
1.1 Output from Thematic Analysis of Interview Transcripts

2.1 The Source of Ethnicity

3.1 Illustrative Perspectives on Acculturation

3.2 Alternative Acculturation Strategies

3.3 Influencers/Moderators on the Acculturation Process

3.4 Typology of Consumption Based on Two Ethnicity Indicators

4.1 Criteria for Effective Market Segmentation for Marketing Purposes

4.2 Studies of Panethnic Group Development

4.3 Reasons for Adopting a Panethnic Targeting Approach

5.1 Steps in Loyalty Development

5.2 Loyalty Dimensions

5.3 Perceived Costs in Switching Suppliers

7.1 Theories of Ethnic Minority Business Creation and Links to Minority Ethnic Groups

7.2 Drivers and Impediments in Ethnic Minority Business Creation

7.3 Predisposition Factors for Ethnic Minority Business Creation and Resource Acquisition

8.1 Ethnic Minority Business Creation Theory and Relationship With Minority Ethnic Groups

8.2 Ethnic Minority Business Selection of Growth Markets

8.3 Entrepreneurs’ Characteristics that Foment Growth (Own Resources)

8.4 Ethnic Minority Business Characteristics that Influence Growth

8.5 Characteristics of Informal Networks for Growth

8.6 Minority Ethnic Groups’ Characteristics Influencing Growth

8.7 Ethnic Minority Businesses’ HR Strategies for Growth

9.1 Targeting Decision Process for Consumer Segments Based on Ethnicity

10.1 Key Steps in Ethnic Market Segmentation

10.2 Reasons for Ethnic Minority Business Start-Up in Greece

10.3 Basic Requirements for Ethnic Minority Business Identification

10.4 Relational Strategy—Tactical Activities

11.1 Tactical Activities by Ethnic Minority Businesses—Product

11.2 Tactical Activities by Ethnic Minority Businesses—Price

11.3 Tactical Activities by Ethnic Minority Businesses—Place

11.4 Tactical Activities by Ethnic Minority Businesses—Physical Evidence

11.5 Tactical Activities by Ethnic Minority Businesses—Process

12.1 Communication Tactical Development Over Three Consumption Phases

12.2 Tactical Activities by Ethnic Minority Businesses—Promotion

12.3 Tactical Activities by Ethnic Minority Businesses—Personalization

13.1 The Dimensions of Consumer Ethnocentrism

13.2 Expatriate Skills Required to Function Effectively

13.3 Tactical Activities by Ethnic Minority Businesses—People

13.4 Ethical Norms and Values for Ethnic Minority Business (AMA, 2018)

13.5 Ethical and Social Responsibility—Ethnic Minority Businesses

13.6 Areas of Potential Ethical Failure by Ethnic Minority Business

13.7 Consequences From Unethical Targeting of Ethnic Minority Consumers by a Co-Ethnic Minority Business

13.8 Preliminary Considerations of Ethics and Social Responsibility in the B2B Domain Involving an Ethnic Minority Business

14.1 Foreign-Born Residents to Total Population, Selected OECD Economies (Percentage of Growth Rate)

14.2 Indicators of Multiculturalism

14.3 Multiculturalism Policies for Immigrant Minorities Summary Scores from 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010

14.4 Liberal Democracies Grouped by Immigration History

14.5 Top 10 Countries of Birth of Immigrants, Australia Selected Censuses

14.6 Estimated Foreign-Born Resident Population, Australia Top 10 Countries of Birth—30 June 2016(a) (b) (c)

14.7 Australia: Census 2016 Languages Spoken at Home—Leading Countries in Each Group Only

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