About the Author

Julie Adair King has been teaching and writing about digital photography for more than two decades. Along with this best-selling book, her other titles include a series of For Dummies guides to Nikon, Canon, and Olympus cameras. Other works include Digital Photography Before & After Makeovers, Digital Photo Projects For Dummies, and Julie King's Everyday Photoshop For Photographers. When not writing, King teaches digital photography at such locations as the Palm Beach Photographic Centre. A native of Ohio and graduate of Purdue University, she resides in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Author's Acknowledgments

Even though I make my living as a writer, I find it difficult to put into words how lucky I feel that have been teamed up with the outstanding group of editors who contributed to this book. Kim Darosett, Becky Whitney, Theano Nikitas, Mary Corder, and Steve Hayes, I can only say thank you from the bottom of my heart — nay, from the soles of my feet! — for everything you did to make this book so much better than it otherwise would have been. Of course, I am also blessed to have on my side the talented design, marketing, and other professionals at Wiley Publishing who helped make this book possible. Finally, to my friends and family, thanks for putting up with yours truly, which, I suspect, is not an easy task. Love and gratitude to you all.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Executive Editor: Steven Hayes

Project Editor: Kim Darosett

Technical Editor: Theano Nikitas

Editorial Assistant: Kayla Hoffman

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Production Editor: Selvakumaran Rajendiran

Front Cover Image: Julie Adair King

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