Page numbers in italics refer to figures.

Abbott, Berenice 134

accounting and recordkeeping 1034, 238, 2406, 262

Addario, Lynsey 40, 41

administrative jobs 168

advances 33, 259

advertising photography: agents 219, 220; fashion photography 29; Moran, Elizabeth 156; style 32

Afanador, Ruven 26

agents and agencies 21620, 221, 2223; fashion photography 24; negotiating fees 33

Agtmael, Peter van 48

Alamy photo agency 210, 21215

Alexiev, Ryan 103, 167

American Film Institute (AFI) 724, 80

Anderson, Dave, work of 11617

anecdotes and backstories 20

Antonelli, Jamie 2048, 205; work of 207, 208, 209

Aperture (magazine) 198, 198

applying to graduate school 1423, 160, 162

apprenticeship see mentorship and apprenticeship

apps 44, 2012, 242

Arbus, Diane, work of 196

architectural photography: assignments 567; education 50, 523; equipment 579; expenses and income 57; real estate photography 235; stock photos 556; Warchol, Paul, work of 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59

archives of architectural photography 556

art collectors see collectors

art directors 85, 87, 156

art history 112, 116

art schools 1402

art therapy 17683, 179, 181, 183

ARTnews (magazine) 136

arts programs in liberal arts universities 13940

Asian fashion magazines 29, 33

assignments: architectural photography 567; photojournalism 412

assistants 227, 230; Abbott, Berenice 134; architectural photography 56; cinematography 81; clothes and appearance 232; duties 231; getting assistant jobs 22530; graduate education 144; graphic design 2012; Macy’s photo studio 85; mistakes 2323; wedding photography 68

Atget, Eugène 134

auctioneers 118, 1203, 1259

audits, tax 238

Avedon, Richard 1212, 198

Bag News Notes (website) 133

Ball, J. P. 123

Barthes, Roland 134

Benghazi, Libya 38

Bethel, Denise 128

bidding for jobs 259

black and white photography 10, 19

Blink (app) 44

blogs and blogging 132, 133, 137, 250, 2523

books and graphic design 198, 2003

Bovaird, Jacqueline 21620, 217, 218, 219, 2223

Bowen, Robert 204

branding 104, 226, 24750

Briant, Bonnie 194203, 195; work of 201

Brodovitch, Alexey 195; work of 197

Buguet, Edouard Isidore 159

business issues: accounting and recordkeeping 1034, 238, 2406, 262; advances 259; brand building 2478; business cards 251; “Business of Art” class 34; business plans 2467; business structure 1034; changing business models 2634; contracts 2589; entrepreneurship 6; fee negotiation 258; insurance 2601; location 260; loss leaders and profit centers 2557; marketing and promotion 2489; money management 262; networking 2503; past due collections 261, 261; pitching stories 2535; pricing work 246; websites 24950

buyouts 256

California College of the Arts 156, 1589, 1648, 170, 173

Camera Lucida (Barthes) 134

cameras and equipment: architectural photography 579, 589; changing business models 2634; cinematography 76, 789, 80; fashion photography 30; lighting 30; Macy’s photo studio 89; wedding photography 689

captions: landscape photography 20; photojournalism 44

Capture One 234

career advancement 1278

Carter, Kevin 135

Cartier-Bresson, Henri 6, 8, 20, 248

catalog work 32

Cause Collective 1023, 167, 170, 173

celebrity weddings 69

censorship 48

Changsha (Dundon) 153

Chase Ink card 242

children 17782

Chivers, Chris 42

Christie’s auctions 128

cinematography: collaboration 756; commercials 778; education 724; equipment 76, 80; Morrison, Rachel, work of 723, 74, 75, 76, 78, 801; photography compared to 70, 745

Clamp, Brian Paul 108, 1089, 11216, 129

ClampArt Gallery 108, 1089, 11011, 112, 11216, 115, 11617

clients: advances 259; contracts 2589; negotiating fees 258; working with 2567

Clinch, Danny 218

cold calling 24, 253

Coleman, Sarah 130, 131, 1326, 135

collaboration: cinematography 756, 801; Cook, Diane and Jenshel, Len 10, 13, 19; Cuomo, Yolanda and Briant, Bonnie 194203; gallery artists 1023; photo editors 193; photojournalism 43, 49; teaching 170, 173; wedding photography 69

colleagues, relationships with 168

collections and past due accounts 261, 261

collectors 116, 127, 129

color management 90, 207, 207, 208, 209

commercial use model releases 215

commercials: cinematography 778; equipment 789

commissions, agent 2223

competitive bidding 259

compositing 57, 90, 208

computer tethering 30, 32, 234

Condé Nast Traveler (magazine) 18890, 1923

conflict journalism 36, 3746, 47, 489

Conger, Amy 126

connoisseurship 107, 127

contacts see networking

contracts 2589

Cook, Diane 10; Aquarium 12; background 10, 13; Hot Spots 11; iceberg 17; interview with 14, 16, 1921; Night Gardens 15; tumbleweeds shot 18; wall on the U.S./Mexican border shots 13, 14

Cooper Union 50, 523, 1945

copyrights 42, 69; see also licensing images

Corbis (photo agency) 41, 42

corporations 104, 1278, 2412

cover letters and résumés 2269

creative arts therapy 17683, 179, 181, 183

creative writing 134

creativity and the creative process: connoisseurship 107; motivation 8; photo editors 193; and success 113; work as reward 264

credit cards 242, 244

credit stamps 1256

crews: cinematography 756, 801; fashion photography 2930

critical studies: gallery artists 102; graduate school 156, 158; photography writing 130; Szarkowski, John 107

Cuomo, Yolanda 194203, 195, 200; work of 196, 198, 199, 201, 202

cycloramas 206

Darger, Henry 182

Davis, Jen, work of 112

debt 244

deductions 243

Denton, Bryan 37; background 36; interview 3846, 489

department chairs 168

developing film 126

digital imaging services 2048, 207, 208, 209

digital media: architectural photography 579; editing 1334; effect on professional photography 3; film vs. 79; graphic design 2012; magazines 190; manipulation services 2048; photojournalism 456; portfolios 142; wedding photography 69

digital technicians 234

direct mail marketing 249

directing 81

directors of photography see cinematography

double majors 140

drawing 55

dual degrees 156

Dundon, Rian 1525; work of 152, 153, 155

eBay 129

e-commerce photography 8, 206

editing: digital vs. analog images 1334; photojournalism 44; wedding photography 68

editorial work: agents 219; fashion photography 29; model releases 215

editors and photojournalism 40

education: architectural photography 50, 523; art history/critical studies 3; cinematography 724; gallery artists 99101, 102; humanities and art 1223; photojournalism 49; see also graduate school

Ekberg, Adam, work of 115, 115

elevator pitches 16

e-magazines 3, 46

email: cover letters and résumés 226, 229; marketing 251

embedded journalists 46, 48

employees: architectural photography 55; fashion photography 33; gallery artists 97; Macy’s photo studio 89

entrepreneurship see business issues

entry-level jobs: assistants 22633; digital technicians 234; real estate photography 235; rental studio work 234; wedding photography 66, 68; weddings/headshots/model portfolios 235

equipment see cameras and equipment

errors and omissions insurance 261

essays, graduate school application 1423, 154

estimates, job 259

ESTO photo agency 52, 55

ethics and photojournalism 46, 135

etiquette 251

Evans, Harold 189

Ewald, Wendy 181

expenses and income: advances 259; agents’ fees 2223; architectural photography 57; contracts 2589; creativity and income 8; digital technicians 234; fashion photography 324; gallery artists 978, 103, 104; graduate school 143, 147, 1534, 166; Kickstarter 254; magazines 192; money management 262; multiple revenue streams 155, 240; negotiating fees 258; photography writing 136; photojournalism 42; pricing work 246; recordkeeping 242; review events, price of 115; stock photo agencies 212, 215; wedding photography 62, 66, 68, 235

experience, breadth of 173

expertise 241

exposure, professional 2556

Fairstein, Lisa 1447; work of 145, 147

fashion photography: crews 2930; equipment 30, 32; expenses and income 324; Macy’s photo studio 90; marketing and agents 24; portfolios 235; style 24, 26, 29; Wilson, Kristiina, work of 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31

fees: negotiating 258; stock photo images 212, 21213

film 79

financial security 165

fine art: auctioneers 118, 1203, 1259; Clamp, Brian Paul 108, 11216; Condé Nast Traveler (magazine) 18990; Cook, Diane and Jenshel, Len 10, 13, 14, 20; gallery artists 94, 97105; photography writing 130, 1326

Fink, Larry 10

fixers 43


Flynn, Beth 39, 40

food photography 189

Fostering Art program 167

freelance work: lifestyle 6; Macy’s photo studio 90; teaching compared to 146

front-of-the-book photography 228, 251

FTP programs 44

Furst, David 41, 42

galleries and gallery artists: business structure 1034; ClampArt Gallery 108, 11216; collaboration 1023; education 102; employees 97; expenses and income 978; loss leaders 256; photography writing 136; uniqueness 105; value of work 1045

Gaut, Adrian, work of 190, 191, 193, 193

general studies programs 139

George (magazine) 186, 188

Glass, Evan 2389, 2405, 262

Glass, Rick 97, 2389, 2406, 262

graduate school: Dundon, Rian 1525; Fairstein, Lisa 1447; gallery artists 1001; Ingram, Jessica 166; location 140; Moran, Elizabeth 156, 1589; Pacheco Garcia, Alexandra 160, 162; program types 13942; recommendations 141; teaching 1678, 170, 173; value of 140, 143; when to apply 139

grants 48, 103

graphic design 194203

Gurkin, Corbin 61; background 60; interview 62, 656, 689

Haggert, Rob 250

happiness and success 203

Harris, Melissa 198

headshots 235

Heiferman, Marvin 186

Hicks, Tyler 40

Hill, Adrian 176

Hine, Lewis, work of 123, 124, 125

Hoskin, Emily 210, 211, 21215

humanitarianism 135

image distribution and delivery sites 56

image licensing see licensing images

income see expenses and income

Ingram, Jessica 102, 103, 164; background 1645; Cause Collective works 171, 172; interview with 1668, 170, 173; and Moran, Elizabeth 158; work of 165, 166, 169, 1745

in-house studio, Macy’s see Macy’s photo studio

Instagram 44, 46, 252

insurance 2601

interdisciplinary programs 158

interest, compound 2434

Internal Revenue Service 238

“International Style” 50

internet and websites: Alamy 211; blogs and blogging 132, 133, 137, 250, 2523; changing business models 2634; e-commerce photography 206; Lightstalkers 39, 48; magazines 190, 192; Photographer’s Ephemeris (website) 16; photographers’ websites 29, 24950; Photoshelter 56; resources for photographers 250; social media 39, 44, 46, 2513; stock photo agencies 212, 21214

internships: art therapy 177; importance of 186, 188; referrals 217; résumés 229; value of 225

interviews, graduate school 143

Israel, Marvin 194, 195, 198; work of 197

Jack Shainman Gallery 94, 100, 102

Jenkinson, Mark 227

Jenshel, Len 10; Aquarium 12; background 10, 13; Hot Spots 11; iceberg 17; interview with 14, 16, 1921; Night Gardens 15; tumbleweeds shot 18; wall on the U.S./Mexican border shots 13, 14

Johnson, Chris 102

Jones, Spencer 217

Jot (app) 242

keywording 21314, 214

Kickstarter 254

Kismaric, Carole 186

Klech, Kathleen 19

Kremer, Shai 136

Landor, Walter 247

landscape photography: Aquarium (Cook and Jenshel) 12; Cooke, Diane and Jenshel, Len 10, 1314, 16, 1921; Hot Spots (Cook and Jenshel) 11; iceberg (Cook and Jenshel) 17; Night Gardens (Cook and Jenshel) 15; tumbleweeds (Cook and Jenshel) 17; wall on the U.S./Mexican border (Cook and Jenshel) 13, 14

Lange, Dorothea 127

leasing art 104

“leave-behinds” 230

Leavitt, Elizabeth 218

Lebanon, war in 40

legal issues: licensing, image 21215, 222, 256; model releases 215; photojournalism copyright 42; wedding photography 69

Leggett, Jo 132

letterhead 229

Levine, Jeff 218

Levine/Leavitt 217, 218

liability insurance 260

liberal arts programs 13940, 177

Libya 38, 39, 41, 42, 46, 47

licensing images 42, 21215, 222, 256

Liebowitz, Dana 176, 17683

lighting: architectural photography 578; Macy’s photo studio 89; wedding photography 69

Lightstalkers (social networking site) 39, 48

limited liability companies 103

LinkedIn 253

“The Literate Lens” (blog) 137

location: business 260; graduate school 140, 173

loss leaders 2556

low-residency graduate programs 142

Lowy, Benjamin 134

luxury magazines 190

Macy’s photo studio 85, 87, 89; sets 86; Ward, Nat 148; work of 84, 88, 91, 92, 93; Zink, Larry 82, 85, 87, 8990

magazines: loss leaders 2556; mastheads 255; photo editing 186, 188, 18890, 1923; photography writing 132, 1345, 136; pitching stories 253, 2535; wedding photography 62, 656, 68

Magnum Photo Agency 186

Mahoney, Chris 118, 11819, 1203, 121, 125, 1259

Majoli, Alex 200

makeup artists 29, 30

management 89

market size 260

marketing and promotion 24855; fashion photography 24; galleries 114, 11516; gallery artists 105; landscape photography 21; photojournalism 48; promo cards and “leave-behinds” 230

marriage and family: Cook, Diane and Jenshel, Len 19; photojournalism 49

Martha Stewart (magazine) 189, 190

mass portfolio reviews 11415

Massey, Doreen 158

master of fine arts degrees see graduate school mastheads 255

media, choice of 159

Media Guidelines and Regulations, U.S. military 48

mentorship and apprenticeship: architectural photography 56, 59; Cuomo, Yolanda and Briant, Bonnie 194203; teaching 170

Meyerowitz, Joel 150

Middle East conflicts see conflict journalism

Miller, Jennifer 187; background 186, 18890, 1923; interview 186, 18890, 1923

mistakes 2323

Misurata, Libya 41, 47

model portfolios 235

model releases 215

models, fashion 2930, 323

money management 262

mood boards 32

Moore, John 135

Moran, Elizabeth 156, 1589; work of 157, 159

Morrison, Rachel 701, 77, 79; background 70; interview 7281; work of 723, 74, 75, 76, 78, 801

motivation, professional 78

multiple revenues 240

Nachtwey, James 135

National Geographic 1314, 16, 19

negotiation 223, 258

networking: assistants 233; graduate school 140, 150, 162, 173; starting out 2503

new media 170

New York Times 39, 40, 49

New York University 34, 85

Nix, Lori, work of 11011

non-disclosure agreements 69

operating expenses see expenses and income

organization 251

“Outsider” artists 182

overhead see expenses and income

Pacheco Garcia, Alexandra 160, 162; work of 1601, 163

paper developers 126

“Paper Doll” shoot (Wilson) 24, 26, 26, 27

paper letters 2267, 2289

past due accounts 261, 261

Phillips auctions 128

photo agencies see stock photo agencies

Photo District News (magazine) 132, 1345

“A Photo Editor” (Haggert) 250

photo editors 186, 188, 18890, 1923

Photographer’s Ephemeris (website) 16

A Photographer’s Place 121, 123

photography books 198, 2003

photography compared to cinematography 70, 745

photography directors 186, 18890, 1923

photography writers 130, 1326

photojournalism: Cook, Diane and Jenshel, Len 14, 20; current status and future of 3, 8; Denton, Bryan 3846, 489; ethics 135

Photoshelter 56, 250

Photoshop 46, 204

pitches, story 16, 48, 2535

Piva, Roberto 200

place and space 158

point and shoot cameras 30

portfolio reviews 11415, 251

portfolios: agents 219, 220, 221; fashion photography 235; graduate school applications 142, 154; Macy’s photo studio applicants 90; model portfolios 235

post-production work 2048, 245

practice 235

pre-production work 90, 245

presentations, landscape photography 19

pricing work 246

print media 3, 8, 445, 190

prints: portfolios 142, 222; wedding photography 69

professional associations 250, 260

professionalism 231

profit centers 2567

promo cards 230, 251

promotion see marketing and promotion

propaganda photography 133

psychotherapy see art therapy

public relations see marketing and promotion

publishing and graphic design 198, 2003

QuickBooks 242

Rattman, Jonno 201

Ray, Man 1256, 134

real estate photography 235

recommendations 141, 160

recordkeeping see accounting and recordkeeping

referrals and internships 217

reinvention, professional 89, 56, 2634

relationships: agents 21620, 2223; collectors and gallery owners 116; photographer-gallery relationship 11314

rental studio work 233, 234

rescued works 134

research: auctioneers 1256; Cook, Diane and Jenshel, Len 16

residency status for graduate school 143

resources for photographers 250

résumés see cover letters and résumés

retail in-house studios see Macy’s photo studio

retirement accounts 2434

retouching 207, 208, 209; digital imaging services 2068; Macy’s photo studio 89, 90; wedding photography 68

review events 11516

rights-managed images 213

Roma, Thomas 150

royalties see licensing images

royalty-free images 214

sales tax 244

salesmanship 125

Sanchez, Jorge 103

Sandbox Studio 205, 2058, 206

Schoeller, Martin 218

scholarships 143

School for Visual Arts 177

scripts and cinematography 77, 79

seminars 251

sets 86, 2313

Shaw, Michael 133

Silva, João 40

skills sets: auctioneers 123; Condé Nast Traveler 18990; specialization 241

Smith, Bayeté Ross 103

social media 39, 44, 46, 2513

software: architectural photography 58; bookkeeping software 242; Capture One 234; Photographer’s Ephemeris (website) 16; photojournalism 44; Photoshop, ethics of 46

Sotheby’s 118, 1279

space and place 158

specialization 48, 241

starting out see entry-level jobs

Stein, Harvey 132

Stein, Howard 129

still life photography 62, 65

stock photo agencies 210, 211, 212, 21215; architectural photography 52, 556; Miller, Jennifer 186; photojournalism 39, 41, 42

Stoller, Erika 52, 55

Stoller, Ezra 50, 52, 55, 56

strategic alliances 65, 113, 216

Student Photographer program, Alamy 212

studio managers 24, 33, 55

studio photography 264

studio stamps 1256

style: fashion photography 32; graphic design 198; magazines 1889; wedding photography 66

success: and happiness 203; measures of 7, 182, 257; work as reward 264

Sultan, Larry 168, 170

super 16 mm film 79

Swann Galleries 123, 127

syndication royalties 42

Szarkowski, John 19, 59, 107

tablet devices 3, 46

taxes 104, 244, 245

teaching: freelancing compared to 146; graduate school 1545; graduate students 143, 1534, 173; Ingram, Jessica 1678, 170, 173; Pacheco Garcia, Alexandra 162; responsibilities and advantages of 1645; Ward, Nat 1501

technology: changing business models 2634; graphic design 2012; impact of 3; reinvention of photography 89

tethered work 30, 32, 234

theft/loss insurance 260

Thomas, Hank Willis 945; background 94; gallery show 100; and Ingram, Jessica 166, 167; interview 97105; time management 98; work 96, 97, 99, 101, 105

time management: cinematography 767; digital imaging services 2067; fashion photography 34; gallery artists 98; landscape photography 16, 19; Macy’s photo studio 89; value of time 2445; wedding photography 68

translators 43

Traub, Charles 145

trauma and art therapy 17782

travel: architectural photography 55, 59; fashion photography crews 2930

Tripoli, Libya 39

tuition 143

Tumblr 29, 252

uniqueness 105, 248

value of work 1045

vendors and wedding photography 66, 69

video/motion photography: agents 218; changing business models 2634; e-commerce 206; future of 9; magazines 190; photojournalism 45

view cameras 589

vision boards 247

Warchol, Paul 51, 245; background 50; interview 523, 559; work of 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59

Ward, Nat 148, 1501; work of 1489, 151

weather patterns 16

websites see internet and websites

wedding photography: assistants 68; as entry-level job 235; equipment 689; Gurkin, Corbin, work of 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68; income 62; for magazines 62, 656, 68; pros and cons of 60; time issues 68

Weiss, Jeff 204

Weston, Edward, work of 126

Willis, Deb 167, 170

Wilson, Kristiina 22, 345; background 22; interview 24, 26, 2930, 324; work of 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31

wire agencies 44

Witty, Patrick 40, 41

work as reward 264

work for hire 256

work/life balance 168

workload 151

writers and photojournalists 49

writing: graduate school 158; photography writing 130, 1326

Zink, Larry 82, 83, 85, 87, 8990

Zucker, Harvey 121, 123

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