smarter Dating for Women

“Moving into our own unique focus is not a luxury, living authentically demands that we move onto our own path. Yes we get to fill in the blank! Moving to that which whispers to us, demands our attention and ultimately leverages our best is what we are designed to do and through these remarkable stories and exercises, Steve Olsher provides evidence on authentic living being the best measurement of success.”

Deb Ingino
Strength Leader

What is Your WHAT? will make a positive difference in your life. If you've ever wondered, ‘Why am I here and how can I turn my joy into my job?’—this book shows you how. Read it and reap.”

Sam Horn
Author of POP! and SerenDestiny®

What Is Your WHAT? encourages you to hone in on the one trait every successful entrepreneur I have interviewed on my top-ranked business podcast EntrepreneurOnFire has…FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Success. We all have the ability to be AMAZING at one thing if we put our mind and heart to it. Podcasting is my WHAT. What is yours?”

John Lee Dumas

“Steve Olsher has been helping people discover their WHAT for years. His powerful tools and technologies are only exceeded by his inspirational voice and from-the-heart encouragement and coaching. Steve has inspired me personally, and I know he will inspire you too.”

Christopher Van Buren
LaunchMoxie, Inc.

“Identifying the ONE thing you were born to do and sharing this gift with the world is both your obligation and your birthright. What Is Your WHAT? not only teaches you precisely how to tap into your inherent blueprint but also to understand how you're uniquely wired to excel. I highly recommend reading it.”

David Riklan
Founder of, # 1 Self Improvement Website on the Internet

“Steve has created the ultimate guide on self-discovery and formulates a vortex of personal purpose and practical application. It's apparent that his WHAT was designed to ignite the fire in many souls to serve the world in whatever capacity they choose.”

Erika Gilchrist, “The Unstoppable Woman”

“You wish you knew how certain people became successful and could apply a process to your own life to get results. This book tells the story of successful people but more importantly teaches you how to duplicate their success by applying principles and strategies. Read it and watch your life change.”

Andy Traub
Author, The Early To Rise Experience Series

“In a world full of fuzziness and confusion, this book is like a tiny grenade of clarity. Sharp, smart, and to the point, it's a perfect way to figure out your WHAT.”

Jon Acuff
New York Times best-selling author of Start

“Stop passively going through life and start really living! What is Your WHAT? provides easy-to-implement solutions that will transform your life into one with great meaning and happiness.”

Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD
Best-selling author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness

“Steve Olsher has done a stellar job in reminding us of the key to really engaging with our life and work. A direct, engaging, and useful manual for connecting with our own unique signatures, and why that matters.”

David Allen
International best-selling author, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

“Most people don't say ‘YES’ to what truly puts fire in their soul. Too often, they're living small and take misguided actions because they have yet to identify their WHAT—the ONE thing they were born to do. Until your WHAT becomes clear, you'll continually be led astray by distractions. Read this book, discover your WHAT, and say YES to life!”

Loral Langemeier
The Millionaire Maker

“Most people who ask themselves, ‘What is my purpose in life?’ go blank. Steve's book provides a definitive map to answer that question and most importantly shines a light on the final destination. What Is Your WHAT? takes you on a new journey of self-discovery and, ultimately, leads you to discover what you were born to do.”

Steven Aitchison
Author of Change Your Thoughts

“I'm a rabid fan of self-employment as the greatest vehicle for freedom in today's culture. After years of consulting with hundreds of people trying to go from traditional employment to ‘free agency’ and often running aground, I realized most failed business attempts come as a result of personal issues. Not understanding one's place in the world…the WHAT…is at the epicenter. Steve hooked me in his introduction through his personal story, fervor, and wisdom. This will be a foundational book in my business arsenal for helping my members.”

Kevin Miller
Founder of

“Challenging, thought-provoking and insightful—a great exploration into becoming the you who you are meant to be.”

Randy Gage
Author of the New York Times best seller, Risky Is the New Safe

“Until you retrain the brain and transform your self-view, you'll continue to sabotage. Olsher helps you identify your best self and harness that power to fuel your breakthrough!”

Lisa Jimenez M Ed
Best-selling author of Conquer Fear! and Radical Transformation!

“Steve Olsher's concept and method for finding your WHAT is brilliant. We have an obligation to ourselves to pursue our passion and share our unique gifts with the world. This collection of stories from Steve's network of experts is sure to inspire and motivate readers to discover their WHAT and start living the life they were meant to live.”

Robin Jay
Award-winning Filmmaker,

What Is Your WHAT? guides you to achieve clarity and focus while empowering you to maximize your life production and quality. Read it and win.”

Dr. Bob Wright
Coauthor, Beyond Time Management and Business with Purpose

“If you're tired of wandering aimless in the world and have been searching for a solution to help you connect to your passion, What is Your WHAT? is a brilliant masterpiece that will transform your life and empower you to realize your highest potential.”

Robbie Tolk
Founder of Secrets to Healing

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