• accounting, forms of in discourse see also glossary
    • competing
    • factual
    • indexical
    • issuing news headlines
    • narrative
    • normative
    • objective
    • preferred versions
    • quantification rhetoric
    • reported speech
    • vivid
    • witness
  • ages of knowledge management, three
  • architecture of cognition
    • declarative and procedural memory
  • assumptions in discursive psychology
    • core assumptions
    • core questions
    • observational science
  • Ba see also context
  • blame, attribution of
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • cognition and discourse
  • cognitive psychology
    • consciousness
    • memory
  • commodification and reification of knowledge
    • commodification-reification of knowledge issue
    • commodity view
  • communities of practice
  • computer mediated communications (CMCs) and discourse see also identity and discourse
    • advice-giving sites,
    • ethical concerns
    • membership
    • role of the researcher
    • strategies in
    • technologies
  • context see also Ba
    • context vs. culture debate
    • contextual particulars
    • importance of
  • conversion issue see also tacit–explicit duality of knowledge
    • conversion vs. interaction debate
    • converting tacit to explicit knowledge
    • transaction-based model of knowledge management
  • crisis in social psychology see social psychology, debates in research and positivism
  • criticism of discursive psychology
  • culture see also context
    • culture based on trust
    • effects of culture
    • the ‘one size fits all’ debate
  • decision-making, Cynefin model of
  • definition of knowledge, Michael Polanyi’s
  • discourse analysis, definition
    • definitional confusion
    • definition of discourse
  • doing discourse analysis see also research methodology
    • coding
    • data collection
    • discursive action model
    • formulating research questions
    • role of the researcher as ‘objective observer’
    • ten stage guide to discourse analysis
    • transcription conventions
    • transcription of data
  • double loop learning (DLL)
  • gender and discourse
  • groups
    • constructing groups
    • warranting membership
  • gulf between academia and practice in knowledge management
  • hierarchical model of knowledge
  • identity and discourse see also repertoires, rhetorical devices and accounting
    • categories of identity
    • elite group construction
    • identity and knowledge sharing
    • impression management
    • leadership
    • online identities
    • positioning theory
    • role reversal
    • stance-taking
    • subject positions
  • implicit learning (IL), research in
    • artificial grammar learning (AGL) tasks
    • criticism
    • patients with mental impairments
    • verbalizability criterion
  • incommensurability
  • individual differences
  • innovation
  • ‘knowing how-knowing that’ formulation
  • knowledge, definition of see also tacit–explicit duality and ‘knowing how-knowing that’ formulation
    • debates over
    • epistemologies of possession
    • five-image framework
    • ‘justified true belief’
    • organizational and personal knowledge
    • phenomenological view
    • semantic definitions
    • social constructionist view of
    • social phenomenon, knowledge as
    • structure of knowledge
  • knowledge management, definition of
    • definitions of practice
    • passing management fad
  • knowledge sharing
    • categories of knowledge sharing
    • debates around definition
    • factors in
    • foundational nature of
    • knowledge reuse
    • knowledge transfer
    • online knowledge sharing
  • knowledge workers
  • language, theories of
    • action orientation of language
    • constructionist theory
    • social organization of language
    • Speech Acts Theory
  • learning organization
    • architecture for organizational knowledge
    • knowledge needs analysis
    • organizational learning
    • psychological perspective on learning
    • social learning
  • measuring knowledge management outcomes see also factors in knowledge management
    • organizational factors
    • scales for measuring behaviours in knowledge management
  • memory see also architecture of cognition
    • human memory, studies of
    • organizational memory systems
  • Michael Polanyi, work as misrepresented
  • ontology
  • organizational discourse see also groups
  • organization, perspectives on
    • body of knowledge
    • knowledge based view of the firm (KBVF)
    • the rational-cognitive view
    • the systemic view
    • systems thinking
  • origins of discursive psychology
  • positioning in discourse
  • positivism
    • criticism
    • history
    • position and assumptions
  • postmodernism
    • emic vs. etic approaches
    • growth in popularity
    • philosophy
  • practical knowledge
  • quality in research
    • guidelines to assuring quality
    • measuring the quality of qualitative research
  • relationalism
  • repertoires
  • reputation
    • reputational damage
    • reputational face-saving
    • strategy of negative politeness
  • research concerns in discourse analysis
    • authenticity issue
    • ‘manufactured data’
  • research, future directions for
  • research in knowledge management
    • computer mediated communications (CMCs), research in
    • field research
    • inductionist foundations of theory
  • research methods (conventional) in social psychology
    • attitude scales
    • criticism of conventional methods
    • experimental research methods
    • experimental social psychology
    • generalizable truths
    • inductionism
    • ‘scientific method’, the
    • statistical averages, criticism of
  • research questions, indicative
  • rhetorical devices and strategies in discourse analysis research see also glossary terms
    • candidate topic
    • category of inference
    • challenge to authenticity
    • client–contractor etiquette
    • collaborative recognition
    • competency challenge
    • consensus and collaboration
    • courtroom drama
    • credibility problems
    • displaying credentials
    • doing politeness see reputation
    • doing ‘them and us’.
    • epistemic primacy (superiority)
    • face-threatening acts
    • listing and persuasion
    • matching laughter
    • metaphor
    • mind sharing actions
    • persuasion rhetoric
    • prefaces, issuing rhetorical
    • procedural consequentiality
    • resolving disputes
    • self-selected turns
    • team rivalry
  • role of researcher see doing discourse analysis
  • ‘so what question’, the
  • technology
  • tacit–explicit duality of knowledge
  • theories in knowledge management
    • activity systems
    • architecture for organizational knowledge
    • generative dance theory
    • I-Space theory
    • quadrants of practical knowledge
    • schools of knowledge management
    • taxonomy of theory
    • theorist as ‘bricoleur’
    • theory of creative abrasion
    • theory of the knowledge creating firm
    • theory of knowledge reuse
  • trust
    • culture based on trust
    • multi-dimensional model of trust
  • unconsciousness and consciousness
    • dual neurological processing system
    • evolutionary approach
    • Polanyi’s account
    • unconsciousness vs. consciousness (mental butlers)
  • validity in research
  • values of knowledge
    • competitive advantage, knowledge as
    • strategic importance
    • value of tacit knowledge, the
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