Chapter 34

Harold R. Imbus and Gregg M. Stave


Exposure to wood dust occurs in many industries, including logging and sawmill operations, furniture manufacturing, paper manufacturing, construction of residential and commercial buildings, and especially carpentry and cabinet making. Workers are exposed when wood is sawed, chipped, routed, or sanded.

Wood may also contain biological or chemical contaminants. Biological contaminants include molds and fungi, which often grow on the bark of wood. Exogenous chemicals include those used in treating the wood. Common wood preservatives are arsenic, chromium, copper, creosote, and pentachlorophenol. Wood also contains many endogenous chemicals that are responsible for its biological actions.


Wood dust exposure occurs through inhalation. In general, the finer particles of wood dust are more biologically active due to their greater surface area and their ability to penetrate and adhere to the respiratory mucosa. Furniture manufacturing and cabinet making are operations that produce the finer particles. Contact with skin or mucous membranes may also have health consequences.


Wood dust is composed of wood particles generated by the processing or handling of wood. Hardwoods, such as maple, oak, and cherry, come from deciduous trees with broad leaves. Softwoods come from evergreen trees such as pine, spruce, and fir. The terms are somewhat misleading in that some of the hardwoods may be soft and some of the softwoods may be relatively hard.

Health effects of wood dust may be classified primarily as irritation, sensitization, and cancer. In the case of irritation, these effects can involve the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract. Allergic manifestations can involve skin or respiratory tract, and cancer associated with wood dust exposure involves the sinonasal tract.

Skin irritation caused by wood dust is often mechanical. Splinters or tiny particles of wood can get under the skin and cause irritation or infection. Soaps and chemicals can add to the irritation. Particles may lodge between the folds of skin, and sweat and rubbing can result in inflammation. Good personal hygiene practices and protection of exposed areas can obviate this type of problem.

Some woods, mostly foreign and exotic species, contain chemicals that are irritants. These can cause dermatitis, resulting in redness and blistering. Eyes may also become irritated. Teak, mansonia, and radiata pine have been reported to cause such reactions.

Allergic contact dermatitis can result from some species, again mostly from foreign woods such as teak and African mahogany. However, some of the North American woods, such as Douglas fir, western red cedar, poplar, airborne pine dust due to colophony,1 and rosewood, may cause allergic contact dermatitis.2 Specific chemicals used in glues and resin binders, such as urea or phenol–formaldehyde, potassium dichromate, ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol, can also be responsible for allergic contact dermatitis.

Wood dust is a particulate that causes irritation of the eyes and the upper and lower respiratory tracts. As with all particulates, the magnitude of the effect depends on the size of the particulate and the amount of exposure. Some woods with strong chemicals are more irritating, and most wood is more irritating than inert dust. For example, wood dust has been found to be almost four times as irritating as plastic dust in the same concentration.3

Clinical epidemiologic studies of woodworkers have found frequent symptoms and physical findings of nasal irritation. Symptoms often consist of continued colds, nosebleeds, sneezing, and sinus inflammation. Unfortunately, most of the studies lack adequate controls and dose–response information. In one study, the employees in a dusty furniture plant, including office workers, had decreases in 1-second forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) during the workshift.4 A large Vermont study that also measured pulmonary function found an inverse association between pulmonary flow (FEV1/FVC ratio) and indexes of wood dust exposure.5 Similarly, a study of sawmill workers in Canada exposed to pine and spruce showed lower average values for FEV1 and FEV1/FVC(%).6 A recent study in India showed that carpenters had lower peak expiratory flow rates compared with controls.7 Mucociliary clearance in the nose has also been measured in woodworkers. Andersen et al. found a higher percentage of individuals with mucostasis among workers exposed to higher wood dust levels.8 Mucociliary clearance is important in cleansing the nasal passages. Individuals with impaired mucous flow may be more susceptible to infection and other problems.

Western red cedar is well known for its potential to cause asthma. Workers in British Columbia, Canada, have been studied extensively.9–20 Plicatic acid, an extract of western red cedar, was shown to be the cause of bronchial asthma.20 Other domestic species capable of causing asthma include oak, ash, redwood, mahogany, eastern white cedar, and spruce.21–24 A number of foreign exotic species are capable of causing allergic asthma. In a case report, Kespohl et al. determined that the allergens in spruce wood were peroxidases.25

Microorganisms on wood bark can cause Type III allergic reactions, or extrinsic allergic alveolitis.26–28 Maple bark disease, sequoiosis, and suberosis are caused by the inhalation of fungal spores associated with maple, redwood, and cork, respectively.

Wood dust may also cause other lung diseases. High levels of small dust particles that penetrate into the bronchial tubes or smaller airways may produce irritation and bronchitis. Whether they produce irreversible changes is not known. Most reports of serious or permanent lung disease associated with wood dust exposure, until recently, have been anecdotal. However, later studies showed lower pulmonary function in wood mill workers,29 higher prevalence of respiratory impairment,30 and significant cross-shift declines of pulmonary function in wood dust-exposed workers.31

An English otolaryngologist was the first to note an unusually high incidence of nasal cancer in the chair making and furniture industry of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.32 This finding was confirmed by Acheson et al.,33, 34 who found an incidence of nasal adenocarcinoma from 1956 to 1965 of 0.7 cases per 1000 per year, an incidence approximately 1000 times greater than that seen in the general population. Dust depositions were noted on the nasal mucosa of furniture workers at the anterior part of the nasal septum and at the anterior ends of the middle turbinates.35 A biopsy of these areas revealed squamous metaplasia. Excesses of nasal adenocarcinoma have also been described in France, Australia, Finland, Italy, Holland, Denmark, and Belgium.36–44 An early study in Canada showed no excess of nasal cancer in woodworkers; however, few furniture workers were involved in the study.45 A 1967 Canadian study showed an odds ratio of 2.5 for occupations involving exposure to wood dust when compared to the general population.46 A more recent study in five Nordic countries that followed 2.8 million incident cancer cases in 15 million people through 2005 observed a standardized incidence ratio (SIR) for nasal cancer of 1.84 (95% CI 1.66–2.04) in male and 1.88 (0.90–3.46) in female woodworkers. For nasal adenocarcinoma, the SIR in males was 5.50 (4.60–6.56).47

In the United States, a case-control study published in 1977 showed an approximate fourfold increase of nasal cancer in furniture workers in North Carolina.48 Also, a Connecticut study showed an odds ratio of 4.0 for nasal cancer among persons exposed to wood dust.49 In a follow-up study, Brinton et al. found an overall relative risk of nasal cancer among furniture workers of 0.74 in men and 0.91 in women; however, the relative risk of the rarer adenocarcinoma in male furniture workers was 5.68.50 These excesses of adenocarcinoma, a very rare disease, are far lower than those noted in the United Kingdom and other countries. A review of nasal cancer in furniture manufacturing and woodworking in North Carolina suggested that there was some excess of nasal cancer in the industry prior to World War II, but it found little or no evidence of continuing excess risk,51 while another review of US woodworkers confirmed this disparity between the United States and the United Kingdom.52 Another pooled reanalysis observed excesses of nasal cancer only among workers in British furniture manufacturers as compared with those in the United States.53 Likewise, in the United Kingdom, Acheson postulated that the factor in furniture manufacturing that gave rise to the nasal adenocarcinomas was present only between 1920 and 1940, since cases did not occur among workers who entered the industry after World War II.54

It is unlikely that exogenous chemicals were responsible for the excess nasal cancer, since they were not widely used prior to World War II. It may well be that differences in processing, including the use of tools that create more heat, or dust, or different particle sizes, account for the increased disease of the earlier years.51

It is less clear whether there is an association between wood dust exposure and lung cancer as studies have produced conflicting results.55

Beach and teak (hardwoods) and pine and spruce (softwoods) dusts have been shown to effect expression of cytokines and chemokines in an in vitro murine macrophage cell line.56 They were all shown to induce TNF-α and inhibit IL-1β expression. Similarly, they induced the expression of CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, and CXCL2/3 chemokines and inhibited CCL24 expression. In a human epithelial cell line, wood dusts from beech, oak, teak, birch, pine, spruce, and medium-density fiberboard (MDF) dusts all induced a cytokine response with increased expression of cellular IL-6 and IL-8 mRNA.57 There was also evidence of genotoxicity with an increase in DNA strand breaks after incubation with beech, teak, pine, and MDF dusts. No difference in genotoxicity was seen between hardwoods and softwoods in this study. Genotoxicity of beech and other woods has also been demonstrated in other in vitro models.58–60 In respiratory epithelial cells, dusts from birch, oak, and pine were cytotoxic and stimulated the production of reactive oxygen species, and also caspace-3, one of the components of the apoptotic cascade.61

In 1995, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified wood dust: “Group I, carcinogenic to humans”.62 A 2009 review reaffirmed the classification (IARC 2011).63


A clinical diagnosis of allergy or asthma can be made based on a careful medical and occupational history along with a physical examination. A detailed respiratory and dermatologic history will reveal symptoms of allergic disorders. Respiratory symptoms may include rhinitis, conjunctivitis, sneezing spells, nasal congestion, cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing.

Documenting the occurrence of these symptoms as temporally associated with exposure to wood dust and the resolution of symptoms while away from work is critical to the diagnosis. Objective evidence of temporality may be obtained by doing a physical examination or peak flow measurements prior to exposure and again at the end of the workshift. The finding of objective evidence of bronchoconstriction, such as wheezes or a decrement in FEV1 and FVC, supports the diagnosis of occupational asthma. However, asthma due to allergenic wood dust may be delayed, occurring during evening or night after the work shift.

To evaluate suspected contact dermatitis, a patch test can be done with the sawdust of the wood itself or, in some cases, with an extract of woods such as teak. Patch testing can also be performed with exogenous chemicals if they are suspected of being the causative agent.


Avoidance of exposure to wood dust should be the goal of treatment of allergy. Sensitized workers who have rhinitis should be counseled on their risk of developing asthma and the risk of eventual intolerance of exposure.

Symptomatic care may include antihistamines and/or nasal topical corticosteroids for upper tract symptoms. Treatment of wood dust asthma is the same as for other types of asthma, which, in addition to avoidance of exposure, includes short-term inhaled bronchodilators for acute attacks. For chronic wood dust asthma, standard treatments for asthma include inhaled corticosteroids alone or combined with long-acting bronchodilators. Oral medications include leukotriene modifiers, such as montelukast, and theophylline.

Skin disease can be treated with topical or, in severe cases, systemic corticosteroids. Work practices and controls should be modified to prevent further exposure.


Respiratory history may be used to document early symptoms of allergy. If nasal symptoms are detected early and further exposure is eliminated, subsequent progression to asthma may be prevented. Pre-placement, periodic, and possibly cross-shift pulmonary function testing may be useful, depending upon the type and quantity of wood dust, and any indicators of employee health problems related to their exposure.


Containment of wood dust should be the cornerstone of allergy and irritation prevention measures. Efforts should be made to limit airborne dust through engineering controls such as ventilation systems. Personal protective equipment, including skin coverings and respirators, should be considered where significant exposure cannot be engineered out. The concentration of airborne dust is dependent on the activities in the contaminated areas.

Dust exposure evaluation should be made in accordance with good industrial hygiene practices, which will include personal inspection of the work site and use of a dust monitor for screening purposes. Personal sampling for both total and respirable dust should be done when the result indicates potential overexposure or if employee(s) complaints have been received. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) standard for western red cedar is 0.5 mg/m3 (which is labeled as a sensitizer).64 For all other wood dusts, the occupational exposure level (OEL) is 1 mg/m3. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has set the recommended exposure limit for wood dust at 1 mg/m3.

Until January 19, 1989, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulated wood dust as a nuisance dust with a permissible exposure level (PEL) of 15 mg/m3. After that date, OSHA adopted the PEL standard, which at that time regulated wood dust at 5 mg/m3 for hardwood and softwood; for western red cedar, the PEL was 2.5 mg/m3. On July 7, 1992, the US Court of Appeals vacated the PEL standard. As a result, OSHA regulates wood dust as a nuisance dust for total dust at 15 mg/m3 and respirable dust at 5 mg/m3.65 However, the use of lower exposure levels is prudent to reduce the risk of illness. The ACGIH recommendations are followed in many locations outside the United States.

Though this chapter has dealt with health issues pertaining to wood dust exposure, it should be noted that excess accumulation of wood dust in a workplace is a risk of fire and explosion. Therefore, work surfaces, machinery, floors, and rafters should be regularly cleaned of accumulations, and ambient air levels kept low. A Guide to Combustible Dust can be obtained from the North Carolina Department of Labor.66


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