-1792502851. Outline

-1792437852. Totally geodesic flat tori of the complex quadric

Throughout this chapter, we suppose that X is the complex quadric -179243385 with n97963, endowed with the Kähler metric g introduced in -1792431852, Chapter V. We shall consider the objects and use the notations established in Chapter V.

If Z is a flat totally geodesic 2-torus of X, we denote by -179242785Z the LeviCivita connection of the Riemannian manifold Z endowed with the metric induced by g; if-179242385 is a vector field on Z, we consider the complex vector fields on X defined along Z by



Therefore, if the quotient -179238585 is endowed with the flat metric induced by the metric -179237785 on R2, the mapping-179237185 is a totally geodesic isometric imbedding. Throughout this chapter, we shall often identify a function f on -179236985satisfying



with 2 -179236285 which hold at the point (, ) whenever -179236085

2 satisfies cos cos = 0. We consider the section of the bundle S over U given by (5.40) and the involutive endomorphism Kof -179235485 defined by K(x) = K(x), for x-179235285 U; from the relation (5.51), we obtain the equalities


on the open subset U0 of Z0. It follows that the restriction of this involution K to -179234785 satisfies


As in Chapter II, we denote by -179234285the space of all maximal flat totally geodesic tori of X. Since the point a belongs to Z0, according to the description o-179234085f given in 6, Chapter V, we see that


LEMMA 6.1. Let Z be a totally geodesic flat 2-torus of X and let x0-179233585 Z. Then there exist an open neighborhood -179233385 of x0 in Z, an involution of -179233185T|Uwhich preserves the tangent bundle of Z and a section -179232985 of S over -179232785 such that -179232485 for all -179232285 Moreover, the restriction ofthis involution to TZ is an endomorphism of-179232085 which is parallel with respect to the connection -179231885

PROOF: Since the group G acts transitively both on-179231485 and on the torus -179231285 without loss of generality by (5.14) we may assume that Z is the torus Z0 described above and that x0 is the point a of the subset U0 of Z0. Then if is the section of S over U given by (5.40), according to (6.6) we know that the involution Kof -179231085 preserves the tangent bundle of Z0. Let -179230885, be tangent vectors to Z0 at x-179230685 U0; if is the restriction of the involution Kto TZ0 , we know that

(Z)= (K).

According to (5.22), the right-hand side of this equality belongs to -179229685 since Z0 is a totally real submanifold of X, it vanishes. Thus we have -179229485= 0.

LEMMA 6.2. Let Z be a totally geodesic flat 2-torus of X. Then there exists a unique (up to a sign) involution of -179229085 which preserves the tangent bundle of Z and which at every point x of Z is equal to a real structure -179228885Kì of X, where -179228685. Moreover, the restriction of this involution to TZ is an endomorphism of TZ which is parallel with respect to the connection -179228485

PROOF: Let x be a point of Z. According to-179228085 6, Chapter V, we may write


where -179227585ì is an appropriately chosen element of Sx and -179227385 is an orthonor-mal set of elements of -179227185 Clearly, -179226985 preserves the tangent space to Z at x. According to (5.9), a real structur-179226785e of the quadric X associated with another unit normal of Sx can be written in the form


whe-179226285re R. We see that preserves the tangent space to Z at x if and only if s-179226085in = 0, that is, if = ±Kì. From this observation and the orientability of Z, by Lemma 6.1 we obtain the desired endomorphism of T|Z; clearly, it is unique up to a sign and is parallel with respect to the connection -179225885

The involution , which Lemma 6.2 associates with a totally geodesic flat 2-torus Z contained in X, is called a real structure of the torus Z; it is uniquely determined up to a sign.

According to Lemma 6.2 and its proof, there exists a unique real structure 0 of the torus Z0 such that


and we know that the vector fields -179224885 and -179224685on Z0 are parallel. Hence by (6.5), we see that


and that the restriction of 0 to U0 is equal to the involutive endomorphism Kof -179224185

| Let Z be a totally geodesic flat 2-torus contained in X; we choose a real structure of Z. Since the restriction of to TZ is parallel, the tangent bundle TZ admits an orthogonal decomposition

Z and -179223285 are the eigenbundles of the restriction invariant under -179223085 where -179222885 of to TZ, corresponding to the eigenvalues +1 and -1. Clearly, this decomposition of TZ is independent of the choice of . It is easily seen that there exist unitary parallel sections-179222685 of-179222485 and-179221985 of -179221785 these two vector fields are unique up to a sign and -179221585 is a basis for the space of parallel vector fields on Z.



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