

ACM, see Association for Computing Machinery

“Add-a-ball” game, 26

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 102, 121

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain Cartridge, see Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin Cartridge, 102, 103

Advanced Research Products Agency (ARPA), 41

Adventure, 97, 116; see also Spacewar!

ARPAnet, 116117

commands, 116

in console games, 101103

Hi-Res Adventure games, 118119

On-Line Systems, 118119

Zork group, 117

Adventure games, 223

in full 3D graphics, 186

game spaces and control schemes, 189

Mario-based gameplay, 187188

multi-tiered game, 186187

Afterburner, 143, 159

Age of Empires, 200

Akalabeth, 121

Alchemy Deluxe, 205

Alien Hominid, 219220, 229

All-American Automatic Baseball Game, 14

Alone in the Dark, 179

Altered Beast, 159

Altered Beast, Sega arcade games, 161

Amazing Maze, The, 68

Ancient Art of War, The, 137

Angry Birds, 206

Anime series, 222

Anti-aliasing technique, 125

Arcade games

adventure and exploration in console games, 101105

altering time in home console games, 100101

arcades spawn 3D revolution, simulators in, 175177

arcade-style games, 97

characters and narrative in, 79

design, 1

designers, 92

Donkey Kong, 82, 83

home console games, 99100

iconic Pac-Man arcade cabinet, 80

maze-based arcade games, 84

Ms. Pac-Man, 81

North American console crash, 108111

resource management games on home consoles, 106107

rhythm games, 199

sports games for home, 107

ARPA, see Advanced Research Products Agency

ARPAnet, 41, 49, 116117

“Art games”, 223

Artificial intelligence, 3034

Assembly language, 114115, 127

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 32

Asteroids game, 72, 77, 94, 99

Astron Belt, 85

Atari, 91, 92

Atari 5200 Super System Controllers, 104

Atari’s VCS, 93

changes at, 94

coin-op Football, 107

Crash n’ Score, 93

employees, 96

Pong consol, 93

Soccer, 104

Space Invaders, 95, 104

Sunnyvale Research Lab, 172

Athletic Punching Machine, 4

Automata, 24

Auto Test, 22

Avatar in digital games, 10


Baffle Ball, 1617

Bagatelle, 14, 16

Ball and paddle game design

Electromotion IV, 62

Gee Bee, 6061

late ball and paddle games, 60

video arcade games, 61

Warlords, 6061

BallBlazer™, 125

BART station, see Bay-Area Rapid Transit station

Basic Math game, 93

BASIC programming language, 115

Basketball, 100

Batch processing model, 40

Battleship, 40

Battlezone, 88

Bay-Area Rapid Transit station (BART station), 61

BBC, see British Broadcasting Corporation

BBC Computer Literacy Project, 114

BBC Micro, 126

Beat ’em up independent games, 143145, 230

Bejeweled, 205206, 207, 229

Bell, Ian, 126

Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, 50, 128

BioShock, 195

BioShock 2, 195

BioShock Infinite, 195

Blackjack, 93

Blockade, 68, 86, 93

Blockade and Snake, 229

Blood, 184

Bloom maps, 211

Botanicula, 228

Braben, David, 126

Braid, 231232

Breakout, 60, 172

“British Ace” mode, 123

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 114

Broadband internet connections, 206207

Bubble Bobble, 84

Bumper, 18

Bump maps, 211

Burgertime, 84


Cake-based puzzle in The 7th Guest, 169

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, 213

Cams, 2

Canard Digérateur, see “Digesting Duck”

Candy Crush Saga, 208

Canova Model Company, 3, 4

Capitol Projector Corp., 22

Captain Kid Gun, 2021

Carmack, John, 180

Carnival barking, 5354

Car Polo, 72

Carrier Command, 137

Cartridges and home consoles, 166167

arcade, 99111

competition in home market, 9599

second generation of home consoles, 9195

Castle Crashers, 230

Castle Wolfenstein, 50

Casual games

design of casual gameplay, 205206

digital distribution and, 208209

emergence of, 203

“Sim” games, 204

storage capacity, 203204

Catacomb, 180

Catacomb 3-D: The Descent, 182

Cathode ray tube (CRT), 32

Cave Story, 223


interactive film and games, 166

Maddog McCree for IBM PCs, 167

puzzle games in era of multimedia, 168171

segmented structure of video clips, 168

Centipede, 227

Character-based action games, 186

Character-centric climbing games

Bubble Bobble, 84

Burgertime, 84

Dig Dug, 84

Ghosts ’n Goblins, 84

Mario Bros, 84

Pengo, 84

Q*bert, 84

Character models, 209

Chess, 3032, 42

Douglas’ program, 33

game of Nim, 32

Chocolate Factory film, 51

Cinematic perspectives, 195

fully 3D third-person games, 195196

Grim Fandango, 196197

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, 197198

Cloudy Mountain’s design, 102

Coin-op competitive testers, 46

Coin-operated amusement, 2

automata, 24

coin-op competitive testers, 46

coin-op viewers, 67

coin-op working models, 24

early twentieth century gun game trade stimulator, 6

Electricity is Life, 4, 5, 1904 Mills Novelty

Coin-op viewers, 67

Coin-op working models, 24

Coleco entering console market, 97

Coleco’s mini arcade cabinets, 99

instruments AY-3–8500, 98

ColecoVision systems, 96, 107

Color, 210

maps, 211

Colossal Cave Adventure, see Adventure

Combat game, 93, 100

Command & Conquer, 106

Commander Keen in “Invasion of the Vorticons”, 180, 181

Commercialized digital games, early, 51

approaches to, 51

electromechanical games to digital arcade, 6270

Magnavox Odyssey, 5558

monetizing Spacewar!, 5255

new technology in consumer market, 51

Pong and variations on ball and paddle game design, 5862

Compton’s MultiMedia Encyclopedia, 165

Computer games, 30, 114116, 181

on Famicom/NES, 157159

Tennis for Two and beginning of entertainment applications for, 3436

Computer-generated imagery, 51

Computer Lib/Dream Machines, 113

Computer-manipulated imagery, 51

Computer networks and games, 40; see also Hacker ethic and games

adapting Dungeons & Dragons to PLATO, 4349

ARPAnet, 41

into commercial realm, 50

early 3D and networked games, 4950

multiplayer games, 4143

PLATO, 4143

Computer Programme, The, 114

Computer role-playing game (CRPG), 122, 180

directions in, 122

Computer Space, 5254, 58

Computer Tennis, 36

Conquest, 42

Console games, adventure and exploration in, 101

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain Cartridge, 102

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin Cartridge, 103

Atari 5200 super system controllers with overlays, 104

overlays in later second-generation controllers, 104

Pitfall!, 105

Console’s memory, 91

“Console wars”, 98, 160, 167

Consumer computers, 115

Contemporary game design

casual and mobile games, emergence of, 203206

changes in industry, 198199

consoles and maturing of games in 2000s, 199

digital distribution in 2000s, 206209

film-like gameplay in 2000s, 212214

game visuals and gameplay aesthetics in 2000s, 209212

hardware for real-time 3D gaming, 185186

Microsoft, 200202

in millennium, 198

proliferation of open world gameplay, 202203

Sega company, 199200

3D game design, 186198

Contra, 219

Controversy and formation of ESRB, 171

Counter Strike, 191, 207

Covergirl, 27

Crane, David, 96

Crash Bandicoot, 186, 195

Cricket Match, The, 10

CRPG, see Computer role-playing game

CRT, see Cathode ray tube


Dactyl Nightmare, 174, 175

Dance Dance Revolution, 199

Dangerous Dave, 181

Dark Souls, 189

Darwinia, 227, 227

DataGlove, 172, 174, 175

Daytona USA, 176

Dear Esther, 236

Death Race, 65, 66, 69

Death Race game, 100

DEC, see Digital Equipment Corporation

DECUS, see Digital Equipment Computer Users Society

Dedicated consoles

in home and signs of trouble, 6870

Odyssey 300 dedicated console, 70

Democart, 97

“Demolition derby” games, 6465

Demon Attack, 96

Demon’s Winter, 131

Descent, 189

Descent II, 189

Descent III, 189

Design-focused developer, 193

Deus Ex, 195

Devil World, 152

Diffuse maps, 210

Dig Dug, 84

“Digesting Duck”, 2

Digital arcade, electromechanical games to, 62

dedicated consoles in home and signs of trouble, 6870

early variants of maze and shooting games, 6768

Odyssey 300 dedicated console, 70

racing games in early digital arcade, 6367

TV Pingame, 6263

Digital distribution, 206209

in 2000s

broadband internet connections, 206207

casual games and, 208209

Xbox Live Arcade, 207208

Digital Equipment Computer Users Society (DECUS), 40

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 38

Digital game genres, roots of, 10

All-American Automatic Baseball Game, 14

Chester-Pollard Amusement Company, 12

Full Team Football, 10, 11

K. O. Fighters, 13, 14

penny arcade game design, 13

Play Football, 11, 12

sports-based coin-op machines, 10

Digital rights management (DRM), 151

Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, The, 230

Display hacks, 38

“Dix mille micro-ordinateurs”, 114

DLC, see Downloadable content

Donkey Kong, 82, 83, 84, 98, 100, 107, 150, 153

Doodle City, 88

Doom, 182, 190

Double Dragon, 144

Douglas’ program, 33

Doujin soft games, 221

Doukutsu Monogatari, 223

Downloadable content (DLC), 124

Dragon Quest’s, 158

Dragon’s Lair, 8485, 166

Dragon’s Lair II: Time Warp, 166

Draughtsman-Writer, 23

DRM, see Digital rights management

Duke Nukem 3D, 183

“Dungeon crawl”, 120, 122

Dungeons & Dragons, 43, 116117, 120, 131

designing for efficiency, 45

encounter in pedit5/The Dungeon, 44

encounter with seven mediums in Oubliette, 48

monetary transactions, 48

monster store in Oubliette, 47

PLATO computer network, 43

traveling through dungeon in Orthanc, 46

types of dice in, 43

Wizardry, 49

Dungeon, The, 44, 106


Early computer role-playing games, 120

dungeon crawl, 120

“hack-and-slash” style, 120

other directions in CRPGs, 122123

Ultima, 121

Easter eggs, 97

Eclectic approaches to arcade game design, 85

controls in multi-genre games, 88

I, Robot, 88, 89

Major Havoc, 87

Tron, 86

Edison, Thomas Alva, 6, 7

EDSAC, see Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator

8-bit consoles, 159160

8-bit processors, 115

Elder Scrolls: Arena, The, 203

Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall, The, 203

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The, 203

Electricity is Life, 1904 Mills Novelty, 4, 5

Electric Rifle, 5

Electromechanical games to digital arcade, 62

dedicated consoles in home and signs of trouble, 6870

early variants of maze and shooting games, 6768

Odyssey 300 dedicated console, 70

racing games in early digital arcade, 6367

TV Pingame, 6263

Electromotion IV, 62

Electronic computers and games, 2930

Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC), 29, 32

Elite, 115, 127

Empire-based programs, 43

Endless Forest, The, 225

English “Climbing Fireman” arcade, 11, 12

Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), 171

ESRB, see Entertainment Software Rating Board

ESWAT Cyber Police, Sega arcade games, 161

Eternal Champions, 148, 163

E. T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, 108

EverQuest, 203

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, 238

Everyday Shooter, 229, 231

Every Extend, 222

“Expansion Module 1”, 99

Experiments, games as

chess and artificial intelligence, 3032

computer networks and games, 4050

early games in research and scientific demonstration, 30

electronic computers and games, 2930

hacker ethic and games, 3640

Tennis for Two, 3436

Turing’s imitation game and artificial intelligence, 3334

Eye of the Beholder, 131


Famicom Console and Controllers, 150

Famicom Disk System (FDS), 156

Famicom/NES, computer games and JRPG on, 157159

Famicom/Nintendo Entertainment System, 110

FarmVille, 208

Fatality game mechanic, 148

FDS, see Famicom Disk System

Film-like gameplay, 212

in 2000s

criticism and backlash against industry, 214

quick time events, 212213

return of dedicated consoles and retro revival, 213

Firefox, 85

Firogger, 100

First person shooter (FPS), 182, 183

Five Star Final, 17


2D freeware games and, 218

struggles for legitimacy and, 218221

Flight simulations on computers, 123

BallBlazer™, 125

Elite, 127

flight simulator, 123124

Lucasfilm games group, 125126

Rescue on Fractalus™, 126

Flight Simulator, 123124, 200

Flipper, 26

flOw game, 221, 229230

Football, 56, 57

Forsaken, 189

Fortune Builder, 106, 107

FPS, see First person shooter

Freemium business model, 208

Freeware experiments with games and art, 223226

Freeware scene, 221223

French Execution, The, 34

French TO 7 computer, 114

Full 3D graphics

Half-Life, 190191

multiplayer-only FPSs, 191

person in full 3D graphics, 189

platforming and adventure games in, 186189

Quake, 189190

tactical gameplay, 192193

Full Team Football, 10, 11

Fulop, Rob, 96


Galaga, 76

Galaxian, 76

Galaxian 3: Project Dragoon, 176

Galaxy Game, 52

Game authorship, 97

GameCube, 200, 211

Game design for VCS, 9394

Game development, 114

Game of Dungeons, The, 45

Gameplay aesthetics, 209212

in 2000s

bump mapping, 211212

character models, 209210

effects of pixel shaders, 211

realism in surfaces, 210

Gameplay feel “sloppy”, 98


casual and mobile games, emergence of, 203206

changes in industry, 198199

consoles and maturing of games in 2000s, 199

digital distribution in 2000s, 206209

film-like gameplay in 2000s, 212214

game visuals and gameplay aesthetics in 2000s, 209212

Microsoft, 200202

in millennium, 198214

proliferation of open world gameplay, 202203

Sega company, 199200

Game visuals in 2000s, 209

bump mapping, 211212

character models, 209210

effects of pixel shaders, 211

realism in surfaces, 210

Garry’s Mod, 234

Gauntlet, 107, 180

Gee Bee, 6061

Ghostly apparition retreats down hallway in The 7th Guest, 169

Ghosts ’n Goblins, 84

Glow maps, 211

GLQuake, 190

God of War, 203

Golden Age Arcade, 6768, 7172, 114115; see also Sega arcade games

in coin-op games, 89

directions in shooter design, input, and theme, 7679

eclectic approaches to design, 8589

gameplay, 8485

head-to-head fighting game, 145148

laserdiscs, 8485

narrative, 8485

pseudo-3D in games, 142143

shooting and shoot ’em ups in, 7376

side-scrolling action and beat ’em up, 143145

Space Invaders and coin shortages, 75

stronger characters and narrative in arcade games, 7984

tendencies and new concepts in, 72

2D game design trends after, 142

Western responses to head-to-head fighting game, 148149

Golden Axe, Sega arcade games, 161

Golden Eye 007, 201

Gone Home, 237

Goonies II, The, 157

Gotcha, 6768

Grand Prix, 96

Grand Theft Auto, 202

Grand Theft Auto III, 202

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, 203

Gran Trak 10, 63, 67, 93

Graphic adventure games, from text to, 116119

Graphic user interface (GUI), 130, 135, 136

Graveyard, The, 225

Grim Fandango, 196197

GUI, see Graphic user interface

Gun Fight, 73

Gun games, 6, 166

Gunroar, 223


“Hack-and-slash” style, 120

Hacker ethic and games, 36; see also Computer networks and games

Spacewar! on PDP-1 minicomputer, 39

spread and modification of Spacewar!, 3740

“Hacker ethic” principles, 37

Half-Life, 190

Half-Life 2, 207, 234

Hall, Tom, 180

Halo: Combat Evolved, 201

Hang-On, 200

Happy Days, 69

Haptic feedback, 175

Hard Drivin’, 176

Hardware for real-time 3D gaming, 185186

Haunted House, 5657, 103

Head-mounted displays (HMDs), 171

Head-to-head fighting game, 145148

Western responses to, 148

Heretic, 184

Hexen: Beyond Heretic, 184

Hexen II, 190

“High strung prima donnas”, 95

Hi-Res Adventure games, 118119

HMDs, see Head-mounted displays

Holosseum, 166

Home computers

computer games, 114116

computers and second generation consoles, 115

early computer role-playing games, 120123

flight and vehicle simulations on computers, 123127

microcomputer revolution, 113114

mouse and computer games, 129140

from text to graphic adventure games, 116119

Turbo Deluxe Joystick Controller, 116

visuals and action-adventure games for computers, 127129

Home console games, 99100

altering time in, 100101

Home consoles

adapting to 3D context, 177

resource management games on, 106107

second generation of, 91

Starfox, 178

32X by third-party developers, 179

Home market, competition in

emergence of third-party developers, 9596

game authorship and Easter eggs, 97

Mattel and Coleco entering console market, 9799

Home Pong unit, 92

Hotel Mario, 167

House of the Dead, 176

Hovertank 3D, 182

How the West Was One+Three x Four (1971), 42

Humpty Dumpty, 26

Hybrid first-person shooter game, 193

Glass Studios and offshoots, 193195


IBM compatible PC, rise and dominance of, 134135

Ice Climber, 154

Independent games

Beat ’em up independent games, 230231

Braid, 231232

challenges in contemporary, 237

console manufacturers pursue independent developers, 229

creative sandboxes, 234235

dimensions of “indie”, 215216

flash and 2D freeware games, 218

flash and struggles for legitimacy, 218221

flOw game, 229230

freeware experiments with games and art, 223226

goal of games, 234

Japan’s Doujin soft and freeware scene, 221223

Journey, 232234

mainstream breakout of, 226

Manifesto games, 226227

narrative exploration games, 235237

scene, 216

Scratchware Manifesto, 215216

shareware, 216218

steam and, 227229

“Indie”, dimensions of, 215216

Indy 500 game, 93

“Intelligent” console, 106

Intellivision programmer, 96, 97, 106

Internet, 183

I, Robot, 8789

“Iron Horse” model, 89



Doujin soft, 221223

Japanese arcade and console manufacturers, 141

Japanese games and game companies in early 1980s, 141

missile-launching games in, 2426

Japanese companies transition to home, 149

computer games and JRPG on Famicom/NES, 157159

establishing Nintendo’s franchises, 152

The Legend of Zelda, 154157

Nintendo’s Famicom Console and Controllers, 150

Sega joining console market, 159

stabilizing and controlling console market, 151152

Super Mario Bros., 152154

Japanese-designed digital game, 68

Japanese role-playing games (JRPGs), 120, 157

Jedi Knight, 192

Jet Fighter, 93

Journey, 232234

Joystick, 93

JRPGs, see Japanese role-playing games

Jump-Man, 83

Jurassic Park, 165


Kanta Matsuhisa, 222

Karateka, 129

Kee Games, 59

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, 238

Kinetoscope, 7, 8

King’s Quest, 119, 157

Knights of the Old Republic, 210

Knock Out Fighters (K. O. Fighters), 13, 14

K. O. Champ game, 21, 100


Labyrinth: The Computer Game, 131132

Later role-playing games, 130131

LEDs, see Light-emitting diode

Legend of Kage, The, 143

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The, 189

Legend of Zelda, The, 154157

Lethal Enforcers, 171

Light-emitting diode (LEDs), 174

Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda, 167

LocknChase, 81

Locomotive, The, 3

Lode Runner, 220

Looking Glass Studios technologies and offshoots, 193195

Loom’s, 133

Lucasfilm games group, 125126


Machinarium, 228229

Mad Dog McCree, 166, 167

Major Havoc, 86, 87

Management and strategy games, 135137

Man-eater, 69

Manga series, 222

Maniac Mansion, 157

MANIAC, see Mathematical and Numerical Integrator and Computer

Manifesto games, 226227

Mario Bros, 84, 153

Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, 200

Mario Party 4, 200

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 33

Mass Effect series, 212

Mathematical and Numerical Integrator and Computer (MANIAC), 32

Mattel entering console market, 9799

Maze-based arcade games

Bubble Bobble, 84

Burgertime, 84

Dig Dug, 84

Ghosts ’n Goblins, 84

Mario Bros, 84

Pengo, 84

Q*bert, 84

Maze games, early variants of, 6768

Maze’s minotaur, 103

Maze War, 49

Mechanical and electromechanical arcade games

arcade game design, 1

coin-operated amusement, 27

games and amusements at penny arcade, 720

postwar mechanical and electromechanical game design, 2028

Medal of Honor, 201

Mega Drive/Genesis, 159162, 177, 178

Melty Blood series, 222

memento mori, 225

Metal Gear Solid, 196

Metal Head, 178

Metal Slug, 219

Metroid, 223

Metroid Prime, 189, 203

Metroidvania, 223

Microcomputer revolution, 113114

Microcomputers, 51

Microcontrollers, 51

Microprocessors, 51

transistor–transistor logic to, 67

Microsoft Adventure, 116117

Microsoft Flight Simulator games, 124

Microsoft in game design, 200202

Microsoft’s Xbox console, 201

Mills Novelty Company, 9

Minecraft, 234

MinecraftEdu, 235

Minesweeper, 200

Missile, 25, 26

Missile Command, 7879

Missile-Launching Games, 2426

MIT, see Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MMORPGs, see Multiplayer online roleplaying games

Mobile games

design of casual gameplay, 205206

emergence of, 203

Sim games, 204

storage capacity, 203204

Modding, 183

Monopoly, 40

Monument Valley, 208, 209

Moondust, 172

Mortal Kombat, 148, 177

Mortal Kombat X, 213

Motorama, 22

Motorcycle, 23, 24

Mouse and computer games, 129

commodore 64 version of Maniac Mansion™, 132

developing point-and-click adventure, 131135

later role-playing games, 130131

management and strategy games, 135137

synthesis and development of RTS game, 137140


imagery, 165166

technologies, 166

Multiplayer games, 4143

Multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPGs), 48

Mutoscope, 8, 9

Myst, 169, 170

Mystery House, 118119


Narrative exploration games, 235237

Nelson, Ted, 113

NES, see Nintendo Entertainment System

Networked games, 4950

New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, The, 165

N freeware platforming game, 220

level in, 221

Night Driver, 63, 65, 142

Night Trap, 170

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), 172

Famicom Console and Controllers, 150

franchises establishment, 152

Normal maps, 211

North American console crash, 108

factors, 110

fallout of crash, 110111

VCS Version of Pac-Man, 109

North American game industry (1983), 92


Ocarina of Timei, 189

Odyssey, Magnavox, 55

consumer model of, 56

diverse game catalog, 56

first generation of home videogames, 55

Haunted House, 5657

Table Tennis, 5758

“Omega”, see Kanta Matsuhisa

On-Line Systems, 118119

Open world gameplay, proliferation of, 202203

reducing loading times on consoles, 203

Optical color mixing, 119

Orbit coin-op game, 54


designers of, 45

programmer, 50

Oubliette, 45, 47

Outrun, 143, 159


Pac-Man, 6768, 79, 81, 84, 99, 107109

Parsec 47, 223

Passage, 225226

PC games, 2D Images combining with real-time 3D in, 179

build engine, 184

Doom, 182

influence of id software, 180

internet, modding, and first-person shooters, 183

shareware and computer games, 181

PDP-1, see Programmed Data Processor-1

pedit5, 44

Pengo, 84

Penny arcades, 67

early developments in pinball, 1420

games and amusements at, 7

Kinetoscope parlors, 89

roots of digital game genres, 1014

sport-based games, 1014

in United States, 9

Pentium II processor, 185

Pentium processor, 185

Perfect Muscle Developer, 4, 5

Periscope, 25

Phantasie, 131

Photo-realism, 165, 166171; see also Spatial realism

interactive film and games, 166

Maddog McCree for IBM PCs, 167

puzzle games in era of multimedia, 168171

segmented structure of video clips, 168

Pico’s School, 219

Pinball game

Baffle Ball, 1617

Bagatelle, 14, 16

early developments in, 14

Five Star Final, 17

as game of skill, 2627

new emphasis on art and design, 1719

prohibition of, 1920

Ping-pong, first generation of home consoles, 91

Pitfall!, 105

PLATO, see Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations

Play Football, 11, 12

Pole Position, 142, 176

Pong, 59, 6869, 93

Kee Games, 59

operation and work culture, 5859

Pong Doubles, 5960

Pong Doubles, 5960

“Pong-on-a-chip” concept, 98, 213

Postwar mechanical and electromechanical game design, 20

Captain Kid Gun, 2021

driving and racing games, 2124

missile-launching games, 2426

pinball as game of skill, 2627

Road Racer, 22

sunset of electromechanical games, 2728

during World War II, 20

Power Glove, 175

Pre-rendering, 148

Primordia, 228

Programmed Data Processor-1 (PDP-1), 38

Spacewar! on minicomputer, 39

Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations (PLATO), 4143

adapting Dungeons & Dragons to, 4349

computer network, 43, 120

designing for efficiency, 45

encounter in pedit5/The Dungeon, 44

encounter with seven mediums in Oubliette, 48

flight simulators, 123

monetary transactions, 48

monster store in Oubliette, 47

system, 49

traveling through dungeon in Orthanc, 46

types of dice in, 43

Wizardry, 49

Project Systems Engineering, 69

Proteus, 236

Pseudo-3D in games, 142143

Puzzle games in era of multimedia, 168

cake-based puzzle in The 7th Guest, 169

controversy and formation of ESRB, 171

ghostly apparition retreats down hallway, 169

Myst, 170


Q*bert, 84

Quadrapong, 60, 61, 93

Quake, 189

Quake II, 190

Quake III: Arena, 191

Quartoscopes, 9

Quick time events, 212


Race Drivin’, 176

Racing games

Atari’s fake competitor, 64

Death Race, 65, 66

in early digital arcade, 63

Gran Trak 10, 63

Night Driver, 63

Space Race, 6465

from transistor–transistor logic to microprocessors, 67

Rag Doll Kung Fu, 227

Raiders of the Lost Ark, 105, 109

Raid on Bungeling Bay, 135

Rainbow Six, 192

Random access memory (RAM), 115

Raycasting, 182

Realsports Football, 107

Real-time 3D, 165166, 171

adapting home consoles to 3D context, 177179

combining 2D Images with real-time 3D in PC games, 179184

commercialized VR, 171175

graphics, 165

hardware for real-time 3D gaming, 185186

simulators in Arcades spawn 3D revolution, 175177

triumph of real-time 3d in games, 184

Real time strategy (RTS), 137

Rear Window, 168

Rebound, 60

Red Alarm, 173

Rescue on Fractalus!, 125, 126

Resident Evil, 196

Resource management games on home consoles, 106107

Rise of the Triad, 184

River City Ransom, 230

Road Racer, 22

Road Runner, 23

Robinett, Warren, 97

Robotron 2084, 77, 78, 79, 144, 227, 230

Rogue, 102, 122123, 184, 193

Role-playing game (RPG), 180, 193

Glass Studios and offshoots, 193195

Rolling Thunder, 143

RPG, see Role-playing game

RTS, see Real time strategy


SAIL, see Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Saints Row series, 203

S.A.M.I, see Surface to Air Missile Interceptor

Samorost, 224

Samorost 2, 225

Sandbox games, 234

Sci-fi horror game, 194

Scratchware Manifesto, 215216

Scripted sequences, 191

Script Utility Manager for Maniac Mansion (SCUMM), 132

Sea Raider, 25

Second generation consoles, 115

Second generation of home consoles, 91

Atari and VCS, 9293

changes at Atari, 9495

fairchild semiconductor released, 92

game design for VCS, 9394

Secret of Monkey Island, The, 133

Sega arcade games; see also Golden Age Arcade

Altered Beast, 161

ESWAT Cyber Police, 161

Golden Axe, 161

Shinobi, 161

Sega company

Dreamcast, 201

in game design, 199200

joining console market, 159

Mega Drive and controller, 161

16-bit Mega Drive/Genesis console, 160

Set pieces, 213

7th Guest, The, 168, 169

Shaders, 210

Shadow of the Colossus, 203

Shadow Warrior, 184

Shareware, 181, 216218

Shariki, 205

Shenmue, 199, 203, 212

Shinobi, 143, 161

Shoot ’em up games, 7376, 223

Shooting games

early variants of, 6768

in Golden Age Arcade, 7376

Side-scrolling action, 143145

Silent Hill, 196

Silent Service, 50

SimCity, 106, 136, 204

Simpsons Arcade Game, 145

Sims, The, 204

16-bit consoles, marketing, and game design, 159

new contenders, 160161

new platformers for new consoles and intensified competition, 161164

Sonic the Hedgehog, 162

Super Mario Kart, 164

Slam City with Scottie Pippen, 168

SNES, see Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Social media websites, 208

Solitaire, 200

Solvalou, 176

Sonic Adventure, 195

Sonic the Hedgehog, 162163

Space Attack, 76

Space Fever, 76

Space Harrier, 143, 159, 200

Space Invaders, 6768, 71, 7374, 76, 77, 94, 95, 99, 100

and coin shortages, 75

Space Race, 6465

Spacewar!, 42, 50, 68, 72, 76, 77; see also Adventure

Carnival barking, 5354

commercialized variants of, 54

Computer Space, 52, 53, 54

monetizing, 52

Syzygy company, 52

Spatial realism; see also Photo-realism

adapting home consoles to 3D context, 177179

combining 2D Images with real-time 3D in PC games, 179184

commercialized VR, 171175

simulators in Arcades spawn 3D revolution, 175177

triumph of real-time 3d in games, 184

Specular maps, 211

Speedway, 23

Spiderweb software, 216

Spirometers, 5

Sport-based games, 10

All-American Automatic Baseball Game, 14

Chester-Pollard Amusement Company, 12

Full Team Football, 10, 11

K. O. Fighters, 13, 14

penny arcade game design, 13

Play Football, 11, 12

sports-based coin-op machines, 10

Sports games for home, 107

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL), 40

Stanley Parable, The, 237

Star Control, 54

StarCraft, 139140

Star Fox, 173, 177

Starfox, 178

Star Trek game, 106

Star Wars: Dark Forces, 192

Star Wars film, 51

Star Wars game, 176

Star Wars: Jedi KnightDark Forces II, 192, 210

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, 197198

Steam and independent games, 227229

Street Fighter, 146147

Street Fighter II, 166, 177

Strife, 184, 193

Submarine, 25

“Super FX” chip, 177

Super Glove Ball, 172

Super Mario 64, 186187

Super Mario Bros., 152154, 155156, 231

Super Mario Bros 3, 181

Super Mario Kart, 164

Super Mario World, 187

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island, 178

Super Meat Boy game, 221

Super Metroid, 223

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), 177

Super Scaler, 142

Super Smash Bros. Melee, 200

Supreme Warrior, 167

Surface to Air Missile Interceptor (S.A.M.I), 25

Surround game, 93

Symphony of the Night, 223

“System Changer”, 99

System Shock, 193

System Shock 2, 194

Syzygy company, 52


Table Tennis, 5758, 60

Tank, 68, 93

Team Fortress Classic, 191

Tekken, 177

Tempest, 88

Tennis for Two, 3436

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), 165

Terminator, The, 179, 182

Thief: The Dark Project, 193

Third-party developers, emergence of, 9596

3D-accelerated graphics cards, 185

3D and multimedia boom, 186

CD-ROMs and photo-realism, 166171

real-time 3D and spatial realism, 171184

two paths to realism, 165166

3D Game Design in late 1990s, 186

cinematic perspectives, 195198

hybrid first-person shooter/role-playing games, 193195

person in full 3D graphics, 189193

platforming and adventure games in full 3D graphics, 186189

3D games, 4950

3D open world games, 203

“3D spatial puzzles” game, 188

TI Invaders, 76

“Tilt” mechanism, 19

Time Crisis, 176

Time Killers, 148

Time-sharing systems, 40

Time Traveler, 166

Tomb Raider, 186, 195

Torus Trooper, 223

Toy Story, 165

Trade stimulators, 6

Transistor–transistor logic to microprocessors, 67

Tread Marks, 217218

Treasure of Tarmin, 103

Trespasser, 211

Triumph of real-time 3d in games, 184

Tron, 8586, 227

Tsukihime, 222

TUMIKI Fighters, 223

Turbo Deluxe Joystick Controller, 116

TurboGrafx-CD, 167

Turing’s imitation game, 3334

TV Pingame, 6263

2D game design in Japan

Japanese companies transition to home, 149159

Japanese games and game companies in early 1980s, 141

16-bit consoles, marketing, and game design, 159164

2D game design trends after Golden Age Arcade, 142149

2D games, 222

2D images combining with real-time 3D in PC games, 179184

Tycoon games, 19


Ultima, 121

Ultima Online, 203

Ultima Underworld, 182

Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds, 193

Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss, 180, 193

Ultima VI: The False Prophet, 131

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, 213

Unconventional approach, 235

United States, missile-launching games in, 2426

Unreal, 189

Unreal Tournament, 191

Utopia, 106


Vanishing of Ethan Carter, The, 238

VCS, see Video computer system

Vehicle simulations on computers, 123

BallBlazer™, 125

Elite, 127

Lucasfilm games group, 125126

Rescue on Fractalus™, 126

vehicle simulators, 124125

Vehicle simulators, 124125

Venetian blinds, 94

Video arcade games, 61

Video Chess game, 94

Video computer system (VCS), 92

Atari’s VCS, 93

game design for, 9394

Video Olympics, 93, 100

Video Whizball, 97

Virtua Cop, 176

Virtua Fighter, 176

Virtua Fighter 2, 177

Virtual Boy, 173

Virtual Combat, 174

Virtual reality (VR), 171

haptic feedback add-ons for Sega Dreamcast, 175

home market, 174

Mattel’s power glove controller, 172

Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, 173

Virtua Racing, 176

VisiCalc, 114

Visuals and action-adventure games for computers, 127129

Vitamin, 109

Voyeur, 168

VPL research, 172

VR, see Virtual reality

VVVVVV game, 221


Wand of Gamelon, The, 167

Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, 138139

Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles, 138

Warlords, 6061

Warner Communications, 94, 108

Warning Forever, 222

War Room, 106

Western Gun, 68

Western responses to head-to-head fighting game, 148

Westworld film, 51

Wii Sports, 200

Williams, Harry, 18, 19

Willy Wonka film, 51

Winning Run, 176

Wizard and the Princess, The, 119

“Wizard of Menlo Park”, 67

Wizardry, 49, 120

Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge, 131

Wolfenstein 3D, 182

World of Warcraft, 203, 225

World Series, 14, 15

World’s Fair Jigsaw, 18

World’s Series, 18


Xbox Live, 207

Xevious, 76


Yacht Racer, 10

Yar’s Revenge, 109


Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, 133

Zork group, 117

“Z-targeting” system, 189

Zuma Deluxe, 205

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