Appendix II
Camera Placement Diagrams

The following camera diagrams and descriptions were copied from actual documents used by networks and production companies to produce small and large sporting events. There is not one single way to set up cameras at an event. These diagrams show some of the most common camera setups.

Many of these diagrams show the basic camera diagram. Cameras can be added to them as needed. A few of the diagrams show many cameras as used in a world championship.

Baseball: Small Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High home Main follow
2 Fixed Tripod High first Ball flight and base runners
3 Fixed Tripod Low first, dugout RH batters, runners on second and third, introductions
4 Fixed Tripod Low third, dugout LH batters, runners on first, introductions
5 Fixed Tripod Low center field Batter, catcher

Baseball: Large Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High home Main follow
2 Fixed Tripod High first Ball flight and base runners
3 Fixed Tripod Low first, dugout RH batters, runners on second and third, introductions
4 Fixed Tripod Low third, dugout LH batters, runners on first, introductions
5 Fixed Tripod Low center field Batter, catcher
6 Fixed Tripod Low center field Pitcher, batter, catcher
7 Fixed Tripod Low home Pitcher, close-up, pitch rotation
8 Fixed Tripod Low left field foul line first to second steals, first base dugout
9 Handheld Sticks Third base Isolation, third base dugout, pre-post dugout
10 Handheld Sticks High third baseline Beauty shot
11 Mini Fixed mount First base Runner retreating on pick off
12 Mini Fixed mount Second base Runner approaches
13 Fixed Tripod Low home Low action replays

Basketball: Small Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High midcourt Main follow
2 Fixed Tripod High midcourt Close-ups
3 Fixed Tripod Mid left 3/4 Isolation
4 Handheld Sticks Left baseline Isolation and action
5 Handheld Sticks Right baseline Isolation and action

Basketball: Large Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High midcourt Main follow
2 Fixed Tripod High midcourt Close-ups
3 Fixed Tripod Mid left {3/4} Isolation
4 Fixed Tripod Mid right {3/4} Isolation
5 Handheld Sticks Left baseline Isolation and action
6 Handheld Sticks Right baseline Isolation and action
7 Handheld Sticks Midcourt floor Isolation and low action
8 Handheld Sticks Midcourt floor, far side Isolation and benches
9 Mini Robotic Overhead Overhead isolation
10 Mini Robotic Behind left backboard Isolation
11 Mini Robotic Behind right backboard Isolation
12 Mini Fixed mount 3/4 high near right corner roof Venue wide shot
13 Handheld Crane Far side left corner Action, crowd



Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High center Master shot
2 Fixed Tripod High center Close-ups
3 Handheld Sticks Roving, ringside, northwest corner Athlete entrance and exit, tight action, isolation, replay corner rests
4 Handheld Sticks Roving, ringside, southwest corner Athlete entrance and exit, tight action, isolation, replay corner rests
5 Fixed Tripod High, 90 degrees to master shot Tight shot, isolation

Football (American)


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High 50-yard line Main follow
2 Fixed Tripod Mid high 50-yard line Close-ups on field and opposite sideline
3 Fixed Tripod Low end zone in stands Game action, replays
4 Handheld Sticks Far sideline Replays of game action
5 Fixed Tripod High end zone Game action, replays, field goals, and PATs
6 Handheld Sticks Near sideline Replays



Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High, main stand Master shot
2 Handheld Sticks Field of play level roving behind competitors Close-ups and over-the-shoulder shots, pre and post
3 Mini Portable jib Field of play level roving behind competitors’ west side Close-ups and over-the-shoulder shots
4 Mini Robotic Hanging off baffle in front of competitors Close-up of shooters
5 Mini Robotic Hanging off baffle in front of competitors Close-up of shooters

Soccer/Football: Small Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod Center Main follow
2 Fixed Tripod Center Close-ups, isolation
3 Fixed Tripod Field level near side, between benches Midfield isolation, replays
4 Handheld Steadicam Field level near side, length of benches Isolation, bench reactions
5 Fixed Tripod High end zone Shots on goal, replays, beauty shots

Soccer/Football: Large Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod Center Main follow
2 Fixed Tripod Center Close-ups, isolation
3 Fixed Tripod 16 m line left Offside replays
4 Fixed Tripod 16 m line right Offside replays
5 Fixed Tripod Field level near side, between benches Midfield isolation, replays
6 Handheld Steadicam Field level near side, length of benches Isolation, bench reactions
7 Handheld Steadicam Field level near side, length of benches Isolation, bench reactions
8 Fixed Tripod High end zone Shots on goal, replays, beauty shots
9 Handheld Crane Behind left goal Isolation, replays
10 Handheld Crane Behind right goal Isolation, replays
11 Fixed Tripod Field level near Midfield isolation replays
12 Mini Robotic Top of stadium Beauty shot



Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod Mid start/finish east stands Master shot
2 Fixed Tripod Low start/finish east stands Close-ups
3 Handheld Robotic track mount Field of play, length of 50 m pool east side Low angle tracking action wide
4 Fixed Tripod Low turn, east stands Action, 50 m start
5 Fixed Tripod Mid turn, northeast stands Master turn, 50 m start master shot
6 Handheld Steadicam Field of play start/finish Introductions, pool exit, ceremonies

Tennis: Small Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High center Wide shot
2 Fixed Tripod Mid center Main follow camera
3 Handheld Sticks Roving court level Isolation, close-ups
4 Fixed Tripod Left of net court level Isolation, close-ups
5 Fixed Tripod Right of net court level Isolation, close-ups

Tennis: Large Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High center Wide shot
2 Fixed Tripod Mid center Main follow camera
3 Mini Robotic Low, mounted top of court wall Isolation
4 Handheld Sticks Roving court level Isolation, close-ups
5 Fixed Tripod Left of net court level Isolation, close-ups
6 Fixed Tripod Right of net court level Isolation, close-ups
7 Fixed Tripod Low centered, reverse angle Reverse angle replays
8 Handheld Robotic Suspended from roof edge in line with net Isolation
9 Mini Fixed mount Mounted on top of building Beauty shot
10 Fixed Tripod Low centered, reverse angle Low action replays
11 Fixed Tripod At net Reverse angle

Volleyball: Small Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High center stand Master shot
2 Fixed Tripod High center stand Medium shot
3 Handheld Sticks Roving left of court Benches, coaches, athletes close-ups
4 Handheld Sticks Roving right of court Benches, coaches, athletes close-ups
5 Fixed Tripod High right corner Isolation replays

Volleyball: Large Production


Camera Type Mount Location Coverage

1 Fixed Tripod High center stand Master shot
2 Fixed Tripod High center stand Medium shot
3 Handheld Sticks Roving left of court Benches, coaches, athletes close-ups
4 Handheld Sticks Roving right of court Benches, coaches, athletes close-ups
5 Fixed High-low Field of play, near left baseline Service perspective, close-up
6 Handheld Jib Field of play, near right baseline Service perspective, close-up
7 Mini Robotic Overhead Overhead replay action
8 Mini Robotic High center stands Umpire
9 Mini Fixed mount Pole next to net pole Net isolation, action
10 Handheld Tripod Top of lighting gallery opposite Venue wide shot
11 Fixed Tripod Main stand Reverse angle, close-up of benches
12 Fixed Tripod Mid level/east stands Action, replay
13 Mini Robotic Left field of play reverse angle mini tripod Left of court end line, replay
14 Mini Robotic Right field of play Right of court end line, replay
15 Fixed Tripod High right corner Isolation replays

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