

  • 401(k) retirement plan, 174


  • Action step, AIDA model of cover letter, 72
  • adapter design pattern, 130
  • AIDA model, cover letters
    • Action step, 72
    • Attention step, 70–71
    • Desire step, 71–72
    • Interest step, 71
  • Amazon
    • company culture, 22
    • The Everything Store book, 24
  • ambition versus instability, 82
  • Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, 52
  • arrays
    • defined, 118
    • linked lists versus, 118–119
    • when to use, 119–120
  • arrogance, avoiding, 215
  • Attention step, AIDA model of cover letter, 70–71


  • basic phone screens, 90–91
  • Bates, Bert, 237
  • benefits
    • company health plans, 173–174
    • 401(k) retirement plan, 174
    • negotiating job offers, 186
    • retirement benefits, 175–176
    • time off, 174–175
  • Bentley, Jon, 232–233
  • BetterProgramming blog, 226–227
  • Bitly website, 194
  • Blankenship, Marcus, 84
  • blogs
    • BetterProgramming blog, 226–227
    • blogging platforms, 36
    • CodeKata blog, 153–154
    • following and commenting on, 53
    • rebranding through, 58
    • showing expertise with, 195–196
    • Simple Programmer blog, 222–223
    • starting, 36
    • updating, 37
  • bubble sort algorithm, 136–137
  • builder design pattern, 130
  • business cards, 13


  • Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, 78
  • CareerBliss website, 182
  • Carnegie, Dale, 235–236
  • chief information officer (CIO), as interviewer, 102
  • Cialdini, Robert, 57–58
  • CodeKata blog, 153–154
  • Codility for Programmers website, 107–108, 154–155
  • coding camps, 52
  • coding skills
    • assessing honestly, 106–107
    • leveling up
      • with Codility, 107–108
      • with LeetCode, 108–109
      • overview, 105–106
  • commitment, demonstrating, 78–79
  • community activities, 77–78
  • commuting, 45
  • companies, finding and researching, 10–14, 43–53
    • company's specific concerns, 35
    • deciding where you want to work
      • commuting vs. moving, 45
      • environment, 48–49
      • large companies, 46–47
      • local technology ecosystems, 45
      • remote work, 46
      • small companies, 47
      • specific roles, 49
      • technologies, 48
      • Venn diagram, 49–50
    • environment and interview process
      • bigger companies, 23–24
      • smaller businesses, 22–23
      • startups, 23
    • job search websites, 50
    • by looking at company websites, 13–14
    • networking to find unadvertised jobs
      • listening, 53
      • persistence, 53
      • places for, 52–53
    • by networking with employees
      • online, 11–12
      • in person, 12–13
    • recruitment agencies, 51–52
  • companies' investment in hiring, 31
    • avoiding legal liabilities, 64
    • explaining how you can help the company
      • avoiding overconfidence, 39
      • fit with company culture, 38
      • improving the team, 35–37, 39
      • offering examples, 38–40
      • researching company's specific concerns, 35
    • risk aversion
      • difficulties with firing, 33–34
      • high costs, 32
      • keeping programmer engaged, 33
      • lack of real expertise, 32
      • variation in concerns, 33, 34
  • company health plans, 173–174
  • Comparably website, 180–182
  • Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide, The (Sonmez), 234
  • Computer Science Online website, 126
  • Conery, Rob, 234–235
  • conferences, 52–53
  • cover letters
    • AIDA model
      • Action step, 72
      • Attention step, 70–71
      • Desire step, 71–72
      • Interest step, 71
    • importance of, 68
    • reviewing, 69
    • tailoring to job description, 69–70
  • Cracking the Coding Interview (McDowell), 153, 231–232


  • Daily Coding Problem (Wu and Miller), 233
  • data structures
    • arrays
      • defined, 118
      • linked lists versus, 118–119
      • when to use, 119–120
    • defined, 118
    • demonstrating knowledge of, 122–125
    • hashes, 120–121
    • linked lists, 118–120
    • online resources, 126
    • queues, 122
    • researching, 125–126
    • stacks, 121–122
  • dequeueing message, 122
  • design patterns, 86
    • adapter, 130
    • builder, 130
    • defined, 128
    • façade, 130–131
    • factory, 130
    • iterator, 131
    • knowing when to use, 129
    • overview, 127–128
    • proxy, 131
    • recursion
      • defined, 131
      • direct, 131–132
      • indirect, 132
      • online resources, 134
      • recursion algorithms, 133
      • recursion word problem example, 134
      • stack overflow and, 133
    • singleton, 130
  • Design Patterns (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides), 128
  • Desire step, AIDA model of cover letter, 71–72
  • direct recursion, 131–132
  • DiSC Behavior Inventory, 91
  • double-linked lists, 119
  • dressing professionally, 17–18, 216–217


  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 173
  • employment gaps,explaining, 82
  • enqueueing message, 122
  • event speaking, 199–201
  • Everything Store, The (Stone), 24
  • extracurricular activities, 77–78


  • façade design pattern, 130–131
  • Facebook. See also social media
    • cleaning up online image, 61–62
    • programming forums, 110
  • face-to-face meetings
    • in-person interviews
      • communicating value, 18
      • dressing professionally, 17–18
      • preparing for, 17
    • networking events, 12–13
    • programming events, 111
  • factory design pattern, 130
  • feedback, requesting
    • mock interviews, 114
    • post-interview, 115, 170
  • First In, First Out (FIFO), queues, 122
  • flexibility, importance of, 84–85
  • following up, post-interview, 168–169
  • 401(k) retirement plan, 174
  • Fowler, Chad, 237
  • Free2X Webcam Recorder, 37
  • Freeman, Eric, 237


  • GeeksforGeeks website, 143–144
  • Giguere, Eric, 153, 236
  • GitHub
    • establishing profile, 192–193
    • finding unadvertised jobs via, 52
    • rebranding with, 59
  • Glassdoor website, 179–180
  • Google
    • advancement opportunities in, 167
    • company culture, 46
    • ranking on Comparably site, 180–181
    • style of interviewing, 22
  • Google searches
    • asking friends to search for you, 58
    • finding professional résumé service, 65
    • glassdoor competitors, 178–179
    • by interviewers, 25
    • keywords, 196
    • practice interview questions, 93
    • recursive program examples, 134
    • revealing past problems or criminal activity, 60
    • sorting algorithms animation, 144
    • of yourself to examine online image, 56–58
  • Google Sites, 36


  • HackerEarth website, 145–146
  • hashes
    • collision, 120
    • defined, 120–121
    • hash maps, 121
  • Hay, Jennifer, 229–230
  • Head First Design Patterns (Freeman, Bates, Sierra, and Robson), 237–238
  • heap sort algorithm, 139
  • Hired job search site, 51, 225
  • homework coding assignments, 94–95
  • honesty, during interviews
    • about work experience, 81
    • importance of, 214–215
    • transparency versus, 96
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 235–236


  • Imposter’s Handbook, The (Conery), 234–235
  • Indeed job search site, 50–51
  • indirect recursion, 132
  • Influence (Cialdini), 58
  • Information Technology Résumé Services (ITRS), 229–230
  • in-person interviews
    • communicating value, 18
    • dressing professionally, 17–18
    • preparing for, 17
  • in-person programming events, 111
  • Instagram, 61–62.See also social media
  • instant messaging, coding live on, 94
  • Interest step, AIDA model of cover letter, 71
  • Interview Cake website, 126, 220–221
  • interviewing process funnel
    • at bigger companies, 23–24
    • interviews, 16–18
      • in person, 17–18
      • phone screens, 16–17
    • offers, 18–19
    • overview, 10
    • résumés
      • following up, 15–16
      • submitting, 14–15
    • searching for companies that are hiring
      • by looking at company websites, 13–14
      • by networking with employees in person, 12–13
      • by networking with employees online, 11–12
    • at smaller businesses, 22–23
    • at startups, 23
    • tests, 18–19
  • website, 228–229
  • interviews
    • avoiding negative impressions during, 217
    • explaining how you can help the company
      • avoiding overconfidence, 39
      • fit with company culture, 38
      • improving the team, 35–37, 39
      • offering examples, 38–40
      • researching company's specific concerns, 35
    • honesty during, 214–215
    • in-person
      • communicating value, 18
      • dressing professionally, 17–18
      • preparing for, 17
    • leading
      • answers that highlight experiences and value, 26–27
      • showing you are the right fit, 28–29
      • stories vs. simple answers, 27
      • talking about solving hard problems, 26
      • volunteering important information, 27–28
    • multiple interviews with same company, 165–167
    • phone screens
      • avoiding disqualifying situations, 95–97
      • basic, 90–91
      • coding homework assignments, 94–95
      • live coding assignments, 92, 94
      • overview, 16–17, 87
      • practice questions, 93–94
      • preparing for, 88–90
      • technical question, 91–92
    • preparing for interviewers
      • interviewer's approach, 26–27
      • not presuming interviewer knows everything about you, 28
      • personality types, 26
    • researching interview process
      • at bigger companies, 23–24
      • at smaller businesses, 22–23
      • at startups, 23
    • scheduling with multiple companies, 164
    • technical aptitude vs. soft skills, 29
    • work experience and
      • ambition versus instability, 82
      • design patterns, 86
      • explaining employment gaps, 82
      • flexibility, 84–85
      • honesty, 81
      • junior developer, 75–80
      • leadership, 83–84
      • non-programming skills, 84–85
      • ongoing education, 83
      • overview, 73–74
      • senior developer, 74–75
      • stability versus stagnancy, 81
  • iteration, defined, 134
  • iterator design pattern, 131
  • ITRS (Information Technology Résumé Services), 229–230


  • Java
    • Javarevisited blog post, 92
    • practice questions about, 102–103
  • job description
    • interviewing for junior developer position
      • commitment, 78–79
      • demonstrating reasoning skills, 80
      • education, 76–77
      • extracurricular activities, 77–78
      • handling programming questions, 79–80
      • overview, 75–76
      • personal character, 78
      • personal story, 80
      • problem-solving skills, 79
      • work experience, 77
    • interviewing for senior developer position
      • ambition versus instability, 82
      • design patterns, 86
      • explaining employment gaps, 82
      • flexibility, 84–85
      • honesty, 81
      • leadership, 83–84
      • non-programming skills, 84–85
      • ongoing education, 83
      • overview, 74–75
      • stability versus stagnancy, 81
    • tailoring cover letter to, 69–70
    • tailoring résumé to, 68
  • job offers, negotiating, 171–176
    • avoiding pitting companies against each other, 187
    • benefits
      • company health plans, 173–174
      • 401(k) retirement plan, 174
      • retirement benefits, 175–176
      • time off, 174–175
    • counteroffers, 184–185
    • expectations of company, 182–183
    • giving counteroffer, 184–185
    • handling multiple offers, 19
    • handling salary-related questions, 183–184
    • overview, 177–178
    • researching salaries
      • CareerBliss website, 182
      • Comparably website, 180–182
      • Glassdoor website, 179–180
    • roles and responsibilities, 186
    • salary considerations, 172
    • via phone, 171–172
    • written offers, 171
  • job search websites
    • Hired site, 51, 225
    • Indeed site, 50–51
    • pros and cons of, 50
  • junior developer position, interviewing for
    • commitment, 78–79
    • demonstrating reasoning skills, 80
    • education, 76–77
    • extracurricular activities, 77–78
    • handling programming questions, 79–80
    • overview, 75–76
    • personal character, 78
    • personal story, 80
    • problem-solving skills, 79
    • work experience, 77


  • keywords, search engine, 60, 196
  • Kindler, Noah, 153, 236


  • large companies
    • environment and interview process, 23–24
    • pros and cons of working for, 46–47
  • leadership skills, 83–84
  • LeetCode website
    • honing problem-solving skills, 155–156
    • overview, 219–220
    • programming forums, 111
    • testing programming skills with, 108–109, 126
  • Libsyn website, 196–197
  • linked lists
    • arrays and, 118–120
    • double-linked, 119
    • nodes, 118–119
    • single-linked, 119
    • sorting algorithms and, 140
  • LinkedIn
    • completing profile, 63
    • connection requests, 12
    • groups, 12, 53
    • matching résumé to, 62
    • networking to find unadvertised jobs, 52
    • networking with employees, 11–12
    • Premium account, 12
    • removing polarizing topics, 62
    • removing unrelated promotional posts, 62
    • requesting referrals via, 193
    • researching interview testing, 110
    • updated profile picture, 62
  • lists. See linked lists
  • live coding assignments, 92, 94
  • Loom, 37


  • Martian, The (Weir), 198
  • McDowell, Gayle Laakmann, 153, 231–232
  • Medium blogging platform, 36
  • Meetup website, 12–13, 24, 52, 111
  • memory
    • arrays, 118
    • linked lists, 119, 140
    • recursive algorithms, 133
    • sorting algorithms and, 138, 140
  • mentoring
    • interviewers view of, 39
    • role in leadership skills, 83
    • showing experience with, 63
  • merge sort algorithm, 137–138
  • Miller, Alex, 233
  • MindCipher website, 158–159
  • mobile apps, developing, 197
  • mock interviews
    • avoiding overconfidence, 39
    • explaining how you can help the company, 35
    • including observers, 114
    • overview, 17
    • personality types, 25–26
    • preparing interviewers, 113–114
    • programming questions, 19
    • rewarding interviewers, 113
    • scheduling, 112–113
    • taking notes during, 114–115
    • volunteering important information, 27
  • Mongan, John, 153, 236
  • moving, 45
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 91


  • negotiating job offers
    • avoiding pitting companies against each other, 187
    • benefits, 186
      • company health plans, 173–174
      • 401(k) retirement plan, 174
      • retirement benefits, 175–176
      • time off, 174–175
    • counteroffers, 184–185
    • expectations of company, 182–183
    • handling salary-related questions, 183–184
    • overview, 177–178
    • researching salaries
      • CareerBliss website, 182
      • Comparably website, 180–182
      • Glassdoor website, 179–180
    • roles and responsibilities, 186
    • salary considerations, 172
    • via phone, 171–172
    • walking away, 187–188
    • written offers, 171
  • networking
    • with company employees
      • online, 11–12
      • in person, 12–13
    • to find résumé service, 66
    • to find unadvertised jobs
      • listening, 53
      • persistence, 53
      • places for, 52–53
    • to research interview testing strategies
      • conducting mock interviews, 112–115
      • interviewing people who have interviewed before, 110–111
      • overview, 109–110
  • Never Split the Difference (Voss and Raz), 185, 232
  • nodes, linked list, 118–119
  • non-programming skills, 84–85
  • non-technical questions, handling
    • conflict resolution, 205
    • explaining how you can help the company, 207–209
    • future plans, 204–205
    • previous employment, 205, 206–207
    • reasons for applying for job, 207–208
    • strengths, 203–204
    • weaknesses, 204


  • Objectives section, résumé, 67, 213
  • ongoing education, 63, 83
  • online image
    • completing profile on LinkedIn, 63
    • consistent profile on LinkedIn, 62
    • Google searches of yourself, 56–58
    • ongoing learning, 63
    • photos to keep/remove, 61
    • pre-suasion, 57–58
    • rebranding, 58–60
    • sharing knowledge, 63
    • showing competency, 63
  • online resources
    • BetterProgramming blog, 226–227
    • Cheat Sheet (companion to book), 4
    • Cialdini, Robert, 58
    • coding skills
      • Codility, 107–108
      • LeetCode, 108–109
    • data structures, 126
    • Free2X Webcam Recorder, 37
    • Google Sites, 36
    • Hired, 51
    •, 225
    • Indeed, 50
    • Information Technology Résumé Services, 229–230
    • Interview Cake website, 220–221
    • for interview practice questions, 102–103
    • website, 228–229
    • job search websites
      • Hired site, 51, 225
      • Indeed site, 50–51
      • pros and cons of, 50
    • LeetCode website, 219–220
    • LinkedIn, 11–12
    • Loom, 37
    • Medium, 36
    • Meetup, 12–13, 24, 52, 111
    • Pluralsight website, 223–224
    • problem-solving skills
      • CodeKata blog, 153–154
      • Codility for Programmers website, 154–155
      • LeetCode, 155–156
      • MindCipher website, 158–159
      • Programming Praxis, 156–157
      • Topcoder, 157–158
    • Programming Leadership website, 84
    • recursion, 134
    • Reddit, 221–222
    • researching salaries
      • CareerBliss website, 182
      • Comparably website, 180–182
      • Glassdoor website, 179–180
    • Simple Programmer blog, 222–223
    • sorting algorithms, 143–146
    • Squarespace, 59
    • Stack Overflow website, 74, 227–228
    • Upwork, 50
    • VistaPrint, 13
    • Wix, 36
    • WordPress, 36
  • overconfidence, avoiding, 39


  • partial sorts, 140
  • Passionate Programmer, The (Fowler), 237
  • personal character, 78
  • personal story, company's interest in, 80
  • personality phones screens, 91
  • personality tests, 91
  • phone screens, 16–17
    • avoiding disqualifying situations, 95–97
    • basic, 90–91
    • homework coding assignments, 94–95
    • honesty during, 214–215
    • live coding assignments, 92, 94
    • overview, 87
    • personality screens, 91
    • practice questions, 93–94
    • preparing for
      • behavior during, 89
      • interview space, 88–89
      • practicing with friends, 89–90
    • technical question, 91–92
  • Pluralsight website, 223–224
  • podcasts, 196–197
  • post-interview
    • following up, 168–169
    • negotiating job offers
      • benefits, 173–176
      • salary considerations, 172
      • via phone, 171–172
      • written offers, 171
    • reasons for no job offer, 169–170
    • requesting feedback, 170
  • practice interviews
    • avoiding overconfidence, 39
    • explaining how you can help the company, 35
    • including observers, 114
    • overview, 17
    • personality types, 25–26
    • preparing interviewers, 113–114
    • programming questions, 19
    • rewarding interviewers, 113
    • scheduling, 112–113
    • taking notes during, 114–115
    • volunteering important information, 27
  • practice questions. See also practice interviews
    • online resources for, 102–103
    • phone screens, 93–94
  • pre-suasion, 57–58, 61–62
  • Pre-suasion (Cialdini), 58
  • problem-solving skills, 79
    • improving, 152–153
    • online resources
      • CodeKata blog, 153–154
      • Codility, 154–155
      • LeetCode, 155–156
      • MindCipher website, 158–159
      • Programming Praxis, 156–157
      • Topcoder, 157–158
    • puzzle problems
      • breaking down, 149
      • building solution, 150–151
  • professional headshot, value of, 191–192
  • professional résumé services
    • canvassing network, 66
    • cover letters, 69
    • finding, 65
    • providing right information to, 66–67
    • researching, 65–66
  • programming forums
    • LeetCode website, 111
    • researching interview testing, 110–111
  • Programming Interviews Exposed (Mongan, Kindler, and Giguere), 153, 236–237
  • Programming Leadership website, 84
  • Programming Pearls (Bentley), 232–233
  • Programming Praxis, 156–157
  • programming questions, interview, 79–80
  • proofreading résumés, 212
  • proxy design pattern, 131
  • pseudocode, 150–151
  • public speaking, 199–201
  • puzzle solving
    • breaking problem down, 149
    • building solution, 150–151
    • improving problem-solving skills, 152–153
    • online resources, 153–159
    • overview, 147–148
  • Python, interview questions about, 93


  • queues, 122
  • quick sort algorithm, 138–139


  • Raz, Tahl, 185, 232
  • reasoning skills, 80
  • rebranding yourself
    • with blogs, 58
    • with GitHub, 59
    • with social media, 58–60
    • with YouTube, 58–59
  • recruitment agencies, 51–52
  • recursion
    • defined, 131
    • direct, 131–132
    • indirect, 132
    • online resources, 134
    • recursion algorithms, 133
    • recursion word problem example, 134
    • stack overflow and, 133
  • Reddit
    • finding unadvertised jobs, 52
    • overview, 221–222
    • programming forums, 110
  • referrals, importance of, 193
  • remote work, 46
  • reputation, importance of, 216
  • researching interview process
    • testing strategies
      • in-person events, 111
      • LinkedIn, 110
      • mock interviews, 112–115
      • overview, 109–110
      • programming forums, 110–111
  • researching potential employers
    • company's specific concerns, 35
    • deciding where you want to work
      • commuting vs. moving, 45
      • environment, 48–49
      • large companies, 46–47
      • local technology ecosystems, 45
      • remote work, 46
      • small companies, 47
      • specific roles, 49
      • technologies, 48
      • Venn diagram, 49–50
    • environment and interview process
      • bigger companies, 23–24
      • smaller businesses, 22–23
      • startups, 23
    • job search websites, 50
    • by looking at company websites, 13–14
    • networking to find unadvertised jobs
      • listening, 53
      • persistence, 53
      • places for, 52–53
    • by networking with employees
      • online, 11–12
      • in person, 12–13
    • recruitment agencies, 51–52
  • researching salaries
    • CareerBliss website, 182
    • Comparably website, 180–182
    • Glassdoor website, 179–180
  • résumés
    • cover letters, 14–15
      • AIDA model, 70–72
      • importance of, 68
      • reviewing, 69
      • tailoring to job description, 69–70
    • effectively advertising yourself, 67
    • following up, 15–16
    • help for, 15
    • matching to LinkedIn, 62
    • multiple for same company, 15
    • Objectives section, 67, 213
    • presentation of, 213
    • professional services
      • canvassing network, 66
      • cover letters, 69
      • finding, 65
      • providing right information to, 66–67
      • researching, 65–66
    • proofreading, 67, 212
    • proper length, 212–213
    • reputation and, 216
    • social media links, 214
    • submitting, 14–15
    • tailoring to job description, 68
  • retirement benefits, 175–176
  • risk aversion of companies
    • difficulties with firing, 33–34
    • high costs, 32
    • keeping programmer engaged, 33
    • lack of real expertise, 32
    • variation in concerns, 33, 34
  • Robson, Elisabeth, 237


  • salary, 172
    • handling questions about, 97, 183–184
    • researching
      • CareerBliss website, 182
      • Comparably website, 180–182
      • Glassdoor website, 179–180
  • self-published book, 198–199
  • selling yourself. See also résumés
    • avoiding overconfidence, 39
    • effectively advertising yourself, 67
    • fit with company culture, 38
    • improving the team 35–37, 39
    • offering examples, 38–40
  • senior developer position, interviewing for
    • ambition versus instability, 82
    • design patterns, 86
    • explaining employment gaps, 82
    • flexibility, 84–85
    • honesty, 81
    • leadership, 83–84
    • non-programming skills, 84–85
    • ongoing education, 83
    • overview, 74–75
    • stability versus stagnancy, 81
  • Sierra, Kathy, 237
  • Simple Programmer blog, 222–223
  • single-linked lists, 119
  • singleton design pattern, 130
  • skill sets
    • coding skills
      • assessing honestly, 106–107
      • leveling up, 105–108
    • leadership skills, 83–84
    • non-programming skills, 84–85
    • problem-solving skills
      • importance of, 79
      • improving, 152–153
      • online resources, 153–159
    • reasoning skills, 80
    • soft skills, 103–105
  • small companies and startups
    • pros and cons of working for, 47
    • researching interview process, 22–23
    • risk aversion, 33–34
  • social media
    • completing profile on LinkedIn, 63
    • consistent profile on LinkedIn, 62
    • Google searches of yourself, 56–58
    • including links in résumé, 214
    • ongoing learning, 63
    • photos to keep/remove, 61
    • pre-suasion, 57–58
    • rebranding, 58–60
    • sharing knowledge, 63
    • showing competency, 63
  • soft skills questions, 103–105
  • Sonmez, John, 57
  • sorting algorithms
    • bubble sort, 136–137
    • deck of cards sorting examples, 142–143
    • heap sort, 139
    • linked lists, 140
    • memory restrictions, 138, 140
    • merge sort, 137–138
    • online resources, 143–146
    • overview, 135
    • partial sorts, 140
    • quick sort, 138–139
  • Squarespace, 59
  • stability versus stagnancy, 81
  • stack overflow, recursion and, 133
  • Stack Overflow website, 59, 74, 111, 227–228
  • stacks, 121–122
  • standing out to interviewers
    • blogging, 195–196
    • creating YouTube channel, 194–195
    • GitHub profile, 192–193
    • podcasts, 196–197
    • referrals, 193
    • speaking at developer and business events, 199–201
    • using professional headshots, 191–192
    • video résumé, 193–194
    • vlogs, 196
    • writing and self-publishing books, 198–199
    • writing mobile apps, 197
  • StatCounter, 56
  • Stone, Brad, 24


  • technical question phone screens, 91–92
  • technology ecosystems, 45, 52
  • testing
    • coding skills
      • assessing honestly, 106–107
      • Codility, 107–108
      • LeetCode, 108–109
      • overview, 105–106
    • data structures
      • arrays, 118–120
      • defined, 118
      • demonstrating knowledge of, 122–125
      • hashes, 120–121
      • linked lists, 118–120
      • online resources, 126
      • queues, 122
      • researching, 125–126
      • stacks, 121–122
    • design patterns
      • adapter, 130
      • builder, 130
      • defined, 128
      • façade, 130–131
      • factory, 130
      • iterator, 131
      • knowing when to use, 129
      • overview, 127–128
      • proxy, 131
      • recursion, 131–134
      • singleton, 130
    • online resources for practice questions, 102–103
    • overview, 18–19, 101
    • puzzle solving
      • breaking problem down, 149
      • building solution, 150–151
      • improving problem-solving skills, 152–153
      • online resources, 153–159
      • overview, 147–148
    • requesting feedback, 115
    • researching interview questions, 109–115
    • soft skills questions, 103–105
    • sorting algorithms
      • bubble sort, 136–137
      • deck of cards sorting examples, 142–143
      • heap sort, 139
      • linked lists, 140
      • memory restrictions, 140
      • merge sort, 137–138
      • online resources, 143–146
      • overview, 135
      • partial sorts, 140
      • quick sort, 138–139
  • Thomas, Dave, 154
  • Toastmasters International website, 199–200
  • Topcoder, 157–158
  • Toptal website, 144–145
  • transparency, 96
  • Twain, Mark, 62


  • Upwork job search site, 50
  • user groups, 52


  • Venn diagram, 49–50
  • video résumé, 193–194
  • VistaPrint, 13–14
  • vlogs, 196
  • Voss, Chris, 185, 232


  • websites. See also online resources
    • creating, 36
    • portfolio websites, 59
    • updating, 37
  • Weir, Andy, 198
  • Wix, 36
  • WordPress, 36
  • work experience
    • effect on interview format
      • ambition versus instability, 82
      • design patterns, 86
      • explaining employment gaps, 82
      • flexibility, 84–85
      • honesty, 81
      • junior developer, 75–80
      • leadership, 83–84
      • non-programming skills, 84–85
      • ongoing education, 83
      • overview, 73–74
      • senior developer, 74–75
      • stability versus stagnancy, 81
    • honesty about, 81
  • written job offers, 171
  • Wu, Lawrence, 233


  • YouTube
    • creating channels, 37, 194–195
    • rebranding through, 58–59
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