Part VI
Bonus Material

When I seek to explain the mysteries of Nikon’s more advanced cameras, I seem to get an equal number of comments from experienced shooters and beginners. The veterans urge me to confine my explanations solely to more advanced topics and techniques, because explanations of basic f/stops and shutter speeds are old hat to them. Yet, I also hear from less experienced owners of these cameras, courageous folk who have invested in an advanced camera that they don’t expect to grow out of, and who want to know all the details, with plenty of background material to help them get up to speed. They want me to blend explanations of camera operation with basic photography in a book that is, after all, titled David Busch’s Nikon D800/D800E Guide to Digital SLR Photography.

Although I do combine basics and advanced material throughout the book, this Part VI is a recognition of the needs of both groups. Here, you’ll find “bonus” material of a more basic sort, accessible to those who need it (as well as to those who just need a refresher), while removing it from the main body of the book. Even the most advanced photographers will concede that there was a time when they, too, wished they had explanations of this sort available. In this part you’ll find:

Image Appendix A: Nikon D800/D800E Pre-Flight Checklist. This appendix has everything the new Nikon D800 owner needs to unpack and set up the camera prior to beginning shooting. And if, as I expect, you’ve already started shooting, it’s not too late to glean some useful information from this checklist.

Image Appendix B: What Lenses Can Do for You. Here is a simple explanation of what different types of lenses do, and how to choose among the available focal lengths and ranges Nikon offers. You’ll discover that this is a supplement to Chapter 7, where I describe specific lenses and their applications.

Image Appendix C: Software Tools. Learn about Nikon Capture NX 2, Nikon Camera Control Pro 2, and other offerings, as well as alternative tools like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.

Image Appendix D: Troubleshooting and Prevention. This is a simple explanation of updating firmware, protecting your image files, cleaning your sensor, and other maintenance chores. I’m also going to provide discussions of moiré, diffraction, and some early D800 “bugs,” including freeze-ups, greenish LCD monitors, and the infamous “left focus” miscalibration fiasco.

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