
  • Abdullah, Bilal
  • Advanced manufacturing technology and materials, China and
  • Advanced persistent threats (APTs), China and
  • Agricultural technology, China and
  • Ahmed, Kafeel
  • Al-Assad, Bashar Hafez
  • Alexander, Keith B.
  • Alliance management, executive risk council and
  • Al Qaeda
  • Anarchaos (hacker group)
  • Anonymous (hacker group)
  • Attorneys. See Legal issues
  • Australia
  • Automation technology, China and
  • Axis of cyber evil
  • Background investigations, of third parties and insiders
  • Banks, profiled by hackers through social media
  • Billy Jack (film)
  • Bin Laden, Osama,. See also Al Qaeda
  • Biotechnology, China and
  • Black Ice: The Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism (Verton)
  • Boards of directors:
    • cyber threats as issue for
    • outdated IT technology and security issues
    • physical threats to executives and
  • Boston Marathon bombing
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Burns, Stephen
  • Business continuity planning, executive risk council and
  • California
  • Canada
  • Chain of custody requirements, data breach investigation and
  • Chief financial officer (CFO)
  • Chief information officer (CIO)
  • Chief information security officer (CISO)
  • Chief privacy officer (CPO)
  • Chief risk officer (CRO)
  • Chief security officer (CSO)
  • Chief technology officer (CTO)
  • Child pornography, transnational organized crime and
  • China
    • advanced persistent threats and
    • axis of cyber evil and rerouting of cyber attacks
    • encryption sold to
    • framework for cyber espionage
    • key technologies sought by
    • money laundering and
    • strategy and goals of cyber espionage
    • threats to U.S. telecommunications network
    • use of authorized and unauthorized IP addresses
  • China Telecom Corporation Limited
  • Churchill, Winston
  • Cloud computing, third-party vendors and
  • Coelho, Paulo
  • “Cold War II”:
    • lack of cyber threat visibility and
    • lack of fear of major event
  • Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)
  • Community, costs of cyber breaches to
  • Comoros
  • Cooley, Mason
  • Corporate communications:
    • data breach investigation and
    • executive risk council and
  • Costa Rica
  • Costs, of cyber attacks
    • blame and
    • common factors in
    • costs to community in lost jobs and tax revenues
    • estimates of
    • importance of attack prevention
    • reporting issues
    • vulnerability and lack of detection due to outdated IT systems
  • Cultural trends, in cyber breaches
  • Cyber breach investigation, preparing for
    • forensic evidence capture phase
    • initiation phase
    • reporting to constituents phase,
    • risk impact analysis phase
    • third-party vendors and
    • web and behavioral analytics phase
  • Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624)
  • Cyber threats, generally
    • factors in “perfect storm” of
    • as issue for board of directors
    • mobile devices and
    • as more than technical security issues
    • security's failure to keep pace with Internet's evolution and growth
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
  • Denial-of-service attacks
  • Denmark
  • Detection, costs of breaches and delay in
  • Determan, Lothar
  • Disaster recovery, executive risk council and
  • Distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS)
  • Dubuc, Benjamin
  • Economic trends, in cyber breaches
  • Electric grid, and danger from terrorism
  • Employees. See Insiders
  • Encryption:
    • data breach investigation and
    • organized crime and
    • U.S. sale of encryption technology to China
  • Energy technology, China and
  • Enforcement, of risk-reinforced service level agreements
  • Environment technology, China and
  • Esseghaier, Chiheb
  • Executive Order 13636, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
  • Executive report, data breach investigation and
  • Executive risk councils
    • composition of
    • goals of
    • need for
  • Executive sponsors
  • Extortion
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), third-party due diligence and
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), reported attacks on
  • Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
  • Feinstein, Dianne
  • Filipiak, Tomas
  • Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), of U.S. Treasury Department
  • Financial Services Modernization Act (1999)
  • Finland
  • Ford, Henry
  • Foreign corrupt practices management
  • Forensic evidence, data breach investigation and
  • Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP), third parties and information privacy
  • Geopolitical trends, in cyber breaches
  • Germany
  • Giblin, Ellen
  • Glasgow International Airport bombing
  • Government. See Public policy
  • Graham, John B.
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999)
  • Guyana
  • Health care data
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Omnibus Final Rule of
  • Hidden Lynx
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Huawei USA
  • Hughes, Steven G.
  • Human resources department
  • Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. Ltd.
  • Industrial Control Systems Computer Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT)
  • Information privacy and security:
    • executive risk council and
    • risk-reinforced service level agreements and
  • Insiders:
    • background investigations of
    • cyber defense and
    • disclosure of data breaches by
    • threats from
  • Inspire magazine
  • Internal audit department
  • International Standards Organization (ISO) 27000 security standard
  • Internet protocol (IP) addresses:
    • authorized and unauthorized (toxic)
    • data breach investigation and
  • Internet service providers (ISPs), warning signs of threats and
  • Iran
  • Japan
  • Jaser, Raed
  • Jobs, Steve
  • Kaspersky Lab
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Laptops. See Mobile devices
  • Latvia
  • Law enforcement, costs of attacks and
  • Legal issues:
    • data breach investigation and,
    • establishing attorney-client privilege
    • executive risk council and
  • Liberty Reserve, S.A.
  • London Stock Exchange bombing
  • Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC)
  • Malaysia
  • Manning, Bradley
  • Marketing, executive risk council and
  • Marston, David
  • Massachusetts
  • Master service agreement, risk-reinforced service level agreements and
  • McCaskill, Claire
  • Media, warning signs of threats
  • Miller, Danny
  • Mobile devices, risks and threats to
  • Money laundering, organized crime and,. See also Liberty Reserve, S.A.
  • Moore, Gordon E.
  • Morocco
  • Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
  • Mozy
  • NASA, risk management and
  • National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center
  • National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), of China
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology Act
  • National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST)
  • National Nuclear Security Administration, reported cyber attacks on
  • National Security Act of 1947, Title XI
  • Nation-state espionage. See China
  • New Zealand
  • Nigeria
  • North Korea:
    • axis of cyber evil and
    • espionage against South Korea
    • nuclear program of
  • Obama, Barack
  • Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive
  • Omnibus Final rule, of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  • Operation Payback, of Anonymous
  • Organized crime. See Transnational organized crime (TOC)
  • Pacific Electric & Gas Corporation
  • Paine, Thomas
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
  • Pearl Harbor Dot Com (Schwartau)
  • Phishing
  • Physical threats, to executives
  • Ponemon Institute
  • Portman, Rob
  • Preparedness. See Cyber breach investigation, preparing for
  • Presidential Policy Directive (PPD)
  • Private sector, cooperation with government
    • legal restraints on sharing of information
  • Project 863, of China
  • Public policy
    • “Cold War II” and
    • elements of cyber threats and
    • Executive Order 13636
    • government and private sector cooperation
    • inadequate preparedness and
    • legal restraints on sharing of information
    • organizations responsible for cyber defense
    • possibility of grave events
  • Reactionary vulnerability remediation
  • Regulations, about security:
    • data breach investigation and
    • executive risk council and
    • inadequacy of
    • low levels of compliance with
    • management and
  • Reporting issues
    • data breach investigation and constituents
    • data breach investigation and legal requirements
    • unreported breaches and
  • Republic of China. See China
  • Resource technology, China and
  • Risk impact analysis, data breach investigation and
  • Risk-reinforced service level agreements (RRSLAs)
    • enforcement and
    • foreign corrupt practices management and
    • information privacy and security and
    • internal audit and
    • master service agreement and
    • regulatory and industry compliance and
    • threat and risk analysis and
    • vendor accountability executive and
  • Rogers, Mike
  • Ruppersberger, Dutch
  • Russia:
    • advanced persistent threats and
    • axis of cyber evil and
    • money laundering and
    • transnational organized crime and
  • Sales, executive risk council and
  • Schwartau, Winn
  • Secret Service, Cyber Intelligence Section of
  • Security officer, executive risk council and
  • Sejong Institute
  • Select Committee on Intelligence, of U.S. House of Representatives
  • September 11, 2001 attacks
  • Service level agreements, with third parties,. See also Risk-reinforced service level agreements
  • Sherwood, Robert E.
  • Singapore
  • Snowden, Edward
  • Social media
    • Anarchaos and
    • Anonymous and
    • protests and risks
    • transnational organized crime and
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Spear-phishing
  • Steinert, Timothy
  • Stratfor
  • Sullivan, Mark J.
  • Surfing of web, risks and
  • Switzerland
  • Symantec Corporation
  • Syria
  • Tablets. See Mobile devices
  • Taiwan
  • Target Corporation data breach
  • Technology trends, in cyber breaches
  • Telecommunications supply chain, threats to
  • Terrorist groups
    • al Qaeda's use of Internet for recruiting
    • basic weapons of
    • dangers to electric grid
    • internal threats from double lives of terrorists
    • reality of threats from
    • vital importance of investing in infrastructure defense
  • Tester, Jon
  • Third parties, managing risks from
    • background investigations
    • cloud computing and
    • difficulties of
    • executive risk council and
    • FDIC's due diligence and
    • reporting of breaches and
    • risk-reinforced service level agreements and
  • Threat! Managing Risk in a Hostile World (Ahmed)
  • TJX data breach
  • Tor (The Onion Router)
  • Transnational organized crime (TOC)
    • crimes of
    • encryption and
    • physical threats to executives and
    • reactionary vulnerability remediation and
    • theft of corporate intellectual property and
  • Transparency International
  • Trends, in cyber breaches
    • cultural
    • economic
    • geopolitical
    • technological
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • Unreported security breaches
  • U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
  • U.S. Navy
  • USA Patriot Act
  • Utah
  • Warning signs
    • employee and vendor backgrounds
    • experience and
    • Internet service providers and
    • IP addresses and
    • media and
    • risks of ignoring
    • web surfing
  • Web analytics, data breach investigation and
  • Whistleblower programs, of third-party vendors
  • WikiLeaks
  • ZTE, Chinese espionage and
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