-1794139851. Outline

This chapter is devoted to the complex quadric which plays a central role in the rigidity problems. In 2-179413585 and 3, we describe the differential geometry of the quadric -179413385 viewed as a complex hypersurface of the complex projective space -179413185. We show that -179413385 is a Hermitian symmetric space and a homogeneous space of the group SO(n + 2). The involutions of the tangent spaces of -179412785 which arise from the second fundamental form of the quadric, allow us to introduce various objects and vector bundles on -179412485 In particular, we decompose the bundle of symmetric 2-forms on -179412285 into irreducible SO(n+2)-invariant sub-bundles; one of these bundles L, which is of rank 2, was first introduced in [18]. In -1794120854, we develop the local formalism of Kahler geometry on the complex quadric following [22]; we wish to point out that auspicious choices lead to remarkably simple formulas. The identification of the quadric -179413385 with the Grassmannian -179411385 of oriented 2-planes in -179411085 given in -1794105855 allows us to relate the geometries of these two manifolds and to define the objects introduced in 3 -179410385in an intrinsic manner. In the next section, we describe the tangent spaces of various families of totally geodesic submanifolds of -179413385 and present results concerning the spaces of tensors of curvature type which vanish when restricted to some of these families. In -1794099857, we determine explicitly the space of infinitesimal Einstein deformations of -179413385 and, from the point of view of harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces, we compute the multiplicities of a class of isotypic components of the SO(n+2)-module of complex symmetric 2-forms on -179409485 and establish properties of these components. Finally, 8 is devoted to results concerning sections of the sub-bundle -179409285 in 9, we prove that the complex quadric -179413385 is isometric to the product of spheres S2 -179408885× S2.

2. The complex quadric viewed as a symmetric space




for -179407785 If we identify Tb with -179407585 by means of this isomorphism -179407085, since -179406885 for -179406585 the complex structure of Tb is the one determined by the multiplication by i on -179406385 and the Kahler metric g at b is the one obtained from the standard Hermitian scalar product on -179405885 given by (3.6). Moreover, by (5.1) we see that the action of the element


which sends the class -179405285 , where-179405085 , into the point-179404885 is a diffeo-morphism compatible with the actions of G on G/K and X.

The element -179404485 of K belongs to the center of K and is of order 4. The element -179404285 of G determines an involution-179404085 of G which sends G into -179403885. Then K is equal to the identity component of the set of fixed points of -179403685 and (G,K) is a Riemannian symmetric pair. The Cartan decomposition of the Lie algebra -179403385 of G corresponding to -179403185 is


of -179402685, where-179402485 are vectors of -179402285 considered as column vectors. We identify -179401785 with the tangent space of G/K at the coset of the identity element of G and also with the vector space -179401485 in particular, the matrix (5.4) of p0 is identified with the vector -179400785)

If B is the Killing form of g0, the restriction to -179399785 of the scalar product -B is invariant under the adjoint action of K and therefore induces a G-invariant Riemannian metric-179399585 on the homogeneous space G/K. The restriction of Ad j to -179399385 is a K-invariant complex structure on p0 and so gives rise to a G-invariant almost complex structure on G/K. According to Proposition 4.2 in Chapter VIII of [36], this almost complex structure is integrable and the manifold G/K, endowed with the corresponding complex structure and the metric-179399185, is a Hermitian symmetric space. The space G/K is of compact type and of rank 2; when n 3, it is irreducible.


Thus -179398685is a holomorphic isometry from the Hermitian symmetric space G/K, endowed with the metric (1/4n) g0, to X; henceforth, we shall identify these two Kahler manifolds by means of this isometry. According to formula (1.65), it follows that X is an Einstein manifold and that its Ricci tensor Ric is given by


-1793982853. The complex quadric viewed as a complex hypersurface

We begin by recalling some results of Smyth [49] (see also [21]). The second fundamental form C of the complex hypersurface X of -179397885 is a symmetric 2-form with values in the normal bundle of X in -179397885. We denote by S the bundle of unit vectors of this normal bundle.





from the last two equalities, we infer that the relation (5.21) also holds in this case. Thus we have shown that


The remainder of this section is devoted to results of [21] and [23]. We consider the sub-bundle L of -179396485 introduced in [18], whose fiber at -179396285x X is equal to


C according to (5.9), -179395785if Sx, this fiber Lx is generated by the elements -179395585and -179395385and so the sub-bundle L of -179395185 is of rank 2. We denote by -179394985 the orthogonal complement of L in-179394685 By (5.8), we see that L is stable under the endomorphism (1.68) of-179394485 since the automorphism J of T is an isometry, the orthogonal complement-179394285of L in -179394085 is also stable under this endomorphism. We denote by L, L-179393885and -179393685the eigenbundles corresponding to the eigenvalues +i and -i of the endomorphism of -179393385induced by the mapping (1.68). In fact, we have the equalities





for all G and -179388285 moreover-179387785 preserves the submanifold X of -179387585 The group of isometries of X generated by -179387385, which is of order 2, acts freely on X and we may therefore consider the Riemannian manifold -179387085 with the metric gY induced by g, and the natural projection -179386885 , which is a two-fold covering. By (5.33), we see that the action of the group G on X passes to the quotient Y ; in fact, the group G acts transitively on Y . If -179386685 is the subgroup of O(n+2)


where -179386185 it is easily verified that the isotropy group of the point-179385985 is equal to the subgroup -179385785of G. We know that -179385585 is a symmetric space of compact type of rank 2, which we may identify with Y by means of the isometry


sending -179385085 into the point-179384885 for G. Then by (5.33), we see that the projection -179384685 is identified with the natural submersion -179384485of symmetric spaces.

Clearly, we have




4. Local Kähler geometry of the complex quadric

We now introduce the formalism of Kahler geometry on the complex quadric X = -179377085 with n 2, developed in [22, 4].






and -179375485 for 1 j n. Thus since the group G = SO(n + 2) acts transitively on X, if x is a given point of X, from the preceding remark and (5.14) we infer that there exist a section -179375285 of S over a neighborhood -179375085of x and an orthonormal frame -179374785 for the vector bundle -179374585 over -179374385 satisfying -179374185 for 1 j n.

If a is the point -179373785 of S2n+3, then we note that (a) = a; moreover,




-1793731855. The complex quadric and the real Grassmannians

We also consider -179372785 as the standard basis of -179372585. We consider the real Grassmannian -179372085 of oriented 2-planes in -179371885 which is a homogeneous space of G = SO(n + 2), endowed with the Riemannian metric -179371585defined in 1, Chapter IV and denoted there by g; we also consider the homogeneous vector bundles V and W over G-179371385

We define an almost complex structure J on -179370685 as follows. If x-179370485 and -179370285 is a positively oriented orthonormal basis of the oriented 2-plane Vx, the endomorphism J of Vx, determined by


is independent of the choice of basis of Vx and we have J2 = -id. Clearly, the almost complex structure J of -179369485, which is equal to -179369285id on the tangent space (-179369085 of is invariant under the group G. Since -179367885,n4.2 in Chapter VIII of [36], this almost complex structure J is integrable and the manifold -179367385 endowed with the corresponding complex structure and the metric -179367185 is a Hermitian symmetric space.





The sub-bundles -179356085 and (S2T)+- of-179355885 can be defined directly in terms of the intrinsic structure of the real Grassmannian -179355385 without having recourse to the imbedding of X as a complex hypersurface of -179355185 by


From the above inclusions, the relations (5.64) and (5.65), and the decompositions (4.6) and (5.26), we obtain the equalities


We now suppose that n is even. In-179353985 1, Chapter IV, we saw that the oriented 2-plane x-179353785 X determines an orientation of the space Wx. Let x be a point of X and let be an element of Sx. We say that an orthonormal basis -179353585 of -179353385 is positively (resp. negatively) oriented if there is a positively oriented orthonormal basis {v1, v2} of Vx and a positively (resp. negatively) oriented orthonormal basis {w1, . . . ,wn} of Wx such that


for -179352785 Since n is even, it is easily seen that the notions of positively and negatively oriented orthonormal bases of -179352585 are well-defined. Also an arbitrary orthonormal basis of -179352385 is either positively or negatively oriented.

We now consider the case when n = 4. The orientations of the spaces -179351985 a, with -179351785a X, and the scalar product g2 give rise to a Hodge operator


By formulas (3.6) of [21] and (5.68), we easily verify that this auto-morphism of the vector bundle -179351285 is equal to the involution of the vector bundle (-179351085 defined in [21, 3] in terms of an appropriate orientation of the real structures of X. Thus the eigenbundles F+ and F- of this involution of -179350885 corresponding to the eigenvalues +1 and -1, which are considered in [21, -1793506853], are equal to -179350485 respectively. The decomposition +-179350185 and


LEMMA 5.2. Let X be the quadric -179349685 For all -179349485 we have


-1793490856. Totally geodesic surfaces and the infinitesimal orbit of the curvature

We begin by giving an explicit representation of the infinitesimal orbit of the curvature of the complex quadric X = -179348685 with n 3.


for all 2-179348085 From formulas (1.72) and (5.10), it follows that


We now introduce various families of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. Let x be a point of X and be an element of Sx. If -179347285 is an orthonormal set of vectors of -179347085, according to formula (5.10) we see that the set ExpxF is a closed connected totally geodesic surface of X, whenever F is the subspace of Tx generated by one of following families of vectors:


According to [10], if F is generated by the family (A2) (resp. the family (A3)) of vectors, where {, } is an orthonormal set of vectors of -179346285 the surface ExpxF is isometric to the complex projective line -179345785 with its metric of constant holomorphic curvature 4 (resp. curvature 2). Moreover, if F is generated by the family (A1), where -179345285 is an orthonormal set of vectors of -179344985 the surface ExpxF is isometric to a flat torus.

For 1 j -1793442854, we denote by -179344085 the set of all closed totally geodesic surfaces of X which can be written in the form ExpxF, where F is a subspace of Tx generated by a family of vectors of type (Aj ).

According to 5-179343685, there exists a unit vector v of Vx such that an arbitrary submanifold Z belonging to the family -179343485 can be written in the form Expx-179343285 where -179343085 is a two-dimensional subspace of Wx. We consider the Riemannian metric -179342885 on the Grassmannian -179342585 defined in Chapter IV; by Lemma 4.6 and the relation (5.59), we see that the submani-fold Z is isometric to the Grassmannian -179342385 endowed with the Riemannian metric -179341585 Therefore such a submanifold Z is isometric to a sphere of constant curvature 2 (see also [10]); moreover, by Lemma 4.6 we also see that the image of Z under the mapping -179341385 is a closed totally geodesic surface of Y isometric to the real projective plane endowed with its metric of constant curvature 2.


according to (5.10) we also see that the set ExpxF is a closed connected totally geodesic surface of X. Moreover, according to [10] this surface is isometric to a sphere of constant curvature 2/5. We denote by -179340585F5,the set of all such closed totally geodesic surfaces of X.

If -179340185 is an orthonormal set of vectors of -179339985 and if F is the subspace of Tx generated by the vectors


according to (5.10) we see that the set ExpxF is a closed connected totally geodesic surface of X. Moreover, according to [10] this surface is isometric to the real projective plane -179339085 of constant curvature 1. Clearly such submanifolds of X only occur when n 4. We denote by -179338585 the set of all such closed totally geodesic surfaces of X.

If -179338185 is an orthonormal set of vectors of -179337985 and if F is the subspace of Tx generated by the vectors


according to (5.10) we see that the set ExpxF is a closed connected totally geodesic submanifold of X. Moreover, this submanifold is isometric to the complex projective plane -179337485 of constant holomorphic curvature 4. Clearly such submanifolds of X only occur when n 4. We denote by -179337285 the set of all such closed totally geodesic submanifolds of X.

When n 4, clearly a surface belonging to the family F2,or to the family -179336885 is contained in a closed totally geodesic submanifold of X belonging to the family F7,. In fact, the surfaces of the family F2,(resp. the family -179336485 corresp-179336285ond to complex lines (resp. to linearly imbedded real projective planes) of the submanifolds of X belonging to the family -179336085viewed as complex projective planes.

Let Z be a surface belonging to the family -179335685 with 1 j 6; we may write Z = ExpxF, where F is an appropriate subspace of Tx. Clearly, this space F is contained in a subspace of Tx which can be written in the form -179335185 where F1 is a subspace of -179334985of dimension -179334785; we may suppose that this integer k is given by


According to observations made in 5-179334285, the surface Z = ExpxF is contained in a closed totally geodesic submanifold-179333785 of X isometric to the quadric -179332885 where W1 is a subspace of Wx of dimension k.

Let Fx be the family of all closed connected totally geodesic submani-folds of X passing through x which can be written as-179332185 where

xW1 is a subspace of Wx of dimension 3. We know that a submanifold of X belonging to F is isometric to the quadric -179331185 of dimension 3.


of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X isometric to Q3. We have seen that a surface belonging to the family -179330585 with 1 j -1793303855, is contained in a closed totally geodesic submanifold of X belonging to the family F.

Since-179329985 the group G acts transitively on the set of all maximal flat totally geodesic tori of X and also on a torus belonging to -179329785 and since a surface of -179329585 is a flat 2-torus, we see that, if Z is an element of and if x is a point of Z, there exists an elemen-179329385t Sx and an orthonormal set of vectors -179329185


It follows that the family F1 is equal to .

In [10], Dieng classified-179328485 all closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X and proved the following:

PROPOSITION 5.3. If n-179328085 3, then the family of all closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X is equal to -179327885









This inclusion and (5.84) give us the first relation of (5.98). Now suppose that u belongs to -179320585 When n 5, by Lemma 5.7 we know that the relation (5.80) holds; then according to the first formula of (5.94) and Lemma 5.6,(iv), we see that the expression (Tr u-179320085) vanishes. When n = 4, according to the first formula of (5.94) and the equalities (5.87) of Lemma 5.5, we have


vanishes. Hence according to (5.95), the expression (Tr u)-179319485 vanishes. Since Tr u belongs to -179319285 we know that 12528 Thus we have proved assertion (ii).

The following two propositions are direct consequences of Proposition 5.9 and the second equality of (5.74), with j = 2. In fact, Proposition 5.11 is given by Proposition 5.1 of [21].


BB is direct; we also know that it is a sub-bundle of -179318385 Using the relations 2 (1.79) and (5.73), in [18] we were able to determine the ranks of the vector bundles -179317885+ an-179317485 When n 5, by means of Lemmas 5.4–5.7 and other analogous results, in [21] we found explicit bounds for the ranks of the vector bundles -179317285 and -179316685 From these results, the relation (1.79), the second equality of (5.74) and the inclusion (5.75), with j = 2, we obtain the following proposition (see [18,-179316485 5]):


-1793160857. Multiplicities

In this section, we shall suppose that n 3. Let g and k denote the complexifications of the Lie algebras -179315685 and k0 of G = SO(n + 2) and its subgroup K, respectively. Let-179315485and -179315285be the duals of the groups G and K, respectively.


We first suppose that n = 2m, with m 2. We set -179314785 We choose Weyl chambers of -179314585 and (k, t) for which the system of simple roots of g and k are equal to -179314385, and -179314185 respectively. The highest weight of an irreducible G-module (resp. K-module) is a linear form


The equivalence class of such a G-module (resp. K-module) is determined by this weight. In this case, we identify-179313685 (resp. -179313485 with the set of all such linear forms on-179313285


which belong to -179311685 and-179311485 respectively. The complexification -179311285 of -179311085 admits the decomposition


where -179310585 and -179310385 are the eigenspaces of the endomorphism Ad j of p corresponding to the eigenvalues +i and -i, respectively. Since j belongs to the center of K, this decomposition of p is invariant under the action of K on p. We thus obtain the K-invariant decomposition



We consider the subgroup


of G, which we introduced i-179304785n 3 and which contains the subgroup K. The decomposition (5.104) gives us the -179304585 invariant decomposition





According to the equalities (5.108) and (5.109) and Proposition 2.40, since the symmetric space X is irreducible and is not equal to a simple Lie group, we see that E(X) vanishes when n -179303785 4, and that E(X) is isomorphic to the G-module -179303585 when n = 4. By Lemma 5.15 and the Frobenius reciprocity theorem, we see that


if n -179303085 4, then Lemma 5.15 tells us that -179302885 is an irreducible G-module.


When -179299285 the vanishing of the space E(X) is also given by Theorem 1.22 (see Koiso [41] and [42]).

From the branching law for G = SO(n + 2) and K described in Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 of [54], using the computation of the highest weights of the irreducible K-modules given above we obtain the following two propo-sitions:









where b1, b2 are complex numbers which do not both vanish, and that there is a non-zero constant -179288885 such that the relation (5.128) holds. From these remarks, we obtain the following equalities among irreducible G-modules


We no longer assume that n = 4 and return to the situation where n is an arbitrary intege-179288385r 3. Since Hess 12569 is a




-1792872858. Vanishing results for symmetric forms

This section is mainly devoted to results concerning the sections of the vector bundle L and to the proofs of the following two results:

PROPOSITION 5.26. Let X be the complex quadric -179286685 with n-179286485 3. A section h of L over X, which satisfies the relation div h = 0, vanishes identically.

Theorem 5.27. Let X be the complex quadric -179286085 with n-179285885 3. An even section of L over X, which belongs to the space 12571 vanishes identically. Moreover, we have the equality



hold at a. Since the determinant of the matrix


is positive, when r, s -1792846851 the coefficients -179284485 band b vanish, and so in this case h vanishes. Since


when either r = 0 or s = 0, by (5.138) and (5.139) we see that the relation div -179283985 = 0 implies that h vanishes.






satisfies -179276885 From Proposition 5.31, we therefore obtain the relation -179276685 According to our hypothesis, -179276485hbelongs to the space -179276285 and so the other assertion of the proposition is a consequence of Proposition 5.32.

Let -179275585 0 be given integers. According to Proposition 5.33 and the description of the highest weight vectors of the G-module 12583 given above, we see that the space


Since D0 is a homogeneous differential operator, by Proposition 5.18 and the relations (2.1) and (5.133), we see that Theorem 5.27 is a consequence of these results.

-1792741859. The complex quadric of dimension two

We endow the manifold -179269185 with the Kahler metric which is the product of the metrics -179268685 on each factor. It is well-known that the Segre imbedding


We consider the involutive isometry-179268185 of -179267985 defined in -1792674854, Chapter III; according to the commutativity of diagram (3.26), it sends the point-179267285 where -179266985 is a non-zero vector of -179266785 into the point -179266285 where -179266085 is a non-zero vector of -179265885 orthogonal to u. We easily verify that the diagram


is commutative.

Now we consider the diffeomorphism -179264785 defined in 5 and the involutive isometry -179264585 of -179264385 defined in-179263785 1, Chapter IV, which sends an oriented 2-plane of -179263585 into its orthogonal complement endowed with the appropriate orientation. If -179263085 is the involutive isometry equal to the composition 12591 the diagram


The commutativity of the diagram (5.143) is now a consequence of the relations-179262385


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