Chapter 3

Solving Contradictions with the 40 Inventive Principles

In This Chapter

arrow Finding and defining contradictions

arrow Understanding the two types of contradiction

arrow Solving contradictions by applying the 40 Inventive Principles

This chapter provides an introduction to one of the most popular TRIZ tools – the 40 Inventive Principles – and the powerful approach to understanding and solving your most difficult problems – contradictions. Contradictions are the kind of problems that most people avoid, because their resolution sounds impossible: when you have a contradiction you have a conflict; for example, ‘I want a refrigerator that holds lots of food but takes up very little space in my kitchen’. The pragmatic and apparently sensible approach is usually to pick one thing over another (big or small) or find some kind of compromise (a medium-sized refrigerator). TRIZ problem solvers say ‘No – I’m going to get everything I want and resolve the contradiction (all my food at the right temperature and a nifty kitchen)’.

Uncovering and Understanding Unresolved Conflicts

Have you ever seen a problem so hard that finding a solution seems completely impossible? If so, you’ve probably been wrestling with a contradiction. This section gives an overview of what contradictions are, how to spot them and what to do next.

Spotting contradictions and seeing how they’re resolved

A contradiction is when you have conflicts in what you want: either you want opposites of the same thing, or as you improve something, something else gets worse. Contradictions exist everywhere: they’ve always been around, and human beings, being natural problem solvers, have found clever ways to resolve them.

Some everyday examples of contradictions include:

  • I want a cup that keeps my coffee hot but doesn’t burn my hand.
  • I want a more powerful engine for my car but I don’t want it to get heavier.
  • I want to cover a large surface area quickly when I’m painting but I don’t want to make a mess.

example Take an umbrella. What you really want from an umbrella are opposites: you want it to be really big when you want protection from the elements and really small at all other times. Making an umbrella collapsible is the commonest way to resolve this contradiction: it can then fold down to become small enough to carry around but also open out to become big enough to shield the user from the rain. This is a very old solution; collapsible umbrellas have been around for thousands of years (you can find descriptions of them being used in Ancient Greece and dynastic China). One theory is that this design was inspired by tents, which have the same conflicting needs: providing shelter and being portable. Figure 3-1 shows how the conflicting needs of both objects are resolved.


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Figure 3-1: Both umbrellas and tents are collapsible.

The reason a tent is a clever invention is that it resolves the conflict of being both big and small. If you only want big, the problem isn’t hard to address – build a house! What’s difficult is creating a dwelling that you can also pack up in a bag and carry around with you.

If it’s true that umbrellas were inspired by tents, this is a good example of problem solving by analogy. Who’s dealt with a similar problem in the past and how can you reapply his solution? This is efficient problem solving: you put your knowledge and experience into making a known concept work for you.

TRIZ takes problem solving by analogy a step further. Having something both big and small is one kind of contradiction – many others exist. The TRIZ community recorded and catalogued all the different kinds of contradiction and people’s solutions to them in the past. You then have to apply these very general solutions to make a practical invention.

TRIZ identified just 40 ways of resolving contradictions: the 40 Inventive Principles. These are simple and easy-to-understand conceptual solutions, which suggest ways of changing your system to get what you want – in clever and inventive ways. I explain these principles in the later section, ‘Reapplying other people’s genius solutions’.

Understanding the two types of contradiction

Two types of contradiction exist – technical and physical:

  • A Technical Contradiction is when, as you improve something, something else gets worse. You start with a solution but when you put it into practice, you find a downside. For example, you make a car safer by using lots more material but it makes the car heavier.
  • A Physical Contradiction is when you want opposites of the same thing, like an umbrella needing to be both big and small.

The way that you get everything that you want (a safe and sensibly sized car or a big yet small umbrella, for example) is to understand you can separate the things that you want from each other. The traditional approach to contradictions is to compromise or give up; the TRIZ approach says other ways exist, but first you have to understand clearly what you want, and know it’s possible to get it.

Contradictions are particularly hard problems and are often behind issues you struggle to find solutions to. Contradictions often seem impossible or, at the very least, extremely difficult when you describe them – and hard problems, by their nature, require clever and inventive solutions. So, how do you resolve contradictions and get everything you want? By using one of the 40 Inventive Principles.

Reapplying other people’s genius solutions

The 40 Inventive Principles are all the clever ways people have come up with to resolve contradictions in the past, as recorded in patents. The TRIZ community back in the 1950s and 1960s identified that only about 20 per cent of patents were really inventive – the rest were relatively small or obvious changes – and what made these patents inventive was that they managed to solve a contradiction. The question then became: how many ways are there to solve a contradiction? Beginning with Genrich Altshuller and Rafael Shapiro, the first researchers to start developing TRIZ, and continuing with a community of engineers and scientists, a huge amount of research was conducted. The researchers analysed inventive patents and the contradictions they solved, and also, on a conceptual level, the solutions inventors had used to resolve contradictions. After they’d analysed 35,000 patents, they’d found 37 solutions; when they got to 50,000 patents, they’d found 40. These are the 40 Inventive Principles.

These 40 principles are very general. In reality, while the 50,000 patents contained 50,000 clever ideas, many similarities existed between them – at a conceptual level. The genius of the analysis is that it uncovered these basic principles – the concepts – and distilled them into a simple list (you can find the full list, with examples, in Appendix A).

To use the 40 Inventive Principles you have to be aware of the distinction between a concept and an idea. In TRIZ-speak, a concept is a general way of doing something and an idea is a specific way of putting that concept into practice. For example, take ‘nesting’ as a concept (Inventive Principle 7; see Appendix A): different ideas suggested by nesting include nested tables, tea nested inside a tea bag, nested measuring cups and so on.

Because the Inventive Principles are conceptual, you can reapply them without simply copying. They really are ‘principles’: general ways to do things or rules. The Inventive Principles suggest solutions such as’ make something porous’, ‘make it curved’ or ‘do something in advance’. The really clever bit is to work out how these principles could be useful in your specific situation. You aren’t reinventing the wheel: you’re finding out how you can use a wheel to help solve a problem.

What the TRIZ community uncovered was a way of modelling contradictions and their solutions in a more conceptual way, and to solve contradictions you have to step through what’s called the Prism of TRIZ (explained fully in Chapter 6, but shown here in Figure 3-2). To do this, you distil your real-world problem to a more simple, conceptual problem: this is your contradiction. You can then look up the Inventive Principles that will be most useful for you, and use those concepts to diverge your thinking and generate practical real-world solutions. When you step through the Prism of TRIZ’ you leave the real world and think about your problem in a more conceptual, abstract way; that is, TRIZ suggests a conceptual solution from which you can generate lots of specific ideas.


Illustration by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Figure 3-2: The Prism of TRIZ.

Solving Technical Contradictions

When something improves and something else gets worse, you have a Technical Contradiction. Technical Contradictions can be there as an inherent feature of your system, but they’re easiest to spot when you change something. A classic engineering contradiction is between strength and weight: as you make things stronger, they also tend to get heavier; by the same token, if you make them lighter, they tend to get weaker. This is typically the case because to make things stronger you use more material: a tank is stronger than a car partly because it’s made of a very large amount of metal. However, what TRIZ tells you is that a car only gets heavier because you’re using that particular, commonly used solution – more material. You typically think of strength and weight as being connected, as shown in Figure 3-3.


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Figure 3-3: You encounter contradictions because you assume the things you want have to be linked – TRIZ shows you how to break that connection.

remember The first step to solving a Technical Contradiction is spotting that you have one – because it isn’t always obvious! You first need to ask yourself whether you can get all the things you want. If you can, your problem is solved and you can put the solution into practice. If, however, getting something you want results in further problems, you probably have a contradiction.

Creating something very strong but also very heavy isn’t a clever outcome. What you need to do is find another way – possibly beyond your own knowledge – of getting both those things. What the TRIZ community identified is that when someone’s created something extremely strong while also very light, they’ve used an inventive solution. The inventor managed to solve the contradiction in a clever way, often by bringing in knowledge from another industry, technical field or area of science. Solutions such as these were captured as Inventive Principles. The TRIZ community then catalogued all the Technical Contradictions they saw being described and solved in patents in the Contradiction Matrix (which I explain shortly). You can now look up how people solved Technical Contradictions in the past and use their clever answers to solve your problems.

Improving imperfect solutions with a little help from your friends

Spotting Technical Contradictions when you’re working with other people is easy, because the first thing that happens after you suggest an idea to someone is they tell you what’s wrong with it! When someone says ‘that won’t work because…’ they’re pointing out a Technical Contradiction. This problem-identifying approach to other people’s ideas seems to be a fundamental part of human nature: we all love our own ideas and can’t see anything wrong with them; other people’s ideas, however, seem full of problems! This kind of logical, problem-finding thinking is fantastically useful but not at the initial conception of an idea: at that point, it’s best to allow ideas to flow without judgement. Then, if you can capture all the problems associated with that idea, you can see them as opportunities to develop and improve on it: you can solve those problems and improve your idea very early on in the process.

Using the Contradiction Matrix

When you’ve identified a Technical Contradiction, you can resolve it by using the Contradiction Matrix. This matrix resulted from the patent research undertaken by the TRIZ community in the 1950s and 1960s. Technical Contradictions can be mapped onto 39 Engineering Parameters, shown in Table 3-1, such as strength and shape. When these parameters had been identified, researchers classified inventive patents that resolved Technical Contradictions according to these parameters; then recorded which Inventive Principles had been used to solve the contradiction, and how often each Principle was used. Performing statistical analysis then allowed them to build up a matrix of the most commonly used Principles that solved each specific contradiction.

Table 3-1 The 39 Parameters of the Contradiction Matrix








Weight of moving object






Weight of stationary object


Duration of action by a moving object


Measurement accuracy


Length of moving object


Duration of action by a stationary object


Manufacturing precision


Length of stationary object




External harm affects the object


Area of moving object


Illumination intensity


Object-generated harmful factors


Area of stationary object


Use of energy by moving object


Ease of manufacture


Volume of moving object


Use of energy by stationary object


Ease of operation


Volume of stationary object




Ease of repair




Loss of energy


Adaptability or versatility




Loss of substance


Device complexity


Stress or pressure


Loss of information


Difficulty of detecting and measuring




Loss of time


Extent of automation


Stability of the object’s composition


Quantity of substance/the matter



tip You can look up your contradictions in the Contradiction Matrix in Appendix B and see which Inventive Principles, described in Appendix A, are most likely to be useful for you.

example For example, you want to make a cheese grater that can grate cheese really quickly. A simple solution is to make it bigger. However, if you make it really big, the cheese goes all over the kitchen. These two parameters are fundamentally linked: as the size of the grater decreases, control over where the cheese goes increases, but the rate at which you can grate cheese drops. A conventional approach to this problem is to find a reasonable middle ground, a compromise: a size of grater that allows fast-enough grating and a reasonable-enough ability to direct cheese.

The TRIZ approach is to say, ‘No – I want both: I want incredibly fast cheese grating but also to be able to direct the cheese to where I want. How can TRIZ help me get both?’ You can use the Contradiction Matrix to tell you how people who’ve faced similar problems in the past solved this contradiction. Now, before you get too excited, the Contradiction Matrix doesn’t mention cheese! In order to use the Matrix you have to think about your problem in a more general way – stripping out any detail about your specific situation. You first understand what your contradiction is, and then you see which of the 39 Technical Parameters your contradiction fits against.

Contradiction: Faster cheese grating versus bigger surface area.

Now you have to see how what you’ve identified as good and bad matches with the 39 Parameters. I’ve done it for you, and the results are shown in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Uncovering Your Technical Contradiction

What’s getting better?

What’s getting worse?

Faster cheese grating

Lost cheese

TRIZ Technical Parameter:

39. Productivity

TRIZ Technical Parameter:

6. Area of stationary object

Now turn to Appendix C, where you can see the 39 Parameters laid out in the Contradiction Matrix. If you look up where 39, Productivity, intersects with 6, Area of stationary object, you find the numbers: 10, 35, 17, 7, as shown in Figure 3-4.


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Figure 3-4: Looking up this contradiction in the Contradiction Matrix.

These numbers are the 40 Inventive Principles that people have used most often in the past when trying to solve a problem, in this case: as productivity increases, the area gets worse. (I cover the Principles in more detail in the next section.)

The next step is to take each of these Principles and work out how to use it to generate a practical solution. So, taking each in turn:

10. Prior Action. This would suggest buying pre-grated cheese or spreading newspaper to catch the errant cheese.

35. Parameter Change. One parameter that can be changed is the degree of flexibility, so create a flexible cheese grater that can be big to grate cheese but curve to direct cheese where you want it.

17. Another Dimension. Go from two to three dimensions by curving the cheese grater, and also increasing the length, which gives a larger surface area for grating but directs the cheese, such as the grater shown in Figure 3-5.


Source: Alessi S.p.A., Crusinallo, Italy

Figure 3-5: The Todo giant grater, designed by Ricard Sapper, was created to grate one portion of cheese with one stroke.

7. Nested Doll. Place an object inside another – so you have a built-in container for the cheese underneath the grater, as shown in Figure 3-6.


Source: Alessi S.p.A., Crusinallo, Italy

Figure 3-6: The Parmenide cheese grater, designed by Alejandro Ruiz for Alessi, stores the cheese inside the grater.

What you’re doing is stepping through your Prism of TRIZ (graphically demonstrated in Figure 3-7) from your real-world situation to understanding your problem in a more general way (Chapter 6 covers the Prism of TRIZ in more detail). You can then see how it’s similar to other people’s problems, and take the clever solutions from the past to apply to your situation. Familiarise yourself with the 39 Parameters and 40 Principles and apply your creativity and experience and you have a very sure route to generating practical solutions.


Illustration by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Figure 3-7: Stepping through the Prism of TRIZ.

remember So, to uncover and solve contradictions, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your Technical Contradiction (a solution makes something better but causes something else to get worse).
  2. Ascertain which technical parameters these relate to (use the table of technical parameters in Appendix C).
  3. Look up where the technical parameters intersect in the Contradiction Matrix in Appendix B.
  4. Use the Inventive Principles suggested to explore solutions.

Getting to Grips with Physical Contradictions

A Physical Contradiction occurs when you want opposites of the same thing. I want a hypodermic needle to be sharp and blunt: sharp when I’m injecting myself with insulin, and blunt at all other times (so it can’t hurt me or other people). I want a sticking plaster to be sticky to attach to my skin, but not sticky where it’s covering the wound.

Physical Contradictions are fundamental, and can be found within each Technical Contradiction. If you don’t like Technical Contradictions, it’s always possible to ‘translate’ a contradiction from Technical to Physical. So, for the cheese grater described in the preceding section, you could also describe it as needing to be both big and small: big to grate lots of cheese and small to control where the cheese goes.

Physical Contradictions are also easier to apply in non-technical situations. Take staffing in shops. You may want a lot of staff so that you can deal with high levels of customer demand; but you don’t want lots of staff when you have fewer customers. The solution is to separate in time, and have different levels of staffing according to customer demand, for example, employ more staff in the busy holiday periods. You also don’t need to translate Physical Contradictions into TRIZ language, as you do for Technical Contradictions. You can just use your normal language, but ensure that the words you use are as simple as possible to make for clear thinking and undisputed understanding of what you really need.

Physical Contradictions are so-called because they describe the physical properties of whatever system you’re working with. The contradiction lies within the physical nature of your system. So when describing what you want from a tent, you could say you want accommodation that’s easily portable. How do you get that? By creating something big (when you sleep in it) that becomes very small when you want to transport it. The Physical Contradiction isn’t between the benefits you want but how you get them: the contradictions in the functions or features of your solution.

A system can be a product or a process; technical or management. A system in TRIZ-speak is just whatever is delivering your needs.

Resolving Physical Contradictions

When you’ve identified that you have a physical contradiction, you can resolve it by working out how you can separate the opposite things you want. In the tent scenario, you’ve identified that you want it big and small. You then have to work out how you can separate these things. In TRIZ, you can separate in four ways:

  • In Time: Having opposite things at the same time. Do you want a tent to be big and small at the same time? No: you want it small when you’re carrying it and big when you want to sleep in it. So you can separate in time; that is, you need a solution that has these opposite features at different times – it somehow changes.
  • In Space: Wanting opposite things at the same time but in different places: In the sticking plaster example, you want sticky and not-sticky at the same time – but in different places. There’s a place for it to be sticky (on your skin) and a place for it to be not-sticky (on your wound). For this kind of contradiction, you need to separate in space.
  • On Condition: Sometimes you want opposite things at the same time, in the same place – but for different features of your system. For example, you want a window to allow light in but not wind or rain; a colander to catch pasta but also allow water through.
  • By System: Separating by system is understanding that you want opposite things at different levels, for example in the broader context and in the detail. For example, a bicycle chain is rigid to transmit force, and flexible to go around circular gears. If you want to move a long way to get exercise but not move so you can stay indoors, you can use a treadmill (instead of you moving over the stationary ground, the ground moves beneath you).

When you’ve identified how you can separate the contradiction, you can use the Separation Principles in Table 3-3 to find out which of the 40 Inventive Principles have been used in the past to solve these Physical Contradictions. You then take this sub-set of Inventive Principles as triggers to generate solutions.

Table 3-3 The Separation Principles

Inventive Principle

Separate in Time

Separate in Space

Separate on Condition

Separate by System

1. Segmentation




2. Taking Out


3. Local Quality



4. Asymmetry


5. Merging


6. Multi-Function


7. Nested Doll



8. Counterweight


9. Prior Counteraction


10. Prior Action


11. Cushion in Advance


12. Equal Potential


13. The Other Way Round



14. Spheres and Curves


15. Dynamism


16. Partial or Excessive Action


17. Another Dimension


18. Mechanical Vibration


19. Periodic Action


20. Continuous Useful Action


21. Rushing Through


22. Blessing in Disguise


23. Feedback


24. Intermediary



25. Self-Service


26. Copying



27. Cheap Short-Living Objects



28. Replace Mechanical System


29. Pneumatics and Hydraulics



30. Flexible Membranes and Thin Films


31. Porous Materials


32. Colour Change


33. Uniform Material


34. Discarding and Recovering


35. Parameter Change


36. Phase Changes


37. Thermal Expansion


38. Boosted Interactions


39. Inert Atmosphere


40. Composite Materials



Clever Tricks to Outsmart Contradictions: Using the 40 Inventive Principles

Fundamentally, the 40 Inventive Principles are the 40 ways in which human beings solve contradictions. They’re inventive: they’re clever solutions that were used to solve difficult problems. But because they’re also principles they’re broad and conceptual, so you need to work out how to put them into practice.

Applying the 40 Inventive Principles to real problems

‘If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it,’ said Albert Einstein, and identifying your contradictions first will help you define the problem correctly. Generating clever solutions to the wrong problem takes you further away from where you want to be – not closer! – so devoting some time and energy to understanding your contradictions beforehand is absolutely crucial. A well-defined contradiction suggests a number of Inventive Principles, which you then apply to generate solutions.

remember When applying the 40 Inventive Principles, you still have to work hard. You have to apply your domain knowledge and experience: real creativity is about coming up with an idea that’s not only novel but also useful. To be useful it has to be practical, which is why experience and knowledge of how stuff works is absolutely critical. Sometimes, however, your experience of what works and what doesn’t (and what’s been tried before and failed) can get in the way of new ideas. The 40 Inventive Principles help stimulate your creativity and hence come up with new ideas, allowing you to think freely and apply all the rules of brainstorming as you generate new ideas.

Many creativity techniques apply golden rules for idea generation (see the nearby sidebar, ‘The rules of brainstorming’), and they’re fantastically useful. However, they’re not enough. Unfocused brainstorming for new ideas is a completely random process: you may come up with some genius solutions or you may not. Generating solutions is a bit like digging for buried treasure, and TRIZ provides the map: the 40 Inventive Principles suggest the parts of your treasure island where people have found the most gold in the past.

So apply all the rules of brainstorming but also use the 40 Inventive Principles to focus your energy and creativity in the areas where you’re most likely to find inventive and clever solutions.

Digging for buried treasure in the right places

Defining your contradiction and the Inventive Principles most useful for solving your problem ensures you focus your energy on the most useful solutions for you. You step through the Prism of TRIZ and apply those solutions that other people have found particularly useful for this kind of problem. This gives you real confidence, and if you get a Principle you think can’t be useful, still stick with it! Most people reject Inventive Principle 32, Colour Change, when it’s first presented, but it can form the basis of some clever and practical inventions. It’s often the Principle that initially seems the most unlikely that provides the breakthrough – for the very reason that no one would intuitively look there.

example Imagine you want a dressing for a wound that protects it from dirt and germs but allows you to track how well it’s healing. This is a Physical Contradiction that you can separate on condition, and one suggested Inventive Principle for doing so (explained in the ‘Resolving Physical Contradictions’ section earlier in this chapter) is 32, Colour Change, which would suggest a transparent dressing. Figure 3-8 shows the Prism of TRIZ to find this solution.


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Figure 3-8: Stepping through your Prism of TRIZ to find solutions.

Applying the 40 Inventive Principles helps you find clever solutions: you’re prompted to apply your knowledge in new ways, and look for solutions in new places. Sometimes you may not know how to do something – make transparent wound dressings, for example – but TRIZ prompts you to go and find out, directing you in a focused way to the places you need to investigate to locate the knowledge you need. So as your experience and knowledge grow, so does your ability to apply the Principles in pragmatic ways: your ability to use TRIZ effectively increases, directing both your expertise and your creativity to where you’re most likely to find clever solutions.

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