
  • a
  • Adjacent developments  97
  • Advanced Passenger Train (APT)  35
  • Advancement Degree of Difficulty  54
  • Agile project management  81, 230–233, 269
  • Altshuller, Genrich S. 214
  • American Air Force Research Laboratory  51, 55
  • Angel investor  38, 173–183, 244, 269
  • Applied research  15, 39, 181
  • A3 problem solving  210–213, 217, 246, 267
  • As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)  27, 130–132, 136, 242, 269
  • ASME–American Society of Mechanical Engineers  78, 167, 269
  • Association for Advancement of Cost Engineers  86
  • Attribution error  205
  • Availability  150
  • d
  • Database rights  113
  • Decision making  9, 201–217
  • Dee Bridge failure 1847  26
  • Deming, W. Edwards  19, 201, 216
  • Department of Defense (USA)  43
  • Department of Energy (USA)  43
  • Design codes  166, 167, 254
  • Design “factory”  158
  • Design for environment  70
  • Design of Experiments  110, 270
  • Design rights  113
  • Detectability  121, 122
  • DFMA–design for manufacture and assembly  41, 57, 67–69, 270
  • ‘DfX’  67
  • e
  • Earned value  78
  • École Polytechnique  1, 10
  • Economic return from innovation  17, 18, 58, 236
  • Economic viability & evaluation  95–98, 112
  • Eight step improvement model  221
  • Engineering change  237, 270
  • Engineering work‐in‐progress  164
  • Ethnography  105
  • European Framework Programmes  180
  • Experimental development  15
  • f
  • Failures per hundred vehicles, FPHV  118, 150
  • Fault tree analysis  124, 125, 242, 270
  • Feynman, Richard P. 22, 33
  • Financial validation  153
  • Finite element methods  142, 156
  • Five factor model  194, 195
  • Five whys  213, 270
  • Flow  23, 165, 230, 270
  • FMEA–failure modes and effects analysis  50, 111, 118, 122–124, 135, 247, 270
  • Focus strategy  59, 60
  • Ford, Henry  65, 96
  • Forming‐storming‐norming‐performing  189
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution  7, 11, 20, 133, 235, 270
  • Friends and family funding  173–175, 244, 272
  • Functional organisation  87
  • Functional safety  128–135, 242
  • Funding early stage work  114, 244
  • Fuzzy front end  13, 93, 240
  • g
  • Gantt chart  78, 79, 270
  • Generative design  250
  • Global Innovation Index  17
  • Goal‐directed project management (GDPM)  75, 93, 265, 270
  • Gordon, Professor Lewis  1
  • j
  • Jobs, Steve  1
  • Johari window  25
  • k
  • Kahneman, Daniel  196, 203, 217
  • Kaizen  271
  • Kanban  80, 271
  • Kano model  103–104
  • Knowledge transfer networks  96
  • Kotter, John P. 221, 232
  • m
  • Make versus buy  48, 66, 263
  • Management of learning  29, 244
  • Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL)  43–54, 157, 237, 262–264, 271
  • Mass customisation  6, 65, 271
  • Mathematical modelling–see Modelling & simulation
  • Matrix organisation  89
  • McKinsey  60, 72, 253, 254
  • Mean time between failure (MTBF)  150
  • Meyer, Erin  192, 200
  • MIL‐STD‐1629  120, 121, 135
  • Modelling & simulation  9, 54, 139, 141, 143, 250
  • Motorola  98
  • Muda  271
  • Multi‐physics methods  250
  • Myers–Briggs  194
  • o
  • Obeya  89, 267
  • Open innovation  99, 115, 271
  • Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)  15, 16, 271
  • Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)  271
  • “Over‐the‐wall”  157
  • q
  • Qualitative risk assessment  122, 131
  • Quality function deployment (QFD)  50, 106, 111, 240, 272
  • Quality Management Systems  30, 31
  • Quantitative risk assessment (QRA)  128, 272
  • Queues  164, 165, 171, 244
  • t
  • Taguchi loss function  109, 271
  • Taguchi methods  109, 111, 115, 273
  • Takeuchi, H. & Nonaka, I.  231–233
  • Taylor, F.W. 78
  • Team development  186–188, 190
  • Technology  5, 273
  • Technology maturity  35–55, 237
  • Technology maturity assessment  37, 49
  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL)  14, 36–55, 157, 237, 259–262, 273
  • Technology roadmaps  98–99, 240
  • Test codes  31, 132, 144
  • Testing  138
  • Townes, Charles  18
  • Toyota  90, 211, 229–230, 265–267
  • Trademarks  113, 241
  • Trade secrets  113
  • Transistors  14
  • TRIZ method  214–216, 246
  • “T‐shaped” engineers  254
  • u
  • UK Automotive Council  38–45, 259
  • University of Cambridge  1, 10, 115
  • University of Glasgow  1, 10
  • Unknown unknowns  24, 26, 133
  • US ‘X’ aircraft projects  74
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