
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


bitwise AND, 68, 69, 70–71

Boolean logical AND, 77, 78, 79

and bounded type declarations, 347

&& (short-circuit AND), 77, 79


and glob syntax, 744

multiplication operator, 29, 63, 64

regular expression quantifier, 983

used in import statement, 196, 331

** (glob syntax), 744


annotation syntax, 35, 285

used with tags (javadoc), 1228, 1232


bitwise OR, 68, 69, 70–71

Boolean logical OR, 77, 78

|| (short-circuit OR), 77, 79

[ ], 35, 53, 54, 56, 60, 81

character class specification, 983, 987


bitwise exclusive OR (XOR), 68, 69, 70–71

Boolean logical exclusive OR (XOR), 77, 78

character class specification, 983

: (used with a label), 106


constructor reference, 35, 402, 406

method reference, 35, 394, 400

, (comma), 35, 97, 385

format flag, 642, 644

{ }, 26, 28, 32, 35, 47, 48, 55, 58, 83, 84, 91, 95, 221, 296, 386, 410

used with javadoc tags, 1228

{…} anonymous inner class syntax, 799

$ used in temporary variable name, 1252

=, 29, 46, 77, 79–80

= = (Boolean logical operator), 77

= = (relational operator), 30, 76, 77, 268, 274

versus equals( ), 448–449

!, 77, 78

!=, 76, 77

/, 63, 64

/* */, 26

/** */, 35, 1227

//, 27

<, 30, 76

argument index syntax, 645–646

< >

diamond operator (type inference), 370–371

and generic type parameter, 338

<?>, 286, 288, 348

<<, 68, 71–73

<=, 76

–, 63, 64

format flag, 642

– > lambda expression arrow operator, 17, 63, 81, 380

– –, 32, 63, 66–67


used in format conversion specifier syntax, 633

modulus operator, 63, 65

( format flag, 642, 644

( ), 27, 35, 82, 115, 125

used in a lambda expression, 380, 384, 385

used to raise the precedence of operations, 35, 43, 81, 444

. (period)

and calling static interface methods, 213

dot operator, 81, 113, 119, 148, 172, 196, 213

in import statement, 196

in multileveled package statement, 190, 196

and nested interfaces, 203

regular expression wildcard character, 983, 986

separator, 35

and enabling/disabling assertions syntax, 328–329

variable-length argument syntax, 35, 158, 161


addition operator, 63, 64

concatenation operator, 29, 154–155, 443–444

format flag, 642, 643

regular expression quantifier, 983, 985–987

unary plus, 63, 64

++, 32, 63, 66–68

# format flag, 642, 644


regular expression quantifier, 983, 986–987

wildcard argument specifier, 348, 351, 354, 368, 377, 744

?: (ternary if-then-else operator), 78, 80

>, 30, 76

>>, 68, 73–74

>>>, 68, 74–75

>=, 76

; (semicolon), 28, 35, 92, 199

used in try-with-resources statement, 321, 678

~ (bitwise unary NOT operator), 68, 69, 70–71

_ (underscore), 34, 44, 45

and mnemonics specification, 1171

0 (zero) format flag, 642, 644


abs( ), 133–134, 506

Abstract method(s), 183–186

and lambda expressions, 380, 381, 382, 383

abstract type modifier, 184, 187, 202, 381

Abstract Window Toolkit. See AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)

AbstractAction interface, 1081, 1082

AbstractButton class, 1033, 1036, 1060, 1063, 1068, 1071

AbstractCollection class, 541, 543, 550

AbstractList class, 541, 593

AbstractMap class, 568, 570, 572

AbstractQueue class, 541, 549

AbstractSequentialList class, 541, 545

AbstractSet class, 541, 546, 548, 551

accept( ), 556, 664, 665, 666, 675, 676, 744, 764, 962, 975, 977

Access control, 143–146

and default access, 193, 199

example program, 193–196

and inheritance, 144, 146, 165–166

and modules, 144

and packages, 144, 189, 192–196

Access modifiers, 27, 144, 192–193

acquire( ), 908–911

Action (Swing), 1059, 1079–1084

Action interface, 1079, 1080, 1081

ActionEvent class, 772–773, 833, 857, 870, 1022, 1023, 1031, 1033, 1040

JavaFX, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1169

ActionListener interface, 783, 833, 837, 845, 870, 1022, 1023, 1033, 1040, 1067, 1079

actionPerformed( ), 783, 833, 836, 1023, 1024, 1033, 1040, 1067, 1068, 1079, 1081, 1082–1083

adapt( ), 952

Adapter classes, 790, 794–796

add( ), 531, 532, 533, 534, 546, 553, 618, 805, 830, 836, 841, 844, 857, 861, 870, 975, 994, 995, 1019–1020, 1040, 1052, 1053, 1061, 1062, 1077, 1081, 1103, 1108, 1150, 1154, 1156, 1163, 1164, 1179

addActionListener( ), 1023

addAll( ), 531, 532, 533, 534, 975, 1104, 1108, 1150, 1163, 1164, 1169

addCookie( ), 1214, 1220

addElement( ), 594

addEventFilter( ), 1105

addExports( ), 518

addFirst( ), 539, 540, 545, 975

addItem( ), 1050

addKeyListener( ), 771

addLast( ), 539, 540, 545, 546

addListener( ), 1129, 1150

addMouseListener( ), 789–790, 799, 1074

addMouseMotionListener( ), 771, 789–790

addOpens( ), 518

addReads( ), 518

Address, Internet, 750, 751–753, 757

addSeparator( ), 1062

addTab( ), 1042

addTListener( ) 1192

addTypeListener( ), 770, 771

addUses( ), 518

AdjustmentEvent class, 773, 774, 848

AdjustmentListener interface, 783, 784, 848

adjustmentValueChanged( ), 783

Affine class, 1156

Algorithms, collection, 529, 581–586, 592

allMatch( ), 980

allocate( ), 720, 729, 731

anchor constraint field, 865–866

AND operator

bitwise (&), 68, 69, 70–71

Boolean logical (&), 77, 78, 79

and bounded type declarations (&), 347

short-circuit (&&), 77, 79

AnnotatedElement interface, 291, 293, 303, 526

Annotation interface, 285, 291, 525

Annotation member, 285

assigning a value to an, 285, 294, 295

default values for an, 292–293, 295

obtaining the value of an, 287, 288

Annotation(s), 15, 284–304, 525

built-in, 295–297

container, 302, 303

declaration example, 285

and JShell, 1251

marker, 293–294

member. See Annotation member

obtaining all, 290–291

reflection to obtain, using, 286–291

repeated, 291, 302–304

restrictions on, 304

retention policies, 285–286

single-member, 294–295

type, 297–302

annotationType( ), 285

anyMatch( ), 980

Apache Software Foundation, 1202

Apache Tomcat, 1202. See also Tomcat

API library, compact profiles of the, 334


append( ), 461, 523, 700, 853

Appendable interface, 523, 635, 693, 700, 707

appendTo( ), 494

Applet, 8–9

deprecated, 11, 18, 1235, 1255

Java Web Start with an, using, 1243

unsigned, 1236

versus Java Web Start, 1235–1236

Applet, AWT-based, 1255–1260

architecture, 1257

event-driven nature of the, 1257

and the Internet, 8–9

and main( ), 1256

and security, 1256

signed, 1256

skeleton, 1257–1260

as source and listener for events, 1257

Applet class, 804, 1235, 1255, 1257, 1260, 1262

Applet, Swing, 1015, 1016, 1021, 1255, 1260–1262

APPLET tag, HTML, 1256

AppletContext interface, 1255

AppletStub interface, 1255

appletviewer, 1256, 1258–1259

Application class, 1097–1098, 1100

Application launcher (java). See java (Java application launcher)

apply( ), 407, 664, 665, 666, 963–964, 968

applyAsDouble( ), 664, 665, 666, 971

AreaAveragingScaleFilter class, 890

areFieldsSet Calendar class instance variable, 618

Argument(s), 118, 122

command-line, 27, 156–157

index, 645–646

lambda expressions passed as, 389–391

and overloaded constructors, 136

passing, 138–140

type. See Type argument(s)

variable-length. See Varargs

wildcard. See Wildcard arguments

Arithmetic operators, 63–68

ArithmeticException, 219, 220, 230, 507

Array class, 526, 990

Array(s), 27, 53–60, 149, 187

boundary checks, 55

and collections, 587

constructor reference for, 406

converting collections into, 532, 543–544

copying with arraycopy( ), 495, 497–498

declaration syntax, alternative, 60

dynamic, 541–543, 550, 593–597

and the for-each loop, 99–103

and generics, 375–377

implemented as objects, 149

indexes, 53, 54

initializing, 55, 58–59

length instance variable of, 149–151

multidimensional, 56–60, 101–102

one-dimensional, 53–56

and spliterators, 590

and a stream API stream, 959

string using a byte, initializing a, 441

of strings, 156

and valueOf( ), 455

and varargs, 158

ArrayBlockingQueue class, 933

arraycopy( ), 495, 497–498

ArrayDeque class, 541, 550–551, 599

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 223, 230, 588

ArrayList class, 541–544, 560, 593, 594, 959

example using an, 554–555

examples using a stream API stream, 959–963, 968–972, 973–974, 976–979

Arrays class, 587–592, 959

ArrayStoreException, 230, 588

arrive( ), 920–921

arriveAndAwaitAdvance( ), 920, 921, 923, 926

arriveAndDeregister( ), 921, 923

Arrow operator (–>), 17, 63, 81, 380

ASCII character set, 41, 42, 45, 450

and strings on the Internet, 441, 446

asIterator(), 593

asList( ), 587

Assembly language, 4, 5

assert statement, 15, 326–329

Assertions, 326–329

AssertionError, 326

Assignment operator

=, 29, 77, 79–80

arithmetic compound (op=), 63, 65–66

bitwise compound, 68, 75–76

Boolean logical, 77

Atomic operations, 936–937

AtomicInteger class, 907, 937

AtomicLong class, 907, 937

AttributeView interface, 728

AudioClip interface, 1255

Autoboxing/unboxing, 15, 277, 279–284, 339–340

Boolean and Character values, 282–283

and collections, 544

definition of, 279

and error prevention, 283–284

and expressions, 281–282

and methods, 280–281

Autocloseable interface, 314, 320, 524, 646, 653, 676, 678, 679, 682, 693, 696, 698, 699, 700, 707, 711, 713, 720, 729, 743, 754, 765, 956

Automatic resource management (ARM), 218, 319–322, 524, 646, 756

available( ), 680–682, 713, 714

availableProcessors( ), 948

await( ), 914, 915–916, 917, 935

awaitAdvance( ), 926

awaitAdvanceInterruptibly( ), 926

AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), 305, 769, 786, 801–802, 829, 1095

classes, table of some, 802–804

color system, 815

controls. See Controls, AWT

and fonts, 819–825

layout managers. See Layout manager(s)

support for imaging, 879

support for text and graphics, 810

and Swing, 801, 829, 1011–1012

AWTEvent class, 772, 802


B, 4

Base64 class, 662

BaseStream interface, 956–957, 958, 965, 967

methods, table of, 956


Basic multilingual plane (BMP), 484

BasicFileAttributes class, 726, 727, 728, 741

methods, table of, 727

BasicFileAttributeView interface, 728

BCP 47, 626


BeanInfo interface, 1190, 1192–1193, 1194, 1196

naming convention for a class implementing the, 1192

Beans, Java. See Java Beans

Bell curve, 626

Bell Laboratories, 6

Berkeley UNIX, 749

Berners-Lee, Tim, 757

Beyond Photography: The Digital Darkroom (Holzmann), 886

BiConsumer functional interface, 664, 975

BiFunction functional interface, 664, 963


exponent, 45

literals, 44

numbers and integers, 68–69

BinaryOperator<T> predefined functional interface, 407, 664, 963

binarySearch( )

algorithm defined by Collections, 581

Arrays method, 587

BitSet class, 611–613

methods, table of, 611–612

Bitwise operators, 68–76

Block lambdas, 380, 385–387. See also Lambda expression(s)


Blocks of code. See Code blocks

Boolean, 37

expression, 30, 31

literals, 45

logical operators, 77–79

Boolean class, 277, 485

and autoboxing/unboxing, 282–283

methods, table of, 487

boolean data type, 37, 42–43, 45, 50

and relational operators, 42, 43, 76–77

booleanValue( ), 277, 487

Border interface, 1028

BorderFactory class, 1028

BorderLayout class, 802, 856–858, 1023, 1078

example with insets, 858–859

BorderPane class, 1097, 1168, 1177

methods for positioning nodes within a, 1168

boxed( ), 958

Boxing, 279

break statement, 86, 87–88, 104–108

and the for-each loop, 100–101

as form of goto, 106–108

Buffer class, 718–720

methods, table of, 718–719

Buffer, NIO, 718–720

BufferedImage class, 881

BufferedInputStream class, 307, 688–690, 739

BufferedOutputStream class, 307, 688, 690, 739

BufferedReader class, 308, 309, 310–312, 704–706, 959

BufferedWriter class, 308, 706

Buffering, double, 882–885

build( ), 492

bulkRegister( ), 927

Button class

AWT, 802, 833

JavaFX, 1105–1106, 1120, 1123


as event sources, 773, 782, 833, 1104, 1123, 1126

group, 1040, 1072, 1125–1126

push. See Push buttons, AWT; Push buttons, JavaFX; Push buttons, Swing

radio. See Radio buttons

Swing, 1033–1041

Swing menu items as, 1060

toggle. See Toggle button, JavaFX; Toggle button, Swing

ButtonBase class, 1105, 1123, 1125, 1132

ButtonGroup class, 1029, 1040

ButtonModel interface, 1014, 1033

ButtonUI, 1014

Byte class, 277, 278, 467, 473, 480, 481

methods defined by, table of, 474

byte data type, 37, 38–39, 43

and automatic type conversion, 50

and automatic type promotion, 52, 71–72, 74–75

ByteArrayInputStream class, 307, 685–686

ByteArrayOutputStream class, 307, 686–688

ByteBuffer class, 719, 728, 729, 733

get( ) and put( ) methods, table of, 720

Bytecode, 10–11, 13–14, 18, 26, 326, 333, 509

BYTES, 469, 480, 482

byteValue( ), 278, 468, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 478


C, 6, 8

history of, 4–5

and Java, 3, 5, 7, 12

C Programming Language, The (Kernighan and Ritchie), 4


history of, 5–6

and Java, 3, 7–8, 12

C# and Java, 8

Calendar class, 616, 617, 618–621, 622, 626, 1001

constants, 620

methods defined by, table of a sampling of, 618–620

Call-by-reference, 138, 139–140

Call-by-value, 138–139, 140

call( ), 930, 952

Callable interface, 907, 929–932, 952

CallSite class, 525

cancel( ), 629, 630, 951, 952

canRead( ), 518

canUse( ), 518

Canvas class

AWT, 802, 805, 880

JavaFX, 1109–1113

capacity( ), 459, 594, 718

capacityIncrement Vector data member, 594

Card layouts, 861–864

CardLayout class, 802, 861–864

CaretEvent class, 1031–1032

Case sensitivity and Java, 25, 27, 34, 190

case statement, 86–91

Casts, 50–52, 336, 339, 340, 342

and casting one instance of a generic class into another, 368

and erasure, 339, 371

using instanceof with, 323–325

catch clause(s), 217, 218, 220–224, 226, 227–228, 236

displaying exception description within, 222

and the more precise (final) rethrow feature, 235, 236

multi-catch feature of, 235–236

using multiple, 222–223

and nested try statements, 221, 224

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 11, 1201–1202

changed( ), 1129, 1151

ChangeListener interface, 1128–1129

Channel interface, 720

Channel(s), NIO, 718, 720–721. See also NIO and channel-based I/O

char data type, 37, 41–42, 44, 68, 441

and arithmetic operators, 63

and automatic type conversion, 50

and automatic type promotion, 52

Character class, 277, 467, 482–485

and autoboxing/unboxing, 282–283

methods, table of various, 483, 486

support for 32-bit Unicode, 484–485

Character(s), 37, 41–42

basic multilingual plane (BMP), 484

changing case of, 455–456, 482, 483

classes (regular expressions), 983, 987

code point, 484

escape sequences, 45, 46

extraction from String objects, 445–446

formatting an individual, 635

literals, 45

supplemental, 484

Character.Subset class, 484

Character.UnicodeBlock class, 484

characteristics( ), 557, 558

CharArrayReader class, 308, 702–703

CharArrayWriter class, 308, 703–704

charAt( ), 155, 445, 460, 522

CharBuffer class, 719

CharSequence interface, 439, 456, 461, 522, 982

methods defined by, table of, 522

Charsets, 442, 722

charValue( ), 277, 482

Check boxes

AWT, 830, 837–839

as event sources, 773, 777, 782, 838, 1104, 1132, 1135

indeterminate state of, enabling the, 1132, 1135

JavaFX, 1132–1136

Swing, 1038–1039

and Swing menus, 1071, 1072–1073

Checkbox class

AWT, 802, 837–839

JavaFX, 1132, 1135

CheckboxGroup class, 802, 839–841

CheckboxMenuItem class, 802, 869, 870

checked… methods, 581–582, 585

checkedCollection( ), 581, 585

checkedList( ), 581, 585

checkedMap( ), 581, 585

checkedSet( ), 582, 585

CheckMenuItem class, 1162, 1173

Choice class, 802, 841–844

Choice controls, 782, 830, 841–847

as event source, 773, 777, 782

ChoiceBox control, 1144

Class class, 286–287, 288, 290, 291, 338, 424–425, 485, 501–504, 727, 990, 992

methods, table of some, 502–503

.class file, 114, 190, 191

.class filename extension, 26

class keyword, 26, 111

CLASS retention policy, 285–286

Class(es), 26–27, 111–130

abstract, 183–186, 187, 202

access levels of, 192–193

adapter, 790, 794–796

anonymous, 17. See also Inner classes

character, regular expression, 983, 987

and code, 25, 111, 192

in collections, storing user-defined, 558–560

constructor. See Constructor

controlling access to. See Access control

as a data type, 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 128

definition of the term, 21

encapsulation achieved through, 21, 128

final, 187

general form of, 111–112

generic. See Generic class

hierarchy, 22, 173–176, 198

inner. See Inner classes

instance of a, 21, 111, 113, 116

and interfaces, 189, 198, 200–203, 359

JShell to experiment with, using, 1250

libraries, 25, 36

literal, 288, 425

member. See Member, class

name and source file name, 25, 26

nested, 151–153

packages as containers for, 189, 192, 196

path, 418

public, 193

scope defined by a, 48

and state information, 210, 213

synthetic, 1246, 1248, 1249, 1250

type for bounded types, using a, 345–347

value-based, 614

ClassCastException, 230, 532, 533, 536, 538, 540, 561, 564, 565, 573, 585, 587, 589, 590

ClassDefinition class, 525

ClassFileTransformer interface, 525

ClassLoader class, 505

classModifiers( ), 993

ClassNotFoundException, 231, 713

CLASSPATH, 190, 191, 996

–classpath option, 191

ClassValue class, 522

clear( ), 531, 532, 562, 601, 611, 619, 718, 1156

Client/server model, 8–9, 11, 749

and sockets, 753–756

clone( ), 187, 499–501, 521, 594, 601, 611, 617, 619, 623, 1216

Cloneable interface, 499–501

CloneNotSupportedException, 231, 499, 521


and enumerations, 521

potential dangers of, 500, 501

close( ), 314, 316–318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 524, 633, 646, 648, 653, 657, 676, 677, 678, 680, 681, 684, 685, 686, 696, 697, 699, 700, 702, 703, 711, 712, 713, 714, 729, 754, 756, 765, 956

within a finally block, calling, 316–319, 677

Closeable interface, 314, 320, 653, 676, 679, 682, 693, 696, 698, 699, 700, 707, 720

Closures, 379


Code blocks, 30, 32–33, 47, 84–85

and the break statement, 106–108

and scopes, 47, 48–49

static, 147

synchronized, 253–255, 954

Code point, definition of, 484


snippet, 1245, 1247, 1248, 1250, 1253

unreachable, 110, 223

codePointAt( ), 457, 464, 485, 486

codePointBefore( ), 457, 464, 486

codePointCount( ), 457, 464

collect( ), 957, 972–975

Collection interface, 530–533, 538, 543, 561, 959, 961, 965

methods defined by, table of, 531–532

Collection-view, 529, 560, 561, 602

Collection(s), 335, 528–608

algorithms, 529, 581–586, 592

into arrays, converting, 532, 543–544

and autoboxing, 544

classes, 335, 540–551

concurrent, 906, 933–934

cycling through, 529, 551–558, 597

dynamically typesafe view of a, 585

and the for-each version of the for loop, 99, 103, 555–556, 597

Framework. See Collections Framework

interfaces, 529, 530–540

and iterators, 529, 533, 551–555, 556–558

and legacy classes and interfaces, 592–608

modifiable versus unmodifiable, 530

and primitive types, 468, 544

random access to, 560

storing user-defined classes in, 558–560

and the stream API, 608, 955, 956, 959, 961, 974

stream API stream to obtain a, using a, 972–975

and synchronization, 540, 585, 592

and type safety, 585

when to use, 608

Collections class, 400, 529, 585, 592

algorithms defined by, table of, 581–585

Collections Framework, 14, 99, 103, 279, 527–608, 934

advantages of generics as applied to the, 335

legacy classes and interfaces, 592–608

and method references, 400–402

overview, 528–529

Collector interface, 972

Collectors class, 972

Color class, AWT, 802, 807–808, 815–817

constants to specify colors, list of, 808

methods to manipulate colors, 815–816

Color class, JavaFX, 1111, 1156

Color, working with, 815–817

Combo box, JavaFX, 1141–1144

enabling users to edit a, 1141, 1143–1144

Combo boxes, Swing, 1049–1051

ComboBox class, 1141

ComboBoxBase class, 1141

ComboBoxModel interface, 1050

Comment(s), 26, 27

documentation, 34–35, 1227–1234

Common Gateway interface (CGI), 11, 1201–1202

commonPool( ), 941, 945

Compact profiles, 334

Comparable interface, 356, 359, 449, 522–523, 617, 673

Comparable<Path> interface, 722

Comparator interface, 401, 402, 530, 565, 570, 573, 961

comparator( ), 536, 550, 565

Comparators, 548, 549, 550, 570, 571, 572–580

using a lambda expression with, 576–577, 580

compare( ), 401–402, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 478, 487, 573, 575–576, 591, 961

compareAndSet( ), 907, 937

compareTo( ), 273–275, 449–450, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 478, 484, 487, 521, 522, 576, 617, 673

compareToIgnoreCase( ), 450

compareToIgnoreOptional( ), 492

compareUnsigned( ), 591

comparing( ), 574–575

comparingByKey( ), 565

comparingByValue( ), 565

comparingDouble( ), 575

comparingInt( ), 575

comparingLong( ), 575

Compilation unit, 25

compile( ), 982


ahead-of-time, 11

Just-in-Time (JIT), 10, 14

Compiler class, 509

Compiler, Java, 25–26

and main( ), 27

Component class, 771, 782, 802, 804–805, 807, 808, 809, 810, 822, 830, 855, 878, 880, 1014, 1015, 1018, 1020, 1024, 1025, 1061, 1257, 1258, 1259

ComponentAdapter class, 795

componentAdded( ), 784

ComponentEvent class, 773, 774–775, 776, 782

componentHidden( ), 784

ComponentListener interface, 783, 784, 795

componentMoved( ), 784

componentRemoved( ), 784

componentResized( ), 784

Components, AWT, 1011–1012, 1014

lightweight versus heavyweight, 878

and overriding paint( ), 878

Components and Java Beans, software, 1189

Components, Swing, 1014–1015, 1029–1057

architecture, 1013–1014

class names for, table of, 1014–1015

and the Swing event dispatching thread, 1020

heavyweight, 1015

lightweight, 1012, 1029

painting, 1024–1028

and pluggable look and feel, 1012–1013, 1014

and tabbed panes, 1042–1044

componentShown( ), 784

ComponentUI, 1014

compute( ), 940, 945, 949, 951, 954

concat( ), 453

Concurrency utilities, 15, 905–954

versus traditional multithreading and synchronization, 905, 954

Concurrent API, 905–906

packages, 906–907

Concurrent collection classes, 906, 933–934

list of, 933

Concurrent program, definition of the term, 905

ConcurrentHashMap class, 907, 933

ConcurrentLinkedDeque, 933

ConcurrentLinkedQueue class, 907, 933

ConcurrentSkipListMap class, 933

ConcurrentSkipListSet class, 933

Condition class, 935

connect( ), 754

Console class, 708–710

methods, table of, 709

Console I/O, 28, 95, 305, 309–313, 708–710

console( ), 495, 709

const keyword, 36

Constants, 34

using an interface to define shared, 206–208

Constructor class, 287, 290, 291, 526, 990

Constructor reference, 402–406

for an array, 406

to generic classes, 403–406

Constructor(s), 115, 123–126

in class hierarchy, order of execution of, 176–177

default, 115, 125

enumeration, 271–273

factory methods versus overloaded, 751

generic, 357

object parameters for, 137–138

overloading, 134–136

parameterized, 125–126

reference. See Constructor reference(s)

and super( ), 169–172, 176, 333

this( ) and overloaded, 331–333

constructorModifiers( ), 993

Consumer<T> predefined functional interface, 407, 523, 556, 664, 962, 977

Container class, 802, 805, 807, 830, 855, 857, 858, 1014, 1015, 1019, 1025, 1061, 1257

Container, JavaFX, 1096–1097

Container(s), Swing, 1014, 1015

lightweight versus heavyweight, 1015

panes, 1015–1016. See also Content pane

top-level, 1014, 1015

ContainerAdapter class, 795

ContainerEvent class, 773, 775

ContainerListener interface, 783, 784, 795

Containment hierarchy, 1014, 1015

contains( ), 457, 531, 532, 546, 594, 601

containsAll( ), 531, 532

Content pane, 1015, 1016, 1019–1020, 1028, 1042, 1045, 1053, 1056, 1062, 1067

adding a component to a, 1019–1020

default layout manager of a JFrame, 1019, 1022–1023

ContentDisplay enumeration, 1119–1120, 1123

Context switching, 237, 253, 266

rules for, 239

ContextMenu class, 1162–1163, 1175–1176, 1178

ContextMenuEvent class, 1178


continue statement, 108–109

Control class, 1097, 1102, 1105, 1160

Control statements. See Statements, control

Control(s), AWT, 829, 830–854

action events, using an anonymous inner class or lambda expression to handle, 836–837

adding, 830

definition of an, 829

removing, 830

responding to, 830–831

Control(s), JavaFX, 1097, 1102, 1104, 1115–1160, 1186

adding an image to a, 1115, 1118–1123

adding a tooltip to a, 1160

disabling, 1160

and effects and transforms, 1154–1160. See also Effects; Transforms

and event handling, 1102–1109

text, 1144–1146

convert( ), 933

ConvolveOp built-in convolution filter, 901

Convolution filters, 893, 899, 901

Cookie class, 1212, 1214–1215, 1220, 1222

methods, table of, 1216

CookieHandler class, 763

CookieManager class, 763

CookiePolicy interface, 763

Cookies, 763, 1214–1215

example servlet using, 1220–1222

CookieStore interface, 763

copy( ), 724, 737

copyOf( ), 551, 552, 587–588

copyOfRange( ), 588

CopyOnWriteArrayList class, 907, 933

CopyOnWriteArraySet class, 933

cos( ), 40, 505

count( ), 957, 963, 980

countDown( ), 914–915

CountDownLatch class, 906, 908, 913–915

CountedCompleter class, 939

countStackFrames( ), 512

createImage( ), 880, 885, 886, 890

createLineBorder( ), 1028

CropImageFilter class, 890–892

Currency class, 631–632

methods, table of, 631

currentThread( ), 241, 510

currentTimeMillis( ), 495, 497

CustomMenuItem class, 1162

CyclicBarrier class, 906, 908, 915–917, 920


Data types, 29. See also Type(s); Types, primitive

DatagramPacket class, 764, 765–766

methods, list of some, 766

Datagrams, 750, 764–767

server/client example, 766–767

DatagramSocket class, 721, 764–765, 767

DataInput interface, 696, 697, 698, 713

DataInputStream class, 307, 696, 668–698

DataOutput interface, 696, 698, 669, 711

DataOutputStream class, 307, 696–698

Date and time. See Time and date; Time and date API

Date class, 616–618, 998, 999

methods, table of, 617

DateFormat class, 616, 626, 997–999, 1004

DateTimeFormatter class, 1003–1006

Deadlock, 260–261, 512, 1020

Decoder class, 662

Decrement operator (– –), 32, 63, 66–67

decrementAndGet( ), 907, 937

deepEquals( ), 588–589

deepHashCode( ), 591

deepToString( ), 591


clause for annotation member, 292–293

to declare a default interface method, using, 210

statement, 86–87

DefaultMutableTreeNode class, 1052, 1053

defaults Properties instance variable, 603

DelayQueue class, 933

Delegation event model, 770–771

and Beans, 1192

and event listeners, 770, 771, 783–786

and event sources, 770–771, 782–783

and JavaFX, 1105

and Swing, 1021

using, 786–794

delete operator, 127

delete( ), 462–463, 673, 724

deleteCharAt( ), 462–463

deleteOnExit( ), 673

delimiter( ), 656

Delimiters, 609–610

Scanner class, 647, 655–656

@Deprecated built-in annotation, 295, 297

Deque interface, 530, 539–540, 545, 550

methods, table of, 539–540

descendingIterator( ), 537, 539, 540

destroy( ), 488, 491, 512, 513

and applets, 1235, 1257, 1259, 1260

and servlets, 1202, 1205, 1207

Dialog boxes, 874–878

Dialog class, 802, 874

Dialog windows, 1091

Diamond operator (<>), 370–371

Dictionary class, 528, 592, 599–600

abstract methods, table of, 599

digit( ), 484

Dimension class, 802, 806, 813

reflection example using the, 990–991

Directories as File objects, 671, 673–674

creating, 676

Directories and packages, file system, 190

Directory, listing the contents of a

using list( ), 673–675

using listFiles( ), 675–676

using NIO, 742–745

Directory tree, obtaining a list of files in a, 746–748

DirectoryStream<Path> class, 742, 743

DirectoryStream.Filter interface, 744


dispose( ), 874

distinct( ), 980

do-while loop, 92–95

Document interface, 1031

@Documented built-in annotation, 295, 296

doDelete( ), 1216, 1217

doGet( ), 1216, 1217, 1218

doHead( ), 1216, 1217

Domain name, 750, 751

Domain Naming Service (DNS), 750

doOptions( ), 1216, 1217

doPost( ), 1217, 1219

doPut( ), 1217

DosFileAttributes class, 726, 727, 742

DosFileAttributeView interface, 728

Dot operator (.), 81, 113, 119, 148, 172, 196, 213

doTrace( ), 1217

Double buffering, 882–885

Double class, 277, 278, 468–473, 480

methods, table of, 471–472

double data type, 37, 40–41, 44

and automatic type conversion, 50

and automatic type promotion, 52–53

DoubleAccumulator class, 937

DoubleAdder class, 937

DoubleBinaryOperator functional interface, 590

DoubleBuffer class, 719

doubles( ), 628

DoubleStream interface, 958, 959

DoubleSummaryStatistics class, 662

doubleValue( ), 278, 345, 468, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 478

drawArc( ), 811

drawImage( ), 881, 883, 884

drawLine( ), 810, 1024

drawOval( ), 811

drawPolygon( ), 811–812

drawRect( ), 810–811, 1024

drawRoundRect( ), 811

drawString( ), 790, 807, 808, 825, 826, 1256

Duration class, 1007

Dynamic method

dispatch, 180–183

lookup, 201

resolution, 198, 201, 202, 206


E (Math constant), 505

Early binding, 186

echoCharIsSet( ), 851

Eclipse IDE, 1202, 1203

Edit control, 850

Effect class, 1155

Effects, 1155–1156

list of some built-in, 1155

program demonstrating, 1157–1160

element( ), 538

elementAt( ), 594

elementCount Vector data member, 594

elementData Vector data member, 594

elements( ), 594, 599, 600, 601

ElementType enumeration, 296, 525

ElementType.FIELD, 301

ElementType.METHOD, 301

ElementType.TYPE_USE, 298, 301

else, 83–86

empty( ), 597, 598, 614, 616

EMPTY_LIST static variable, 585

EMPTY_MAP static variable, 585

EMPTY_SET static variable, 585

EmptyStackException, 597, 599

Encapsulation, 5, 20–21, 22, 24–25, 128, 169

and access control, 143

and scope rules, 48

Encoder class, 662

end( ), 982–983

endsWith( ), 448, 723

ensureCapacity( ), 459, 543, 594

entrySet( ), 561, 562, 565, 569, 602

enum, 268, 521, 551, 572

Enum class, 273, 521

methods, table of, 521

enumerate( ), 510, 513, 516

Enumeration interface, 592–593, 595–597, 600, 609, 610, 692

Enumeration(s), 15, 267–276, 521

= = relational operator and, 268, 244

as a class type in Java, 267, 271–273

constants, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273

constructor, 271–273

and JShell, 1251

restrictions, 273

values in switch statements, using, 268–270

variable, declaring an, 268

EnumMap class, 568, 571

EnumSet class, 541, 551

factory methods, table of, 552

Environment properties, list of, 498

equals( ), 155, 187, 188, 274–275, 285, 447, 469, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 478, 484, 487, 492, 499, 520, 521, 531, 533, 562, 567, 573, 576, 588, 600, 611, 614, 617, 619, 752, 820

versus = =, 448–449

equalsIgnoreCase( ), 447

equalsIgnoreOptional( ), 492

Erasure, 339, 371–374

and ambiguity errors, 373–374

bridge methods and, 372–373

err, 308, 495. See also System.err

Error class, 218, 219, 227, 234, 708


ambiguity, 373–374

assertions to check for, using, 326–328

autoboxing/unboxing and prevention of, 283–284

automatic type promotions and compile-time, 52

compile-time versus run-time, 342

generics and prevention of, 340–342

raw types and run-time, 362

run-time, 13, 217, 323. See also Exception handling

unreachable code, 110, 223


bubbling, 1105

change, 1128–1129, 1137, 1141, 1154

definition of an, 770

design patterns for a Java Bean, 1192

dispatch chain, 1105

dispatching thread and Swing, 1020, 1024, 1060

driven programs, 769, 1020

filter, 1105

listeners, 770–771, 783–786

loop with polling, 238, 255

model, delegation. See Delegation event model

multicasting and unicasting, 771, 1192

sources, 770–771, 782–783

timestamp, 773

Event class, 1105

Event handling, 769–799

and adapter classes, 794–796

event classes for, 771–782

and immediate and quick event processing, 771, 786, 808, 1024, 1106

and inner classes, 153, 796–799, 836, 837

and JavaFX, 1102, 1104–1109

keyboard, 790–794

and lambda expressions, 836–837, 1023–1024

mouse, 785, 787–790

and Swing, 772, 1012, 1021–1024

See also Delegation event model

Event listener interfaces, 783–786

and adapter classes, 794–796

table of commonly used, 783

EventHandler interface, 1105, 1108, 1109

EventListener interface, 662

EventListenerProxy class, 662

EventObject class, 662, 772, 1105

EventSetDescriptor class, 1192, 1194, 1196

Exception class, 218, 219, 231, 233, 234

Exception classes

and generics, 377

hierarchy of the built-in, 218–219

Exception handling, 13, 95, 104, 217–236, 316, 317–319

block, general form of, 218

and chained exceptions, 15, 234–235

and creating custom exceptions, 231–233

and the default exception handler, 219–220, 226

and lambdas, 392–393

and the more precise (final) rethrow feature, 235, 236

multi-catch, 235–236

and suppressed exceptions, 232, 322

and uncaught exceptions, 219–220, 524

Exception Site List, 1237, 1239, 1242, 1243


definition of the term, 217

and JShell, 1253

Exceptions, built-in, 230–231

checked, table of, 231

run-time, constructors for, 227

unchecked, table of, 230

Exceptions, I/O, 677

exchange( ), 917, 918, 919

Exchanger class, 906, 908, 917–919

exec( ), 485, 489, 491–492

execute( ), 927, 941, 951

Execution point, 520

Executor interface, 907, 927

Executors, 906, 907

using, 927, 929

Executors class, 907, 927

ExecutorService interface, 907, 927, 928, 930

exists( ), 671, 724, 740

exit( ). See System.exit( )

exitValue( ), 488, 491

exports keyword, 35, 410

exports statement, 410, 414, 416

and qualified export, 418–419

Expression lambda, 385. See also Lambda expression(s)


and autoboxing/unboxing, 281–282

automatic type promotion in, 52–53

JShell to evaluate, using, 1251–1252

regular. See Regular expressions

extends, 163, 165, 208, 345, 350, 363

and bounded wildcard arguments, 351, 354

Externalizable interface, 711, 1193


false, 36, 42, 43, 45, 77, 78, 79, 125

FALSE, 485

FAT file system, 726, 728, 742

Field class, 287, 290, 291, 526, 990

Field, final, 148–149

fieldModifiers( ), 993

fields array (Calendar class), 618

File attribute(s)

File to access, using, 671–676, 740

interfaces, 726–728

NIO to access, using, 727–728, 740–742

view interfaces, 728

File class, 647, 671–676, 679, 683, 694, 698, 700, 708, 740

instance into a Path instance, converting a, 673, 722, 740

methods, 671–676, 680

File system directories and packages, 190

file( ), 494


to a buffer, map a, 721, 732–733, 736–737

close( ) to close a, using, 314, 316–318, 319, 322, 684

I/O, 313–322, 671–676. See also NIO; NIO and channel-based I/O

path to a, obtaining a, 722, 725–726, 729

pointer, 698

source, 25–26, 284

system, accessing the, 728

try-with-resources to automatically close a, using, 314, 319–322, 684

FileChannel class, 721, 729, 732, 733, 734, 736

FileDialog class, 802

FileFilter interface, 676

FileInputStream class, 307, 313–314, 679–682, 721

FilenameFilter interface, 674–675, 676

FileNotFoundException, 314, 317, 677, 679, 683, 700

FileOutputStream class, 307, 313–314, 318, 682–685, 721

FileReader class, 308, 647, 700

Files class, 671, 721, 723–725, 727, 728, 737, 738, 740, 741, 742, 746

methods, table of a sampling of, 724–725

FileStore class, 728

FileSystem class, 728

FileSystems class, 728

FileVisitor interface, 746–747

FileVisitResult enumeration, 746

FileWriter class, 308, 701–702

fill( )

algorithm defined by Collections, 582

Arrays method, 589

fillArc( ), 811

fillOval( ), 811, 1110

fillPolygon( ), 811–812

fillRect( ), 810–811, 1110

fillRoundRect( ), 811

fillText( ), 1110

filter( ), 614, 616, 957, 958, 962–963, 970

FilteredImageSource class, 885, 890

FilterInputStream class, 307, 688, 696

FilterOutputStream class, 307, 688, 696

FilterReader class, 308

FilterWriter class, 308

final, 148–149, 235, 236

to prevent class inheritance, 187

to prevent method overriding, 186

finalize( ), 187, 499

finally block, 217, 218, 228–229, 316–317, 677

find( ), 725, 982, 984–985

findAll( ), 657

findInLine( ), 656–657

findWithinHorizon( ), 657

Finger protocol, 757

fire( ), 1126, 1128, 1129, 1165

first( ), 536, 862

firstElement( ), 594

firstKey( ), 565

flatMap( ), 614, 616, 972

flatMapToDouble( ), 972

flatMapToInt( ), 972

flatMapToLong( ), 972

flip( ), 611, 718, 735

Float class, 277, 278, 468–471, 472–473, 480

methods, table of, 470–471

float data type, 37, 40, 44

and type promotion, 52–53

Floating-point(s), 37, 40–41

literals, 44–45

strictfp and, 325

FloatBuffer class, 719

floatValue( ), 278, 468, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 478

Flow class, 907

Flow subsystem to control data flow, 907

Flow.Processor interface, 907

Flow.Publisher interface, 907

Flow.Subscriber interface, 907

Flow.Subscription interface, 907

FlowLayout class, 803, 832, 854, 855–856, 1022–1023

FlowPane class, 1097, 1100–1101, 1108–1109, 1177

flush( ), 633, 676, 681, 690, 700, 709, 711, 712

Flushable interface, 676, 679, 682, 693, 696, 700, 707, 708

FocusAdapter class, 795

FocusEvent class, 773, 775–776

FocusEvent.Cause enumeration, 776

focusGained( ), 784

FocusListener interface, 783, 784, 795

focusLost( ), 784

Font class, AWT, 803, 820, 821, 822, 824

methods, table of some, 820

Font class, JavaFX, 1110

Font(s), 819–825

creating and selecting, 822–824

determining available, 821–822

information, obtaining, 824–825

metrics to manage text output, using, 825–828

terminology used to describe, 825

FontMetrics class, 803, 825–828

methods, table of some, 826

for loop, 31–32, 42, 95–104

enhanced. See For-each version of the for loop

variations, 98–99

For-each version of the for loop, 15, 95, 99–103

and arrays, 99–103

and the break statement, 100–101

and collections, 99, 103, 530, 555–556

general form, 99

and the Iterable interface, 523, 530, 555

and maps, 560

forceTermination( ), 927

forDigit( ), 484

forEach( ), 523, 553, 957, 958, 962, 967

forEachOrdered( ), 967

forEachRemaining( ), 552, 553, 556–558, 978

Fork/Join Framework, 16–17, 239, 266, 663, 905–906, 907, 927, 938–954

advantages to using the, 938, 954

classes, main, 938–942

tips for using the, 954

Fork/Join Framework divide-and-conquer strategy, 940, 942–945, 954

and the sequential processing threshold interaction with the level of parallelism, 945–948

Fork/Join Framework tasks, 939

asynchronous execution of, 951

cancelling, 951

completion status of, 952

and the parallelism level, 941, 954

restarting, 952

starting, 941, 951

and subtasks, 941, 942

tags, 953

that do not return a result, 940, 944, 948

that return a result, 940, 948–951

fork( ), 939, 941, 945, 949, 950, 952

ForkJoinPool class, 907, 927, 938, 939, 940–942, 943, 944, 945, 948, 951, 953–954

common pool, 940, 941, 945, 948, 954

and work stealing, 941, 953

ForkJoinTask class, 907, 938, 939, 940, 941, 944, 945, 951, 952–953, 954

ForkJoinTask<T> class, 942

Format flags, 642–644

Format specifiers (conversions), 632, 633–646

argument index with, using an, 645–646

and format flags, 642–644

and specifying minimum field width, 639–640

and specifying precision, 641

suffixes for the time and date, table of, 637–638

table of, 634

uppercase versions of, 644–645

format( ), 457, 633–635, 645, 695, 696, 708, 709, 998, 1003

FormatStyle enumeration, 1004

Formattable interface, 662

FormattableFlags class, 662

Formatted input, using Scanner to read, 647–657

Formatter class, 632–647, 694, 695

closing an instance of the, 646–647

constructors, 632–633

methods, table of, 633

See also Format specifiers

forName( ), 502, 990


Forward reference, 1249

Frame class, 782, 783, 787, 789, 803, 804, 805, 807, 856

Frame window(s), 805–810

and creating a Frame-based application, 809–810

default layout manager for, 856

methods used to work with a, 806–808

requesting repainting of a, 808–809

Frank, Ed, 6

freeMemory( ), 488, 489, 490

from( ), 494, 617, 622

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 750, 757

Function<T,R> predefined functional interface, 407, 574, 644, 968

Functional interfaces, 17, 297, 379, 380, 381–382, 384, 837

and their abstract methods, table of, 664–666

generic, 387–389

and lambda expressions passed as arguments, 389–391

predefined, 406–407

and public Object methods, 380

@FunctionalInterface built-in annotation, 295, 297

Future interface, 907, 930–932

FXCollections class, 1136, 1141

FXML, 1096


Garbage collection, 13, 127, 141, 487–488, 525, 1202

gc( ), 488, 489, 490

Generic class

and casting, 368

definition of the term, 336

example program with one type parameter, 336–340

example program with two type parameters, 343–344

general form of a, 344

hierarchies, 362–370

and instanceof, 366–368

overriding methods in a, 369–370

and raw types, 360–362

and type inference, 370–371

Generic constructors, 357

Generic interfaces, 336, 358–360

and classes, 359

Generic method, 336, 348, 354–357, 375

Generics, 15, 279, 335–377

and annotations, 304

and ambiguity errors, 373–374

and arrays, 375–377

and casts, 336, 339, 340, 342

and the Collections Framework, 335

and compatibility with pre-generics code, 360–362, 371

and exception classes, 377

restrictions when using, 375–377

type checking and safety, 339, 340–342, 361, 377

GenericServlet class, 1205, 1207, 1210, 1215

get( ), 533, 534, 546, 561, 562, 568, 599, 600, 601, 611, 614, 615, 619, 666, 725–726, 729, 731, 733, 763, 930, 932–933, 937, 961, 962, 975

and buffers, 719, 720, 731

getActionCommand( ), 773, 833, 845, 1034, 1040, 1068

getActiveThreadCount( ), 953

getAddListenerMethod( ), 1196

getAddress( ), 752, 766

getAdjustable( ), 774

getAdjustmentType( ), 774, 848

getAlignment( ), 831

getAllByName( ), 751, 752

getAllFonts( ), 821

getAndSet( ), 907, 937

getAnnotation( ), 287, 291, 302–303, 502, 517, 519

getAnnotations( ), 290–291, 502, 517

getAnnotationsByType( ), 291, 303, 502, 517

getArrivedParties( ), 927

getAsDouble( ), 616

getAscent( ), 826, 827

getAsInt( ), 616

getAsLong( ), 616

getAttribute( ), 1208, 1209, 1215, 1222

getAttributeNames( ), 1215, 1222

getAvailableFontFamilyNames( ), 821

getBackground( ), 808

getBeanInfo( ), 1196

getBlue( ), 816

getButton(), 780

getByAddress( ), 752

getByName( ), 751, 752

getBytes( ), 446, 683

getCause( ), 232, 234–235, 776

getChannel( ), 721

getChars( ), 445–446, 460, 701

getChild( ), 775

getChildren( ), 1102–1103, 1150, 1151

getClass( ), 187, 188, 286–287, 338, 499, 501, 504, 992

getClassLoader( ), 519

getClickCount( ), 779

getColor( ), 816

getCommonPoolParallelism( ), 948

getComponent( ), 775, 1074, 1075, 1076

getConstructor( ), 287, 502

getConstructors( ), 502, 990

getContainer( ), 775

getContentPane( ), 1019–1020

getContents( ), 660

getContentType( ), 759

getCookies( ), 1213, 1221

getDate( ), 759

getDateInstance( ), 997–998

getDateTimeInstance( ), 999

getDeclaredAnnotation( ), 291, 517

getDeclaredAnnotations( ), 291, 502, 517, 519

getDeclaredAnnotationsByType( ), 291, 303, 502, 518

getDeclaredMethods( ), 503, 992

getDefault( ), 623, 626

getDescent( ), 826, 827

getDescriptor( ), 519

getDirectionality( ), 484

getDisplayCountry( ), 625

getDisplayLanguage( ), 625

getDisplayName( ), 625, 631

getEchoChar( ), 851

getEventSetDescriptors( ), 1192, 1199

GetField inner class, 713–714

getField( ), 287, 503

getFields( ), 503, 990

getFileAttributeView( ), 728

getFirst( ), 539, 545

getFont( ), 820, 824, 826, 1110

getForeground( ), 808

getForkJoinTaskTag( ), 953

getFreeSpace( ), 673

getGraphics( ), 808, 882

getGraphicsContext2D( ), 1110

getGreen( ), 816

getHeaderField( ), 759

getHeaderFields( ), 759, 763

getHeight( ), 826, 827, 1026

getHostAddress( ), 753

getHostName( ), 753

getHour( ), 1006

getHvalue( ), 1148

getIcon( ), 1030

getID( ) AWTEvent class method, 772

getInetAddress( ), 754, 765

getInitParameter( ), 1208

getInitParameterNames( ), 1208

getInputStream( ), 488, 492, 754, 759

getInsets( ), 814, 858, 1025–1026

getInstance( ), 619, 621, 631

getISOCountries( ), 626

getItem( ), 777, 842, 845, 870, 1036, 1038

getItemCount( ), 842, 845

getItems( ), 1164, 1169, 1179

getItemSelectable( ), 778, 845

getKey( ), 567, 569

getKeyChar( ), 778

getKeyCode( ), 778

getKeyStroke( ), 1069

getLabel( ), 833, 837, 869–870

getLast( ), 539, 545

getLayer( ), 519

getLeading( ), 826, 827

getListenerType( ), 1196

getLocalGraphicsEnvironment( ), 821

getLocalHost( ), 751, 752

getLocalPort( ), 754, 765

getLocationOnScreen( ), 780

getLogger( ), 495

getMaximum( ), 848

getMenuComponentCount( ), 1063

getMenuComponents( ), 1063

getMenuCount( ), 1061

getMenus( ), 1163

getMessage( ), 227, 232

getMethod( ), 287, 289, 503, 1196, 1213

getMethodDescriptors( ), 1192

getMethods( ), 503, 990

getMinimum( ), 848

getMinimumSize( ), 855

getModifiers( ), 773, 777, 992

getModifiersEx( ), 777

getModule( ), 502, 503, 519

getMonth( ), 1006

getN( ) getter method design pattern, 1190, 1191

getName( ), 240, 242, 338, 503, 511, 513, 518, 519, 671, 722, 723, 740, 820, 992, 1196, 1216, 1221

getNameCount( ), 722, 723

getNewState( ), 782

getObjectInputFilter( ), 714

getOldState( ), 782

getOppositeComponent( ), 776

getOppositeWindow( ), 782

getOutputStream( ), 488, 492, 754, 1209

getPackages( ), 519

getParallelism( ), 948

getParameter( ), 1209, 1211, 1218, 1219

getParameterNames( ), 1209, 1211

getParent( ), 513, 671, 723, 740, 927, 1151

getPath( ), 1052, 1216

getPhase( ), 921, 923

getPoint( ), 779

getPoolSize( ), 953

getPort( ), 754, 765, 766

getPreciseWheelRotation( ), 781

getPreferredSize( ), 855

getPriority( ), 240, 251, 511

getProperties( ), 496, 603

getProperty( ), 496, 498, 604–605

getPropertyDescriptors( ), 1192, 1193, 1198, 1199

getQueuedTaskCount( ), 952

getRed( ), 816

getRegisteredParties( ), 927

getRemoveListenerMethod( ), 1196

getResourceAsStream( ), 519

getRGB( ), 816

getRuntime( ), 486–487, 489

getScreenX( ), 1178

getScreenY( ), 1178

getScript( ), 626

getScrollAmount( ), 781

getScrollType( ), 781

getSecurityManager( ), 496, 519

getSelectedCheckbox( ), 840

getSelectedIndex( ), 842, 844, 1047

getSelectedIndexes( ), 845

getSelectedItem( ), 842, 844, 1050

getSelectedItems( ), 845, 1140

getSelectedText( ), 850–851, 853

getSelectedToggle( ), 1132

getSelectedValue( ), 1047

getSelectionModel( ), 1137, 1150

getServletConfig( ), 1207

getServletContext( ), 1208

getServletInfo( ), 1207

getServletName( ), 1208

getSession( ), 1213, 1222

getSize( ), 806, 813, 820

getSource( ), 772, 835, 1040, 1105

getStackTrace( ), 232, 511, 520

getState( ), 264–265, 511, 837, 870

getStateChange( ), 778, 845

getSubElements( ), 1062

getSuperclass( ), 503, 504

getSuppressed( ), 232, 322

getSurplusQueuedTaskCount( ), 952–953

getTarget( ), 1170

getText( ), 831, 850, 853, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1038, 1144, 1170

getTimeInstance( ), 998–999

getTransforms( ), 1156

getUnarrivedParties( ), 927

getTotalSpace( ), 673

getUsableSpace( ), 673

getValue( ), 567, 569, 774, 847, 1080–1081, 1141–1142, 1151, 1216, 1221

getVvalue( ), 1148

getWheelRotation( ), 780–781

getWhen( ), 773

getWidth( ), 1026

getWindow( ), 782

getWriter( ), 1205, 1209

getX( ), 779, 1074, 1076

getXOnScreen( ), 780, 1074, 1076

getY( ), 779

getYear( ), 1006

getYOnScreen( ), 780

GIF image format, 879–880

Glass pane, 1015, 1016

Glassfish, 1202

Glob, 744

Glow class, 1155

program demonstrating, 1157–1160

Gosling, James, 6

goto keyword, 35

Goto statement, using labeled break as form of, 106–108

grabPixels( ), 887, 888

Graphical User Interface. See GUI (Graphical User Interface)


and JavaFX retained mode, 1109

context, 790, 807, 809, 810

sizing, 813–815

Graphics class, 790, 803, 807, 810, 816, 824, 881, 882

drawing methods, 810–813

Graphics2D class, 810

GraphicsContext class, 1109–1113

GraphicsEnvironment class, 803, 821

Greedy behavior (regular expression pattern matching), 986, 987

GregorianCalendar class, 618, 621–623, 626, 1001

Grid bag layouts, 864–869

GridBagConstraints class, 803, 864–866

constraint fields, table of, 865

GridBagLayout class, 803, 865, 866, 869

gridheight constraint field, 865, 866

GridLayout class, 803, 860–861

GridPane class, 1097

gridwidth constraint field, 865, 866

Group class, 1097

group( ) Matcher class method, 982

GIU (Graphical User Interface), 305, 801, 829

approaches to the, 1095

effects and transforms to customize the look of a JavaFX, using, 1154–1160

frameworks, Java’s three, 786–787

programs, handling events generated by, 769–799, 808

GZIP file format, 667


handle( ), 1105, 1108, 1170

hasCharacteristics( ), 557, 558

Hash code, 546, 600

Hash table, 546, 600

hashCode( ), 187, 285, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 478, 484, 487, 499, 518, 520, 521, 531, 562, 567, 591, 600, 611, 614, 617, 820

Hashing, 546, 547

HashMap class, 568–570, 571, 572, 600

HashSet class, 541, 546–547, 568, 959

from a stream API stream, obtaining a, 975

Hashtable class, 541, 591, 600–603

and iterators, 602–603

legacy methods, table of, 601

hasMoreElements( ), 593, 610

hasMoreTokens( ), 610

hasNext( ), 552, 553, 556, 976, 977

hasNextX( ) Scanner methods, 648, 651

table of, 649

HBox layout, 1186

Headers, 759

HeadlessException, 806, 831

headMap( ), 564, 565, 566

headSet( ), 536, 537

Hexadecimals, 43, 45

as character values, 45

and string literals, 46

Hierarchical abstraction and classification, 20

and inheritance, 21, 163

High surrogate char, 485

Histogram, 888–889

Hoare, C.A.R., 240

Holzmann, Gerard J., 886

HotSpot technology,10

HSB (hue-saturation-brightness) color model, 815

HSBtoRGB( ), 816

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 1201, 1205

file for an applet, 1256

file for a JavaFX application, 1101, 1102

and javadoc, 1227, 1228, 1233

HTMLEditor, 1146

HTTP, 750, 757

GET requests, handling, 1217–1218

and HttpURLConnection class, 761

port, 750

POST requests, handling, 1217, 1219–1220

requests, 1201, 1202, 1212–1213, 1217

response, 1201, 1202, 1205, 1212–1213, 1214

and URLConnection class, 759

HTTP session

stateful, 763

tracking, 1222–1223

HttpCookie class, 763

HttpServlet class, 1212, 1215, 1217

methods, table of, 1216–1217

HttpServletRequest interface, 1212, 1218, 1219, 1222

methods, table of several, 1213

HttpServletResponse interface, 1212–1213, 1214

methods, table of, 1214

HttpSession interface, 1212, 1213, 1222

methods, table of several, 1215

HttpURLConnection class, 761–763

methods, sampling of, 761


Icon interface, 1030


Swing button, 1033, 1077

Swing label, 1030

Identifiers, 26, 34, 36, 46, 47

IdentityHashMap class, 568, 572

if statement, 30–31, 32, 42, 43, 83–86

Boolean object used to control the, 283

boolean variable used to control the, 84, 283

nested, 85

and recursive methods, 142

switch statement versus, 90–91

if-else-if ladder, 85–86

IllegalAccessException, 227, 231

IllegalArgumentException, 230, 532, 533, 536, 538, 540, 551, 561, 564, 565, 588

IllegalFormatException, 635

IllegalStateException, 230, 532, 538, 540, 982, 983, 1213

Image class

AWT, 803, 879, 880, 881, 882, 885, 887

JavaFX, 1115–1117

ImageConsumer interface, 887–889, 890

ImageFilter class, 890, 892

ImageIcon class, 1029, 1030, 1078

ImageIO class, 880

Image observer, 881

ImageObserver interface, 881

ImageProducer interface, 880, 885, 887, 890

Images (AWT), 879–904

creating, loading, displaying, 880–882

double buffering and, 882–885

file formats for web, 879–880

filters for, 890–904

stream model for, 890

Imaging, 879

ImageView class, 1115–1117, 1118, 1120

implements clause, 200

and generic interfaces, 359, 360

import statement, 196–197, 1253

and static import, 329–331

in, 308, 492, 495, 647, 708. See also

Increment operator (++), 32, 63, 66–68

indexOf( ), 450–452, 464–465, 533, 534, 594

IndexOutOfBoundsException, 230, 533

Inet4Address class, 753

Inet6Address class, 753

InetAddress class, 751–753, 764

InetSocketAddress class, 765

infinity (IEEE floating-point specification value), 472

inForkJoinPool( ), 952


InheritableThreadLocal class, 517

Inheritance, 5, 20, 21–22, 24–25, 144, 146, 163–187

and annotations, 304

and enumerations, 273

final and, 186–187

and interfaces, 189, 198, 208–209, 212–213, 214

multilevel, 173–176

and multiple superclasses, 165, 189

@Inherited built-in annotation, 295, 296

init( )

and applets, 1235, 1257, 1259, 1260, 1262

and JavaFX, 1097, 1098, 1100, 1102

and servlets, 1202, 1205, 1207

initCause( ), 232, 234

Inline method calls, 186

Inner classes, 151–153, 796–799

anonymous, 153, 798–799, 836, 837, 926, 1023, 1040, 1061, 1075–1076, 1105, 1109, 1162, 1169

InnerShadow class, 1155–1156

program demonstrating, 1157–1160

InputEvent class, 773, 776–777, 778, 779, 1069

InputMismatchException, 651

InputStream class, 306, 307, 309, 647, 678, 679, 680, 685, 688, 689, 691, 692, 696, 713, 716, 738, 1210

methods, table of, 680

objects, concatenating, 692

InputStreamReader class, 308, 309

insert( ), 461–462, 853, 1062

insertSeparator( ), 1062


definition of the term, 813–814

example program, 858–859

Insets class, 803, 814, 858–859, 1025

Instance of a class, 21, 111, 113, 116. See also Object(s)

Instance variables

accessing, 113, 118, 119, 122

default values of, 125

definition of the term, 21, 112

hiding, 127

and interfaces, 210

static, 147–148

transient, 323

as unique to their object, 113, 114–115

using super to access hidden, 172–173

instanceof operator, 63, 323–325, 560

and generic classes, 366–368

Instant class, 617, 1007

Instrumentation interface, 525

int, 29, 37, 38, 39

and automatic type conversion, 50

and automatic type promotion, 52–53, 71–72, 74–75

and integer literals, 43

IntBuffer class, 719

Integer class, 277, 278, 279, 282, 467, 473, 480–481, 961

constructors, 278

methods, table of, 476–478

Integer(s), 37, 38–40, 68–69

literals, 43–44, 50

interface keyword, 189, 198

and annotations, 285

Interface methods

default, 17, 18, 199, 209–213, 379, 381

extension, 209

private, 18, 199, 214–215

static, 199, 213–214

traditional, 198, 200, 381

Interface(s), 189, 198–215

functional. See Functional interfaces

general form of, 199

generic. See Generic interfaces

implementing, 200–202

inheritance hierarchy, 198

inheritance of, 208–209, 213

and JShell, 1250–1251

member, 202

methods. See Interface methods

nested, 202–203

reference variables, 200–202, 206

and state information, 210, 213

types for bounded types, using, 347

variables, 199, 206–208

interfaceModifiers( ), 993

Internet, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 18, 749

addresses, obtaining, 752–753

addressing scheme, 750

and portability, 7, 8, 9–10

and security, 8, 9

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) BCP 47, 626

Internet of Things (IoT), 409

Internet Protocol (IP)

addresses, 750

definition of the term, 749

InterNIC, 754, 756

InterruptedException, 231, 241–242, 888

Introspection, 1190–1193, 1196, 1198–1199

Introspector class, 1195, 1196

ints( ), 628

IntStream interface, 958, 959, 971

IntSummaryStatistics class, 662

intValue( ), 278, 279, 468, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 479

InvalidPathException, 725

invoke( ), 939, 941, 945, 951, 953

invokeAll( ), 939, 945, 949, 952

invokeAndWait( ), 1020, 1021, 1262

invokeLater( ), 1020, 1262

I/O, 28, 305–322, 669–716

channel-based, 15, 306, 717. See also NIO; NIO and channel-based I/O

classes, list of, 670

console, 28, 95, 305, 309–313, 708–710

error handling, 316–319

exceptions, 677

file, 313–322, 671–676

formatted. See I/O, formatted

interfaces, list of, 670

and Java’s GUI frameworks, 305

new. See NIO

redirection, 494

streams. See Streams, I/O

I/O, formatted, 15

format specifiers. See Format specifiers

using Formatter, 632–647. See also Formatter class

using printf( ), 157, 694–696

using Scanner, 647–657. See also Scanner class

io package. See package

IOError, 709

IOException, 95, 309, 314, 317, 318, 677, 679, 680, 684, 691, 699, 700, 701, 707, 712, 713, 723, 742, 746, 754, 758, 764

ipadx constraint field, 865, 866

ipady constraint field, 865, 866

IPv4 (Internet Protocol, version 4), 750, 751, 752, 753

IPv6 (Internet Protocol, version 6), 750, 751, 752, 753

isAbsolute( ), 672, 723

isAlive( ), 240, 248–250, 486, 488, 511

isAltDown( ), 777

isAltGraphDown( ), 777

isAnnotationPresent( ), 291, 293, 518

isBound( ), 754, 765, 1196

isCancelled( ), 951, 952

isClosed( ), 754

isCompletedAbnormally( ), 952

isCompletedNormally( ), 952

isConnected( ), 754, 765

isConstrained( ), 1196

isControlDown( ), 777

isDigit( ), 482, 483, 485

isDirectory( ), 673–674, 724, 727

isEditable( ), 851, 853

isEmpty( ), 457, 531, 532, 562, 595, 599, 600, 601, 612

isEnabled( ), 869, 1081

isExecutable( ), 724, 740

isExported( ), 519

isFile( ), 672

isHidden( ), 673, 724, 726, 728, 740

isIndeterminate( ), 1135

isInfinite( ), 470, 472–473

isLeapYear( ), 622

isLetter( ), 482, 483, 485

isLightweight( ), 878

isLowercase( ), 482, 483

isMetaDown( ), 777

isMulticastAddress( ), 753

isNamed( ), 519

isNaN( ), 470, 472–473

ISO-Latin-1 character set, 41, 45

isOpen( ), 519

isPopupTrigger( ), 779, 1074, 1076

isPresent( ), 615, 961

isPropertyName( ), 1191

isPublic( ), 992

isQuiescent( ), 953

isReadable( ), 724, 740

isSelected( ), 1036, 1038, 1040, 1062, 1124, 1125, 1135

isSet array (Calendar class), 618

isShiftDown( ), 777

isShutdown( ), 954

isTemporary( ), 776

isTerminated( ), 954

isTimeSet (Calendar class instance variable), 618

isUppercase( ), 482, 483

isWhitespace( ), 482, 483

isWritable( ), 724, 728, 740

ItemEvent class, 773, 777–778, 838, 842, 845, 870, 1036, 1038

ItemListener interface, 783, 784, 837, 838, 842, 870, 1036, 1038

ItemSelectable interface, 778

itemStateChanged( ), 784, 838, 842, 1036, 1038

Iterable interface, 457, 523, 530, 555, 560, 593

Iterable<Path> interface, 722, 743

Iteration statements, 83, 91–102

Iterator interface, 529, 530, 551, 553–555, 556, 592, 593, 976, 977

methods, table of, 552

iterator( ), 523, 531, 533, 553, 743, 956, 976

Iterator(s), 529, 533, 551–555, 556–558

and maps, 560

obtaining an, 553

and primitive types, 529

and PriorityQueue, 550

and stream API streams, 976–979

and synchronized collections, 585


J2SE 5, new features of, 15

JApplet class, 1015, 1235, 1255, 1260, 1262

JAR files. See Java Archive (JAR) files

jar tool, 435, 1236, 1240

jarsigner command-line tool, 1237, 1241


applications and Java Web Start, web-based deployment of, 1235

and C, 3, 5, 7, 12

and C++, 3, 7–8, 12

and C#, 8

design features (buzzwords), 12–14

history of, 3, 6–8, 14–18

and the Internet, 3, 6, 7–10, 14, 18, 749

as an interpreted language, 10, 13

keywords. See Keywords

look and feels, 1013

as a strongly typed language, 13, 37, 43

versions of, 14–18

and the World Wide Web, 7, 12

Java Archive (JAR) files, 436, 663, 1098, 1102

and Java Web Start, 1235, 1236–1237, 1238, 1239, 1240

manifest, 1240

modular, 435

signing, 1236–1237, 1240–1241, 1242, 1243

Java Beans, 504, 526, 981, 990, 1189–1199

advantages of, 1190

API, 1194–1196

customizers, 1193

definition of the term, 1189

demonstration program, 1196–1199

events, design pattern for, 1192

introspection, 1190–1193, 1196, 1198–1199

persistence, 1193

properties. See Property, Java Bean

serialization, 1193

.java filename extension, 25

Java Community Process (JCP), 18

Java Control Panel, 1237, 1239, 1242

Java EE SDK, 1202, 1206

Java Foundation Classes (JFC), 1012

java (Java application launcher), 26, 27, 191, 314, 436, 1102

and main( ), 27

and modules, 409, 415, 436

Java Native Interface (JNI), 326

Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP). See JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) files

java package, 191, 197

Java Runtime Environment (JRE), 417

Java SE 7, 16–17

Java SE 8, 17

Java SE 9, 17–18

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 26, 27, 487, 510, 525

Java Web Start, 11, 18, 1235–1243, 1255

application signing, 1235, 1236–1237, 1240–1241, 1242, 1243

example using the local file system, 1239

and JAR files, 1235, 1236–1237, 1238, 1239, 1240

and JavaFX, 1101, 1235, 1239

and JNLP files, 1235, 1236, 1237–1239, 1240, 1241–1242, 1243

and javaws, 1243

and Swing, 1235–1236, 1239

versus applets, 1235–1236

with an applet, using, 1243

java.applet package, 1255

java.awt package, 769, 772, 802, 880, 1022

classes, tables of some, 802–804

java.awt.Dimension class, reflection example using the, 990–991

java.awt.event package, 769, 771, 772, 783, 794, 1021, 1022

adapter classes, table of commonly used, 795

event classes, table of commonly used, 773

interfaces, table of commonly used, 783

java.awt.event.InputEvent class. See InputEvent class

java.awt.event.KeyEvent class. See KeyEvent class

java.awt.image package, 879, 885, 890, 901, 904

java.base module, 417, 467, 524, 527, 663, 717, 751, 769, 802, 906, 956, 981, 990, 997, 1002

java.beans package, 1192, 1194–1196

classes, table of, 1194–1195

interfaces, table of, 1194

java.desktop module, 417, 769, 880, 1016, 1194, 1255

java.instrument module, 525 package, 305, 306–308, 314, 320, 669–670, 676, 717, 740

automatically imported by JShell, 1252–1253

classes, list of, 670. See also Streams, byte; Streams, character

interfaces, list of, 670 interface, 711, 1193 See IOException interface, 1193. See also Serializable interface

java.lang package, 197, 230, 286, 295, 308, 314, 320, 356, 359, 417, 439, 467–526, 676

classes and interfaces, list of, 467

implicit importation of the, 197, 467

subpackages, 524–526

java.lang.annotation package, 285, 295, 302, 524, 525

java.lang.annotation.RententionPolicy enumeration, 285, 525

java.lang.image package, 887

java.lang.instrument package, 524, 525

java.lang.invoke package, 524, 525 package, 524, 525

java.lang.module, 519, 524, 525

java.lang.ref package, 525

java.lang.reflect package, 286, 291, 525–526, 981, 990

classes, table of, 990 module, 525 package, 749, 763

classes and interfaces, list of, 750–751

java.nio package, 306, 669, 717, 718

java.nio.channels package, 717, 720, 722

java.nio.channels.spi package, 717

java.nio.charset package, 717, 722

java.nio.charset.spi package, 717

java.nio.file package, 673, 717, 722

java.nio.file.attribute package, 717, 722, 726

java.nio.file.spi package, 717, 722

java.nio.file.WatchService, 748

java.prefs module, 666

java.rmi module, 994

java.rmi package, 981, 994

java.text package, 981, 997

java.time package, 618, 981, 1001, 1002, 1007

java.time.format package, 1001, 1003, 1004

java.time.temporal.ChronoUnits, 933

java.util package, 424, 527–528, 592, 609, 769, 772, 961, 976

automatically imported by JShell, 1252

classes, list of top-level, 527–528

interfaces defined by, list of, 528

subpackages, 663–667

java.util.concurrent package, 663, 906–907, 932, 938

java.util.concurrent.atomic package, 663, 906, 907, 936, 937

java.util.concurrent.locks package, 663, 906, 907, 934, 935, 936

java.util.function package, 17, 407, 523, 556, 574, 590, 609, 663, 962, 963, 968, 975

functional interfaces defined by, table of, 664–666

java.util.jar package, 663

java.util.List class. See List class (java.util)

java.util.logging package, 663, 666

java.util.prefs package, 663, 666

java.util.regex package, 663, 667, 981

java.util.spi package, 663, 667 package, 17, 663, 667, 956, 972, 980 package, 663, 667

java.xml module, 417

JAVA_HOME environmental variable, 434

javac (Java compiler), 25–26, 191, 298, 362, 1102, 1246, 1248

and modules, 409, 410, 414–415, 436

and multi-module compilation mode, 419

javadoc, 18, 1227–1233

tags, 1227–1232

JavaFX, 17, 305, 786, 787, 801, 829, 1095–1113

and automatic rendering, 1096, 1109–1113

controls. See Control(s), JavaFX

event handling, 1102, 1104–1109

images, support for, 1115–1117

and Java Web Start, 1235, 1239

launcher thread, 1102

layout panes, 1097, 1100, 1101, 1108–1109, 1168, 1177, 1186

menus. See Menus, JavaFX

nodes. See Node(s), JavaFX

packages, 1096

repainting, 1096, 1109, 1111

scene, 1096, 1097, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1177

scene graph, 1097, 1100, 1102–1104, 1108, 1109, 1113, 1116, 1117, 1147, 1154, 1162, 1164, 1165, 1178, 1179, 1186

stage, 1096, 1097, 1100, 1101, 1102

versus Swing, 1095, 1096, 1109

JavaFX application

class, 1097–1098

compiling and running a, 1101–1102

launching a, 1098

life-cycle methods, 1097–1098, 1100

modular, 1098

skeleton, 1098–1101

thread, 1102

javafx.application package, 1096, 1097, 1100

javafx.base module, 1096

javafx.beans.value package, 1129

javafx.collections package, 1103, 1136

javafx.controls module, 1096

javafx.event package, 1105, 1106

javafx.geometry package, 1109 module, 1096, 1098

javafx.scene package, 1096, 1100

javafx.scene.canvas package, 1109

javafx.scene.control package, 1102, 1105, 1115, 1126, 1132, 1161

javafx.scene.effect package, 1155, 1186

javafx.scene.image package, 1115

javafx.scene.input package, 1171

javafx.scene.layout package, 1096, 1097, 1100

javafx.scene.paint package, 1111

javafx.scene.paint.Color class, 1111, 1156

javafx.scene.shape package, 1113

javafx.scene.text package, 1110, 1160

javafx.scene.transform package, 1156, 1186

javafx.stage package, 1096, 1100

javafx.stage.PopupWindow, 1175

javafxpackager tool, 1098, 1102

javap, 373

javaws tool, 1243

javax.imageio package, 880, 904

javax.servlet package, 1205, 1206–1210, 1212

interfaces and classes, list of core, 1206–1207

javax.servlet.http package, 1206, 1212–1217

interfaces and classes, list of some, 1212

javax.swing package, 1014, 1016, 1018, 1019, 1029, 1052

classes, list of, 1014–1015

javax.swing.event package, 1021, 1032, 1047, 1052

javax.swing.table package, 1055

javax.swing.tree package, 1052

JButton class, 1015, 1023, 1029, 1033–1035, 1060, 1063, 1081

JCheckBox class, 1029, 1033, 1036, 1038–1039, 1081

JCheckBoxMenuItem class, 1060, 1071, 1072–1073, 1081

JComboBox class, 1029, 1049–1051

JComponent class, 1014, 1015, 1024, 1025, 1029, 1033, 1061, 1071, 1260

JDialog class, 1015, 1091

JFormattedTextField class, 1091

JFrame class, 1015, 1016–1017, 1018, 1019–1020, 1028, 1260

adding a menu bar to a, 1062, 1064, 1067

content pane layout manager, 1019, 1022–1023

JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, 10, 14

JLabel class, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1024, 1029–1031, 1067

JLayeredPane class, 1015

jlink tool, 18, 434–435

JList class, 1029, 1046–1049

JMenu class, 1060, 1061, 1062–1063, 1064

mnemonic, 1068

JMenuBar class, 1060, 1061–1062, 1064

JMenuItem class, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1071, 1072

accelerator key, 1069, 1070

action to create a, using an, 1081

and action events, 1063, 1064, 1067, 1068

mnemonic, 1068, 1069–1070

JMOD files, 18, 434, 435

JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) files

and applets, 1243, 1256

and Java Web Start, 1235, 1236, 1237–1239, 1240, 1241–1242, 1243

and JavaFX applications, 1101, 1102

jnlp element, 1237, 1238

join( ), 240, 248–250, 456–457, 511, 933, 939, 949, 950, 953

JOptionPane class, 1091

Joy, Bill, 6

JPanel class, 1015, 1016, 1026, 1028, 1042, 1044

JPEG image file format, 879

JPopupMenu class, 1060, 1073–1076, 1081

and mouse events, 1074, 1075–1076

JRadioButton class, 1029, 1033, 1036, 1039–1041, 1081

JRadioButtonMenuItem class, 1060, 1072–1073, 1081

JRootPane class, 1015

JScrollBar class, 1015

JSeparator class, 1060, 1062

JScrollPane class, 1029, 1044–1046, 1047, 1052, 1053, 1055

jshell, 1245

JShell, 18, 1245–1254

commands, 1248, 1253–1254

and state information, 1245, 1247

JSpinner class, 1091

JTabbedPane class, 1029, 1042–1044

JTable class, 1029, 1055–1057

JTextCompenent class, 1031

JTextField class, 1029, 1031–1033

JToggleButton class, 1029, 1033, 1035–1037, 1039

JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel class, 1036

JToolbar class, 1060, 1077–1079

adding an action to a, 1081

JTree class, 1029, 1051–1054

Jump statements, 83, 102–110

Just In Time (JIT) compiler, 10, 14

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 11, 13, 14, 18, 26, 27, 487, 510, 525

JWindow class, 1015

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