Introduction to the Algebraic Group

6.2.1 Basics of a Group

The idea of a symmetry is fundamental in science and its in‐depth study requires the mathematical machinery of the algebraic group. Group theory is one of the most useful mathematical tools for mathematicians and scientists alike, including particle physicists, where group theory is the language for understanding the structure of particle physics.

The most fundamental component of a group is its binary operation.

6.2.2 Binary Operations and the Group

A binary operation on a set A is a rule, which assigns to each pair of elements of A a unique element of A. Thus, a binary operation is a function f : A × A → A. Two common binary operations familiar to the reader are +, × which assign the sum a + b ∈ ℝ and product a × b ∈ ℝ to a pair (a, b) ∈ ℝ × ℝ of real numbers. We now give a formal definition of a group.

Often, it happens that a * b = b * a for all a, b ∈ G. When this happens, the group is called a commutative (or Abelian) group. We also denote the group operation a * b simply as ab, or maybe by ⊕ if the group operation is addition or resembles addition. A group is called finite if it contains a finite number of elements and the number of elements in the group is called the order of the group. If the order of a group G is n, we denote this by writing |G| = n. If the group is not of finite order, we say it is of infinite order.

Table 6.3 shows some binary operations of different sets.

Table 6.3 Properties of binary operations.

Properties of binary operations
Operation Associative Commutative Identity Inverse
∪ on P(A) Yes Yes Yes No
∩ on P(A) Yes Yes Yes No
gcd on ℕ Yes Yes No No
+ on ℝ Yes Yes Yes Yes
− on ℝ No No No No
× on ℚ Yes Yes Yes Yes
min on ℝ Yes Yes No No

6.2.3 Cayley Table

The binary operation of a finite group can sometimes be illustrated by means of a Cayley table as drawn in Figure 6.16, which shows the products gigj of two members gi and gj of the group. It is much like the addition or multiplication tables the reader studied as a child. A Cayley table is an example of a Latin square, meaning that every element of the group occurs once and exactly once in every row and column. We examine the Cayley table to learn about the inner workings of a group.

Image described by caption.

Figure 6.16 Cayley table for a group.

Cayley table of graph order 3.
Cayley table of graph order 4.

Figure 6.17 (a) Order 2. (b) Order 3.

The graphs demonstrated in Figure 2 are the only graphs of order 2 and 3, respectively. For order 4 however, there are two possible groups, one is the Klein four‐group and the other the cyclic group of order 4. The group in Example 3 is the cyclic group of order 4. The Klein four‐group will come later.

Cayley table of graph order 4.

Figure 6.18 Order 4 group.

In general, there is no quick way to verify the associative property like there is for the commutative property. One must check all possible arrangements to verify the property. On the other hand, if one instance where the associative property fails, then the binary operation * is not associative.

Example 3 illustrates one of the two groups of order 4. We now present the other group of order 4, the Klein four‐group.

Image described by caption.

Figure 6.19 Klein four‐group.

Table 6.4 Common groups.

Group Elements Operation Identity Inverse
n ∈ ℤ Addition 0 n
ℚ + images Multiplication 1 n/m
n k ∈ {0, 1, 2, … , n − 1} Addition mod n 0 n − k
ℝ − {0} x nonzero real number Multiplication 1 1/x
2 (a, b) ∈ ℝ2 Vector addition (0, 0) (−a, − b)

6.2.4 Cyclic Groups: Modular Arithmetic

The most common and most simple of all groups are the cyclic groups, which are well‐known to every child who has learned to keep time.

For example, the three rotational symmetries {e, R120, R240} of an equilateral triangle form a cyclic group ℤ3 with generator g = R120 since images.

Cyclic groups also describe modular (or clock) arithmetic, which is the arithmetic we perform when keeping time on 12‐hour clock. The 12‐hour clock leads us to the cyclic group Z12 with elements


and group operation


which is basically the arithmetic you do when keeping time. The “mod 12” simply refers to computing a ⊕ b by computing the ordinary sum (a + b), then taking its remainder after dividing by 12. We denote the group operation by ⊕ to remind us that the operation is addition, only reduced modulo 12. In clock arithmetic, the equation 2 = (9 + 5) mod  12, which can be interpreted as meaning five hours after 9 p.m. is 2 a.m.

The 12 hours of the clock, 0 through 11, along with the binary operation of addition modulo 12 is an Abelian group of order 12 called the cyclic group of order 12, denoted by (ℤ12, ⊕). The Cayley table for this group is shown in Figure 6.20.

Image described by caption.

Figure 6.20 Cayley table for the cyclic group of 12 elements.

Figure 6.21 shows various clocks that give rise to different cyclic groups.

Diagram displaying various clocks that gives rise to different cyclic groups, namely, Z2 cyclic group order 2, Z3 cyclic group order 3, Z4 cyclic group order 6, and Z6 cyclic group order 6.

Figure 6.21 Finite cyclic groups.

Image described by caption.

Figure 6.22 Cayley table for U(10).

Note that the group is Abelian and that 3−1 = 7, 7−1 = 3 since 3 × 7 = 1.

6.2.5 Isomorphic Groups: Groups that are the Same

Sometimes groups appear different when looking at their Cayley tables, but after relabeling their elements, one discovers they are the same group. For example, consider two groups illustrated in Figure 6.23.

Image described by caption.

Figure 6.23 Isomorphic groups.

The group at the left is the cyclic group ℤ4 = {0, 1, 2, 3} and the group at the right consists of the four numbers G = {1, i, − 1, − i} which lie on the unit circle in the complex plane, where the group operation is multiplication (see Figure 6.24).

Diagram displaying a circle with 4 circles inside labeled 0, 1, 2, and 3 having arrows: 0 points to a circle labeled 1 in the complex plane; 1 points to I; 2 points to _1 and 3 points to _i.

Figure 6.24 Isomorphism.

Looking carefully at the two Cayley tables in Table 6.4, you will see that the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 in the table for ℤ4 are arranged in the same order as the numbers 1, i, − 1, − i in the table for G. If we make the correspondences


we see that the groups ℤ4 and G are the same, they simply use different symbols. When two groups are the same, but only different in their symbols used in their description, the groups are called isomorphic. In this example, the described one‐to‐one correspondence is called an isomorphism between the groups. This motivates the following formal definition of an isomorphism.

Diagram of isomorphism displaying 2 ellipses with circle markers labeled a, b, and a*b (left) with arrows labeled T pointing to T(b), T(a), and T(a)⊕T(b) (right).

Figure 6.25 Isomorphism.

Roughly speaking, for isomorphic groups, the mapping and the group operations can be carried out in either order. You can operate then map T(a * b), or you can map and then operate, T(a) ⊕ T(b), the results are the same.

Cayley table of the relative prime group.

Figure 6.26 Relative prime group.

Cayley table of cyclic group of order 4.

Figure 6.27 Cyclic group of order 4.

6.2.6 Dihedral Groups: Symmetries of Regular Polygons

In Section 6.1, we saw how the symmetries of a figure form an arithmetic system where one can “multiply” symmetries much like we multiply numbers. The set of symmetries of an object along with the arithmetic operation of composition of symmetries forms a group of symmetries for the figure. Every figure, no matter how “nonsymmetric,” has one symmetric group, the trivial symmetry, however, the more symmetric a figure, the larger its symmetry group. A rectangle has four symmetries, whereas the more “symmetrical” square has eight symmetries. Can you find them?

A polygon is called regular if all its sides have the same length and all its interior angles are equal. An equilateral triangle is a regular 3‐gon, a square is a regular 4‐gon, a pentagon a regular 5‐gon, and so on. The symmetry group of a regular n‐gon has n rotational symmetries and n flip symmetries for a total of 2n symmetries. This group is called the dihedral group of the n‐gon and denoted by Dn Can you find the 10 symmetries of the dihedral group D5 of the pentagon drawn in Figure 6.28?

Illustration of a pentagon.

Figure 6.28 Find the symmetric group D5.

6.2.7 Multiplying Groups

There are only two (nonisomorphic) groups of order 6, the dihedral group D3 and the cyclic group ℤ6. Sometimes groups can be factored into smaller groups somewhat like the number six that can be factored as 6 = 3 × 2. The cyclic group ℤ6 can be factored as the Cartesian product


of the two smaller cyclic groups ℤ3 and ℤ2 where if we define the group operation on the Cartesian product as


we arrive at the Cayley table in Figure 6.29.

Cayley table of Z3 ×Z2.

Figure 6.293 × ℤ2.

Also, if we make the following identification


the multiplication table in Figure 6.29 is the multiplication table for the cyclic group ℤ6, as shown in Figure 6.30.

Image described by caption.

Figure 6.30 Multiplication table for ℤ6.


  1. Groups?

    Do the following sets with given binary operations to form a group? If they do, find the identity element and the inverse of each element. If it does not form a group, explain why not.

    1. even integers, addition
    2. {−1, 1 }, multiplication
    3. nonzero complex numbers, multiplication
    4. nonzero rational numbers, multiplication
    5. positive rational numbers, multiplication
    6. complex numbers 1, − 1, i, − i, multiplication
    7. positive irrational numbers together with 1, multiplication
    8. integers, subtraction.
  2. Odd Integers Under Addition

    Give reasons why the odd integers under addition do not form a group?

  3. Finish the Group

    Complete the following Cayley table in Figure 6.31 for a group of order 3.

    Image described by caption.

    Figure 6.31 Order 3 Cayley table.

  4. Finish the Group

    Complete the following Cayley table in Figure 6.32 for a group of order 4 without looking at the Cayley tables of the Klein four‐group or the cyclic group of order 4 in the text.

    Cayley table of Klein four-group.

    Figure 6.32 Klein four‐group.

  5. Verification of a Group

    Do the nonzero integers with the operation of multiplication form a group?

  6. Group You are Well Familiar

    Show {ℤ, +} is a group.

  7. Property of a Group

    Verify that for all elements a, b in a group, the following identity holds.


    Hint: Show (ab)(b−1a−1) = e.

  8. Heisenberg Group

    A group that plays an important role in quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg group which consists of all matrices of the form


    where x, y, z are real numbers, and the group operation is matrix multiplication. Show that this is a group.

  9. Direct Product of Groups

    Define a group (ℤ2 × ℤ2, ⊕) consisting of the Cartesian product


    and binary operation


    Find the Cayley table for this group.

  10. Modulo 5 Multiplication

    Create the multiplication table for the integers 1, 2, 3, and 4, where multiplication is defined as mod(5) arithmetic.

  11. Modulo 4 Multiplication

    Create the multiplication table for the integers 1, 2, and 3 for modular arithmetic mod(4) and show that this does not define a group. In other that the numbers 1, 2, … , n − 1 forms a group under mod(n) multiplication, it must be true that n is a prime number.

  12. Relative Prime Group U(10)

    For each positive integer n, the set of positive integers 1, 2, …, n that are relatively prime6 with n is denoted by U(n). For example, U(10) = {1, 3, 7, 9}. The set U(n) is a group under multiplication modulo n.

    1. Draw the Cayley table for U(10).
    2. Is the group Abelian?
    3. What is the inverse of each element?
  13. Relative Prime Group U(8)

    For each positive integer n, the set of positive integers 1, 2, …, n that are relatively prime with n is denoted by U(n). For example U(8) = {1, 3, 5, 7}. The set U(n) is a group under multiplication modulo n.

    1. Draw the Cayley table for U(8).
    2. Is the group Abelian?
    3. What is the inverse of each element?
  14. Isomorphic Groups

    Show that the following Group C and Group D in Figure 6.33 are isomorphic by interchanging the third and fourth columns of C, and then the third and fourth rows to get the table for D.

    Cayley table of isomorphic (a) group C.
    Cayley table of isomorphic (b) group D.

    Figure 6.33 (a) Group C. (b) Group D.

  15. Infinite Group

    Show that the set of all rational numbers x in the interval [0, 1) form an infinite group if the group operation is defined as

  16. Groups and Latin Squares

    The Cayley table for a group forms what is called a Latin square. That is, every element of the group occurs exactly once in every row and exactly once in every column. The converse is not true, however, since there are Latin squares that do not form groups. Find a Latin square for the numbers {0, 1, 2} that does not form a group.

  17. Modular Fun

    Compute the following sums and products in the given cyclic group ℤn = {0, 1, 2, … , n − 1}.

    1. 4 : 1 + 7 and 3 × 7
    2. 5 : 9 + 7 and 5 × 7
    3. 6 : 10 + 7 and 2 × 7
    4. 9 : 11 + 20 and 3 × 7
    5. 10 : 100 + 7 and 30 × 10
    6. 11 : 11 + 11 and 11 × 7
    7. 11 : 12 + 7 and 10 × 10
    8. 15 : 14 + 1 and 3 × 6
  18. Group images

    If a, b are rational numbers, not both zero, then show the set images forms a group under multiplication

  19. Verification of a Group

    Prove that the nonzero real numbers ℝ* = ℝ − {0} with binary operation * is a group, where

  20. Homomorphisms

    The most important functions between two groups are homomorphisms, those that “preserve” the group operations. More precisely, a function f : G → H between two groups is a homomorphism when


    where xy denotes the group operation in G and f(x)f(y) denotes the group operation in H. The following identities describe homomorphisms between two groups, where group operations are understood. What are the groups G, H, and what is the homomorphism between the groups?

    1. c(x + y) = cx + cy
    2. |xy| = |x||y|
    3. (xy)2 = x2y2
    4. loga (xy) = logax + logay
    5. images
  21. Internet Research

    There is a wealth of information related to topics introduced in this section just waiting for curious minds. Try aiming your favorite search engine toward applications of group theory, history of group theory, and examples of groups of different sizes.


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