
Page references to figures or tables are in italics; references to notes have the letter “n” following the page number.

abbreviated field experience, ethnography, 25, 105122

fieldwork in media studies, 108111

Monsanto visit, 113119

observation and the field, 111113

participant observation, 108, 110111

“the field,” 110

see also ethnography/ethnographic research; fieldwork

Abreu, S. de, 323

Abu-Lughod, L., 21, 22, 58, 59, 62, 265, 301, 336

accounts of the media, 172

Acosta-Alzuru, C., 22, 25, 26, 125147, 172

action-oriented research, 47

activist audiences, 383, 489509

activist and alternative audiences, 491492

activists as information transmitters, 492493

current approaches to, 495497

future directions, 503504

gulf between activist producers and audiences, 494495

as participants in ritual, 497499

social limitations of new activist media, 501502

activist documentaries, 541545

activist ethnography, 47

Acuña, A., 133

Adkins, L., 166

Adorno, T. W., 549

advertising, 335, 409, 415, 416, 421n

affect, issues of, 203

affective intelligence, 498499

affective pedagogy, 206, 207209

African National Congress (ANC) governments, 259260


audience, 446

civic, 524, 527, 530n

mass media, 457

and reflexivity, 150

self of, 204

Agent Orange, 114, 115, 116

Agost, R., 281

Agrawal, B. C., 313, 315

Aguayo, A. J., 542

Airhihenbuwa, C. O., 474

Akindes, F. Y., 221

Aksoy, A., 295n

Alam Ara (film), 306

Alasuutari, P., 20, 287, 310

Albury, K., 375

Alcoff, L., 46, 427, 432

Aldoory, L., 30, 465488, 475, 476, 480

Allan, S., 454

Allen, J. D., 474

Allen, M. P., 308

Allen, R. C., 309

Allor, M., 407, 418

Almeida, H. B., 336

alternative audiences, 491492

Alters, D., 172

Althaus, S. L., 457

Althusser, L., 14

Aly, A., 22

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 471

American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 344

Amit, V., 60

Anderson, B., 499, 510

Anderson, M. W., 216

Anderson, R. B., 474, 478

Andhra Pradesh, India, 307, 311, 312, 314

Andrejevic, M., 159, 161162

androgynization of men and women, 158

Ang, I., 16, 53, 109, 172, 215, 309, 338, 352, 367, 394, 407, 513

multi-sited ethnography, 59, 62

publications by, 374

reflexivity, 152, 162

transnational television, 256, 280, 293, 296n

Angel, J., 490

Angus, I., 419


anthropology, 41, 44, 59, 108, 109, 182

cultural, 21, 58, 5960

Appadurai, A., 112, 216, 226, 295n

Apprentice SA, 258

Arismendi, J., 132

ARPANET, 409, 420n

Arquilla, 493

artificiality in research, 51

Athique, A., 20, 25

Atkinson, J., 496, 498

Atkinson, P., 150

Atton, C., 493, 494, 502, 503, 504

audience agency, 446

audience demographics, 309

audience measurement, 407409

accounting for audiences, 416419

online audiences, 409413

role of measurement, 414416

audience moments, 490

audience pleasure, 206

audience research see research, audience

Audience Research Commission of the Chinese Radio and TV Association, 349


accounting for, 416419

activist see activist audiences

in China

implicit and explicit, 351354

shifts in portrayal of, 349351

as citizens see citizens, audiences as

complexity of, 40

concept of “the audience,” 1415, 406, 418

counting of see audience measurement

engaged, 448453

former members, 502

implicit and explicit, 351354

layers of, 286289

new, 2, 39

new media, 389405

online see online audiences

as producers, 390395

redefinition of “audience,” 395398

seeking own audience, 398403

size and composition, 410

theories of, 4445

transnational, 276299

audience/user structures, 84, 85, 8889

Australia, 365386

audience studies, 373375

domestication of, 367370

ethnographic audience research approach, 375382

consumption theory, 370371

influences on audience ethnography in, 367372

social construction of technology, 371372


domestication of, 367370

social construction of, 371372

Australian Broadcasting Authority, 373

Australian Broadcasting Control Board, 373

Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, 373

Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), 373374

autonomy, 150

Bae Yong Jun (Bae Yong Joon), 279, 291

Bagdikian, B., 490

Bagley, G., 467, 469

Baisnée, O., 59

Bakardjieva, M., 58

Ball-Rokeach, S. J., 449

Balnaves, M., 367, 374

Balsamo, A., 428

Banaji, S., 521

Banerjee, P., 550n

Banet-Weiser, S., 5, 20

Bangalore, film audiences in, 311

Banks, M. J., 7

Baptist Missionary Society, 303

Barbosa, B. R., 323, 329

Barboza, D., 342

Barlow, T. E., 351, 352

Barnes & Noble, 64

Barnett, C., 259, 260

Barnett, L. A., 308

Barnhurst, K., 6, 525

Barnouw, E., 306, 307

Barrera, V., 22

Barrera Tyszka, A., 131

Barrett, S., 382

Barrios, L., 133

Barthes, R., 200201, 203

Bassett, C., 428

Bauman, R., 539

Bauman, Z., 72

Baxter, L. A., 182

Bayer Leverkusen, 526

Baym, N. K., 182, 391, 428

Beck, U., 150, 151

Behar, R., 23, 43, 432

behavioral advertising, 415, 416

Beijing Broadcasting Institute, 349

Beijing Youth Media Group, 348

Beltran, S. L. R., 301

Beniger, J., 420n

Bennett, W. L., 493, 547

Berger, P., 371

Bermejo, F., 29, 406424

Berners-Lee, T., 420421n

Beville, H. M., 417, 420n, 421n

Bhabha, H., 429

Bhojpuri cinema, 311

Bhopal Gas Tragedy, India, 429

Biafra, J, 490

biases, 174

Bielby, D. D., 22

Biggest Loser, The, 152, 153, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162

Bihar, India, 311

biomedical paradigm, 469470

Bird, E., 23, 58, 109110, 192, 215

Bird, S. E., 17, 59, 144n, 172, 495, 505, 527

makeover television shows, and reflexivity, 152, 154

Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, 382383

Birmingham School, reception research, 324

Bissell, K., 8

Blackberry devices, 132

Blakesley, D., 542

Blanco, M. E., 133

Blitz, C. L., 466, 483

blogosphere, 523

blogs, 392393, 394, 395, 400, 401, 448453

Blumer, H., 419n

Boal, A., 538539

Bober, M., 379

Bobo, J., 270, 272

Boellstorff, T., 4344, 437

Bold and the Beautiful, The, 258, 262, 268

Bollywood, 244

book browsing, 63, 72, 73, 7475


Borders Group see Borders Group, Inc.

Bras Basah Complex (Book City), Singapore, 70

internationalization of transnational booksellers, 66

Kinokuniya, 70

mega-bookstores see mega-bookstores

social, sensual reading model, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72

in United States, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72

Wardah Books, 68, 69

see also mega-bookstores; sponsors of literacy, multi-sited ethnography

Borders Group, Inc., 6467

disciplinary signs, 68

model, 6772

and National Library Board, Singapore, 7172

practices, 7275

in Singapore, 65, 66, 6770, 72

social, sensual reading model, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72

in United States, 65, 66, 67, 72

Bordo, S., 223

Bordwell, D., 86

Borneman, J., 47, 51

Bourdieu, P., 151, 261, 274n, 309, 389, 397

Bow, L., 221

Bowman, S., 453, 490

Boyd, D., 52, 175

Boyer, D., 62

Boyle, M. P., 492, 496, 504

Boylorn, R. M., 109

Bradeanu, A., 301

Bradfield, S.-J., 22, 27, 254275

Brandt, D., 64

Bras Basah Complex (Book City), Singapore, 70

Bratich, J., 8, 19, 420


audience research, 326328

Macambira, television watching in, 320, 330337

prime-time television, 322330

telenovelas in, 27, 320340

for a cause, 329330

for profit, 328329

women's genre, 324325

bricolage, 400

Bridesmaids, 14

Briggs, M., 17, 26, 189211

broadband, 443444

broadcasting, 408

Brooker, W., 17

Brown, D., 259

Brown, J. B., 483

browsing, book, 63, 72, 73, 7475

Bruckman, A., 391

Bruhn, J. G., 465

Bruns, A., 520

Brunsdon, C., 367368

Buarque de Almeida, H., 221

Buckingham, D., 198

Bull, S. S., 473

Burawoy, M., 62

Burke, K., 429

Burr, V., 372

Burrell, J., 52

Butler, J., 399, 550

Butsch, R., 406, 407

Buzzard, K., 412, 420n

Byerly, C. M., 468

Cable News Network (CNN), 492

cable television, 277

café reading, 65

Caldwell, M. T., 7

Calhoun, C., 524

Cammaerts, B., 523

Cancel, D., 144n

Candea, M., 59, 62

Cañizales, A., 131

Cantonese language, 281, 296n

capitalism, 355

Caraway, B., 20

Cardoza, K., 8

Carey, J. W., 30, 136, 369, 427

activist audiences, 491, 497, 498, 502

Carpentier, N., 397398, 401, 501, 523

Carstens, S. A., 22

Carter, R. F., 84, 91

Carver, D., 395

Castells, M., 2, 5, 493

Cavarero, A., 550

CBeebies, 199

celebrity, 5

Cellular Telephone Industries Association (CTIA), Semi-Annual Wireless Survey, 175

Census of India, 304

Center for Film and Cultural Studies, Peking University, 350

Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), 316

Central Viewer Survey & Consulting Center-Taylor Nelson Sofres (CVSC-TNS), 350

Chan, A. S., 5

Chan, J. M., 342

Chandler, C., 343

Chan-Olmsted, S., 443, 447

Charity, A., 445

“charring,” South Africa, 261, 274n

Chatterji, S. K., 307

Chavez, C., 172

Chávez, H., 128, 129, 130, 131, 132

Chen, C., 349

Chen, F.-C., 344

Chen, J., 343

Chen, X., 344

Cheng Kaige, 347

Cheong, A., 73

Children and Television: A Semiotic Approach (Hodge & Tripp), 374

children and young people

attachment to mobile and digital media (case study), 26, 175181, 183, 185n

interviewing, 379380

media culture, 190

media ethnography, 189211

case study, 191192, 195197, 198, 204209

China, A., 246

China, audience research in, 27, 341364

agenda for future research, 355358

dramas, 356

and economic development in China, 342343

global influences, post-WTO environment, 346348

implicit and explicit audience, 351354

importation of foreign media products in the 1980s/early 1990s, 343345

and new communication technologies, 354355, 358

rapid media commercialization in China since 1992, 345346

shifts in portrayal of Chinese audience, 349351

television, 347348

textual analysis and ethnography, 351354

transnational media corporations in China, 353354

China Central Television (CCTV), 348, 349, 357

China Mainland Marketing Research Firm, 350

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, News Research Institute, 349

Chinese Communist Party, 345

Chinese Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), 359

Chiranjeevi, 310311

Chitrapu, S., 28, 300319

Cho, J., 536

Chong, T., 72

Chopra, D., 251

Chow, R., 224

Chow Yun Fatt, 278

Christian, A. H., 475

Christians, C., 445, 448

Chua Beng Huat, 28, 276299

Chung, D. S., 29, 442462

circuit model of culture, 40, 112, 128, 143

Cisneros, G., 131132

citizen journalism, 453456

citizens, audiences as, 30, 510534

reception research, 512513


competent, 516

cultural, 20, 524, 526

formation, 511

global citizens, 217, 286

Habermassian ideal, 525

hegemonic, 510, 513515

media/citizenship nexus, 512513

mediated meaning-making, 511

monitorial, 510, 515517, 530n

participatory, 510, 520523

popular, 510, 517520

ubiquitous, 524526, 527, 528, 529530

see also citizens, audiences as

civic agency, 524, 527, 530n

civic culture, 524

civic journalism, 445

Clair, J., 323

Clair, R. P., 539

Clark, L. S., 26, 170188, 172, 176, 393

Clarkson, J. R., 52

Cleaver, H., 493

Clifford, J., 23, 120, 172, 200

Clua, A., 215

Coalition for Advertising Supported Information and Entertainment (CASIE), 410

Coats, C. D., 22

Cochran-Smith, M., 192

cognitive psychology, 85

Cohen, J., 490

Cohen, S., 178

coherence, self of, 204

Cole, E., 262, 265

Coleman, S., 59

collective action, 419n

collective behavior, 419n

collective intelligence, 520

Colmenares, F., 135

colonialism, 214

Color Purple, The, 270

Comaroff, J., 61

Coming of Age in Second Life (Boellstorff), 43

commercial research, 417

commercials, television, 335


autobiographical, 536

dialogic spaces, 447

empirical research, 498

and Internet, 411

mass and interpersonal channels, 444

new technologies in China, 354355, 358

one-to-one, 445

traditional model, criticism, 444445

and writing, 419n

communication studies, division of labor within, 511

Companion to Media Studies, A (Valdivia), 3

comparability in research, 182, 183

comparison group interviews, reflexivity, 155156

computer-mediated cultures, studying, 428429

Comstock, G., 8

Condit, C. M., 470, 471

Condry, I., 22, 216

Consalvo, M., 428

consumer culture, 71

consumption theory, 370371

contextual uses, TV news, 515

Cook, I., 51

Coontz, S., 181

Cope, M., 183

Corbin, J., 381

Corner, J., 150, 151, 160, 162, 519

corporate culture, 120

corporate logos, 106

Cosby Show, 239

Costello, V., 20, 394

Cottle, S., 498, 505

Couldry, N., 58, 110, 120, 157, 215

audiences as citizens, 505, 506, 513, 523, 524, 526, 529

Council on Contemporary Families, 181

Cox, W., 343

craft movements, online, 426

Craig, R. T., 1

Crang, M., 51

cultural anthropology, 21, 58, 5960

cultural citizenship, 20, 524, 526

cultural competency, 272

cultural field, notion of, 20

cultural imperialism, 277, 285, 289, 297n, 301

cultural production, 305

cultural proximity concept, 256, 258, 283, 296n, 302

Cultural Revolution, China (1966–1976), 349

cultural security, 277

cultural studies, 239, 240

cultural tailoring, 479


circuit model, 40, 112, 128, 143

computer-mediated cultures, studying, 428429

consumer, 71

corporate, 120

deep structure of, 484

of fear, 184

“foreign,” 293

health, link with, 468472

“high culture/low culture” debates, 383

mass culture, 256

media, 120

passionate, 190191, 194, 206

postfeminist, 56

Curran, J., 519, 526

current affairs programming, responses to, 256

Curtin, M., 278

CVSC-Sofres Media (CSM), 350

cyberethnography, 52, 426, 429433, 439

postcolonial feminist, 432433

cyberspace, 109, 392

Cytrynbaum, J. D., 70

Dahlgren, P., 420n, 422n, 513, 524, 525, 530n

Dai, J., 351

Dallas, 16, 256

Darling-Wolf, F., 10n, 22, 26, 62, 212231, 216

Das, R., 181

Das Gupta, C., 249

Dastkar Andhra, 434

data collection/analysis

Australia, ethnographic audience research in, 380382

comparison group interviews, reflexivity research, 155156

and fieldwork, 51

generating thick data, 191192

mixed data collection, 191

reflexivity in, 170188

making research meaningful (case study), 26, 175181, 183, 185n

scholarly inquiry, 183, 184

thick data, 191192

triangulation, 377379

Datamonitor, 346

Davidson, R., 457

Davis, A., 22

Davis, H., 207

Davison, W. P., 497

Dayan, D., 420n

De Angelis, M., 493

De Bourdeaudhuij, I., 472

De Certeau, M., 14, 429

De Cleen, B., 501

decoding/encoding studies, 85, 8687, 88, 112, 239

deficiency model, 180

DeFleur, M. L., 1

Delgado Barrios, C., 130

DeLuca, M., 493

Delwiche, A., 453

democratic society, 511, 513

Deng, J., 342

Deng Xiaoping, 344, 345, 537

Denzin, N., 133

Deresiewicz, W., 139

Derne, S., 21, 22, 313

Derrida, J., 400

Dervin, B., 25, 81104

Dery, M., 391

Derzon, J. H., 471

Desai, M., 313, 315

Descartes, R., 190

design (human–computer interaction) studies, 85, 86, 87, 89

Desperately Seeking the Audience (Ang), 374

Deuze, M., 396, 400, 448, 454, 493

developing countries, audiences in, 45

Dewey, J., 498

Dickey, S., 21, 313

digital divide model, 180

digital engagement, 545548

digital media, 3, 175, 176, 180, 183

pornographic DVDs, 375

see also new media

Dill, B. T., 483

Distribution of Theaters, 308

diversional uses, TV news, 516

Doctoroff, M., 545

Dolby, N., 20

Doordarshan, 241

Douglas, M., 178

Douglas, T., 453

Dow, B., 542

Downey, J., 548

Downing, J. H. D., 3, 493, 494

Doyle, P. A., 473

dramas, 279, 280, 356

identification, 282284

Driscoll, C., 144n

Drotner, K., 22, 109

Du, X., 356

Du Gay, P., 128

dubbing, 308, 314

transnational television, 276, 279, 280, 281, 282, 289, 296

Duffy, P., 344

Dunbar-Hester, C., 493

Durham, M. G., 5, 25, 3956

Dworkin, M., 94

Dwyer, R., 238

Dyer, R., 296n

East Asian TV, 276299

Confucian worldview, 281, 284

difference, embracing, 284286

East Asian pop culture, 277280, 286, 291, 296n

foreign element, domesticating/preserving, 280282

fragmentary audience, 282283

identification ladder, 283284

idols, 290, 294n

and pan-East Asian identity, 276, 292293

regional impact, 276

TV drama audience, 280

see also transnational audience

eclectic neighborhoods, 133136

ecological self, 203, 204206

economic determinism, 300

edutainment, 121n

effects paradigm, 1

Egbert, N., 475, 478

Ehrenreich, B., 173, 182, 184

Ehrenreich, J., 173

Ehrlich, P., 139

Eleftheriotis, D., 301

Eliasoph, N., 493

embodied self, 203

Emerson, R., 133, 154

Emihovich, C., 47

emotional realism, of television, 162

encoding/decoding studies, 85, 88, 112, 239

Engels, F., 305

English language, 216

Enteen, J., 428

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 476

epistemic partners, study participants as, 47

epistemic reflexivity, 151


of doing, 426, 436

and reality, 239

Eriksson, G., 18

Erni, J., 353

Esarey, A., 354

essentialism, 371

ethical issues, 4549

risk and power, 46, 48

ethnocultural nationalism, 259

“Ethnography in/of the World System: The Emergency of Multi-Sited Ethnography” (Marcus), 61

ethnography/ethnographic research

abbreviated field experience in, 105122

activist, 47

in Australia, 375382

children, interviewing, 379380

data processing and analysis, 380382

ethnographic audience research see ethnographic audience research

“ethnography of the self,” 110

everyday life, 85, 8687, 89

feminist, 399

fieldwork, 43, 44, 59

abbreviated experience see abbreviated field experience, ethnography

multi-sited ethnography, 59, 61, 6869

fluidity of, 109

force, accounting for, 194195, 198

influences on audience ethnography in Australia, 367372

interpretive, 62

interviews as social events, 377

Malinowskian, 62, 108, 120

media ethnography see media ethnography

methods, 87, 109, 376

multiple voices and data triangulation, 377379

multi-positioned, 59

multi-sited see multi-sited ethnography

online/offline intersections, 433438

online-only, 52

opportunistic ethnography, 109110, 112

passing ethnography, 58, 110, 120

and political economy, 310

quasi-ethnographic studies, 59

reading, 191

single-sited, 65

and textual analysis, 351354

and thick description, 62

translocal, 58

virtual, 392393

see also cyberethnography; ethnography; research, audience

everyday life ethnography, 85, 8687, 89

exhibition, 309

expository approaches, qualitative research methods, 172

Fabos, B., 393

Facebook, 52, 185n, 458

and new media, 390, 395, 396, 401, 402

and telenovela consumption, 132, 139140

Fallows, D., 465, 466, 472

Falzon, M. A., 5960, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 70

Fame Academy, 218

families, 181, 198, 237238

Australian family life, 365386

Family Television, 368

fans and fan clubs, 288, 310311, 338

Farquhar, L. K., 52

Faubion, J. D., 111

fear, culture of, 184

Felman, S., 549, 550

female audiences

formative research with, 473474

South African television see under South African television programming

women as audience of health media, 472481

see also health media; women

female genres, 152, 321, 324325

feminism, 5, 537538

feminist ethnography, 399

Feng Xiaogang, 347

Fenton, N., 548

Ferguson, D. A., 449

Ferguson, J., 61

Fernandes, I., 323

fetishism, 360n


absence of a grounded notion of in media studies, 111

conceptual definition of fieldsites, 58

and data collection, 51

embodied, 105

ethnographic, 43, 44

abbreviated experience see abbreviated field experience, ethnography

multi-sited ethnography, 59, 61, 6869

existentially grounded notion of, 105, 110

feasibility factor, 45

graduate audience research curriculum, 41, 42, 43

long-term, 42

in media studies, 41, 108111

notes, 44, 51

positionality in, 50

setting, 4647

shift of, in multi-sited ethnography, 61

short-term see abbreviated field experience, ethnography

thick data, generating, 191

traditional, 20, 109, 111

see also ethnography/ethnographic research

film studies, 85, 86

financial issues, 4142, 214

Fine, G. A., 47

Fine, M., 173, 183

Firm, The, 18

Fisch, S. M., 191

Fish, S., 499

Fisherkeller, J., 192193

Fiske, J., 16, 45, 206, 338, 427, 429

audiences as citizens, 513, 514, 515

Flanagin, A. J., 498

“fly-on-the-wall” shooting and editing, 150

focus groups, 50, 125, 126, 128, 133

Fogel, A., 204

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 476

Forbes, G., 64


accounting for, 26, 194195

experience-near nature of, 195

methodological problems, 189

and parenthood, 198

Ford, T., 493

Foreman-Wernet, L., 82, 91, 94

Forrest, J., 166

Foucault, M., 159, 207

Fox, S., 466, 472

fragmentary audience, 282283, 457

France/French identity, 218, 220, 226

Fraser, N., 524

Frazier, E. F., 182

freedom, and reflexivity, 150

Freimuth, V. S., 474

Friedland, L. A., 493, 530n

Friedman, S. L., 21, 353

Frisby, C. M., 479

funding resources, 4142, 214

Fung, A. Y. H., 347, 353

Fuss, D., 65

Future of Advertising Stakeholders (FAST), 410

futures, 9

Gabbard-Alley, A. S., 472

Gahagan, J., 472

Gajjala, R., 2930, 425441

Gajjala, V., 432

Gallo, E., 63, 67

Gallup China, 350

Game, A., 372

Gamson, J., 149

Gamson, W., 493, 496497

Gandhi, M., 303

Gannon, S., 203

gap, notion of in SMM, 91, 92, 100

Garcia-Canclini, N., 212, 216, 228

Garlough, C. L., 535553

Garnham, N., 305, 306, 524

Garrison's Gorillas, 344

Gates, K., 2, 3, 9, 10n

Geertz, C., 62, 108, 182, 227, 228, 309, 382

media ethnography, 190, 195, 199, 200


in Indian film industry, 313

as structure, 9497

see also women

Generations, 255, 258, 263, 266, 268, 274n


female, 152, 321, 324325

superhero, 98

and symbols, 495

Georgiou, M., 59, 192

Gerónimo, L., 140

Gibson, T., 16, 309

Giddens, A., 149, 150, 151, 157, 159160, 166, 215

Gil, G., 493

Gilbert, E., 5

Gillespie, M., 17, 54, 172, 192, 527

Gillette, M. B., 357

Gillmor, D., 395, 400, 490

girl studies, 5

Giroux, H., 184

Gitlin, T., 506, 512

Glasberg, D. S., 547

Glaser, B., 381

Glenn, E. N., 483

global mediagraphy, 59

globalization, 41, 215, 216

media, 277, 429

Globo network, Brazil, 320, 322, 323, 325, 329

Goddard, P., 517

Goffman, E., 172, 550

Gomes, D., 323

Gonzalez, J., 436

Goodnight, T., 18

Google, 397

Gordon, D., 23, 432

Government of National Unity, South Africa, 258

graduate audience research curriculum, 2425, 3956

challenges, 40, 4143

ethical issues, 4549

funding resources, 4142

mentoring of researcher, 4950

participant observation, 44, 45, 47, 52

pedagogy, 43

spaces (research settings/location of research), 47, 5053

“studying down,” 46

theories of the audience, 4445

training methods, 4349

see also audiences; research, audience

Graham, T. S., 529

Granberg, F., 159

Graves, L., 421n

Gray, A., 16, 373

Gray, J., 144n

Gray, M., 22, 393

Green, L., 22, 28, 365386

Green, N., 58, 62

Greer, J., 443, 448

Gregg, M., 144n

Grindstaff, L., 149

Grodin, D., 480

Grossberg, L., 427

Growing Pains, 344

Guangerhaozhi, 348

Guback, T. H., 301

Gueorguieva, V., 546

Guha, R., 307

Gulf War, and media dissociation, 547

Gunderson, S., 42

Guoji, L., 350

Gupta, A., 61

Gurak, L., 391

Gustavson, L. C., 70

Haas, T., 452, 493

Habermas, J., 112, 445, 511, 516, 518, 524, 525

Hacking, I., 372

Haddon, L., 369

Haedicke, S., 537

Hage, G., 59, 62

Hagen, I., 17, 420, 528

Haines, J., 257

Haiqing, Y., 22

Hajru, A., 529

Hale, C., 47

Hall, E., 484

Hall, S., 39, 40, 87, 112, 239, 256, 296n, 309, 427

audiences as citizens, 512, 513, 514

new media, 399, 402403

translocalism, 213, 215

Hamburger, E., 322, 324

Hamera, J., 539

Hamilton, J., 490

Hamilton, M. A., 471

Hammersley, M., 150

Hammoudi, A., 47, 51

Hannerz, U., 58, 62, 66

Haraway, D., 427, 432

Harding, S., 223

Hardt, M., 19

Harindranath, R., 20

Harper, C., 452

Hartley, J., 338, 526

Hartmann, M., 58, 61

Hashmi, S., 538

Hasty, J., 50, 59

Hate Crime Week, University of Michigan, 544

Haughton, L. T., 479, 484

Hay, J., 1, 5

Hayles, K., 427

He, B., 344


biomedical paradigm, 469470

culture and power, link with, 468472

messages as cues for individual cognitions, 474475

negotiated meaning, 482

terminology, 467

and women, 471472

health media, 470471


breast cancer, 474, 479, 480

fish consumption, 477

media environment, negotiated, 482483

women as audience of, 472481

constraints, as lived activity, 483

context for women and health media, 480481

cultural meanings helping to improve salience, 484

intersectionality, 483

research agenda, 481484

health news, and women, 475477

Heath, S. B., 191

Hegde, R., 4, 5

hegemonic citizenship, 510, 513515

Heggs, D. A., 465, 466, 468, 469, 472, 475

Heider, K. G., 306

Hellermann, P. von, 59

Hendry, J., 62

Herman, E., 215

Hermes, J., 20, 394, 395, 396, 513

Hermes, Y., 284, 288

Hermida, A., 455

Hero, 347, 352

Herring, S. C., 452

Hertog, J., 496

Hether, H. J., 474

Highmore, B., 190, 206

Hill, A., 150, 151, 153, 160

Hill, M., 191

Hills, M., 110, 127, 144n, 174

Hindi, 302, 304, 306

Hindustani, 303

Hine, C., 52, 392

Hirata, Y., 282

Hirsch, E., 192, 369

Hirsch, P., 516, 518

Hjarvard, S., 527

Hochschild, A., 182

Hodge, B., 367, 374

Hoerl, K., 5

Hoffman, D. L., 421n

Holbert, R. L., 542

Holloway, D., 22, 28, 365386

Hollywood films, 315

Holmes, D. R., 61

Holub, R. C., 86

Home Affairs, 27, 256, 257258, 260265, 270, 271, 272

realism in, 267, 268, 269

Hong Kong, 279

Hoover, S. M., 22, 154, 185n, 192

Horst, C., 6263

Hoskins, C., 301, 312

House of Flying Daggers, 347, 352

Hu, A., 343

Hu, K., 288

Hu, Y., 351, 358, 457

Huaren, 278

Huesca, R., 94, 492

Hui Cong, 350

Hum Aapke Hain Koun (film), 235, 237, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247

human–computer interaction (HCI) studies, 85, 86, 87, 89

humor, 182

Hwang, A., 74

Hwang, H., 547

Hyatt, S., 47

hybridity, 220, 227

Hyde, M. J., 543, 549

Hyderabad, 311

hyper-reading breaks, 65

“hypodermic needle” model, 9

identification process, TV dramas, 282283

“Asianness,” 283, 284, 292

distancing, 284

ladder, 283284

telenovelas, 326

terminology, 284


denaturalizing normalized, 223224

ethnicity as primary identity, 259

questioning of own, 221223

ideological dubbing, 281

idols, 290, 294n

illness, 467

Illouz, E., 158

immaterial labor, 159

immaterial power concept, 296n

immutable mobiles, 435

imperialism, 214, 215, 237

cultural, 277, 285, 289, 297n, 301

imported media products, China, 343345

imported TV programs, 276, 277, 281282, 286

in South Africa, 256, 261, 267

Independent Media Center movement, 492

Independent Media Centers (IMCs), 493

Indian audiences

expansion of Indian media, 236

families, 237, 245246

film see Indian film and film audiences

Hum Aapke Hain Koun (film), 235, 237, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247

linguistic diversity in India, 303304

and political economy, in Indian film industry, 304308

localization programming strategy in India, 237238

music, 246, 248

mythological cinema, 238, 252

“one-way traffic” in television programming, 301

Param Veer Chakra, 193

reality in, 27, 235253

class relations, 242

forms of, 235

media codes of, 239

as nastiness, 240244, 252

as niceness, 244247

as religion, 247250

reception research, 237238, 300, 309

religion, portrayal of, 238, 247250, 252

soap operas, 237

Indian film and film audiences, 300319

audience diversity, 301

exports of films, 301

gender, 313

and language see Indian languages

research, 309315

Indian languages, 301, 302

historical analysis, 305

linguistic diversity in India, 303304

and political economy, in Indian film industry, 304308

“three-language formula,” 304

Indymedia, 492, 493, 495, 500

information uses, TV news, 515516

insider/outsider tension, 142143

instant messaging, 48, 389

Institute of Communications Research (ICR), 4

Institutional Review Board (IRB), universities, 42, 45, 182

Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), 410

interactive style, qualitative research methods, 172

interactivity, and online newspapers, 446448

International Communication Association, 167n


audience measurement, 415

in China, 342

as communication tool, 411

and fan communities, 338

graduate audience research curriculum, 5253

Internet literacy, 1920

and participatory citizenship, 521

as technology of war, 372

Internet in Australian Family Life (IAFL), 376

Internet Movie Database, 520

Internet protocol (IP) addresses, 413

Internet Researchers, 428


process of, 213

reclaiming, 227228

and rigorous research, 182183, 184

Interpretation of Cultures, The (Geertz), 199

interpretive community, 287

interpretive ethnography, 62

interpretive turn, 171172

intertextuality, 333334


children, interviewing, 379380

in-depth, 87

micro-element, in SMM interviewing, 97

multi-sited ethnography, 65, 66

open-ended, 66

reflexivity, 154156

rigorous research, 182

semi-structured, 376

sense-making methodology, 93102

as social events, 377

telenovelas, audience aspects, 125, 126, 128, 133, 134

“text-in-action” approach, 154

Iordanova, D., 301

isochrony, 296n

Ivey, D., 192

Iwabuchi, K., 28, 256, 266, 277, 281, 283, 284, 285, 296n

Iyengar, S., 536, 549

Iyer, D., 544, 545

Jacks, N., 321, 324, 326

Jacobson, D., 432


Japanese identity, 218, 219, 221

transnational television, 279, 281, 288

Jenkins, C. N., 480

Jenkins, H., 144n, 159, 394, 394395, 520

Jensen, K. B., 85, 86, 90, 512, 515516

Jermyn, D., 17

Jewel in the Palace (Dae, Korean drama), 281

Jha, P., 540

Jhally, S., 239, 513

Jin, G., 344

Johansson, S., 520

John, M., 427, 432

Johnson, R., 39, 40, 112

Jones, J. P., 525

Jones, S., 427, 430

Jornal Nacional, 325

Joseph, R., 5


citizen, 453456

participatory, 453456

Juluri, V., 16, 22, 2728, 235253

Jurassic Park (film), 18

Kafka, B., 6

Kahn, R., 452, 493, 545, 546

Kang, M., 297n

Kanigel, R., 490

Kannada language, India, 308, 312

Kapoor, S., 251

Karl, I., 58

Karnataka, India, 307

Katrak, K., 537

Katz, E., 40, 45, 420n, 457, 513

Kaye, L., 417

Keane, J., 513, 524

Keck, M. E., 493, 501

Keller, E. F., 427

Kellner, D., 360n, 452, 493, 545, 546

Kelly, C. R., 5

Kelly, J., 421n

Kelly, K., 490

Kendall, L., 391, 428

Kenney, K., 447

Kerala, India, 307

Kerk, C., 68

Khatri, S. S., 545

Khoo, O., 282

kiasu browsers, 63, 73, 7475

Kidd, D., 493

“Kidzania” (Children's City), Mexico City theme park, 112, 113, 121n

narrative of family visit to, 106107, 108

Kilroy Show, The, 517

Kim, Y., 109, 172

Kincheloe, J. L., 182

kinetic synchrony, 296n

King, M. L., 544

Kingsley, C., 216

kinkeeping, 374375

Kinokuniya, 65

Kitzinger, J., 194

Knight Citizen News Network, 454

knowledge, institutionally acceptable forms, 174

Ko, Y., 283

Kobbernagel, C., 529

Kolodzy, J., 458

Kong, S., 347

Kopytoff, I., 370

Korea, 279, 281, 296n

Kraidy, M., 22, 109, 173, 191, 239

multi-sited ethnography, 58, 59, 62

and translocalism, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 221, 222, 228

Kress, G., 198

Kreuter, M. W., 479, 484

Krishna, 251

Krishnaswamy, S., 306, 307

Kumar, R., 537, 538, 539

Kwon, O., 139

La Pastina, A. C., 22, 28, 109, 173, 216, 222

South African television programming, 256, 263, 266

telenovelas, Brazil, 320340

Laitin, D. D., 304

Lakritz, A., 221

Lally, E., 182, 367, 375

Langellier, K. M., 549


Cantonese, 281, 296n

developing language skills, 225226

English, 216

Huaren (ethnic Chinese), 278

Indian languages, 301, 302

linguistic diversity in India, 300, 303304

and political economy, in Indian film industry, 304308

Mandarin, 279280, 296n

Larkin, B., 301, 302, 306

Larson, W., 352

Lasar, M., 493

Lasica, J. D., 452

Latin America, telenovela consumption in, 125147

Latino/a Americans, 6

as audiences, 41

Latour, B., 435

Laub, D., 549, 550

Lavina, M., 544

layers of audience

activist transnational fans, 288289, 294

leisure audience community, 286288

Lazzarato, M., 159, 289

Leal, O. F., 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 332, 336

Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC), 218

Leck, K., 69, 70

Lecouteur, A., 73

Lee, C., 345

Lee, G., 296n

Lee, M.-T., 282, 287

Lenhart, A., 175

Lévi-Strauss, C., 400

Lewis, C., 393

Lewis, J., 239, 249, 513, 516, 517

Lewis, L. A., 296n

Li, H., 28, 341364, 354, 355

Li, M., 296n

Li, X., 447, 449450

Li Peng, 537

Liebes, T., 513

Life and Death Decision, The (film), 352

life world, 112, 469, 470

Life-Giving Gift of Acknowledgement, The (Hyde), 543

“Light of the Sud-Ouest, The” (Barthes), 201

Lima, V. A. de, 323, 324

Lin, A., 284

Lin, S., 417

Lincoln, Y., 133

Lindlof, T. R., 52, 127, 133, 136, 495, 496, 499, 500

Linds da Silva, C. E., 325

Lindsey, L. L., 473

Lipkus, I. M., 474

Lipsey, M. W., 471


Internet, 1920

sponsors of see sponsors of literacy, multi-sited ethnography

terminology, 19

Liu, H., 349, 351, 358

live performances, 406407

Livingstone, S., 1, 19, 20, 21, 112, 121, 172, 181, 310, 379, 420n, 468

audiences as citizens, 513, 517519, 522, 527

new media, 393, 396397, 398, 402, 403n

publications by, 425

Long, E., 419n

Lopez, A. M., 322, 324, 332

Lott, T., 452

Lotz, A., 21, 23, 58

Löwgren, J., 525

Lowrey, W., 451

Lu, F., 346

Lu, S. H., 344, 352

Luckmann, T., 371

Lull, J., 172, 352, 515

Lumby, C., 375

Lunt, P., 513, 517519, 522

Luo Jing, 357

Lupton, D., 178

Lying, S., 178

Lyon-Callo, V., 47

Ma, E., 353

Macambira, television watching in, 320, 321, 330337

intertextuality, 333334

patriarchy, 331333

product placement, limits of, 334337

machismo, 128, 144n

Mackay, H., 192

MacKuen, M., 499

MacLachlan, E., 283, 284

Made in India (music video), 246, 248

Madison, D. S., 439

Madison, S., 539

Magnet, S., 9

Magritte, R., 390

makeover television shows, and reflexivity, 148169

audience research methods, 152156

comparison group interviews, 155156

interviews, 154156

surveys, 153154

media reflexivity, 160162

self-reflexivity, 156160

see also Biggest Loser, The; Queer Eye; Starting Over; What Not to Wear

Malinowski, B., 172, 182

Malinowskian ethnography, 62, 108, 120

Mamidipudi, A., 433434, 434

Man from Atlantis, 344

Mandarin language, 279280, 281, 296n

Mandela, N., 259

Mankekar, P., 21, 193194, 249

Marcano, C., 131

Marchetti, D., 59

Marcos, P., 323

Marcus, G. E., 47, 108, 111, 172, 499

multi-sited ethnography, 59, 60, 6162, 63, 70

publications by, 61

marianismo, 128, 144n

Marín, R., 133

Markham, A. N., 144n, 174, 428

Marshall, P. D., 379

Martin, E., 467, 469

Martin-Barbero, J., 69, 324325, 326

Martinez, X., 296n

Marvin, C., 369

Marwell, G., 491

Marwick, A. E., 52

Marx, K., 304

Marxism, 513

masculinity studies, 4, 52

mass communication, 396

Mass Communication Theory (McQuail), 3, 45

mass culture, 256

mass media, 445, 457

Massey, B., 447

Material Culture and Mass Consumption (Miller), 370

Material Virtualities (Sunden), 435

Mathison, D., 493

Matta, R. da, 324

Mattelart, A., 301, 322

Mattos, S., 323

Mayer, V., 2, 67, 23, 109, 173

Mazzarella, S. R., 2, 4, 7

Mbeki, T., 259

McAdoo, H. P., 182

McAnany, E., 321, 327

McCarthy, A., 154

McCarthy, C., 5

McCarthy, T., 274n

McCarthyism, 499

McChesney, R., 490

McCluskey, M. R., 493

McCurry, J., 454

McGee, M., 194

McGill, D., 395

McGregor, P., 421n

McHale, J., 546

McKee, A., 367, 375

McLaren, P., 182

McLeod, D., 496

McMillin, D., 22

McMillion, P. Y., 474, 478

McNair, B., 511

McPhail, T., 215

McQuail, D., 3, 4, 5, 7, 407

Mead, M., 436

Meana, M., 478


accounts of, 172

as cultural forum, 518

defined, 3

elections, role in, 521

as part of everyday life/social space, 51, 81

and passion, 190

Media and Communications in Australian Families (Australian Communications and Media Authority), 373374

Media and Globalization, The (Rantanen), 59

media content, 256

media dissociation, and Gulf War, 547

media effects studies, 8, 8586, 87, 373

media ethnography

affective pedagogy, 206, 207209

case study, 191192, 195197, 198, 204209

descriptions, 199

ecological self, 203, 204206

force, accounting for, 194195, 198, 206209

mindful body, 207

parenthood, 198

passionate bodies and minds, 203206

passionate culture, 190191, 194, 206

passionate writing, 200203

power, 206209

thickness see thickness

media globalization, 277

media interface, as structure, 97101

media liberalization, Taiwan, 278

media product structures, 84, 85, 8788

media psychology, 8

media reception situations, 81, 82

audience/user structures, 84, 85, 8889

components, 8485

definitions, 8384

German reception theory, 85

illustration, 84

meaning-making, 85

media product structures, 84, 85, 8788

research approaches, 8591

sense-making processes, 9091

situational structures, 84, 85, 8990

media reflexivity, 150, 152, 160162

media studies

absence of a grounded notion of fieldwork in, 111

fieldwork in, 41, 108111

interdiscipline of present and future, 19

multi-sited ethnography, status in, 75

role in public life, 184185

self-reflexivity, 191

state of the art, 9

mediascapes, 112, 239

mediated center, myth of, 157

mediated citizenship, 510, 516

mediated meaning-making, 511

mediations, 324

medical environment, 470

Meehan, E. R., 304, 305, 306, 310, 422n

Meers, P., 309


as sponsors of literacy, 64, 6566

in United States, 68

see also Borders Group, Inc.

mega-texts, 287, 296n

Meijer, I. C., 526

Melo, J. M., 328

Men in the Net, 278

Meng, Y., 351, 352

Mensing, D., 443, 448

mentoring, 4950

Merritt, D., 445

Metzger, M. J., 498

Meyer, B., 301

Miller, D., 366, 368369, 370371

Miller, L., 64

Miller, P., 410

Milliken, M., 548

Mills, M. E., 457

Milton, V., 255

Ming, S., 348

Ming, Y., 358

Mir, F., 303

Mirus, R., 301, 312

Mishler, E. G., 469

Mitchell, S., 64

mobile media, 175, 176, 183

see also new media

Mobilising the Audience (Balnaves), 374

modernism, reflexive, 150

Modigliani, A., 493

Mody, B., 45

Mohanty, C., 427

Molina Guzmán, I., 5, 6

monitorial citizenship, 510, 515517, 530n


Agent Orange, 115

branding agenda, 115

employee blog, 116, 117

informational video, 114

“Monsanto Pledge,” 114

online news magazine, 117

products, 114, 115, 116

Public Affairs team, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119

row crops and vegetable distinction, 118

Montgomery, B. M., 182

Moore, B., 20, 394

Moores, S., 309, 376

MOOs (multi-user domains), 391, 402, 437, 438

Morgan, M., 240

Mōri, Y., 279, 286

Morley, D., 6, 16, 17, 20, 21, 90, 109, 127, 172, 290, 309, 328, 366, 397

audiences as citizens, 513, 514515

and Australian family life, 382383

domestication of technology and audience studies, 367370

Nationwide Audience, The, 45, 368, 373, 512, 514

Morningstar, C., 179

Morris, M., 429, 445

Mosco, V., 305, 417

Moshesh, N., 257

Mosley, P., 306

Motta, Z., 327

Mouffe, C., 523

Mowlana, H., 217

Moyal, A., 367, 374, 375

MTV India, 241

MUDs (multi-user dungeons), 391, 402, 437

Mueller, J. E., 547

Muhammad, B. A., 301

Mukherjee, R., 5

Muller, F., 20

multiculturalism, in South Africa, 27, 254, 256, 257, 259, 270, 273

multiplatform messaging, 112

multiple proximities concept, 256

multi-positioned ethnography, 59

multi-sited ethnography, 5780

criticisms, 59, 62

multiple perspectives, 57, 60, 67, 7274

object of enquiry in, 6162, 63

open-ended nature of, 57, 60, 66

origins, 60, 61

possibilities of, 58, 59, 60, 6162

purpose, 62

recommendations, 6364

relationships, complicitous, 57, 60

complicit informants as site generators, 7072

sponsors of literacy see sponsors of literacy, multi-sited ethnography

status in media studies, 75

surprise element, 60, 76

and thick description, 62, 63

tracking strategies, 57, 60, 6162, 6770, 74

unorthodox and unplanned sites, data from, 7476

multitude, concept of, 19

“mundanes” (non-fans), 310

Muñoz, S., 324

Muramatsu, Y., 22

Murdoch, G., 109

Murphy, P. D., 23, 25, 126, 143, 191, 239

abbreviated field experience, ethnography, 105122

media ethnography, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 228

multi-sited ethnography, 58, 59, 60, 62

reflexivity, in data analysis, 171, 172, 173

Murphy, R., 353

Music Television (MTV), 237

mythological cinema, 238

Nader, L., 66

Nah, S., 451, 454, 455, 546, 547

Nakamura, L., 428

Nandi, K., 541

Nandy, A., 249

Napoli, P. M., 20, 396, 407, 414, 418, 420n

Narayan, K., 427, 432

Narayan, U., 221, 223, 427, 432

Narimukti, 540

National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 131, 344

National Library Board (NLB), Singapore, 7172

nationalism, 259, 291, 292

Nationwide Audience, The (Morley), 45, 368, 373, 512, 514

Naumer, C., 91

Negra, D., 5

Negri, A., 19

Negrine, R., 511

Neisser, U., 203

neoliberalism, 5, 173174

neo-Marxism, 7

Nerone, J., 2, 6

network analysis, 5

networked community, 52

Neuendorf, K., 416

new media, 3, 2930, 58, 183, 445

audience as producer, 390395, 398403

case study, 26, 175181, 183

in China, 342

and limits of cultural production, 389405

Teens & the New Media @ Home research project, 176177, 185n

new media audiences, 389405

Newcomb, H., 516, 518

Newman, K. M., 420n

Newman, M. Z., 20

Newmark, C., 490

News at Ten, 516

news programming

mainstream news professionals, 452, 453

online, 443

responses to, 256

uses of TV news, 515516

newspapers, online, 446448

Ng Kwang Cheng, E., 70

Nickelodeon, 357

Nielsen, A. C., 350

Niezen, R., 216

Nightingale, V., 17, 109, 120, 367, 374, 521

Nip, J. Y. M., 454, 455

Nord, D., 499

Nordenstreng, K., 301

Norris, P., 528

Novak, T. P., 421n

Nugent, S., 59

Nussbaum, J. F., 472

NVivo ethnographic coding software, 154, 155

Nye, Jr., J. S., 285

Oakes, T., 357

Oakley, A., 46

Oates, T., 358

Obregon, R., 474

observational style, qualitative research methods, 172

Oderberg, D., 371

O'Donnell, S., 547

Oetzel, J., 478, 479

Ogan, C., 445

Oliver, P. E., 491

Olsen, M., 42

Olsson, T., 524

online audiences, 406424

measuring, 409413

online ethnographies, 52

online news audiences, studying, 442462

challenges, 456458

engaged audience, 448453

online newspapers and interactivity, 446448

participatory and citizen journalism, 453456

traditional communication model, criticism, 444445

online/offline intersections, and ethnography, 433438

computer-mediated cultures, studying, 428429

epistemologies and pedagogies of doing, 436438

see also cyberethnography

Opel, A., 493, 496

open questions, 376

opportunistic ethnography, 109110, 112

Oprah Winfrey Show, The, 517

oral history, 59, 69

O'Regan, T., 367

O'Riordan, K., 428

Örnebring, H., 522

Orozco, G., 324

Ortiz, R., 322, 324

Ortner, S., 59

Ota, T., 278

Otmazgin, N. K., 296n

Ott, B., 333

Outing, S., 446, 448

Padrón, L., 128, 129, 130, 132, 140

Palmer, G., 157

Palmer, P., 367, 374

Pang, L., 353

Papacharissi, Z., 449

paradigm diversity, 4

paraethnographers, 63

Param Veer Chakra, 193

Parameswaran, R., 2, 1336, 45, 109, 143, 173, 216, 309, 311, 342, 355356

parenthood, 198

Park, J., 447

Park, R., 182

Parrott, R., 475, 478

participant observation

abbreviated field experience, 108, 110111

graduate audience research curriculum, 44, 45, 47, 52

long-term, 108

media ethnography, 192

media reception situations, 87

multi-sited ethnography, 65

telenovelas, audience aspects, 125, 126, 128, 133

participatory citizenship, 510, 520523

participatory journalism, 453456

passing ethnography, 58, 110, 120


passionate bodies and minds, 203206

passionate culture, 190191, 194, 206

passionate space, 195

passionate writing, 200203

Patel, D., 541

patriarchy, in telenovelas, 331333

Pauly, J. J., 228

Payne Fund Studies, 2


affective, 206, 207209

graduate audience research curriculum, 43

Indian cinema, 252

Peeples, J., 493

Pendakur, M., 305, 309, 310

People's Action Party, Singapore, 73

Perse, E. M., 449

Persian language, 303

Peters, T., 179

Peterson, M. A., 22, 60

Pew Internet & American Life Project, 449

Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 449

Phalen, P., 420

Phil Donahue Show, 517

Phillips, L., 519

Pickard, V. W., 493

Picone, I., 453, 454

Pieterse, J. N., 219220, 222, 226, 227

Pisani, F., 136

Plantinga, C. R., 542

Platon, S., 493

Podber, J., 109

political economy, 213, 214, 215, 300

and linguistic diversity in Indian film industry, 304308

political hegemony, 515

Pollan, M., 116

Pollock, D., 539, 549

Polumbaum, J., 358

Ponce, M. G., 130

pop culture, East Asian, 277280, 286, 291, 296n

popular citizenship, 510, 517520

Porto, M., 324

positionality, in fieldwork, 50

positivism, 195

Post-American World, The (Zakaria), 341

postcolonial feminist cyberethnography, 432433

postcolonialism, 218, 222, 235, 311

postfeminist culture, 56

Postman, N., 519

postmodern pluralism, 223

postmodernism, 214


ethical issues, 46, 48

health, link with, 468472

media ethnography, 206209

power/resistance paradigm, 206

and truth, in audience research, 238240

Prado, R. M., 324, 326, 327, 328, 336

Prentice-Dunn, S., 474475

Press, A., 18, 152, 165, 172, 215, 262, 265, 272, 393, 396397, 480

Pride, 288

print periodicals, 420n

printing press, 419n

Probyn, E., 207

Procaccino, J. D., 472

Procter & Gamble (P&G), 350, 410

Proctor, J., 368

producer, audience as, 390395, 398403

product placement, limits of, 334337

professional/managerial class, 173

Projansky, S., 5

Project for Excellence in Journalism, 454, 455, 456

Project on the Rhetoric of Inquiry, University of Iowa, 44

Proposition 8, banning same-sex marriage (California), 546, 547548, 549

Prosser, J., 159

protocols, 42


cultural proximity concept, 256, 258, 283, 296n, 302

multiple proximities concept, 270273

situated notion of, 266

pseudonyms, 137, 145n, 154

psy disciplines, 149

psychographic categories, 8889

Public Opinion Research Center, China, 349

public sphere, 511, 516, 518, 535553

activist documentaries, 541545

digital engagement, 545548

macro and micro public spheres, 524

Proposition 8 (California) and YouTube, 547548

street plays see street plays

witnessing as engagement, 548550

Punathambekar, A., 22

Puranas, 238

Qiu, J. L., 355

qualitative research methods

activist audiences, 496

approaches, 172

definition of qualitative researcher, 228

graduate audience research curriculum, 41, 42, 43

interpretation, 182

media reception situations, 90

reflexive approach, 173

rigorous, 182183, 184

rise of reflexivity in, 171175

quantitative research methods, 43, 44

media reception situations, 90

quasi-ethnographic studies, 59, 214

Queer Eye, 152, 153, 154, 157

question and answer forums, 450

questionnaires, 50

Quin, R., 375

Racial Order of Things, The (Mukherjee), 5

radio broadcasting, 2

Radio Caracas Television (RCTV), 131, 132, 137

Radway, J., 45, 58, 109, 152, 172, 215, 309, 352, 418, 495, 513, 514

Raghuraman, S., 304

Raising Our Voices documentary (SAALT), 543545

Rajadhyaksha, A., 316n

Rajagopal, A., 249

Rajagopalan, S., 301

Rakow, L., 375

Rantanen, T., 59

Rao, S., 22, 313

Rating the Audience: The Business of Media (Balnaves, O'Regan, & Goldsmith), 374

Rauch, J., 30, 489509

reader-reception theory, 491


in cafés, practices of, 65

collective action, 419n

ethnography of, 191

social, sensual model, 64, 67, 68, 69, 72

see also sponsors of literacy, multi-sited ethnography

Reading the Romance (Radway), 45, 352

realism, 160

emotional, in television, 162, 165

empirical, 162

in Indian television, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 250, 251, 252

see also reality (Indian television audiences)

social, 261, 271, 274n

in South African television programming, 261, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 274

reality (Indian television audiences), 235253

class relations, 242

epistemological concern with reality, 239

forms of, 235

media codes of, 239

as niceness, 244247

as religion, 247250

reality television, 218, 241, 529

in India see reality (Indian television audiences)

and reflexivity, 148, 149, 150

see also makeover television shows, and reflexivity

reception research, 82, 510534

audiences as citizens, 526527

Birmingham School, 324

and citizen formation, 511

hegemonic citizenship, 510, 513515

Indian audiences, 237238, 300, 309

monitorial citizenship, 510, 515517

negotiated reading, 514

oppositional reading, 514

participatory citizenship, 510, 520523

popular citizenship, 510, 517520

preferred meaning, 514

scope of analysis, 512513

ubiquitous citizenship, 510

as challenge for reception research, 527, 528, 529530

see also media reception situation

recognition technology, 9

recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), milk production, 115, 116

Redden, G., 493

Rede Tupy, 322

reflexive data analysis, 170

reflexivity, 15, 2223, 2526, 148169

agency and choice, allowing, 150

audience research, 152, 152156, 163164

coding scheme, 154155

comparison group interviews, 155156

interviews, 154156

rise of reflexivity in media audience/qualitative methods research, 171175

survey, 153154

in data analysis, 170188

epistemic, 151

interpretive turn, 171172

media, 150, 152, 160162

and multi-sited ethnography, 59

producing, 164167

reflexive approach, 173

self-reflexivity, 110, 112, 152, 156160

socially embedded, 151

and writing, 150151

Regan, T., 452

Reid, E., 391

Reinhard, C. D., 25, 81104

relations of ruling, 46

research, audience

in Brazil, 326328

in China, 341364

current moment of audience studies, 1523

data triangulation, and multiple voices, 377379

difficulty of, 213215

evolution of, 1336

funding resources, 4142, 214

geographic distance as research obstacle, 142143

graduate see graduate audience research

Indian film audiences, 309313

interviews see interviews

making meaningful (case study), 26, 175181, 183, 185n

participant observation see participant observation

power differentials between researcher and researched, 4647

qualitative see qualitative research methods

quantitative see quantitative research methods

reflexivity, 152, 152156, 163164

coding scheme, 154155

comparison group interviews, 155156

interviews, 154156

rise of in media audience/qualitative methods research, 171175

survey, 153154

rewards of, 40

rise of reflexivity in, 171175

setting, 4647

surveys see surveys

tackling, 5354

telenovelas, 326328

theories of the audience, 4445

translocal strategies for audience studies, 221228

truth and power in, 238240

validity see validity in research

see also ethnography; fieldwork; graduate audience research curriculum

research imaginary, 58, 60, 67

Research in Motion, 144n

research reflexivity, 152, 163164

“researcher-absent” methods, 23, 110

researcher-study participant relationship, 4647, 110

resistance, audience, 239

Resnicow, K., 484

Reuters, 347

Rheingold, H., 391, 392

Ribak, R., 393

Ricardo, D., 304

Riding in Cars with Boys (film), 258

ritual, 491

activist audiences as participants in, 497499

contributions to media research, 499501

defined, 497

River Elegy, 344

Robertson, R., 218

Robins, K., 295n

Rodman, G., 428

Rofel, L., 352353, 356

Rogers, E. M., 444

Rojas, H., 449

Ronfeldt, D., 493, 502

Rooke, P., 64

Roome, D., 255

Roscoe, T., 409

Rose, N., 149, 159, 167, 173

Rosen, J., 445, 490

Rosenberry, J., 443, 447

Rosengren, K. E., 85, 86, 90, 512

Ross, K., 17, 23, 468, 521

Ross, S., 58

Ross, S. M., 21

Roszak, T., 372

Rotenberg, R., 58

Rothenbuhler, E., 499

Rubin, A. M., 449

Rushkoff, D., 490

Russell, A., 397

Ryan, C., 493

Ryan, M., 265

Sade-Beck, L., 144n

Sahiyar, street plays by women of, 540541

Sahlins, M., 309

Said, E., 429

Salo, E., 255

Salwen, M. B., 443, 448

sampling techniques, 421n

Sandvoss, C., 526, 529

SARFT (State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television), China, 342, 348

satellite television, 238, 277, 279

saturation, 444

Sayre, B., 548

Schaffer, K., 536, 549

Scharrer, E., 2, 89

Schechner, R., 537, 538

Schein, L., 357

Schiappa, E., 18

Schiffman, H. E., 303, 316n

Schiller, H. I., 301, 425

Schmierbach, M., 496

Schneiderman, B., 85, 86

Schonfeld, E., 397

Schrøder, K. C., 30, 109, 510534

Schudson, M., 445, 513, 530n

Schultz, T., 445, 447, 451

search engines, 397, 415, 416

Searle, J., 372

Seddon, J., 375

Seiter, E., 154, 173

self, ethnography of, 110

self-efficacy, 474, 475

self-expression, audience, 420n

self-narratives, 159

self-reflexivity, 110, 112, 152

and makeover shows, 156160

media studies work, 191

Sell, J., 51

semiosis, 190, 191, 192

semiotic democracy, 514

semi-structured interviews, Australia, 376

Sender, K., 2627, 148169

Senft, T., 191, 428

sense-making methodology (SMM), 81104

agency, potentiality for, 90

case studies

gender as structure, 9497

media interface as structure, 97101

defined, 82

description of, 9192

gap, notion of, 91, 92, 100

interviews, 93102

limitations, 100101

media reception situation see media reception situation

metaphor, 82, 91, 92, 93, 101

purpose, 81

Second Life media interface condition, 9899

sense-making processes, focusing on, 9091

“SMM triangle,” 92

time–space, handling of, 97

triangulation, 97

usefulness for reception studies, 82

Service Provisioning System Software (SPSS), 428

setting, research, 4647

sex-selective abortion, 536

Shah, D. V., 449, 453, 535553

Shanahan, J., 240

Shanghai TV Station, 344

Shannon, C., 368, 391, 444

Shannon, D., 547

Sharf, B. F., 469, 470, 471

Sharma, R., 308, 312

Shatzer, M. J., 52

Shaw Brothers, 278

Shi, Y., 4748, 297n

Shields, V. R., 94

Shim, D., 279

Shimpach, S., 19

Shore, C., 59

Shuman, A., 536, 549

Siegrist, M., 475

Sikkink, K., 493, 501

Silver, D., 428

Silverstone, R., 127, 192, 369, 548

Simmons, K., 73

Simonds, W., 480


Borders in, 65, 66, 6770, 72

Bras Basah Complex (Book City), 70

National Library Board, 7172

transnational television, 279280

Singer, J. B., 452

Sinomonitor (Chinese polling firm), 350

Siwek, S. E., 301, 312

Skalli, L., 69

Skeggs, B., 153, 154, 165, 375376

skim reading, 65

Skype, 132, 135

Sless, D., 369

Sloan, D., 20

Slumdog Millionnaire (film), 14, 252

Sluyter-Beltrão, M., 326, 327

Smith, A., 304

Smith, D. E., 46

Smith, M. P., 72

Smith, S., 536, 549, 550

Smulyan, S., 420n

Smythe, D., 162, 374, 422n

Snyder, L. B., 471

soap operas, 161, 193, 495, 519

in Australia, 370, 383

in India, 237, 242, 305

in South Africa, 255, 258, 262, 263, 266, 269, 274

in the United States, 255, 258, 262, 263, 266, 268, 269, 274n, 324

social construction of technology (SCOT)/social constructionism, 371372

social media, 139141, 444, 489

making research meaningful (case study), 26, 175181, 183, 185n

social networking, 175, 395, 426 see also Facebook; Twitter

social realism, 261, 271, 274n

socially embedded reflexivity, 151

sociodemographic categories, 88

Solomon, N., 490

Soltow, L., 64

Song, M., 94

Song Seung-Heon, 290

Soo, A. K., 297n

Sosa, R., 130

Source-Message–Channel–Receiver model (SMCR), 391

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), 255, 256257, 258, 259, 260, 273n

South African television programming, 27, 254275

black women, identification with programming, 254, 256257, 265, 271


as desirability, 263265

and ubiquity, 266270

imported programs, identifying with or rejecting, 256, 261, 267

multiculturalism, 27, 254, 256, 257, 259, 270, 273

nation-building, 255, 257

and multiple proximities, 270273

perceived inferiority of locally produced programs, 262

realism in, 261, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 274

regulatory agency of broadcasting and communications, 259

serial shows, 273n

soap operas, 255, 258, 262, 263, 266, 269, 274

and social class, 262263, 270, 272

white women's attitudes, 254, 263

South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT), Raising Our Voices documentary, 543545

South Asian Women's network (SAWnet), 430, 431

Spigel, L., 397

Spirek, M. M., 94

Spivak, G., 46, 427, 429, 432

sponsors of literacy, multi-sited ethnography, 57, 63, 6467

book browsing, 63, 72, 73, 7475

Borders' model, 6772

concept, 64

mega-bookstores as, 64, 6566

social, sensual reading model, 64, 65, 67, 68

see also bookselling; mega-bookstores

Srinivas, L., 22, 311

Srinivas, S. V., 311, 313, 314

Staiger, J., 85, 86

Standage, T., 397

Stanlow, J., 216

Starting Over, 152, 153, 154, 157, 158, 159, 161

Stavitsky, A. G., 417

Steeg Larsen, B., 529

Steimberg, O., 126

Stein, J. A., 475, 478

Stein, L., 493

Stern, D., 206

Stern, S., 175

Stern, S. R., 392

Sternberg, J., 367

Sterne, J., 1, 428

Stevens, E., 64

Steyn, P., 395

Stoller, P., 172

Straits Times, The, 68, 71, 73

Strathern, M., 62

Straubhaar, J., 217, 256, 258, 266, 322, 326

Strauss, A., 381

Strauss, S., 62

street plays, 550

cultural action and street theater, 538540

political, 537541

script development, 539540

by women of Sahiyar, 540541

Strelitz, L., 22, 255

Strömbäck, J., 511, 527

Stromer-Galley J., 18, 451


gender as, 9497

media interface as, 97101

study participants, potential harms to, 45

“studying down,” 46

Su, Y.-l., 296n

subaltern speech, 426

subcultures, 500

subjectivity theory, 19

Subramanyam, R., 305

subtitling, 280, 289

Sun, A., 480

Sun, L., 343

Sundar, S. S., 446

Sunden, J., 436

Sundet, V., 396

Sunmedia, 348

Sunstein, C., 457

superhero genre, 98


audience measurement, 411412

graduate audience research curriculum, 43

versus panels, 412

reflexivity research, 153154

Sveningsson, M., 393

Sweetman, C., 433434

Swidler, A., 180

synchrony, visual, 281, 296n

Tager, M., 255

tags, 411, 413, 421n

Taiwan, 278, 279

Takahashi, T., 22

Tamil Nadu, India, 307, 313

Task Force on Graduate and Professional Education, 42

Tasker, Y., 5

Taylor, B., 127, 133, 136

Taylor, L., 178

technological determinism, 372


in Australia

domestication of, 367370

social construction of, 371372

incorporation and conversion processes, 369

in Indian film industry, 315

new and old, 2

Teens & the New Media @ Home research project, 176177, 185n

Tehranian, M., 215

Telemundo, 131


addictive nature, 125147

allegories, 129

in Brazil, 27, 320340

case studies, 143

for a cause, 329330

and community life, 338

evaluation, 142164


Beto Rockfeller, 322323

Caração Alado, 326

Cattle King, The, 321, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 336

Ciudad Bendita, 130131, 132

Contra viento y marea, 132

Corpo a corpo, 327

Cosita Rica, 129130, 132, 134, 135

Irmãos Coragem, 328

Meu pedacinho de chão, 329330

El pais de las mujeres, 128, 132, 133

Rainha da Sucata, 327

Summer Sun, 325

To Live One's Life, 322, 337

Top Model, 329

La vida entera, 132, 139, 140, 141

geographic distance as research obstacle, 142143

Globo network, 320, 322, 323, 325, 329

itineraries, 127133

main themes, 126

for men, 332333

message boards dedicated to, 125, 126, 136139, 145n

metaphors, 129

political subtext, 327

for profit, 328329

social media, 139141

as spectacles of emotions, 145n

study methods, 125, 126, 128, 133

telenovela de ruptura, 126

telenovela rosa, 126, 128

writing tone of researcher, 126, 127

telephone use, Australian women, 374

Teletubbies, 192, 195197, 198, 199, 201, 206, 207, 208


in China, 347348

commercials, 335

emotional realism of, 162

imported programs, 256, 261, 267, 276, 277, 281282, 286

in India see Indian audiences

Macambira, watching in, 320, 321, 330337

reality, 148, 149, 150

see also makeover television shows, and reflexivity

satellite, 238, 277, 279

in South Africa see South African television programming

as a transnational industry, 277

Television Without Pity (TWoP), 161, 162

Templin, R., 496

Teske, N., 499

Tewksbury, D., 457

“text-in-action” approach, interviews, 154

textual analysis, 439

and audiences, 41

ethnographic text, 108

and ethnography, 351354

film studies, 85

interpretation, 39, 40

simplicity of, 40, 42

and thick description, 192194, 198

Theater of the Oppressed (Boal), 538539

thickness, 26, 206209

generating thick data, 191192

methodological problems, 189

thick description, 199

fieldwork, in media studies, 108

multi-sited ethnography, 62, 63

and textual analysis, 192194, 198

and “thin” description, 193

Thiel-Stern, S., 29, 48, 389405

Thirlaway, K. J., 465, 466, 468, 469, 472, 475

Thomas, R., 301

Thoraval, Y., 306

Thorson, K., 546, 549

Thurman, N., 455

Thurmond, S., 452

Thussu, D. K., 28

Toffler, A., 520

Tomaszeski, M., 395

Tomlinson, J., 216, 290

Tong, A., 284

Torpe, L., 521

Towards a Sociology of Mass Communications (McQuail), 7

tracking devices, 421n

tracking strategies, multi-sited ethnography, 57, 60, 6162, 63, 6770, 74

traditional communication model, criticism, 444445

Trager-Bohley, K., 22, 25, 5780

translocalism, 212231

academia, recognizing “local” of, 224225

dualisms, moving beyond, 226

hybridity, 220, 227

identities, questioning, 221223

interpretation, reclaiming, 227228

language skills, developing, 225226

as norm, 219221

normalized identities, denaturalizing, 223224

reasons for translocal approach, 217219

translocal ethnography, 58

translocal strategies for audience studies, 221228

transnational audience

analytic framework, 293295

deterritorialized, 288

diasporic individuals distinguished, 295n

imported programs, 276, 277, 281282

layers of audience

activist transnational fans, 288289, 294

leisure audience community, 286288

pan-East Asian identity, 276, 292293

politics of, 289292

for TV products, 277

see also East Asian TV

transnational feminism, 5

transnational flows, 215, 216

transnational media, 213

transparency, 3

ideology of, 150

Treachery of Images, The (Magritte), 390

Tremamunno, M., 131

triangulation, data, 377379

sense-making methodology, 97

Tripathy, R., 311

Tripp, D., 367, 374

Truglio, R., 191

truth and power, in audience research, 238240

Tsai, E., 297n

Tufte, T., 172, 192, 324, 325, 326, 327

Turkle, S., 391

Turnbull, S., 209

Turner, B. S., 524

Turner, G., 369

Turow, J., 409, 417, 470

TV Cultura, Brazil, 329330

TVB, 278

Twin Bracelets (film), 352

Twitter, 52, 116117, 390, 395, 400

ubiquitous citizenship, 524526

challenges for reception research, 527, 528, 529530

United Power Service (UPS), 493

United States

bookselling in, 65, 66, 67, 72

open-ended format of TV, 280

soap operas in, 255, 258, 262, 263, 266, 268, 269, 274n, 324

television programming in, 274n

Univisión, 128, 136

user-generated content (UGC), 455, 520

comment vs. content, 522

user studies, 85, 86

uses and gratifications (U&G) studies, 85, 86

Uttar Pradesh, India, 311

Vaidyanathan, R., 548

Valdivia, A. N., 112, 483

Valenzuela, S., 458

validity in research, 331, 377, 417

ethnographic, 120

graduate audience research curriculum, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 52, 53

Vallenilla, M., 133

Van der Steene, G., 301

Van Maanen, J., 150

van Zoonen, L., 481, 482, 493, 519, 520

Vanderford, M. L., 469, 470, 471

Varaprasad, N., 71

Vardeman, J. E., 475, 476

Varela, F. C., 281, 296n

Varis, T., 301

Varma, R. R., 251

Vasudevan, R. S., 301

Venevisión, 131132, 137, 140


beauty in, 130

Chávez (Hugo), as president of, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132

insider/outsider tension, 142143

plastic surgery in, 130

political unrest, 129

as reflection of Latin America, 126

telenovelas in see telenovelas

vernacular languages, India, 303

video blogs/chats, 140141

videogames, 88, 98

Villiers, A. de, 274n

Vink, N., 324, 326, 332

virtual communities, 391, 432

virtual ethnography, 392393

Virtual Ethnography (Hine), 392393

Viswanath, G., 312

Visweswaran, K., 427, 432

Volosinov V., 18

The Vulnerable Observer: Anthropology That Breaks Your Heart (Behar), 43

Wacquant, L. J., 151

Wahl-Jørgensen, K., 522, 523, 524, 525

Walkerdine, V., 195

Wall, M., 492, 493

Wallis, C., 355

Walter, C., 333

Waltz, M., 492, 494, 500

Wang, J., 348, 351, 354

Wang, T., 347, 352

Wanta, W., 457

Wardah Books, 68, 69

Warner, D., 472

Wasko, J., 17, 305

Watergate, 499

Waterman, D., 301, 312

Wathen, C. N., 478, 481

Watkins, S. C., 175

We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People (Gillmor), 395, 490

Weaver, S., 436

Weaver, W., 368, 391, 444

Web 2.0, 389, 390, 395, 444, 448, 453

Weber, L., 483

Webster, J. G., 18, 410, 417, 420

Webster, M., 51

Weidman, L., 8

Wen, Y., 139

Wesch, M., 182

Westbook, R. B., 498

What Is Love All About (first drama broadcast in PRC), 279

What Not to Wear, 152153, 154, 157, 160, 161

Whiteman, N., 394

Wildman, S. S., 301, 312

Willemen, P., 316n

Williams, R., 9, 219

Williamson, M., 394

Willis, C., 453, 490

Winfrey, O., 157

Winter Sonata, 279, 285, 291

witnessing, as engagement, 548550

Wittel, A., 6263

Wojcieszak, M., 503

Wolf, M., 44

Wolf, S. A., 191


as audience of health media, 472481

constraints, as lived activity, 483

context for women and health media, 480481

cultural meanings helping to improve salience, 484

intersectionality, 483

research agenda, 481484

caregiver role, 483484

definition of work roles in US society, 180181

female genres, 152, 321, 324325

formative research with female audiences, 473474

and health, 471472

health news, 475477

media meant for, 96

media portrayals, 4

medically underserved, 478480

see also female audiences; gender

Wong, F., 353354

Wood, H., 18, 153, 154

Woodstock, L., 149

Workers' Film and Photo League, 542

World Health Organization (WHO), 467

World Wide Web, 409, 420n

Wright, D., 64


academic, 201

and communication process, 419n

fragmented scriptural practices, 201

inconsequentialities, 201202

passionate, 200203

and sound, pleasures of, 202203

tone, 126

Wu, X., 354

Xaba, N., 257

Xiao, Q., 354

Xin, Z., 344

Xu, M., 290

Yang, F. I., 291

Yang, G., 354

Yang Lan, 348

Yang Lan One on One (Chinese chat show), 348

Yanovizky, I., 466, 483

Yau, K. S., 295n

Ye, X., 447, 449450

Yearnings, 352

Yeng Pway Ngon, 70

Yi, K., 456457

Yoo, C. Y., 451

Yoshitaka, M., 285

Young and the Restless, The, 370, 371

youth culture, 390

YouTube, 182, 397, 547548

Ytreberg, E., 396

Yu, H., 354355

Yúdice, G., 216, 220

Yung S., 278

Zakaria, F., 341, 342

Zapatista rebels, Mexico, 493, 501502, 545

Zelizer, B., 499

Zhang Yimou, 347, 352

Zhao, Y., 345, 346

zhibo fenli, 348

Zinn, M. B., 483

Zipes, J., 538

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