

Gracious thanks are due to these people who breathed life into this work:

Madeleina Kay who illuminated this book through rich pictures and illustrations. Madeleina is a talented artist, author and musician (www.albawhitewolf.com).

Christina Jansen, professional photographer to people as diverse as Muhammed Ali, Emma Thompson and Robert Plant, who took the photographs for this book (www.cjansenphotography.com).

Jennifer Sertl, author of Strategy and the Soul, for her insights into intelligence and 21st-century capabilities (www.jennifersertl.com).

Keiron Sparrowhawk of My Cognition for his insights into neuroscience and its practical applications for our wellbeing.

Matt Bonam and Neil MacKillop at Astra Zeneca for their insights into working in an integrated way with machines.

Peter Cheese, David D’Souza, Warren Howlett and Ruth Stuart at The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development for their insights into the future of work.

Gareth Jones at The Chemistry Group for an inspirational view of HR fused with big data.

Simon Warren, Managing Director of CaseWare UK for his insights into how AI is affecting financial services (www.caseware.co.uk).

Greg Smith and Carl Bate at Arthur D. Little for their thoughts on Next Practice and using artificial intelligence and human ingenuity to improve our enterprises.


Steve Gorton, Silvia Impellezzeri and Dr Melinda Fouts, for their wise and incisive counsel and insights on wide-ranging matters associated with writing this book.

John Varney, The Centre for Management Creativity, for his insights into creativity and futures (www.high-trenhouse.co.uk).

Professor Adrian Furnham, who offers a continuing source of inspiration, provocation and friendship (www.adrianfurnham.com).

Dr Stephen Leybourne at Boston State University for his collaborations on improvisation and innovation.

The staff at the Virgin Lounge in London, Karen’s Diner, South Eastern Railway and Five Steps Café for allowing me to use their venues as mobile office locations.

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