
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

Page numbers in italics refer to figures.

The 10X Rule (Cardone), 5

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 4

Accidental Genius (Levy), 99

acquiring content assets, 227–228

approaching the best opportunity, 232

determining the purchase value, 232–233

determining your goal, 230

entering final negotiations, 234

identifying the audience, 230–231

making a short list of platforms, 231

making the offer (letter of intent), 233

process of acquiring a content platform, 230–234

activity vs. audience, 279–280

Acunzo, Jay, 58–60, 78, 285

Adorama, 228

Advantage Media, 206

advertising, 250

native advertising, 250–256

Agency Post, 228

Airbnb, 214

Albee, Ardath, 242, 284

Alvarado, Carissa, 191

Alvarado, Michael, 191

CreateSpace, 206

press release method, 73–74

American Express, 262

analytics, 78, 100

Andreessen, Marc, 249, 259

Anniston, Jennifer, 81

Anthony, David, 117

Art of the Start 2.0 (Kawasaki), 284

articles, 86, 88

aspirations, vs. needs, 68–71

atomization, 132

Audacity, 222

audience, 43

defining who your audience is, 44

minimum viable audience (MVA), 237

stealing an influencer’s audience, 171–182

See also harvesting audience

Audience (Rohrs), 148, 205–206

audience personas, 52

Aweber, 94

Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer, 219

Baer, Jay, 38, 56, 75, 81–82, 100, 285

Jay Today, 132–133

Baker, Sean, 18

Barrett, Newt, 102, 205, 208

The Beginner’s Guide to Vine, 191

being human, 87

“best of breed” goal, 60–61, 87

Bezos, Jeff, 73

BigStock, 165

Bitcoin, 259–260

blogs, 88, 136, 204, 209

mining for book content, 205

blog-to-book strategy, 205

book proposals, 207–208

BookBub, 122

books, 204

as platform extensions, 221

tips for executing a book, 204–208

brandscaping, 166–167

Brandscaping (Davis), 57, 74, 221

Brenner, Michael, 164

Brogan, Chris, 21

building the base, 19

Bullas, Jeff, 81

business names, 69

BuzzFeed, 90–91, 148, 149, 164–165

calendaring tools, 106–107

call to action, 280

Cardone, Grant, 5

case studies

Ann Reardon, 57–58

chef Michael Symon, 247

Content Marketing Institute, 181–182

Digital Photography School, 67–68

Dwell Media, 115–116

Jay Today, 132–133

Channel Master, 113

channel silo, 280

Chernov, Joe, 102

The Chew, 247

Chicken Whisperer. See Schneider, Andy (The Chicken Whisperer)

Chicken Whisperer Magazine, 219

The Chicken Whisperer’s Guide to Keeping Chickens (Schneider), 219

Chief Content Curator, 115–116

Chief Content Officer, 112

Chief Content Officer magazine, 215, 223–224

Chief Listening Officer, 112

Chief Technologist, 113

Chili Klaus. See Pilgaard, Claus (Chili Klaus)

Cho, Joy, 269–275

Claim Your Fame, 222

Clark, Brian, 89, 111, 216, 237

revenue examples, 249

Cleary, Ian, 275

Cleveland Clinic, 146

CMI Executive Forum, 216

Coinbase, 259–260

collaborative publishing model, 125–126

Huffington Post, 126

process, 126–128

reasons for using, 126

reminder system for contributors, 128–129

Collins, Jim, 60, 61

color, 209–210

Comm, Joel, 187

Conductor, 155

conferences, 258

consistency, 86, 177

content acceptance, 15–18

content audit, 98, 204–205

content calendar

calendaring tools, 106–107

downloadable template, 108

elements to track, 107–108

keeping the calendar filled and focused, 108–109

overview, 105–106

setting up, 106–108

working ahead, 110

content channels, 88–90

content curation, 115–116, 122

Content Curation Director, 114

content discovery/recommendation tools, 167

content ideation

50 questions, 98–99

analyzing analytics, 100

employee discussions, 100–101

freewriting, 99

Google Alerts, 100

reading irrelevant books, 102

social networks, 101–102

tracking content ideas, 101

Twitter hashtags, 100

Content Inc. model, 19–20

podcasts, 283

risk, 9–11, 23–24

website, 283

Content Inc. Summit, 284

content marketing, 79–81

principles of, 86–87

two actions for success, 5–7

Content Marketing 360, 222

Content Marketing Awards, 230

Content Marketing Institute, 5, 21, 69, 242

how roles translate into real production, 117–118

mission and audience forms, 48–51

revenue examples, 248

social media plan, 196–199

Content Marketing Playbook, 88, 181–182

Content Marketing World, 216, 222–223

content mission statements. See mission statements

content repurposing. See repurposing content

content syndication, 163–164

content tilt, 19

Ann Reardon, 57–58

asking potential readers, 76–78

changing terminology, 79–81

defined, 56–57

doing the work, 81–82

finding your content marketing hedgehog, 61–62

identifying your content tilt, 73–82

leveraging Google Trends, 74–76

mission statements, 65–71

press release method, 73–82

setting the “best of breed” goal, 60–61

and start-ups, 58–60

telling a different story, 55–56

testing, 78

content types, 136–137

most popular, 87–88

content velocity, 225

content-based websites, 88

control, 89

Convince & Convert, 285

Copyblogger, reach vs. control, 89

Copyblogger Media, 242, 261

Covey, Stephen, 4

Creative Director, 113–114

Crestodina, Andy, 285

cross-media monetization, 258–259

crowdfunding, 259

Cruikshank, Lucas, 275

custom publishing, 79–81

customer pain points, 39–40

wants vs. needs, 68–71

customer surveys. See surveys

Cutts, Matt, 155

CVS, mission statement, 66

Davis, Andrew, 57, 74, 142, 166, 176, 209, 221, 232

decision, 23

Delaplane, Mitch, 169

Design World magazine, 219

Design World Online, 219

desire, 21

The Diamond Minecart, 250

digital events, 216

Digital Photography School, 67–68, 69, 86, 242

Digital Relevance (Albee), 284

Director of Audience, 113

diversification, 20

Doan, Al, 144–146

Doan, Jenny, 144–146

Doan, Ron, 144–146

Doan, Sarah, 144–146

Dougherty, Lisa, 117


audience personas, 52

beginner’s guide to Facebook, 186

content audit, 98

Content Marketing Playbook, 88, 181–182

content marketplace options, 121

editorial calendar template, 108

guide to content promotion, 169

report on content discovery tools, 169

Ducker, Chris, 11

Duct Tape Marketing, 142

Dumas, John Lee, 86, 148, 257

duplicate content penalty, 163

Dwell Media, 115–116

e-books, 136–137

editing, 280

editorial calendar. See content calendar

editorial mission statements. See mission statements

editors, 207

elevator pitch, 210

em cosmetic line, 32

e-mail offerings, 148–151

e-mail platforms, 94

e-mail subscribers, 147

Emich, Mike, 219, 229

Emma, 94

employee discussions, 100–101

e-newsletters, 88

Enterprise SEO Tools: The Marketer’s Guide, 160

Entrepreneur magazine, 245

EntrepreneurOnFire (EOF), 86, 148, 150

reach vs. control, 89–90

entrepreneurship, and risk, 9–11

Epic Content Marketing (Pulizzi), 131–132, 284

ESPN, 211

EvanTubeHD, 278

events, 222–223, 258

Evernote, 102

tracking goals with, 7

Everybody Writes (Handley), 97, 284

Experiences: The 7th Era of Marketing (Rose and Johnson), 20, 221, 284

expertise, 120

extensions. See platform extensions

Facebook, 90, 141, 185–186

Content Marketing Institute, 196–197

controlling reach by hiding posts, 146

fans, 148

hashtags, 100

marketing, 13–14

faith, 21–22

Fallon, Jimmy, 142–144

Fast Company, 148, 149

feedback, 76–78

Fields, Jonathan, 277

filling a need, 86

findability, 155

adding images to text content, 164–165

answering questions at Quora, 163

brandscaping, 166–167

content syndication, 163–164

creating unique research, 163

“hit list” of keywords, 156–157

keyword selection tips, 158–161

lists, 162

making most content ungated, 165–166

news release services, 169

paid content distribution options, 167

Reddit, 162–163

search engine optimization, 155–161

social media advertising, 168

Stumbleupon, 162

using Help a Reporter Out (HARO), 164

See also keyword searches

Fire Nation Elite, 257

Fishburne, Lawrence, 55

Fishkin, Rand, 216

Fleischer, Julie, 92

Fold Factory, 277

Forbes, 212

founder, 112

free guides, 136–137

freelancer and agency relations, 114


budgeting, 122

developing the right business relationship, 121

expertise vs. personality, 120

hiring the right kind of writer, 120–121

outsourcing content to, 118–121

testing, 122–123

See also staffing

freewriting, 99

Freezerburns, 276

Frey, Chuck, 118

Game Theory videos, 30–31, 69, 86, 242

operationalizing content, 119–120

reach vs. control, 89–90

GarageBand, 222

Get Content Get Customers (Pulizzi and Barrett), 208

getting stuck, 279–280

ghostwriters, 207

Glass, Ira, 81

Glossier, 278

goals, 4–5

“best of breed” goal, 60–61

categories, 5

tracking, 7

worksheet, 8

going against the grain, 24

going small to go big, 24

Goldberg, Natalie, 99

The Good Life Project, 277

Good to Great (Collins), 61

Google, 18, 162

Google Adwords, Keyword Planner, 159

Google Alerts, 100, 174, 181

Google Analytics, 100

Google Hangout, 178

Google Keyword Suggest Tool, 159

Google Trends, 74–76, 79, 100

Google+, 190

GoToWebinar, 216

The Grand Budapest Hotel, 52

Grothaus, Michael, 271

guest posts, 161–162

Hamilton, Missouri, 144

Handley, Ann, 97, 138, 284

HARO, 164

Harris, Jodi, 118

harvesting audience, 19

hashtags, 100

Facebook, 186

Twitter, 186–187

hedgehogs, 61–62

Help a Reporter Out, 164

Hill, Napoleon, 4, 21–23

“hit list” of keywords, 156–157

hook, 57, 209–210

How to Cook That, 57–58

Hoyt, Peter, 69

Hoyt Publishing, 69

HubSpot, 79–81, 102, 228

Huffington, Ariana, 126

Huffington Post, 91, 126, 164–165

Hyatt, Michael, 85, 102

images, 164–165

imagination, 22

inbound marketing, 79–81

Inc., 212

mission statement, 66–67

Indium Corporation, 36, 37

influencer listening tools, 174

influencer marketing, 171–172

assessing and optimizing the program, 179

building hit list of influencers, 174–175

Content Marketing Institute case study, 181–182

creating content worth sharing, 174

determining how many influencers to add, 176

identifying the right influencers, 173

making the first connection, 177–178

managing the program, 173–174

measuring the program, 179–180

nurturing influencer relationships, 178

outreach, 176

scalability of the content, 179

setting goals, 172

Social Media 4-1-1, 176–177

ways to identifying potential influencers, 175–176

influencer relations, 114, 161–162, 206

nurturing influencer relationships, 178

infographics, 137

information channels, increase in number of, 14–18

in-person events, 215–216

Instagram, 90, 189

subscribers, 147

In-Store Marketing Institute, 69

Integrated Marketing Communications (Schultz), 20

Intelligent Content Conference, 216, 230

Iron Chef America, 247

Issacson, Walter, 37

iTunes, 86, 89, 222

subscribers, 147

Jantsch, John, 142

Janzer, Anne, 260

Jay Today, 132–133

Jobs, Steve, 37

John Deere, 92, 93

Johnson, Carla, 20, 284

JPG magazine, 228

Junta42, 21

Kalinowski, Joseph, 34, 117

Kalmbach Feeds, 34

Kawasaki, Guy, 284

Kessler, Doug, 39–40, 44, 246

key performance indicators (KPIs), 179–180

Keyword Discovery, 159

keyword searches, 74–76, 77

“hit list” of keywords, 156–157

keyword research sources, 159

keyword selection tips, 158–161

See also findability

Kickstarter, 259

KISSmetrics, 163, 193

Kiyosaki, Robert, 9

Klaus Wunderhits, 32

Klontz, Britt, 185–186

Klout, 174, 175

knowledge, defined, 34

knowledge areas, 34–36

worksheet, 35

Kozak, Laura, 117

Kraft Foods, 92

Lacey, Karen, 190

lack of funds, 23–24

legal entities, 11

LEGO, 276

letter of intent (LOI), 233

Levy, Mark, 99

Liberated Syndicate, 222

Lightning Source, 206, 208

limited liability corporations. See LLCs

Linabarger, Scott, 146

LinkedIn, 90, 187–188

connections, 148

Content Marketing Institute, 196, 197

hashtags, 100

Linn, Michele, 109, 117, 153

listening, 98–99

listening posts, 77–78

lists, 162

Little Bird, 174

Live Current Media, 228

LLCs, 11

Loomer, Jon, 13–14, 186, 225

L’Oreal, 228

Luke, Lauren, 18–19

MacArthur, Amanda, 74

magazines, 223–224

MailChimp, 94, 228

Maksymiw, Amanda, 175–176

Mallon, Shanna, 107

Managing Editor, 112

The Marketer’s Guide to Medium, 193

The Marketer’s Guide to SlideShare (Wheatland), 188, 221

marketing automation technology, 150

Maron, Marc, 258–259

Marriott, 277, 190, 191

mastheads, 123

The Matrix, 55

Matthews, Gail, 5

Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales and Social Media (Schaffer), 187

McAllister, Ian, 73

McCafferty, Scott, 219, 229

McDermott, Clare, 118

McDermott, Jim, 77

McPhillips, Cathy, 117, 196

Medium, 90, 192–193

subscribers, 147

Meerman Scott, David, 165


Facebook, 141

focusing on subscribers, 142–144

making all employees and contractors aware of the key metric, 153

measuring an influencer marketing program, 179–180

subscriber importance hierarchy, 146–148

Middleton, Daniel, 250

Mildenhall, Jonathan, 184

Miles, Jason, 190

Miller, Jason, 276–277

Mindjet, 102

minimum viable audience (MVA), 237

mission statements, 46, 65

CVS, 66

Digital Photography School, 67–68

Inc., 66–67

the Pulizzi Mission, 70

Southwest Airlines, 66

three parts of, 66

Missouri Star Quilt Co., 144–146

mobile-ready sites, 162

Momentum magazine, 214

monetization, 20

advertising and sponsorship, 250–256

benefactor model, 239–240

chef Michael Symon case study, 247

conferences and events, 258

Content Inc. example, 237–239

cross-media, 258–259

crowdfunding, 259

generating revenue until the product is identified, 242

if you already sell something, 261–263

limited-inventory model, 240–241

micropayments, 259–260

multiple revenue sources, 245–246

philanthropy, 260

premium content, 257–258

products, 260–261

revenue examples, 248–249

revenue ripples, 246

subscriptions, 257

waiting for revenue, 237–243

ways to monetize your content, 249–261

when to start monetizing, 242

Moz, 160, 186, 242, 261

Mozcon, 216

Muldoon, Pamela, 118

Murdock, David, 229

Murray, Mike, 158–161

Murton Beets, Lisa, 118

MVA. See minimum viable audience (MVA)

naming your business, 69

native advertising, 250–251

benefits of, 255

best way to use, 255–256

examples, 251–254

why it’s neither, 256


filling a need, 86

vs. wants, 68–71

New York Times, 91

Newport, Cal, 37

NewsCred, 164

NextView Ventures, 58

Ng, Greg, 276

nRelate, 167

Nutella, 186

O’Connor Abrams, Michela, 115–116

Odden, Lee, 285

Oh Joy!, 269, 272

ON24, 216

one-on-one conversations, 77

OPC, guest appearances in, 161–162

Openview Venture Partners, 91

Orbit Media blog, 285

Ostroff, Jess, 11

other people’s content. See OPC

Outbrain, 167

outsourcing content, 118–121

paid content distribution options, 167

Palazzo, Nick, 277

Paltrow, Gwyneth, 94, 94


replacing with customer pain points, 39–40

unleashing, 37

working without, 38

patience, 23, 278–279

Patrick, Matthew (MatPat), 29–31, 37, 78, 86, 246

operationalizing content for Game Theory, 119–120

pay per click, 167

Penton Media, 4

Periscope, 187

persistence, 23

personality, 120

PewDiePie, 278

Phan, Michelle, 32–33, 37, 111

revenue examples, 248

philanthropy, 260

Pilgaard, Claus (Chili Klaus), 31–32, 37

telling a different story, 56

Pineapple magazine, 214

Pinterest, 90, 184, 189–190

subscribers, 147

Pinterest Power (Miles and Lacey), 190

Pippity, 151

The Pivot, 246

Plank, Kevin, 60

Platform (Hyatt), 85

platform extensions, 219

adding channels within the same platform, 220

events, 222–223

extending with current brand into new platforms, 220

magazines, 223–224

most common extensions, 221

podcasts, 222

platforms, 85–86

books, 221

choosing a channel, 86, 88–90

choosing how to tell stories, 86

converting subscribers, 90

e-mail platforms, 94

The Furrow magazine, 92, 93

Goop, 94, 94

Kraft Food & Family, 92

Openview Labs, 91

principles of content marketing, 86–87

reach vs. control, 89–91

website publishing platforms, 93–94

podcasts, 86, 88

getting started, 222

as platform extensions, 222

point of view, 87, 280

Point-of-Purchase Institute, 69

pop-overs/pop-ups, 151–152

The Power of Visual Storytelling (Walter), 189

PPC. See pay per click

PR Newswire, 164, 169

PR Web, 169

press release method, 73–74

Price, Seth, 259, 260

print, 212–215

print subscribers, 147

Pro Publica, 260

Problogger, 67

process, 280

product offerings, 20–21

Pulizzi, Joe, 38, 117, 208

Pulizzi mission statement, 70

Quora, 163

Razor Social, 275

reach, 89, 146

Reardon, Ann, 57–58, 250

Red Bull Media House, 276

Reddit, 163

Reeves, Keanu, 55

reimagining content, 138

See also repurposing content

repurposing content, 131–132

benefits of, 134–135

blog-to-book strategy, 131–132

Jay Today, 132–133

key content types, 136–137

process, 135–136

resources, 283–285

revenue ripples, 246

reviewing goals, 5–7

Riefer Johnston, Marcia, 118

risk, 9–11, 23–24

River Pools & Spas, 44–46, 98–99, 246, 261–262, 276–277

Rohrs, Jeff, 148, 205–206

Rose, Robert, 20, 118, 121, 131, 221, 222, 256, 284

Rowse, Darren, 67–68, 86

revenue examples, 249

S corporations, 11

sales speak, avoiding, 87, 205–206

Schaffer, Neal, 187

Schneider, Andy (The Chicken Whisperer), 33–34, 37, 69, 111, 219

mission statement, 46

revenue examples, 248

Schultz, Don, 20

Schwab, Charles, 37

Scrivener, 102

Seah, David, 275

search engine optimization, 155–156

selfish content marketing, 279

SEMrush, 159

SEO Chat, Google Keyword Suggest Tool, 159

SerpStat, 159

SheerSEO, 159

Sheridan, Marcus, 38, 44–46, 98–99

Short, Rick, 36, 37

Shutterstock, 165

skill, defined, 34

slide shows, 137

SlideShare, 188

Content Marketing Institute, 197–198

Pro, 152

Smartcuts (Snow), 284

Smith, Mari, 146, 210


Snapchat, 193

Snow, Shane, 284

social channels, 90

social media, 18

advertising, 168

listening to, 78

Social Media 4-1-1, 176–177, 181

social media content plan

Content Marketing Institute’s example plan, 196–199

key elements of, 193–195

Social Media Examiner, 88, 125

social media integration, 183

channels to consider, 185–193

customizing, 185

focus, 184

testing, 184

Social Mention, 159

social networks, 101–102

Sorry for Marketing blog, 285

SoundCloud, 86

Southwest Airlines, mission statement, 66

speaking, 204

ways to get speaking gigs, 208–211

specialized knowledge, 22

Speechpad, 132

sponsored content. See native advertising

sponsorship, 250

STACK Media, 277–278

staffing, 111

fleecing the masthead, 123

flexibility with contractors, 123–124

forgetting employees, 280

how roles translate into real production, 117–118

operationalizing content for Game Theory, 119–120

roles, 111–114

See also freelancers

start-ups, and content, 58–60

Statcounter, 163

Steiger, Paul, 260

Stelzner, Michael, 14, 125, 216

Stitcher, 86, 222

stopping producing content, 279

Stratten, Scott, 284–285

stream-of-consciousness writing, 99

stringers. See freelancers

Stumbleupon, 163

Subler, Amanda, 118


attracting with an e-mail offering, 148–151

focusing on, 142–144

hierarchy, 146–148

making all employees and contractors aware of the key metric, 153

tips for gaining subscribers, 151–152

Subscription Marketing (Janzer), 260

subscriptions, 257

SurfStitch Group, 228

Survey Monkey, 77

surveys, 76–78

sweet spot, 19

adding audience to, 43–52

alternative view, 39–40

defined, 31

Symon, Michael, 247

syndicating content, 163–164

Taboola, 167

talent availability, 15

Tangerine, 18

Tap Influence, 174

technology barriers, 15

terminology, changing, 79–81

Thiel, Peter, 55–56, 69

Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 4, 21–23

ThinkMoney magazine, 213

This American Life, 81

This Old Marketing, 222, 250

three and three model

blogs, 204

books, 204–208

digital events, 216

in-person events, 215–216

print, 212–215

speaking, 204

the three business strategies, 211–216

the three personal strategies, 203–211

Time magazine, 91

The Tonight Show, 142–144

TopRank Online Marketing blog, 285

Traackr, 174

troubleshooting, 279–280

The True Secret of Writing (Goldberg), 99

Tumblr, 90, 192

subscribers, 147

Tweetdeck, 100

Twitter, 181, 186–187

Content Marketing Institute, 196

followers, 148

hashtags, 100

Twitter Power 3.0 (Comm), 187

Under Armour, 60

UnSelling and UnMarketing (Stratten), 284–285

Upworthy, 166–167

Us the Duo, 191

Vannucci, Angela, 118

Vaynerchuck, Gary, 275–276

velocity, 225

Vice Media, 90–91

videos, 86, 88, 137, 209

Vine, 191

virtual assistants, 11

Wagner, Monina, 117, 196

Walter, Ekaterina, 189

wants, vs. needs, 68–71

web analytics, 78, 100

Web CEO, 160

webinars, 216

website publishing platforms, 93–94

Weiss, Emily, 278

Weiss, Michael, 185

Wheatland, Todd, 184, 188, 221, 246

Williams, Evan, 192

Witkowski, Trish, 277

WordPress, 86, 89, 93–94

WordTracker, 159


mission and audience, 48

My Six Goal Areas, 8

Where to Start?, 35

writing down goals, 4–7

WTWH Media, 219, 220, 229

Yext, 148

Yik Yak, 193

YouTube, 86, 89–90, 190

cooking videos, 57–58

Game Theory videos, 30–31

Missouri Star Quilt Co., 145

subscribers, 147

YouTube Marketing Power (Miles), 190

Zero to One (Thiel), 55–56

Zimmerman, Chad, 277

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