Chapter 14

Trimming for Elegant, Low-Cost Solutions

In This Chapter

arrow Getting more with less

arrow Developing elegant solutions

arrow Creating strong intellectual property

Generally, when you try to make something better, you do so by adding something else: Trimming is the TRIZ way of making your system better by removing things while keeping all the useful actions.

While the logic behind why Trimming works may seem complex, in practice the steps are easy. You need to start with a system that you fully understand and complete a good Function Map: all you need to do then is pick a component, and question whether you can remove it using the prompts in the Trimming Rules. You’ll find that Trimming gets easier the more you remove – and sometimes removing one troublesome component opens up the opportunity to remove a handful of others.

In this chapter I give you my hints and tips for Trimming your way to success.

Making Things Better and Cheaper

Trimming is radically different to traditional problem solving – you start with the idea that you’re going to improve your system by taking things away, and get more of what you want with less. When you follow the Trimming Rules, you systematically remove components while retaining all their necessary outcomes.

Improving systems by removing stuff

All of the TRIZ tools and processes are geared towards improving Ideality.

Ideality is the TRIZ measure of how good something is. Ideality is the ratio between all the benefits that you want and all the inputs required to create it (the costs) and the outcomes you don’t want (the harms). You can think of it as a simple equation:

Ideality = Benefits / Costs + Harms

Systems improve as they get more benefits with fewer costs and fewer harms. Trimming improves systems by focusing on reducing the bottom half of the Ideality equation: if you can remove parts of your system but somehow still get all the same or even more benefits, then you reduce costs without making your system worse, and may have made it better. And you do so by focusing on functions: your costs are the inputs required to deliver functions, which give you benefits and harms, as shown in Figure 14-1 (you’ll find a similar-looking diagram in Chapter 5, but see if you can spot the differences!).


Illustration by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Figure 14-1: Improving Ideality by Trimming.

When you trim, you remove components from your system, losing all their costs and all their harmful functions but always aiming to keep their useful functions – which are delivering benefits.

remember One of the reasons Trimming is such a powerful problem-solving tool is that it provides you with a structured approach to dramatically altering your system, by getting rid of the most troublesome and expensive parts. Trimming encourages you to deal with problems by removing their causes completely, rather than trying to make small changes to manage the subsequent downsides. It’s the first suggestion for dealing with harms in the Standard Solutions because it’s the most radical (Chapter 13 covers the less radical Standard Solutions).

Trimming fits very well with other problem-solving approaches, such as Lean manufacturing, which look for ways to make products and processes more efficient by reducing time and resources required and reducing waste. Trimming Rules are very popular with Lean professionals for this reason: when Lean tells you that something should be removed (the ‘what’), the Trimming Rules suggest a number of ways in which this can be done (the ‘how’). Trimming works by transferring responsibility from the component you’re removing to other parts of your system, and a number of strategies exist for doing so, as shown in Figure 14-2.


Source: Oxford Creativity

Figure 14-2: The Trimming Rules.

Before you can start Trimming, you need to complete a Function Map (see Chapter 12): you then have a clear idea of all the components in your system and can work out how to remove some of them by transferring their useful actions to other parts of the system. With a completed Function Map you can allay the fears of colleagues or employees whose response to a proposed change is, ‘We can’t remove that; we need it!’ The Function Map shows them that its actions will be carried out elsewhere in the system. When you go through the Trimming Rules, you can then work out alternative ways of getting all the things you need, thus delivering innovation without risk.

What’s useful about this process is that it’s a systematic way of breaking the perceived connection between the functions you want and the current system that’s delivering those functions. Before you can start transferring responsibility within your system, you first need to complete a Function Analysis of that system: you start Trimming from a Function Map.

TRIZ Function Analysis is the process of understanding and capturing the functions (both good and bad) of your system. A Function Map is the picture that you create by the end of this process (Chapter 12 takes you through the steps).

By completing this process you ensure that you really understand how your system works because you capture all of its functions. This allows you to understand how all the different parts of your system work together, which bits are doing useful things and where the problems are located.

remember A Function Map captures four kinds of actions: useful actions, insufficient useful actions, harmful actions and excessive actions. When you remove a component, it no longer performs any of the harmful actions (which is good) but you also lose its useful actions (which is bad). What makes Trimming clever is that it makes you look for ways to remove a component but keep all its useful actions, which is why you need to complete a Function Analysis first. You need to understand all the useful actions each component delivers, so that when you remove it you can ensure you don’t lose anything useful the component delivers. You need to transfer even insufficient and excessive useful actions, because in the process you may find ways to improve the insufficient actions and reduce the excessive actions so that they’re simply useful.

A Function Map comprises a series of Subject–action–Object relationships. Trimming involves removing the Subject of any one of these interactions and finding something else that will deliver the action–Object (the function). In this way, you transfer the functionality of each component to something else – one action at a time. If a component is delivering three useful actions, you go through the Trimming Rules for each, generating as many ideas as possible.

Clever cost-cutting: Doing more with less

Trimming provides you with systematic prompts to get all the things you need. It enables you to cut costs intelligently by understanding the functions you need and finding new ways to deliver them.

Anyone can cut costs and reduce benefits at the same time. What’s really clever is cutting costs without losing anything useful, and the Trimming Rules provide you with a systematic method not just for doing that but also simultaneously increasing benefits. This is one of the reasons why TRIZ innovation is so important, especially when times are tough: when budgets are slashed and people made redundant, that’s not the time to continue with business as usual. During lean times, you’re often pressured to deliver the same output but with fewer resources. You thus need to find a way of doing at least all the things you used to (more if possible), but with less. Commercial pressures may affect mature products and promising new products and concepts – both are vulnerable to cost-cutting initiatives and the latter may fail to reach the market if they can’t be produced cheaply enough. While traditional methods can assist with incremental cost-cutting, when you’re expected to deliver significant cost reductions, you need TRIZ’s Trimming Rules.

remember By understanding your system – whether a jet engine or department of people – in terms of its functions, you can model the useful outputs every part of it delivers. Rather than focusing on the details of how your system currently operates, modelling its functionality allows you to uncover problems and identify all the good things currently in existence. You can then consider whether you can change your system by reducing it in size: removing components one at a time but without losing any useful outputs. When you’ve mapped how everything in your system works, you’ve captured all the things your system currently delivers. These are the things you really want, and the components of your system are just one way of gaining them. Knowing this, you can begin to trim and reduce costs without making anything else worse. Indeed, you may actually produce benefits: reducing the weight of a car, for example, not only decreases the materials needed but can also increase acceleration; trimming out unnecessary meetings can increase productivity because that time can be spent doing other work.

The Trimming Rules prompt you to find other (and often better) ways of delivering all those useful functions. They also point you to specific places to discover those other ways. The Trimming Rules are also iterative: you don’t stop when you’ve removed a single component; you keep Trimming until you’ve removed as many components as possible.

tip What often happens is that when one or two components can be removed, a whole new way of delivering what you want often becomes an option. At this point, you’re not only finding new solutions and new ways of getting what you want, but also asking new questions that may uncover new opportunities. Don’t stop at this point. Redraw your new system as a new Function Map and trim again. You may find new locations in which to use your system and new functions, potentially providing significantly more benefits as well as fewer costs and harms.

Sometimes during the Trimming process people start ‘smuggling’ new components into the system. When something’s been removed and a new way of doing things suggested, they may see something else that could also be delivered by the system – provided another component is surreptitiously added. That’s okay. Add in the new component and its extra useful outputs as a means of capturing the new functions you want. Then try to trim the new component! You may end up with a trimmed system that gives you more of what you want rather than less – but with fewer components at the end of the process. Consider coffee shops: they often have milk delivered in floppy plastic bags rather than plastic bottles. The milk is then transferred into rigid, reusable plastic jugs that are easy to stand on the counter and pour from, and to store in the fridge. This system is clearly the result of an attempt to trim in space. Floppy bags take up much less room than plastic bottles but are difficult to store when opened. To make this floppy bag system work, another component has been smuggled in: the new plastic jug. One of the functions required of a bottle – rigidity – has been transferred to this new component.

Using resources wisely

In order to trim effectively, be aware of all your available resources. One of the Trimming Rules suggests transferring responsibility for an action to a resource, and in order to do so, you first have to be aware of all the resources that exist! Listing your resources before commencing Trimming is a good idea. While you can just jot them down on a piece of paper, consider capturing all your resources in your Function Analysis. Next to each component, list the resources available for that component. When you start trimming and want to transfer the useful action to a resource, you can then begin with resources close to the component you’re trimming.

tip Chapter 5 covers in detail how to capture resources; here, we simply point out that the most useful prompts are

  • Super-system and environment
  • System features
  • Sub-system and component resources
  • Time
  • Space
  • Harms and waste
  • Knowledge, experience and feelings

Before you start Trimming, list all your resources, so that when you come to that step in the Trimming Rules, you can keep thinking fast.

Creating Elegant Solutions

Applying the Trimming Rules enables you to generate elegant solutions, whereby you provide the same (or more) benefits with fewer costs. Following the Trimming Rules helps you see not only what you could remove but also how you can remove it without losing any benefits.

Applying the Trimming Rules

example Here’s a concrete example to help you see how to apply Trimming Rules.

Many hotels provide a mini-bar for their guests. If the hotel’s information literature hasn’t already informed you, the hum of the fridge often notifies you of its presence – and as soon as you know it’s there, you’re tempted to look inside. A cool, refreshing drink may be just the thing after a long, tiring journey! However, one look at the high prices may put you off; the appealing little bottles and cans are often much more expensive than their equivalents in the hotel bar. But, you reason with yourself, they do have the virtue of being instantly available in your room, day and night.

The Prime Function of this system is to ensure that drinks are available to refresh the guest. The mini-bar delivers the Prime Function by providing refrigerated drinks in the hotel room. The drinks are expensive, which is good for the hotel because they generate income, but bad for the guest because it impoverishes her. The secondary functions of the mini-bar are to inform the guests that drinks are available and to tempt them to buy them.

The mini-bar also, however, requires inputs. It needs electricity, and its contents must be replenished daily by hotel staff and charged to the right bill How can you improve this system by making it simpler but without losing all the benefits?

The Function Map in Figure 14-3 gives you some ideas.


Illustration by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Figure 14-3: Function Map of a mini-bar.

You need to follow the Trimming Rules to improve this system. First, you need to select a place to start Trimming, for example with:

  • Components that create lots of problems (generate harms)
  • Components that have low Ideality: they deliver few useful actions and are associated with lots of costs and harms
  • The Prime Function: for more incremental problem solving, start far away from the Prime Function; for more radical problem solving, start close to the Prime Function

The mini-bar seems to have two problems (it creates noise and requires energy input) and it doesn’t deliver the Prime Function. The mini-bar is therefore a good place to start.

Before trimming you need to capture all possible resources:

  • Super-system and environment: Corridors, lifts, bar, reception, staff, kitchen, other local businesses/bars
  • System features: Hotel room
  • Sub-system and component resources: Cupboards, air-conditioning unit, TV, hotel information brochure
  • Time: When booking, checking in, walking to room from reception
  • Space: Inside and outside room
  • Harms and waste: Waste from drink storage, expense, noise from and energy use of refrigerator
  • Knowledge, experience and feelings: Of staff and guests

You then need to list the useful actions the mini-bar delivers. The Function Map in Figure 14-3 suggests that the mini-bar provides four main useful actions: it cools and stores high-priced drinks, and informs and tempts guests. You now work through the Trimming Rules for each of these four actions, asking yourself whether these useful actions can be delivered in other ways. When you find an answer, don’t stop; simply capture it and move on to the next suggestion. If you were tackling this problem in real life, you’d work through each of the four actions in turn; here, however, Table 14-1 presents suggestions for all four, organised according to which Trimming Rule is being applied.

Table 14-1 The Trimming Rules in Action

Mini-Bar Refrigerator Stores Drinks

Mini-Bar Refrigerator Cools Drinks

Mini-Bar Refrigerator Informs Guests

Mini-Bar Refrigerator Tempts Guests

Do we need its useful action?

No – use cupboard

No – only provide drinks that are served at ambient temperature, for example, red wine, water



Could the object perform the useful action itself?

Extend drink packaging to make a self-contained pack of many drinks

Self-cooling drink cans

Drinks on sideboard/in plain view

Drinks on sideboard/in plain view

Could another component perform the useful action?

The only other components in this system are the hotel management and hotel staff

Check-in desk stores drinks – guests can purchase when checking in

No mini-bar: offer free room service instead (drinks stored and cooled centrally)

Hotel staff bring ice on request

When helping with luggage, staff can offer to bring guests a drink/inform of the drinks service

Guests can pre-order drinks when booking room

Offer all-inclusive package to include drinks for a fixed charge: guests pick up pack on check-in

Could a resource perform the useful action?

Use wardrobe/ cupboard to store drinks

Use air-conditioning unit to cool drinks

Welcome screen on TV advertises drinks/drink availability

Browse and order available drinks via the TV (delivered by room service)

Could we trim the component after its useful action?

Disposable cardboard packaging for drinks

Offer chilled drinks in a free/disposable cool bag from reception

Leaflets advertising drinks and prices left on bed

Leaflets have daily special offers, for example, today’s cocktail

Can we trim part of the component?

Offer vending machines – one per floor – instead of mini-bars in each room

Smaller fridges for which guests pre-order specific drinks

Offer ambient temperature drinks and ice machines on each floor

Adverts for drinks in lifts

One free drink available in room – with details on how to purchase others

Following the process and going off-piste

As with many of the TRIZ tools, the Trimming Rules provide you with a clear set of steps that should be followed in a certain order. However, when you start generating ideas, you may well find yourself taking off in interesting directions that may not seem to be related to the task in hand.

remember The Trimming Rules aim to make you think of other ways to get what you want. So, if you discover a rich seam of new ideas that lead you in interesting, useful directions, by all means follow them, as long as you’re continuing to think of new solutions and generate interesting suggestions and points for discussion.

This seam will naturally begin to yield diminishing returns and eventually you will run out of steam: at this point you need to return to the process. Following the steps of the Trimming Rules ensures that you cover every possible solution. If you think of solutions that don’t appear to be related to the TRIZ task at hand, that’s fine; don’t waste energy trying to reverse fit them into the process, just keep going and return to following the steps.

warning Going off-piste for short periods of time is fine if you’re usefully coming up with new solutions. However, always return to the process to make sure you don’t stop prematurely. Just because you’ve already thought of good ideas doesn’t mean you won’t think of better ones – allow yourself to be surprised! Following the process means that you can be confident that you’ve looked for every possible solution.

Trimming to Infinity and Beyond

If you’re looking for highly innovative concepts, then trim, trim and trim again.

When do you stop Trimming? When you’ve gone too far. Knowing how much is enough is hard to gauge, so a good rule of thumb is to keep Trimming until you’ve taken too much out. All of a sudden you’re losing useful functionality and your system stops working. At that point, take a step back.

Trimming starts as just a thinking exercise: when you’re Trimming you’re imagining new ways in which your system could work and developing conceptual solutions. This thinking time is (relatively) cheap and you’ll recognise within a few minutes that removing another component makes everything go wrong. At that point you’ll know that you’ve pushed yourself – and your system – as far as it can go.

remember You keep going because the more Trimming you do, the more innovative your solutions will be. Figure 14-4 graphically demonstrates the relationship between the amount of Trimming you do and the innovativeness of the final system you develop.


Illustration by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Figure 14-4: Trimming and system development.

When you trim out one or two components far away from your Prime Function, you create a slightly better system that has some minor improvements. Trim out more components that are more closely related to your Prime Function and you get totally new solutions that ask new questions about how your system can work and what it can offer. When you reach the very deep Trimming stage – for example, you’ve already removed the component that used to deliver your Prime Function or re-trimmed an already trimmed system – you can ask completely different questions regarding how your system operates and potentially consider new technology offering new opportunities. Ultimately, you’ll develop a much better system.

example An example of deep trimming is Internet grocery shopping, which has trimmed out the actual, physical shop you visit. The functions required to perform a grocery shop are now separated in time: you create your list online, and select the food you want while you are still at home – the actual delivery and putting away of the food is much later. This provides the additional benefits that you can select and choose your food very far in advance, both for holiday periods (which often require a lot of other work as well) and also at your convenience (in the middle of the night, while at home on the sofa watching TV). The cost of your time is also reduced because you don’t need to travel to and around the shop, and your time and energy required to do the shop are reduced because you don’t need to pick up items, put them in your trolley, then on the conveyor, pack them, load them in the car and carry them to your house: all these steps are performed by someone else. The harms of the hassle and stress of going round a busy supermarket (especially with small children!) are removed. There are also additional benefits available, such as potentially a wider range of products; certain household essentials can easily be ordered every week automatically; and you also stick to buying just what you need – without being side-tracked by appealing supermarket displays.

Trimming to Create Strong Intellectual Property

Trimming is a very powerful tool for ensuring that what you create is protected by intellectual property rights. Applying the Trimming Rules can help you avoid accidentally infringing someone else’s patent or strengthen your own, and find freedom to operate for innovative new inventions.

Getting round someone else’s patent

If you’re seeking radically new concepts, you need to relentlessly trim. You should also actively look for ways in which to smuggle in new components – which will deliver new, but currently missing, functions. Completing an Ideal Outcome (go to Chapter 9 for details) will also help you spot benefits that your existing system doesn’t currently deliver. And translating those benefits into functions will identify the action–Object you’re looking for. You can then consider solutions that will provide that action–Object (using the Effects Database covered in Chapter 6). Even better, you can think of a solution and then trim it out! Ultimately, you’ll end up with a very strong concept that’s profoundly different to the system you started out with in terms of functionality and design. When you’re Trimming to produce radically new concepts, you need to start with components that are closest to the Prime Function. Removing these components will prompt you to consider drastically new ideas and ways of doing things.

When people talk about patent circumvention, they usually mean that they’re looking for a small change to make to a product so that their invention doesn’t infringe an existing patent. However, in my experience, patent issues usually arise when one person discovers that someone else’s patent is blocking something she wants to do.

One approach to patent issues (that’s less vulnerable to the decisions of the courts) is to come up with a new concept that’s so fundamentally different in its operation that it no longer bears any resemblance to the original patent. This is why TRIZ Function Analysis followed by Trimming is such a powerful approach to invention: even though you start with a real, existing system, by the time you’ve removed multiple components, you’ve often come up with radically different and innovative concepts. Your Function Map has helped you see all the good things that someone else’s existing system delivers but you’ve developed, improved and simplified it by removing components while simultaneously keeping all their useful actions. You have also created an invention that is uniquely yours – and doesn’t infringe the original patent.

Developing your own patent further

The same processes as described in the preceding section can be used to develop your own patent further, but you’ll probably want to start with more incremental solutions. To generate improvements in your existing patent, look to trim out components far away from your Prime Function. These will generate small solutions that leave your basic system intact but can be added as dependent claims to your patents.

Also follow the steps discussed earlier in this chapter to add in missing functions with new subjects, and then trim them out to generate further developments in your patent. In addition, complete all the steps suggested in the preceding section for getting around someone else’s patent because, in doing so, you’re adopting the mindset of a competitor – but before your competitors have even seen your patent. This allows you to predict many (even better, all!) of the ways in which other people may try to circumvent your patent when it’s published. You can then include these as other claims; even independent claims if the ideas you come up with are radically different to your original system. Trimming allows you to predict how your system will develop in the future; what you choose to do with this information depends on your patent strategy.

tip If you’re planning to develop your own patent further, consult the Trends described in Chapter 4. Trimming and the Trends are the two most powerful tools for developing and protecting intellectual property.

Redrawing any new system you develop and trying to trim it again is always worthwhile. At the very least, apply the Standard Solutions (which you can read about in Chapter 13) to deal with any new potential problems. You’ll generate a range of solutions that will allow you to plan the future for your system – and its next generation.

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