180-degree rule 420

35mm film 296, 3012

3D see three-dimensional (3D)

above the fold 180, 181

A/B Roll editing system 443

absolute URL 21920

accessibility: interfaces 1968; web design 22930

accordions: navigation 177, 178

action safe area 449, 450

active autofocusing 315

Adams, Ansel 84, 293

adapters: audio connectors 397

A/D conversion 394

additive color mixing 270

Adobe Illustrator 10, 101, 115, 252, 258, 266

Adobe Photoshop 10, 2930, 32, 356, 489, 51, 258, 260, 448; application-specific shortcuts 61; Character panel 249; color picker 271; Glyphs panel 245; mockup 1012; raster images 266; scaling 275; space 115, 117; system requirements for 50

Adobe Premiere Pro 10, 54, 337, 4423, 449, 4529, 4612, 465, 469, 473, 475

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) 345

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) 202

Advanced Video Coding (AVC) 346

aesthetics 11314

agency: interactivity 168, 189

algorithm 28

aliasing 254, 276

alignment: principle of unity 130; text 257, 258

ALL CAPS: font styles 2501

Allen, Paul 41

alpha channel 448

alt attributes 230

alternative text 197, 221, 230, 246, 251

alt tags 230

ambient sound 383, 386, 446

amplitude: sound 3734

analog 28

analog signal: microphone 378

analog tape formats 334

analog television: legacy of 289

analysis: user-centered design 958

anchor 218

Android OS 39, 479, 172, 361

angle of view 121, 2978, 299, 301, 409, 427

animated GIF 11

animation 11

anti-aliasing 254, 276

aperture 299; exposure 30910

aperture priority mode: exposure modes 321

aperture size 317

app 25, 49

Apple Computer 42

Apple Final Cut Pro 10, 54, 4423, 4523, 459

Apple iCloud 70, 71

Apple iOS 47, 197

Apple Lisa 5, 56, 57

application software 489

APS-C (Advanced Photo System Type-C): image sensor 2978, 3002

arc: secondary motion 42930

archives 1856


ascender: letterform parts 240

ASCII (American Standard Code for

Information Interchange) 445

ASP (Active Server Pages) 228

aspect ratio 11617, 138, 2834

asymmetrical balance 1367

ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) 2901, 292, 345, 347

attribute: tag 205, 206, 208, 218, 2212, 224

audience 214, 7981, 81

audio 1011; audio book 14; compression 344, 345; encoding settings 3578; mixing 4602; scrubbing 463; sweetening 92, 468

audio connectors: adapters 397; balanced 3956; cable management 398; RCA connectors 396; tip, ring, and sleeve (TRS) 396; tip and sleep (TS) 396; unbalanced 3967; XLR 396

Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) 3523

audio production: audio 3712; audio connectors 3958; audio monitoring 398402; microphones 37694; monitoring record levels using volume-unit (VU) meter 398401; monitoring with headphones or speakers 4012; over-under wrap 399; sound 3716; sound check 401; see also microphones

audio track 333, 460; management 468

augmented reality (AR) 1734, 175

autofocus 315

automatic gain control (AGC) 399

automatic modes: exposure 31820

automation 324

auto white balance (AWB) 312, 363

AVCHD 338, 3512, 353

Avid Media Composer 10, 54, 4423, 4523, 456, 459, 475

AV script 867

axis of action 420

axis of orientation 145

backlight 41011, 4367

Baidu Eye 175

balance: perceptual forces 136

balanced audio 3956

bandwidth 73

baseline: letterform parts 240

baseline shift 253

batch computing 40

batch processing 34

benchmarking 97

Berners-Lee, Tim 11, 12, 15, 201, 202

beveling 125, 258; font transformations 259

bidirectional microphone 382, 383

bit (Binary digIT) 43

bit depth: digital audio 33943, 3578

bitmap image 2667

bit rate 3423; video encoding 357

bitstream 337

Blackletter typeface 2412, 246

block-level elements 207, 208

blogging 17

Blu-ray disc 68

Blu-ray Disc Association 291

body copy: chunking 149

body tag: HTML document 206

boldface 240; font styles 24950

boom pole 38890

boot sequence 47

border property: tables and CSS box model 160, 161

boundary microphone 390

box model: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 161

breadcrumbs: navigation 176, 17980

Bresson, Robert 403

brightness 127

broadcasting 22

B-roll 409, 410, 424; adding over voiceover segments 4712; edited sequence 4456; inserting 4667; natural sound and 408; tips for shooting great 4301

browsers 21112

button 220, 222, 224, 227, 228

byte 445

cable management 398, 399

camera: angle 409; focal length 41112; location 4068; shot designations 4214; subject location 40911

Camera RAW 303

canted angle 122

capline 240

capture files 4567

cardioid microphone 382, 383

card sorting 99100

carousel interface: navigation 1824

Cartier-Bresson, Henri 303

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 157, 159, 186, 198, 2034; box model 161; controlling appearance 2235; graphical user interfaces 169; menus 176

cells: tables 159

centered text 257, 258

center-weighted metering mode: measuring light intensity 307

central processing unit (CPU) 49, 51

character reference 210

checkboxes: forms 187

checkerboard wipe 474

chroma keying 448

chunking body copy 149

cinema standards: moving pictures 28791

Clark, Jim 371

clickstream 189

client: 823; client team 95

clipping: audio monitoring 400

clip 4556; adding to timeline 4668

clock speed 51

clock wipe 474

close-up (CU) 4224

cloud content management systems (CMS) 701

cloud storage 65, 71, 72

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) color model 270

codec (coder-decoder) 3378

collaborative filtering 189

color: additive mixing 270; correction 92, 468; design element 1278; dimensions of 127; font 253; gradients 258; principle of emphasis 134; subtractive color mixing 270

color depth 2701

color space 2701

color temperature 124, 313

columns: grid 155; tables 159

command line interface (CLI) 55

communication 4, 6, 279, 31; S-M-C-R model of 79; see also visual communication

compact disc (CD-ROM) 668

Compact Flash (CF) card 323

compositing 4601

composition 115; rule of thirds 138

compression 2779; audio 344, 345; image 3023; video 3467

compression phase: frequency 375

computer: application software 489; connecting drives and devices 725; hardware and software 4655; hardware basics 505; human interface 5561; inside the box 4950

computer graphics 263

condensed typeface: font styles 250

condenser microphone 379, 380

consumer cameras 2945

consumer-generated media (CGM) 20

consumers 81

container format 331, 3378, 346, 348, 3523, 356

content and form 110, 11213

content management system (CMS) 164

content sharing 17

continuation: perceptual forces 139

contrast: letterform parts 23940; principle of emphasis 1324

control track 333

copy: page layout 143

copyright 92

cosmetic customization 189

counter: letterform parts 240

counterform 240

coverage 417, 435

cover shot 408, 419, 443

creativity 789

crop factor 301

cropping 275

crossing the line 420

cross-shots 419, 420

C-stand 434

CTSS (Compatible Time Sharing System) 40

cube spin 474

cultural transcoding 36

customization 18991

cut: video transitions 472

cutaway 408, 409, 443, 445, 450, 475

cut-ins 4501

cuts-only editing system 443

cutting on action 4501

data mining 170, 189

decibel (dB) 367, 373, 374, 400, 465

decisive moment 3034

declarations: HTML document 206

decorative typefaces 244, 247

de-interlace 356

democratization of media 20

demographics 94

deployment: user-centered design 105

depth: principle of emphasis 134

depth of field (DOF) 134, 31618

Dery, Mark 331

descender: letterform parts 240

design 98105; mockup 101, 102, 103; prototype 1045; user-centered 99100; wireframe 100101, 102, 103

designated market area (DMA) 212

design elements: color 1278; composition 115; dot 11819; form 1235; line 1202; pattern 1267; positive and negative space 118; shape 1223; space 11518; texture 1256; two-dimensional space (2D) 11617

design principles: alignment 130; asymmetrical balance 1367; balance 136; color 134; continuation 139; contrast and value 1324; depth 134; emphasis 1325; figure-ground 13940; perception forces 13640; proportion 1345; proximity 129; psychological closure 140; repetition 1301; rule of thirds 138; similarity 130, 131; symmetrical balance 136, 137; unity 12831

device settings 3548; acronym FWIGSS 35870; audio encoding settings 3578; bit rate 357; frame rate 357; frame size 356; recording format 356; resolution 356; scanning method 356; video encoding settings 3567

digital audio encoding 33943; pulse-code modulation 33943

digital camera 293: acronym FWIGSS 35870; DSLR 295; exposure 30511; exposure modes 31821; image folders 3278; renaming images 327; solid-state memory cards 3234; video cameras 296; see also imaging chain

Digital Cinema Initiatives, LLC (DCI) 291

digital files: cloud storage 71, 72; collaboration 72; file management 64; file sharing 71, 72; fixed storage 65; flash memory 689; magnetic storage 6971; optical disk 668; removable storage 66; saving and managing 612, 6572; storage solutions 6572; synchronization 72

digital images: management 325, 3278; metadata 3267; transferring and managing 3258

digital imaging 26482; raster images 266, 26780; vector graphics 266, 2802

digital revolution 435; from bits to bytes 445

digital single lens reflex (DSLR) 2947, 300302, 393, 426, 429; autofocus 315; exposure mode 318; memory card 323; optical viewfinder 406; recording format 337; settings 58, 361, 367

digital tape formats 334

Digital Television (DTV) 28990

digital versatile disc (DVD) 68, 92; menu 144, 165, 169; transport controls 463; video 342, 345

digital zoom 299

digitization 32

direct-attached storage (DAS) 65

director 90

display screen standards 2824; aspect ratio 2834, 285

dissolve: video transitions 4734

distribution: text 257

dithering 280

Divine Proportion 151

Dolby Digital (AC3) 345

dolly: secondary motion 4289

domain name 21213

dot: design element 11819

Dreamweaver 176, 203, 224, 228, 2301, 240

dropdown lists: forms 187

dropdown menus 177, 178

drop shadow: font transformations 259, 260; graphic design 125, 134, 280; text 258, 449

DSLR see digital single lens reflex

dummy text 101, 161

duration: transition properties 475

Dutch tilt 122

DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) 291, 345, 347

DVD see digital versatile disc (DVD)

Dvorak, John C. 441

dynamic microphone 3789

dynamic page 164

dynamic range 375, 400

editing: nonlinear (NLE) 4413; see also time-based editing

EDTV (enhanced definition television) 290

effects 467

electret condenser microphone 380

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) 40, 41

element: HTML 202, 204, 2059, 21617, 218, 2212, 2289

email: creating link in HTML 221

embossing 243, 259

emphasis 128, 1325; color 134; contrast and value 1324; depth 134; proportion 1345

encoding 337

Engelbart, Douglas 3, 55

equalization: sound systems 377

establishing shot 408, 422, 431, 443

evaluative metering mode: measuring light intensity 307

EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) 326

executive producer 83

expanded typeface: font styles 250

exposure: aperture 30910; digital camera 30511; flash control 3078; iris 364; measuring light intensity 307; meter 307; triangle 30811; value 308, 309

exposure modes: action 319; aperture priority 321; automatic 31820; digital camera 31821; fully automatic 318; landscape 319; manual 321; night 320; portrait 319; program 321; semi-automatic 321; shutter priority 321, 322; sports 319

extreme wide shot (EWS) 422

fade: video transitions 473

falloff: lighting 125, 4367

fat footer 181

faux font styles 2489

favicons 279

feedback: soliciting and applying 1945

Fetter, William 263

field: interlaced scanning 287

field of view 116, 40512; camera angle 409; camera location 4068; focal length 41112; subject location 40911

figure-ground: perceptual forces 134, 136, 13940

file: file manager 623; format 337; management 64; naming conventions 214; sharing 71, 72; system 623

file-based recording formats 3378

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 201, 212, 213, 2301

filler text 161

fill flash 3078

fill light 407, 435, 4367, 439

film 10, 368; video vs. 4034

film grammar 41419; frame 414; scene 41617; sequence 41719; shot 415; take 415

FiLMiC Pro 355

film speed 31011, 317

Firewire 69, 734

firmware 46, 350

fisheye lens 297, 298, 301

fixed focal-length lenses 2978

fixed layouts 1645

fixed storage 65

flags: light modification tools 4334

flash control 3078

flash memory 689

F-layout 1457

flicker fusion threshold 2878

floating graphic 157

fluid layouts 165

fluorescent lamps 4389

flush left 257, 258

focal length 304, 310, 317, 318; field of view 41112

focal length multiplier (FLM) 3012

focal point 128, 132, 138

focus: autofocus (AF) 315; autofocus and manual mode 35961; camera functions 358, 35962; manual 316; rack 362; zoom controls 361, 362

focus control 31516

focus mode 315, 355

folders: managing digital files 56, 62, 64

follow focus 91, 351, 361

font 236; color 253; family 236, 237; management 2545; size 2512; transformations 2589, 260

Font Book 255

font styles 24855; ALL CAPS or SMALL CAPS 2501; anti-aliasing 254; baseline shift 253, 254; boldface 24950; condensed or expanded type 250; font color 253; italics 24950; management 2545; size 2512; strikethrough 251; superscript/subscript 254; true and faux 2489; underline 251

footers: website interface 1801

form: content and form 110, 11213; design element 1235

formal balance 136

form factor: microphones 38390

forms: interface component 1878

frame: film grammar 41; image 116, 121, 136, 138, 464-5; raster scanning 285

frame rate 287, 290, 347, 352, 356, 357, 368; video encoding 357

frame size: video encoding 356

freeze frame 414

frequency: sound 374, 3756

Fresnel: lighting instruments 438, 439, 440

f-stop 30910

full-frame image sensor 300

full-screen graphic 448

fully automatic mode: exposure modes 318

functional customization 190

FWIGSS: acronym for digital device 35870; focus 358, 35962; gain 358, 367; iris 358, 3647; shutter speed 358, 3678; sound 358, 36870; white balance 358, 3623, 364

gain: camera function 358, 367; sound system 377

Garalde typeface 242

Garrett, Jesse James 81

Gates, Bill 41, 77, 113

geometric shapes 122, 123

Gestalt psychology 128, 139, 263

gestures 56, 171, 173, 175, 183

GIF 11, 32, 35, 63, 246, 338, 448; animated, 11; raster image format 266, 280

gigabyte 62

Golden Ratio 151

Google 9; Google Drive 70, 71; Google Glass 174, 175

Gothic 241

GPS (Global Positioning System) 173, 285

gradient fill: font transformations 259

graphical user interface (GUI) 557, 168

graphics 910, 263, 264, 467; designing for television 44950; digital imaging 26482; graphics card 54; graphics processing units (GPUs) 545; graphic vectors 139; video 44750

grayscale 127

great depth of field 316

gridline 117, 153, 257

grid system 1529; anatomy of 155; common structures 1556; graph paper 153, 154; modular grid 1589; multicolumn grid 1567; single-column grid 156

Gutenberg diagram 145

Gutenberg, Johannes 235, 2368, 2412

halftone image 119

Hall, Justin Allyn 39

handheld microphone 3845

handheld shot 4267, 431

hard-disk drive (HDD) 65

hard light 125, 4323

hardware 46; basics 505; CPU 51; inside the box 4950; system memory 525

hashtag 9

HDTV (high-definition television) 290, 345, 347

head: HTML document 206

headings 149

headline 149

headphones: audio monitoring 4012

headroom 4234

hierarchy: visual 148; websites 21415

high-angle shot 409, 421

high-key image 133

horizontal dropdown menus: navigation 177, 178

horizontal wipe 474

hue 127

human-computer interaction (HCI) 167

human interface: computers 5561; graphical user interface (GUI) 557; keyboard 5761; mouse 557

human interface device (HID) 55

Humanist typeface 242, 246

human vision: peripheral 405; understanding 4045

hypercardioid microphone 382, 383

hyperlinks: adding image information 2212; creating and managing 21822; email links 221; linking images 2212; linking to external sites 220; linking within the website 21820; navigation bar 220

hypermedia 8

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 7, 168, 202; basic elements 205; body 206; declarations 206; demystifying code 2029; head 206, 208; HTML5 202; sections of document 206

hypertext reference 218

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 21213


illusion of apparent motion 2878

image 263, 264

image frame 4645

image optimization 279

image sensor 295, 296, 299, 3004; compression 3023; image encoding 3023; image resolution 302; sensor size 300, 301

image stabilization: photography 3223

imaging chain: compression 3023; decisive moment 3034; digital camera 296304; image encoding 3023; image resolution 302; image sensor 3003; iris 299; ISO 31011; lens 2978; prime lenses 2978; sensor size 300, 301; shutter 300; shutter speed 311; zoom lenses 298

implementation: user-centered design 105

incandescent lamps 435, 438

index page 202, 214, 215, 219

index vectors 139

informal balance 136

inline elements: HTML 207

inline graphic 157

inner glow: font transformations 259

IN points: video editing 442, 4702

input prompt 188

inside stroke: font transformations 259

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 73, 74

intellectual property 92

interactive media 81

interactive multimedia 15

interactive web content 2289

interactivity: user interfaces 1678

interlaced scanning 286, 356

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 62, 244, 3445, 349

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 93; ISO Film Speed system 31011

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 344, 348

Internet: history of 202

Internet Protocol (IP) address 213

interview: tips for shooting 412

IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) 327

iris 299; camera function 3647

italics 240, 247; font styles 24950

JavaScript 186, 202, 208, 220, 228

Jobs, Steve 41, 42, 167

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 2779, 279

jump drive 69

justification: text 257, 258

Kanizsa’s triangle 141

Kay, Alan 42

kerning: character spacing 256

keyboard 5761; basics 57, 58; character keys 589; function keys 60; keystroke combinations 601; modifier keys 59; shortcuts 60

keying 448

key light 4367, 439

kickoff meeting 95

kilobyte 62

Kodak Corporation 294

Kuhn, Thomas 19

landscape mode: exposure modes 319

lavalier microphone 3858

layout 143, 1458; above the fold 180, 181; see also page layouts

leading: line spacing 2567

lead room 4223

learnability 191

LED (light-emitting diode) lamps 4389, 440

legacy media 46, 18

legibility: text 2389

lens: fisheye 298; prime 2978; short 297; telephoto 2978; variable focal-length 298; wide-angle 297; zoom 298, 299

letterform 235, 240

light: angle of 433; flags 4334; fluorescent and LED lamps 4389; hardness 125; incandescent lamps 435, 438; lamp technologies 435, 4389; modification tools 4335; scrims 4345; three-point

lighting 1245, 4329; color temperature 313; design element 1246; hard 4323; photography 314; reflected 433; soft 4323

light intensity 124, 364

line: curved 1212; design element 1202; diagonal and straight 121

Local Area Network (LAN) 70

logging and batch capturing 4567

long lenses 2978

long shot 422

loudness 375

low-angle shot 409, 421

lower-third graphic 447

low-key image 133

machine-to-machine editing 442

Mac OS X Finder 623

macro lenses 298

magnetic storage 6971

Manovich, Lev 27, 28, 302, 36

manual focus 316

manual mode: exposure modes 321

manuscript grid 156

Marcotte, Ethan 195

margins 155

mass audience 21

master shot 419, 420

McLuhan, Marshall 3, 36, 11213

mean line: letterform parts 240

media clips 4556

media files 4556

media stickiness 168

medium 5, 112

medium shot (MS) 421, 422

megabyte 62

memory cards 68, 69; camera 3245; comparison 352; file-based recording 337; formatting 3534; media files 455; Panasonic P2 34950; S-by-S 349; shot 415; solid-state 3234

Memory Stick (MS) 68, 324

menus: horizontal dropdown 177, 178; navigation 176, 177, 178; vertical dropdown 177, 178

merging cells: tables 15960

metadata 3267

metering modes 307

microblogging 17

microcomputer 402

Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) 40

microphones: bidirectional 382, 383; boundary 390; built-in or external 3912; cardioid 382, 383; classifying by form factor 38390; classifying by polar pattern 3813; classifying by transducer type 37880; condenser 379, 380; dynamic 3789; function 3778; handheld 3845; hypercardioid 382, 383; lavalier 3858; moving-coil 379; omnidirectional 381, 382, 383; proximity effect 386; ribbon 37980; shotgun 382, 383, 3889; supercardioid 382, 383; ultracardioid 382, 383; unidirectional 382, 383; USB 394; wireless 3924; see also audio production

microprocessor 29, 40, 51, 52

Microsoft 41; OneDrive 70, 71, 72; Windows 13, 50, 164

mini plug 396, 397

mixing: audio 4602

mobile app 49

mobile operating systems 478

mockup 101, 102, 103

Modern typefaces 243, 247

modular grid 1589

modules 155

monitoring: audio 398402; headphones 4012; using volume-unit (VU) meter 398401

monopod 322, 426

monospaced 240

Moore, Gordon 52

Moore’s law 52

Morse, Samuel 45

Mosaic browser 13, 14

motherboard 49

motion: primary 4245; secondary 42530; tertiary 430

motion graphics 11

motion tracking interfaces 173

motion vectors 139

mouse 557

moving-coil microphone 379

moving images: ASTC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) 2901, 292; digital cinema standards 291; digital television 28990; DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) 291; fields 287; illusion of apparent motion 2878; interlaced scanning 286; progressive scanning 286; raster scanning 2857; television and cinema standards 28791

MP3 (MPEG-1 audio layer III) 3445

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group): high efficiency video coding/H.265 3489; MPEG-1 audio layer III (MP3) 3445; MPEG-2 345; MPEG-4 3468

MS-DOS (MicroSoft-Disk Operating System) 42

multi-camera editing 452

multicolumn grid 1567

multimedia 34; animation 11; audio 1011; container 338; defined 67, 911; graphics 910; legacy 46; text 67, 9; video 10; web content 2289

MultiMediaCard (MMC) 324

multi-touch interfaces 170, 199

music 447, 467

naming conventions: file 214

narrowcasting 24

native resolution 282, 302

natural sound 408, 431, 446; inserting 4667

navigation: accordions 177, 178; menus 176, 177, 178; primary 176, 179; secondary 176; tabs 177, 179; user interface 1759; website 21315

navigation bar 220

negative space 118

Negroponte, Nicholas 25, 37, 43

Nelson, Ted 8

nesting: file management 64; tags 206, 207

network 2012; servers 213; URL address 21213

network-attached storage (NAS) 65, 70

network card 50

neutral density (ND) filters 365

new media 20, 2536; automation 324; convergence 2930; cultural transcoding 36; five principles of 2836; numerical representation 289; structural modularity 302; variability 346

news aggregators 17

news producing 834

Next Generation Broadcast Television 291

night mode: exposure modes 320

NLE see nonlinear editing (NLE)

nonbreaking space 209, 210

nondestructive editing 441

nonlinear editing (NLE) 10, 4413; adding clips to timeline 4668; capture files 4567; components of NLE interface 45965; keyboard shortcuts 464; media files and media clips 4556; pioneers 459; project file 454; project folder 4539; project panel 459; render files 4578; source and program monitors 4635; timeline 4602

normal lens 298

Norman, Don 77

novelty lenses 298

NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) 289, 290, 334, 336, 356

Nyquist, Henry 340

Oblique typeface 240

old media 46, 1725, 27; characteristics of 19; consumer as producer 20; large audience 214; large organization 1920; paradigm shift 19, 20; simultaneous delivery 25

Old Style typeface 2412, 246

omnidirectional microphone 3813

open standards: video and audio encoding 3439

operating system software (OS) 412, 478

optical disk 668

optical drive 50

optical zoom 299

organic shapes 1223

outer glow: font transformations 259

OUT points: video editing 442, 4702

outside stroke: font transformations 259

over-the-shoulder shot 421, 422

over-under wrap 399

padding 157, 160, 161

page layouts 143; chunking 149; fixed layouts 1645; F-layout 1457; fluid layouts 165; grid system 1529; Gutenberg diagram 145; headings 149, 150; organizing content on 1434; static and dynamic pages 164; tables 15960; Z-layout 1478

page peel: video transitions 474

page templates 1613

pagination 1845

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) 55, 56

PAL (Phase Alternating Line) 289, 334

pan: secondary motion 428

Panasonic P2

memory card 34950

Pandora 17, 24

paradigm shift 19, 20

parallax scrolling 186

parent folder 64

parentheticals 85

passive autofocus 315

pattern: design element 1267

pattern fill: font transformations 258

pedestal motion 42830; dolly, truck and arc 42930; pedestal up and down 4289

perceptual forces 13640; asymmetrical balance 1367; balance 136; continuation 139; figure-ground 13940; psychological closure 140; symmetrical balance 136, 137

peripheral vision 405

permissions: intellectual property 72

personal computer (PC): history of 3943

personalization 1889

perspective 121

phantom power 369, 370, 37981, 385, 389, 393

photography 265, 2936; analog 265; aperture size 317; consumer cameras 2945; focus 31516; image stabilization 3223; prosumer and professional cameras 2956; quality lighting 314; video cameras 296; white balance 312, 315; see also imaging chain

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) 228

pickup pattern 381

picture element 267

pistol grip 389

pitch 373, 376, 377

pixel 119; definition of 267

pixel count 272

pixel density 2724

pixel dimensions 272

pixel perfect 283

pixel resolution 2724

planning: preproduction 828

playhead 463

plosives 378, 384

plug-in 202, 211, 216, 2289

PNG 32, 356, 266, 279, 338, 348

point 252

pointer file 456

point of view: camera location 4068

point size: letterform parts 240, 252

polar pattern: microphones 3813

portrait mode: exposure modes 319

positive space 118

postproduction 92, 93

posture: letterforms 240

preamp 380, 393, 398400

preproduction: AV script format 867; corporate producing 824; entertainment and news producing 834; previsualization 848; screenplay format 88, 89; script 857, 88; storyboard 85, 86; treatment 85

pressure zone microphone (PZM) 390

previsualization 848, 85

primary motion 4245

primary navigation 176, 179

primary optical area 145

prime lenses 2978

producer 834

production: Three Ps model 88, 901, 404

production schedule 416, 417

Professional Disc 349

program mode: exposure modes 321

program monitor 4635

progressive scanning 286, 356

project director 95

project file 454

project folder 453

project planning: audience 7981; creativity 789; postproduction 82, 92, 93; preproduction 828; production 82, 88, 901; road map 7781; users 81

project team 95

proportion: principle of emphasis 1345

proprietary standards: video and audio encoding 34953

prosumer 2956

protocols: web design 201, 21213, 219, 230

prototype 95, 101, 1045

proximity: principle of unity 129

proximity effect 386

psychological closure: perceptual forces 140, 141

pulse-code modulation (PCM) 33943; bit depth 3401; bit rate 3423; sample rate 340

quantization 341

quartz lamps 435, 438

QuickTime 15, 34, 338, 347, 352, 459

rack focus 362

radio buttons: forms 187

ragged right: text 257

RAM (random access memory) 49, 525

Rand, Paul 109

rarefaction phase: frequency 3756

raster images: anti-aliasing 276; color space 2701; compression 2779; cropping 275; defining 2724; digital imaging 266, 26780; formats 27980; pixel count 272, 273; pixel density 2724; pixel dimensions 272; resampling 275, 276; resolution 269, 2724; scaling 274, 275

raster scanning: moving images 2857

RCA (Radio Corporation of America) connector 396, 397

readability: text 2389

Reagan, Ronald 269

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) 212

reciprocity law 305

recording formats 331; analog tape formats 334; device settings 3548; digital audio encoding 33943; digital tape formats 334; file-based 3378; formatting memory cards 3534; legacy television 3325; timeline of videotape formats 3357; videotape 333

record level 398401

Red Book Standard 342

RED Digital Cinema Camera 296, 350, 351, 404

red-eye reduction 308

reflected light 433

reflector: light modification tools 365, 433, 434, 435, 437, 439

refresh rate 286

relative URL 219

removable storage 66

rendering 4578

repetition: principle of unity 1301

resampling: raster image 275, 276

resolution: dependent 266, 274; image 302; native 282; pixel 2724; raster image 269; video encoding 356

responsive web design 195, 196

RGB (Red, Green and Blue) color model 270, 271

ribbon microphone 37980

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) 1415

rich media 15

right-aligning: text 257, 258

Roche, Peter 269

Roman typeface 240

root folder 64, 213

rows: grids 155; tables 159

rule of thirds 138, 413

sample 28

sample rate 33943, 35758

sans serif typefaces 243

saturation 127

scaling: raster image 274, 275

scanning: moving images 2857; video encoding 356

scene: film grammar 41617

Schram, Wilber 79

Schremp, Rick 201

scoop: lighting instruments 439, 440

scratch disk 453

screen font 245, 254

screenplay 88, 89; script format 88, 89

scrims: light modification tools 4345, 440

script: previsualization 857, 88

script typefaces 244, 247

scrubbing 442, 4634

SDTV (Standard Definition Television) 290

search engine optimization (SEO) 7

SECAM (Sequential Color and Memory) 289

secondary motion 42530

secondary navigation 176

Secure Digital (SD) card 323

selective focus 316

Semantic Web 15

semi-automatic modes: exposure modes 321

sequence: film grammar 41719

sequence motion 430

serial bus 73

serif typefaces 2403

server 201, 202; IP addresses 213; naming convention 214; network 21213; uploading website to 2301

shallow depth of field 316

Shannon, Claude 79

Shannon–Weaver model 79

shape: design element 1223

Shneiderman, Ben 167

short lighting 125

short-range apparent motion 287

shot: film grammar 415; shot list 424

shot designations 4214; close-up 4224; medium shot 422; mix it up 424; wide shot 422

shotgun microphone 382, 383, 3889

shutter 296, 298, 300

shutter priority mode: exposure modes 321, 322

shutter speed 298, 300, 326, 364, 3678; camera function 358, 3678

sidebar 1467, 156

similarity: principle of unity 130, 131

single-column grid 156

site design 215

slab serif typefaces 243, 247

slide wipe: video transitions 474

slug 460, 473

slug line 416, 417

SMALL CAPS: font styles 2501

smartphone 10, 12, 25, 29, 31, 37, 469

S-M-C-R model of communication 79

snapping 257, 258

social bookmarking 17

social media 910, 1617

social networking 17

softbox: lighting instruments 439

soft light 4323

software 46; app 25, 49; application 489; operating system 412, 478

solid-state hard drives (SSDs) 65

solid-state memory cards 3234

Sony SxS Memory Card 349

sound 3726; amplitude 3734; audio and 3712; camera function 358, 36870; connections and signal flow 36870; equalization 377; frequency 374, 3756

sound bite 408, 445, 466

sound check 401

sound effects (SFX) 10, 92, 462, 467, 468

sound on tape (SOT) 371, 408, 460

sound pressure wave 3725, 379, 390

source monitor 4635

space: design element 11518; negative 118; positive 118; two-dimensional (2D) 11617; white 118

spatial zones 155

speakers: audio monitoring 4012

spill light 4334, 435, 437

splash page 164

split edit 460

splitting cells: tables 15960

sports mode: exposure modes 319

spot metering mode: measuring light intensity 307

stand-up 384, 445, 446

static page 164

still image 264, 279, 296, 302; animation 11; frame 414, 418, 424, 442, 451; graphics 9

stitching mode 320

storage 65

storyboard: previsualization 85, 86

stress: letterform parts 23940

strikethrough: font styles 251

stroke: font transformations 259, 260; letterform parts 23940

structural modularity 302

style sheet 157, 159, 161, 169, 198

subscript 254

subtractive color mixing 270

supercardioid microphone 382, 383

superscript 254

super-telephoto lenses 298

symbol typefaces 2445, 247

symmetrical balance 1367

system memory (RAM) 49, 525; requirements for application software 54

tables 15960; creating 2223; defining 159; merging cells 15960; splitting cells 15960

tabs: navigation 177, 179

tag 7, 9, 204, 2069; alt tags 230; anatomy of 208, 209; HTML 204, 205; HTML5 206, 207; lists 217, 218; nesting 206, 207; tag name 208

tailoring 18891; customization 18991; personalization 1889

take: film grammar 415

Talbot, William Henry Fox 119

target audience 80

target market 80

telephoto lenses 2978

teleprompter 444

television: designing graphics for 44950; legacy of analog 289; standards for moving pictures 28791

terabyte 62

tertiary motion 430

text: alignment 257, 258; character and line spacing 2567; distribution 257; justification 257, 258; kerning 256; leading 2567; legibility 2389; multimedia 67, 9; readability 2389; tracking 256; text fields 187, 188

texture: design element 1256

text user interface (TUI) 56

theory of perceptual grouping 128

“think outside the box” 98

Thomson, William 312

three-band equalization 377

three-dimensional (3D) 122, 124; effects 474; modeling program 124; transition 474

three-point lighting 4367

Three Ps model 822, 94; postproduction 92, 93; preproduction 828, 89; production 88, 901, 404

thumb drives 69

thumbnails 182, 183

Thunderbolt 69, 745

TIFF 277, 279, 303, 338, 448

tilt: secondary motion 428

time-based editing: adding clips to timeline 4668; B-roll 4456; building blocks of edited sequence 44350; continuity editing 4501; cut-ins 4501; cuts 472; dissolve 4734; editing scenario 4702; face 473; graphics 44750; multi-camera 452; music and sound effects 447; natural sound 446; NLE project folder 4539; nonlinear editing (NLE) 4413; pre-scripted elements 4434; sound bites 445; track management 468; transition properties 4745; transitions 4725; unscripted or post-scripted elements 4447; voiceover 4467; wipe 474

timecode 463

timeline 4602; adding clips to 4668; IN point in 471

titles 467

title safe area 448, 450

tonal range 133

top-level domain (TLD) 212

touch user interfaces 170, 171

track: audio and video 460; management 468

tracking: character spacing 256

transcoding 338

transducer: microphones 37880

transitional typefaces 2423, 246, 247

transitions 4725; adding 467; cut 472; dissolve 4734; fade 473; properties 4745; wipe 474

transport controls 463

treatment: previsualization 85

tripod 406, 4278; handheld motion 426; image stabilization 3223; shooting B-roll 4301

trough: frequency 3756

truck: secondary motion 42930

true color 271

true font styles 2489

TS/TRS (tip and sleeve/tip, ring, and sleeve) connectors 396, 397

tungsten lamps 312

two-dimensional space (2D) 11617

two-shot 419, 422

type 235

typeface 237, 261; categorizing 2416; characteristics 23941, 2467; computers and 2456; decorative 244; posture 240; proportions and letterform parts 2401; sans serif 243; script 244; serif 2413; stroke, contrast, and stress 239; symbol 2445; weight 240

typographic grid 152, 155, 159

typography 2358

UHD (ultra-high-definition) 291

UHDTV (ultra-high-definition television) 348

UI components and features: accordions 177, 178; archives 1856; breadcrumbs 17980; carousels 1824; footers 1801; home links 179; horizontal dropdown menus 177, 178; managing hierarchy 17981; menus 1767, 178; navigation 1759; organizing content 1816; pagination 1845; primary navigation 176; secondary navigation 176; tabs 177, 179; thumbnails 182, 183; vertical dropdown menus 177, 178

ultracardioid microphone 382, 383

umbrella light: lighting instruments 439, 440

unbalanced audio 3967

underline: font styles 251

unidirectional microphone 382, 383

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 202; address on Web 21213

unity 12831; alignment 130; proximity 129; repetition 1301; similarity 130, 131

usability 94, 1915; efficiency 192; error management 192; feedback 1945; learnability 191; memorability 192; satisfaction 1923; testing 1934

usability testing 94, 1934

USB (Universal Serial Bus) 69, 735; drives 69; microphones 394; USB-C connector 745

user 81; experience 93, 95

user-centered design (UCD) 82, 93105; analysis 958; card sorting 99100; conducting research 978; deployment 105; identifying target users 967; implementation 105; mockup 101, 102, 103; needs assessment 96; prototype 1045; putting principles into practice 95105; specifying requirements 97; wireframe 101, 102, 103

User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) 95

user-generated content (UGC) 20

user interface (UI): accessibility 1968; augmented reality (AR) 1734, 175; designer job post 16970; graphical 168; interactivity 1678; touch 170, 171; types of 16874; voice 170, 172; see also UI components and features

Vail, Alfred 45

value: principle of emphasis 1324

variable focal-length lens 298

vector graphics: digital imaging 266, 2802

Venetian typefaces 242

vertical dropdown menus: navigation 177, 178

vertical wipe: video transitions 474

video 10, 368; adapter 54; blogging 17; cameras 296; card 49, 54; compositing 4602; compression 3467; encoding settings 3567; film vs. 4034

video and audio encoding: AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) 3523; AVCHD 3512; high efficiency video coding/H.265 3489; MEG-1 audio layer III (MP3) 3445; MPEG-2 345; MPEG-4 3468; open standards for 3439; P2 34950; proprietary standards for 34953; QuickTime 352; RED Digital Cinema 350, 351; SxS 349; WAV (Waveform Audio File Format) 3523

video production: 180-degree rule 420; B-roll 408, 4301; crossing the line 420; field of view 40512; film grammar 41419; frame 414; lighting 4329; lighting instruments 43940; motion 42430; natural sound 408; scene 41617; sequence 41719; shot 415; shot designations 4214; sound bite 408; three-point lighting 4367; tips for shooting B-roll 4301; tips for shooting interview 412

videotape formats 333; timeline of 3357

video track 333, 460; management 468

viewfinder 406

Vimeo 17, 346: encoding for 3478

virtual private network (VPN) 70

visual communication 10914; aesthetics 11314; content and form 110, 11213

visual grammar see film grammar

visual hierarchy 148

vlogging 17

voice interfaces 170, 172

voiceover (VO) 391, 394; B-roll 408, 445, 4712; edited sequence 4445; narrative device 4467; sound bites 445; stand-up 446

VU (volume-unit) meter: monitoring record levels 398401

Warnock, John 143

warping: font transformations 258

waveform 4645

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) 3523

wavelength: sound 374

Weaver, Warren 79

WebAIM.org 230

Web design: accessibility issues 22930; background and text colors 225; block quotes 217; characteristics of appearance 2259; code compatibility 22930; creating and managing hyperlinks 21822; creating tables 2223; file naming conventions 214; font type and style 226; headings 21617; hierarchy 21415; HTML5 elements 216; interactive and multimedia content 2289; link characteristics 2267; lists 217, 218; margins 225; marking up content 21523; navigation 21315; paragraphs 217; planning site structure 21315; responsive 195, 196; root folder 213; site uniformity and consistency 215; uploading the site to server 2301; usability 215

web-safe font 246

web user interfaces (WUIs) 168

Wertheimer, Max 128, 267

white balance: camera function 3623, 364; controls 363, 364; photography 312, 315

white space 118

wide-angle lenses 297

widescreen 284

wide shot (WS) 421, 422

Windows File Explorer 62

windscreen 384, 386

wipe: video transitions 474

wireframe 1001, 102, 103, 4645

wireless microphone 3924

World Wide Web (WWW) 4, 8, 1112; browsers 21112; demystifying code 2029; history 202; HTML characters 210; HTML elements 205; network 21213; three generations of 1416

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 159, 202, 208, 211, 224, 229, 230

Wozniak, Steve 42

wrapper file 338

Wright, Charles 19, 25

x-axis 116

x-height: letterform parts 240

XLR connectors 396, 397

y-axis 116

YouTube 9, 17, 20, 23, 37, 48, 168, 191, 346, 3478; encoding for 3478

z-axis 117, 4045, 407

zebra stripes 3657

Zettl, Herb 424, 425

Z-layout 1478

zoom lenses 298

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