


AAR. See After Action Review

Abraham Lincoln (character), 154

Accomplishment gap, 4–5, 22–23

Accountability, 44–45, 201, 242

outsourcing, 35–36, 40–41

as ownership of outcomes, 34, 38–39

Achievement, 89–90

Addiction, ix, 22, 65, 98, 103, 129–130

Adrenaline, 19, 20

Adversity, 150, 194, 245

Afghanistan, 61, 85, 104, 211

After Action Review (AAR), 107–109, 111, 114–115, 186–187

Command, 109–110

following IED explosion, 193–194

Agape, 239–240, 242

Alaska, 126

Alphas, 3–4, 73, 86, 141, 179

American Sniper (film), 155

Ammunition, live, 47–49, 55

as metaphor, 49–50, 52, 59–60, 228–229

Amygdala, 17, 19, 20, 32

Andretti, Mario, 61

Anterograde amnesia, 37

Antidepressants, 22, 123, 203

Anxiety, 62, 103, 121, 184, 217

Apache (Native Americans), 72–73

Apologies, 186, 243

Arrogance, 53–54, 112

Asimov, Isaac, 164

Asymmetrical thinking, 10, 34

Attention, 35, 64–65, 205

Australia, 77

Authority, accountability and, 36

Aviophobia, 16

Awakening the Warrior Energy (AWE), 242

Awfulizing, 15, 69, 80–81, 89, 149, 175


Bad habits, 59, 99

Baghdad, Iraq, 159–160, 243

“Baptism by fire,” 55

Baseball, vii, 39, 40, 55–56, 168–169

Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training, 1, 82, 200, 250–251

boat racing, 95–96, 97

Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training (cont’d)

Hell Week, 2, 63–64, 91–92, 99–100, 102, 132–133

land navigation course for, 118–119

leadership effect in, 219–220

trigger words from, 174–175

Battle of Al-Anbar, 237

Behavior, 146–147, 149, 151, 156, 201–202

Beliefs, 14, 145–146, 162–163, 206–207

Bethesda Naval Hospital, 85

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 25

Blame, 38

Blanchard, Ken, 143, 212–213, 214

Blanchard, Margie, 143

Blockbuster, 111–112

Blue-Collar Scholars, 8–10, 36, 54

Boat racing, 95–96, 97

Body, as chassis, 71, 137–139, 166

nutrition for, 128–132, 138

in physical world, 125–128

physicality of, 118–122

sleep as necessary for, 132–136

Bonnie Ware, 11

Book of Five Rings (Musashi), 51–52

Boxing, MMA compared to, 221

Brain, viii, 68, 74, 98, 117. See also Mind training; State of mind

amygdala in, 17, 19, 20, 32

as cockpit, 160–161, 171–178

fear response in, 15–17, 20

gut as second, 131–132

information and, 142, 144

placebo effect on, 162–163

prefrontal cortex in, 17, 19, 193

as time machine, 163–164, 186

Brainstem, 142

Breathing, 169, 173, 179, 181–182

British Special Forces, 12, 13–14

Browne, Malcolm, 71

BUD/S training. See Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training

Buffett, Warren, 25

Bullies, 19, 43

Bystander effect, 43


California, 112, 172

Coronado, 26–27, 95, 245, 250

Candidates, SEAL, 26, 34

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 135

Cerebral cortex, 32

Chess players, 176, 182

Chiefs, SEAL, 47–48

Children, 202, 229

Choices, 150–151. See also Accountability

Civilians, 90–91, 159–160

Close Quarters Battle (CQB), 50, 176–178

Close Quarters Battle (CQB) training, 47–50, 51, 176

CNN, 124

Coaching, 167, 173, 205, 213

Cocaine, 129–130

Cockpit, brain as, 160–161, 171–178

Code, SEALs, 248

Cold showers, 125–126

Cold War, 128

Collateral damage, 186

Combat, ix, 49, 152–153, 166, 245–246

Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) training, 145

Command AAR, 109–110

Commitment, ethos as, 250–251

Competence, 53–54, 58

Confidence, 18–19, 170, 184

Conscious mind, 142–143, 144, 156

Contingencies, 182, 230–232

Controlled language, 86–88, 91, 175

Cooper, Bradley, 155

Cooper, Martin, 164

Coronado, California, 26–27, 95, 245, 250

Cortisol, 19, 103–105, 193

“Country Dave” (SEAL), 193–194

Courage, 8, 11–12, 239

Courageous restraint, 211–212, 216, 243

Covid-19, 102, 151, 200, 233

CQB. See Close Quarters Battle

Crunch Time (Peterson), 39

CSAR. See Combat Search and Rescue

Cuba, 5–7

Cultural language, 81, 250–251


organizational, 81–82, 112–113

of play, 192–195

values and, 209–210

Curse words, 32, 33


Daily habits, 222–223

Darwin, Charles, 54, 92

Day-Lewis, Daniel, 154

Deaths, 11, 50–51, 193, 241–242

overcoming, viii, ix–x

Default mode network (DMN), 74

Defeat, as language, 248–249

Defeatist language, 88

Delayed gratification, 22–23, 99–100, 105, 129, 207

Deployment, 3, 40, 109–110

Depression, 103, 123, 125

Deprivation, of sleep, 63–64, 132–133, 135

Destroy, as language, 248–249

Diabetes, Type 2, 124–125

Diaphragm breathing, deliberate, 169

Dick Tracy (comic), 163

Direct action missions, 50, 85, 176–177, 211

Discipline, 63–64, 75, 83, 196

delayed gratification as, 22–23, 99–100, 105

Discomfort, 27, 63, 70, 91

Disease, 105, 126–127. See also specific diseases

losing as, 98, 103

Distinguished Service Cross, U.S. Army, 7–8, 189

Distractions, 66–67, 75, 175

Division One baseball scholarship, vii, 55–56

DMN. See Default mode network

Doctors, 82, 104–105, 133–134, 148

Dodson, John, 18

Donovan, Jeremey, 200

Dopamine, 98–101

DOSE (Dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins), 98, 105, 114, 123, 193. See also specific neurotransmitters

Drucker, Peter, 226

Drugs, 98–99, 129–130. See also specific drugs

Duc, Thich Quang, 71

Duckworth, Angela, 170–171

Dunning, David, 53–54

Dunning-Kruger effect, 53–54


Economy of motion, 107, 178

Egocentric orientation, 77–78

The Eight (Neville), 227

Elias, Ric, 180

Embarrassment, 13–14, 56

Emotions, 163, 166–167, 243

Empathy, 83, 84, 87, 93, 151, 213

The Empire Strikes Back, 80

Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding (Schwarzenegger), 56

End state, of leader’s intent, 165

Endorphins, 103

Enemies, 48–49, 159–160, 248

England, UK, 13

Ethos, 87, 208–209, 245–251

Evaluable goals, 226–227

Evite (company), 80

Excuse locker, 39–40

Excuses, making, 31–32, 39–40

accountability and, 34–35

failure in relation to, 34, 90

as victim mindset, 79–80

Execution phase, SMEAC, 230–232

Exercise, 121, 123, 124, 137, 160–161, 198

Exhaustion, 132, 135, 153

Expectations, 89, 90, 228


Failure, 34–35, 38, 80, 82–83, 90

Fallujah, Iraq, 85

“Fancy dress,” British Special Forces, 12–13

Fasting, 129–130

Fear, 12–14, 18–19, 29–30, 151

brain response to, 15–17, 20

defeatist language causing, 88

focus on, 82–83

love compared to, 239–240

noise causing, 127

physical responses, 20–21

in planning, 229–230

public speaking and, 14, 28

of writing, 27–29

Fear-based state of mind, 147, 152–153, 193

Feedback, 96, 110–111, 122

Field, Sally, 154

Fight triangle, 218–222, 234

Fight-or-flight, 103–104, 127, 179

First, Fast, Fearless (Hiner), vii, ix–x, 24, 142–143

First strike language, 89–90, 167

First strike mindset, 78–79, 88, 93

Fitbit, 110

Focus, 97, 113

distractions effecting, 66–67, 75, 175

on fear, 82–83

immersion improving, 66–67

listening, 74, 212–214

meditation improving, 67–68

on others, 202–203

present, 63–64, 69, 73

race car driving and, 61–62

shifting, 70–71

Focus discipline, 64, 83

Focus thieves, 64–65

Force, in fight triangle, 221–222

Forrest Gump (film), 122

Fox walk, 72–73

Frankl, Viktor, 150–151, 157

Frogmen. See Naked Warriors

Front sight focus, 62–63

Full concentration on a single act (Ichigyo Zammai), 69

Future focus, 63–64

Future mind training, 171, 175–178


Galatea effect, 89

Garcia, Calixto, 6–7

Geneva Convention, 200

Genius, 170–171

Geographical orientation, 77–78

Gilbert, Dan, 37

Goals, 40–41, 64, 170, 235

leverageable, 228–229

SEALS model for, 225–230

transformational, 65–66, 191

weaknesses turned into, 56–57

Good habits, 43, 99, 100–101, 113, 196

Graduates, SEALs, 3–4, 126, 141

Gratitude, 83–85, 102, 186, 196–198

Grit (Duckworth), 171

Ground Force Commander, 238

Guam, 190

Guinness World Records, 179

Gut, as second brain, 131–132

Guugu Yimithirr (aboriginal tribe), 77–78


Habits, 96, 129, 156, 222–223

bad, 59, 99

effects of, 123, 124, 129

good, 43, 99, 100–101, 113, 196

“Habitudes,” 23, 30, 100

Halo effect, 170–171

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 153

Hanks, Tom, 122

Happiness, 24–25, 150, 157

“Hard” (physical and mental condition), 127, 138

Hate, 240, 248

Hawthorne Effect, 202

Health, 117–118, 132, 135–136

state of mind and, 153–154, 157

Heart attacks, 148

Hell Week, 2, 91–92, 102

delayed gratification during, 99–100

sleep deprivation, 63–64, 132–133

Hemingway, Ernest, viii

Hertling, Mark, 128

High-value target (HVT), 237–238

Hillel the Elder, 43

Hippocampus, 17

History Channel, 58

Hitting the surf, 91–92, 96

Hof, Wim, 179

Holocaust, 150

Holy Sh*t (Mohr), 33

Honesty, 54, 56–57, 59, 63, 226

“Hood drill,” 233

“HOOYAH,” 91, 174, 181, 239

How to Deliver a TED Talk (Donovan), 200

Hubbard, Elbert, 5–7

HVT. See High-value target

Hyperventilating, 169, 179, 197


IADs. See Immediate Action Drills

Ichigyo Zammai (full concentration on a single act), 69

IEDs. See Improvised explosive devices

Immediate Action Drills (IADs), 230–232

Immersion, 66–67, 221

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 83, 159, 193–194

Inc. (magazine), 148

Information, 142, 144, 152, 172

Initiative, 78–79, 219–220, 234

Instincts, 15, 19, 177

fight-or-flight, 103–104, 127, 179

Instructors, SEAL, 1, 82, 91, 118, 233

Intent, 143–144, 165–166, 187

Intuition, 49, 73, 152

Iraq, 47, 104, 193

Baghdad, 159–160, 243

Fallujah, 85

Ramadi, 237, 266

Sadr City, 195–196

Iraq War, 159, 237

Isolation, 102, 200, 203

Isopraxism, 70

Ivan Drago (character), 128


Jamaica, 7

Japan, 145

Joint accountability, 201


Kasparov, Garry, 176

Kennedy, John F., 218

Key tasks, for leader’s intent, 165

Kill houses, 50–51

Killing, courageous restraint and, 243

Koch, Robert, 126

Kodiak, Alaska, 126

Kruger, Justin, 53–54

Kyle, Chris, 155


Lacz, Kevin, 155

LaGuardia airport, 180

Land navigation course, 118–119

Language, 92, 105, 214, 238–239

awfulizing effected by, 80–81, 89

controlled, 86–88, 91, 175

cultural, 81, 250–251

defeat versus destroy as, 248–249

egocentrically oriented, 77–78

first strike, 89–90, 167

geographically oriented, 77–78

“HOOYAH,” 91, 174, 181, 239

organizational, 82, 93

reframing, 84–85, 154

for SEAL training, 31–32

of SEALs ethos, 246–248

Laughter, 194–195

Leaders, 35, 43, 50, 96, 148–149, 210. See also Self-leadership

Leader’s intent, 142–143, 165–166

Leadership effect, 219–220

Legacy, 244–245

Letters home, SEALs writing, 241–242

Leverageable goals, 228–229

Life, 65, 117–118, 241–242

Limbic system, 20, 131

Lincoln (film), 154

Listening focus, 74, 212–214

Los Angeles Times, vii, 155

Losing, 97–98, 103, 114

Love, 38–39, 239–240, 241

Luck, manufactured, 198–199

Lying, 23–24, 55


Maine, USS, 5–6

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 150

Manufactured motivation, 5, 98, 101, 197

Marines, U.S., 73, 190

Martial arts, 19, 221

Mary Todd Lincoln (character), 154

Maryland, 85

Maybe, in language, 80–81

McKinley, William, 6–7

Medications, ix, 103, 134. See also specific medications

antidepressants as, 22, 123, 203

Meditation, 67–68, 71, 73, 75, 110

“A Message to Garcia” (Hubbard), 5–7


getting close to the “X” as, 49–50, 52, 60, 228–229

live ammunition as, 49–50, 52, 59–60, 228–229

Method acting, 154–155

#Metoo movement, 43

Microchip Technology, 112–113

Military awards, 211–212


conscious, 142–143, 144, 156

subconscious, 142–143

Mind training, 164–169, 188

future, 171, 175–178

nerves during, 142–143, 179

in present, 171–175

for public speaking, 183–185

visualizing as, 181–182

Mindsets, 78–80, 86, 87–88, 93

Mission briefs, 57–58, 83

Missions, SEALs, 227–228, 230

direct action, 50, 85, 176–177, 211

fight triangle for, 218–222

No-fail missions, 8–10, 53

planning for, 217–218

rituals preceding, 195–196

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 221

Mock presentations, 52–53

Mohr, Melissa, 33

Momentum, 220–222

Motivation, 22–23, 56, 86–87

as manufactured, 5, 98, 101, 197

Motorola, 164

Moving meditation, 73, 75

MTC oil, 101

Multipliers, 191, 192, 198–199, 215

Murphy’s law, 232

Musashi, Miyamoto, 51–52

Muse Headband, 110

Music, 183

Muzzle discipline, 64


Naked Warriors, 190

National Safety Council, U.S., 16

Naval Amphibious Base, 250

Naval Special Warfare Prep School, 2

Negative behavior, 146–147, 151, 156

Nerves, 142–143, 179

Netflix, 111–112

Neuroscience, 162, 187

Neville, Katherine, 227

The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding (Schwarzenegger), 162

New England Journal of Medicine, 129

New York, 180

New York World’s Fair, 164

New Yorker (magazine), 33

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 91, 171, 194–195

9/11 terrorist attacks, 85

Nobel Prize, 126

No-fail missions, 8–10, 53

Noise, 126–127

North Queensland, Australia, 77

Norway, 103

Nutrition, 128, 129–132, 138


Oakland A’s (baseball team), 39

Obesity, 22, 128–129

Observation Effect, 201–202

Officer Candidate School (OCS), 167

Omega-3 fatty acids, 136

Opioid addiction, 22

Opportunities, 107, 150

Optimal stress, 18–19

Optimism, 86, 194, 199

Organisms, 41–43, 71, 177

Organizational culture, 81–82, 112–113

Organizational language, 82, 93

Organizations, 41–43, 96, 107, 148–149

“Others focus,” 202–203

Outcomes, ownership of, 34, 38, 199

making excuses compared with, 31–32, 39–40

Outsourcing accountability, 35–36, 40–41

Overlapping accountability, 41–42

Oxytocin, 101–102


Pain, 33, 90–91, 148

focus shifting for, 70–71

Navy SEAL rating, 26–27

Parachute Jump School, 2

Parasympathetic nervous system, 169

Pareto principle, 8, 222

Parkinson’s law, 220–221

PASS on, better, less program, for nutrition, 130–131

Path of least resistance, 21–23

Perceived threats, 15–17, 152

Performance, 89, 175

points of, 73, 171–173, 176–177, 185–186

Performance reviews, 52–53, 109


accountability, 34, 244

ethos, 249–251

responsibility, 42–43, 244

Peterson, Rick, 39–40

Physical responses, 20–21

Physical world, 125–128, 138, 144–145

Physicality, 118–120, 122, 137–138

breathing effecting, 169

as context, 121

physical world and, 125–128

of SEALs, 123–124

Pilots, 145, 174, 180

Pistols, 62–63

Pity, 85–87

Placebo effect, 162–163

Planning, 217–218, 229, 230–232, 235

Playful state of mind, 193–195

Points of performance, 73, 171–173, 176–177, 185–186

Positive state of mind, 166–167, 182, 198

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), viii, 133–134, 136, 148

Potential threats, 81–82

Poverty, vii, 83–84

Practice losing, 97–98, 114

Predeployment training, 2–3, 170–171

Prefrontal cortex, 17, 19, 193

Preparing the battlefield, 189, 214

Present focus, 63–64, 69, 73

“Princess Alice” experiment, 202

Priorities, 222–223, 224–225

Problem-solving mindset, 87–88

Professional Development (ProDev), 2–3

PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder

Public speaking, 14, 28, 57–58, 59, 183–185

Pulitzer Prize, 71

Purpose, of leaders intent, 165

The Purpose Driven Life (Warren), 206

Pygmalion effect, 89, 228


Al-Qaeda, 47

Quitting, 63, 82, 87, 247, 250–251


Race car driving, 61–62, 164

Ramadi, Iraq, 237, 266

RAS. See Reticular activating system

Reality, combat, 49, 245–246

Redman, Jason, 85–87

Reframing language, 84–85, 154

Regrets, 11, 240

Reptile brain. See Amygdala

Reputation, 203, 210, 214

Respect, trust and, 205

Responsibility, 41, 42–43, 244

Reticular activating system (RAS), 142–143, 146, 156, 196

information filtered by, 152, 172

intent filtered by, 165–166

subconscious filtered by, 144–145, 177

Retirement, from SEAL Teams, viii, ix, 243–244

Rewarding good habits, 100–101

Rituals, 195–198

Rocky Balboa (character), 128

Rocky IV (film), 128

Rowan, Andrew S., 6–8

Rule 72, 105

Running, 121–123, 171–175


Sacrifice, 102, 207, 240

SAD. See Seasonal affective disorder

Sadr City, Iraq, 195–196

Safety, 51, 209–210

SAS. See Special Air Service

SBS. See Special Boat Service

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 55–57, 162

Science fiction, 163–164

SDV. See SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team

Sea stories, 208–209

SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) Team, 2

SEAL Qualification Training (SQT), 2

SEAL Teams, 26, 35, 41, 66, 204

deployment of, 3, 40, 109–110

flow of, 177–178

focus discipline in, 64

predeployment training, 2–3, 170–171

preparing the battlefield, 189, 214

retirement from, viii, ix, 243–244

shaped charge effect of, 191–192

Training and Readiness Officers for, 133

SEAL training, 1–3, 39–40, 126. See also specific training programs

focus necessary for, 66

hitting the surf during, 91–92, 96

“hood drill” in, 233

kill houses in, 50–51

language for, 31–32

live ammunition use during, 47–50

meditation in, 68

quitting during, 63, 82, 250–251

simunition use during, 47–49

as transformational, 141–142

SEALpreneurship program, 112

SEALs, U.S. Navy, 39, 90, 123–124, 127, 248. See also Missions

AARs by, 107, 109–110

“baptism by fire” for, 55

candidates, 26, 34

Chiefs, 47–48

culture of play for, 192–195

ethos of, 87, 208–209, 245–249

evaluation categories for, 120

graduates, 3–4, 126, 141

Ground Force Commander, 238

instructors for, 1, 82, 91, 118, 233

letters home by, 241–242

no-fail missions of, 8–10, 53

pain ratings by, 26–27

performance reviews for, 52–53

perimeter secured by, 81–82

stolen valor of, 23–24

swim buddies concept for, 200–203

symbolic bell for, 250–251

as tolerant of discomfort, 27, 91

Trident, 2, 246

SEALS model (Specific, evaluable, actionable and attainable, leverageable, and scary), 225–230, 234

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 103

Second- and third-order effects, 123, 124, 129

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 103

Self-leadership, 43, 65–66

Senses, 168–169

Serotonin, 102–103, 132

Shakespeare, William, 153

Shaped charge effect, 191–192

Sharansky, Natan, 176, 182

Shifting focus, 70–71

Silos, organizational, 41–42

Simunition, 47–49

“Sitting Will Kill You, Even if You Exercise” (CNN), 124–125

Situational awareness, 51, 74

Sixth sense. See Subconscious

Sleep, ix, 104, 136, 139, 153

deprivation, 63–64, 132–133, 135

during Hell Week, 63–64, 132–133

PTSD compared to issues with, 133–134

Smartphones, 65

SMEAC (Situation, mission, execution, administration and logistics, and command and control), 230–232

Smell, 168–169, 182

Social media, 23–24, 100, 146

Soviet Union (USSR), 176

Spain, 5–7

Spanish-American War, 5

Special Air Service (SAS), 13

Special Boat Service (SBS), 13

Special Forces, U.S., 189, 191

Special Warfare Operator Naval Rating, 2

Speed, 220–221, 234

Spielberg, Steven, 154

Spiritual reflection, 242–244

SQT. See SEAL Qualification Training

Squadron Integration Training, 2

SSRIs. See Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Standard operating procedures, 232

State of mind, 148, 149–150, 156, 179

breathing and, 169

emotions and, 163, 166–167

exercise for, 155, 187

fear-based, 147, 152–153, 193

health and, 153–154, 157

playful, 193–195

positive, 166–167, 182, 198

for public speaking, 184–185

Stephens, Richard, 33

STICKS system, 9

Stolen valor, of Navy SEALs, 23–24

Storytelling, 209–210, 212, 214

Strain, 22–23

Stress, 18–19, 51, 103–105, 148, 181

Subconscious, 142–143, 144–145, 177

Success, 113, 191, 198–199

Sugar, 129–130

Sullenberger, Chesley, 180

Sun Tzu, 190

Surf, hitting the, 91–92, 96

Surprise, element of, 219–220, 234

Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) training, 2

Survival instinct, 15, 19

Swim buddies, 200–203, 215, 229

Symbolic bell, SEALs, 250–251

Sympathetic nervous system, 14, 179, 197

Sympathy, 84, 87, 93, 119

Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert, 9


TBI. See Traumatic brain injury

Teaching, 50

Technical proficiency, 207–208

Technology, 110, 232. See also Social media

TED Talks, 180, 200

Terrorists, 47, 237

Testosterone, 104–105

Thailand, 68

Thermodynamics, 125

Threats, 15–17, 69, 81–82, 152

Time, 167, 205, 220–221, 224–225

Time machine, 163–164, 186

The Top Five Regrets of the Dying (Ware), 11

Toxicity, 148–150, 157

Tracking, in physical world, 144–145

Training and Readiness Officers, 133

Training Officers, SEAL Teams, 66

Transactional, 65, 223

Transformational, 65–66, 191, 222–223

Traumatic brain injury (TBI), viii

Treasure, Julian, 211

Trident, SEALs, 2, 246

Trigger words, 174–175, 181

Trust, 204–208, 215

Type 2 diabetes, 124–125

Tyson, Mike, 217


Unit Level Training (ULT), 2

United Kingdom, 13

United Nations, 191

United States (U.S.), 5–8, 15–16, 135, 246–248. See also SEALs, U.S. Navy

Marines, 73, 190

military awards from, 211–212

United States (U.S.), (cont’d)

National Safety Council, 16

obesity in, 22, 128–129

Special Forces, 189, 191

University of Bristol, 33

U.S. See United States

US Airways, 180

USSR. See Soviet Union


Values, 206–207, 209–210, 249

Vargus nerve, 132

VEGA (Voice, eye contact, gestures, and attitude), 185

Veterans, 133–134, 243

Victim mindset, 79–80, 86

Vietnam War, 71

Virginia, vii

Visualization, 160–161, 168, 172–175, 181–182, 187

VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) environments, 53, 142–143, 200


War, 1, 12–13, 123–124, 243, 245–246. See also specific wars

enemies and, 159–160

humanitarian treatment in, 200

weapons in, 62

Warren, Rick, 206

Warriors, x, 240, 243

Washington Post, 68

Water, 119, 125–126, 132, 179, 198

Weaknesses, 56–57

Wealth, happiness and, 24–25

Weapons, 62, 64, 118–121, 177, 191–192. See also Ammunition; Simunition

Who, what, when, where, and why (5Ws), 226

Willpower, 12, 30, 100, 121, 175

Winning, 25, 95–96, 98, 103

Win-win position, 212

World War II, 190

Writing, 27–29, 40–41, 64, 100–101

intention and, 143–144

letters home, 241–242


The “X,” getting close to, 48–49, 54

as metaphor, 49–50, 52, 60, 228–229


Yerkes, Robert, 18

Yet, in language, 88–89

Yoda (character), 80

Yue, Guang, 151


Zen, 67

Zero dark thirty, 134, 159–160

Ziglar, Zig, 26

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