
Page references to figures or tables are in italics; references to notes have the letter “n” following the page number.

above-the-line creative executives, 396, 397, 479

Abrams, B. L., 459

Abu-Lughod, Lila, 301, 303

academic writing on YouTube, 421424, 426427

accountability, 5354, 7879

Acosta-Alzuru, Carolina, 2627, 372395

acquisitions and mergers, 194, 221

ACTA see Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

active audience view, 218, 245


children's television, 546

community media production, 584, 593

environmental factors and labor markets, 608, 611614

YouTube, 421424

ad exchanges, 226229

ad libbing, 456

Adams, Charlie, 337338

adaptability, 495496, 499

Adorno, Theodor, 562563

Advanced Television System Committee (ATSC), 108109

advances (payment), 403


audience power, 215216, 221233

book publishing, 181

community media production, 595

distributed creation, 400

information flows and inferences, 226229

media-buying sector, 216, 221233

media ownership, 129

new capitalism, 155, 157158

television, 207208

see also product placement

AEA see American Electronics Associations aesthetics

children's television, 537

community media production, 592593

documentary television, 563, 564

mediated performance, 347

national adaptations, 291293

queer theory, 452454

YouTube, 427, 439

AFL-CIO see American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

agency-holding companies, 222

agency in research, 1417 see also autonomy


book publishing, 174, 183

queer theory, 460461

aggregating content, 399404

AIDS TV: Identity, Community and Alternative Video (Juhasz), 424

alienation, 566569

Alienation and Freedom (Blauner), 566569

Aliens in America, 200202

Allen, Gracie, 460462

Alta Vista Films, 260

alternative media, 584, 587, 593594

Altman, Robert, 476

Alvarado, Manuel, 603

amateur writing, 431433

amateurization, 326

book publishing, 179181

governance, 55

visibility of media production, 1617

American Electronics Associations (AEA), 113114

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), 112113

American Idol, 202

America's Army, 100n

Americanization, 547552

anchorpersons, 349

Anderson, Chris, 398, 400

Andrejevic, Mark, 219220

animating utterances, 350

Anime Music Videos, 5657

anonymity, 224, 227


culture, 53

Hong Kong film industry, 488490

postcolonial DRC, 299309, 314316

runaway productions, 469

visibility of media production, 24, 28

Anthropology Today, 302303

anti-corporate populism, 126, 127, 128133, 139140, 142143

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), 6667, 69, 7273, 79n

Appadurai, Arjun

children's television, 547548

Hong Kong film industry, 504

runaway productions, 469

transnational flows, 301, 314

Apple, 611

approval processes, 402403

Argentina, 255259, 265272

cinema from late 1990s to present, 266269

number of films released (1997–2009), 267

aristocracy of talent, 601, 604605, 615

Art Worlds (Becker), 404

artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), 610

assistanting, 396, 404410

Astruc, Alexandre, 422, 439n

ATSC see Advanced Television System Committee

attraction, 93


advertising, 215216

autonomy, 218220

book publishing, 176, 178, 186187

box-office and tracking data, 410416

children's television, 551

community media production, 589590, 595596

cultural imperialism, 245

demographic data, 224226, 230231

digital television, 106107

distributed creation, 410416

documentary television, 558

exercise of power, 226233

governance, 46

Hong Kong film industry, decline in, 491

information flows and inferences, 226229

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 23, 8

long click and reputation, 224, 233236

media-buying sector, 216, 221233

media and community, 216220

media ownership, 129130, 139

mediated performance, 351

national adaptations, 284286

new capitalism, 156157

news production, 325326

power in the digital age, 215238

production studies, 603

runaway productions, 482

targeted personalization, 227, 232233

telenovelas, 381382

television, 192193, 197198, 206207, 210211

visibility of media production, 31

widening profiles, 229231

young people, 31

audiovisual content, 232233

augmentation of individuality, 366368

Australia, 583585, 589

Austin, J. L., 368n


documentary television, 561562

mediated performance, 367368

new capitalism, 161163

YouTube, 432433

author–editor relationship, 174, 186

Author Solutions, 182183

authoring utterances, 350


community media production, 592593

mediated performance, 348349

young people, 518520, 522


book publishing, 171172

distributed creation, 407

documentary television, 562

information policy, 74

mediated performance, 349

news production, 325326

queer theory, 456

visibility of media production, 13, 16

autobiography, 16


audience power, 218220

documentary television, 560562, 565, 566567, 569576

Acxiom, 230

Backer, Bill, 155

backstage television, 445454, 462464

Bagdikian, Ben, 128130

Baker, Sarah, 99, 565, 567, 570, 572

banalization of war, 9899

Banks, Mark, 479, 483, 562565

banner advertising, 222223, 236n

Barber, Karin, 316

Barnes & Noble, 183

Bateson, Gregory, 301

Batman, 453

Baudrillard, Jean, 161

Beach, The, 607

Beaty, Bart, 603

Beck, Ulrich, 562

Beck-Gernsheim, Elizabeth, 562

Becker, Howard, 404

Being Digital (Negroponte), 216

Bell, Alan, 350

Bell, Daniel, 604

Bellour, Raymond, 422423

below-the-line craft workers, 397, 479

Benedict, Ruth, 300

Benjamin, Walter, 586

Benkler, Yochai, 76, 136, 217, 219220

Beverly Hills Chihuahua (film), 263

Big Brother, 27, 204

mediated performance, 357359, 358

national adaptations, 280, 283

Big Chill, The (film), 157

Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), 270

Bitter Love (Dun), 165

Blauner, Robert, 566569

Blessed by Fire (film), 266

Blockbuster Complex, The (Whiteside), 176, 187188n


book publishing, 174176

distributed creation, 400

Hong Kong film industry, 495496

Latin American film industry, 263264, 267, 269


audience power, 235

children's television, 546

distributed creation, 405406

news production, 330, 334338, 340

television, 196

Blunt, Roy, 114

Bolivar, César, 379

Bollywood, 241, 243244

book publishing, 171191

agents, 174, 183

authorship, 171172

distribution on demand, 171172, 182183

e-books and e-readers, 172173, 181182

editorial roles, 174176, 186187

environmental factors and labor markets, 604

online bookselling, 179181

organizations and responsibilities, 173177

ownership of selected companies, 175

persistence of professional publishers, 185187

print on demand, 178179

professional facilitators of amateur publishers, 182185

self-publishing, 171173, 177185, 187

born-again Christianity, 299, 304305, 307309

born digital generation, 77

Born, Georgina, 564565

Bourdieu, Pierre

citizenship and media ownership, 136137

new capitalism, 154, 158, 166167

news production, 333

box-office data, 410416

Boyd, Alan, 204

brainstorming, 570, 572, 574

Braman, Sandra, 19, 61, 64, 68, 76

Brand, Graham, 363

Brand, Stuart, 134

branding, 200201, 203, 210

Branston, Gill, 424


cultural imperialism, 244

film industry, 255

transcultural political economy, 120

Breed, Warren, 329

Bridge Studios, The, 477

Brinkley, Joel, 106107

Britain's Got Talent, 198

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 5354

British Cinematograph Films Act, 51

British Columbia Shooting Gallery, The, 475, 484

broadband, 140141

broadcast licenses, 137138

broadcast rights, 282283

Broadcasting Act of Canada, 589

Broadcasting and Cable, 401

Bronski, Michael, 453454

Brunsdon, Charlotte, 348349

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 604

BSA see Business Software Alliance

Buchanan, Scott, 423

Buckingham, D., 536

bureaucracy, 6, 328

Burkart, Patrick, 1920, 6182

Burke, Kenneth, 368n

Burns, Michael, 414

Burston, Jonathan, 19, 83104

Bush, George W., 56

Business Software Alliance (BSA), 64

Butler, Judith, 408

Butterworth, Michael, 90

Buttry, Steve, 337

buzz, 200201, 203

cable television

media ownership, 126127

programming practices, 194196

Cadreon, 233

CAFOD see Catholic Agency for Overseas Development

Caldwell, John T., 26

distributed creation, 397399, 405406, 415

Hong Kong film industry, 489, 490

runaway productions, 480

television, 193, 196, 209

Cama Adentro (film), 272

camera crews, 397398

Cameron, Deborah, 365

Cameron, James, 263264, 607

camp as comic mode, 445446, 452457, 460464


community media production, 589

Latin American film industry subsidies, 259, 264265

production cultures, 466484

runaway productions, 466484

visibility of media production, 29

Cannell, Stephen J., 477

Canto, Victor, 112


audience power, 218219

children's television, 547

community media production, 586587, 593594, 596597

cultural imperialism, 248249

documentary television, 561562, 563564

governance, 48

historical, economic, and political factors, 152154

Hong Kong film industry, 498499

media ownership, 139

military industrial media complex, 84, 8588, 9091

queer theory, 449450

runaway productions, 470

technological sublime, 604

transcultural political economy, 107, 110111, 120

visibility of media production, 1521, 31, 33

see also neoliberalism; new capitalism

Carbone, Michael, 517, 519

career-building, 576

Carter, Chris, 476477

Castañeda, Mari, 1920, 105125

Castillo, Marlene, 385

casualization, 492

Catalonia, 271272

Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD), 614, 616

CCTV see China Central Television

CD see compact discs

CEA see Consumer Electronics Association

cease and desist orders, 5657, 65

Celestial Jukebox, 61, 6364, 6769, 78n

cell phones

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 2

young people, 525

see also consumer electronics


governance, 57

Hong Kong film industry, 503504

queer theory, 448, 450, 455, 458

telenovelas, 372395

visibility of media production, 16

young people, 523

YouTube, 430, 438439

Center for Media Justice, 141

centralization, 472473

Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral (CEREAL), 601602, 606, 612, 614, 616

CEPA see Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement

CEPAL see Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe

CEREAL see Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral

Chan, J., 617

Chan, Peter, 501

chaotic writing, 437

characterization, 542547

charities, 584

chat-rooms, 135

Chávez, Hugo, 372373, 376377, 381, 383384, 388389, 391

Chicago School, 235236

child labor, 611, 616617

children's television

ethics, 535556

feminization of media professions, 539541

gender representations, 535536, 538, 543, 547, 550, 553

globalization and localization, 535, 547552

megaphone effect, 551552

quality issues, 537, 539541

research study methods, 537539

as a safe and relevant space, 541552

social change, 552554

strong, complex, and diverse characters, 542547

voice, 545546


cultural imperialism, 241, 244245, 247248

imports and exports of cultural products, 247

US film and TV exports, 247

transcultural political economy, 120121

see also Hong Kong film industry

China Central Television (CCTV), 249

Chow, R., 491


Hong Kong film industry, 502503

postcolonial DRC, 299, 304305, 307309, 314315

Christopher, Warren, 112

Chrysanthemum and the Sword, The (Benedict), 300

Chuck, 205

CIE see Interamerican Entertainment Corporation

cinema see film

Cinema Journal, 424425

circuit of culture model, 374

citizen journalism

news production, 326, 331, 336, 338, 340

visibility of media production, 2426

citizens' media, 588


anti-corporate populism, 126, 127, 128133, 139140, 142143

democratic deliberation, 126127

Hong Kong film industry, 494

interactivity and the Internet, 127, 133137

libertarianism, 133137

media ownership, 126148

minority ownership of media, 127, 137144

network neutrality, 128, 135, 140144

visibility of media production, 18

young people, 513

City of Industry, 118119

Clarin (film), 267, 270

Clarke, M. J., 398, 399404

Classical Hollywood Cinema, The (Bordwell), 406407

Clinton, Hillary, 9293

Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), 495496, 505n

club affiliations, 584

coaching, 355

Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras, 119120

coercion, 93

cognitariat, 605

Cohan, Steven, 454

Cohen vs. Rosi, 267

Cold War, media ownership, 133134

Colectivo Chilpancingo Pro Justicia Ambiental, 613

Coles, Robert, 512, 521

collective ownership, 588589

Collier, Stephen J., 18

Colmenares, Fabiola, 384385, 390

Colombia, 278279, 287, 289292


Hong Kong film industry, 488, 492493, 499500

runaway productions, 470

visibility of media production, 15


national adaptations, 289291

queer theory, 445449, 451457, 459464

comic-books, 402404

Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), 118


children's television, 536

of culture, 15, 401

distributed creation, 401

of everything, 17

media ownership, 129131

visibility of media production, 15, 17

committed media, 421422


interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 6

of the self, 3132, 33

visibility of media production, 3132, 33

young people, 526

commoditization, 19

commons approaches

information policy, 69

media ownership, 128, 133, 135137

visibility of media production, 20

see also Creative Commons


community media production, 586590, 595597

governance, 4360

information policy, 61, 6364

mediated performance, 345346, 347348, 350352, 354

runaway productions, 473

transcultural political economy, 107, 109, 114

young people, 514, 517

Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS) Campaign, 23, 587, 594

Communications Act (1996), 155


audience power, 216220

documentary television, 567

community media production, 582600

access and participation, 590591

amateur authority and aesthetics, 592593

definitions and characteristics, 584586

formats and participants, 582584

nonprofit regulations, 585586, 595

participants' motivations, 590593

participatory production, 588590, 593594, 596597

producer-centric models, 582

social change and development, 591592

theoretical limits and beyond, 593596

theorizing production and communication, 586590

Community Reinvestment Act, 141

Comodines (film), 267

compact discs (CD), 157, 159

Companion to Media Studies, A (Valdivia), 3, 5


media ownership, 126

transcultural political economy, 108, 111, 115

competitive capitalism, 153

constitutive rules, 335337

Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), 114

consumer electronics (CE), 603, 606617


children's television, 550

digital television, 110111, 120121

new capitalism, 164165

queer theory, 449450

visibility of media production, 14, 1819

young people, 513

contact suppression, 230

content analysis, 7

content development outsourcing, 396, 398, 399404

continuity average, 269

control writing, 437438


information policy, 68

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 3

media ownership, 134

YouTube, 435436

convergence culture, 17, 185, 217

Convergence Culture (Jenkins), 217

convergence writing, 435436

Conway, Tim, 459

Cook, Timothy, 327, 331332


audience power, 222224, 227, 229, 232

EU regulations, 78n

media ownership, 135

Cooley, Charles, 218, 235

co-production funding, 257258, 271272


governance, 5557

information policy, 6267, 6976

media ownership, 135136

YouTube, 438439

Copyright Term Extension Act (1998), 67, 79n

core–periphery model

cultural imperialism, 244245

runaway productions, 478480

Corman, Roger, 265266

corporate media architectures, 426427, 436, 438439

corporate power, 215

corporate social responsibility (CSR)

environmental factors and labor markets, 608611, 616

governance, 53

corporate tie-ins, 207

Coscia, Jorge, 270272

Cosita Rica, 372395

censorship, 372395

Chávez and the media, 377, 383384, 388389, 391

journey/flight metaphor, 380389

polarization, 377378, 390

production, 378380

production regime, 379

protagonists and secondary characters, 384385

ratings wars, 382389, 391

reality, crisis, and television, 375378

reality and fiction, 381382, 387389

rosa and de ruptura formats, 377378

theoretical framework and methods, 373375

Venezuela's political crisis, 375377

Cottle, Simon, 331

Couldry, Nick

soft power, 97

visibility of media production, 32

young people, 509511, 516, 521

Council of Europe's Declaration on Community Media, 589

counter-rationality voice, 511

counterculture, 134

counterfeiting, 6667, 69, 7273

Coupland, Douglas, 156

Cowie, Jefferson, 606

craft workers, 397, 479

Craig, R. T., 1

creative clusters, 480483

Creative Commons, 135137

creative executives, 396, 397, 479

creative labor

critical analysis of, 559562

debate about, 562565

desirability of, 561

development work, 570575

documentary television, 557581

model of good and bad work, 565570

creative support, 408409

Crime of Father Amaro, The (film), 262

El crimen del Padre Amaro (film), 262

Criminal (film), 268

criminalization, 65, 7071, 76

CRIS see Communication Rights in the Information Society

critical junctures, 131132

cross-advertiser reach, 229231

cross-investment, 85

cross-media analysis, 490

cross-media expansion, 197, 203, 206

Croteau, David, 235

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (film), 244

crowd-sourcing, 398399, 410416

CSI franchise, 205, 209

CSR see corporate social responsibility

Cuarón, Alfonso, 260261

Cuba, 279

cueing (television), 352354

cultural capital

cultural imperialism, 251

media ownership, 136137

television, 206

cultural citizens, 25

cultural elites, 184185

cultural geography, 469470

cultural imperialism, 241254

active audiences, 245

anthropology and ethnography, 300, 313314

challenges to early theses, 243245

children's television, 550

development of local cultural industries, 243244, 249

early theses, 242243

globalization, 243, 245247, 249, 251252

import and export trends, 247248

peripheral markets, 244245

cultural networks, 18

cultural proximity, 284286, 294295

cultural racism, 162

cultural studies

documentary television, 557559

telenovelas, 372395

Cultural Studies (Grossberg), 374

cultural value, 573


anthropology and ethnography, 299, 302303, 315316

audience power, 219

children's television, 535, 537, 544, 548552

citizenship, 126128, 139140, 142144

community media production, 585, 587

distributed creation, 401

future governance, 5758

governance, 4360

hegemonies of cultural policy, 4954

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 67

Latin American film industry, 270

media ownership, 126128, 139140, 142144

mediated performance, 365

new capitalism, 151152, 164

news production, 335

noncommercial, nonprofessional culture, 5457

runaway productions, 471473, 480, 484

soft power and the MIM-plex, 8687, 9295

television, 200202

visibility of media production, 24, 2930

YouTube, 421422, 432

see also pop culture; production cultures

culture clashes, 330

culture industry, 563

Curtin, Michael

Hong Kong film industry, 491, 501502

runaway productions, 468, 480481

television, 198, 209

Cuse, Carlton, 401

customization, 217

cutting loose, 355

cyber-polarization, 217

Cyril, Malkia, 141

D'Acci, Julie, 373, 375

Dahl, Ingrid, 511512

The Daily Me, 232

Daily Show, The, 198

Dallas, 245, 282

dapian, 495496

Dark Water (film), 246

Da Vinci's Inquest, 481482

Davis, Charles, 265266

DCMA see Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Deadline Hollywood, 405406

deadlines, 574575, 611

Deathstalker (film), 265

de Boeck, Filip, 313

Debruge, Peter, 89

decolonization, 23

Defining Women (D'Acci), 373

definitions in news production, 326, 335339

DeFleur, M. L., 1

De Jacovo, Carolina, 379380

del Rio, Dolores, 256

de Peuter, Greg, 9899

de ruptura telenovela format, 377378

De Smaele, H., 53

del Toro, Guillermo, 260261

Delgado, Consuelo, 379380, 384

Demanding Work (Green), 566


community media production, 587, 594

documentary television, 561562

governance, 56

Hong Kong film industry, 489490

democratic communication, 18

democratic deliberation, 126127

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 299321

anthropology and ethnography, 299309, 314316

citizens in TV fiction and nationalism, 305307

environmental factors and labor markets, 610

évolués, 316317n

key scenarios, 299, 304309, 316

Nigerian witchcraft films, 309, 310315

palimpsests of culture, 315316

Pentecostal–Charismatic Christianity, 299, 304305, 307309, 314315

postcolonial television, 299321

transnational flows, 309315

demographic data, 224226, 230231

Der Derian, James, 92, 99


of governance, 49

information policy, 62

DES see Diebold Election Systems

desirability of creative labor, 561

desk slaves, 404410

desktop publishing, 173

Desperate Housewives, 205, 208

devaluation of governance, 4849

development media, 587, 591592

development work, 570575

Devil Wears Prada, The (film), 405

Devil's Backbone, The (film), 260

Dewey, John, 218, 235

DGA see Directors Guild of America

Diamond, Selma, 452

diasporic communities

community media production, 585

Hong Kong film industry, 489, 491, 494

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 607

Dicen que soy comunista (film), 256

Dick Van Dyke Show, The, 451452

Diebold Election Systems (DES), 56

Difficulties of Finding Work, The, 307

DIG! (film), 561

digital capitalism, 17, 107, 110

Digital Capitalism: Networking the Global Market System (Schiller), 107, 110

Digital Economy Act (2010), 73, 7475

digital markets, 4647

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA), 56, 62, 6667

digital television (DTV)

free-trade policies, 107108, 111115

market size and value, 106107

ramifications of high-tech manufacturing, 117120

standards, 105, 108111

television–Internet convergence, 106, 108, 110, 116

television-set production, 105125

transcultural political economy, 105125

transition period from analog, 109110, 120121

Digital Underground Storytelling for Youth (DUSTY), 514515

digital versatile discs (DVD)

national adaptations, 282

postcolonial DRC, 312314

television, 196, 201203

digital video, 515, 517529

see also YouTube

digital video recorders (DVR), 196

dignity, 565, 569

Di Minno, Nick, 160

direct-marketing, 221, 223224

Directive for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Laws (IPRED), 69, 7071, 75

Directors Guild of America (DGA), 258

directors of photography (DP), 474

disaggregating labor, 399404

Disbrow, Eirinn, 517, 519, 522, 528

disc jockeys (DJ), 362363

disciplinary dialogue, 9599

discipline, 365366

discount programs, 228229, 234


audience power, 235

environmental factors and labor markets, 614

Latin American film industry, 269

media ownership, 126, 127128, 139140, 142

national adaptations, 289

queer theory, 451

discussion forums, 386387, 596

disorganized capitalism, 470

Display LUMAscape, 225

distributed creation, 396419

aggregating content and disaggregating labor, 399404

approval processes, 402403

assistanting, 396, 404410

box-office data, 410416

camera crews, 397398

crowd-sourcing, 398399, 410416

dues-paying apprentices, 398, 404410

feedback loops, 402403

manic disclosure/no-disclosure, 415416

outsourcing, 396, 398, 399404

tentpole TV, 399404, 411

tracking data, 412416

writers' rooms, 397398

distribution on demand, 171172, 182183

DJ see disc jockeys

documentary film/television, 557581

critical analysis of creative labor, 559562

debate about creative labor, 562565

desirability of creative labor, 561

development work, 570575

media ownership, 130

model of good and bad work, 565570

work quality, 557581

documentary impulse, 512

Dora the Explorer, 545

Doty, Alexander, 460461

double approval, 402

Downing, J., 597

DP see directors of photography

Drake, William J., 112

dramaturgy, 291293

dues-paying apprentices, 398, 404410

Dun, Tan, 165

Duncombe, Stephen, 592

Durkheim, Emile, 566

DUSTY see Digital Underground Storytelling for Youth

DVD see digital versatile disc

DVR see digital video recorders

Dyer-Witheford, Nick, 9899

Dyson, Anne Haas, 516

EASA see European Association of Social Anthropology

E-bay, 55

e-books and e-readers, 172173, 181182

eContent Program, 78

editorial content, 232233

editorial roles, 174176

edutainment, 552553

EEO see Equal Employment Opportunity

ego clips, 431

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 131132, 156

Ehrenreich, John, 131132

EICC see Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition

Elberse, Anita, 413

electromagnetic fields (EMF), 607608

electronic books, 22

Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), 609

electronic waste (e-waste), 608, 610611

Eliasoph, Nina, 331

Ellen, 455

Elmer, Greg, 258

Elsa and Fred (film), 266

Elster, John, 569

embedded journalists, 84

EMF see electromagnetic fields

emotional labor, 408

emotionality, 162

encoding/decoding paradigm, 313

Engström, M. E. P. Christian, 77

Entertainment Software Association (ESA), 64

Entertainment Weekly, 603

entertainment writing, 433434

Entourage, 405, 452

environmental factors, 601625

creative production is theft, 614617

global supply chains, 601602, 606612, 615616

materialist analysis, 602, 606612

production beyond consciousness, 602606

technological sublime, 603605, 607

transcultural political economy, 118119, 602, 612614

Environmental Health Coalition, 613

Epstein, Edward, 328

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), 138

ESA see Entertainment Software Association

El espinazo del Diablo (film), 260

Estrambótica Anastasia, 382383, 385386


children's television, 535556

community media production, 582600

creative labor, 557581

documentary television, 557581

environmental factors and labor markets, 601625

visibility of media production, 3032

ethnic diversity see multiculturalism


documentary television, 565, 570575

Hong Kong film industry, 489490

news production, 327, 333334

postcolonial DRC, 299309, 314316

runaway productions, 466467

soft power, 96

young people, 514

European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA), 301302

European City of Culture, 50

Event, The, 209

e-waste see electronic waste

excellence, 563

executive producers, 571572, 575

eXelate, 230231

exploitation, 2

Exploring the Sociology of Europe (Roche), 5455

external goods/rewards, 563564

Extras, 447


audience power, 228

community media production, 594

Hong Kong film industry, 503

Fair Trade labeling, 595596

Fairchild, C., 585

Falicov, Tamara, 2324, 255276

fan fiction, 436

fan-produced digital media sites, 197198

fanzines, 592

FCC see Federal Communications Commission

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

digital television, 108110, 113114

environmental factors and labor markets, 611

media ownership, 133, 136, 137140, 144n

feedback loops, 402403, 603

Feigenbaum, Harvey, 271

Feld, Steven, 152

feminist theory

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 4, 56

soft power and the MIM-plex, 9495, 99

feminization of media professions, 539541

Ferguson, James, 302

Fernández, Emilio, 260

fetishism, 604

Fey, Tina, 445446, 459

FFII see Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure


governance, 55

information policy, 65

television, 196

visibility of media production, 18

file transfer protocols (FTP), 258


distributed creation, 396, 397, 404410

environmental factors and labor markets, 606607

governance, 5051

Hollywood influence in Latin America, 255276

Hong Kong film industry, 488508

media ownership, 130

military industrial media complex, 8485, 8990

new capitalism, 157

runaway productions, 474, 476477, 484

visibility of media production, 22, 2324, 2930

filtered content, 217

financial interest and syndication (Fin–Syn) regulations, 194, 200, 211n

Finke, Nikki, 405406

FIPR see Foundation for Information Policy Research

Fisherkeller, JoEllen, 511, 517

Fishman, Mark, 328

Flash cookies, 223

flashbacks, 292

Flash Forward, 200202, 206209

Flew, Terry, 155, 482


documentary television, 570, 575

Hong Kong film industry, 490, 492500

visibility of media production, 29

flexible accumulation, 17, 153

flexible personalities, 17

floor plans, 356358, 357, 358

Florida, Richard, 482

flow charts, 356

Folge, Lottelise, 353

folklore, 315

Fondo Raíces de Cine, 271

footing, 351

Fordism/post-Fordism, 17, 22, 29, 111, 153, 398, 470, 475, 479, 484n, 485n, 611

foreign-language film, 130


format “bible,” 279, 281, 283, 295n, 359361, 360

mediated performance, 347, 359362

outline rights, 283

see also national adaptations

Foucault, Michel

mediated performance, 365366

new capitalism, 154155

visibility of media production, 26

Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII), 6971

Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR), 7071, 76

Foxconn, 611, 615

Frampton, Kenneth, 472

franchising, 197, 205

Frankfurt School, 219, 586

free labor, 156157, 220

Free Trade of the Americas Agreements (FTAA), 261

free-trade policies, 107108, 111115, 261

freedom of expression

community media production, 594

governance, 55, 58

telenovelas, 391

Freedom of Information Act, 73

freelance creative workers, 401404

Freire, Paulo, 515

freshness, 354, 363364

Freudian psychoanalysis, 568569

Frey, James, 185186, 188n

Friedberg, Anne, 425

Fringe, 483

FTAA see Free Trade of the Americas Agreements

FTP see file transfer protocols

Fuchs, Christian, 593594

Fuglesang, Minou, 313

Full Spectrum Warrior, 9293, 98

Fuller, L. K., 583

Fung, Anthony, 246

Galicia, 271272

Galperin, H., 120

game show rights, 283284

gaming see videogames

gangster managerialism, 501

Gans, Herbert, 329

Gardner, H., 545

Gasher, Mike, 258, 475


book publishing, 172, 186

community media production, 595

cultural imperialism, 248

news production, 336338

visibility of media production, 16

Gates, Kelly, 2, 3, 9

GATT see General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Gavaldón, Roberto, 260

Geertz, Clifford, 302303, 335, 514


children's television, 535536, 538541, 543, 547, 550, 553

distributed creation, 406409

documentary television, 560

environmental factors and labor markets, 614, 616617

feminization of media professions, 539541

Hong Kong film industry, 502

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 4

media ownership, 143144

queer theory, 448, 458462

soft power and the MIM-plex, 9495, 99

visibility of media production, 14

gender performativity, 408

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 46, 51, 270

genericization, 164166


mediated performance, 347

national adaptations, 294

George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The, 460462

Germany, 283, 287289, 291293

Gerrold, David, 404

Gervais, Ricky, 447

GeSI see Global e-Sustainability Initiative

Giannadrea, John, 222223

Giddens, Anthony, 167, 332

Gill, Rosalind, 560

Ginsburg, Faye D., 302, 312313

Girls Make Media (Kearney), 512

Giroux, Henry, 510

Gitlin, Todd, 373

Glenn, Senator John, 114

Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), 609

global formats, 284286

global governance, 4549

Global Hollywood (Miller et al.), 478

Global Pop (Taylor), 158159

global security, 9599

see also war on terror

global supply chains, 601602, 606612, 615616


anthropology and ethnography, 300, 313314

children's television, 535, 547552

cultural imperialism, 243, 245247, 249, 251252

environmental factors and labor markets, 604605

governance, 44, 4950

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 4

Latin American film industry, 270

national adaptations, 277280, 284

new capitalism, 153154, 161167

runaway productions, 466476, 483, 484485n

transcultural political economy, 105125

visibility of media production, 18, 24

glocalization, 284

GNP see gross national product

Gobel, George, 455456

Goffman, Erving, 346, 350352, 363364

Goldsmith, Ben, 264, 468

Gondola, Didier, 313

Goodman, Steve, 520, 522, 526, 529

Google, 223224, 594

Gore, Senator Albert, Jr., 114

gossip columns, 385


changing landscape of media and culture, 4345

communication and cultural policy, 4360

future of culture, 5758

global regulatory shifts, 4549

hegemonies of cultural policy, 4954

noncommercial, nonprofessional culture, 5457

phases of transformation, 4849

visibility of media production, 1920

Graceland (Simon), 163164

Gramsci, Antonio, 131

Gran Hermano, 204

grassroots media, 587

Green Acres, 458

Green, Francis, 566

green technology, 116117

Grieco, J. M., 47

Griffin, Sean, 457

Grindstaff, Linda, 354355

Griswold, W., 187

gross national product (GNP), 105

Grossman, Elizabeth, 118

Groupe Salongo, 306307

Grudge, The (film), 246

G7/8 nations, governance, 4748

guerilla filmmaking, 496

La Guerra de los magos (film), 265

Gupta, Akhil, 302

Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten, 283

Gutiérrez, Kris, 518

habits of news production, 326, 328331, 339340

hack styles, 428

hackers, 185

Haddock, Chris, 469, 481483

Haddock Entertainment, 480483

Hadl, Gabriele, 594

HADOPI law, 7374, 79n

Hainley, Bruce, 463

Hall, Stuart, 246247, 313

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (film), 265

Handler, The, 482

hard power, 9295, 99

implications of hard power/soft power binary, 94

Hardt, Michael, 605

Hart, Jeffery, 113

Hartley, John, 424

Harvey, David

governance, 4546

Hong Kong film industry, 492, 498

new capitalism, 153

runaway productions, 469470

Hauser, Gerald, 232

Havel, Václav, 77

Hay, J., 1

Haysom, I., 479

HD see high-definition

head of development (HoD), 571575

Healthy Youth Peer Education program (HYPE), 510511, 517529

a call to action, 521523

context and method of study, 517529

intro to Roots of Change video, 526529

negotiations, 523526

power and powerlessness behind the camera, 518, 518521

rough cut, 521523

Hebdige, Dick, 219


governance, 47, 4954

media ownership, 132

young people, 510

Heidegger, Martin, 604

Heroes, 207208, 401

Hesmondhalgh, David, 21, 3132, 90, 99, 557581

high culture, 44

High School Musical, 545

high-definition (HD) television, 108, 111

El hijo de la novia (film), 267268

Hill, D. J., 116

Hill, Erin, 398399, 404410

Hill, S., 119

historical research, 6

hive-sourcing, 399

Ho, C., 617

Hochschild, Arlie, 365, 408

HoD see head of development

Hodson, Randy, 565, 567, 569


distributed creation, 397, 399, 404416

governance, 51

Hong Kong film industry, 496498

influence on Latin American film industry, 255276

information policy, 6869, 75

queer theory, 448, 450452, 459, 462

runaway productions, 466487, 484485n

soft power and the MIM-plex, 8485, 9192, 94

television, 194

Hollywood Bohemians: Transgressive Sexuality and the Selling of the Movieland Dream (Abrams), 459

Hollywood North see Canada

Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX), 410416

homoeroticism, 461462

Hong Kong film industry

adaptability, 495496, 499

contextualizing flexibility, 498500

cultural imperialism, 247248

decline, 490, 491, 491492

flexibility, 490, 492500

mobility, 493494

multitasking labor, 496498

production cultures, 488508

risk-taking, 492, 498

socially marginal status, 488, 490, 500503

transformations and tactics, 488508

visibility of media production, 2930

Honneth, Axel, 568

Horkheimer, M., 21, 563

Horton, Donald, 366

How I Met Your Mother, 198

How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life (Viswanathan), 188n

Howley, K., 588

Hozic, Aida, 8788

HSX see Hollywood Stock Exchange

Hull, Glynda, 513516, 518

Hulstaert, Gustaaf, 306

Human Target, 205

humanism, 348, 587

humanist psychology, 568

Hunt, Lynn, 303

Huntemann, Nina, 96

hybrid formats, 286, 293295

hybrid PC widescreen models, 108

HYPE see Healthy Youth Peer Education program

hypodermic needle model, 9

ICR see Institute of Communications Research

ICT see information and communication technology; Institute for Creative Technologies

identifications, 349


community media production, 584

distributed creation, 407

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 4

media ownership, 140

mediated performance, 364368

queer theory, 446, 448, 461462

runaway productions, 470473

visibility of media production, 20, 2729

YouTube, 424

ideological aspects, 6465

IFC see Independent Films Channel

IFPI see International Federation of the Phonographic Industry

IIPA see International Intellectual Property Alliance

illusion of proximity, 349

illustrated summary styles, 427428

ILO see International Labor Organization

Iluminados por el fuego (film), 266

I'm a Celebrity. . . Get Me Out of Here!, 204

IMCINE see Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografia

IMF see International Monetary Fund

immaterial labor, 605


new capitalism, 153

visibility of media production, 15, 18

see also cultural imperialism

improvisation, 497

In Treatment, 205

INCAA see Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales

Independent Films Channel (IFC), 260


cultural imperialism, 241, 243245, 247248

imports and exports of cultural products, 247

national adaptations, 281

individuality, 365367

individualization, 562563, 568569

Inducing Infringement of Copyright Act (INDUCE), 79n


cultural imperialism, 244245

visibility of media production, 14, 1516

information commons see commons approaches

information and communication technology (ICT), 603, 606617

information flows, 226229

information operations (IO), 90

information policy, 6182

balance of trade, 6568

Celestial Jukebox, 61, 6364, 6769, 78n

change of state in US and EU, 6263

Digital Economy Act, 73, 7475

HADOPI law, 7374, 79n

ideological aspects, 6465

model development, 7577

rollout of European access controls, 6973

stakeholder analysis, 61, 63

information power, 93

information society, 48, 54, 58n, 62, 64

Information Society Commission, 63

information technology (IT), 560

infrastructures, 1820

in-game personalization, 233

Innis, Harold, 470

innovation, 330

insecurity, 569570, 575

Inside Prime Time (Gitlin), 373

insider material

aesthetics, 452454

queer theory, 446447, 448456, 462464

Institute of Communications Research (ICR), 4

Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT), 83, 85, 89, 9199, 100n

Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografia (IMCINE), 259260, 272

Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA), 266, 270, 271

intellectual property (IP)

book publishing, 177

distributed creation, 399

governance, 5557

information policy, 6367, 6976

media ownership, 128, 135136

television, 210

intelligent navigators, 233

interactivity, 3, 127

Interamerican Entertainment Corporation (CIE), 260

interdisciplinary research

media studies, 110

visibility of media production, 14, 18

internal goods/rewards, 563564

International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), 76

international format trade, 279284

International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA), 64

International Labor Organization (ILO), 608, 610

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 249, 266

international patents, 115

international policy regimes, 4549, 6163

international relations (IR), 83, 8689, 9293

International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN), 178

International Trade Organization (ITO), 51

International Union of Electrical Radio and Machine Workers, 112113


audience power, 216, 222

book publishing, 179181

distributed creation, 412

governance, 55

media ownership, 126127, 133137, 140141, 143144

news production, 325326, 339

young people, 524525

Internet commons see commons approaches

Internet Governance Forum, 48

Internet Playground: Children's Access, Entertainment, and Mis-Education, The (Seiter), 513

Internet protocol television (IPTV), 78, 233

Internet Service Providers (ISP)

information policy, 69, 70, 75

media ownership, 140141

interpersonal relationships, 333

Interpretation of Cultures, The (Geertz), 302

intersubjectivity, 209

intertextuality, 446447, 457458

La Invasora, 381

investments in news production, 326, 331335

IO see information operations

iPads/iPhones, 611

IPR see intellectual property rights

IPRED see Directive for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Laws

IPTV see Internet protocol television

IR see international relations

Ireland, 589

Irving, Larry, 109

ISBN see International Standard Book Numbers

isolated writing, 430431

isolation, 566, 567

ISP see Internet Service Providers

IT see information technology

ITO see International Trade Organization

Ito, Mizuko, 525

It's All Your Fault! (How to Make It as an Assistant in Hollywood) (Robinson & Morris), 406

It's Not You, It's Me (film), 271272


new capitalism, 157

television, 196, 201

Iwabuchi, K., 246247

Jacobs, Ronald, 327

James, Clive, 366

James, M., 515

Jameson, Frederic, 152153


anthropology and ethnography, 300

children's television, 551552

cultural imperialism, 244, 246247

free-trade policies, 113

Jarvie, Ian, 50

jazz music, 132

Jenkins, Henry

audience power, 217218, 220

book publishing, 185

community media production, 592

distributed creation, 399

television, 197

young people, 525

YouTube, 435

Jenson, Jane, 470, 475476

Jin, Dal Yong, 23, 241254

job security/insecurity, 569570, 575

Johanson, Katya, 50

Johnson, Richard, 373

Johnstone, John, 329

Journal of Radio Studies, 2


illusion of proximity, 349

media ownership, 129, 141

mediated performance, 348349

military industrial media complex, 84, 8586

visibility of media production, 2426

young people, 513514

see also news production

Juhasz, Alexandra, 2627, 420441

Kafka, Franz, 6

Kalaonga, 310

Kamchatka (film), 267

Kaplan, Amy, 9495, 99

Karichika (film), 310311

Karmen, Steve, 159160

Kaye, Janice, 265266

Kazaa, 65

Kazakhstan, 489

Kearney, Mary, 512

KEI see Knowledge Ecology International

Keil, Charles, 152

Keiser, Max, 414

Kellner, Douglas, 374

Kenney, Martin, 115

Kent, Steve, 281

kernels, 353354, 353

key scenarios, 299, 304309, 316

key symbols, 304

Keynesian economics, 46, 49

Kidjo, Angélique, 162

Kim, Charlie, 228229

King, Stephen, 181

Kinsey reports, 461

Klein, Paul, 195

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), 73

knowledge workers, 604605

Korea, 241, 243244, 247248, 270

imports and exports of cultural products, 247

sales in TV market, 244

Kotkin, J., 604605

Kring, Tim, 401

Krogh, Lars-Jacob, 353

Ku, A. S., 498

La Paz agreement, 613

labor markets

audience power, 220

creative production is theft, 614617

distributed creation, 404410

documentary television, 557581

global supply chains, 601602, 606612, 615616

Hong Kong film industry, 488, 492493, 496498

Latin American film industry, 258, 264

materialist analysis, 602, 606612

new capitalism, 151, 156

production beyond consciousness, 602606

queer theory, 451, 459

runaway productions, 470, 478479, 483484, 484485n

technological sublime, 603605, 607

transcultural political economy, 107108, 111115, 117120, 602, 612614

visibility of media production, 16

see also creative labor

Ladies' Night (film), 262

Ladysmith Black Mombazo, 163

Lange, Patricia, 525

language skills, 494, 497498

Larkin, Brian, 18, 313

Larry Sanders Show, The, 452, 461

Lash, Scott, 153, 155, 562

Last Train from Hiroshima, The (Pellegrino), 188n

late capitalism, 152153

Late Capitalism (Mandel), 152153

Latin American film industry

Argentine cinema from late 1990s to present, 266269

number of films released (1997–2009), 267

co-production funding, 257258, 271272

historical overview, 256258

Hollywood influence on, 255276

markets and production figures, 256, 266267

Mexican cinema from late 1990s to present, 259266

number of films produced (1997–2009), 260

Mexico as Hollywood's backlot, 262266

Motion Picture Association, 257258, 261262

protectionist legislation, 257

runaway productions, 258259

screen quotas in Argentina, 269271

Lazzarato, Maurizio, 22

LCA see life cycle analysis

LCD see liquid-crystal display

Learning from YouTube, 420441

censored and copyright writing, 438439

chaotic writing, 437

committed media, 421422

control writing, 437438

convergence writing, 435436

entertainment writing, 433434

forms of writing, 426439

hack styles, 428

illustrated summary styles, 427428

limits of architecture, 426427, 436, 438439

mirroring the classroom, 430

public writing, 428430

reflexive writing, 434435

technology and equipment, 424425, 432

theory and practice, 420424

visual writing, 436437

word-reliant styles, 427, 432

YouTube, 430433

Lee, F., 250

Lemish, Dafna, 31, 535556

lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights, 445447, 450451

see also queer theory

Lessig, Lawrence, 5556, 134137, 140

Lévi-Strauss, C., 157

Levidow, L., 84


cultural imperialism, 242, 248249

governance, 57

Hong Kong film industry, 491, 495

postcolonial DRC, 307308

transcultural political economy, 112

see also neoliberalism

libertarianism, 133137

librarianship, 70

life cycle analysis (LCA), 608

limits to growth, 615

Lindelof, Damon, 401

Lindstad, Anders, 358

linguistics, 346, 347, 351

liquid-crystal display (LCD), 119

Live-In Maid (film), 272

Livingstone, S., 1


children's television, 547552

cultural imperialism, 243244, 249

media ownership, 138, 139141

national adaptations, 284

runaway productions, 472

location shoots

mediated performance, 357

runaway productions, 474477, 484

Loeb, Jeph, 404

Logan, Lucas, 1920, 6182

long click, 224, 233236

Long Tail, The (Anderson), 398, 400

Lord of the Rings trilogy (films), 484

Lorre, Chuck, 458

Losh, Elizabeth, 96

Lost, 206, 208209, 400401

Lotame, 231

Lowe, Nichola, 115

Maastricht Treaty, 5253

MacGyver, 481482

Mad Men, 459

Madiko, Wes, 163

magazines, 593594

maintenance work, 355

Mamarazzi, 361362, 362

management gurus, 568569

Mandel, Ernest, 152153

Mandel, Ruth, 489

Mangan, Tom, 230

manic disclosure/no-disclosure, 415416

Manning, Dan, 334335

Manovich, Lev, 425

Manuelita (film), 267


distributed creation, 402403

mediated performance, 355356, 362363

telenovelas, 388

maquiladora system

environmental factors and labor markets, 602, 612614

Latin American film industry, 264

television-set production, 107108, 114121

Maquilapolis: City of Factories (Funari & de la Torre), 117, 119

Marcuse, Herbert, 593


Hong Kong film industry, 488, 490, 500503

runaway productions, 471472, 474

market-driven selection, 108

market research, 198

MarketCast, 411412


audience power, 221, 223224, 227, 229231

book publishing, 174176, 178

distributed creation, 396, 412

national adaptations, 282284

television, 200201, 203

visibility of media production, 16


book publishing, 183

cultural imperialism, 247249

distributed creation, 410414

documentary television, 563564

governance, 4546, 5253

information policy, 6465, 78

Latin American film industry, 256

national adaptations, 277279

neoliberalism, 510

transcultural political economy, 108109, 111115

visibility of media production, 1519

young people, 510

Marshall Plan, 51

Martin, Sylvia J., 2930, 488508

Martín-Barbero, Jesús, 374


audience power, 218

community media production, 587, 596597

documentary television, 561562, 566, 569

Hong Kong film industry, 499500

media ownership, 131

new capitalism, 152153, 166167

technological sublime, 604

Maslow, Abraham, 568

mass amateurization, 326

Mass Communication Theory (McQuail), 3, 45

mass culture perspective, 184, 188n, 219, 587

mass media

anthropology and ethnography, 302, 304

audience power, 218

visibility of media production, 1316

young people, 511, 512

mass society theory, 188n

Massey, K. A., 607608

massively multi-player online role-playing games (MMOG), 220

Master and Commander (film), 263

materialist analysis, 602, 606612

materiality paradox, 604

maximalism, 6364, 67, 73

Maxwell, Richard, 32, 601625

Mayer, Vicki

environmental factors and labor markets, 606

interdisciplinary research, 2, 67

transcultural media production, 120

visibility of media production, 1339

young people, 512513, 515516

Mazzarella, Sharon, 2, 4, 7

McCarthyism, 455

McChesney, Robert, 128133, 140, 219

McFaul, Tom, 160

McHugh, Kathleen, 407

MacIntyre, Alisdair, 563

McKellen, Ian, 447

McKenzie, Jon, 365

McMurria, John, 20, 126148

McQuail, Denis, 45

McRobbie, Angela, 560

Mead, Margaret, 301

meaninglessness, 566567

media-buying sector

audience power, 216, 221233

exercise of power, 226233

information flows and inferences, 226229

targeted personalization, 227, 232233

transformation and growth, 221226

visibility of media production, 22

widening profiles, 229231

media capitals, 480483

media conglomeration

anti-corporate populism, 126, 127, 128133

audience power, 221222

book publishing, 174175, 177

ownership of selected publishing companies, 175

cultural imperialism, 244, 248

national adaptations, 294295

television, 194195

Media Monopoly, The (Bagdikian), 128129

media ownership

anti-corporate populism, 126, 127, 128133, 139140, 142143

citizenship, 126148

community media production, 588589

democratic deliberation, 126127

interactivity and the Internet, 127, 133137

libertarianism, 133137

minority ownership of media, 127, 137144

network neutrality, 128, 135, 140144

television, 193, 195

media pluralism, 78

Media Plus Program, 78

Media Worlds (Ginsburg), 312313

MediaSentry, 65

mediated performance, 345371

augmentation of individuality, 366368

bridging production, text, and performance, 347348

direction of performances, 352355

fields of inquiry, 346, 352364

illusion of proximity, 349

journalistic authority, 348349

performance, identity, and society, 364368

policies for performances, 359362

production and participation frameworks, 350352

research background, 346, 348352

scripting performances outside of talk, 355359

training for performance, 362364

mediation of everything, 1

MediaVest, 226227

megaphone effect, 551552

memos, 361362

Menga, Guy, 305

merchandising, 197, 542, 544, 551

mergers and acquisitions, 128, 155, 174, 194, 211n, 221

Mexican Maquila Women Workers Network, 119


cultural imperialism, 244

film industry, 255266

number of films produced (1997–2009), 260

transcultural political economy, 105, 107108, 114121, 612614

Michaels, E., 603

Michlin, Spencer, 160

Mikos, Lothar, 24, 277298


soft power, 92, 93, 9899

visibility of media production, 1920

military coups, 375377

military industrial media complex (MIM-plex)

disciplinary dialogue and global security, 9599

hard power, 9295, 99

Institute for Creative Technologies, 83, 85, 89, 9199

international relations, 83, 8689, 9293

media studies, 8489

soft power, 83, 8491

thinking with the MIM-plex, 8991

visibility of media production, 1516, 1920

military information society, 84

Miller, Laura J., 22, 171191

Miller, Quinn, 2829, 445465

Miller, Toby, 32, 601625

Million Little Pieces, A (Frey), 188n

Mills, C. Wright, 17

MIM-plex see military industrial media complex

mining, 609610

Minority Media & Telecommunications Council (MMTC), 140141

minority ownership of media, 127, 137144

Miranda, Mario, 269

Miravista, 262

mix tapes, 55

MMOG see massively multi-player online role-playing games

MMTC see Minority Media & Telecommunications Council

mobile telephony see cell phones

mobility, 493494

mobisodes, 401, 403404

Mobutu Sese Seko, President, 304307, 317n

models of/models for distinction, 335336

Modern Family, 198

Money Shot, The, 354355

Moni-Mambu, 315

monopolization, 155156

montage, 436437

Montulli, Lou, 222223

Moorcroft, Brendan, 233

Moran, Albert, 279

Morgan, Tracy, 446

Morley, David, 348349, 472, 596

Mortenson, Greg, 186, 188n

Mosco, Vincent, 61

Moskal, Stormi, 90

Mother Jones, 593594

Motion Picture Association (MPA), 257258, 261262

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 64, 6667, 73, 257

MTV see Music Television

Mukherjee, Roopali, 5

multiculturalism, 544545

multimedia storytelling, 326, 335

multinational corporations

community media production, 595

environmental factors and labor markets, 609

governance, 5556

media ownership, 129

transcultural political economy, 114

multiple queerness, moments of, 460461

multitasking labor, 496498

Murdoch, Rupert, 249


authenticity, 161163

classification and genre, 165166

world music styles, 165

documentary television, 561562

genericization, 164166

globalization, 161167

governance, 5556

information policy, 65, 70, 78

media ownership, 132

neoliberalism, 154158

networks, 158161

new capitalism, 151170

Music Television (MTV), 23, 248250

Mwana Nsoso, 307

MySpace, 196, 220, 425, 524, 525, 526, 595

NAACP see National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples

El Nacional, 385

NAFTA see North American Free Trade Agreement

narcissism, 431, 568569

narrative programming, 205207, 209

narrative theories, 347348

Nation, The, 593594

national adaptations, 277298

broadcast rights, 282283

comedy and the telenovela genre, 289291

cultural proximity, 284286, 294295

dramaturgy and aesthetic styles, 291293

global licensing and production of Yo soy Betty, la fea, 280282

global markets, 277279

hybrid formats, 286, 293295

international format trade, 279284

logistics of format marketing, 282284

production of global formats, 284286

quiz show, game show, and reality show rights, 283284

series concept and format outline rights, 283

staging of main character, 287289

National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples (NAACP), 141

National Association of Broadcasters, 108

National Black Media Coalition (NBMC), 138

National Coalition of Electronic Industry Workers, 612

National Hispanic Media Coalition, 141

national identity, 470473

National Information and Telecommunications Administration, 109

National Intelligence Council, 121

national media industries

governance, 5354

information policy, 6566

visibility of media production, 18, 3031

National Research Group (NRG), 411412

national security, 105

nationalism, 305307

Nations, Gregg, 401

natural attitude, 329331

Navarro, Ramón, 256

navigation firms, 233

NBMC see National Black Media Coalition

Negri, Antonio, 605

Negroponte, Nicholas, 216217, 219220

neoconservatism, 594

neoformalism, 286287


community media production, 594

cultural imperialism, 242, 248249

documentary television, 561562

environmental factors and labor markets, 605

governance, 44, 4546, 48, 5253

Hong Kong film industry, 488, 499

information policy, 66

liberalization of trade and production, 485n

media ownership, 128, 130132

new capitalism, 154158

runaway productions, 475476

transcultural political economy, 112, 119

visibility of media production, 1820, 3031

young people, 509511, 513, 515

Nerone, John, 2, 6, 15

Netflix, 157

Netscape Navigator, 216, 222

network culture, 17

network neutrality, 128, 135, 140144

network power, 67, 68

network societies, 17, 154

networked information economy, 136

networked production labor see distributed creation

networks, 2, 158161

new capitalism

authenticity, 161163

genericization, 164166

globalization, 153154, 161167

historical, economic, and political factors, 152154

music, 151170

neoliberalism, 154158

networks, 158161

visibility of media production, 21

New Communalist Movement, 134, 137

new international division of cultural labor (NICL), 478479

New International Division of Labor (NIDL), 609

New Media Monopoly, The (Bagdikian), 129

New Media of Surveillance, The (Gates), 9

New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO), 23, 47

New York Times, 400401

New Zealand, 483484

news production, 325344

constitutive rules, 335337

definitions, 326, 335339

ethnographic research history, 327, 333334, 339340

habits, 326, 328331, 339340

illusion of proximity, 349

investments and resources, 326, 331335

language of strategy, 334335

media ownership, 129

mediated performance, 348349, 364

models of/models for distinction, 335336

natural attitude, 329331

recognition of new practices, 338339

socialization, 329330, 338

sociology of, 325, 326340

taken-for-grantedness, 329331

United States experience, 325344

Next Jump, 228229

NGO see non-governmental organizations

Nichols, Mike, 476

NICL see new international division of cultural labor

NIDL see New International Division of Labor

Nigeria, 310315

Night of the Iguana (film), 263

Nine Queens (film), 267268

No Boundaries, 360362, 360

No Ordinary Family, 198

No sos vos, soy yo (film), 271272

noncommercial, nonprofessional culture, 5457

nondiagetic sounds, 292

non-governmental organizations (NGO), 71, 591

nonprofit regulations, 585586, 595

Nordenstreng, K., 243

Nordic Festival, A (Salonen), 165166

Noriega, Chon, 448

normalization of governance, 49

normative research, 6

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 114, 117, 264

North Shore Studios, 477

Northrop Frye, Herman, 472

NRG see National Research Group

NTSC standard, 108109, 121n

Nueve reinas (film), 267268

NWICO see New World Information and Communication Order

Nye, J. S., 67, 93

OAS see Organization of American States

Obama, Barack, information policy, 72

O'Brian, Conan, 461

OEM see Original Equipment Manufacturers

OFCOM see Office of Communications

off-the-set support, 397

Office of Communications (OFCOM), 7475

Office, The, 205, 209

On Probation (film), 266

Ong, Aihwa, 18, 491, 494

Ong, Walter, 363

Online Testing Exchange (OTX), 411412

open markets, 111113

open-source software

information policy, 7071

media ownership, 135

Orality and Literacy (Ong), 363

O'Regan, Tom, 264, 468

Organization of American States (OAS), 270

organizational functionalism, 331332

organized crime, 70, 75, 501, 502

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), 607611

originating utterances, 350

Ortega y Gasset, José, 184

Ortner, Sherry, 303, 304

Other and Otherness, 302

OTX see Online Testing Exchange

Our Biometric Future: Facial Recognition Technology and the Culture of Surveillance (Gates), 9


distributed creation, 396, 398, 399404

Hong Kong film industry, 492

new capitalism, 159160

runaway productions, 468

transcultural political economy, 115

overwork, 569, 574575

Paar, Jack, 460, 462

Padrón, Leonardo, 378381, 384387, 389390

PAL standard, 108109, 121n

palimpsests of culture, 315316

Par-i-bol, 353354, 353

Parameswaran, Radhika, 2, 78

Park, Robert, 218, 235

Parry, Milman, 363

participation frameworks, 350352

participatory culture, 525526

participatory media, 587, 591592

participatory production, 588590, 593594, 596597

Pasi ya Kozwa Mosala, 307

patents, 7071, 76

Patoruzito (film), 267

Paul Simon: Born at the Right Time (Simon), 164

pay-per model

information policy, 6364

television, 196

pay-per-click (PPC), 223224

Payne Fund Studies, 132, 512

PBS see Public Broadcasting Service

Pearl Harbor (film), 263

Pedelty, Mark, 331

peer pressure, 569

peer-to-peer file-sharing see file-sharing

PEG see public, educational, and government access television

Pellegrini, Ann, 461

Pellegrino, Charles, 186, 188n

Pentecostal–Charismatic Christianity, 299, 304305, 307309, 314315

Pérez, Carlos Andrés, 376

Pérez Jiminez, Marcos, 376

performance see mediated performance

peripheral markets, 244245

Perrotta, Marta, 24, 277298

personal video recorders (PVR), 196

personalization, targeted, 227, 232233

Peters, Chuck, 337

Petrie, Robert, 451

Phiri, Ray, 164, 167n

Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act, 67

Pierson, Paul, 332

piracy, 6667, 69, 7273

Piracy Deterrence and Education Act (PDEA), 79n

Pirate Parties International (PPI), 63, 77

plagiarism, 186

Plant, The (King), 181

POD see print on demand

Pokémon, 551552

Polan, Dana, 423

political crises, 375377

Politics of HDTV in the United States, The (Hart), 113

pollution see environmental factors

Pop Idol, 202, 204, 561

popular culture

cultural imperialism, 241242

governance, 44, 55

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 3

new capitalism, 158159

queer theory, 451453

soft power and the MIM-plex, 93, 98

visibility of media production, 14

YouTube, 433434, 436, 439

populism, 126, 127, 128133, 139140, 142143

Por estas calles, 373

portals, 224

Porter, M. E., 482

positionality, 162

positive possibilities, 564

postcolonialism, 299321, 488

postmodernism, 152153, 434435

poststructuralism, 559

Powdermaker, Hortense, 28, 301, 466, 489490


audiences, 215238

corporate, 215

environmental factors and labor markets, 614

governance, 47

hard power, 9295, 99

information policy, 67

media-buying sector, 226233

military industrial media complex, 8788, 9295

visibility of media production, 17, 19, 21

young people, 518, 518521, 522

see also soft power

power elite, 17

powerlessness, 566567, 569

Powerpuff Girls, 550

PPC see pay-per-click

PPI see Pirate Parties International

PR see public relations

Pratkin, Andy, 227

prepping and coaching, 355

Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, The (Goffman), 346, 368n

Preston, Peter, 330

pride, 557558

primality, 162163

Princess Bride, The, 226

print on demand (POD), 178179

Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act (PRO-IP Act), 67

privacy, 234


governance, 4546, 48

information policy, 6566

visibility of media production, 18, 3031

PRO-IP Act see Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act

Producing Dreams, Consuming Youth: Mexican Americans and Mass Media (Mayer), 513

product dumping, 112

product integration, 207

product placement, 208

production cultures

Hong Kong film industry, 488508

queer theory, 445465

runaway productions, 466487

visibility of media production, 2730

young people, 509531

production frameworks, 350352

production regimes

governance, 4360

information policy, 6182

visibility of media production, 1820

Program Partners, 482


Latin American film industry, 256

military industrial media complex, 8990

visibility of media production, 1314

prosumers, 76, 185

protectionist legislation, 257

Protestant hegemony, 132

proximity, illusion of, 349

PSB see public service broadcasting

pseudo-democratization, 563

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) funding, 588

public discussion forums, 386387, 596

public, educational, and government (PEG) access television, 583

public funding, 5354

public interest, 138

Public Knowledge, 141

public policy

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 3

visibility of media production, 19

see also governance

public relations (PR), 90

public service broadcasting (PSB)

governance, 46, 5354

runaway productions, 473, 481

public writing, 428430

Publishers Weekly, 184

Pun, N., 498

punk, 219, 592

push strategies, 22

Putonghua, 494, 498

PVR see personal video recorders

Pyne, Ben, 200

Pype, Katrien, 24, 299321

quality, 537, 539541

Queer as Folk, 454

queer theory, 445465

aesthetics, 452454

backstage television, 445454, 462464

camp as comic mode, 445446, 452457, 460464

insider material, 446447, 448456, 462464

production studies, 447449

queer television culture, 457462

safety in numbers, 454457

use of “queer” term, 458

visibility of media production, 2829

quiz show rights, 283284

quota quickies, 476

Raboy, Marc, 92

Rabwin, Marcella, 407

race and racism

children's television, 544545, 547, 550

community media production, 584

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 56

media ownership, 126127, 133, 137144

new capitalism, 162

visibility of media production, 14

young people, 528

Racial Order of Things, The (Mukherjee), 5

racialized labor, 117120

radical media, 587


community media production, 583, 585, 590591

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 2

media ownership, 132, 140

mediated performance, 361363

new capitalism, 155156

runaway productions, 473

Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 111, 112113, 121n, 485n

Radio–Keith–Orpheum (RKO) studio, 256

“Radio Talk” (Goffman), 368n

Radway, Janet, 219

Raina, R., 615

Rapleaf, 231

ratings wars, 382389, 391

RCA see Radio Corporation of America

realism, 26

reality television

mediated performance, 357362

national adaptations, 283284, 285286

programming practices, 202, 204

really simple syndication (RSS) feeds, 333

recognition of new practices, 338339

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), 6467, 73

reflexive writing, 434435


documentary television, 562563, 564

queer theory, 448, 450, 455, 459

refrigerator studies, 1

Reinventing Film Studies (Gledhill & Williams), 424


Hong Kong film industry, 502503

media ownership, 132133

postcolonial DRC, 299, 304305, 307309, 314315

remediation, 3

remix culture, 44, 5556

Rennie, Ellie, 31, 582600


interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 7

mediated performance, 347

military industrial media complex, 88, 92, 9495

queer theory, 448, 454455, 464

runaway productions, 469470

YouTube, 424425 (Sunstein), 217

repurposing, 195

reputation, 233236

re-regulation of governance, 49

reruns, 195

return on investment (ROI), 223

reward programs, 228229, 234

Reygadas, Luis, 606

Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), 301

Rhythm of the Saints, The (Simon), 164, 168n

RIAA see Recording Industry Association of America

Rich, B. Ruby, 257

Rich Media, Poor Democracy (McChesney), 129, 219

Richard, Bridgit, 431, 433, 439

Riding the Bullet (King), 181

Ring, The (film), 246

risk-taking, 492, 498

RKO see Radio–Keith–Orpheum

Robbins, Anthony, 568

Roberts, Catherine, 364

Robins, K., 84

Robles, Betty, 119

Roche, Maurice, 5455

rock ideology, 561

Rodríguez, Clemencia, 588

Roen, P., 457

ROI see return on investment

rolodexes, 332333

romance novels, 219

Roots of Change (documentary video), 517, 521, 526529

rosa telenovela format, 377378

Rose, N., 585

Ross, Andrew, 560

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 567

Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In, 455

royalties, 403

RSS see really simple syndication (RSS) feeds

Rudo y Cursi (film), 262

runaway productions, 466487

constructing Vancouver as Hollywood

North, 474480

international production ecology, 483484

Latin American film industry, 258259

media capitals and creative clusters, 480483

origin of term, 484485n

politics of space and place, 469474

Russia, 281, 287288, 290293

Ryfe, David Michael, 2526, 325344

Saatchi, Maurice and Charles, 221

SACA see San Antonio Cultural Arts

SACOM see Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior

Salongo group, 306307

Saludos Amigos (film), 259

Salvame Maria, 268269

sampling, 159160, 167n

Samuelson, Pamela, 62, 67

San Antonio Cultural Arts (SACA), 513, 516

Sanchez, Michel, 163

Sandoval, Marisol, 593594

Sarikakis, Katharine, 19, 4360

Sassen, Saskia, 67, 499

Saturday Night Live, 198

Savorelli, Antonio, 294

Scannell, Paddy, 363

Scharrer, Erica, 2, 89

Schechner, Richard, 348

Schiller, Daniel, 61, 68, 107, 110

Schiller, Herbert, 84, 242243, 250252

Schlesinger, Phillip, 328

Schor, Juliet, 604, 615

Schultz, Katherine, 518

scientific management, 406407

Scott, Allen, 480

Screen Actors Guild (SGA), 258

screen quotas, 269271

scripting, 355362, 368n

search engines, 223224

Searle, John, 335

SECAM standard, 108109, 121n

Secret in Their Eyes, The (film), 266

El secreto de sus ojos (film), 266

security, 569570, 575

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 453

Seeger, Anthony, 152

Seiter, Ellen, 136137, 513517, 525526

self-actualization, 568569

self-censorship, 430, 438439

self-esteem, 568

self-estrangement, 566, 567568

self-exploitation, 562, 564565, 593

self-expression, 431

self-interest, 333

self-publishing, 171173, 177185, 187

self-realization, 562, 565, 568570, 572576

self-reflexivity, 448, 450, 455, 459

semi-conductors, 607

sender–message–receiver (SMR) model, 603

Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 305

Sennett, Richard, 152154, 570

series concept rights, 283

Serious Leisure (Stebbins), 430

Sewell, William, 332

Sex, Shame and Tears (film), 262

Sexo, pudor y lagrimas (film), 262

sexuality, 536, 541, 551552

see also queer theory

SGA see Screen Actors Guild

Shall We Dance (film), 246

Shandling, Garry, 461

Shanghai Media Group (SMG), 249

Shapiro, Gary, 114

shared resources, 76

Sherman, Tom, 432, 434, 436, 439

Shi, Nansun, 501

Shimpach, Shawn, 23, 192214

Shirky, Clay, 326

shopping carts, 234

short message service (SMS), 202

Sigal, Leon, 328

Sigelman, Lee, 329

Silicon Border, 105, 107108, 114121, 612614

Siliwood, 96

Simon, Paul, 162164

sitcoms, 200

Skene, Wayne, 473

slugs, 349

slush piles, 174

Small Chicken, 307

Smallville, 205206

smart phones, 172

SMG see Shanghai Media Group

Smith, Doug, 335

SMR see sender–message–receiver (SMR)

SMS see short message service

Smythe, Dallas, 156, 220, 468

So, A. Y., 491

soap operas

national adaptations, 279, 283, 294

visibility of media production, 24

see also telenovelas

social affiliations, 584585

social capital, 136137

social inclusion, 544

social justice

children's television, 552554

community media production, 591592, 593

documentary television, 558559, 569

young people, 527528

social media

audience power, 235

Hong Kong film industry, 503

television, 196198

young people, 525526

social movements, 63

social theory, 557, 559, 568

social value, 573

socialism, 586587, 604605

socialization, 329330, 338

socially marginal status, 488, 490, 500503

society, performance, identity and, 364368

sociocultural factors

audience power, 235

children's television, 537, 538

governance, 4647

visibility of media production, 1516, 2830

socioeconomic factors, 23, 524525


documentary television, 557, 559560, 567

mediated performance, 346, 347

news production, 325, 326340

soft power, 83104

disciplinary dialogue and global security, 9599

and hard power, 9295, 99

implications of hard power/soft power binary, 94

information policy, 67, 68

Institute for Creative Technologies, 83, 85, 89, 9199

international relations, 83, 8689, 9293

media studies, 8489

military industrial media complex, 83, 8491

thinking with the MIM-plex, 8991

visibility of media production, 19

Sola Pool, Ithiel de, 133134, 137

Son of the Bride (film), 267268

Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, 6667

Sontag, Susan, 452453

Soper, K., 597

Sørenssen, Bjorn, 422

South African Broadcasting Act (1999), 589

South Korea, 241, 243244, 247248, 270

Spain, 271272, 287289, 291293

Sparrow, Bartholomew, 327

Spigel, Lynn, 448

Sreberny-Mohammadi, A., 250251

stabilization of governance, 49

staginess, 352353

Stahl, Matt, 560562

Staiger, Janet, 406407

stakeholder analysis, 61, 63, 7073

standardization, 502, 563

standards of excellence, 563

Stargate SG-1, 474, 477

state-controlled media, 377, 387

State of Youth Media Field Report (Dahl), 511512

stereotypes, 461, 512, 528, 540, 543, 547, 550

Stern, Howard, 461

Steve Allen Show, The, 456

storyboards, 356


multimedia, 326, 335

transmedia, 197

young people, 514517

Straayer, Chris, 455

Strangelove, Michael, 428

strategic segmentation, 230

Straubhaar, Joseph D., 284285

streamable media, 195196

street children, 383

stress, 570

structure in research, 1417

Student Youth Network (SYN), 590591

Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM), 609, 616

studio settings, 356359

stunt workers, 497498

stylistic exhibitionism, 196, 209


community media production, 584

documentary television, 561562, 564

subsidiary rights, 176

subventions, 178

Sunstein, Cass, 217, 219

Supernatural, 208

supply chain studies, 601602, 606612, 615616


audience power, 219

information policy, 63, 65

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 9

mediated performance, 365

sustainability, 615

Swagger, Rob, 414415

Swidler, Ann, 337

Swopes, Mel, 477

SYN see Student Youth Network (SYN)

Tagliavini, Gabriela, 262


cultural imperialism, 244

film industry, 495, 500

transcultural political economy, 115, 117

taken-for-grantedness, 329331

talkback radio, 583

talk-shows, 346, 350, 355359, 364

tantalize imperative (TV), 192, 209210

targeted personalization, 227, 232233

Taub-Pervizpour, Lora, 30, 509531

Tax Certificate Policies, 138


governance, 5051

Hong Kong film industry, 500

Latin American film industry, 259, 262263, 268

media ownership, 138

transcultural political economy, 117

Taylor, Timothy D., 21, 151170

Taylorism, 406407

teaching on YouTube, 420441

Team Detroit, 227228

technological sublime, 603605, 607

Technologies of Freedom: On Free Speech in an Electronic Age (Sola Pool), 133134

telecommunications, 107

Telecommunications Act (1996), 62

telenovelas, 268269

censorship, 372395

Chávez and the media, 377, 383384, 388389, 391

Cosita Rica

journey/flight metaphor, 380389

production, 378380

global markets, 278279

national adaptations, 277282, 286294

polarization, 377378, 390

production regime, 379

protagonists and secondary characters, 384385

ratings wars, 382389, 391

reality, crisis and television, 375378

reality and fiction, 381382, 387389

rosa and de ruptura formats, 377378

theoretical framework and methods, 373375

Venezuela's political crisis, 375377


anthropology and ethnography, 299309, 314316

broadcast rights, 282283

censorship, 372395

citizens in TV fiction and nationalism, 305307

comedy and the telenovela genre, 289291

cross-media expansion, 197, 203, 206

cultural proximity, 284286, 294295

distributed creation, 396, 397, 399404

dramaturgy and aesthetic styles, 291293

global licensing and production of Yo soy Betty, la fea, 280282

global market, 277279

hybrid formats, 286, 293295

imperatives, 192, 199211

tantalize, 192, 209210

tether, 192, 207208

translate, 192, 203207

travel, 192, 199203

international format trade, 279284

key scenarios, 299, 304309, 316

logistics of format marketing, 282284

media ownership, 126127

mediated performance, 346347, 351361, 363364

military industrial media complex, 84

narrative programming, 205207, 209

national adaptations, 277298

new capitalism, 157

palimpsests of culture, 315316

Pentecostal–Charismatic Christianity and, 299, 304305, 307309, 314315

postcolonial DRC, 299321

production of global formats, 284286

programming practices, 192214

queer theory, 445449, 451464

quiz show, game show, and reality show rights, 283284

runaway productions, 468469, 474, 477, 480484

series concept and format outline rights, 283

staging of main character, 287289

standards, 108109

transition period to digital, 109110, 120121

transnational flows, 309315

value of programs, 192193, 194199

visibility of media production, 22

see also children's television; community media production; digital television; documentary television

Television Without Frontiers, 78

television–Internet convergence, 106, 108, 110, 116

television-set production, 105125

televisuality, 193, 196, 209

tentpole TV, 399404, 411

Teo, Stephen, 491, 495496

Terranova, Tizziana, 220

tether imperative (TV), 192, 207208

textual analysis, 347348, 603

theater, 305306

They Say I'm a Communist (film), 256

third sector see community media production

third spaces, 518

30 Rock, 445446, 459, 461462, 464

33across, 231

This is Not Art festival, 593

Three Caballeros, The (film), 259

Three Cups of Tea (Mortenson), 188n

three-strikes laws, 72, 77

Thrift, Bigel, 478

Thunderbird Films, 481482

Tickner, J. Ann, 94

tie-in novels, 402403

Tiempo de valientes (film), 266

Tinic, Serra, 29, 466487

Tinkcom, Matthew, 459

Titanic (film), 263265, 607

Toffler, Alvin, 605

Tollman, V., 438

Tolson, Andrew, 364

totalitarianism, 489490

Towards a Sociology of Mass Communications (McQuail), 7

tracking data, 412416

tracking pixels, 223

Tracy M., 243244

Trade Expansion Act (1962), 107, 112113

Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 7273

training for media performance, 362364

Trainspotting (film), 481

transcultural political economy

environmental factors, 602, 612614

free-trade policies, 107108, 111115

labor markets, 107108, 111115, 117120, 602, 612614

maquiladora system, 107108, 114121

ramifications of high-tech manufacturing, 117120

standards, 105, 108111

television-set production, 105125

transformative culture, 5758, 97

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (film), 89

translate imperative (TV), 192, 203207

translation, 311, 494

transmedia labor, 399403

transmedia storytelling, 197

transnational flows, 309315

transnationalization of media production, 1819

cultural imperialism, 250251

Hong Kong film industry, 493494

runaway productions, 466487


environmental factors and labor markets, 612

governance, 53

Hong Kong film industry, 502

travel imperative (TV), 192, 199203

Treasure of the Sierra Madre (film), 263

triads, 501, 502

TRIPS see Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

Tsana, Tshitenge, 305306

Tuchman, Gaye, 328329

Tung, Chee-hwa, 499

turn scripting, 353354

Turner, Fred, 134

Turner, Graeme, 25

Turner, Michael, 404

Turner, Victor, 348

Turow, Joseph, 21, 22

Turow, Scott, 215238

Turse, Nick, 90

Tusberg, Harald, 367


news production, 337

television, 196, 198

typography, 422

Tyszka, Barrera, 390

ubiquity distribution, 201

Ugly Betty, 205, 277282, 286294

Ugly Duckling, The (Andersen), 282

UNESCO see United Nations Economic, Social, and Cultural Organization

Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA), 79n


distributed creation, 409410

environmental factors and labor markets, 612613

Hong Kong film industry, 493, 496498

runaway productions, 467468, 479

transcultural political economy, 111113

United Kingdom (UK), 589

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

governance, 44, 47

Latin American film industry, 270

visibility of media production, 23

United States Intellectual Property Enforcement Representative (USIPER), 67

United States Tariff Commission, 113

United States Trade Representative (USTR), 64, 66, 73

unsolicited manuscripts, 174

urban regeneration, 50

Urry, John, 153, 155, 562

Ursell, Gillian, 559560

user-generated media, 3, 235

USIPER see United States Intellectual Property Enforcement Representative

USTR see United States Trade Representative

Vaidhyanathan, Siva, 56, 217

Valdivia, Angharad N., 110

Van Dijck, Jose, 220

Vancouver see Canadian film industry

vanity publishing, 173, 177178, 187

Vanstrom, Eric, 398399, 410416

Variety, 203

Varis, Tapio, 243

VCD see video compact discs

VCR see video cassette recorders

VDM Publishing Group, 186187

Vélez, Lupe, 256

Venezuela, 372395

Viacom, 249

video, 515, 517529

see also YouTube

video cassette recorders (VCR), 196

video compact discs (VCD), 312

video on demand (VOD), 78, 196

Video Vortex Reader (Lovink & Niederer), 434

videoblogs, 431432


cultural imperialism, 248

military industrial media complex, 8586, 9193, 98

military investment, 1920

Vietnam, 244

viral citizen journalism, 2425

viral marketing, 412

visibility of media production, 1339

cultural industries, 2022

ethics of production, 3032

organization of production, 2022

producing the field, 33

product and content flows, 2325

production cultures, 2730

production regimes and infrastructures, 1820

production work and practices, 2527

structure and agency in research, 1417

zeitgeist for media production, 1718

Visible World, 233

visual media, 302

visual writing, 436437

Viswanathan, Kaavya, 186, 188n

Las Voces de la Maquila, 613

VOD see video on demand

Vogel, Harold, 414


children's television, 545546

young people, 509511, 518, 521523

voice-over narration

mediated performance, 349

national adaptations, 291292

telenovelas, 383384

voyeurism, 430

Wallerstein, I., 244

war on terror, 8990, 9192

Warde, Alan, 334

Washington Consensus, 66, 78

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE), 608, 610611

Watkins, Melville, 473

We Care: A Video for Care Providers of People Affected by AIDS, 423424

Weakest Link, 204

Wealth of Networks, The (Benkler), 217

Web 2.0, 426427, 438

web beacons, 223, 227

weblogs see blogosphere

WEEE see Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive

Weekly Variety, 89

Weiner, Norbert, 134

welfare state, 127128

Whiteside, Thomas, 176, 187188n

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, 279, 283284

Whole Earth Catalog (Weiner & Brand), 134

Why Voice Matters: Culture and Politics after Neoliberalism (Couldry), 509511

Wiese, 356358, 357

WikiLeaks, 3031

Wikipedia, 136, 188

Will and Grace, 454

Williams, Raymond

community media production, 587588, 594, 597

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 9

television, 193, 195, 209

visibility of media production, 14, 27

Wings (film), 89

WIPO see World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Wired, 62, 400

witchcraft, 309, 310315

With Our Own Voices, 546

Wizards of the Lost Kingdom, 265

Wohl, R. Richard, 366

Wolf, David, 401402

word-of-mouth, 412

word-reliant styles, 427, 432

work–life balance, 570, 574575

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 67, 72

world music, 159, 161167

styles, 165

World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), 23, 4748

World Trade Organization (WTO)

cultural imperialism, 249

governance, 46, 47

information policy, 62, 63, 78

Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), 516

Wright, Susan, 302303

writers' rooms, 397398

Writing Superheroes: Contemporary Childhood, Popular Culture, and Classroom Literacy (Dyson), 516

WSIS see World Summit on the Information Society

WTO see World Trade Organization

WWE see Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment

Wyatt, Justin, 22

X-Factor, The, 202

X-Files, The, 476477

Y tu mamá también (film), 260261

Yahoo, 224

Yo soy Betty, la fea, 277282, 286294

see also national adaptations

Young, Iris Marion, 584

young people

a call to action, 521523

agents of change, 524

community media production, 582, 590592

documentary television, 560

frames of reference, 511517

Healthy Youth Peer Education program (HYPE), 510511, 517529

information policy, 75

interdisciplinary nature of media studies, 7

intro to Roots of Change video, 526529

negotiations, 523526

participatory culture, 525526

power and powerlessness behind the camera, 518, 518521, 522

production cultures, 509531

socioeconomic factors, 524525

visibility of media production, 31

voice, 509511, 518, 521523

YouthWorx Media, 591592


amateur writing, 431433

book publishing, 185

censored and copyright writing, 438439

chaotic writing, 437

committed media, 421422

community media production, 583, 594595

control writing, 437438

convergence writing, 435436

entertainment writing, 433434

forms of writing, 426439

hack styles, 428

illustrated summary styles, 427428

isolated writing, 430431

limits of architecture, 426427, 436, 438439

mirroring the classroom, 430

public writing, 428430

reflexive writing, 434435

technology and equipment, 424425

television, 201

theory and practice, 420424

visibility of media production, 2627

visual writing, 436437

word-reliant styles, 427, 432

writing and teaching with digital video, 420441

Ytreberg, Espen, 2627, 345371

Z Magazine, 593594

Zambia, 301

Zelizer, Barbie, 348349

Zenith Media, 221222

Zeta, 388

Zimbabwe, 301

zines, 592593

Zoellner, Anna, 3132, 557581

Zucker, Jeff, 401

Zyrd, Michael, 423

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