List of Acronyms

Acronym Meaning Page (first appearance)
2D Two Dimensional 10
3D Three Dimensional 15
AAM Active Appearance Model 317
AD Absolute Differences 220
ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter 40
AEC Acoustic Echo Cancellation 127
AFE Analog Front End 40
AG Anti-glare 48
AI Artificial Intelligence 109
AiO All-in-One 28
AM Acoustic Model 118
AMOLED Active-Matrix OLED 88
AMR Analog Multi-touch Resistive 31
ANN Artificial Neural Networks 119
APR Acoustic Pulse Recognition 32
ASIC Application-Specific Integated Circuit 42
ASR Automatic Speech Recognition 120
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 246
ASW Adaptive Support Weights 221
ATM Automated Teller Machine 70
ATO Antimony Tin Oxide 47
BCI Brain-Computer Input 301
BE Back-end 130
BOM Bill of Materials 92
CAD Computer-aided Design 287
CAT Cluster Adaptive Training 134
CCD Charge-coupled Device 37
CERN The European Organization for Nuclear Research 35
CMOS Complementary Metal–oxide–semiconductor 37
COGAIN Communication by Gaze Interaction 264
CPU Central Processing Unit 75
CRF Conditional Random Field 137
CRT Cathode Ray Tube 28
CT Computerized Tomography 298
DET Detection Error Tradeoff 326
DFP Digital Fringe Projection 182
DLP Digital Light Processing 196
DMD Digital Micro-mirror Device 196
DMR Digital Multi-touch Resistive 31
DNN Deep Neural Networks 119
DP Dynamic Programming 225
DRS Discourse Representation Structure 146
DRT Discourse Representation Theory 146
DSI Disparity Space Image 219
DSP Digital Signal Processor 40
DST Dispersive Signal Technology 32
DTW Dynamic Time Warping 129
DWT Digital Waveguide Touch 71
ECS Eye Contact Sensors 257
EEG Electroencephalography 301
EER Equal Error Rate 318
EM Electromagnetic 98
EMG Electromyography 301
EMI Electromagnetic Interference 48
EMMA Extensible MultiModal Annotation 140
EOG Electrooculography 256
EPD Electronic Paper Display 98
ETRA Eye-Tracking Research and Applications 264
FE Front-end 130
FOV Field of View 79
FPC Flexible Printed Circuit 46
FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array 225
FSM Finite State Machine 112
FST Finite State Transducers 119
FTIR Frustrated Total Internal Reflection 80
FTP Fourier Transform Profilometry 188
G2P Grapheme-to-Phoneme 132
GLMM Generalized Linear Mixed Model 333
GMM Gaussian Mixture Model 113
GPS Global Positioning System 122
GPU Graphics Processing Unit 95
GSI Gesture and Speech Infrastructure 288
GUI Graphical User Interface 263
HCI Human-Computer Interaction 251
HLDA Heteroscedastic Linear Discriminant Analysis 118
HMI Human-Machine Interface 98
HMM Hidden Markov Model 112
HRI Human-Robot Interaction 295
HSL Hue-Saturation-Luminance 220
HTER Half Total Error Rate 325
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 168
IOB Inside-Outside-Begins 136
IP Intellectual Property 65
IPS In-Plane Switching 89
IR Infrared 32
ITO Indium Tin Oxide 32
iVSM Interpolated Voltage-Sensing Matrix 58
JFA Joint Factor Analysis 129
LBP Local Binary Patterns 323
LCD Liquid Crystal Display 38
LCDM Luminosity-Compensated Dissimilarity Measure 220
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis 316
LDPP Learning Discriminative Projections and Prototypes 331
LED Light Emitting Diode 69
LM Language Model 111
LoG Laplacian of Gaussian 227
LVCSR Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition 120
MAGIC Mouse and Gaze Input Cascaded 263
MAP maximum a posteriori 117
MARS Multi-touch Analog-resistive Sensor 59
MCE Minimum Classification Error 118
ME Modulation Efficiency 243
MFCC Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients 112
MLLR Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression 117
MMIE Maximum Mutual Information Estimation 118
MMSE Minimum Mean-Square Error 124
MOBIO Mobile Biometric 313
MPE Minimum Phone Error 118
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging 298
MTC Member Team Committee 305
NAP Nuisance Attribute Projection 129
NCC Normalized Cross Correlation 220
NER Named Entity Recognition 136
NFI Near Field Imaging 39
NIR Near Infrared 182
NIRS Near-infrared Spectroscopy 302
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 130
NL Natural Language 152
NLG Natural Language Generation 108
NLMS Normalized Least Mean Square 127
NLU Natural Language Understanding 108
NRE Non-recurring Engineering 92
OCA Optically Clear Adhesive 43
ODM Original Design Manufacturer 30
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 30
OGS One-Glass Solution 44
OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode 28
OPWM Optimal Pulse Width Modulation 207
OS Operating System 29
OWL Web Ontology Language 140
PC Personal Computer 29
PCA Principal Component Analysis 316
p-Cap Projected Capacitive 28
PCB Printed Circuit Board 71
PDA Personal Digital Assistant 28
PDF Probability Density Function 113
PET Polyethylene Terephthalate 43
PET Positron Emission Tomography 298
PIN Positive-Intrinsic-Negative 79
PLP Perceptual Linear Predictive analysis 118
POI Point of Information 56
POMDP Partially Observable Markov Decision Process 143
POS Point of Sale 28
PPI Pixels per Inch 93
PSD Planar Scatter Detection 32
PSOLA Pitch Synchronous Overlap and Add 132
PWM Pulse Width Modulation 207
QA Question Answering 151
QDA Quadratic Discriminant Analysis 326
RAM Random Access Memory 65
RASTA Relative Spectral analysis 118
RBF Radial Basis Function 332
RDF Resource Description Framework 140
RDFS RDF Schema 140
RDP Reliability-based Dynamic Programming 225
RFI Radio-Frequency Interference 95
RGB Red-Green-Blue 220
RL Reinforcement Learning 143
ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic 326
RRFC Reversing Ramped-Field Capacitive 36
RSS Rich Site Summary 131
s3D Stereo-pair 3D 343
SAD Sum of Absolute Differences 221
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave 31
SAYS Speak-As-You-Swipe 292
SBM Squared Binary Method 207
SD Squared Differences 220
SDK Software Development Kit 294
SDRT Segmented Discourse Representation Theory 151
SID Society for Information Display 73
SLM Statistical Language Model 156
SMS Short Message Service 116
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio 42
SPIE The International Society for Optics and Photonics 191
SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation 207
SRGS Speech Recognition Grammar Specification 115
STFT Short-term Fourier Transform 124
TCON Timing Controller 92
TFA Total Factor Analysis 129
TFT Thin-Film Transistor 43
TIR Total Internal Reflection 71
TOF Time of Flight 233
TTS Text-to-Speech Synthesis 130
UI User Interface 107
UID Unique Identity 315
US-VISIT United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology 315
VA Virtual Assistant 108
VR Voice Recognition 108
VTLN Vocal Tract Length Normalization 118
WFST Weighted Finite State Transducers 119
WFT Windowed Fourier Transform 188
WIMP Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer 287
WTA Winner Takes All 219
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