Thank you to everyone who contributed to the second edition of Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design. Whether you conducted research or writing for a chapter update, reviewed the project proposal or draft manuscript, posed for photographs, provided sample illustrations from your own works, or offered an encouraging word or prayer along the way, I am so very grateful to you for your support. To the awesome editorial staff and production team at Taylor & Francis, thank you for your continued support of this impactful work.

Drs. Ed and Susan Youngblood made significant improvements to their co-authored chapter on web design—updating readers on the evolving HTML5 standard while clarifying and streamlining the narrative structure and flow of the entire chapter. Dr. Qian Xu revamped her chapter on user interface design, introducing a few new topics such as augmented reality, responsive web design, parallax scrolling, and voice interfaces.

Dr. Tony Demars and Staci Saltz conducted comprehensive reviews of the draft manuscript. Their feedback and suggestions were put to good use—greatly enhancing the accuracy, clarity, and presentation of the written text.

Elon University—and more specifically my dean, Dr. Paul Parsons; associate dean Dr. Don Grady; and department chair Dr. Jessica Gisclair—provided administrative aid (including support for a much appreciated research sabbatical). My colleagues Bryan Baker and Ryan Witt allowed me to photograph their video shoots and offered sample images from past projects that they had produced or edited. Along the way, many Elon students, faculty, and staff served as subjects for photographs— many of whom are included in the final chapters on video production and editing. Special thanks go to Dr. Rich Landesberg, Julie Prouty, the Elon Local News producing team, graduate students in the Interactive Media masters program, and student workers in the Department of Television Services.

Finally, I want to thank Beth, my wife of more than 30 years. She is the love of my life, my best friend, and most ardent supporter. To my children, thank you also for your enduring love!

—Vic Costello

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