Adafruit, 112, 130, 136, 156

website, 136

ADC (Analog to Digital Convertor) chip, 120

autonomous rover, 155–160


bandwidth, Internet, 143

battery box, 5V USB battery pack, 150

Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame, 97

blog site with how-to posts, 20

bookshelf, File Manager, 15


half-sized, 156

layout for project, 130

photoresistor, 121–122

putting LED on, 114

built-in function input, 48


camera, 146

catch detection, 104

channels of LED, 129

chassis, robot, gear motors, 150

classes, 63–72

commercial Raspberry Pi cases, 8

comparison operators, 33

comparisons, 33

connection command line tool, 147

connection command line tool, SSH (Secure SHell), 147

console, serial, 146

contents of bookshelf, as shown in File Manager, 15


date, time in, mode of display, 140–141

days remaining in year, countdown, 144

del(a[i:j]), 59

del(d[key]), 60

desktop, pixel, Raspberry Pi 4, 2

dictionaries, 53–54, 59–60

dictionary functions, 60

digital inputs, 119–120

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), programming principle, 36


e-mails in inbox, number of, 143

editor, 23–26

EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), 112

electronics, before connecting, checking wiring, 113

enabling interfaces, 146

encapsulation, term, 67


female-to-male jumper cables, 130

female-to-male jumper wires, 112, 156

File Manager, bookshelf, 15

file system, 77–78

files, 73–78

Internet, 73–84

float(x), 60

following mouse, 101–102

four-digit seven-segment 12C display, 136

functions of Raspberry Pi, 3


games programming, 97–108

gear motors, robot chassis, 150

get(key default), 60

getting started, 13–20

GPIO 3 SCL, display SCL, 137

GPIO 2 SDA, display SD, 137

GPIO GND, display GND, 137

GPIO pins

burning out, 113

connect breadboard to, 114–117

GPIO 5V0, display VCC, 137

graphical user interface (GUI), 85–96

guizero, 85, 89

user interface, window sliders, 131


half-sized breadboard, 156

Hangman program, 73

hardware, 121–122, 151, 156–158

hardware assembly, Raspberry Pi, 136–138

Hardware Attached Top. See HATs

hardware interfacing, 109–128

HATs, 126–127

“Hello” printing function, 45

Hello Pygame, 98–99

“Hello World” message, 85

home page, Raspberry Pi Foundation, 20

homemade Raspberry Pi, 8

hours, mode of display, 140–141


inbox, number of e-mails, 143

init (short for initialize), 99

input in Python 2 and Python 3, 46

inputs, digital, 119–120

installing example programs, 30

installing Raspberry Pi OS, 11


bandwidth, 143

files, 73–84

int(x), 60


JSON file, reading contents of, 79

jumper cables, female-to-male, 130

jumper wires, female-to-male, 156


key in d, 60

“kitchen sink” user interface, 90


LAN, 147

lead colors, 137


channels of, 129

putting on breadboard, 114

RGB common cathode, 130

LED fader project, 129–134

len(d), 60


importing, 116

PiAnalog, 122

“time,” 116

list functions, 59

lists, 41, 59

list(x), 60

Local Area Network. See LAN

looping, 28

lots of raspberries, 105–108


making program display message of “Hello World,” 85

math.factorial(n), 57

math.log(x), 57

math.pow(x, y), 57

math.sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, 57

math.sqrt(x), 57

McGugan, Will, 97

measuring resistance, 124–126

MenuBar control, 94

minutes, mode of display, 140–141

modules, 63–72

MonkMakes, 130

MonkMakes Project Box, 122

Motor Controller pHAT, 147

motor driver, PiHut, 150

motor driver pHAT, 150


creating text file, 74

initial starting, 22

text file, 74

multiple assignments, 55

multiple return values, 55–56


naming variables, 27

navigating with Terminal, 17–18

number of e-mails, inbox, 143

number of visitors to website, 144

numbers, function use with, 57


object orientation, 65–66

oct(x), 57

O’Hanlan, Martin, 85

outputs, analog, 117–119


PCB mount push switch, 136

pHAT, motor driver, 150

photoresistor, breadboard, 121–122

physics string theory, programming string, contrasted, 39

PiAnalog library, 122, 126

pin functions, 110–111

pins labeled GND (ground), 111

pixel desktop, Raspberry Pi 4, 2

Pi Zero W, Raspberry, 150

polite_sentence, 45

port, serial, 146

power pins, 111

principle in programming is DRY (Don’t Repeat self), 36

programming string, physics string theory, contrasted, 39

prototyping project (clock), 135–144

pulse width modulation, 117–119

Putty, Windows, SSH (Secure SHell), 147

pwd command, 17

pygame, coordinate system, 98


basics, 21–38

libraries, 65

shell, 22–23

versions, 22

Python 3, input in, 46

Python 4, input in, 46

Python in Terminal, 37


random numbers Python, 29

rangefinder, 158–160

Raspberry Pi

analog inputs, 120–126

analog outputs, 117–119

applications, 19–20

autonomous rover, 155–160

blog site with how-to posts, 20

booting up, 9–12

breadboarding with jumper wires, 112

case, 7–9

catch raspberry, 104

classes, 63–72

command line, 16–19

command while, 35–36

commercial Raspberry Pi cases, 8

connecting everything together, 9–10

connecting to Raspberry Pi over VNC, 148

connections, 9–10

coordinates, 97–98

defining classes, 66–68

desktop, 14–16

dictionaries, 53–54

digital inputs, 119–120

digital outputs, 112–117

display, 7

displays time, 138

editor, 23–26

enabling interfaces, 146

equipment to purchase, 5–9

ethernet patch cable, 6

files, Internet, 73–84

files and Internet, 73–84

functions, 44–45

functions of, 3

games programming, 97–108

getting started, 13–20

GPIO pin connections, 109–112

GPIO pins, burning out, 113

graphical user interfaces, 85–96

GUI widgets, 89–91

guizero, 85

Hangman, 45–53

hardware, interfacing, 109–128

hardware assembly, 130–131, 136–138

HAT pins, 112

hat pins, 112

HATs, 126–127

headless Raspberry Pi, 146

Hello Pygame, 98–100

Hello World, 85–86

home page of Raspberry Pi Foundation, 20

homemade, 8, 20

if command, 32–35

inheritance, 68–70

installing Raspberry Pi OS, 11

interfacing hardware, 109–128

Internet, 80–83

files, 73–84

Internet resources, 20

JSON, 79–80

keyboard, 6, 7

kit, 6

LED clock using, 135

LED fader project, 129–134

Linux, 13–14

lists, 41–44

loops, 28–29

menus, 94–95

methods, 63–72

micro-HDMI to HDMI, 6

micro-SD card, 6, 7

model 4, 110

modules, 63–65, 63–72

motor driver pHAT, PiHut, 150

mouse, 6, 7

Mu, 21–26

arithmetic in REPL, 23

editor, 23–26

REPL, arithmetic in, 23

running program, 25

saving program, 25

shell, 22–23

version, 22

numbers, 26

outputs, analog, 117–119

peripherals, verified, 20

phase two, 140–143

Raspberry Pi (Cont.)

pickling, 78

pop-ups, 91–94

power supply, 5–7

prototyping project (clock), 135–144

pygame, defining, 97

Python basics, 21–38

Python shell, 22–23, 36–37

Python versions, 22

rangefinder, 158–160

raspberry game, 100–108

Raspberry Pi OS, installing, 11

Raspberry Pi Zero W, 150

requirements for, 130, 136

reserving IP address for Raspberry Pi on router, 149

RGB LED connected to, 129

robot, 145–160


autonomous, 155–160

web-controlled, 150–155

running program, 25

saving program, 25

selecting Wi-Fi network, 11

setting up, 5–10

case, 7–9

display, 7


equipment to purchase, 5–9

power supply, 5–7

power supply, ethernet patch cable, 6

power supply, item, 6

power supply, kit, 6

power supply, micro-HDMI to HDMI, 6

power supply, micro-SD card, 6

power supply, TV/monitor with HDMI, 6

power supply, USB power supply, 6

keyboard and mouse, 7

micro-SD card, 7

setting up Raspberry Pi Zero W, 146–149

simulating dice, 29–32

software, 131–133, 138–140, 151–155

string theory, 39–41

strings, lists, and dictionaries, 39–62

summary of functions, 56

system, 9

temperature converter, 86–89

time zones, 138

tour of Raspberry Pi, 3–5

tuples, 54–56

TV/monitor with HDMI, 6

USB power supply, 6

variables, 26–28

verified peripherals, 20

web-controlled rover project, 150–155

Wi-Fi network, 11, 20, 20

Raspberry Pi 4, pixel desktop, 2

Raspberry Pi Zero W, setting up, 146–150

reading files, 73–75

red LED, Adafruit (299), 112

refactoring, defined, 105

remote GPO, 146

resistance, measuring, 124–126

resistors, 130

RGB common cathode LED, 130

RGB LED, connected to Raspberry Pi, 129

robot, 145–160

robot chassis, gear motors, 150

round(x, n), 57


autonomous Raspberry Pi, 155–160

web-controlled, 150–155


Sach, Laura, 85

safety of Raspberry Pi, 113

saving contents of variable to file, 78

s.capitalize(), 58 (width), 58

seconds, time in, mode of display, 140–141

self-adhesive Velcro pads, 150

serial console, 146

serial interface pins, 111

serial port, 146

setting up Raspberry Pi, 5–10

software, 122–126, 151–155

solderless breadboard, 112, 130, 136

SparkFun, 112, 130, 156

SPI, 146

SSH (Secure SHell), 146–147

Putty, Windows, 147

Terminal, Linux/Unix-based computer, 147

string functions, 58

strings, 57–59

dictionaries, 39–62

list of, 41

sudo, 18–19


Terminal, Linux/Unix-based computer, 147

Terminal command line, 16

“time” library, 116

time zone setting, 138, 139

tour of Raspberry Pi, 3–5

tuples, 54–56

TXD and RXD (Transmit and Receive) pins, 111

type conversions, 60


ultrasonic rangefinder, 156

using modules, 64–65


variable called polite sentence, 45

variables, naming, 27

Velcro pads, 150

visitors to website, 144

VNC (Virtual Network Connection), 146–147


weatherstack, finding API key in, 81

web-controlled rover project, 150–155

website, 136

number of visitors, 144

window sliders, user interface, guizero, 131

wiring, checking before connecting electronics, 113

writing files, 76–77


year, countdown of days remaining, 144


Zero W, Raspberry Pi, setting up, 146–149

zone, time, setting, 138–139

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