
I would like to thank a number of people who have made the conception and writing of this book an easier process. Both Nicholas O’Shaughnessy and Yasmin Ibrahim encouraged my research on rhetoric and marketing from an early stage and acted as sympathetic, influential sounding boards at the start of this project. I am very grateful for the sterling support that I have received in my work from Janice Denegri-Knott in her capacity as Head of Research for the Department of Corporate and Marketing Communication at Bournemouth University and also as the Head of the Promotional Cultures and Communication Centre there. Other colleagues at Bournemouth University, particularly Rutherford and David Alder, have also been very generous in listening to my ramblings and offering sage advice (most of which I have flatly ignored in the interest of consistent cantankerousness). Tomas Nilsson has been an enthusing conversational partner for much of the writing of this book and his commitment to the rhetorical nature of marketing and management work is energizing. Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Şebnem, to whom this book is dedicated, for always supporting me, inspiring me, keeping me sane, and helping me to remember the magic power of language every day.

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