Asking Your Supervisor for Help with a Problem Peer


Your boss is only interested in what affects work production. If your problem with a peer is a personal dislike, difference of opinion, or other non‐production related matter, they won't care…nor should they. In order to get them involved you need to demonstrate that the problem is affecting your efficiency or that of your department. Make your approach only after trying all you can to resolve the situation on your own. If your supervisor remains reluctant to get involved, even after you demonstrate the problem is influencing work, stress that you've run out of other options. If you can't get them to intervene, agree to make one final effort at solving the matter on your own, but only if they agree to intervene if you're unsuccessful. Try to insure the situation doesn't have a negative impact on your reputation. You don't want to be perceived as a whiner or rat, you just want to be able to do your job. The more you show your supervisor that your main concern is the company, not yourself, the better chance they'll help you resolve the problem.


  • Attitude: Be remorseful but not apologetic. It's a shame the situation has reached this point, but it's not your fault. Remember: work is suffering because of the problem and you've tried everything you can on your own.
  • Preparation: Develop a concise description of the problem, as well as a list of your varied failed attempts at solving it on your own.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 78. Asking Your Supervisor for Help with a Problem Peer with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 78. Asking Your Supervisor for Help with a Problem Peer with situations and responses.
  • Timing: Approach your supervisor only after you've truly made every possible effort to independently solve the problem. At the same time, don't wait until the problem significantly damages your production.
  • Behavior: Be worried about the quality of your work. You simply want to be able to work without unnecessary interference. Your supervisor will appreciate concern for the company.


This script can be modified to:

  • Ask a supervisor to speak with a problem client.
  • Ask a supervisor to speak with a problem customer.


  • The problem has to affect your work and the company for your supervisor to get involved.
  • Emphasize that you've tried to solve the problem on your own, many times, but have failed.
  • Give examples of how the problem is hindering your work.
  • If your supervisor insists you try again on your own, ask for an assurance they will intervene if you fail once more.
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