Threat Assessments

A threat assessment identifies and evaluates potential threats. The goal is to identify as many potential threats as possible and then evaluate the threats. One important element is an estimate of a threat’s frequency.

Risk assessments and threat assessments have one common characteristic, time. A risk assessment is performed at a specific time. Risks that exist today may not exist in a year. Similarly, a threat assessment is performed at a specific time. The threat assessment evaluates current threats in the existing environment.


Threat assessments will not always be complete. A listing of all potential threats will take too much time and effort. Instead, the goal is to identify the most likely threats. With this in mind, a threat assessment has no single “right result.”

A threat is any activity that represents a possible danger, which includes any circumstances or events with the potential to cause an adverse impact on:

  • Confidentiality—Loss of confidentiality results from the unauthorized disclosure of data. Access controls can be applied to ensure only specific users have access to data, and encryption techniques help to protect confidentiality.
  • Integrity—Loss of integrity results from the modification or destruction of data. Access controls protect data from malicious attackers who want to modify or destroy data, and hashing techniques verify integrity by detecting whether the data has been modified.
  • Availability—Loss of availability results from limited access to a service or system when it is needed. Various fault-tolerance strategies ensure that systems and services continue to operate even if an outage occurs, and data is backed up to ensure it can be restored even if data is lost or becomes corrupt.

When a threat is matched with a vulnerability, a risk occurs. The following equation shows the relationship between risk, vulnerabilities, and threats:

Risk = Vulnerability × Threat

FIGURE 8-1 shows the various threats to an organization. They are generically categorized as either human or natural. Human threats can be internal or external or intentional or unintentional. Natural threats occur from weather or other non–man-made events.

A diagram showing what the threats are to an organization.

FIGURE 8-1 Threats to an organization.

External attackers can be hackers launching denial of service (DoS) attacks on a network; malware writers trying to access, modify, or corrupt an organization’s data; or even terrorists launching attacks on buildings or entire cities.

Internal users can also cause damage. A disgruntled employee may be able to access, modify, or corrupt the organization’s data. If proper access controls aren’t used, other employees may also access, modify, or corrupt data. Although the disgruntled employee’s actions will be purposeful, regular employees’ actions are accidental.

Although losses caused by malicious insiders have been one of the biggest threats to a company, this trend is reversing. According to the 2020 EY Global Information Security Survey, about 59 percent of organizations have faced a security incident in the past 12 months. The same survey revealed that 48 percent of boards believe that cybersecurity-related attacks and breaches will more than moderately impact their business in the next 12 months. Unfortunately, only 36 percent of organizations reported that cybersecurity is included in the planning of any new business initiative, even though 77 percent of spending on new initiatives focused on risk and compliance.

Reducing Internal Threats

Internal threats can cause significant damage. Some internal threats are accidental, and others are malicious. However, if employees are trained and their actions controlled, a significant number of threats will be reduced.

Some of the common threats from internal sources are:

  • Unintentional access—When users have access to data they don’t need, the data is at risk because users can accidentally delete the data or share the data with someone else who shouldn’t have access to it. Access controls protect the data, which includes ensuring authentication processes are secure and enforcing least privilege and need to know policies.
  • Disgruntled ex-employees—When an employee is terminated, his or her user account should be either deleted or disabled. If neither is done, then the ex-employee may be able to access the same data or systems or could also pass on his or her credentials to someone else in-house to act as a proxy. The unauthorized access could result in data corruption or system sabotage.
  • Responding to phishing attacks—Phishing attacks attempt to get users to give up information or perform an action they wouldn’t normally do. Some phishing emails include links to malicious websites. If users click on the link, they can inadvertently install malware on their systems. More sophisticated phishing attempts target specific companies and fool the users. Spear phishing is a targeted phishing attempt that looks as if it’s coming from someone in the company. Training helps users recognize these attacks.
  • Forwarding viruses—Users can open infected emails and forward them to coworkers without realizing the danger or bring viruses from home on universal serial bus (USB) flash drives. Up-to-date antivirus software provides protection against known viruses, training helps users understand how viruses are replicated, and technical policies prevent the use of USB flash drives.
  • Lack of laptop control—Laptops are easily stolen. When users don’t exercise physical control over laptops, the computers often disappear, and the organization loses the hardware and software. Moreover, data on the laptop is compromised. Training users on how often laptops are stolen helps them understand the need to secure them.
  • Advanced persistent threat (APT)—An APT is a sophisticated cyberattack carried out by criminals or nation-states over an extended period of time to either steal data or surveil systems. The criminals or attackers usually have a clear goal in mind, and they spend time and resources to identify vulnerabilities to assets they intend to steal or harm. Given their level of sophistication, they can remain undetected for a long time. Attack methods can take the form of malware, and motives can be financial, political espionage, or control. Examples include the Cobalt Group’s attack on financial institutions around the globe, including attacks on automated teller machines (ATMs), card processing systems, payment systems, and Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) systems. Another example is Mythic Leopard’s attack on the Indian Army, specifically using spear phishing attacks on the Central Bureau of Investigation and the Indian Army by impersonating an Indian think tank.

Natural threats include fires and weather events, such as floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and electrical storms. The goal of a threat assessment is to identify threats, which can be done by reviewing historical data and using threat modeling.

After the threats have been identified, the likelihood of the threats needs to be determined because some threats are more likely to occur than others. Next, the threats are prioritized. Sometimes, threats can be matched with vulnerabilities to determine costs. However, sometimes costs can’t be identified without completing a vulnerability assessment. The last step in a threat assessment is to provide a report that lists the findings and includes the threats and their likelihood and any identified costs.

This section on threat assessments includes:

  • Techniques for identifying threats
  • Best practices for threat assessments within the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure

Techniques for Identifying Threats

Two primary techniques are used to identify threats, reviewing historical data and performing threat modeling. Which technique is chosen depends largely on the environment and available materials, but both techniques could also be used.

If historical data is available, reviewing this data is often the easier approach. Historical data provides specific information on past threats. However, there is no guarantee that past threats will repeat themselves or that a new threat won’t appear. On the other hand, threat modeling is more complex than reviewing historical data because it requires the examination of systems and services from a broader perspective, which can be time consuming.

Reviewing Historical Data

One of the best ways to determine what threats exist is to analyze past incidents. These incidents include those at the organization, at similar organizations, and in the local area:

  • Organization—A review of past incidents will reveal threats that have resulted in losses.
  • Similar organizations—Incidents with other organizations in the same business will reveal possible threats to the organization.
  • Local area—Natural and weather events are likely to occur again in the same area.

This data can be gathered by compiling records and conducting interviews. Data can be compiled from any existing records, including security records; insurance claims; and troubleshooting records, to determine outages and their causes. Interviews can be conducted with management and other employees. Management knows the particular threats that have resulted in significant losses, and employees often know exactly what the problems are and where the threats exist.

An Organization’s Historical Data. An organization’s historical data can be reviewed to identify past incidents from threats. Past incidents can take many forms, such as those resulting from users accidentally or maliciously causing problems or those coming from external attackers or natural events.

Following are examples of past incidents from threats:

  • Internal users—Users were granted access to data they didn’t need, or they stumbled upon it and shared it with coworkers, which resulted in unauthorized disclosure of confidential data.
  • Disgruntled employee—An employee was terminated for cause on Monday, and his account was not disabled or deleted. The employee accessed his account on Wednesday, and he deleted a significant amount of data. Some of the deleted data had not been backed up and was lost permanently.
  • Equipment failure—A server crashed after a power spike and remained down for several hours until the power supply was replaced.
  • Software failure—An ordering database application crashed on a database server, and the server had to be rebuilt from scratch. Administrators reinstalled the operating system and then reinstalled the database application. They then restored the data from backups. This process took over 10 hours, and customers could not place online orders during this time.
  • Data loss—All users are required to store their data on a central file server, and the data is backed up once a week on Sunday. The file server crashed on Wednesday, and many users lost over two days of work.
  • Attacks—An email server became infected with a virus, which spread to all the email users’ mailboxes. Cleaning the system and returning email services to users took approximately two days to complete.


The principles of need to know and least privilege specify that users are granted access to only what they need to perform their job. The principle of need to know specifies users have access only to the data they need. The principle of least privilege specifies that users have only the rights and permissions they need to perform their job.

Each of these examples shows only the threat, but various controls could have been implemented to have prevented the threat. For example, if users had access to data they didn’t need, the principles of least privilege and need to know could have been implemented. However, the goal at this stage is only to identify the threats.

Similar Organizations’ Historical Data. Many threats are common to similar organizations. By identifying the threats against similar organizations, possible threats against a specific organization can be identified. For example, attackers like to attack law enforcement websites. Years ago, many instances occurred of such websites being defaced. However, most law enforcement agencies recognize the threat today, and they take additional steps to protect their websites.

Any organization with public-facing servers faces similar threats. Apache is a popular web server product that can be run on UNIX, Linux, and Microsoft platforms. It serves webpages over the Internet. Any company that hosts Apache faces the same threats as companies with public-facing servers.


An attacker defaces a website by changing the contents. For example, instead of seeing the home page for the website, a user might see the home page for a porn site. In addition, attackers often leave a calling card of sorts. Somewhere on the page, an attacker may include text similar to “hacked by xxx.” Another variation is “p’wned by xxx.” Pwn and p’wned are slang for own or owned. In other words, attackers are bragging that they conquered the site.

Local Area Data. Primary considerations for the local area are weather conditions and natural disasters. If a location is on the coast and the coast has had hurricanes in the past, it will likely have hurricanes in the future. If a location is in a flood zone, it will likely flood in the future.

Anyone who has lived in the area knows what the natural threats are. Someone new to the area can interview employees or other locals and should get more than one perspective because one person’s disaster may be another person’s minor inconvenience. Steps should not be taken to resolve problems based on anecdotal evidence alone.

For example, local employees may live in a flood zone. They may relay horrific stories of how flood waters flowed into their homes and destroyed everything on the first floor. While this event was horrific for them, its happening previously doesn’t mean your organization will flood in the future. This information should be balanced against other sources, such as flood zone maps, which show exactly the areas that are likely to flood. If the organization is on high ground and not in a flood zone, steps do not need to be taken to protect it from a flood.

Performing Threat Modeling

Threat modeling is more complex than just researching historical data for threats. It is a process used to assess and document an application’s or a system’s security risks.

Ideally, threat modeling is performed before an application is written or a system is deployed. It is done when security is considered throughout the full life cycle of a product or service. In other words, if security is considered only at the end of the project, it frequently falls short.

When threat modeling is used, the assets to be evaluated first need to be identified. Asset management helps in identifying the assets that are important to an organization, including their value. Steps can then be taken to identify the threats against the valuable assets.

A key part of threat modeling is to think like an adversary, instead of a manager or an administrator. In this context, the adversary can be an external attacker or an internal user. The internal user doesn’t have to be malicious to be a threat. However, if the internal user has the potential to accidentally cause harm, the result is the same.

An excellent starting point when performing threat modeling is to use the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure. The seven domains are presented later in this section with best practices.

When performing threat modeling, here are some of the key questions that should be asked:

  • What system needs to be protected?
  • Is the system susceptible to attacks?
  • Who are the potential adversaries?
  • How might a potential adversary attack?
  • Is the system susceptible to hardware or software failure?
  • Who are the users?
  • How might an internal user misuse the system?

Threat modeling for complex systems can become quite extensive. Depending on the system being evaluated, specific objectives may need to be defined to limit the scope of the evaluation.

Wireless and WEP

Wired equivalent privacy (WEP) is an example of how security can fall short if it is not considered throughout the development cycle. In the early days of wireless network development, the primary goal was to ensure that devices could easily connect, and it was a huge success.

Toward the end of the development cycle, the developers started looking at security of wireless networks. They came up with WEP as a way to provide the same level of security in wireless networks as was available in wired networks, but it fell well short of its goal.

WEP had several vulnerabilities, and tools became available to hack into it. Eventually, the group that designed wireless had to go back to the drawing board to redesign security. They came up with Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) as an interim fix and then WPA2 as a permanent fix.

Today, secure wireless networks can be created. However, if threat-modeling techniques had been used during the beginning stages of the wireless life cycle, the problems with WEP might never have occurred. Developers might have identified and fixed the vulnerabilities before releasing WEP.

When performing threat assessments, understanding the system or application being evaluated is important. This understanding includes what systems are involved and how data flows into and out of the systems. Without a full understanding of a system, shifting the perspective to being an attacker is difficult. Understanding a system often requires interviewing the experts and reviewing the documentation on the system.

Analogy and Comparison with Similar Situations and Activities

Law enforcement personnel, including local law enforcement, FBI, CIA, and Secret Service, commonly use threat assessments. For example, every time the local police answer calls to crime scenes, they quickly evaluate the situation. For example, a wife calls to complain that her husband is abusing her. The police know that this can be a violent and explosive scene because the husband could have a weapon or the wife could turn on the police when she realizes her husband is being arrested.

Similarly, every time the president of the United States travels somewhere, Secret Service teams go there first and perform threat assessments. The teams evaluate every path the president will take and look for potential threats. They visit the ultimate destinations and evaluate them. They consider the possibility of snipers and bombs, evaluate employees with a focus on new employees, and investigate any tips.

Best Practices for Threat Assessments Within the Seven Domains of a Typical IT Infrastructure

One method of ensuring that all threats have been addressed is to use the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure: User Domain, Workstation Domain, LAN Domain, LAN-to-WAN Domain, WAN Domain, Remote Access Domain, and System/Application Domain. FIGURE 8-2 shows the seven domains.

An illustration showing what the seven domains of a typical I T infrastructure are.

FIGURE 8-2 The seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure.

Methodically going through each of these domains and evaluating the threats allows for the evaluation of potential threats from different perspectives. Here are some best practices that can be used when evaluating these threats:

  • Assume nothing, recognizing that things change.
  • Verify that systems operate and are controlled as expected.
  • Limit the scope of the assessment to a single domain at a time.
  • Use documentation and flow diagrams to understand the system that’s being evaluated.
  • Identify all possible entry points for the domain that’s being evaluated.
  • Consider threats to confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
  • Consider internal and external human threats.
  • Consider natural threats.
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