Chapter 23

Rendering 3D Drawings

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use rendering tools in the Autodesk® AutoCAD® software to produce rendered still images of your 3D models. With these tools, you can add materials, control lighting, and even add landscaping and people to your models. You also have control over the reflectance and transparency of objects, and you can add bitmap backgrounds to help set the mood.


AutoCAD LT® 2014 doesn’t support any of the features described in this chapter.

In this chapter, you will learn to:

  • Simulate the sun
  • Use materials
  • Create effects using materials and lights
  • Apply and adjust texture maps
  • Understand the rendering options
  • Add cameras for better view control
  • Print your renderings
  • Simulate natural light

Testing the Waters

Before we get into the main exercise in this chapter, let’s first take a peek at what’s possible with the AutoCAD rendering tools. This exercise will give you a chance to see how you can quickly obtain a rendered view of a 3D model and how easily you can add materials to objects.

The first file that you’ll work with in this section is simply a collection of primitive shapes in a random arrangement. You’ll use the Render command to view the file without any materials, and then you’ll add a few materials to get familiar with the Materials Browser and see how it can be used to create a more lifelike rendering. Start by opening a sample file and render it as is.

1. Turn on the Selection Cycling tool in the status bar. You’ll need it in some of the later exercises.
2. Make sure 3D Modeling is selected in the Workspace drop-down list in the upper-left corner of the AutoCAD window.
3. If you don’t see the Materials Browser to the right of the AutoCAD window, open it by selecting the Materials Browser tool from the Render tab’s Materials panel (see Figure 23-1).

Figure 23-1 The Materials Browser tool and the Render tool

4. Open Rendering_example_raw.dwg from this chapter’s project folder at the book’s web page,
5. Choose the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel (see Figure 23-1).
6. The Render window opens and takes a moment to produce the rendered view (see Figure 23-2).

Figure 23-2 The Render window with the rendered view


All of the objects in the view are rendered using the default Global material. You can see a sample of this material at the top of the Materials Browser (see Figure 23-3).

Now try adding a material to the sphere:

1. Take a look at the Materials Browser, shown in Figure 23-3. If you don’t see the Autodesk Library and Favorites listed, click the pull-down button on the far right just below the sample images at the top, and choose Show Library Tree. This opens a list of material categories on the left side of the Materials Browser.
2. Click the arrowhead to the left of the Autodesk Library heading, and then scroll down the list and select Metal. A set of materials is displayed in the panel to the right of the list.
3. From the list on the right, locate Brass – Polished.

Figure 23-3 The Materials Browser

4. Click and drag the Brass – Polished material from the list to the sphere in the drawing area. You’ll notice that the sphere changes color to indicate its new material. Brass – Polished also appears at the top of the Materials Browser.
5. Click the Render tool again to see the result.

You now see that the sphere appears to be made of polished brass in the rendered view. In this exercise, you applied a material by clicking and dragging it to an object.

Now add a few more materials using a slightly different method:

1. Click the cylinder to the far left of the drawing area to select it. If you have Selection Cycling turned on and the Selection dialog box appears, choose 3D Solid from the Selection dialog box. Make sure that nothing else is selected.
2. In the Materials Browser, scroll down the list of materials on the right-side panel to locate Chrome – Polished.
3. Right-click Chrome – Polished, and then click Assign To Selection to apply it to the cylinder.
4. Press the Esc key to clear your selection.
5. Click the foreground of the 3D model to select the rectangle that defines the “ground,” as shown in Figure 23-4.
6. Back in the Materials Browser, scroll up the list on the left side to locate and select Fabric.
7. In the panel to the right, locate and double-click Plaid 1. Doing so applies the Plaid 1 material to the “ground” and opens the Materials Editor for that material. Close the editor.

Figure 23-4 Click the foreground surface to select it.

8. Click the Render tool again.
9. Once you’ve had a chance to look at the rendering, close the Rendering_example_raw.dwg file without saving it.

After rendering the view in step 8, you should see the Plaid 1 material of the foreground reflected in the brass sphere and chrome cylinder (see Figure 23-5). The added materials give the rendered view a more realistic appearance.

This brief introduction to materials and rendering shows you some of the potential of these tools. In the rest of the chapter, you’ll get an in-depth view of the many ways you can control the appearance of rendered views from your 3D models.

Using Selection Cycling
In this chapter, you’ll use the Selection Cycling tool to help you select the right object in a 3D environment. It enables you to filter through objects that AutoCAD might otherwise accidentally select. For example, if you are working in a wireframe visual style and you want to select a polyline that is clearly visible but behind a 3D solid, Selection Cycling will bring up the Selection dialog box, which will allow you to choose the object from a list of objects that AutoCAD detects. Without Selection Cycling, AutoCAD will pick the first object it encounters, like the solid that is in front of the polyline.

Figure 23-5 The rendered view with additional materials


Creating a Quick Study Rendering

Throughout the rest of this chapter, you’ll work with a 3D model that was created using the 3D modeling tools. The model is of two buildings on a street corner. You’ll start by using the default rendering settings to get a quick view of what you have at the start:

1. Open the facade.dwg file and then select 3DFront from the Views flyout on the View tab’s Views panel.
2. Click the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel.
3. The Render window appears, and you see the rendering generated in the Render window display (see Figure 23-6).

The Render window displays the render settings in a column to the right. At the bottom of the window, you see the name that AutoCAD gives to the rendering as well as the rendering resolution in pixels, the time it took, and the preset that was used for the rendering. You’ll learn more about these options later in this chapter.

Figure 23-6 The Render window with the facade drawing


Simulating the Sun

AutoCAD allows you to create several types of light sources. If you don’t add a light source, AutoCAD uses a default lighting source that has no particular direction or characteristic. The rendering you just did uses the default lighting to show your model.

You can add a point light that behaves like a lightbulb, a spotlight, or a directed light that behaves like a distant light source such as the sun. AutoCAD also offers a sunlight option that can be set for the time of the year and the hour of the day. This sunlight option is especially important for shadow studies in architectural models.

Setting Up the Sun

Let’s add the sun to the model to give a better sense of the building’s form and relationship to its site. Setting the location will require you to be logged in to your Autodesk 360 account in order to use the Autodesk Maps Service. Log in by clicking the Sign In button in the information center at the top of the screen. If you don’t have an account, you can create one for free. Let’s make sure the sun is set up for your location:

1. Select Top from the Views flyout in the View tab’s Views panel so you can set the geographic location in a plan view.
2. Click the Sun Status tool in the Render tab’s Sun & Location panel to make sure it is on (see Figure 23-7).

Figure 23-7 The tools available on the Render tab

You may see a message box warning you that the default lighting must be turned off when other lights are used; click Turn Off The Default Lighting.
3. Click the Set Location tool in the Render tab’s Sun & Location panel (see Figure 23-8).

Figure 23-8 Click the Set Location tool in the Sun & Location panel.

4. You’ll have two options: From Map and From File. Select the From Map option. The Geographic Location dialog box appears (see Figure 23-9).

Figure 23-9 Choose your location.

5. Click the search field at the top of the dialog box and type in the name of the city you want to locate.
6. For the sake of this exercise, we’ll suppose the Facade model is a building in San Francisco, California. Type that in the search box and click the search button (the magnifying glass) or press the Enter key.
7. Locate and select San Francisco, CA, in the results area and then click Drop Marker Here. The Latitude and Longitude boxes at the bottom of the Geographic Location dialog box change to reflect the location of San Francisco.
8. Click Continue in the Geographic Location dialog box.
9. Pick the location in your drawing that will reflect the latitude and longitude coordinates you just determined through the Geographic Location tool. That point in your file will represent the selected latitude and longitude coordinates. This allows you to geographically locate the 3D model of your design into a real-world aerial map view. For the sake of this exercise, click anywhere in the drawing.
10. Now determine which direction is North. Type 90 to make north at the top of the screen. Press Enter.
The Geolocation Ribbon tab will be made current.
11. Turn off the aerial map by clicking Geolocation ⇒ Map Tools ⇒ Map Aerial ⇒ Map Off.
That big red dot in the center of your screen is the location marker. We don’t need that for this exercise. Turn it off by going to the status bar at the bottom of the screen and clicking the Geographic Marker Visibility button, the icon that looks like a pushpin. This toggles the indicator off or on.

Next, you need to set the date and time of day for the rendering. Once you’ve set the location, you can enter information about the sun’s location in the sky. The sun’s location is dependent on the time of year and the time of day you wish to simulate. Follow these steps:

1. Click the Sun Properties tool in the Render tab’s Sun & Location panel title bar. It looks like an arrow at the far right side of the title bar.
2. In the Date box of the Sun Properties palette, enter 9/21/2013if it’s not already set.
3. Click in the Time box of the Sun Properties palette, and select 3:00 p.m. from the drop-down list (see Figure 23-10).

Figure 23-10 Select the time from the drop-down list.

4. Close the Sun Properties palette, and then click the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel. The Render window appears and begins to create a new rendering with the sunlight option turned on, similar to Figure 23-11.

Figure 23-11 The rendering with the sun turned on


Now that you’ve added the sun, you can see the shadows that the sunlight casts. You can turn off the shadows for the sun if you prefer, but they’re on by default.

Setting a Location Without an Autodesk 360 Account
You can set your geographic location for sun studies without an Autodesk 360 account. Use the From Map option but do not log in to your Autodesk 360 account. You can’t choose from a map or search for a city. You have to enter in the latitude and longitude coordinates of your project manually.
A second method is to set the location by using the From File option. If you have a KMZ or KML file for your project, you can load it to determine the location for your project.

Setting Polar North

If you’re including the sun as a light source in a drawing in order to run shade studies, it’s essential to orient your drawing accurately. To set the direction of polar north in your drawing, you have to do so when setting up the geographic location. If you need to change where north is, you will have to reset the geographic location. Click Geolocation ⇒ Location ⇒ Edit Location ⇒ From Map. Go through the process of finding your location and inserting the proper coordinates as you did in the previous exercise. The last step of this process is where you will be able to set the north direction (see Figure 23-12).

Figure 23-12 Set the north direction by entering the angle.


Improving the Smoothness of Circles and Arcs
Here is an issue that readers are constantly asking us about. You may notice that, at times, when you’re using the Render, Hide, or Shade tool, the edges of solids or region arcs appear segmented rather than curved. This may be fine for producing layouts or backgrounds for hand-rendered drawings, but for final plots, you want arcs and circles to appear as smooth curves. You can adjust the accuracy of arcs in your hidden, rendered, or shaded views using a setting in the Options dialog box.
You can modify the Rendered Object Smoothness setting in the Display tab of the Options dialog box to improve the smoothness of arcs. Its default value is 0.5, but you can increase this value to as high as 10 to smooth out faceted curves. In the facade.dwg model, you can set Rendered Object Smoothness to 1.5 to render the arch in the entry as a smooth arc instead of a series of flat segments. You can also adjust this setting by using the Facetres system variable.

By using this setting, you can set polar north in one of the following ways:

  • Directly in the dynamic input box or on the command line, enter a value that indicates an angle away from the horizon line. A positive value sets north counterclockwise from the right side of your screen, whereas a negative value sets it clockwise.
  • With Dynamic Input on, press the Tab key to adjust the angle. Use your cursor to indicate the direction based on the insertion point.

Adding a Distant Light

The rendering gives you a fairly accurate idea of how the shadows will fall. This may be all you need if you’re doing a shadow study. For example, you can render a plan view of a 3D model to see where the shadow will fall on a street or a neighboring building, as shown in Figure 23-13.

Figure 23-13 A series of simple renderings showing the way shadows fall from a set of buildings


But the current rendering needs more attention in order to show the building detail. One problem is that the shadows are too dark and hide some of the building’s features. To bring out those features, you’ll add ambient light.

In the real world, a good deal of light is reflected from the ground. You can simulate that reflected light by adding a distant light that shines from below the model. A distant light is like a cross between a point light and a spotlight. The sun is a point source of light, but it’s so far away that its rays are essentially parallel (see Figure 23-14). A distant light behaves in a similar way. It has a point location, yet its light rays are parallel.

Figure 23-14 A distant light is a source whose light rays are parallel, much like the sun’s rays.


A distant light pointing up and toward the buildings can simulate reflected light from the ground; in the following set of exercises, you’ll add a directed light to do just that. In the process, you’ll see how you can quickly switch from a single view to a multiviewport view using tools in the View tab’s Viewports panel:

1. In the View tab’s Views panel, click the Views flyout and select Left (see Figure 23-15).

Figure 23-15 The Left option on the Views flyout

2. Go back to the Render tab and click Distant from the Create Light flyout in the Render tab’s Lights panel (see Figure 23-16) or enter Distantlight↵. You may receive a notification regarding displaying sunlight in a viewport. Follow the recommended setting.

Figure 23-16 Select Distant from the Create Light flyout.

3. At the Specify light direction FROM <0,0,0> or [Vector]: prompt, click below the model, as shown in Figure 23-17.

Figure 23-17 Add the distant light as shown in the lower-left viewport.

4. At the Specify light direction TO <1,1,1>: prompt, click a point to indicate an upward direction that is leaning toward the buildings, as shown in Figure 23-17.
5. At the Enter an option to change [Name/Intensity/Status/shadoW/Color/eXit] <eXit>: prompt, press ↵ to exit the distant light command.

In step 1, you were directed to select Left from the Views flyout. You could also arrive at the left-side view by using the ViewCube®. The difference is that the Views flyout option also changes the UCS to the plane of the left view, allowing you to place the distant light in the appropriate orientation. In fact, all the orthogonal view options on the Views flyout will change the UCS to the plane of the view. The ViewCube does not affect the UCS.

Now that you’ve added the distant light, go back to the view you want to render. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Click the Views flyout arrowhead in the Views tab’s Views panel.
2. Select the 3DFRONT option in the flyout.

You’ve just added a distant light, and even though it isn’t visible, you can access it through the Lights In Model tool. In the next exercise, you’ll see how you can control the intensity of the distant light through the Lights In Model tool:

1. Click the Lights In Model tool in the Render tab’s Lights panel. It is the small arrow at the far right side of the Lights panel title bar (see Figure 23-18). Or you can enter Lightlist↵. The Lights In Model palette appears.

Figure 23-18 Click the Lights In Model tool to open the Lights In Model palette.

2. Double-click Distantlight1 in the list. The Properties palette appears, displaying the properties of the distant light you just added.
3. Locate the Intensity Factor setting in the General group of the Properties palette and change the value to 0.5.
4. Locate the Shadows setting and turn it off.
5. Close the Properties palette and the Lights In Model palette.
6. Click the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel. Your rendering now shows more natural-looking shadows on the building to the left, as shown in Figure 23-19.

Figure 23-19 The model rendered with the distant light added


Using Materials

The rendering methods you’ve learned so far can be of enormous help in your design effort. Simply being able to see how the sun affects your design can help sell your ideas or move plans through a tough planning-board review. But the look of the building is still somewhat cartoonish. You can further enhance the rendering by adding materials to the objects in your model.

Adjusting the Global Material

AutoCAD uses a default material, called Global, for objects in a drawing that don’t have a specific material assigned to them. The Global material is just like other materials you could use in your drawing, but it’s set up in a way that is as generic as possible to produce simple renderings. For example, the Global material uses the object’s color to determine the rendered color.

As an introduction to materials, try the following exercise. You’ll change the Global material so that it applies a specific color to objects when they’re rendered rather than relying on the object’s color:

1. If you don’t see the Materials Browser on the right side of the AutoCAD window, click the Materials Browser tool in the Render tab’s Materials panel.
2. Double-click the Global sample swatch that is displayed at the top of the Materials Browser (see Figure 23-20).

Figure 23-20 Double-click the Global material sample swatch.

The Materials Editor appears as shown in Figure 23-21. At the top, you see a sample image of the current default material, which is the Global material. This is a default material that is applied to everything in the drawing that doesn’t already have a material assignment.

Figure 23-21 The Materials Editor showing a sample image of the Global material

3. Click the flyout icon to the far right of the Color by Object option and then select Color (see Figure 23-22). The Color option changes to show the RGB value for the color.
4. Click the RGB 0 0 0 option that now appears in the Color option text box. The Select Color dialog box appears.
5. Select the True Color tab if it isn’t already selected, and then move the Luminance slider up until the Luminance value is set to 94 (see Figure 23-23).

Figure 23-22 Click the flyout icon.


Figure 23-23 Set the Luminance slider to 94.

6. Click OK to close the Select Color dialog box.
7. Click the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel. This time, you see a monochrome image in the Render window (see Figure 23-24).

Figure 23-24 Rendering your image in grays


You’ve just changed the color of the global material to off-white. Everything in the model now appears in shades of gray because, so far, the only material in the model is the global one.

Creating a New Material and Changing Its Properties

Two of the most glaring problems in the rendering are the black background and the white glass in the building. You’ll learn how to add a background later. First, you’ll tackle the glass.

AutoCAD comes with several glass and glazing materials that you could use for this model. However, to get a closer look at how materials work, you’re now going to create a glass material from scratch. This will give you a chance to become familiar with the Materials Editor:

1. Click the Creates Or Duplicates A Material flyout icon in the bottom-left corner of either the Materials Editor or the Materials Browser (see Figure 23-25).

Figure 23-25 The Creates Or Duplicates A Material tool

2. Select New Generic Material from the list that appears.
3. In the Name input box, replace the default generic name with Glass1.

You’ve just created a new material and given it a name. To make this new Glass1 material appear as glass, you need to make some adjustments. You can make a material translucent or transparent, give it color, and even have it glow with self-illumination. You’ll start by giving your new material a set of predefined values that will provide the basis for your glass:

1. In the Generic panel of the Materials Editor, click the Color value (RGB 80 80 80) to open the Select Color dialog box.
2. Move the Luminance slider up to set the Luminance value to 60, and then click OK.
3. Back in the Generic panel of the Materials Editor, change the Glossiness value to 100 (see Figure 23-26). This gives the glass a perfectly smooth appearance. A lower value will cause the glass to appear frosted.

Figure 23-26 The settings for your new Glass1 material

4. Click the arrowhead to the left of the Transparency option in the lower part of the editor (see Figure 23-26).
5. Click the box next to the word Transparency to activate this feature.
6. Change the Amount value from 30 to 75. This makes the material more transparent.
7. To get a preview of your material, click the flyout arrow at bottom right of the thumbnail preview image and select Glass Curtain Wall.

You’ve set up your material. The next step is to apply it to the glass in the model. You might have noticed that when you created the Glass1 material, its sample image appeared in the Materials Browser. You can now add this material to objects in your model just as you did in the first exercise in this chapter.

To add the Glass1 material to the glass curtain wall of the building, do the following:

1. Click on the glass in the model to select it. It’s the blue object in the square building (see Figure 23-27).

Figure 23-27 Selecting the glass

2. If you see the Selection dialog box, click the Surface (Extrusion) option (see Figure 23-28).

Figure 23-28 Selecting Surface (Extrusion) in the Selection dialog box

3. Click the Glass1 swatch in the Materials Browser to assign Glass1 to the selected object.
4. Click the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel. The building on the right now has the glass exterior.

Using Ready-Made Material Types
When you first started to make your glazing material, you may have noticed an option called Glazing in the Creates Or Duplicates A Material list (see Figure 23-25). The Glazing option is set up with most of the glazing features already built into AutoCAD. With the Glazing option, you only need to set the color and reflectance. AutoCAD offers a wide range of predefined “base” materials on which you can build your own materials.

Adding a Background

You may have noticed the Reflectivity option in the Materials Editor and guessed that it lets you set how much of the surrounding scene a material will reflect. In this next exercise, you’ll add a background to the model and turn on the Reflectivity option for the glass to add a bit more realism to the rendered view:

1. Select View Manager from the View tab’s Views panel. The View Manager dialog box appears (see Figure 23-29).

Figure 23-29 Select View Manager from the Views panel.

2. Click the New button. The New View / Shot Properties dialog box appears (see Figure 23-30).
3. Enter My 3D View in the View Name input box and select World from the UCS drop-down list.

Figure 23-30 The New View / Shot Properties dialog box

4. In the Background group toward the bottom of the dialog box, select Image from the drop-down list. The Background dialog box appears (see Figure 23-31).

Figure 23-31 Choose your background image.

5. In the Image Options group, click the Browse button.
6. Make sure Files Of Type is set to JFIF (*.jpg, *.jpeg), browse to the Chapter 23 sample file folder, and select and open the sky.jpg file.
7. Click the Adjust Image button to open the Adjust Background Image dialog box (see Figure 23-32).

Figure 23-32 Size and position your background.

8. The sky.jpg file appears in the sample panel. Select Stretch from the Image Position drop-down list. The image expands to fill the sample panel area.
9. Click OK in all the dialog boxes until you get to the View Manager.
10. In the View Manager, select My 3D View from the list to the left and then click the Set Current button.
11. Click OK to exit the View Manager. The background appears in the drawing area.
12. Render the view to see the results. You should have something that looks similar to Figure 23-33.

Figure 23-33 The rendered model with a background added


Next, turn on the Reflectivity option for your Glass1 material to have the glass reflect the background that you have just added:

1. If the Materials Editor is not open, double-click the Glass1 swatch in the Materials Browser.
2. Click the check box next to the Reflectivity option to turn it on and display its options, as shown in Figure 23-34.

Figure 23-34 The Reflectivity option

3. Click the Direct input box that shows 50 and change the value to 40.
4. Render the view to see the result. You should have something that looks similar to Figure 23-35.

Figure 23-35 The model rendered with the Glass1 Reflectivity setting turned on


As you can see, the glass now reflects the sky background, creating a more realistic appearance. The Direct setting adjusts how much of the surrounding scene the glass reflects when your view is directly in front of the surface. The Oblique setting lets you control the reflection when your view is at a steeper angle to the surface.

Creating Effects Using Materials and Lights

Up to now, you’ve used only two light sources: a distant light and the sun. Two other light sources are available to help simulate light: point-light sources and spotlights. The following sections will show you some examples of how to use these types of light sources—along with some imagination—to perform any number of visual tricks.

The office building on the right half of the rendering is still a bit cold looking. It’s missing a sense of activity. You may notice that when you look at glass office buildings, you can frequently see the ceiling lights from the exterior of the building—provided the glass isn’t too dark. In a subtle way, those lights lend a sense of life to a building.

Adding a Self-Illuminated Material

To help improve the image, you’ll add some ceiling lights to the office building. We’ve already supplied the lights in the form of square 3D faces arrayed just at the ceiling level of each floor, as shown in Figure 23-36. In this section, you’ll learn how to make the ceiling lights appear illuminated.

Figure 23-36 The 3D Face squares representing ceiling light fixtures


Follow these steps to assign a reflective white material to the ceiling fixtures:

1. Click the Create Material tool in the Materials Editor and select New Generic Material.
2. Enter Ceiling Light in the Name box.
3. Click the Self Illumination check box to turn on this feature and expand its panel.
4. Click the Luminance list that shows Dim Glow and select Custom (see Figure 23-37). As you can see, you have a set of predefined illumination options.

Figure 23-37 Select Custom from the Luminance list.

5. Set the Luminance value to 1. You want only the slightest glow from fixtures to make them visible.

Using Procedural Maps
Procedural maps are texture maps that are derived mathematically rather than from a bitmap image. The advantage of a procedural map is that it gives a more natural representation of a material. For example, if you cut a notch out of a box that uses a wood procedural map, the notch appears correctly with the appropriate wood grain. Do the same for a box that uses a bitmap texture map and the grain doesn’t appear correctly. With a bitmap texture map, the same image is placed on all four sides of the box, so cuts don’t show the grain properly.
AutoCAD offers several types of procedural maps. You can select them from the Image flyout of the Materials Editor for generic materials or the Color flyout for some of the other types of materials, such as ceramic, concrete, masonry, plastic, stone, and wood.
If you select a procedural map, the Texture Editor palette opens and offers options that let you control the map’s properties. You can set the color and grain thickness of wood or the vein spacing and width of marble. These options let you customize a texture to your specifications. You may want to experiment with these settings on your own to see how they affect the appearance of an object.
Procedural maps aren’t affected by the material map of an object. (See “Applying and Adjusting Texture Maps” later in this chapter.) Also, they don’t appear in the Realistic visual style like other texture maps. You must render your view to see the results of a procedural map.

Assigning Materials by Layer

You’ve just created a self-illuminated material. The next step is to assign the material to the ceiling lights in the model. So far, you’ve applied materials to objects one at a time, but it would be too time-consuming to have to select each light individually. You can assign materials to layers, which can save time as long as you’ve organized your model into layers that represent materials.

In the Facade drawing, we’ve already set up some layers for you. The ceiling lights are on a layer called CLGLITE. The next exercise shows you how to apply a material to a layer:

1. Click the Attach By Layer tool in the Render tab’s expanded Materials panel (see Figure 23-38). The Material Attachment Options dialog box appears. You see a list of materials on the left and a list of layers on the right.

Figure 23-38 Clicking the Attach By Layer tool allows you to assign materials to layers.

2. Click and drag Ceiling Light from the left panel to the CLGLITE item in the right panel. The name Ceiling Light appears next to the CLGLITE layer name along with an X.
3. While you’re here, click and drag Glass1 from the left panel to the DKGLASS and GLASS layers in the right panel.
4. Click OK to exit the dialog box.
5. Render your view. The lights appear in the ceiling of each of the floors (see Figure 23-39).

In the previous exercise, you created a self-illuminated material that, when assigned to an object, appeared to glow. You then added this material to the ceiling lights in the model. This self-illuminated material doesn’t actually produce light in the model, however. To do that, you’ll have to add light objects such as distant lights or spotlights.

Figure 23-39 The lights appear in the ceilings of the building to the right.


Simulating a Night Scene with Spotlights

Spotlights are lights that can be directed and focused on a specific area. They’re frequently used to provide emphasis and are usually used for interior views or product presentations. In this exercise, you’ll set up a night view of the Facade model by using spotlights to illuminate the facade.

You’ll start by setting up a view to help place the spotlights. You’ll save this view because you’ll be going back to it several times:

1. Select Temp from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel, and then select SE Isometric from the 3D Navigation drop-down list. By selecting the Temp option, you switch to a view that doesn’t have the sky background. This helps to keep your view less cluttered.
2. If it isn’t already on the screen, open the ViewCube; right-click the ViewCube, and select Parallel (see Figure 23-40).

Figure 23-40 Select Parallel from the ViewCube’s context menu.

3. Adjust your view so it looks similar to Figure 23-41.

Figure 23-41 Set up your view to look similar to this, and then add the spotlight.

4. Select View Manager from the bottom of the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel.
5. In the View Manager, click the New button.
6. In the New View/Shot Properties dialog box (see Figure 23-42), enter SE Isometric Wireframe for the name and click OK.
7. Click OK in the View Manager.
8. Select SE Isometric Wireframe from the 3D Navigation drop-down list on the Home tab’s View panel. If you can’t see the full name of the view, hover over the names in the list and the full name will appear.

Now you’re ready to add the lights:

1. Click the Spot tool from the Create Light flyout in the Render tab’s Lights panel (see Figure 23-43), or enter spotlight↵ at the Command prompt.
2. At the Specify source location <0,0,0>: prompt, click the point shown in Figure 23-41. Don’t use osnaps because you don’t want the light to be placed accidentally below the ground plane. You don’t have to be exact, but the idea is to place the spotlight in front of the windows on the right side of the entrance to the building.
3. At the Specify target location <0,0,-10>: prompt, use the Midpoint osnap and select the bottom of the window sill of the upper window, as shown in Figure 23-41 earlier. You see the prompt
Enter an option to change
[Name/Intensity/Status/Hotspot/Falloff/shadoW/Attenuation/Color/eXit] <eXit>:

Figure 23-42 Enter a view name.


Figure 23-43 Choose Spot from the Create Light flyout.

4. Press ↵ to accept the default settings. You can always change the optional settings for the light using the Properties palette.
5. Copy the spotlight you just created to the location shown in Figure 23-44. You can use the spotlight target to copy from the midpoint of one window sill to the other.

Figure 23-44 Copy the spotlight to this location.

6. You’re trying to produce a nighttime rendering, so turn off the sun by clicking the Sun Status tool in the Render tab’s Sun & Location panel.
7. Return to the original view by choosing 3DFRONT from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the View tab’s Views panel (see Figure 23-45).

Figure 23-45 Select 3DFRONT from the 3D Navigation drop-down list.

8. Click the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel to see the results of your spotlight addition. Your rendering will look similar to Figure 23-46.

Adding lights to your rendering will enhance it tremendously. Spotlights concentrate the illumination of objects just as a spotlight in the real world would do. Use them as in our exercise to highlight the outside of a building, to brighten up a dark area of a room, or to have an object stand out.

Figure 23-46 The rendered view of the model with the spotlights


Adding a Point Light

A few things still need to be added to improve this rendering. You can adjust the spotlight so that it casts light over a wider area. You can also add a light in the entrance so it isn’t quite so dark. The next section will show you how to make adjustments to your spotlight. First, you’ll add a point light to obtain a different lighting effect:

1. Return to the view you used to add the spotlights by choosing SE Isometric Wireframe from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel.
2. Select the Point tool from the Create Light flyout on the Render tab’s Lights panel (see Figure 23-47) or enter Pointlight↵.

Figure 23-47 Select the Point tool from the Create Light flyout.

3. At the Specify source location <0,0,0>: prompt, Shift+right-click and select Center. Then select the arch over the entrance, as shown in Figure 23-48, to place the point light.

Figure 23-48 Select the center of the arch.

4. At the prompt
Enter an option to change [Name/Intensity/Status/shadoW/
Attenuation/Color/eXit] <eXit>:
press ↵ to accept the default settings for the point light.
5. The point light appears as a spherical glyph in the archway of the building.

A point light doesn’t target an area as a spotlight does. It illuminates everything around it. Placing one here will brighten up the entrance of the building. The glow of the light will look like it is coming from the archway.

Editing Lights

You’ve added the point light. Before you see the results in a rendering, you’ll also change the spread of the spotlights. In this exercise, you’ll edit the properties of the spotlight. Not all lights have the same properties, but the basic process for editing all lights is the same:

1. Click the two spotlights, and then right-click and choose Properties. The Properties palette appears. If you see the Selection dialog box, select Light from the list.
2. Look for the Falloff Angle setting in the General section of the palette, and change the value from 50 to 90. Notice how the falloff cone changes in the drawing (see Figure 23-49).
3. Close the Properties palette.

Easy Access to All the Lights
You can also access the properties of lights by clicking the Lights In Model tool in the Render tab’s Lights panel title bar (the Lightlist command) and then, from the Lights In Model palette, selecting the lights whose properties you want to adjust. Right-click and select Properties. This method is useful if your light glyphs are turned off.

Figure 23-49 Adjust the falloff of the spotlight.

4. Return to the original view by choosing 3DFRONT from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel.
5. Click the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel to see the results of your spotlight addition. Your rendering will look similar to Figure 23-50.

Figure 23-50 The rendered view of the model with the spotlights modified and the point light added


In step 2, you saw a list of options for the spotlight. Many of these options are available when you first insert the light; they appear as command-line options. Often, it’s easier to place the light first and then play with the settings.

In this example, you adjusted the spotlight’s falloff. By increasing the falloff angle, you broadened the spread of the light cast by the spotlight and also made the transition from light to dark appear smoother, as shown in Figure 23-51. The hotspot can also be adjusted to a narrow beam or a wide swath.

Figure 23-51 The hotspot and falloff of a spotlight at the top produce the lighting shown at the bottom.


Many other light properties are available to you in the Properties palette. Table 23-1 describes them.

Table 23-1: Properties available for lights

PropertyWhat it does
General Properties
NameShows the name of the light
TypeSets the type of light
On/Off StatusShows whether light is on or off
Hotspot AngleSets the spotlight hotspot angle
Falloff AngleSets the spotlight falloff angle
Intensity FactorSets the light intensity
Filter ColorSets the secondary light color simulating a color filter over a lamp
Plot GlyphAllows the light glyph to be plotted
Glyph DisplayControls the display of the light glyph
TypeShows the type of attenuation: Inverse Linear, Inverse Square, or None
Use Limits Lets you turn on attenuation limits
Start Limit OffsetIf Use Limits is on, sets the distance to the beginning of attenuation
End Limit OffsetIf Use Limits is on, sets the distance to the end of attenuation
Rendered Shadow Details Properties
TypeLets you select between Sharp and Soft shadow edges
Map SizeWhen shadow maps are used, lets you determine the size of the shadow map in pixels
SoftnessWhen shadow maps are used, determines the softness of shadows

Applying and Adjusting Texture Maps

You’ve already seen how to assign a material to an object by adding the glass material to the building in the facade.dwg file. You can create other surface textures by using bitmaps in other ways to help enhance your rendering. For example, you can include a photograph of existing buildings that may be in the scene you’re rendering.

Creating a Building from a Box

Figure 23-52 shows a bitmap image that was scanned into the computer and edited using a popular paint program.

Figure 23-52 A bitmap image of a building you’ll use in the model


We’ve added some blank white space to the bitmap image of the building so you can get practice fitting an image to an object. Imagine that this building is across the street from the Facade model and you want to include it in the scene to show its relationship to your building. The following exercise will show you how it’s done:

1. Return to the view you used to add the spotlights by choosing SE Isometric Wireframe from the 3D Navigation drop-down list on the Home tab’s View panel.
2. Adjust your view so it looks similar to Figure 23-53, and then draw a box that is approximately 130′ square by 80′ tall. Metric users will enter 49 meters square by 24 meters tall.

The box you just added represents the building on the next block. Now create the material that you’ll use to give this building some detail:

1. In the bottom-left corner of the Materials Browser, click the Create Material tool and select New Generic Material.
2. In the Materials Editor, enter Building1 for the material name.
3. Click the flyout icon to the far right of the Generic panel’s Image option, and select Image (see Figure 23-54).
4. Locate and select the MARKET1.tif file in the Chapter 23 sample files.

Figure 23-53 The box representing the building on the next block


Figure 23-54 The Image flyout

5. Click Open to exit this dialog box.
6. In the Materials Editor, double-click in the Image sample box to open the Texture Editor.
7. In the Texture Editor, expand the Transforms option (see Figure 23-55).

Figure 23-55 The Texture Editor

8. Expand the Scale option, and then change the Sample Size value from 1′ (12″) to 130′. After you enter the value, it may change to 1560 inches. Metric users will enter 49 m.
9. Expand the Repeat option and change the Horizontal and Vertical options from Tile to None.
10. Close the Texture Editor.

You’ve just set up a material that will apply the MARKET1.tif image to any object in your model. You gave it a size of 130′ (metric users, 49 m) because that is the size of the box representing the building on the next block.

Now continue by adding the material to the box and applying the appropriate mapping style:

1. Click the recently created box to select it, and then click Building1 from the Materials Browser. If you don’t see the Building1 material, select Show All from the Document Materials drop-down list at the top of the Materials Browser.
2. To see how the bitmap fits on the box, choose Realistic from the Visual Styles drop-down list in the View tab’s Visual Styles panel (see Figure 23-56).
3. If it isn’t on already, click the Sun Status tool in the Render tab’s Sun & Location panel so that you can see the model in a brighter light.

Figure 23-56 Select Realistic from the Visual Styles drop-down list.


Adjusting a Material to Fit an Object

The entire image, including the blank white space, is placed on the box. You even see the image on the rooftop, although you won’t see the rooftop in any of the renderings. (You can hide it with another box or 3D surface if you want an aerial view.) You can adjust the position and scale of the bitmap by using the mapping tools in the Materials panel. The mapping tools make the mapping gizmo visible:

1. Click the Box mapping tool from the Material Mapping flyout in the Render tab’s Materials panel (see Figure 23-57). You can also enter Materialmap↵ and then enter B↵ for the Box option.

Figure 23-57 Click the Box mapping tool.

2. At the Select faces or objects: prompt, click the box you just created and press ↵. The box is outlined in yellow, and a set of arrows appears around it, as shown in Figure 23-58. This yellow outline is the mapping gizmo.
3. Hover on the arrow at the lower right of the box (see Figure 23-58); when it turns green, click it. Now as you move the cursor, the arrow follows and the image stretches or compresses.

Figure 23-58 The material mapping appears as a yellow outline around the selected box.

4. Stretch the image downward and to the right until the entire building image fills the upper portion of the box. When you’re satisfied, click the mouse.
5. Hover over the arrow pointing to the north (see Figure 23-58); when it turns green, click it.
6. Drag the arrow to the right until the white space toward the right of the image is gone and the image of the building fills the box. Your box should look similar to Figure 23-59.
7. Press ↵ to exit the Materialmap command.

Figure 23-59 The box after adjusting the map


You just added a mapping gizmo to the box and then adjusted the gizmo so that the material fits the box. If you need to make further adjustments to the gizmo, click the Box mapping tool again and click the object you need to adjust.

Now look at the rendered version. First you’ll turn off the spotlights and point light, and then you’ll make sure the sun is on to return to a daylight setting:

1. Click the Lights In Model tool in the title bar of the Render tab’s Lights panel. The Lights In Model palette opens.
2. Select the two spotlights and the point light from the list box of the Lights In Model palette.
3. Right-click and select Properties.
4. Select Off in the On/Off Status setting of the Properties palette.
5. Close the Properties palette and the Lights In Model palette.
6. If you haven’t done so already, click the Sun Status tool in the Sun & Location panel to turn the sun back on. The Sun Status tool should turn blue, indicating that it is on.

You’ve set the lighting for a daylight rendering. Notice that you were able to select several lights to turn them off all at once.

Next, render your view:

1. Choose My 3D View from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel.
2. Click the Render tool in the Render tab’s Render panel. The building appears on the left side of the image (see Figure 23-60).

Figure 23-60 The rendering with the new building


The building is too dark in the shadow. You can lighten it by increasing the Self Illumination setting in the Materials Editor:

1. Open the Materials Editor by double-clicking the Building1 material in the Materials Browser.
2. In the Materials Editor, click the check box next to the Self Illumination option.
3. Set the Luminance value to 0.10.
4. Render the view again. This time, the building on the next block shows up more clearly.

Another option is to use a paint program to refine the bitmap image before you use it in AutoCAD. AutoCAD attempts to place the bitmap accurately on a surface, so if the bitmap is fairly clean and doesn’t have any extra blank space around the edges, you can usually place it on an object without having to make any adjustments other than its orientation. We purposely made the spaces in the image so you can practice using the Materialmap feature.

Exploring Your Other Material-Mapping Options

You may have noticed several material-mapping options in the previous exercise. You used the Box option because it was a natural fit for the box you created. But options are offered for a planar surface, a cylinder, and a sphere. Figure 23-61 shows how these other options may be applied to the shapes for which they’re intended.

Figure 23-61 The planar, box, cylinder, and sphere material maps


You don’t have to apply the maps to the shapes they describe. Later, you’ll see how you can apply a planar map to a box. You can apply a cylinder map to a thin box to achieve an interesting effect. Also, a spherical map can be applied to a cube (see Figure 23-62).

Figure 23-62 A material map applied to a different shape


Specifying the Size of a Bitmap

As you’ve just seen, the Materialmap feature gives you a quick and intuitive way to set the location of a material map onto an object. There are several other ways to control the appearance of a material on an object. If you have a surface pattern that repeats over the surface, such as a tile pattern, you can set the frequency and size of the pattern. For example, you might have a brick pattern that repeats over a 12′ square area and you want that pattern reproduced accurately on a surface.

Imagine that you need to apply a brick pattern to a wall that is 8′ wide by 4′ tall (approximately 2.4 m by 1.2 m). The blocks are the standard 8″ × 16″ (20.32 cm × 40.64) split-face concrete masonry units, and you have an image that shows four courses of blocks two blocks wide, as shown in Figure 23-63. This is the Masonry.Unit Masonry.CMU.Split-Face.Running.jpg file in the Textures folder that is installed with AutoCAD 2014.

Figure 23-63 The bitmap image of a set of blocks


The following exercise shows you how you can control the size of a material map:

1. Open the CMUwall.dwg sample file. This file contains a simple box representing the 4′ × 8′ wall.
2. Click the Create Materials tool in the upper-left corner of the Materials Editor and select Masonry. A new material called Default Masonry appears in the Materials Editor.
3. Give your new material the name CMUby entering CMU in the Name box just below the image at the top.
4. Click the Select Color flyout in the Masonry panel and select Image.
5. Locate and select CMU.Split-Face.Running.jpg in the sample project files for Chapter 23. The Texture Editor – Masonry palette opens.
6. Close the Texture Editor, and then click the wall object to select it.
7. Click the CMU material in the Materials Browser. The wall displays the material you just created, as shown in the left panel of Figure 23-64.

Figure 23-64 The wall with the material applied


The wall has a concrete block texture. You see the results of a material with the default settings. Although it looks okay, the blocks are too small for the scale of the wall. You need to adjust the bitmap options so the texture appears to the proper scale on the wall object:

1. In the Materials Editor, within the Masonry panel, double-click the image of the CMU.Split-Face.Running.jpg file. This opens the Texture Editor.
2. In the Texture Editor, expand the Transforms panel by clicking the arrowhead to the left of the Transforms title.
3. Expand the Scale panel under the Transforms panel to reveal the Scale options.
4. Change the Sample Size Width and Height values to 32″. You use 32″ because that is the actual width and height of the set of blocks shown in the bitmap image used for the CMU (see Figure 23-63). As you enter these values, the block wall changes to reveal the blocks at the proper size, as shown in the image at right in Figure 23-64.
5. Close the Texture Editor and the Materials Editor, and then close and save the CMUwall.dwg file.

Now, suppose you want the blocks to appear 4″ high instead of 8″ high. You can go back to the Texture Editor and change the Sample Size Height setting to 16 (half the height you specified originally).


Note that to change the width to a value different from the height, you need to click the link icon to the right of the Width and Height input boxes to turn off the link between the height and width values.

The block wall changes to show a 4″ high block, as shown in Figure 23-65.

Figure 23-65 Change the Height setting in the Texture Editor and the wall also changes.


You can use many other settings in the Adjust Bitmap dialog box to fine-tune the appearance of a material over an object. You’ve used the major settings in these exercises.

Simulating Trees and People with Opacity Maps

There’s nothing like adding landscaping and people to a rendering to add a sense of life and scale. Computer images in particular benefit from landscape props because they tend to appear cold and lifeless otherwise.

In the following set of exercises, you’ll create a tree material and apply it to a 3D solid to simulate a tree. In doing so, you’ll get a chance to explore some of the other features of the Materials palette. To create a tree, you’ll use the same image option of the Materials Editor that you’ve been using so far, but you’ll also add something called an opacity map, or cutouts as they are called in AutoCAD.

A cutout lets you “cut out” areas of a texture map through a black-and-white image file. For example, in the tree you’ll be creating, you’ll apply a tree material to a simple rectangular region. Since the tree is an irregular shape, you’ll want the area around the tree to be removed, or “cut out,” from the material, creating an illusion of a complex, tree-shaped outline without showing the entire rectangular region.

The opacity map lets you determine which areas are cut out through black-and-white areas of an image. Black areas are cut out, and white areas are opaque. You can use shades of gray to vary transparency. Figure 23-66 shows an example of how an opacity map works.

Figure 23-66 A material using an opacity map can be applied to a 3D solid to create the illusion of a complex outline such as a tree.


In the following exercise, you’ll go back to the Facade model and experiment with opacity maps. To start your tree, create a new material in the Materials palette:

1. Click the Create Material tool in the Materials Browser and select New Generic Material.
2. In the Materials Editor, give the new material the name Tree1.

Next, add a texture map of a tree:

1. In the Generic group, click the flyout arrowhead to the far right of the Image option and select Image.
2. In the Chapter 23 project folder, locate and open the file CamphorAM.tif.
3. In the Texture Editor, expand the Transforms panel and then expand the Scale panel.
4. Change the Width and Height values to 30′ (9.1 m).

Finally, add an opacity map for the tree. The process is basically the same as adding a texture map:

1. In the Materials Editor, expand the Cutouts group and click the check box next to the Cutouts group title to turn it on.
2. Click the flyout arrowhead to the far right of the Image option and select Image.
3. Use the Materials Editor Open File dialog box to browse to the Chapter 23 project folder, and locate and open the file CamphorOP.tif.
4. In the Texture Editor, expand the Transforms and Scale panels and set the Width and Height values to 30′ (9.1 m).

Next, create an object representing a tree in the drawing, and then apply the Tree1 material to the object:

1. Go to the SE Isometric Wireframe view and adjust your view so it looks similar to Figure 23-67.

Figure 23-67 Adding a tree

2. Set up a UCS that is vertical to the ground plane. Click Face from the View/Object/Face flyout on the View tab’s Coordinates panel, and then click the location shown in Figure 23-67.
3. Click 3D Solid from the Selection dialog box. Press ↵ to accept the new UCS.
4. Click the Rectangle tool in the Home tab’s Draw panel.
5. Make sure that Dynamic UCS and osnaps are off, and then draw a rectangle that is 30′ by 30′ (9.1 m by 9.1 m), as shown in Figure 23-67. The 30′ (9.1 m) square dimension is intended to match the Tree1 Texture Editor settings.
6. Click Region in the expanded Draw panel, and select the rectangle you just drew. In the Selection dialog box, select Polyline and press ↵. This converts your rectangle into a region.
7. Click the region you just created to select it.
8. Select the Tree1 material from the Materials Browser.
9. Select My 3D View from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel, and then click Render in the Render tab’s Render panel to see the results of your work (see Figure 23-68).

Figure 23-68 The tree added to your rendering


The process of adding people is just the same. You create a material that includes a texture map and an opacity map and then apply the material to a flat box. Make sure you turn on the Fit To Object option in the Adjust Bitmap dialog box for both the texture and the opacity map. Figure 23-69 shows a rendering that includes some additional trees and people.

Figure 23-69 A rendering with more trees and people


Understanding the Rendering Options

Quite a few settings are available to control the quality of your renderings. Take a look at the tools available in the Render tab’s Render panel, shown in Figure 23-70.

Figure 23-70 The expanded Render panel


The Save Rendering To File option lets you set up a file to which the renderings will be saved. If you turn on this option, then each time you render your model, the rendering will be saved automatically to the file you designate.

The Render Output Size option lets you set the vertical and horizontal resolution of the rendering in pixels. The default is 640×480. You can choose from a set of predetermined standard sizes or set a custom size.

The Environment option lets you add a fog effect to your rendering (see Figure 23-71). Click this option to open the Render Environment dialog box. This dialog box offers a set of options to control how the fog appears in the rendering. For example, Enable Fog lets you turn the fog effect on or off. Color lets you select a color for the fog. You can experiment with the Render Environment dialog box on your own.

Figure 23-71 The Render Environment option lets you add fog to a rendering.


Render Presets is a drop-down list that gives you a set of options you can use to select the quality of the rendering. The default is Medium, which is the setting you’ve been using. This offers a decent-quality rendering without taking a lot of time. When you want to produce a final, high-quality rendering, select Presentation from this list. The rendering will take longer, but more detail will be brought out. You can also adjust the quality of the rendering with the Render Quality setting. A setting of 0 is the lowest setting where 5 is the highest setting.

Clicking Advanced Render Settings opens the Advanced Render Settings palette. These settings are for the advanced user, and most users won’t need to work with them. Rendering presets are predetermined sets of the advanced render settings. You can make adjustments to these settings if you need to (see “Rendering Interior Views” later in this chapter for more on the advanced render settings).

The Adjust Exposure tool opens the Adjust Rendering Exposure dialog box. Note that a system variable called Lightingunits must be set to 1 or 2 before this option works. The Adjust Rendering Exposure dialog box lets you set the brightness, contrast, and midtones of renderings that use photometric lighting. You’ll see how this works later in this chapter.

What Is a Bump Map?
You may have noticed the Bump option in the Materials Editor. You’ll see the Bump option at the bottom of the list of panels. The Bump option lets you insert another image to add texture to a surface. For example, you can include a series of dots on a material to simulate a bumpy surface:
You can adjust the height of the bump using the Amount slider in the expanded Bump panel. Move the slider to the right for a higher bump. Note that the Bump option does not actually deform the object to which it is attached. The bump is applied when the model is rendered.
As with other Materials Editor panels, you can use an image for the bump map and control the size of the bump map in the Texture Editor.

Checking and Saving Renderings in the Render Window

All your renderings appear in the Render window, which has a few options you’ll want to know about. At the bottom of the window is a list of all the renderings you’ve done in the current AutoCAD session. If you’ve done several renderings, you can go back to an earlier rendering by clicking it in the list. Right-click an item in the list to display a list of options that you can apply to the selected item. Table 23-2 describes these options.

Table 23-2: Right-click options for image filenames in the Render window

OptionWhat it does
Render AgainRenders the selected image again.
SaveSaves the selected image to a file. AutoCAD offers a choice of monochrome, 8-bit grayscale, 8-bit color, and 24-bit color. You can save your image as a BMP, PCX, TGA, TIFF, JPEG, or PNG file.
Save CopyIf you’ve already saved a file once, lets you save it again under a different name.
Make Render Settings CurrentIf you’ve rendered several views and you want to return to the setting of a previous rendering, select the view whose settings you want to restore and select this option.
Remove From the ListRemoves the selected rendering from the list.
Delete Output FileIf you’ve saved a rendered view as a file, deletes the file.

Perhaps the most important of these options are Save and Save Copy. They enable you to keep copies of your rendered views as bitmap images.

If you want to check a detail in the rendering, you can use the Tools menu to zoom in or zoom out of the image. When you zoom in, horizontal and vertical scroll bars are displayed to allow you to pan over the image.

To the right of the window is a listing of the rendering’s statistics. You can make adjustments to many of these settings through system variables and the Advanced Render Settings palette.

Using the Render Region Tool for a Quick Check
At times, you may want to just check a part of your model to see if it will render correctly without having to do a full-blown rendering. You can use the Render Region tool in the Render flyout of the Render panel to do just that.
Click the Render Region tool, and then place a selection window around the area you want to check. AutoCAD renders just the selected area directly in the drawing area. Type R↵ to clear the screen of the rendered region.

Adding Cameras for Better View Control

Throughout this chapter, you’ve seen how you can save and recall views. Views can be real time-savers, especially if you have several views that you save and recall. Views will also save background and visual styles. Typically, you set up a view using the tools you’ve learned about so far, but there’s another tool that can give you that extra level of control you may need for special circumstances: the Camera tool.

What isn’t obvious is that your views are also represented as cameras. Right now, you can’t see the cameras because a setting called Camera Glyph is turned off. Try the following to visualize your My 3D View as a camera:

1. Return to the SE Isometric Wireframe view from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel.
2. Adjust your view so it looks similar to Figure 23-72.

Figure 23-72 Adding a new camera

3. Open the Render tab, and then right-click anywhere in the Ribbon and select Panels ⇒ Camera.
4. Click the Show Cameras tool in the Render tab’s Camera panel that you just opened. You can also type Cameradisplay1↵. You see three cameras in the lower half of the drawing (see Figure 23-73).

Figure 23-73 Displaying cameras

5. Click one of the cameras, and then, in the Selection dialog box, select Camera. A window appears that shows you what the camera sees (see Figure 23-74).

Figure 23-74 Viewing the camera preview

6. Press the Esc key, and then click the other camera. The camera preview changes to show you a sample of the other view.

When you select a camera, not only do you see the camera preview, you also see a set of grips for the camera. You’ll get a chance to work with some of those grips a little later. Next, try to create a view using the Camera tool.

The following exercise shows an example of adding a camera to the Facade model. You’ll add a camera, and you’ll apply one of the options available for it:

1. Enter UCSW↵ to go to the WCS.
2. Click the Create Camera tool in the Render tab’s Camera panel. You can also type Camera↵.
You see this prompt:
Current camera settings: Height=0″ Lens Length=50.0000 mm
Specify camera location:
3. Click the point shown in Figure 23-72 to set the camera location.
4. At the Specify target location: prompt, use the Center osnap and select the center of the arch. You see this prompt:
Enter an option
5. To set the height of the camera at eye level, type H↵ for the Height option.
6. At the Specify camera height <0″>: prompt, enter 5′↵.(1.5 m) The options prompt returns to allow you to enter more options.
7. Press ↵ to complete the camera insertion. The camera appears at the location you selected in step 3.

AutoCAD gives your camera the default name Camera1. You can rename it at any time in the Properties palette or in the View Manager.

You were able to set the height of the camera independent of the location you selected in step 3 by using one of the options in the prompt. Table 23-3 describes the other options that are available.

Table 23-3: Camera prompt options

OptionWhat it does
?Displays a list of cameras in the current drawing
NameLets you provide a name for your camera (no spaces allowed)
LOcationLets you change the location of the camera
HeightLets you specify the height of the camera
TargetLets you select a target location
LEnsLets you specify a lens focal length in mm
ClippingLets you include front and back clipping planes
ViewLets you go to the camera’s view
eXitExits the command

Making Adjustments to Your Camera

Now that you’ve got the camera in place, you can see what the view looks like. You can use the 3D Navigation drop-down list to display the view from your new camera, or you can click the camera to open the Camera Preview window. Before you do any of that, try making some adjustments to the camera:

1. Click the camera you just created, and then click Camera in the Selection dialog box. The Camera Preview dialog box shows a sample of the view from your camera (see Figure 23-75). You also see the camera view frame and target.

Figure 23-75 The Camera Preview dialog box

2. Click the camera grip, and move the camera around. You can see the changes you make in real time in the Camera Preview dialog box.
3. Press the Esc key twice to exit Grip Edit mode. Move the camera back to its original location so your preview looks similar to the one in Figure 23-75.

Now turn on the clipping planes to see how they work:

1. Select the camera again, and then right-click and select Properties.
2. At the bottom of the Properties palette, click the Clipping option and select Front And Back On (see Figure 23-76). The sample view changes.

Figure 23-76 Select the Front And Back On option in the Properties palette.

3. Change the Front Plane value to 20′ and the Back Plane value to 20′. Metric users will enter 6 m. The Camera Preview view now shows the view of just the entry.

The clipping planes hide objects either behind or in front of the target location. As you’ve just seen, you can indicate the clipping-plane distance from the target in the Properties palette. You can also make adjustments to the clipping plane directly in the drawing using the camera’s grips:

1. Hover over the Front Clip Plane arrowhead grip shown in Figure 23-77 so that you can see the tool tip describing the grip.

Figure 23-77 Selecting the camera grips

2. Click the grip, drag it back and forth, and watch the camera preview. You can see how the clipping plane hides more or less of the foreground as you move the grip.
3. Click the original location of the grip (the red grip) to keep it at 20′ (6 m).

You can adjust the back grip the same way so you can get direct feedback on how much of your view is being clipped.

Next try adjusting one of the other grips:

1. Click the Lens Length/FOV grip on the left side, as shown in Figure 23-77, and drag it to the left. This has the effect of shortening the lens length. The shorter the lens length, the more of the view the camera is able to take in. But past a certain point, the view begins to distort.
2. Click a point to the left to fix the view at a lower lens length. The Lens Length and Field Of View values change in the Properties palette.
3. In the Properties palette, change the Field Of View value back to the default of 54.

As you can see in the Properties palette for the camera, you have a number of controls to affect the view. Because cameras and user-created views are basically the same thing, the properties you see for cameras are the same as those you would see for views in the View Manager. (Open the 3D Navigation drop-down list, and select Manage Views at the bottom of the list.) Obviously, the options presented here apply to other views as well.

Let’s see the results of your work: Select Camera1 from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel. You see the camera view you just set up (see Figure 23-78).

Figure 23-78 The Camera1 view


Creating an Animated Walk-Through

Another feature that is related to the camera is motion path animation, which allows you to create an animated walk-through of your design. Such animations can be a great aid in helping others to visualize your ideas more clearly. Try this exercise:

1. Choose SE Isometric Wireframe from the 3D Navigation drop-down list in the Home tab’s View panel, and then adjust your view so it looks similar to Figure 23-79.

Figure 23-79 Draw the polyline for the motion path and select the arch center.

2. Draw the polyline shown in Figure 23-79, and then move the polyline in the z-axis so it’s at the 5′ (1.5 m) level.
3. Open the Animations panel. While in the Render tab, right-click anywhere in the Ribbon and select Panels ⇒ Animations.
4. Click the Animation Motion Path tool on the Render tab’s Animations panel. You can also type Anipath↵. The Motion Path Animation dialog box appears (see Figure 23-80).

Figure 23-80 The Motion Path Animation dialog

5. In the Camera group, select the Path option and then click the Select Path tool (see Figure 23-81).

Figure 23-81 Choose the Path option and click the Select Path tool.

6. Select the polyline you just drew, and then click OK to accept the default path name.
7. Back in the Motion Path Animation dialog box, select Point in the Target group and then click the Pick Point tool (see Figure 23-82).
8. Pick the center of the arch in the building entrance, as shown in Figure 23-79 earlier, and then click OK in the Point Name dialog box to accept the default name.

Figure 23-82 Select the Point option and click the Pick Point tool.

9. Make sure As Displayed is selected in the Visual Styles drop-down list, and then click the Preview button. A preview window appears, and you see a sample of your animation. The animation is a bit fast, but you can make adjustments later.
10. Close the Animation Preview window, and then click OK.
11. In the Save As dialog box, save your animation with the default filename and place it in the My Documents folder. AutoCAD takes a moment to generate the animation, and then you see a camera at the end of your animation path.

You were asked to save the animation even though it was in a fairly crude state and was too fast. The advantage of saving the animation right away is that you then have access to the animation camera.

AutoCAD creates a new camera with default settings when an animation is created. You can then make adjustments to the camera and other animation settings to refine your animation.

Fine-Tuning the Animation

Once you’ve created and saved an animation, no matter how crude, you can edit its camera settings as well as its speed, resolution, and visual style. To get a feel for how to edit an animation, try the following:

1. Click the camera at the end of the animation path, right-click, and select Properties.
2. In the Properties palette, make sure Lens Length (mm) is set to 35 to get a wide field of view. Close the Properties palette.
3. With the animation camera still selected, click the Animation Motion Path tool in the Render tab’s Animations panel.
4. Change the Duration (seconds) setting to 8.
5. Change the visual style to 3D Hidden.
6. Click OK, and save the animation again. You can save it under a different name if you like so that you have a record of the original animation.

This time, AutoCAD takes more time to process the animation because you’ve increased the duration. When it’s done, locate your animation file using Windows Explorer, and double-click it to view the results.

As you saw in step 5, you can use any visual style that is in the drawing. You can even create a fully rendered version of the animation—but be aware that the more complex the animation, the longer AutoCAD will take to process it.

You can also modify the polyline path by adding more segments or changing the location of the path’s vertices.

You’ve seen how a few of the options in the Motion Path Animation dialog box work. If you think you may find this tool useful, you’ll want to experiment with some of the other settings. Table 23-4 describes these options.

Table 23-4: Motion path animation, camera, and target options

OptionWhat it does
Camera and Target options
Point/PathSelects between a point or a path for the camera or target.
Select Path/Pick PointTemporarily closes the dialog box to allow you to select a path or a point.
Drop-down listLets you choose from a point or a path that has already been selected.
Animation Settings options
Frame Rate (FPS)Sets the frame rate in frames per second. The lowest you can go for a smooth animation is 16. TV is usually around 30 fps.
Number Of FramesSets the total number of frames in the animation. The lower the number, the faster the animation. This setting is dependent on the Duration and Frame Rate settings.
Duration (Seconds)Sets the duration of the animation. A typical duration is 10 seconds.
Visual StyleSets the visual style for the animation. You can also select Rendered for a fully rendered animation.
FormatLets you choose an animation file format. If you plan to use the Windows Movie Maker application to edit your animation, use WMV. Other options are AVI (Windows), MOV (QuickTime), and MPG (MPEG 1 or 2).
ResolutionSets the resolution of the animation. 320×240 is typical for computer video and VCD. 640×480 is typical for DVD quality.
Other options
Corner DecelerationAutomatically decelerates the animation motion at corners for smoother transitions.
ReverseReverses the animation.
When Previewing Show Camera PreviewDisplays the preview in a window; otherwise, the camera motion is shown along the animation path.
PreviewShows a preview of your animation.

Printing Your Renderings


When you’ve decided that your rendering is perfect, you can print a copy directly from AutoCAD. Through a layout view, you can also put together presentations that include 2D floor plans and elevations with your rendering on a single sheet. Alternatively, you can have several renderings on one sheet.

Try the following to set up a layout view to render the 3D model in both a rendered view and a hidden-line view:

1. Click the Layout1 tab or the Layout1 tool in the status bar.
2. Click the viewport border to expose its grips, and then use a grip to make the viewport smaller so it’s about half the height of the Paper Space layout. Keep the height-to-width proportions of the viewport as close to the original as possible.
3. Double-click inside the viewport, and enter V↵ to open the View Manager.
4. Select My 3D View from the Views list, and then click Set Current. Click OK to exit the View Manager.
5. Make sure the Sun Status tool in the Render tab’s Sun & Location panel is on.
6. Double-click outside the viewport, and then copy the viewport so you have an identical viewport near the original (see Figure 23-83).

Now you’re ready to set up the viewport to render the views in specific ways. For example, you can set one viewport to render as a fully rendered view while rendering another viewport as a hidden-line view:

1. Click the border of the top viewport, right-click, and choose Shade Plot ⇒ Rendered.
2. Click the border of the lower viewport, right-click, and choose Shade Plot ⇒ Hidden.

Figure 23-83 The preview with duplicate views

3. Click Plot from the Quick Access toolbar.
4. Choose a printer name for the Printer/Plotter group, and then click Preview. After a moment, you see a preview of your plot showing a fully rendered view in the top viewport and a hidden-line view in the lower viewport (see Figure 23-84).

Figure 23-84 The final comparison rendering


You can add viewports to include floor plans and elevations if needed. Another option is to add isometric views with labels that point out drawing features.

You also have control over the quality of the rendered viewport. If you go to the layout view, right-click the Quick View Layout tool in the status bar, and choose Page Setup Manager, the Page Setup Manager dialog box opens. Click the Modify button to open the Page Setup dialog box. You can use the Shaded Viewport Options group to select from a set of viewport-quality settings (see Figure 23-85).

Figure 23-85 Select a quality setting from the Quality drop-down list.


You can choose from Draft, Preview, Normal, Presentation, Maximum, and Custom. These options are described in detail in Chapter 8, “Introducing Printing, Plotting, and Layouts,” so we won’t go into detail here. Just remember that the options are available to help you get the most from your rendered printer output.

Getting a Sketch Presentation with Visual Styles
One of the most interesting issues we’ve encountered while creating 3D presentations of buildings is that quite often architects do not want a realistic rendering of their design. The reason is that a realistic rendering gives the impression that the design is already “set in stone” or has progressed to a more advanced level than it actually has.
So although this chapter has focused on getting a realistic rendering of your model, frequently you’ll want to show your model in a less realistic view. This is especially true in the early stages when you don’t want to give the impression that you’ve created a finished design.
In Chapter 21, “Creating 3D Drawings,” you saw how you can create a custom visual style. You may find that, for most of your work, a custom visual style is all you need to get your ideas across. You can plot visual styles from either the Model Space view or a layout view. If you choose a layout view to plot a visual style, select the viewport border, right-click, and select the Shadeplot option. You’ll see a cascading menu that contains a list of the visual styles available. Select the visual style you want to use for your plot.
In addition, if you need to get a bitmap version of your plot file for use in Photoshop or another image-editing program, you can add a raster plotter to AutoCAD. Use the Add-A-Plotter Wizard as described in Chapter 8; when you get to the part that asks for the plotter model, select Raster File Format and continue with the wizard. Once you’ve installed the raster plotter, you can select it as a plot device in the Plot Or Page Setup dialog box. The raster plotter will produce a bitmap image file. See Chapter 8 for more on plotting your drawing.

Simulating Natural Light

Most of the rendering you’ve done so far relies on fairly simple lighting methods. These methods can give you a decent rendering in a short amount of time, and you’ll probably do 90 percent of your rendering work using these methods. But you may eventually want to see the way your model looks under more realistic lighting conditions.

AutoCAD offers advanced lighting tools that can add impressive realism to your renderings. These tools simulate the way light behaves in the real world by taking into account the effects of light bouncing off nearby surfaces. In the following sections, you’ll get a glimpse of some of the AutoCAD tools that will give your renderings an added level of realism.

Rendering Interior Views

If you’re more interested in rendering interior architectural views, you should know about some of the advanced rendering settings that are available in AutoCAD 2014. Two groups of settings are particularly important to understand when you’re rendering interior views.

Figure 23-86 is a rendering of a simple model using the material techniques described in this chapter. It also includes a sunlight source. As you can see, the rendering is fairly dark and not interesting.

Figure 23-86 An interior rendering using just the sun


Figure 23-87 is the same model rendered using two advanced rendering features: Global Illumination and Final Gather. Global Illumination simulates the way light bounces off objects in a scene. When you turn on this option, AutoCAD calculates the reflection of light off the various surfaces in the model and applies that reflected light to neighboring objects. For example, the orange hue from the floor is reflected on the walls. The Final Gather feature has the effect of refining the rendering by increasing the amount of detail that Global Illumination produces.

Figure 23-87 The interior rendering shown in Figure 23-86, but with Global Illumination and Final Gather turned on


In Figure 23-87, a background image was used to simulate a view out the window. After you’ve rendered your view using Global Illumination, go back to the image you used for a background and adjust its brightness to match the rendering’s brightness.


You can turn on and edit these two features using the Advanced Render Settings tool in the title bar of the Render tab’s Render panel. This tool opens the Advanced Render Settings palette, shown in Figure 23-88.

Figure 23-88 The Advanced Render Settings palette


Select the Render preset you want to use from the Select Render Preset drop-down list at the top. You can then turn on the Global Illumination feature by clicking the lightbulb icon in the Global Illumination title bar. To turn on the Final Gather feature, go to the Final Gather Mode option and select On.

Just turning on these features won’t give you great results right away, however. You’ll need to make some careful setting adjustments. First, you must set up your drawing units using the Drawing Units dialog box (choose Drawing Utilities ⇒ Units from the Application menu). Once you’ve done this, you must stick to that unit style. If you choose Architectural, for example, you don’t want to change to Decimal.

After you’ve set your units, turn on the Use Radius setting in the Global Illumination group and then set Radius to 36″. If you’re working in metrics, set Radius to 900 mm or a similar value. If this value is too small, the rendering will appear splotchy.

Next, scroll down to the Light Properties group, and change the Energy Multiplier setting to a value around 0.008.


Once you’ve made these settings, you can render your interior view and see the results. If the direct sunlight is too bright, reduce the sun’s intensity factor by clicking the Sun Properties tool in the title bar of the Render tab’s Sun & Location panel and adjusting the intensity factor in the Sun Properties palette. If the interior appears too dark or too light, adjust the Energy Multiplier value in the Light Properties group of the Advanced Render Settings palette.

You can adjust the sun angle by setting the date and time in the Sun Properties palette. To do quick study renderings, you can turn off Final Gather and increase the Global Lighting Radius setting to 100″ (or 2000 mm). You can also reduce the Global Illumination Photons/Sample setting and the Light Properties Photons/Light setting while making your study rendering. You’ll probably end up making several renderings before you arrive at one that you like.

Although it isn’t perfect, Global Illumination can greatly improve your interior views. You can save time by getting a rendering close to what you want and then using an image-editing program to fine-tune the image.

If you’d like to see how the file used in Figure 23-87 is set up, you can find it as 23-settings.dwg in the projects folder for this chapter. Use the saved view named Scene1 when you render the model.

Using the Sun and Sky Simulation

Just as with the interior view discussed in the preceding section, you can set up AutoCAD to simulate realistic lighting effects in exterior views. Earlier in this chapter, you added a distant light to approximate the light bouncing off the ground. The Sun and Sky Simulation feature in AutoCAD offers a more accurate rendition of reflected light that takes into account the light bouncing off neighboring buildings and surfaces. To see how this feature works, try the following exercise:

1. Go back to the facade.dwg file, to Model Space, and restore the My 3D View view.
2. At the Command prompt, enter Lightingunits↵.
3. At the Enter new value for LIGHTINGUNITS <0>: prompt, enter 2.

If you have a drawing that uses distant lights, you will see a warning message asking if you want to disable distant lights. Leave them enabled by selecting Allow Distant Lights.

By changing the Lightingunits setting, you turn on the Photometric Lighting feature in AutoCAD. The Photometric Lighting feature gives you finer control over the intensity of the lights you add to your model. The Lightingunits system variable can be set to 0 (off), 1 (international units), or 2 (American units). When you are in a perspective view and Lightingunits is set to 1 or 2, you can turn on the Sun and Sky Simulation feature.

Making Your Own Rendering Presets
If you want to create your own custom rendering presets so that you have the default ones available, follow these steps:
1. In the Advanced Render Settings palette (shown in Figure 23-88), select Manage Render Presets from the drop-down list at the top of the palette. The Render Presets Manager opens.
2. Select a preset that you’d like as your prototype from the list to the left, and then click the Create Copy button.
3. In the Copy Render Preset dialog box, enter a name for your presets and a description if you like. Click OK.
4. Your copy appears at the bottom of the list to the right, under Custom Render Presets.
You can also edit the render presets from the Render Presets Manager using the settings in the middle column. Once you’ve created a set of custom render presets, you can select it from the Render tab’s Render panel drop-down list.

This next exercise demonstrates how the Sun and Sky Simulation feature works:

1. Click the Sky Background flyout in the Render tab’s Sun & Location panel and select the Sky Background And Illumination option.
The background of your main view changes. This sky background replaces the bitmap image of the sky.
2. Click the Render tool. After a minute or two, you get a finished rendering. Your model renders using the current Sun setting. The shadows on the center building are more realistic and show more detail of the building (see Figure 23-89).

Figure 23-89 The rendering with the Sky Background and Illumination feature turned on


You can further refine your image by adjusting the brightness and contrast. To do this, you use the Adjust Rendered Exposure dialog box:

1. Click the Adjust Exposure tool in the expanded Render tab’s Render panel, or type Renderexposure↵.
2. The Adjust Rendered Exposure dialog box appears (see Figure 23-90) and generates a thumbnail rendering.

Figure 23-90 Adjusting exposure in your render

3. Click in the Brightness box. A pair of arrows appears to the right.
4. Click and drag the arrows upward. The value in the input box changes and the image brightens. Make sure the Brightness value is set to 65 using the click-and-drag motion on the arrows.
5. Click in the Contrast box, and click and drag the input-box arrows to adjust the value upward to 80.
6. Click OK, and render the view again.

This time, the rendering is brighter and has more contrast. If you prefer, you can also set the Brightness, Contrast, and Midtone settings in the Render tab’s expanded Lights panel (see Figure 23-91).

Figure 23-91 The Lights panel offers Brightness, Contrast, and Midtone settings.


The Sun and Sky Simulation feature causes AutoCAD to take more time to render a view, so you should use it only when you really need the lighting effects it offers.


As mentioned earlier, when the Lightingunits system variable is set to 1 or 2, the Photometric Lighting feature is turned on. Photometric lighting offers additional settings for the sun in the Sun Properties palette. For example, you can set the appearance of the sun disk, the horizon, and the ground color through the Sun Properties palette. You can open the Sun Properties palette by clicking the Sun Properties tool in the title bar of the Sun & Location panel.

With photometric lighting turned on, you see additional settings in the Properties palette for other types of lights as well. You have finer control over lighting intensity through the Photometric Properties settings area (see Figure 23-92). If you change the Type setting in the General settings area to Web, you can import IES web files that control the way a fixture spreads its light. Once a web file is selected, its goniometric diagram is displayed in the Properties palette, as shown in the figure. A goniometric diagram is a graphic that shows the distribution of light intensity from a light fixture.

Figure 23-92 Photometric lighting offers additional options in the Properties palette for lights.


AutoCAD offers some sample IES web files in the C:ProgramDataAutodeskAutoCAD 2014R19.1enuWebFiles folder. To use these web files, you’ll need to add this location to the Web File Search Path setting in the Files tab of the Options dialog box. See Appendix B, “Installing and Setting Up the Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2014 Software,” for more on the Options dialog box.

This brings us to the end of the chapter. We’ve just scratched the surface of the rendering capabilities in AutoCAD. You’ll want to explore many more features once you get the basics down. To find out more about the Photometric Lighting feature, look up “Photometric and Sky” in the index of the AutoCAD 2014 Help website.

The Bottom Line

Simulate the sun. One of the most practical uses of the rendering feature in AutoCAD is to simulate the sun’s location and the resulting shadows. You can generate shadow studies for any time of the year in any location on the earth.
Master It Name three items that can be set to position the sun in relation to your model.
Use materials. AutoCAD lets you create materials that you can apply to the objects in your model to simulate a realistic appearance.
Master It Name the parts of AutoCAD that can be used to create materials, and describe some of their features.
Create effects using materials and lights. You can use materials and lights together to control the appearance of your model.
Master It There are several ways to illuminate your rendering. Besides using spotlights and point lights, what can you do to make an object appear to glow?
Apply and adjust texture maps. Texture maps can be used to create a number of effects in your model. You can use a brick texture map that repeats over a surface to simulate a brick wall, or you can use a photograph of a building to turn a box into a building.
Master It What is the name of the feature that lets you graphically adjust a texture map on an object?
Understand the rendering options. In addition to adjusting the materials and lighting to control the look of your rendering, you can make other adjustments to your rendering through the Render panel and the Render window.
Master It Name some of the right-click menu options that appear for image filenames in the Render window.
Add cameras for better view control. When you create a view using the View Manager, you’re actually creating a camera. Cameras are objects that let you control the orientation and view target for a view, among other things.
Master It Name some of the options you can set to control a camera.
Print your renderings. You can save your rendered views as bitmap files using the Render window. If you prefer, you can also have AutoCAD include a rendering in a layout. You can include different renderings of the same file in a single layout.
Master It Give a general description of the process for setting up a rendered viewport in a layout.
Simulate natural light. When you want to get a more accurate rendition of the lighting effects on your model, you can use some of the advanced rendering features that simulate natural light.
Master It Name the two setting groups you need to use to render an interior view accurately.
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