




A-C Network Analyzer, 157

ABC television network, 57

Above 890 Mc case, 5558, 140

Access charge rule, 103, 209

Adidas, 108

Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS), 146, 150

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 184189

AEG, 116

Aiken, Mark, 161

Allocation issues, 1617, 5356, 123, 139, 146

Altair personal computer, 182

AM broadcasting, 135136

America Online, 106

American Bell Telephone Company, 25, 28, 30

American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 57, 135

American Can Company, 43

American Carriers Telecommunications Association (ACTA), 190

American Marconi Company, 134

American Petroleum Institute (API), 55, 59

Central Committee on Radio Facilities, 55

American Speaking Telephone Company, 22, 27

Ameritech Corp., 102105, 145

Ampex, 13

Andreessen, Marc, 180

Antanasoff, John, 160

Antitrust enforcement; see also specific cases

competition and, 83, 85

Eisenhower administration and, 47, 57

Ford administration, 8485

Truman administration and, 4346

Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act (Tunney Act), 98, 100, 102

Apple Computers, 182183, 195

Armstrong, Edwin H., 137

Arthur D. Little Company, 74

Associated Communication, 142

Associative trails, 189

Asychronous transfer mode (ATM) switching, 7

Asynchronous digital subscriber lines (ADSL), 207208


Above 890 Me case, 5556, 140

Carterfone case, 5860, 7172

cellular communication and, 146147, 150, 155

computer development and, 163, 167, 171173

Computer Il/III decisions, 176177

early history of predecessor companies, 1116, 2025, 132

foundations of modem company, 2529

Hush-A-Phone case, 5152

interconnection policies and restrictions, 4853

McCaw Cellular and, 152153

MCI and, 6469

antitrust suit, 77, 8485, 88, 95

Bell of Pennsylvania Case, 7376

Execunet case, 7680

military research and, 4748, 100, 137138, 144, 159, 184188

as public-private partnership, 3237

radio and, 3739, 134136

as regulated monopoly and public utility, 2932

reorganization of, 103105, 200201

satellite communications, 5758, 123125

Specialized Common Carrier (SCC) decision, 6769

strategic alliances, 126129

structure of the firm, 8182, 94, 116

tariff responses (TELPAK), 56

television transmission and, 5355

United States v. AT&T

Judge Greene’s first decision, 9293

beginning of the case, 8286

the complaint, 8688

reaction to suit, 8891

settlement factors, 96105

United States v. Western Electric case, 4246

Modification of Final Judgment, 86, 96, 100, 142, 178

purpose of suit, 45

settlement of 1956, 4648, 83

@ Home, 207

Automobile, as technological breakthrough, 4, 13

Automobile Manufactures Association, 140


Babbage, Charles, 156

Backward integration, 50

Baker, Donald, 77

Baldridge, Holmes, 45

Bangemann, Martin, 120

Bangemann Report, 120

Bar, François, 115

Baran, Paul, 185186, 190

Barry, Marion, 204


Basic nonvoice service, 172173

Basic transmission service, 174, 176

Baumol, William, 64

Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, 43

Baxter, William, 99101

Bell, Alexander Graham, 21, 23, 131132, 190

Bell Atlantic Corp., 102, 105, 195197

Bell, Daniel, 5

Bell of Pennsylvania case, 7376

Bell Telephone Company, Gardiner G. Hubbard, trustee, 26, 81

Bell Telephone Laboratories (Bell Labs), 24, 81, 158

AT&T codefendant, 8790, 94, 98, 101

cellular communication and, 143146

scientific and technological advances, 26, 34, 62, 160, 175, 184, 193

Western Electric case and, 4547

Bellcore, 104, 175

BellSouth Corp., 102, 113, 149, 200

Beniger, James R., 5, 19

Bemers-Lee, Tim, 189

Betamax, 13

Bhushan, Abhay, 187

Bitnet, 188

Biunno, Vincent, 96, 100

Blue network, 134

Boole, George, 158

British Telecommunications (BT), 106, 125129

Broadcasting, 18, 133, 209

toll broadcasting, 136

Brown, Charles, 100

Bunker-Ramo Corporation, 164166, 175

Bureau of the Census, 161

Bush Differential Analyzer, 157

Bush, George, 206

Bush, Vannevar, 157158, 189

Busicom, 181

Business premises, 72

Bypassing local loop, 141142

facility bypass, 142

service bypass, 142


Cable Communications Policy Act, 203, 205

Cable television, 112, 199, 201206

future of, 206209

history of, 201202

regulation of, 205206

“Califomiaization of need”, 108

Call-Net, 128

Canada, telecommunications and, 116, 128

Canada Telecom Act, 127

Capital requirements, 114115

Carter Electronics, 59

Carter, Jimmy, 76, 91

Carter administration, 98 Carter, Thomas F., 59

Carterfone case, 5660, 94, 162, 169

tariff revisions, 7174

Celler, Emmanuel, 4748

Cellular digital pocket data (CDPD) system, 151

Cellular One, 150

Cellular radio, 105

Cellular telephone, 112, 144145, 154

growth of, 142148

McCaw Cellular, 149153

Central processing units (CPUs), 180

CERN, 188189

Cincinnati Bell, 26, 99, 101

Citizens band (CB) radio, 143

Claircom Communications, 151

Clark, Tom, 45

Clarke, Arthur, 123

Clayton Act, 7778

Clinton, Bill, 106, 208209

Coase, R. H., 16, 34, 82, 139

Coaxial cable, 8, 5154, 207

Coca-Cola, 108

Code division multiple access (CDMA), 15

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 135136

Comcast Corporation, 152

Commerce Department, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 125

Commercial Cable Company, 134

Commercial Internet Exchange, 188

Common Carrier Bureau, 6768, 7375, 172, 203

Common channel signaling (CCS), 178

Common control switching arrangement (CCSA), 7075, 95

Communication Satellite Corporation (Comsat), 57, 123125

Communications Act of 1934, 41, 52, 66, 90, 106, 138, 146

Extension Lines, 80

Communications Satellite Act 1962, 57, 123, 125

Communications satellite industry, 5658, 74, 114, 123125

Community antenna television (CATV), 201203

Comparably efficient interconnection (CEI), 177

Compatibility standards, 122

Competition, 30, 67, 76

antitrust laws and, 83, 94

contrived competition, 65, 90

government monopolies and, 115116

Complex Number Calculator, 158

CompuServe, 176, 184185

Computer Associates International, 198

Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA), 171

Computer industry, 6061, 167

brokerage business and, 164

communications and, 162171

early development of, 156159

networking, 183184

Computer I decisions, 166, 172

Computer II decisions, 99, 171176, 179

Computer III decisions, 175180

Computer Industries Association, 171

Concert Communications, 126129

Cone Mills Corporation, 7273

Conrad, Frank, 133

Consumer price index (CPI), 84, 193

Consumer trends, 109

Continental Cablevision, 207

Continuous wave transmission, 132133

Control, definition of, 5

Cornell, W. A., 143

Coming Glass, 127

Cox Cable, 204

Cox Communications, 195

Cox Enterprises, 205

Cox, Kenneth, 71, 74

CP/M operating system, 182

Cream-skimming, 64, 68

Cross elasticity of demand, 16

Cross-border trade, 107108, 114, 126127

CSnet, 188

Customer premises equipment (CPE), 19, 24, 72, 194

computers and, 162, 168, 171

deregulation of, 174

interconnection restrictions and, 4852, 58, 84, 88

manufacture of, 21

regional Bells and, 101103


D-AMPS (Digital Amps), 150

Data coordination, 3

Data processing, 118, 167, 172

Data transmission, 62, 6869, 76, 112, 124, 163

Dataphone, 163

Dataspeed 40/4 terminal, 171172

David, Paul A., 122

DDI, 114

De Butts, John, 77, 89

De Forest, Lee, 132

Defense Department, 4748, 100, 159, 184188

Demodulation, 132

Deregulation, 76, 84, 126 Design coordination, 3

Deutsche Bank, 112

Deutsche Telekom, 113, 129, 200

Diamond State Telephone, 102

Digital communication, 7, 1819, 124, 141

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 183, 188

Direct broadcast satellite (DBS), 201, 206207

Direct TV, 201

Distributed manufacturing, 5

Dow Jones News Retrieval, 184

Du Pont, 43

Duke University, 187


E-PLUS mobile telephone network, 113

Early Bird satellite, 57, 123, 125

Eastman, Joseph B., 40

Eastman Kodak, 44

Eckert, J. P., Jr., 159, 161

Eckstein, Otto, 64

Edison, Thomas A., 22

Eisenhower administration, 47, 57

Electricity industry, 157158

Electronic banking services, 112

Electronic calculators, 170

Electronic Control Company, 161

Electronic mail (e-mail), 4, 112, 182, 187, 189

End-to-end responsibility, 50

Enhanced non-voice services, 172176

Enhanced-service providers (ESPs), 177178

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), 156, 160161, 180

Entertainment companies, 200

Entrepreneurship, 1314, 198

Ethernet, 183

European Union, global telecommunications and, 119121

Execunet case, 7680, 95, 97

External growth, 126


Facility bypass, 142

Facsimile transmission, 112, 124

Faggin, Federico, 181

Fairchild Semiconductor, 169170

Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

Above 890 Mc case, 5556, 140

access charge rule, 103

AT&T case, 90, 95, 103

Bell of Pennsylvania case, 7376

Bell System Tariff Offerings decision, 75

cable television and, 201206

Carterfone case, 5860, 83, 169

cellular communication, 145148, 152

color wars and, 136

Common Carrier Bureau, 6768, 7375, 172, 203

computer communications, 164169, 174

Computer I decisions, 166, 169

Computer II decisions, 99, 171175, 178179

Computer III decisions, 175180

creation of agency, 3940

customer-provided interconnection and, 126, 168169

data processing and, 167

Execunet case, 7880

FM radio and, 137

Hush-A-Phone case, 5152

the Internet and, 190

mandate of agency, 41

Microwave Communications (MCI) decision, 6367

mobile communications and, 147

personal communications services (PCS), 154

radio common carriers (RCCs), 144

satellite communications and, 5758

specialized common carriers (SCC) investigation, 6769, 74

spectrum allocation and, 139140

Federal Radio Commission (FRC), 138

Federal Telephone System (FTS), 71

Feedback, 6, 109

Fessenden, Reginald, 132133

Fiber optics, 7, 8, 63, 125, 143, 206207

Finnegan, John, 129

Fleet Call, 151

FM radio, 137

Ford Foundation, 58

Ford, Gerald, 8485

Foreign alliances, 111

Foreign investments, 107108

France, global telecommunications and 116, 119

France Télécom, 125, 129, 200

FX (foreign exchange), 7075, 95


Gates, Bill, 8

General Electric, 38, 43, 134, 150, 157, 166, 195

General Motors, 13, 43

General Telephone of the Southwest, 59

Geosynchronous satellite orbit, 123

Germany, public monopoly system and, 115116, 119

Gifford, George, 23

Global One, 129

Global telecommunications, 106112, 221

capital issues, 113115

government regulation and, 115120

international standards, 113, 121122

strategic alliances and joint ventures, 126130

Globalstar, 114, 154

Goeken, John, 65

Goldstein, Irving, 126

Gopher, 185

Gore, Albert, 110, 156

Gould, Jay, 23

Government policy, 911, 113, 192, 212

globalization and, 115121

Grady, John, 78

Grand Metropolitan, 126

Gray, Elisha, 2122

Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 43

Greene, Harold F., 82, 86, 91104passim, 148, 178

Gross domestic product (GDP), 107

Grove, Andrew S., 180, 207

Grubman, Jack, 200

GTE Airfone, 151

GTE Corporation, 67, 85, 102, 112, 116, 147, 177


Hart, Philip A., 74, 83

Hawaiian Telephone Company, 85

Hayek, Friedrich A., 910, 105

Hayes Microcomputer Products, 184

Henry, E. William, 59

Henry, Joseph, 210

Hertz, Heinrich, 131

High definition television (HDTV), 210

Hill, G. Christian, 200

HI/LO tariff, 74

Hoff, Marcian E. (Ted), 89

Hoff, Ted, 181

Hollerith, Herman, 157

Home Box Office (HBO), 20

Hoover, Herbert, 134, 138139

Hubbard, Gardnier, 22, 26

Huber, Peter, 65

Hughes Aircraft, 57

Hughes Electronics, 151

Hume, David, 16

Hush-A-Phone case, 5152, 162, 164

Hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC), 207

Hybrid service, 167

Hyde, Rosel H., 67

Hypercommunications, 4, 200, 209

Hypertext, 189


IBM, 14, 108, 171, 211

conflicts, 47

history of, 157, 161162, 182183

Computer II and, 171

dominance of, 89, 108,

IDB Communications Group, Inc, 111

Illinois Bell, 6465, 7173, 104

Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS), 144

In-Flight Phone Corporation, 151

Industrial Reorganization Act, 84

Industry regulation, 1415

Information industries, 56, 1819

Information-service provider, 101, 178

Infrastructural service costs, 84

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 184

Integrated service digital network (ISDN), 178179

Intel Corporation, 89, 105, 180181, 197, 207

Intelligent network (IN), 179

Interconnection, 4851, 126

Carterfone case, 5860, 7172

Hush-A-Phone case, 5152, 162, 164

International Frequency Registration Board (IFRD), 123

International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR), 121123

International Radiotelegraph Convention, 121

International Satellite, Inc., 124

International standards, 113, 121122

International telecommunications organizations, 121126

International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Intelsat), 123126

International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 122

International Telegraph Convention, 121

International Telegraph Union, 121

International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee (CCITT), 123

Internet, 105, 126, 178181, 207, 212

development of, 185187

freedom of expression and, 210

the World Wide Web, 189190

Internet protocol (IP), 188

Internet telephony, 190

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 3233, 41, 138

Ionosphere (Kennelly-Heaviside layer), 132

Iowa State University, 160

Iridium World Communications, 114115, 154

ITT Corporation, 85, 98, 170


Jacquard, Joseph-Marie, 156

Japan, telecommunication system, 118119, 129

Java programming language, 195, 211

Jerrold Electronics Corporation, 202

Jobs, Steve, 182, 211

Johnson, Nicholas, 66

Joint ventures, 111, 114115

Justice Department; see also specific cases

Antitrust Division, 43, 46, 77

strategic alliances and, 129

JVC, 13


Kahn, Alfred, 64

KDKA radio, 133134

Kellogg, Michael, 65

Kennedy, John F., 123

Kennedy administration, 57

Kennelly-Heaviside layer, 132

Key telephone systems (KTSs), 169

Keynes, John Maynard, 10

Keystone Telephone Company, 29

Keystone Tubular, 7374

Kilby, Jack, 169

Kildall, Gary, 182

Kingsbury Commitment, 3233

KINKO’S (videoconferencing network), 112

Kuhn, Thomas S., 11

Kumar, Sanjay, 198


Large-scale integration (LSI), 170

Lazard-Freres Co., 198

Liberalization, 124126

Licklider, J. C. R., 187

Lin Broadcasting, 153

Lippmann, Walter, 10

Litvack, Sanford, 99

Livesay, Harold, 28

L.M. Ericsson, 147, 150, 155

Local Access and Transport Areas (LATAs), 104

Local multipoint distribution service (LMDS), 208

Local service (local loops), 21, 24, 101

bypassing loop, 141142

MCI and, 66, 7374

Vail and, 2629

Lodge, Oliver, 131

Long distance service, 21, 2425, 101, 125

bypass threat, 142

Computer II and, 99

Execunet case, 76, 79, 97

interconnection restrictions, 49

MCI and, 6567

Vail and, 2699

Low-earth-orbit satellites (LEOs), 154

Lucent Technologies, 200201


MacAvoy, Paul, 192

McCaw Cellular Communications, 82, 145, 201

growth of hypercommunications, 149153

McCaw, Craig, 149

McCaw, John E., 149

McConn, Jim, 204205

McDonald’s Corporation, 5, 108

McGowan, William, 6566, 76, 85, 95

Machlup, Fritz, 18

Madrid Conference (1932), 122

Manchester University, 160

Mann-Elkins Act, 32

Marconi, Guglielmo, 131132, 134

Market, definition of, 1516

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 157158, 163, 165

Mauchly, John, 159161

Maxwell, James Clerk, 131

Melody, William H., 95

Memory chips, 118

Mergers, 126

Merrill Lynch, 107

Metal-on-silicon (MOS) manufacturing, 181

Microprocessor, 8, 170, 197

computers and, 180184

development of, 181182

V-chip, 210211

Microsoft, 8, 105106, 114, 182183, 188189, 195

Microwave Communications of America (Micom), 65

Microwave Communications Inc. (MCI)

antitrust suit, 77, 8485, 88, 95

Bell of Pennsylvania Case, 7376

competiton and, 1112, 1516, 104

Execunet and, 7680

F.C.C.’s decision and SCC investigation, 6669

FX and CCSA service, 7173

history of firm, 6366, 140

as industry challenger, 6163, 66, 125126

strategic alliances, 126129, 152153

Microwave transmission, 8, 51, 58, 60, 67, 74

Above 890 Mc case, 5356, 140

digital microwave, 141

future of, 142143

history of, 140143

Millar, Victor E., 110

Minc, Alain, 18

Minimum attribute standards, 122

Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Japan, 118

Mitsubishi, 114

Mobile phones, 143144

Modems, 122, 163, 184

Monheim, Thomas A., 154

Monopoly power, 43, 49, 7477, 83

definition under Sherman Act, 8788, 94

Moore, Gordon, 197

Moore’s Law, 197

Morse, Samuel F. B., 67, 121, 131, 210

Motorola, 114, 143, 152, 154, 182

MS-DOS, 182

Muller, Leonard A., 170

Multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS), 208

Multimedia, 180


Nader, Ralph, 35

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 168

National Bell Telephone Company, 2224, 27

National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 134

National Commission for the Review of Antitrust Laws and Procedures, 91

National Retail Merchants Association, 58

National Science Foundation, 188

Nationalization of phone service, 30

Natural monopoly, 8, 3031, 6768, 79, 94

NCR Corporation, 82, 200

Netscape Communications, 105106, 180, 188189, 195

Network interconnection (collocation), 177

Network switching, 1720, 24, 90

New England Telephone Company, 26

New Jersey Bell, 87

New York Public Service Commission, 165

Newcomer, Clarence, 75

Nextel Communications, 151153

Niche markets, 111, 125

Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT), 113, 118119

Nixon administration, 68, 98

Nora, Simon, 18

North American Cellular Network (NACN), 150

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 107

Noyce, Robert, 169170

NYNEX, 105


Ohio Bell, 104

Ohmae, Kenichi, 108

Oligopoly power, 74

Olivetti, 128

On-line database services, 112

One-stop telecommunication services, 111, 129

Open network architecture (ONA), 177178

Optical fiber technology, 125

Oracle Systems, 195

Orion Satellite Corporation, 124


Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, 26, 87, 99

Pacific Telesis Group, 102, 105

Packet switching, 186187

Paley, William S., 135

Pan Am Sat, 125

Partoll, Alfred C., 176

Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, 201

Personal communications services (PCS), 153155

Personal computer (PC), 89, 211

microprocessor and, 180184

Petroleum industry, 5560

Philips Electronics, 13

Philips NV, 128

Phillips, Almarin, 83

Phoenix, 129

Point-of-sale data, 109

Point-to-point service, 6869, 132133, 154

Political entrepreneurs, 35

Politics, technology, and markets, 1217

Porter, Michael, 110

Porter, Patrick, 28

Post office and telephone and telegraph systems (PTT), 116117, 120, 124, 129

Preston, Michael, 184

Prime Management, 196

Primestar Partners, 208

Private branch exchange (PBX), 63, 70, 169

Private lines, 3, 65, 6871, 7577, 113, 165

Privatization, 10, 106, 115, 124, 126

Prodigy, 184, 195

Progressivism, 30

Protocols, 177, 187188

PSC Prime, 200

Public philosophy, 1012, 48, 67, 140

challenges to, 69, 76, 79, 84

changes towards competition, 9798

public service goals, 8990

Public utility commissions (PUCs), 3236, 88

watchdog groups, 3536

Pullman Company, 4445


Qualcomm, 154155, 189


Radio Act of 1912, 138

Radio Act of 1927, 138139

Radio broadcasting, 3839, 55, 121

development of industry, 132137

early history, 131132

Radio common carriers (RCCs), 144

Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 3839, 53, 134, 136

Radio-Electronics Television Manufacturers Association (RETMA), 55

Ragland Telephone Company, 116

RAMAN laser, 62

Rand Corporation, 185

Rasmussen, Wayne, 192

Rate averaging, 7475

Reagan administration, 99100, 124

Red network, 134

Redundancy of distributed network, 185186

Reed-Bulwinkle Act, 43

Reference standards, 122

Regional Bell operating companies (RBOCs), 81, 101104, 148, 175178, 195

Remington Rand, 161

Rights-of-way, 112113

Roberts, Bert C., Jr., 76

Roberts, Ed, 182

Rogers Cantel, 150

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 10, 134

RWE, 113


Salomon Brothers, 107

Sanders, Thomas, 22, 26

Sanyo, 109

Samoff, David, 134135, 137

SBC Communications, 105, 195

Scheinman, Stanley, 77

Schmookler, Jacob, 192

Schumpeter, Joseph, 1314, 211

Sears-Roebuck, 184, 195

Semiconductors, 160

Series 11000 tariffs, 6566

Service bypass, 142

Service point, 72

Shannon, Claude E., 158159

Sherman Antitrust Act, 14, 4344, 49, 59, 77

AT&T case and, 85, 91

Shulte, H. J., 143

Siemens, 116

Sloan, Alfred P., 13

Smith, Adam, 211212

Smith, Raymond W., 196

Sony, 13, 114

The Source, 184

Southern New England Telephone (SNET), 26, 99, 101

Southern Pacific Communications Corporation (SPCC), 67, 112

Southern Pacific Company, 67, 112

Southwestern Bell Corp., 15, 59, 102, 105, 195

Space communications, 5658

Specialized Common Carrier (SCC) decision, 6769

AT&T case and, 9596

competition intensifies, 6973, 84, 88

Specialized mobile radio (SMR) services, 151152

Spectra, 1617

Spectrum allocation, 53, 123, 146

regulation, 137140

spectrum as scarce resource, 5556, 139

Sperry, Elmer, 156

Sperry Gyroscope Company, 157

Sperry-Rand, 161

Sprint Corporation, 65, 80, 114, 126129, 155, 200

history of, 112113

Standards, compatibility standards, 122

minimum attribute standards, 122

reference standards, 122

Stanford Research Institute (SRI), 166

Statements of Contention and Proof (SCP), 9394

Stentor, 128

Stibitz, George, 158

Stock exchanges, 107

Strachey, Christopher, 165

Strassburg, Bernard, 7475

Strategic alliances, 126129

Sun Microsystems, 188, 195, 211

Supreme Court, 97, 146, 204

Switched Circuit Automatic Network (SCAN), 71

Switched networks, 3, 69, 97

Switching, 1720, 24, 51, 118, 125, 164, 186187

Synoptic delusion, 910

Synoptics Communications, 111

System/360 (IBM), 162


Tabulating Machine Company, 157

Tanzer, Gerd, 117

Tariffs, 7274, 9495, 174

Bell System Tariff Offerings decision, 7576

TAT-1/-8/-13, 125

Tatum Telephone Company, 90

Technological innovation, marketing and, 13

Tele Promp Ter, 203204

Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI), 195197, 205, 207

Tele-education, 3

Telebanking, 3


computer networks and, 1819

entry controls, 14

as force of change, 3, 6, 191194, 197

future of, 3, 211212

globalization, response to, 106107, 109115, 119

government regulation and, 4, 1417, 115121

growth of sector, 3, 195201

guardians of public interest groups, 3536

interconnection and, 4853

international organizations, 121126

international standards, 122

product differentiation, 199200

technology risks, 197198

World Wide Web and, 190

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 86, 105, 175, 201, 206210

Telecommuting, 3

Teleconferencing, 3

Telecontrol, industrial/service operations, 3, 5

Telegraph, 67, 14, 23, 117, 121, 131, 210211

Telelaw, 3

Telemarketing, 3

Telemedicine, 3


foreign attachments and, 4950

history of, 3, 14

invention of, 2122

patents and, 2223, 49

Telepoint services, 153154

Telequote III/IV, 164166, 175

Teleshopping, 3

Television Broadcasters Association (TBA), 54

Television transmission

color wars, 136137

control over, 5354

early history of, 53, 132137

UHF television, 137

Telmex, 195


Texas Instruments (TI), 160, 169170, 181

Thatcher, Margaret, 11

Thomson-CSF, 116

Thome, John, 65

Time division multiple access (TDMA), 155

Time-sharing system, 165166

Time-Wamer, 196, 200, 205

Timken Roller Bearing Company, 44

Toll broadcasting, 3839, 136

Tomlinson, Ray, 187

Transistors, 8, 47, 51, 118, 160, 170, 175, 197

Transmission control protocol (TCP/IP), 188

Transmission gear manufacture, 21, 25, 97

Treaty of Rome, 120

Trienens, Howard, 100

Truman, Harry S., 4243, 161

Truman administration, antitrust activities, 4346

Tunney Act, 98, 100, 102

Turing, Alan, 159

Turing Machine, 159

Turner, Donald, 83


UHF television, 137, 192

Unisource, 129

Unisys Corp., 157

United Fruit, 38

United Independent Broadcasters, 135

United Kingdom, 119

United Nations, 122123

United States v. AT&T,

Judge Greene’s first decision, 9293

beginning of the case, 8286

the complaint, 8688

reaction to suit, 8891

settlement factors, 96105

United States v. IBM, 91

United States v. Pullman Company, 44

United States v. Western Electric Case, 4446

Modification of Final Judgment, 86, 96, 100, 142, 178

purpose of suit, 45

settlement of (1956), 4648, 83

United Telecommunications, 112

Unitel, 128129

Universal Automatic Computer (Univac), 161

University of Pennsylvania, 159

University of Pittsburgh, 132

UNIX operating system, 62, 163, 175, 187

U.S. Army Signal Corps., 137

U.S. Rubber, 43

US West, Inc., 102, 196, 200, 207

UseNet, 185, 187, 188


Vail, Theodore J., 14, 2633, 149, 190

Valley Telephone Company, 116

VEBA, 114

Verifone, Inc., 111, 195

Vermeer Technologies, 195

Vertical integration, 4445, 82, 88, 94, 103

Verveer, Philip, 85

Viacom, 195

Videocassette recorder (VCR), 13

Videoconferencing, 112, 124

Videotex, 112

Violence microprocessor (V-chip), 210

Vodafone, 113

Voice services, 172173, 177

Von Neumann, John, 160


Waddy, Joseph C., 91

Wal-Mart, 109

Walker, Paul A., 42

Walson, John, Sr., 201

WATS (wide area telephone service), 70, 76, 79

Watson, Thomas, 132

Waverman, Leonard, 141

Weaver, Suzanne, 83

Western Electric, 26, 28, 40, 96, 170

AT&T case codefendant, 8788, 90, 101

aviation radio and, 137138

1949 case, 4446

prelude to 1949 case, 4244

settlement of (1956), 4648, 83, 85, 9899, 163

Western Union, 2223, 27, 71, 73, 211

Bunker-Ramo case, 164166

Westinghouse, 38, 133134

Westrex Corporation, 47

Willis-Graham Act, 33

Wilson administration, 134

Wilson, James Q., 35

Wire pairs, 8

Wireless transmission, 131133, 143

allocation, 1617

AM broadcasting, 135

development of industry, 133137, 143

personal communications services (PCS) and, 153155

World Partners, 129

World Wide Web (WWW), 105, 180, 185, 188200, 211

Wright, Skelly, 80


Xerox, 182183, 211


Yellow Pages, 101, 103

Yovelle Renaissance Corporation, 195



Alan Stone is professor of political science at the University of Houston. Educated at Columbia Law School (J.D.) and the University of Chicago (M.A., Ph.D.), he has been a senior trial attorney with the Federal Trade Commission. He is the author of many books, including Wrong Number: The Breakup of AT&T and Public Service Liberalism: Telecommunications and Transitions in Public Policy, and is a past president of the Policy Studies Organization.

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