Thinking and Learning in the Maker-Centered Classroom

An online course exploring the potential of maker-centered learning from the perspective of the Agency by Design research initiative at Project Zero

Offered jointly by Project Zero and the Programs in Professional Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

Over the past decade, maker-centered classrooms and maker-centered learning have become increasingly popular. Young people (and teachers and parents alike) have greater opportunities than ever before to build, hack, redesign, and tinker with a variety of materials in school- or community-based spaces, design thinking and engineering programs, and at Maker Faires.

Maker-centered learning not only offers opportunities to learn about new tools and technologies, it requires certain thinking skills—such as navigating uncertainty, adaptability, collaborative thinking, risk-taking, and multiple-perspective taking—that are critical to engaging and thriving in a complex world.

Drawing on research from Project Zero's Agency by Design project, this online course offers classroom teachers, maker educators, administrators, and parents an opportunity to explore firsthand maker-centered learning practices and the opportunities they afford. Discover what kinds of tools might best support this kind of teaching and learning, and examine the benefits (to both young people and facilitators) of engaging in this work. Through hands-on, collaborative activities, consider how maker-centered learning experiences might fit into your home teaching and learning context.

To register and learn more, please visit:

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