
For buyers, the subscription economy promised manageable prices for instant value. Prohibitively costly goods could be had immediately for lower recurring payments. The barriers to entry and exit were lower, so buyers were no longer locked into bad deals by huge investments.

But what about the promise this bargain made to vendors? As long as you were meeting the customers’ needs, the lifetime value of the relationship could grow—infinitely, in theory—and customers would renew automatically, forever.

However, I recently heard a poignant quote from a head of sales: “In a competitive market, renewals are really resells.”

That’s a troubling premise for recurring revenue businesses. If renewals are no longer automatic, that means the renewal conversation is suddenly a critical moment in every customer relationship.

And that’s where this incredible book comes in. It makes a compelling case that renewals are resells, but it goes further to show that the sales motion you used to close the acquisition sale is not the sales motion you should use to close the expansion sale. Just as the subscription economy demanded changes in your support model, your financial model, and your product development model, it also needs to drive a change in your selling model.

Erik and Tim and their company, Corporate Visions, have devoted the last several years to conducting some of the most rigorous studies ever done on B2B selling, and they’ve uncovered some compelling insights into precisely what’s different about the selling motion for an existing customer versus an acquisition prospect. In this book, they turn those insights into tactics that every company should build into their customer engagement and expansion plans.

But speaking as a geek for all things scientific, my favorite part of the book is all the fascinating insight into buying and selling psychology. I hope you’ll find it as captivating as I did!

Nick Mehta                 

Chief Executive Officer


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