

Acronyms, 12

Additive color model, 85

Additive color system, 1922, 19f

Alpha channels, 4345, 44f, 72

for clouds, 329330, 330f, 333f

creating, 333f

details using, in urban setting, 209210, 210f

planning for, 122, 123t

in sci-fi setting, 165

for windows in urban setting, 196198, 197f, 198f

Angle distortion (position), 118119, 119f, 120f, 121f

Animated effects, 341342, 341f, 342f

See also Game effects

Art. See Visual art

Asset-based optimizations, 6474

lightmaps, 69, 71f, 72

masking, 72, 72f, 73f

MIP mapping, 65, 66f, 67f

multitexturing or multiple UV channels, 6869, 71f

texture pages (T-pages), 67

texture size and compression, 73

transparency, 7273, 72f, 73f

unlit textures, 68


categorizing, 111

defined, 64

for futuristic interior, 371384

Atlas textures, 67, 68f, 69f

Average blend mode, 85, 86f


Banding, 132, 133f, 142f

in normal maps, 367, 368f

Banner, in fantasy setting, 281286, 281f, 282f, 283f, 284f, 285f, 286f

Base image, 133

Base materials, for fantasy setting, 232241

base metals (iron/pewter/silver/gold), 243

plaster or light stucco, 241243, 242f, 243f

rough stone wall, 238240, 238f, 239f, 240f

stone flooring, 232237, 233f, 235f, 237f

wood beams, rough, 240, 241f

Base metal

in fantasy setting, 243

in sci-fi setting, 155157, 157f

Basic node operations, 100101

Beams, wood, 240, 241f

Bitmapped files, 40

Black, 19, 19f

Blending Mode function, 326327

Blending modes, 38, 110

Blend shaders, 85, 86f

additive mode, 85

average mode, 85

subtractive mode, 85

Bloom, 193194

Blooming, 89, 90f, 173

Blue, 20, 23

Box mapping, 5860, 60f

Bricks, in urban setting, 179

bottom of the wall, 189190, 190f

bullet holes in, 356357, 356f, 357f

brick and mortar depth, 185186, 186f

completion of, 186187, 187f

creating, 180190

mortar texture, 184185, 185f

texture, 183184, 183f, 184f

tiling, 181183, 182f

top of the wall, 187188, 188f

Brightness, 1819, 18f

Brooker, Darren, 11

Brushes, 246

strength setting, 318f

for terrain editing, 316

Bryce 3D, 321

Bullet holes and debris, 340, 340f, 354361, 358f

See also Game effects

cloth, 355356, 355f, 356f

concrete (plaster)/brick, 356357, 356f, 357f

dirt, 357

glass, 357358, 359f

grass, 358, 359f

metal, 359, 360f

water, 359, 361f

wood, 361, 361f

Bump maps, 82, 96, 291292, 292f

Bundysoft, 322


Candle flame, 254255, 255f, 349f

Candle glow/corona, 348351, 349f, 351f

Candlestick, 252254, 253f, 254f

Candle wax, 256257, 257f

Canvas size, 127

Caustics, 334, 338f

Caustics Generator, 334, 338f

Caution stripes, in sci-fi setting, 171, 172f

Chest, in fantasy setting, 247252, 248f, 250f, 251f

Clone tool, build/rebuild stones using, 147148, 147f

Cloth, bullet holes in, 355356, 355f, 356f

Clouds, 326332, 327f, 328f, 329f, 334f

alpha channel for, 329330, 330f, 333f

single, 331332, 332f, 335f, 336f

Clouds filter, 327328

Collision-based optimizations, 64

Color, 1525

brightness, 1819, 18f

cool, 23

emphasis, 20, 22, 21f, 22f

expression, 2325, 24f

hue, 1617

models, 15

HSB, 1516, 16f

RGB, 1516

normal maps, 372373

primary, 20

saturation, 17, 17f

secondary, 20

subtractive, 19

systems, 1922, 19f

additive, 1922, 19f

subtractive, 19

warm, 23

wheel, 16

Color maps, 82, 8385, 83f, 84f

Color Picker, 17, 17f, 20f

Color Picker Palette, 19, 20f

Columns, in sci-fi setting, 380, 380f

Compression, 4243, 43f

DXTC, 4548

texture, 73

Computer graphic technology, 3775

file formats, 38, 4051

game optimizations, 6174

grid system, 5355, 54f, 55f

introduction to, 3739

power of two, 5153, 52f

technical limits, 56, 58

UV mapping, 5861

Concrete, in urban setting, 180, 204205, 205f

basic, 205f

grooved, 207, 207f

impact effects in, 356357, 356f, 357f

rougher, 206, 206f

sectioned, 207208, 208f

stained, 206, 206f

variations, 209210, 209f, 210f

Cool colors, 23

Copyright issues, with digital images, 114

Corona, 348351

Cracks, in stucco, 242243, 242f, 243f

Crates, wood, 201204, 203f, 204f

Cropping images, 126130, 127f, 128f

using Trim command, 129, 130f

Crop tool, 126130

fixing perspective with, 128129, 129f

resampling using, 129

Crytek Engine (CryEngine 3), 300

Cube maps, 9294, 94f, 95f, 293294, 293f, 294f, 295f

Cyan, 20

Cylindrical mapping, 61, 62f


Darkness, 7

DDS format, 4548, 46f

Decals, 135

Delete option, 127

Demers, Owen, 3

Dependencies, xiv

Depth, 78, 7f

representation, 14f

Depth of field, 8687, 87f, 117

Detail mapping, 8586, 86f

Detail textures

in fantasy setting, 244289

banner, 281286, 281f, 282f, 283f, 284f, 285f, 286f

candle flame, 254255, 255f

candlestick, 252254, 253f, 254f

candle wax, 256257, 257f

chest, 247252, 248f, 250f, 251f

cover symbols, 265267, 267f

dragon scales, 262265, 263f, 264f, 265f

fur rug, 245247, 245f, 246f, 247f

gems, 269, 269f

magic door, 286288, 287f, 288f, 289f

old map, 270274, 271f, 272f, 273f, 274f, 275f

page edges, 268, 268f

runes, 259260, 261f

spellbook, 257270, 258f, 259f, 270f

spine decoration, 260262, 261f, 262f

table trim, 244, 244f

windows, 274280, 275f, 276f, 277f, 279f, 280f, 281f

in sci-fi setting, 165170, 166f, 167f, 168f

Diamond plate pattern, of floor plane, 162164, 164f

Diffuse maps, 8385, 83f, 84f, 290291, 291f

Digital cameras/phones/mobile devices, 114124

Digital photographs

creating normal maps from, 367369, 368f, 369f

tips for taking, 114124

alpha channels, 122, 123t

angle distortion (position), 118119, 119f, 120f, 121f

auto settings, 116117, 117f

flash, 122, 123t

image resolution, 116

image tilt, 116

lens distortion (fisheye), 117118, 118f

lighting problems, 119121

tiling, 122, 124

Digital Texturing and Painting (Demers), 3

DirectX 9, 7778, 78f

DirectX 11, 7778, 78f

Direct X Texture Compression (DXTC), 4548, 48f

DXT1, 47, 48f

DXT3, 47

DXT5, 47

Dirt, impact effects in, 357, 358f

Displacement maps, 312313

Door, magic, in fantasy setting, 286288, 287f, 288f, 289f

Door, in urban setting, 217, 219226

final door, 225f

frame, 217, 219220, 220f

knob plate, 223224, 223f, 224f

weathering and dirt, 224225

window, 222f

window and panel cutouts, 221f

Door texture, normal maps, 380, 381f

Dragon scales, 262265, 263f, 264f, 265f

Drawing, exercises, 4

DXTC. See Direct X Texture Compression (DXTC)

Dynamic cube mapping, 94, 293


Edge Copy, 141

tiling using, 142149

Edwards, Betty, 4

Effects. See Game effects

Emissive texture, 92

Emitters, 344, 345f

End of log, 306, 307f

Environment maps, 293294, 293f, 294f, 295f

Erosion, terrain, 318, 318f, 319f

Essential CG Lighting Techniques with 3ds Max (Booker), 11

Explosions, 346

Export, 4445, 45f

Exteriors. See Outdoor setting

External drives, 111


Fantasy setting, 229297, 230f

base materials, 232241

base metals (iron/pewter/silver/gold), 243

plaster or light stucco, 241243, 242f, 243f

rough stone wall, 238240, 238f, 239f, 240f

stone flooring, 232237, 233f, 235f, 237f

wood beams, rough, 240, 241f

complete scene, 296, 296f, 297f

concept sketch, 229230

details, breaking out, 231

detail textures, 244289

banner, 281286, 281f, 282f, 283f, 284f, 285f, 286f

candle flame, 254255, 255f

candlestick, 252254, 253f, 254f

candle wax, 256257, 257f

chest, 247252, 248f, 250f, 251f

cover symbols, 265267, 267f

dragon scales, 262265, 263f, 264f, 265f

fur rug, 245247, 245f, 246f, 247f

gems, 269, 269f

magic door, 286288, 287f, 288f, 289f

old map, 270274, 271f, 272f, 273f, 274f, 275f

page edges, 268, 268f

runes, 259260, 261f

spellbook, 257270, 258f, 259f, 270f

spine decoration, 260262, 261f, 262f

table trim, 244, 244f

windows, 274280, 275f, 276f, 277f, 279f, 280f, 281f

materials, 230231

overview, 229

tearing down for shaders, 290296

Ferns, 308, 308f

File formats, 38, 4051

Filenames, naming conventions, 150151

Fisheye effect, 117118, 118f

Flash burn, 122, 123t

Flattened layers, 4951

Flattening, terrain, 320, 320f

Flooring, stone, 232237, 233f, 235f, 237f

Floor panels, normal maps, 378, 379f

Floor panel with grate, in sci-fi setting, 161165, 163f, 164f, 166f

Forest floor, 302304, 303f, 304f

Forest setting, 299338

See also Outdoor setting

complete scene, 309f

concept sketch, 300301

ferns, 308, 308f

forest floor, 302304, 303f, 304f

logs, 306, 307f

overview, 299300

rocks, 308, 308f

tree bark, 304, 304f

tree branches, 305306, 305f, 306f

Form, 56, 5f, 6f

Four-way tiling, 138139, 140f

FPS. See Frames per second (fPS)

Frame, windows, 191, 191f

Frames per second (fPS), 6364

Freeform terrain painting, 316, 317f, 318, 318f

Free Transform tool, 130132, 131f

Full bright textures, 68, 90, 92

Fur rug, 245247, 245f, 246f, 247f

Futuristic interior, assets for, 371384

color, 372373

columns, 380, 380f

door, 380, 381f

final scene, 384f

floor panels, 378, 379f

illumination, 373

light/ceiling panel, 380, 381f

monitor, 382, 382f

normal map, 375376

pipes and hoses, 382, 383f

specularity, 373374

wall panels, 371, 372f, 377, 377f, 378f

G, 72, 137

Game development, challenges, xivxv

Game effects, 339361

animated effects, 341342, 341f, 342f

impact effects, 354361

introduction to, 339340

particle effects, 342353, 343f, 344f, 345f

static effects, 340, 340f

weapons effects, 351361

Game optimizations, 6174

asset-based, 6474

lightmaps, 69, 71f, 72

masking, 72, 72f, 73f

MIP mapping, 65, 66f, 67f

multitexturing or multiple UV channels, 6869, 71f

texture pages (T-pages), 67

texture size and compression, 73

transparency, 7273, 72f, 73f

unlit textures, 68

collision-based, 64

occlusion-based, 64

Game performance, 6364

Garage door metal, 211212, 212f

Gems, 269, 269f

Glass, impact effects in, 357358, 359f

Glass panes, 192

variations of, 193, 193f

weathering and dirt, 193195, 194f

Glossiness, 8789

Glow, 89, 90f, 93f, 348351, 349f, 351f

Golden hour, 119120

Gradient fade, 327f

Graphic file formats, 38

choosing, 4142

DDS format, 4548, 46f

DXTC, 4548

features of, 4051

alpha channels, 4345, 44f

compression, 4243, 43f

source and output files, 4041

vector and bitmapped files, 40

options, 42

PSD file format, 4851

Grass, impact effects in, 358, 359f

Green, 20, 23

Grid, 39

Grid system, 5355, 54f, 55f

Grid tool, 53


Hair brush, 246

Hajba, Peter, 137

Halo, 89, 90f

Heat haze, 87, 88f

Height map, 313f, 317f

importing, 312f, 314f

with varied resolution, 316f

Highlights, 8, 9f, 10f, 11, 11f

specular, 8789

High Pass filter, 137

Hoses, normal maps, 382, 383f

Hot spots, 132

Hue, 1617

Hue, saturation, and brightness (HSB) color model, 1516, 16f


Illumination, 90, 92, 373, 374f

Illumination mapped texture, 92

Illumination maps, 82, 93f

Image resolution, 116

Images, 125f

base, 133

cropping, 126130, 127f, 128f

digital, 114124, 124125

exporting, 4445

flipping, 130131, 131f

resampling, 129

resizing, 132

rotating, 130131, 131f

saving, 4445

sources of, 124125

Image size, 39

power of two, 5153, 52f

Image tilt, 116

Impact effects, 354361

cloth, 355356, 355f, 356f

concrete (plaster)/brick, 356357, 356f, 357f

dirt, 357, 358f

glass, 357358, 359f

grass, 358, 359f

metal, 359, 360f

water, 359, 361f

wood, 361, 361f

Inorganic tiling, 139, 141

Internet, as source of images, 125, 126f

Interpolation, 132

Itten, Johannes, 16, 23


L3DT (Large 3D Terrains), 322, 323f, 324f, 325, 326f

Lasso tool, 331332

Layer blending modes, 38, 110

Layers, 4851, 49f, 50f, 109110

creating, 328, 329f

flattened, 4951

Layers Window, 49, 49f

Lens distortion (fisheye), 117118, 118f

Level of detail (LOD), 65

Light and shadow, 711, 9f, 10f, 11f

highlights, 8, 9f, 10f, 11, 11f

Light/ceiling panels, 380, 381f

Lighting, 347351

bloom (glow/halo), 89, 90f

candle glow/corona, 348351, 349f, 351f

golden hour, 119120

light shafts, 347348, 348f

problems, in digital photography, 119121

real-time, 7980

variations across image, 137, 138f

vertex vs. per-pixel, 364366, 364f, 365f, 366f

Lightmaps, 69, 71f, 72

Light shafts, 347348, 348f

Linde, Riccard, 72

LOD. See Level of detail (LOD)

Logs, in forest setting, 306, 307f

Lossless formats, 42

Lossy formats, 4243


Magenta, 20

“Making Quality Game Textures” (Linde), 72

Map, old, in fantasy setting, 270274, 271f, 272f, 273f, 274f, 275f


detail, 8586, 86f

MIP mapping, 65, 66f, 67f

opacity, 8990

parallax occlusion mapping, 96

specularity, 89f

UV mapping, 5861, 248249

box, 5860, 60f

cylindrical, 61, 62f

planar, 58, 59f

spherical, 6061, 61f


bump, 96, 291292, 292f

cube, 9294, 94f, 95f, 293294, 293f, 294f, 295f

diffuse, 8385, 83f, 84f, 290291, 291f

displacement, 312313

height, 312f, 313f, 314f, 316f, 317f

illumination, 90, 92, 93f, 373, 374f

normal, 9698, 97f, 98f, 363384

specularity, 8889, 88f, 103f, 373374, 375f

Masking, 72, 72f, 73f, 8990, 91f

Max (programming language), 80

Maya, 80


in fantasy setting, 243

impact effects in, 359, 360f

in urban setting, 180, 210211

garage door, 211212, 212f

pipes, 213, 213f

rusted, 211, 211f

Metal binding, for spellbook, 258259, 259f

Metal fill texture, in sci-fi setting, 158, 158f

MIP mapping, 65, 66f, 67f

Modular design, 54, 5558, 56f, 57f

Monitor, normal maps, 382, 382f

Mortar texture, 184185, 185f

Multiple layers of depth, normal maps, 375, 375f

Multiple UV channels, 6869

Multitexturing, 6869, 71f

Muzzle blasts, 351353, 352f, 353f


Naming conventions, 150151

The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), 4

Node-based shader systems, 99105, 105f

basic node operations, 100101

common node setups, 101

root node, 101, 101f

Noise, terrain, 319, 319f

Normal maps, 82, 9698, 97f, 98f

banding, 375

color, 372373

columns, 380, 380f

creating, 375376

door, 380, 381f

floor panels, 378, 379f

illumination, 373, 374f

introduction to, 363364

light/ceiling panel, 380, 381f

monitor, 382, 382f

multiple layers of depth, 375, 375f

painting, 366, 367f

in Photoshop, 366369

pipes and hoses, 382, 383f

source-based, 367369, 368f

specularity, 373374, 375f

using 3D program, 369371, 370f

using parts of existing, 369

value changes, 376, 376f

“vanilla,” 97

vertex vs. per-pixel lighting, 364366, 364f, 365f, 366f

wall panels, 371, 372f

wall panel variations, 377, 377f, 378f

Number details, 214215, 215f

NVIDIA tools

compression, 72, 73f

DDS, 4548, 46f

MIP mapping, 67f

normal maps, 98


Occlusion-based optimizations, 64

Office door, in urban setting, 217, 219226, 220f, 221f, 222f, 223f, 224f, 225f

Offset filter, 141, 142f

Oil stains, in urban setting, 209

One-point perspective, 26, 27f

One-way tiling, 137138

Opacity maps, 82, 8990

Optimization, 6263

See also Game optimizations

Organic tiling, 139, 141

Outdoor setting, 299338

clouds, 326332, 327f, 328f, 329f, 335f, 336f

color studies, 302f

concept sketch, 300301

ferns, 308, 308f

forest floor, 302304, 303f, 304f

logs, 306, 307f

overlays, 299300

rocks, 308, 308f

sky, 309311, 310f, 311f

terrain, 311326

tree bark, 304, 304f

tree branches, 305306, 305f, 306f

water, 332, 337f

Output files, 4041

Overlays, 299300, 374f

rust, in sci-fi setting, 173, 173f, 174f

in urban setting, 226


Painting, normal maps, 366, 367f

Panning, 9596, 95f, 96f

Parallax occlusion mapping, 96

Particle effects, 342353, 343f, 344f, 345f

candle glow/corona, 348351, 349f, 351f

emitters, 344, 345f

explosions, 346

lighting, 347351

weather effects, 344, 346347, 346f

Pattern Preset Library, 149

Perfect-square rule, 127

Per-pixel lighting, 364366

Perspective, 2529, 25f, 26f, 27f

defined, 25

fixing, with Crop tool, 128129, 129f

one-point, 26, 27f

three-point, 28, 29f

two-point, 28, 28f

vanishing point and, 26, 27f


Blending Mode function, 326327

Clone tool, build/rebuild stones using, 147148, 147f

Clouds filter, 327328

Crop tool, 126130

fixing perspective with, 128129, 129f

resampling using, 129

Free Transform tool, 130132, 131f

grid tool, 53

High Pass filter, 137

Lasso tool, 331332

layers, 4851, 49f, 50f

normal map creation in, 366369

Shadow/Highlights command, 137

texture creation, 111114, 112f, 113f

Pigments, 19

Pipeline, xv


metal, 213, 213f

normal maps, 382, 383f

in sci-fi setting, 170171, 171f

Pitcher and goblet set, in fantasy setting, 290292, 290f, 291f, 292f, 293294, 294f, 295f, 296f

Pixels, 40

Pixel shaders, 79

Planar mapping, 58, 59f

Plaster or light stucco, 241243, 242f, 243f

bullet holes in, 356357, 356f, 357f

Post-video effects, 82

Power of two, 5153, 52f

Primary colors, 20

Privacy issues, with digital images, 114

Projected textures, 135, 136f, 137

PSD file format, 38, 4041, 4851

Purple, 23


RAID. See Redundant array of independent disks (RAID)

Rain effects, 346347, 346f

Rain streaks, on windows, 195196, 196f

Realism, 12, 39, 77

Red, 20, 23

Red-green-blue (RGB) color model, 1516

Redundant array of independent disks (RAID), 111

Reflection, 9294

Reflection maps, 293294, 293f, 294f, 295f

Resampling, 129

Resizing, 132

Resources, 110, 110f

Rock texture, 308, 308f

Root node, 101, 101f

Rotating, 9596, 95f

Runes, 259260, 261f

Rusted metal, in urban setting, 211, 211f

Rust overlay, in sci-fi setting, 173, 173f, 174f

Rust stains, in concrete, 206, 206f


Saturation, 17, 17f

Save As, 4445, 45f

Scaling, 9596, 95f

Scanners, 124

Sci-fi setting

complete scene, 171, 172f

concept sketch, 154155, 154f

overview, 153154


detail texture (vent/panel/bracket/hose), 165170, 167f, 168f, 169f

floor panel with grate, 161165, 163f, 164f

texture elements, 155171

alpha channel (opacity), 165

base metal, 155157, 157f

caution stripes, 171, 172f

floor panel with grate, 166f

metal fill, 158, 158f

pipe, 170171, 171f

wall panel, 158161, 160f, 161f

using rust overlay, 173, 173f, 174f

using shaders, 173174, 175f

Secondary colors, 20

Self-illuminated textures, 68, 90, 92

Shaders, 1213, 13f, 39, 77107, 81f, 102f105f

basics of, 8082

blend, 85, 86f

bloom (glow/halo), 89, 90f

bump maps, 96, 291292, 292f

common effects, 8299

depth of field, 8687, 87f

detail mapping, 8586, 86f

diffuse (color maps/textures), 8385, 83f, 84f, 290291, 291f

in fantasy setting, 290296

glossiness, 8789

heat haze, 87, 88f

illumination, 90, 92, 93f

introduction to, 7780

masking, 8990, 91f

node-based shader systems, 99105, 105f

normal maps, 9698, 97f, 98f

opacity, 8990

pan/rotate/scale, 9596, 95f, 96f

parallax occlusion mapping, 96

pixel, 79

reflection, 9294

root node, 101, 101f

in sci-fi setting, 173174, 175f

specular highlights, 8789, 88f, 103f

tessellation, 9899, 99f

unlit textures, 90, 92

in urban setting, 226227

vertex, 79

Shadow/Highlights command, 137

Shadows, 711, 9f, 10f, 11f, 120, 121, 122f

Shape, 34, 4f, 5f

Signs, 218f, 219f

big, 217

small, 216217

stencil, 216, 216f, 218f, 219f

Single-image technique, 309

Skin, 58

Sky, 309311, 310f, 311f

Skybox technique, 310311, 311f

Sky dome technique, 309310, 310f

Smoothing, terrain, 318, 318f, 319f

Snow, 346347, 346f

Software, terrain generation, 321325

Source-based normal maps, 367369, 368f

Source files, 4041

Specular highlights, 8789, 88f

Specularity maps, 82, 8889, 88f, 89f, 103f, 175f, 373374, 375f

Spellbook, 257270, 258f, 259f, 270f

cover symbols, 265267, 267f

page edges, 268, 268f

spine decoration, 260262, 261f, 262f

Spherical mapping, 6061, 61f

Stained glass windows, in fantasy setting, 274281, 275f, 276f, 277f, 279f, 280f, 281f

Static effects, 340, 340f

See also Game effects

Stencil sign, 216, 216f, 218f, 219f

Stone flooring, 232237, 233f, 235f, 237f

Stones, tiling, using Edge Copy, 142149

Stone wall, 238f, 239240, 239f, 240f

Storage, of textures, 150151

Stucco, 241243, 242f, 243f

Subtractive colors, 19, 85


Table trim, in fantasy setting, 244, 244f

Tactile texture, 12

Target user system, 4142

Technical limits, 56, 58

Terrain, 311326

editing basics, 316

flatten/set to height, 320, 320f

freeform terrain painting, 316, 317f, 318, 318f

generation software, 321325

manual creation of, 312313, 312f, 313f, 314f, 315f

noise/turbulence, 319, 319f

overview, 311312

push/pull lower/raise, 318

smoothing/erosion, 318, 318f, 319f

texturing, 320321, 321f

Terrain Brush, 317f, 318f

Tessellation, 9899, 99f

Texture collections, 124125, 125f

Texture level of detail (LOD), 65

Texture packing, 67

Texture pages (T-pages), 67

Texture(s), 1214, 13f, 14f

atlas textures, 67, 68f, 69f

blending, 85

bricks, in urban setting, 183184, 183f, 184f

cleaning, 126149

compression, 73

context, 134


Free Transform tool, 130132, 131f

in Photoshop, 111114, 112f, 113f

tiling, 132149

using 3D applications, 125126

defined, 12

detail, 8586, 86f

gathering, 111126

illumination mapped, 92

modular design, 5558

mortar, 184185, 185f

naming conventions, 150151

projected, 135, 136f, 137

size, 73

vs. skin, 58

storing, 150151

tactile, 12

unlit, 68, 70f, 90, 92, 93f

visual, 12

Texture sets, 136f, 177178

Texture tiling, 132149, 133f

3D applications

creating normal maps using, 369371, 370f

for texture creation, 125126

3D forms, 56, 5f, 6f

Three-point perspective, 28, 29f

Three-way tiling, 138139, 140f

Tiling, 132149, 133f, 135f

bricks, in urban setting, 181183, 182f

context, 134

Edge Copy method, 141

fixing light variations across

image, 137, 138f

four-way, 138139, 140f

inorganic, 139, 141

offset filter, 141, 142f

one-way, 137138

organic, 139, 141

planning for, 122, 124

random, 136f

stones, using Edge Copy, 142149

build/rebuild stones using Clone, 147148, 147f

copy and crop parts, 144145

image clean up, 144, 144f

image set up, 143144, 143f

removing seams, 145147, 146f

testing tiling texture, 148149, 149f

techniques, 141

technology, 134137

testing, 148149, 149f

three-way, 138139, 140f

Torpy, Aaron, 322

Transparency, 7273, 72f, 73f, 89

Tree bark, 304, 304f

Tree branches, 305306, 305f, 306f

Trim command, 129, 130f

Tropics (demo), 77, 78f

Turbulence, terrain, 319, 319f


fantasy setting, 229297

outdoor setting, 299338

sci-fi setting, 153175

urban setting, 177228

2D shapes, 34, 4f, 5f

Two-point perspective, 28, 28f


Unlit textures, 68, 70f, 90, 92, 93f

Urban setting, 177228

base materials, 178180, 179f

bricks, 179

bottom of the wall, 189190, 190f

brick and mortar depth, 185186, 186f

completion of, 186187, 187f

creating, 180190

mortar texture, 184185, 185f

texture, 183184, 183f, 184f

tiling, 181183, 182f

top of the wall, 187188, 188f

concept sketch, 178

concrete, 180, 204205, 205f

basic, 205, 205f

grooved, 207, 207f

rougher, 206, 206f

sectioned, 207208, 208f

stained, 206, 206f

variations, 209210, 209f, 210f

details, breaking out, 214f

big sign, 217

door creation, 217, 219226, 220f, 221f, 222f, 223f, 224f, 225f

numbers, 214215, 215f

small sign, 216217

stencil sign, 216, 216f, 218f, 219f

details using alpha channel, 209210, 210f

final scene, 226f, 227f

metal, 180, 210211

garage door, 211212, 212f

pipes, 213, 213f

rusted, 211, 211f

overview, 177178

using overlays, 226

using shaders, 226227

windows, 179, 190, 190f

alpha channel, 196198, 197f, 198f

frame, 191, 191f

glass, 192, 192f

pane variations, 193, 193f

rain streaks, 195196, 196f

weathering and dirt, 193195, 194f

wood, 179, 199

basic fill, 199, 199f

crates, 201204, 203f, 204f

wooden planks, 200201, 200f, 201f

User interfaces (UIs), 40

UV mapping, 39, 5861, 248249

box mapping, 5860, 60f

cylindrical mapping, 61, 62f

defined, 58

planar mapping, 58, 59f

spherical mapping, 6061, 61f


“Vanilla” normal maps, 97

Vanishing point, 26, 27f

Vector files, 40

Vertex lighting, 364366, 364f, 365f

Vertex shaders, 79

Viewfinder, 116, 116f

Visual art

aspects of, 23

color, 1525

form, 56, 5f, 6f

light and shadow, 711, 9f

perspective, 2529, 25f, 26f, 27f

quick studies, 29, 30f35f

shape, 34, 4f, 5f

texture, 1214, 13f, 14f

Visual effects. See Game effects

Visual texture, 12

Vocabulary, 12

Vue, 321


Wall panels

normal maps, 371, 372f

in sci-fi setting, 158161, 160f, 161f

variations, 377, 377f, 378f

Warm colors, 23

Water, 332, 334, 337f

caustics, 334, 338f

impact effects, 359, 361f

Weapons effects, 351361

bullet holes and debris, 354361

muzzle blasts, 351353, 352f, 353f

Weather effects, 344, 346347, 346f

Weathering and dirt, of window panes, 193195, 194f

White, 19, 19f


stained glass, in fantasy setting, 274280, 275f, 276f, 277f, 279f, 280f, 281f

in urban setting, 179, 190, 190f

alpha channel, 196198, 197f, 198f

door, 221f, 222f

frame, 191, 191f

glass, 192, 192f

pane variations, 193, 193f

rain streaks, 195196, 196f

weathering and dirt, 193195, 194f


impact effects in, 361, 361f

in urban setting, 179, 199

basic fill, 199, 199f

crates, 201204, 203f, 204f

wooden planks, 200201, 200f, 201f

Wood beams, rough, 240, 241f

Wooden planks, 200201, 200f, 201f


Yellow, 20, 23

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