
  • 3M
  • 5 forces of industry (Porter)
  • 5 phases of entrepreneurship
  • 6 degrees of strategic innovation
  • 6 senses of strategy see six senses of strategy
  • 7-Ss framework, McKinsey's
  • 8 steps of change
  • 80/20 rule
  • AB Inbev
  • ABB
  • Abisai, Denno
  • absolute advantage, theory of
  • accounting-based performance measures
  • accreditation agencies
  • acquisitions see mergers and acquisitions
  • activity sharing
  • advertising
    • Danone
    • easyCinema
    • Handi Ghandi Curries
    • HSBC
    • Mojo MDA
    • national cultures
    • Nike
    • Reliant Robin
    • Royal Air Maroc
    • scents, use of
    • sensography
    • Walkers crisps
  • advisory relations, stakeholders
  • Aegon
  • agency problem
  • agents
  • Agincourt, battle of
  • Air New Zealand
  • airbnb
  • Airbus
  • airline industry
    • business models
    • competitive advantage
    • corporate strategy
    • Imperial CEOs
    • low-cost airlines
    • national cultures
    • performance evaluation
    • return on investment capital
    • see also individual airlines
  • airports
  • Alderson, Sandy
  • alliances see strategic alliances
  • Amazon, business model
  • Ando, Momofuku
  • Angwin, D.N.
  • annual reports
  • Ansoff, Igor xv,
  • app, StrategyBlocks Builder
  • Apple
    • core values
    • dolphin tail effect
    • iPod
    • secret lab
    • sensography
  • archers
  • aretaic ethics
  • Argentina, Danone expansion in
  • armies
  • Asda
  • Asia
    • factory workers
    • low-wage economies
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • see also China; India; Indonesia; Japan; Korean Airlines; Singapore
  • ASRI
  • assessments
    • approach
    • examiner comments
    • marking guidelines/grid
    • using The Strategy Pathfinder
  • Atlas Blue
  • Attijariwafa Bank
  • audio observations
  • Australia
    • Handi Ghandi Curries
    • Mojo MDA
    • national culture
    • piano imports
  • Austria, BIPA
  • automobile industry
    • brand/band analogies
    • car market sales analysis, UK
    • change management
    • competitive advantage
    • complementors
    • corporate strategy
    • electric vehicles
    • macro-shocks
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • oil shortages
    • product/service sounds
    • resource-based advantage
    • scenario construction
    • substitution
  • AWB
  • Azagury-Partridge, Solange
  • Bacher, Rick
  • bait and hook business model
  • bakery business
  • Balanced Scorecard
  • banking
    • border-crossing
    • business models
    • investment banking
    • Islamic finance
    • see also financial services
  • Banque du Sud (Tunisia)
  • Barcelona FC
  • Barclays Bank
  • bargaining power
  • Barney, Jay
  • Bartlett, C.A.
  • baseball
  • BBC
  • Beane, Billy
  • Belgium, brewing industry
  • Ben and Jerry's
  • bicycles
    • BMX bikes
    • rental bike business
  • Big Pharma
  • Bilton, C.
  • BIPA
  • BL see British Leyland
  • Blair, Tony
  • blue ocean strategies
  • Blumenthal, Heston
  • BMW
  • BMX bikes
  • boards of directors
  • Body Shop
  • Bolton, Tony
  • Booker
  • border-crossing
    • commercial barriers
    • cultural barriers
    • designs
    • exit strategies
    • fast followers
    • first movers
    • HSBC
    • humanitarian organisations
    • international competition strategies
    • Kodak
    • Korean Airlines
    • macro-environment
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • methods
    • obstacles
    • organisational structure
    • political and legal barriers
    • rationale for
    • Red Cross/Crescent
    • retreat and retrenchment
    • strategic alliances
    • strategies
    • Tesco
    • theories
  • Boston Box (growth-share matrix)
  • Boucheron
  • boundary innovation
  • boundedness
  • Bowerman, Bill
  • boycotts
  • BP Horizon
  • brand companies
  • brand innovation
  • brand loyalty
  • breakfast cereal business
  • Breithaupt, Scott
  • brewing industry
  • Brexit
  • bricks and clicks business model
  • briefing notes, student assessments
  • Britain see United Kingdom
  • British Airways
  • British Army
  • British Gas
  • British Leyland (BL)
  • British pound, fall in
  • broadcasting industry
  • Broadwood pianos
  • Brown, Steven
  • Bruges, brewing industry
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Burberry
  • burger industry
  • business ethics
  • business models
    • bait and hook model
    • bricks and clicks
    • capabilities
    • causation approach
    • channel innovation
    • collective business models
    • cutting out the middleman
    • De Halve Maan brewery
    • design of
    • effectuation approach
    • franchising
    • freemium model
    • Friendsurance
    • functions of
    • Hey Juice
    • IKEA
    • innovation barriers
    • isolating mechanisms
    • just-in-time model
    • low-cost model
    • macro-shocks
    • McDonald's
    • multi-sided/platform models
    • network effects
    • no-frills model
    • one-sided models
    • pay what you want/can model
    • pyramid schemes
    • razor-blade model
    • resources
    • social business models
    • sponsorship model
    • and strategy
    • Synear Quick-Frozen Food Company
    • Unicorn companies
    • visual approaches
  • business screen, GE/McKinsey
  • butterfly effect
  • Californianisation of society
  • camera business
  • Campbell, Bill
  • Canada
    • economies of scale
    • Universal, practice case
  • Canon
  • capabilities/competencies
    • business models
    • competitive advantage
    • fit
    • knowledge-based
  • Car (magazine)
  • car market sales analysis, UK
    • see also automobile industry
  • car rental business
  • cargo industry
  • Carrefour
  • cashmere knitwear
  • CDs (compact discs)
  • cell phones, money transfers
    • see also Apple; Nokia
  • central functions and services
  • CEOs see Chief Executive Officers
  • Cereality
  • chairmen
  • Chandler, Alfred
  • change management
    • 80/20 rule
    • barriers to change
    • change and continuity
    • church congregations
    • communities of practice
    • conventional models
    • eight steps of change
    • frameworks
    • instigators of change
    • leading from the middle
    • levels of change
    • Little Chef
    • models/theories
    • need for change
    • not-for-profit organisations
    • Oakland A's
    • Pringle
    • Reliant
    • resistance to change
    • stories, power of
    • strategic leadership keypad
    • strategy director role
    • styles of change
    • systems thinking
  • Changi Airport, Singapore
  • Channel 4
  • Channel 5
  • channel innovation
  • chaos theory
  • charismatic transformation
  • charity
  • Chen Song
  • Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)
    • communication mishaps
    • Imperial CEOs
    • personal presentation
    • power constraints
    • remuneration
    • strategic role
    • voice, tone of
  • Chief Strategy Officers (CSOs)
  • China
    • Hey Juice
    • Kodak expansion
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • national culture
    • Ofo Bikes
    • photographic film market
    • Synear Quick-Frozen Food Company
  • Christiansen, Ole Kirk
  • Christie, Bill
  • churches, change management
  • cinema industry
  • Cirque du Soleil
  • Civil Rights movement
  • clarity of purpose
  • Clarkson, Jeremy
  • clothing industry
    • see also sportswear industry
  • clusters, regional
  • clutch power philosophy, LEGO
  • co-opetition
  • Coach
  • Coca-Cola
  • cognitive biases/limitation
  • Cohen, Jack
  • Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
  • collective bargaining
  • collective business models
  • collectivism
  • communication
    • CEOs
    • communication fit
  • communities of practice
  • compact discs (CDs)
  • comparative advantage, theory of
  • comparative impact matrix
  • competencies see capabilities/competencies
  • competition
    • monopolies
    • perfect competition
    • strategies
    • see also border-crossing; rivalry
  • competitive advantage
    • airline industry
    • automobile industry
    • banking
    • blue ocean strategies
    • breakfast cereal business
    • brewing industry
    • competencies
    • competitive strategy
    • continuous development
    • differentiation strategies
    • game theory
    • generic strategy matrix
    • organisational culture
    • positioning strategy
    • resources
    • strategic clock
    • supermarkets
    • sustainability
    • value chains
  • competitive scope
  • competitive strategy
  • complementors
  • computer industry
    • see also individual companies; software
  • configuration innovations
  • conglomerate discount
  • conservation
  • Consignia
  • consortium alliances
  • consultants
    • cost/usefulness debate
    • NHS report, Virgin
    • role of
    • Universal, practice case
  • consumers see customers
  • container shipping
  • contingency planning
  • cooperation
  • core values
  • corporate advantage
  • corporate centre role
  • corporate development see portfolio management
  • corporate governance
  • corporate integrity
  • corporate reputation
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • corporate strategy
    • Apple
    • central functions and services
    • corporate advantage
    • corporate centre role
    • easyGroup
    • GE
    • horizontal integration
    • linkage influence
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • multi-business firms
    • portfolio management
    • in practice
    • related diversification
    • restructuring
    • sharing of activities
    • skill transfers
    • Sony
    • stand-alone influence
    • Tata Group
    • unrelated diversification
    • vertical integration
    • Z Enterprises
  • corporate values
  • Corus
  • cosmetics industry
  • cost advantage
  • cost innovation
  • craft breweries
  • Creative Strategy (Bilton & Cummings)
  • Crécy, battle of
  • credit rating agencies
  • criminality
  • critical success factors (CSFs)
  • cross-shareholding
  • crossbows
  • crossing borders see border-crossing
  • crowdfunding
  • crowdsourcing
  • CSFs see critical success factors
  • CSOs see Chief Strategy Officers
  • CSR see corporate social responsibility
  • cultural barriers
  • cultural fit
  • cultural web
  • culture
    • future of
    • national cultures
    • organisational culture
  • Cummings, S.
  • currency weakness
  • customers
    • loyalty
    • price sensitivity
    • satisfaction
  • customisation
  • cutting out the middleman business model
  • Daiichi Sankyo
  • Daks
  • Danone
  • Davison, Henry
  • DCs see dynamic capabilities
  • de Gruchy, Nigel
  • De Halve Maan brewery, Bruges
  • Dean, Earl
  • debt
  • Degelin, Ludo
  • Delft Belting
  • Dell
  • deontic ethics
  • Design School xvi
  • Diamond of International Competitiveness (Porter)
  • dictatorial transformation
  • differential advantage
  • differentiation strategies
  • digital cameras
    • see also photographic film business
  • directors
  • Disney
  • distributors
  • divestment
  • dolphin tail effect
  • Dominos
  • Drucker, Peter
  • drugs industry see pharmaceutical industry
  • dumplings
  • Dunant, Henry
  • Dunning, John
  • DuPont
  • dynamic capabilities (DCs)
  • Dyson
  • easyCar
  • easyCinema
  • easyGroup
  • easyJet
  • Ebbers, Bernie
  • eclectic theory
  • ecological issues
  • economic relations, stakeholders
  • economic value added (EVA)
  • economies of scale
  • Edison, Thomas
  • Edward III, King
  • Edwardes, Michael
  • eight steps of change
  • electric vehicles
  • Elkington, John
  • employees
    • best companies to work for
    • factory workers
    • food and drink for
    • low-cost workers
    • personal presentation
    • powerlessness of
  • Entrepreneurial School xvi
  • entrepreneurship
    • discovery and creation theories
    • five phases of
    • in organisations
  • entry barriers
  • equity alliances
  • ESTEMPLE analysis
  • ethics
    • banking
    • Handi Ghandi Curries, case
    • performance evaluation
    • social influencers
    • stakeholder expectations
    • standards
  • European Union (EU), Brexit
  • evaluation of performance see performance evaluation
  • Evandale Gardens
  • evolution
    • change management
    • dynamic capabilities
    • of organisations
    • participative evolution
  • evolutionary capabilities
  • evolutionary transformation
  • examinations
    • examiner comments
    • marking guidelines/grid
    • using The Strategy Pathfinder
  • Exercise Group
  • exit barriers
  • exit strategies
  • experience innovations
  • external dependent stakeholders
  • Facebook
  • factor endowments, HOS model of
  • factory workers
  • Falcon rockets
  • farmers, and supermarkets
  • farmers' markets
  • Farris, Nelson
  • fashion industry
    • see also sportswear industry
  • fashion-tech
  • fast followers
  • fast-food industry
  • fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies
  • FDI see foreign direct investment
  • Ferrari
  • film industry
  • financial crisis, global
  • financial goals
  • financial incentives
  • financial services, innovation
    • see also banking
  • first movers
  • fitness of the firm
  • fitness industry
  • five forces of industry (Porter)
  • flying geese pattern of development
  • FMCG see fast-moving consumer goods companies
  • food and drink for employees
  • food industry
    • Danone
    • fast-food business
    • frozen food business
    • fruit and vegetable juice business
    • Universal, practice case
    • see also supermarkets
  • football
  • forced evolution
  • Ford
  • Ford, Bill
  • Ford, Henry
  • forecasts, macro-environments
  • foreign direct investment (FDI)
  • forest conservation
  • Formula 1 racing
  • Fortnum & Mason
  • Fox Corporation
  • fracking
  • France, armies
  • franchising
  • freemium business model
  • freight industry
  • Friedman, Milton
  • Friendsurance
  • frozen food industry
  • fruit and vegetable juice business
  • Fuji/FujiFilm
  • fur trapping
  • furniture industry
  • game theory
  • games industry
  • Gandhi, Mahatma
  • Gandhi, Tushar
  • garment industry
    • see also sportswear industry
  • GE (General Electric)
  • GE/McKinsey business screen
  • Geldof, Bob
  • generic strategy matrix (GSM)
  • Germany, Friendsurance
  • Gerstner, Lou
  • Ghoshal, S.
  • Global Financial Crisis (GFC)
  • global integration/local responsiveness grid
  • global strategy
  • globalisation
  • GM (General Motors)
  • Google
  • Goold, M.
  • governance, corporate
  • governmental bodies
  • Grant, Robert xvi
  • Green Shield stamps
  • greenfield sites
  • Greyston Bakery, New York
  • grocery stores
  • growth-share matrix
  • growth vector components matrix
  • GSK (GlaxoSmithKline)
  • GSM see generic strategy matrix
  • Guinness
  • Haji-Iannou, Stelios
  • De Halve Maan brewery, Bruges
  • Hamel, Gary
  • Hammer, Michael
  • Hancock, John Lee
  • Handi Ghandi Curries
  • Harley-Davidson
  • Haro, Scott
  • Harvey-Jones, John
  • Hawker, Peter
  • Haynes, Jonathan
  • health and beauty industry
  • hearing, sense of
  • Hecksher, Eli
  • Heineken
  • Henry V, King
  • Hey Juice
  • high-tech clusters
  • hiring practices
  • Hoffman, Mat
  • Hofstede, Geert
  • Holland see Netherlands
  • home-furnishing industry
  • home shopping
  • Honda
  • horizontal integration
  • horticultural industry
  • HOS model of factor endowments
  • hospitals report, Virgin
  • Howe, Elias
  • HP (Hewlett-Packard)
  • HSBC
  • humanitarian organisations
  • Hyundai
  • IBB see Islamic Bank of Britain
  • IBM
  • Icarus Paradox
  • ice cream
  • Iceland, volcanic eruption
  • ICRC see International Committee of the Red Cross
  • IFRC see International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • IKEA
  • ILC see industry life cycle model
  • Imai, Masaaki
  • imitation
  • Immelt, Jeff
  • imperfections, market conditions
  • Imperial CEOs
  • improvement capabilities
  • in-house activities
  • in-the-game (ITG) requirement
  • incentives
  • incubators
  • India
    • Handi Ghandi Curries dispute
    • Ranbaxy
    • Tata Group
  • Indonesia, forest conservation
  • industrial action
  • industry forces
    • bicycle industry
    • co-opetition
    • complementors
    • computer industry
    • cooperation
    • entry/substitution
    • industry life cycle model
    • perfect competition
    • pharmaceutical industry
    • power
    • rivalry
    • sportswear industry
    • strategic group analysis
    • substitution
  • industry life cycle (ILC) model
  • industry structure
  • information disclosure to shareholders
  • innovation
    • accelerators
    • barriers to
    • boundary innovation
    • brand innovation
    • business models
    • channel innovation
    • clothing industry
    • configuration innovations
    • cost innovation
    • Danone
    • entrepreneurship
    • Evandale Gardens
    • experience innovations
    • external new ventures
    • financial services
    • frameworks
    • incubators
    • individuals
    • Innovation Radar
    • internal new ventures
    • Jersey Post
    • joint ventures
    • learning innovation
    • M-Pesa
    • market innovation
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • network innovation
    • Ofo Bikes
    • in organisations
    • postal services
    • process innovation
    • product innovation
    • profit model innovation
    • service innovation
    • strategic alliances
    • strategic innovation
    • structure innovation
    • universities
    • value innovation
    • volume innovation
  • insurance industry
  • integrity
  • interactivity
    • assessment approach
    • LEGO toys
  • Interbrew
  • internal dependent stakeholders
  • international business/trade
    • see also border-crossing
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
  • international product life cycle theory
  • international strategy
  • internet banking
  • interviews, practice cases
  • investment banking
  • iPod
  • Ireland, Tayto Group
  • Islamic Bank of Britain (IBB)
  • Islamic finance
  • isolating mechanisms
  • ITG see in-the-game requirement
  • ITV
  • J. Sainsbury
  • Jaeger
  • Jaguar Land Rover (JLR)
  • James, Bill
  • Japan
    • flying geese pattern of development
    • management practices
    • national culture
    • packaging
    • pharmaceutical industry
    • photographic film business
    • Tower Records
  • Jersey Post
  • jewellery business
  • Jimmy Choo
  • JLR (Jaguar Land Rover)
  • job interviews, practice cases
  • Jobs, Steve
  • John Broadwood & Sons
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • joint ventures (JVs)
  • just-in-time business model
  • JVs see joint ventures
  • kaizen (continuous improvement)
  • Kamprad, Ingvar
  • Kaplan, R.S.
  • kea
  • Keeley, Larry
  • Keery, Alan and Gary
  • Kellogg's
  • Kenya, M-Pesa
  • Key, John
  • Khan, Shakil
  • Kid's Councils
  • Kim, W.C.
  • King, Martin Luther, Jnr
  • Kingfisher Airlines
  • Knight, Phil
  • knitwear industry
  • knowledge-based competencies
  • Kodak
  • Komori, Shigetaka
  • Korean Airlines
  • Kotter, John
  • Kraft Heinz
  • The Lady and the Unicorn (tapestry series)
  • Lafley, A.G.
  • leadership see change management
  • learning innovation
  • Leavy, B.
  • legal barriers, international trade
  • legislation, Sarbanes-Oxley
  • LEGO
  • Levatich, Matt
  • Lewin, Kurt
  • licensing
  • Lincoln, Abraham
  • linkage influence
  • Little Chef
  • live cases, rationale for xix
  • LiveWire (e-bike)
  • lobbying
  • local shops
  • Lockheed
  • logos
  • longbows
  • Longmount (Colorado) City Council, triple bottom line reporting
  • Lorenz, Edward
  • low-cost business model
  • low-wage economies
  • loyalty, customer
  • Lucky Film Corporation
  • lunar tourism
  • luxury goods
  • M&As see mergers and acquisitions
  • M-form (multi-business) firms
  • M-Pesa
  • Machiavelli, Niccolò
  • Mackie, Neil
  • macro-shocks
    • after-shocks
    • analysis of
    • automobile industry
    • boundedness
    • Brexit
    • business models
    • cognitive limitation
    • delayed impacts
    • detection of
    • environmental levels
    • identification of
    • impacts of
    • organisational environment
    • piano manufacturers
    • scenario analysis
    • sportswear industry
    • strategic agility
    • strategy tools
    • warfare
  • Madoff, Bernie
  • Magen David Adom (MDA)
  • Mallya, Vijay
  • management consultants see consultants
  • manufacturers
    • see also individual companies
  • market gardens
  • market innovation
  • market power
  • market segments
  • marketing see advertising
  • marking guidelines/grid, student assessments
  • Marks & Spencer
  • Mars 2033 (television series)
  • Mars Oasis project
  • Marvel
  • matrix structure
  • Mauborgne, R.
  • McDonald, Dick and Mac
  • McDonald's
  • MCel
  • McElroy, Martin
  • MCF see Missing Chapter Foundation
  • McKay, Chris
  • McKinsey
    • alumni of
    • GE/McKinsey business screen
    • philosophy of
    • seven Ss framework
  • McLean, Malcolm
  • MDA see Magen David Adom; Monohan Dayman Adams
  • Meadows, M.
  • measurement of performance see performance evaluation
  • media, opinion-forming
    • see also television broadcasting
  • MegaIndustries
  • megatrends
  • mergers and acquisitions (M&As)
    • absorption strategy
    • automobile industry
    • Banque du Sud
    • border-crossing
    • China
    • corporate strategy
    • cross-border M&As
    • Disney
    • failure of
    • innovation
    • intensive care strategy
    • new ventures
    • pharmaceutical industry
    • post-acquisition integration matrix
    • practice case
    • preservation approach
    • reorientation strategy
    • symbiosis approach
    • Tata Group
  • MES see minimum efficient size
  • micro-breweries
  • microfinancing services
  • Microsoft
  • middle-class effect
  • Milburn, Alan
  • military strategy xv,
  • Milton Keynes
  • Mindstorms (LEGO toy)
  • mini-cases, student assessments
  • minimum efficient size (MES)
  • Mintzberg, Henry xv–xvi,
  • Missing Chapter Foundation (MCF)
  • mission statements
  • MNEs see multi-national enterprises
  • mobile phones, money transfers
    • see also Apple; Nokia
  • mobility barriers
  • Mojo MDA
  • money transfer services
  • Monohan Dayman Adams (MDA)
  • monopolies
  • monopsonies
  • Moon tourism
  • Morocco
    • banking sector
    • Royal Air Maroc
  • motor bike manufacturing
  • motor racing
  • motorway restaurants
  • movers and shakers, strategic purpose
  • movie industry
  • mudarabah (investments)
  • multi-business (M-form) firms
  • multi-domestic strategy
  • multi-national enterprises (MNEs)
  • multi-sided/platform business models
  • murabahah (contract for purchase and resale)
  • Murdoch, Rupert
  • Musée National du Moyen Age, Paris
  • music
    • brand/band analogies
    • iPod
    • market innovation
    • sensography
    • Tower Records
    • Walkman
  • Musk, Elon
  • Muslims, Islamic banking
  • Nanjing Automobile
  • Napster
  • narratives
  • national boundaries, trade across
  • national cultures
  • National Geographic
  • National Health Service (NHS)
  • Natural History New Zealand (NHNZ)
  • Nestlé
  • Netherlands
    • Delft Belting
    • Kid's Councils
  • network effects
  • network innovation
  • new markets, retreat and retrenchment
  • new ventures
    • accelerators
    • approach to
    • entrepreneurship
    • external new ventures
    • frameworks for innovation
    • incubators
    • internal new ventures
    • mergers and acquisitions
  • New York & Erie Railroad Corporation
  • New Zealand
    • fur trapping
    • Natural History New Zealand
    • police
  • NHNZ see New Zealand, Natural History New Zealand
  • NHS (National Health Service)
  • niches
  • Nike
  • no-frills business model
  • Nokia
  • non-dependent stakeholders
  • non-equity alliances
  • non-equity principals
  • noodles
  • normal profits
  • Norton, D.P.
  • not-for-profit organisations
  • note-taking xxi
  • Oakland A's
  • Ofo Bikes
  • Ohlin, Bertil Gotthard
  • Ohmae, Kenichi xv
  • oil shortages
  • olfactory observations
  • OLI see ownership, location and internalisation
  • oligopolies
  • one-sided business models
  • ‘open hiring'
  • open systems perspective
  • opinion influencers
  • Orange, Laurentien van
  • organisation fit
  • organisational culture
  • organisational environment
  • organisational structure
  • Oshkosh Truck
  • Osterwalder, A.
  • outsourcing
  • overinvestment
  • ownership of companies
  • ownership, location and internalisation (OLI)
  • P/E ratio
  • packaging
  • Palin, Michael
  • parenting advantage
  • participative evolution
  • pay what you want/can business model
  • PayPal
  • Paz, Octavio
  • PC industry
    • see also individual companies; software
  • Pegler, Ian
  • perfect competition
  • performance evaluation
    • accounting-based measures
    • Balanced Scorecard
    • corporate integrity
    • corporate reputation
    • ethical issues
    • Handi Ghandi Curries
    • Harley-Davidson
    • Jimmy Choo
    • Kid's Councils
    • Post Office
    • risk assessment matrix
    • Southwest Airlines
    • stock market measures
    • strategic options grid
    • strategy assessment
    • sustainability
    • triple bottom line reporting
  • perfumes, business/marketing use of
  • Perino Cirrus (possum fibre blend)
  • Perlmutter, Isaac “Ike”
  • personal appearance
  • personal care industry
  • pest eradication, New Zealand
  • PEST (political, economic, social and technological) analysis
  • Peters, Tom
  • Pettigrew, A.
  • pharmaceutical industry
    • Big Pharma
    • industry forces
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • return on investment capital
    • strategic groups
  • philanthropy
  • photographic film business
  • piano manufacturers
  • Pigneur, Y.
  • Pixar
  • pizza industry
  • policing, New Zealand
  • political barriers
  • political, economic, social and technological (PEST) analysis
  • Porter, Michael
    • Diamond of International Competitiveness
    • diversification
    • five forces of industry
    • generic strategy matrix
    • social issues
    • sustainable competitive advantage
    • value chains
    • value creation
  • portfolio management
  • positioning strategy
  • possum fibre
  • Post Office, UK
  • post-acquisition integration matrix
  • post-acquisition integration styles
  • Post-it notes
  • postal services
  • Postman Pat
  • potato crisps
  • pound (British), fall in
  • power
    • CEO constraints
    • industry forces
  • power-distance
  • power/interest matrix
  • Power School xvi
  • practice cases
  • Prahalad, C.K.
  • price sensitivity
  • pricing
    • sportswear products
    • supermarkets
    • transparency of
  • principal–agent relationship
  • Pringle
  • process innovation
  • Procter & Gamble
  • product feel/sound
  • product innovation
  • product life cycle theory
  • product-market focus
  • product substitutes
  • profits
    • industry life cycle
    • normal profits
    • profit model innovation
    • return on capital employed
    • and sustainability
  • Project Jacquard, Google
  • Proust, Marcel
  • Prudential
  • Put, Dr van de
  • pyramid schemes
  • R&D (research and development)
    • see also innovation
  • railway stations
  • Ranbaxy
  • Ratner, Gerald
  • razor-blade business model
  • RBV see resource-based view of the firm
  • RCapital
  • record stores
  • recruitment practices
  • Red Cross/Crescent
  • red oceans
  • Red Shield of David
  • regional clusters
  • regression analysis
  • regulation, banking sector
  • related diversification
  • Reliant
  • remuneration, CEOs
  • rental bike business
  • reputation, corporate
  • research and development (R&D)
    • see also innovation
  • resource-based advantage
    • automobile industry
    • brewing industry
    • culture
    • dynamic capabilities
    • national cultures
    • potato crisp industry
    • record stores
    • resource-based view of the firm
    • television broadcasting
    • Tower Records
  • resource-based view (RBV) of the firm
  • resources
    • business models
    • competitive advantage
    • see also resource-based advantage
  • restaurant industry
  • restructuring
  • retail industry
    • business models
    • giant retailers
    • macro-shocks
    • see also individual companies
  • retrenchment
  • return on capital employed (ROCE)
  • return on investment capital (ROIC)
  • revolutionary transformation
  • rhubarb
  • Ricardo, David
  • risk assessment matrix
  • rivalry, industry participants
  • R.J. Reynolds
  • Roadster (e-sports car)
  • Robin Hood exercise
  • ROCE see return on capital employed
  • Roddick, Anita
  • ROIC see return on investment capital
  • Roth, David
  • Rover
  • Royal Air Maroc
  • Royal Dutch/Shell
  • Rumelt, Richard
  • Ryanair
  • S-curve
  • Safaricom
  • Safeway
  • SAIC
  • Sainsbury's
  • Samsung
  • Sanquan
  • Santander
  • Sarbanes-Oxley legislation
  • Sauvageot, Patrick
  • SBUs see strategic business units
  • Scanning, Monitoring, Forecasting, Assessing (SMFA) analysis
  • scenario analysis
  • scents, business/marketing use of
  • Scheaffer
  • Schlesinger, L.A.
  • Scotland, Pringle
  • segmentation, markets
  • sell-offs
  • Senge, Peter
  • Senior Strategy Directors (SSDs)
  • Sense-Seize-Transform, dynamic capabilities
  • sensography
    • Apple
    • BIPA
    • Exercise Group
    • The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries
  • seven Ss framework, McKinsey's
  • Shakespeare, William
  • Sharapova, Maria
  • share price performance measures
  • shareholders
    • cross-shareholding
    • ownership influence
    • primacy of
    • shareholder value
    • see also stakeholders
  • sharia (Islamic law)
  • sharing of activities
  • Shell
  • shipping industry
  • shoe business
  • shopping
    • destination stores
    • home shopping
    • local shops
    • see also retail industry; supermarkets
  • sight, sense of
  • Singapore
    • Changi Airport
    • innovation
  • Singer, Isaac
  • Singh, Malvinder Mohan
  • six degrees of strategic innovation
  • six senses of strategy
    • in action
    • audio observations
    • olfactory observations
    • sixth sense
    • strategy wheel
    • taste observations
    • touch observations
    • visual observations
  • skill transfers
  • Skunk Works
  • smell, sense of
  • SMFA (Scanning, Monitoring, Forecasting, Assessing) analysis
  • Smircich, Linda
  • Smith, Adam
  • Smith, David
  • Smith, Tony
  • snacks industry
  • social business models
  • social influencers
  • social media
  • SOEs see state-owned enterprises
  • soft drinks industry
  • software
  • Solomon, Russ
  • Song, Chen
  • Sony
  • Southwest Airlines
  • space industry
  • SpaceX
  • Spain, national culture
  • sponsorship business model
  • sportswear industry
  • SSDs see Senior Strategy Directors
  • stakeholders
    • advisory relations
    • conflict among
    • economic relations
    • external dependent
    • governmental bodies
    • internal dependent
    • management of
    • non-dependent
    • opinion influencers
    • power/interest matrix
    • social influencers
    • socio-political relations
    • strategic purpose
    • see also shareholders
  • stand-alone influence
  • standardisation
  • Starbucks
  • state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
  • static capabilities
  • Stedman, Michael
  • steel industry
  • Steinway
  • Stella Artois
  • St Margaret's church
  • stock market performance measures
  • Stockdale, Stuart
  • stories
  • strategic advantages
  • strategic agility
  • strategic alliances
  • strategic business units (SBUs)
  • strategic change management see change management
  • strategic clock
  • strategic drift
  • strategic fit
  • strategic group analysis
  • strategic innovation
  • strategic leadership keypad
  • strategic options grid
  • strategic purpose
    • CEO role
    • clarity of purpose
    • core values
    • mission statements
    • movers and shakers
    • objectives
    • principal–agent relationship
    • setting of
    • source of
    • stakeholders
    • strategy statements
    • strategy wheel
    • vision statements
  • strategic stories
  • strategy, definitions
  • strategy assessment
  • strategy directors
  • strategy statements
  • strategy tools
  • StrategyBlocks Builder app
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis
  • strike action
  • Stringer, Peter
  • structural rigidities
  • structure innovation
  • subcontracted companies
  • substitutes/substitution
  • Sun Tzu xv,
  • supermarkets
    • competitive advantage
    • home shopping
    • loyalty/reward schemes
    • power of
    • pricing differences
    • see also individual companies
  • supply chains, sportswear industry
  • sustainability
    • competitive advantage
    • ecological concerns
    • performance evaluation
    • and profitability
  • Sutcliffe, Thomas
  • Swatch
  • Sweden, IKEA
  • switching costs
  • SWOT analysis
  • Synear Quick-Frozen Food Company
  • synergy
  • systems thinking
  • takeaway restaurants
  • takeovers
  • tapestry series, sensography
  • taste observations
  • Tata Group
  • Tata, Ratan
  • Tata Steel
  • Tayto Group
  • TBL see triple bottom line reporting
  • technology
    • automobile industry
    • BMX bikes
    • piano manufacturing
    • student use of
    • warfare
  • Teece, David
  • telecom industry
  • television broadcasting
  • temporal impact matrix (TIM)
  • Tesco
    • Booker acquisition
    • competitive advantage
    • market expansion
    • market share
    • ownership influence
  • Tesla Motors
  • Tesla, Nikola
  • Thomas, David
  • Thorley, Mike
  • Thornton, Stephen
  • TIM see temporal impact matrix
  • tobacco industry
  • touch, sense of
  • tourism, lunar
  • Tower Records
  • Tower Records Japan (TRJ)
  • TOWS analysis
  • toy industry
  • Toyota
  • trade, international
    • see also border-crossing
  • trades unions
  • trading companies
  • transferring skills
  • transnational strategy
  • Transparency International
  • transparent pricing
  • transport hubs
  • travel industry
  • Trinity church
  • triple bottom line (TBL) reporting
  • TRJ see Tower Records Japan
  • Trump, Donald
  • Tunisia, Banque du Sud
  • Turkish Delight Ltd
  • tyre companies
  • U-form organisational structure
  • UB Group
  • Uber
  • UK see United Kingdom
  • uncertainty avoidance
  • Unicorn companies
  • Unilever
  • United Kingdom (UK)
    • Brexit
    • car industry
    • Cereal Killers
    • fitness industry
    • Islamic Bank of Britain
    • Little Chef
    • National Health Service
    • Post Office
    • potato crisp market
    • Reliant
    • supermarkets
    • television channels
  • United States (US)
    • Canada trade
    • McDonald's
    • national culture
    • New York & Erie Railroad Corporation
    • Oakland A's
    • space industry
  • Universal
  • universities, innovation
  • unrelated diversification
  • US see United States
  • Utilitarianism
  • value chains
  • value chimeras
  • value creation
  • value innovation
  • value proposition
  • Vernon, Raymond
  • vertical integration
  • vintage brands
  • Virgin, NHS report
  • vision statements
  • visual observations
  • Vodafone
  • voice, tone of
  • volcanic eruption, Iceland
  • volume innovation
  • VRIO checklist
  • wage rates
  • Wal-Mart
  • Walkers
  • Walkman
  • warfare
  • watchdog bodies
  • Waterman, Robert
  • weapons
  • Welch, Jack
  • Westley, Y.
  • Whipp, R.
  • white spaces
  • Williams (Formula 1 team)
  • Wilson, D.
  • Wilson, Ian
  • winning
  • Winser, Kim
  • Woods, Tiger
  • Woolyarns Ltd
  • workers see employees
  • Yamaha
  • yogurt
  • York, Peter
  • Z Enterprises
  • Zara
  • Compiled by James Helling, 58 Atlantic Court, Ferry Road, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5YJ
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