

  1. Abundance Foundation
    1. about
    2. the Agency by Design project ­partnership of Project Zero and
    3. description and focus of
    4. funding social change empowerment initiatives by students
    5. grant program
  2. Access
    1. bicycle example
    2. to books (Ana’s story)
    3. for diverse populations
    4. equity and
    5. to information on the Internet
    6. to insides of devices and
    7. to materials
    8. to skills and knowledge
    9. to spaces, tools, and equipment
  3. Ackermann, Edith K.
  4. Action
    1. agency and role of
    2. dispositional behavior stating that ability alone is not enough to ensure
    3. relationship between intention and
  5. Agency
    1. caring for your community for sense of social
    2. collective
    3. as complex web of interrelated actions
    4. concept of community in sense of
    5. defined as choice, intention, and action
    6. how empowerment fosters a sense of
    7. I-can-do-that notion as empowerment and
    8. intentionality as core property of
    9. maker-centered sense of
    10. maker empowerment relationship to
    11. participating in agentic
    12. as a potential state
    13. scope of
    14. simple definition of
    15. for socially empowered learning
  6. Agency by Design
    1. acknowledging the dedication of ­educators working with
    2. finding opportunities to redesign ­maker-centered space
    3. focus on maker empowerment by
    4. helping learners discern systems and explore them as designs at
    5. learning focus of the
    6. on maker empowerment as objective of maker-centered learning
    7. origins and partnership of the
    8. pedagogical framework for developing sensitivity to design by
  7. Agency by Design (Continued)
    1. research on whether or not students are sensitive to design
    2. thinking routines developed to ­support a sensitivity to design by
    3. three core questions at the heart of the
    4. three strands of inquiry ­conducted by the
  8. Agency by Design framework
    1. background information on
    2. exploring complexity component of the
    3. finding opportunity component of
    4. illustrated diagram of ­pedagogical
    5. looking closely component of the
  9. Agency development
    1. community making context of
    2. maker-based learning for
    3. making stuff for
    4. stuff making context of
    5. taking ownership of process of making for
  10. Aiello, Carla
    1. Imagine if. . . ideas used with her ­students by
    2. looking closely at pencil project by
    3. Parts, People, Interactions used with her students by
  11. Akrasia
  12. Albemarle County School District
  13. Ana’s story
  14. Anderson, Chris
  15. Apple pie image
    1. of Parts, People, Interactions thinking routine
    2. of Parts, Purposes, Complexities thinking routine
  16. Artful Thinking initiative (Project Zero)
  17. The Art of Tinkering (Wilkinson and Petrich)
  18. Arts education
    1. Agency by Design project to explore maker movement as
    2. Project Zero’s special interest in
  19. Athenian School (Danville, CA)
  20. Authority
    1. ethics of knowledge sharing and ­redirecting
    2. online knowledge-sourcing
    3. teachers as the traditional teaching


  1. Balloon car prototypes project
  2. Bandura, Albert
  3. Barloga, Maite
  4. Berger, Ron
  5. Black Lives Matter protest
  6. Blumenfeld, Phyllis
  7. Boyle, Jeremy
    1. on providing opportunities to explore technology
    2. on redirecting authority and encouraging knowledge sharing
    3. on supporting habits of mind
    4. on tools and materials as teachers
  8. Breakwater School (Portland, ME)
  9. Brightworks School (San Francisco, CA)
    1. Ana’s initiative for increasing access to books
    2. developing the capacity to care at
    3. flexible space at the
    4. focus on maker-learning at
    5. highlighting perspective taking and empathy at
    6. storage and visibility at
    7. students’ self-designed studio spaces at
    8. tinkering and figuring it out ­encouraged at
    9. using teachers in the community at
  10. Buechley, Leah
  11. Bui, Thi
  12. Butler, Melissa


  1. Cambridge Handbook of the Learning ­Sciences (Krajcik and Blumenfeld)
  2. Caring
    1. developing capacity in maker-­centered classroom
    2. fostering in the collaborative process
    3. as innate quality in children
    4. Think, Feel, Care thinking routine to leverage
  3. Castro, Fidel
  4. Cesar, Roberto, and Tomas’ engine ­conversion
  5. Character building
    1. by building competence as a maker
    2. general thinking dispositions for
    3. how the tinkering process contributes to
    4. maker-centered learning benefit of
  6. Children’s Innovation Project (Pittsburgh, PA)
    1. bringing technology and circuitry to students
    2. cultivating discipline-specific knowledge and skills
    3. focus on fostering curiosity as general thinking disposition
    4. fostering maker empowerment focus of
    5. on redirecting authority for teaching
    6. screw observation exercise
    7. using tools and technology for making and learning
  7. Choice
    1. agency and role of
    2. intention, action, and
  8. Circuitry
    1. Children’s Innovation Project focus on technology and
    2. looking closely and exploring complexity of electricity and
  9. Claremont Middle School (Oakland, CA)
    1. mapping a maker campus at
    2. Oakland Learning Community participation by
  10. Clifford, David
    1. on developing sense of agency for making or remaking systems
    2. directing students to investigate local community needs
    3. his definition of and importance of ­craftsmanship
    4. on providing students with high-­quality tools
    5. on the social change potential of a young person’s empowerment
    6. on students’ use of tools as “touching points for making sense”
  11. Coaching students
  12. Co-critique
    1. description of
    2. encouraging
    3. feedback as form of
    4. as one of the most important issues to educators
    5. “plussing” technique for
    6. power of close observation for
    7. structuring peer-to-peer
  13. Cohen, Harriet
  14. Co-inspiration
    1. encouraging
    2. of fairy house built by students at the Exploratorium
    3. as form of collegial appropriation
    4. “making the rounds” form of
    5. as one of the most important issues to educators
  15. Collaborative learning
    1. different descriptions and forms of
    2. facilitating student maker
    3. maker-centered learning as a do-it-together mentality of
    4. as one of the most important issues to educators
    5. participatory culture of
    6. third grade student asking friend for help as
  16. Collaborative processes
    1. arguing and negotiation as part of the
    2. definition of
    3. educational theory about group and
    4. fostering caring as part of the
    5. of students working on wind turbine project
  17. Collective agency
  18. Communication systems ­project
  19. Community
    1. constellation of characteristics of the
    2. developing sense of agency related to
    3. Maker Faire sense of
    4. maker movement and important role of
    5. sense of social agency by caring for your
    6. teachers from members of the
  20. Community making
    1. to develop sense of agency
    2. thinking dispositions associated with
  21. Competence and confidence
    1. character building through identity of
    2. how the tinkering process builds
    3. maker-centered learning for sense of
    4. students given an opportunity to build
    5. Tinkering Studio’s focus on building confidence and
  22. Computer numerically controlled (CNC) tools
  23. Computers
    1. living in a culture that throws away old
    2. looking closely at a computer by taking it apart
  24. Constellations of characteristics
    1. community
    2. curiosity-driven
    3. environmental
  25. Constructionism theory
  26. Constructivism theory
  27. Cooperative learning
  28. Corrales Community Library (Corrales, NM)
  29. Craftsmanship
    1. definition of
    2. to develop sense of high standards
    3. importance of having it cross over to classroom
  30. Crandall, Ed
  31. Creative youth development study (2014)
  32. Creativity Lab (Lighthouse Community Charter School)
  33. Cuban technological disobedience story
  34. Cultures of Thinking initiative (Project Zero)
  35. Curiosity
    1. importance as general thinking ­disposition
    2. maker attribute of


  1. Davee, Steve
  2. Dec, Jaymes
  3. Defense Distributed
  4. Design
    1. definition of
    2. developing sensitivity to
    3. finding opportunity to make space for making and
    4. how the act of making draws students’ attention to
  5. “Design as Participation” (Slavin)
  6. Designed systems
    1. experiment using a design hunt and ­systems hunt
    2. Imagine if. . . ideas to explore
    3. Nala’s story on her sensitivity to
    4. Parts, People, Interactions thinking ­routine for exploring
    5. Parts, Purposes, Complexities thinking routine to examine a
    6. research on student sensitivity to
    7. Tatum Omari’s story on problem solving by breaking down the
    8. Think, Feel, Care thinking routine to explore
  7. Design thinking
    1. how empathy contributes to
    2. how tinkering juxtaposes to step-wise
    3. limitations of user-centered design associated with protocols for
    4. Tatum Omari’s story on problem solving using her
    5. technological disobedience form of
    6. understanding the designed world as malleable
  8. Detroit Public Library’s HYPE Teen Center
  9. Dewey, John
  10. Discipline-specific knowledge and skills
    1. maker-centered learning for cultivating
    2. maker-centered learning for cultivating STEM learning
  11. Dispositional behavior
    1. on ability alone not being enough to ensure action
    2. Project Zero research on thinking ­dispositions and
    3. role of motivation in
    4. shortfall of sensitivity as obstacle to
    5. supporting maker-centered thinking and learning with
    6. triadic theory of dispositions view of
  13. Do-it-together (DIT),
  14. Do-it-yourself (DIY) renaissance
  15. Doorley, Rachelle
  16. Doorley, Scott
  17. (Stanford University)
  18. Duckworth, Angela


  1. East Bay School for Boys (Berkeley, CA)
    1. helping students make a difference in the community
    2. how tools and materials are used to extend imagination at
    3. providing students high-quality tools to develop quality work
    4. specific and flexible maker-spaces at
  2. Educational environments
    1. constellations of characteristics of
    2. finding opportunity for redesigning
    3. glimpses into different making things
    4. interventions supporting maker-­centered learning reflection in
    5. maker empowerment in
    6. Maker Faire
    7. See also Maker-centered learning environments
  3. Educators
    1. acknowledging the Agency by Design project
    2. three maker-centered learning features of most concern to
    3. tools and techniques for supporting maker-centered thinking by
    4. what they think about maker-­centered learning experiences
    5. why they should pay attention to cultivating students’ sensitivity
    6. See also Teachers
  4. Electricity systems
    1. Children’s Innovation Project focus on technology and circuitry of
    2. looking closely and exploring complexity of circuits and
  5. Emerson Elementary School (Oakland, CA)
    1. looking closely at complex nature of pencils project at
    2. Oakland Learning Community participation by
    3. Parts, People, Interactions mapped out using apple pie process at
    4. T-Stools built by students of
  6. Empathy
    1. how maker-centered learning can build
    2. Think, Feel, Care thinking routine to leverage
  7. Empowerment. See Maker empowerment
  8. Engine conversion project
  9. English language learners (ELLs)
  10. Entrepreneurship, makers as the next wave of
  11. Environmental water pollution project
  12. Equity
  13. Ernst, Jenny
  14. Ethical issues
    1. 3-D printing and
    2. knowledge sharing ethics
    3. related to agency and moral ­responsibility
  15. Exploratorium (San Francisco, CA)
    1. Tinkering Studio at
    2. Young Makers Club at the
  16. Exploring complexity
    1. Agency by Design pedagogical framework and component of
    2. description of
    3. of electricity and circuits with third grade students
    4. of telephones, manufacturing, and community systems with eighth-­graders


  1. Fab Lab (Marymount School of New York)
  2. Failure
    1. Frederica’s story on learning to overcome her fear of
    2. learning to work past obstacles and
  3. Fall, Youssou
  4. Feedback
    1. as form of co-critique
    2. self-designed studio spaces for ­sharing
  5. Figuring it out learning
  6. Finding opportunity
    1. Agency by Design pedagogical framework and component of
    2. description of
    3. engaging in a high school library ­redesign
    4. how a fifth grade class redesigned their classroom
    5. mapping a maker campus at Claremont Middle School
    6. questions to ask to integrate maker-­centered thinking and learning into
  7. Fleming, Laura
  8. Forest, Andy
  9. Fox Meadow Elementary School (Scarsdale, NY)
  10. Franklin, Benjamin
  11. Frederica’s story
  12. Free will


  1. General thinking dispositions
    1. associated with community making
    2. associated with stuff making
    3. building character through
    4. eight attributes to cultivate in young makers
    5. Project Zero research on dispositional behavior and
    6. qualities and typologies of ­patterns of
  2. Geodesic dome making (Breakwater School)
  3. Goodman, Nelson
  4. Goodwin, Gus
  5. Greene, Maxine
  6. Grit concept


  1. Hacker Scouts program (Parachute Factory)
  2. Halverson, Erica
  3. Hamren, Bruce
  4. Harvard Graduate School of Education
  5. Hatch, Mark
  6. Hathaway, Ellen
  7. High standards, craftsmanship to develop sense of
  8. Homeless shopping cart hook project
  9. Honey, Margaret
  10. “How Pencils Are Made” video
  11. Hui, Corrina
  12. Human rights theories
  13. HYPE Teen Center (Detroit Public Library)
    1. cultivating discipline-based knowledge and skills at
    2. how storage and visibility are promoted at the
    3. promoting students as teachers at


  1. I-can-do-that notion
  2. Ideas
    1. Co-inspiration of
    2. Imagine if. . .,
    3. self-designed studio spaces for ­sharing
    4. tinkering process as having a dialogue with an
  3. Identity. See Maker identity
  4. IDEO
  5. iFixit
  6. Imagine if. . . thinking routine
    1. description of
    2. supporting sensitivity to design
  7. Innovation Lab (I-Lab) [Nueva School, Hillsborough, CA]
  8. Innovation Workshop (Park Day School)
  9. Inquiry
    1. avoiding stereotype and savior ­mentality by using
    2. to foster authentic understanding
    3. homeless shopping cart hook project and role of
  10. Instructables
  11. Instructional framework
    1. exploring complexity capacity
    2. finding opportunity capacity
    3. looking closely capacity
  12. Intention/intentionality
    1. agency and role of
    2. as core property of agency
    3. relationship between action and
  13. Internet
    1. Instructables and resources on the
    2. online knowledge-sourcing using the
    3. online research on importing music project
  14. Ito, Joi


  1. Jimmy’s backpack zipper story


  1. Kane, Alex
  2. King Middle School (Portland, ME)
    1. bringing in community members to teach at
    2. local expert teaching an Ardunio class for teachers of
    3. specified space at
    4. student chooses the right tool for ­project at
    5. Tech Ed room tools and materials at the
  3. Knowledge and skills
    1. cultivating discipline-specific
    2. cultivating maker-specific
    3. tinkering for developing maker-­specific
  4. Knowledge as Design (Perkins)
  5. Knowledge sharing ethics
    1. redirecting authority and the
    2. rule of five technique for
  6. Kornhaber, Mindy
  7. Krajcik, Joseph
  8. Kryukova, Tanya


  1. Lang, David
  2. Learning by doing theory
  3. Learning environments. See Educational environments
  4. Learning theories
    1. constructivism and constructionism
    2. Dewey’s learning by doing
    3. Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development
    4. See also Maker-centered learning; Pedagogy
  5. Lick-Wilmerding High School (San Francisco, CA)
  6. Lightbulb project
  7. Lighthouse Community Center School (Oakland, CA)
  8. Locus
    1. description of
    2. for participating in agentic action
  9. Looking closely
    1. at complexity of telephones, manufacturing, and community systems with eighth-graders
    2. at complex nature of pencils with ­kindergarten students
    3. at computers with English language learners
    4. description of
    5. at electricity and circuits with third grade students
    6. student in woodworking shop


  1. MacBook Pro
  2. Maker-as-cultural-identity
  3. Maker-based knowledge/skills, importance of developing
  4. Maker capacities
    1. exploring complexity
    2. finding opportunity
    3. looking closely
    4. thinking routines to cultivate
  5. Maker-centered classrooms
    1. developing capacity to care for one another in
    2. finding opportunity for redesigning
    3. having specific and flexible spaces trend of
    4. importance of having craftsmanship cross over to
    5. key strategies for designing effective,
    6. pursuit of long term goals and working through adversity
    7. three features of most concern to ­educators in
    8. what does it look like
    9. what does learning look like in the
    10. what does teaching look like in the
    11. who (and what) are the teachers in the
  6. Maker-centered learning
    1. Agency by Design project’s inquiry into
    2. comparing project-based learning (PBL)
    3. description and definitions of
    4. description of a maker-centered ­classroom’s
    5. do-it-together mentality of
    6. educational roots and connections in
    7. ethical dimensions of
    8. figuring it out
    9. finding opportunity to make space for making and
    10. glimpses into the educational transformation of
    11. as hands-on pedagogy
    12. how the act of making draws students’ attention to design
    13. inclusive approach to defining the ­settings of
    14. instructional framework for
    15. maker empowerment as objective of
    16. sense of agency developed by
    17. three features of most concern to educators for
    18. tools and techniques for supporting
    19. the two narratives of
    20. See also Learning theories
  7. Maker-centered learning benefits
    1. character building as
    2. cultivating discipline-specific knowledge and skills as
  8. Maker-centered learning benefits (Continued)
    1. cultivating maker-specific knowledge and skills as
    2. developing sense of agency as
    3. maker educators and thought ­leaders on
    4. recapping the real
  9. Maker-centered learning environments
    1. finding opportunity for redesigning
    2. key characteristics of
    3. what does it look like
    4. what does teaching look like in the
    5. who (and what) are the teachers in the
    6. See also Educational environments
  10. Maker-centered learning narratives
    1. the character building
    2. the developing agency
    3. the economic argument and
    4. the educational argument and
    5. hundreds written about the maker movement
  11. Maker-centered thinking routines
    1. cultivating marker capacities through
    2. developed to support a sensitivity to design
    3. dispositional development
    4. Imagine if. . . ideas
    5. Parts, People, Interactions,
    6. Parts, Purposes, Complexities,
    7. Project Zero’s research initiatives on
    8. to support maker-centered thinking and learning
    9. Think, Feel, Care,
  12. Maker culture
    1. aimed at cultivating students’ ­sensitivity
    2. collaborative and community based sharing nature of the
    3. inclusive framing of
    4. participating in agentic action as part of the
  13. Maker Education Initiative (Oakland, CA)
  14. Maker educators
    1. on community making as important student outcome
    2. identifying the real benefits of maker-centered learning from
    3. learning about maker-centered learning from
  15. Maker empowerment
    1. Agency by Design project focus on
    2. Agency by Design project’s focus on
    3. agency relationship to
    4. Children’s Innovation Project’s focus on
    5. definition as inclination, capacity, and sensitivity
    6. description of
    7. dispositional behavior concept of
    8. in education
    9. fostering a sense of agency
    10. I-can-do-that notion as agency and
    11. Jimmy’s backpack zipper story on
    12. as maker-centered learning objective
    13. making stuff in makerspaces for
    14. social justice and
    15. socially empowered learning through agency and
    16. See also Student makers
  16. Maker empowerment framework
    1. background information on
    2. exploring complexity component of the
    3. finding opportunity component of
    4. illustrated diagram on ­pedagogical
    5. looking closely component of the
  17. Maker Faire
    1. the first White House (2014)
    2. held in San Mateo (CA)
    3. sense of community spirit felt in
  18. Maker identity
    1. character building through competence and
    2. first grade students’ self-­identification as
    3. maker-as-cultural-identity
  19. MakerKids (Toronto, ON)
  20. The Maker Manifesto (Hatch)
  21. Maker movement
    1. Agency by Design project to explore educational ­implications of
    2. description and definitions related to
    3. description of the
    4. role of community in the
    5. the two narratives of the
  22. Makers
    1. constructing a trash collecting net for environmental science
    2. eight attributes of
    3. maker-as-cultural-identity
    4. maker-centered approach to defining
    5. symptoms-based approach to defining
    6. types of
    7. See also Student makers
  23. Makers: The New Industrial Revolution (Anderson)
  24. Makerspaces
    1. Albemarle schools’ Spark Spaces set aside as
    2. Open Bench Project (Portland, ME)
    3. Parachute Factory (Las Vegas, NM)
    4. student empowerment by regular ­activities in
    5. See also Student maker activities
  25. Maker-specific knowledge and skills
    1. maker-centered learning for cultivating
    2. prototyping and iteration for
    3. tinkering to develop
  26. Make Space (Doorley and Withhoft)
  27. Makey-Makey device
  28. Making Makers: Kids, Tools, and the Future of Innovation (Thomas)
  29. Making stuff
    1. developing sense of agency through
    2. empowerment through
    3. importance of the personal ­element in
    4. that reflects their personal values
  30. “Making the rounds” technique
  31. Manufacturing
    1. looking closely and exploring ­complexity of
    2. makers as the next wave of
  32. Martin, Brittany Harker
  33. Martinez, Sylvia Libow
  34. Martin Luther King Day Black Lives ­Matter protest
  35. Marymount School of New York (New York, NY)
    1. encouraging students to feel sense of agency and ownership
    2. juxtaposing tinkering to step-wise design thinking approach at
    3. online research on importing music project
    4. storage and visibility approach at
    5. training their students to teach at
  36. Materials. See Tools and materials
  37. McKenna, Peter
  38. McLellan, Todd
  39. Mentoring students
  40. Metzner, Kyle
  41. Microcontrollers
  42. Miller, Renee
  43. MIT Media Lab
  44. Modeling behavior to students
  45. Monroy, Caine
  46. Moral responsibility
  47. Moran, Pamela R.
  48. Motivation
    1. of Ana to increase access to books
    2. in Jimmy’s backpack zipper story
    3. role in dispositional behavior by
  49. Mount Elliott MakerSpace (Detroit, MI)
    1. connecting students with a community expert at
    2. focus on fostering agency
    3. rule of five approach to redirecting authority at
    4. storage and visibility approach at


  1. Nala’s story
  2. National Day of Making (June 18)
  3. New Millford High School (New Millford, NJ)
  4. New York Hall of Science
  5. North Oakland Community Charter School (Oakland, CA)
  6. Nueva School’s I-Lab (Hillsborough, CA)


  1. Oakland International High School (Oakland, CA)
    1. engaging in a library redesign at
    2. Oakland Learning Community participation by
    3. proposed design for a maker campus at
    4. student development of sensitivity to design supported by maker capacities at
    5. students looking closely at a computer by taking it apart
  2. Oakland Learning Community
    1. description of
    2. group of dedicated educators participating in the
  3. Oakland Technical High School ­(Oakland, CA)
  4. Obama, Barack
  5. Obstacles
    1. benefits of struggling through
    2. co-critique “plussing” strategy to work around
    3. dispositional behavior prevented by shortfall of sensitivity
    4. having the grit to get past
    5. maker-centered classroom focus on working through
  6. Omari, Tatum
  7. Online knowledge-sourcing
    1. Instructables and resources for
    2. online research on importing music project
    3. as teachers
  8. Opal School (Portland, OR)
  9. Open Bench Project (Portland, ME)
  10. Optimism attribute
  11. Oroza, Ernesto
  12. Owning the process
    1. developing sense of agency by
    2. story of student solving cold feet problem


  1. Papert, Seymour
  2. Parachute Factory (Las Vegas, NM)
  3. Park Day School (Oakland, CA)
    1. Agency by Design research project participation by
    2. finding opportunity for redesigning classroom at
    3. Innovation Workshop at
    4. lightbulb project at
    5. looking closely and exploring complexity of electricity and circuits at
    6. looking closely at complex nature of pencils project at
    7. makers working at
    8. partnership to build T-Stools with Emerson Elementary School
    9. students working with simple tools at
  4. Participatory culture
  5. Partnership for 21st Century Learning framework (P21)
  6. Parts, People, Interactions thinking ­routine
    1. apple pie image of
    2. Black Lives Matter protest explored using
    3. description and development of
  7. Parts, Purposes, Complexities thinking routine
    1. apple pie image of
    2. applied to examining a system
    3. description and development of
  8. Pedagogy
    1. maker-centered learning as a hands-on
    2. multiple teacher roles in
    3. See also Learning theories
  9. Peer critique
    1. co-critique
    2. as form of peer learning
  10. Peer learning
    1. description and benefits of
    2. different varieties of
    3. students as teachers for
    4. two young makers supporting one another
  11. Pencil project
  12. Perkins, David
  13. Persistence
    1. grit concept alignment with
    2. as maker attribute
    3. risk-taking attribute supported by
  14. Personal values, making stuff that reflects their
  15. Perspective taking
  16. Petrich, Mike
  17. Piaget, Jean
  18. Pittsburgh Allegheny K–5 school (Pittsburgh, PA)
  19. Pixar
  20. Playful attribute
  21. “Plussing” co-critique
  22. President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology
  23. Problem-solving
    1. developing agency through
    2. how tinkering juxtaposes to step-wise
    3. how understanding technology and stuff helps with
    4. owning the process of
    5. Tatum Omari’s story on
    6. technological disobedience used for
    7. tinkering as playful mindset for
  24. Project-based learning (PBL)
    1. characteristics of
    2. comparing maker-centered learning and
    3. description of
  25. Project Zero
    1. the Agency by Design project partnership of Abundance Foundation and
    2. Artful Thinking initiative of
    3. Cultures of Thinking initiative of
    4. description and focus of
    5. dispositional behavior concept ­developed at
    6. general thinking dispositions research done at
    7. maker-centered learning research initiative of
    8. thinking routines as central to research initiatives at
    9. Visible Thinking initiative of
  26. Propel McKeesport School (Pittsburgh, PA)


  1. Redesigning maker space
    1. engaging in a high school library ­redesign
    2. finding opportunity to make space and
    3. how a fifth grade class redesigned their classroom
  2. REDlab (Stanford University)
  3. Reggio Emilia
  4. Resourcefulness attribute
  5. Responsibility
    1. as attribute of makers
    2. rule of five for redirecting teaching
  6. Risk-taking
    1. as attribute of makers
    2. how persistence supports maker
  7. Roberto, Cesar, and Tomas’ engine conversion
  8. Robotics class
  9. Rule of five technique
  10. Ryan, Jennifer Oxman
  11. Ryan’s TEDx talk (2013)


  1. Savior mentality avoidance
  2. Screw observation exercise
  3. Self-competence. See Competence and confidence
  4. Self-efficacy
  5. Self-esteem
  6. Self making
    1. building competence as
    2. first grade students’ self-­identification as maker
    3. maker-as-cultural-identity
  7. Sensitivity
    1. benefits of cultivating a student’s
    2. to cues in the environment
    3. developing design
    4. dispositional behavior by shortfall in
    5. maker culture aimed at cultivating a student’s
    6. maker culture’s aim to develop
    7. as special challenge in classroom activities
  8. Sensitivity to design
    1. Agency by Design project’s framework for developing
    2. assessing how students do or do not have
    3. benefits of cultivating a student’s
    4. description and meaning of
    5. the hidden mechanics of stuff
    6. importance in a consumer-driven world
    7. Nala’s story on her
    8. screw observation exercise to develop
    9. Smith-Corona typewriter workings and properties
    10. student examining properties of his working materials
    11. supported by three maker capacities at Oakland International High School
    12. Tatum Omari’s story on problem solving using her
    13. technological disobedience problem solving using
    14. thinking routines developed to support a
    15. understanding the designed world as malleable
  9. Sensitivity to design framework
    1. background information on
    2. exploring complexity component of the
    3. finding opportunity component of
    4. illustrated diagram on pedagogical
    5. looking closely component of the
  10. Sensitivity to design thinking routines
    1. Imagine if. . . ideas
    2. Parts, People, Interactions,
    3. Parts, Purposes, Complexities,
    4. Think, Feel, Care,
  11. Sharing attribute
  12. Sheridan, Kimberly
  13. Slavin, Kevin
  14. Smith-Corona typewriter
  15. Social justice
    1. Abundance Foundation’s funding of student empowerment initiatives for
    2. Ana’s initiative on providing more access to books
    3. the potential of a young person’s empowerment for
  16. Socially empowered learning
  17. Spark Spaces (Albemarle schools’ makerspaces)
  18. Specific and flexible spaces
  19. Stager, Gary
  20. Stanford University
  21. STEM learning
    1. as maker-centered learning ­outcomes
    2. importance of developing skills and
    3. maker-centered learning potential for
    4. U.S. students reported to lag behind in
  22. Stephen, David
    1. Agency by Design collaborating on maker space and design
    2. engaging in a library redesign at Oakland International High School
    3. mapping a maker campus at Claremont Middle School
  23. Stereotype avoidance
  24. Storage and visibility
    1. maker-centered classroom
    2. as teachers in the maker-centered classroom
  25. Struggle as good
  26. Student maker activities
    1. balloon car prototypes project
    2. building confidence and ­competence
    3. building T-Stools for classroom use
    4. constructing a trash collecting net
    5. examining properties of materials a student is working with
    6. exploring properties of electricity
    7. exploring the physics of speakers
  27. Student maker activities (Continued)
    1. first graders identifying themselves as makers and inventors
    2. fourth graders engage in toy take-apart activity
    3. Innovation Workshop at Park Day School for
    4. lightbulb project
    5. looking closely and exploring complexity of electricity and circuits at
    6. looking closely and exploring complexity of telephones, manufacturing, and communication systems
    7. looking closely at a computer by taking it apart
    8. looking closely at pencil ­project
    9. “making the rounds” ­technique
    10. online research on importing music project
    11. Open Bench Project’s community expert working with
    12. Parts, People, Interactions mapped out using apple pie process at
    13. redirecting teaching authority in robotics
    14. Roberto, Cesar, and Tomas’ engine ­conversion
    15. screw observation exercise
    16. self-designed studio spaces for sharing ideas/feedback
    17. student in woodworking shop looking closely
    18. study of water pollution solutions
    19. third grade student asking friend for help during
    20. tinkering class building a geodesic dome
    21. Tinkering Studio’s experimental exhibition designs
    22. two young makers supporting each other
    23. visibility of materials, tools, and projects for
    24. working on a wind turbine project
    25. working with simple tools
    26. See also Makerspaces
  28. Student makers
    1. assessing if they are or are not sensitive to design
    2. building character of
    3. community making as important outcome for
    4. cultivating discipline-specific knowledge and skills in
    5. cultivating maker-specific knowledge and skills in
    6. developing a sense of agency in
    7. eight attributes to cultivate in
    8. English language learners (ELLs)
    9. facilitating collaboration among
    10. Frederica’s story on learning to overcome her fears
    11. Smith-Corona typewriter workings and properties
    12. as teachers
    13. tools and techniques for supporting maker-centered learning by
    14. See also Maker empowerment; Makers
  29. Stuff
    1. the hidden mechanics of
    2. living in a culture of throwaway
  30. Stuff making
    1. character building through the tinkering process and
    2. to develop sense of agency
    3. thinking dispositions associated with
  31. Sturges, Jeff
  32. Super Awesome Sylvia (Sylvia Todd)
  33. Sweeney, Linda Booth
  34. Systems. See Designed systems


  1. Teachers
    1. coaching, mentoring, and modeling behavior
    2. community members as
    3. online knowledge-sourcing as
    4. promoting an ethics of knowledge sharing
    5. student as
    6. tools and materials as
    7. as traditional learning authority
    8. See also Educators
  2. Teaching strategies
    1. description of the maker-centered ­classroom
    2. encouraging co-critique
    3. encouraging co-inspiration
    4. facilitating student collaboration
    5. knowledge sharing ethics
    6. redirecting authority
  3. Tech Ed room (King Middle School)
  4. Technological disobedience
  5. Technology
    1. the hidden mechanics of stuff and
    2. living in a culture that throws away old
    3. looking closely and exploring telephones, manufacturing, and communication
    4. looking closely at a computer by taking it apart
    5. making and learning by using tools and
    6. providing students with the opportunities to explore
  6. Teeri, Steve
  7. Telephone systems project
  8. Things Come Apart (McLellan)
  9. Think, Feel, Care thinking routine
    1. description and development of
    2. exploring an object or system using the
    3. leveraging the natural capacity for ­empathy
  10. Thinking dispositions. See General thinking dispositions
  11. Thinking routines
    1. cultivating marker capacities through
    2. developed to support a sensitivity to design
    3. Imagine if. . . ideas
    4. Parts, People, Interactions,
    5. Parts, Purposes, Complexities,
    6. Project Zero’s research initiatives on
    7. supporting maker-centered thinking and learning with
    8. Think, Feel, Care,
  12. Thomas, AnnMarie
  13. Thought leaders
    1. on community making as important student outcome
    2. identifying the real benefits of maker-centered learning from
    3. learning about maker-centered learning from
    4. tools and techniques for supporting maker-centered thinking by
  14. 3-D printers
  15. Throwaway culture
  16. Tinkering process
    1. building competence and confidence using the
    2. co-inspiration during the
    3. figuring it out using the
    4. as having a dialogue with a material or an idea
    5. as a playful problem-solving mindset
    6. visibility of materials, tools, and projects for
  17. Tinkering School summer camps
  18. Tinkering Studio (Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA)
    1. encouraging students to learn to be tinkerers
    2. fairy house example of co-­inspiration among students
    3. focus on building competence and confidence at
    4. how the staff experiments with exhibition designs at the
    5. “plussing” strategy used at
  19. Tishman, Shari
  20. Toczylowski, Brooke
  21. Tomas, Cesar, and Roberto’s engine conversion
  22. Tools and materials
    1. computer numerically controlled (CNC)
    2. Hatch’s “Tool Up” list
    3. maker-centered classroom
    4. screw observation exercise
    5. as teachers
    6. Tech Ed room (King Middle School)
  23. “Tool Up” list
  24. Trash collecting net
  25. Triadic theory of dispositions
  26. Tulley, Gever
    1. on bringing in teachers from the community
    2. on empathy as a character-­building skill
    3. on facilitating student collaboration
    4. his story on Ana’s initiative to create change
    5. on importance of developing the capacity to care
    6. on learning value of tinkering
    7. on tools as teachers
    8. on the world’s need for self-directed learners


  1. Ulibarri, Mariano
  2. University of St. Thomas
  3. User-centered design


  1. Vanderwerff, Aaron
  2. Visible Thinking initiative (Project Zero)
  3. Visible thinking (practice)
  4. Vossoughi, Shirin
  5. Vygotsky, Lev S.


  1. Water pollution solutions
  2. White House’s Maker Faire (2014)
  3. Wiens, Kyle
  4. Wilkinson, Karen
  5. Wilson, Duncan
  6. Wind turbine project
    1. “making the rounds” technique ­during a
    2. student choosing from selection of tools for
    3. working with guest educator on collaborative
  7. Wise, Susie
  8. Withhoft, Scott
  9. World Maker Faire (2014), young visitors to the
  10. Worlds of Making (Fleming)


  1. Young Makers Club (Exploratorium, San Francisco)


  1. Zero to Maker (Lang)
  2. Zone of proximal development
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