Asking Your Supervisor for Help with Your Workload


This delicate dialogue must be handled with care. Ask your boss for assistance and she may think you're an underachiever or lazy employee. Even if you've taken on or accepted too much work, your boss may not recognize this. That's why you should only use this dialogue as a last resort after all else has failed. That being said, the secret to this conversation is guiding the dialogue towards a solution. Don't let your boss turn the meeting into a review of your employment history. Remind her that you're doing good work, but there's just too much for one person. The fact that you recognize the work overload and are attempting to solve the problem is a sign of strength. It's entirely possible your boss is not aware of the enormous workload and may sympathize with your predicament. However, you should be ready to deflect anger or disappointment. This meeting should appear to be about your concern for the company and quality of your work. If you're unable to keep pace with an unreasonable workload, the company will ultimately suffer. Don't be passive and throw yourself on the mercy of your boss. Explore options and have possible alternatives prepared to discuss with your boss during the meeting. Show her you're eager to solve the problem early so the company isn't adversely affected.


  • Attitude: Be concerned, but not intimidated. Be decisive. Act positively, deflect anger and discuss solutions. You're seeking a solution—not an excuse.
  • Preparation: Prepare a memo outlining your solution and present the plan to your boss during the meeting so she can comment immediately.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 6. Asking Your Supervisor for Help with Your Workload with an opening statements, four situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 6. Asking Your Supervisor for Help with Your Workload with responses.
  • Timing: Speak with your boss the moment you realize there's too much work to handle. Procrastinating will make the situation worse. The moment your boss has any free time, you must pull her aside and alert her to your quandary.
  • Behavior: Be direct and swift. Don't just throw up your hands and cry for help. Be active in the solution process. Remain calm, even if threatened, and present a positive solution that will benefit you and the company.


This script can be modified to:

  • Ask a business partner to help you during a busy time.


  • Remind your boss you're not an underachiever—there's just too much work for one person.
  • Emphasize you're concerned about the quality of your work and the success of the company.
  • Don't tuck your tail between your legs and beg for help. Be proactive in the solution process.
  • If your boss won't budge, suggest a specific alternative to lighten your workload.
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