-1790434851. Outline

This chapter is devoted to the geometry of the complex Grassmanni-ans. In-179043085 2, we study the complex Grassmannian GC of complex m-planes -179042885m,n in Cm+-179042385n, with m, n 2, and show that it is a Hermitian symmetric space and a homogeneous space of the group SU(m + n); we also consider the Grassmannian GC-179042185n,n, which is the adjoint space of GC -179041885n,n. We introduce certain vector bundles over GC -179041685m,n and use them to decompose the bundle of symmetric 2-forms on GC -179041485m,n into irreducible SU(m + n)-invariant sub-bundles. We then determine the highest weights of the fibers of these vector bundles in-179041285 3. We define certain complex-valued functions on GC -179041085m,n by means of the corresponding Stiefel manifold; then these functions and specific symmetric 2-forms on GC -179040885m,n, arising from the complexification g of the Lie algebra of SU(m+n), allow us to describe explicitly and study the SU(m+n)-modules of functions and complex symmetric 2-forms on GC -179040585m,n isomorphic to-179040385 g. In particular, we examine the case when m = n and determine explicitly the space of infinitesimal Einstein deformations of GC -179040185n,n. In 5, we define the natural isometry between the Grassmannian -179039985GC2 ,2 and the complex quadric Q4 and use it to relate their geometries; from the results of Chapter VI, it follows that this complex Grassmannian is infinitesimally rigid and that its quotient -179039785G

C2 ,2 is rigid in the sense of Guillemin. In the next section, we show that the Guillemin condition for forms on GC -179039385m,n, with m -179039185= n, is hereditary with respect to certain totally geodesic subman-ifolds. The remainder of this chapter is mainly devoted to the proof of the following result, which plays an essential role in our study of the rigidity of the complex Grassmannians presented in Chapter IX: an infinitesimal Einstein deformation of GC -179038985m,n satisfying the Guillemin condition vanishes. In order to prove this result in the case when m -179038785= n, we compute the integrals of some of the symmetric 2-forms considered in -1790385854 over explicit closed geodesics. By means of these computations, in -1790382858 we also establish relations among the symmetric 2-forms of 4. Finally, in 9 we study forms on the Grassmannian GC -179038085n,n and we introduce an averaging process which assigns to a p-form u on GCn -179037885+1,n+1 a class of p-forms on GC -179037685n,n that are obtained by integrating u over closed geodesics. We then consider a certain 1 -179037485on GC explicit complex symmetric 2-form h(n

) n,n and show that one of the 1 -179037085on GCn+1,n+1 is equal to the form -179036885h(n) averages of the 2-form h(n+1) 1 . From this last result, we deduce by induction on n that an Einstein deformation of the space GC -179036685n,n which satisfies the Guillemin condition vanishes.

-1790363852. The complex Grassmannians

Let X be a manifold and let E be a real vector bundle over X endowed with a complex structure J. The complexification EC of E admits the decomposition


the bundles Sp,qT*and 9801p,qT*coincide with the bundles associated above with the vector bundle E = T.

Let m, n 9796 0 be given integers and let F be a complex vector space of dimension m+n endowed with a positive definite Hermitian scalar product. We now suppose that X is the complex Grassmannian GC -179034785m(F) of all complex m-planes in F; then X is a complex manifold whose complex structure we denote by J. If either m = 0 or n = 0, the manifold GC -179034585m(F) is a point. When m = 1, the manifold GC1 -179034385(F) is the complex projective space of all complex lines of F.



Since the vector bundles V and W are complex sub-bundles of the trivial complex vector bundle over X whose fiber is F, a sesquilinear form on F induces by restriction sesquilinear forms on the vector bundles V and W. In particular, the Hermitian scalar product on F induces by restriction positive definite Hermitian scalar products g1 and g2 on the vector bundles V and W, respectively. We consider the mappings







The action of the group G = SU(m + n) on -179032885Cm+n gives rise to an action of G on X. In fact, the group G acts transitively on the Rieman-nian manifold (X, g) by holomorphic isometries. The isotropy group of the point x0 of X equal to the m-plane -179032385Vx0 of -179032185Cm+n spanned by the vectors



The restriction of Ad j to p0 is a complex structure on -179031185p0, and so gives rise to a G-invariant complex structure on G/K. If B is the Killing form of -179030985g0, the restriction to -179030785p0 of the scalar product -B is invariant under the adjoint action of K and therefore induces a G-invariant metric g0 on the homogeneous space G/K. Endowed with this complex structure and the metric g0, the manifold G/K is an irreducible Hermitian symmetric space of compact type of rank min(m, n) (see Proposition 4.2 in Chapter VIII of [36]). When m -179030585= n, we easily see that the group KS is equal to K; then according to -1790303859 in Chapter VII of [36], it follows that G/K is equal to its adjoint space.


The vector bundles V and W are homogeneous G-sub-bundles of the trivial complex vector bundle over X whose fiber is -179029885Cm+n. Therefore the tensor product V C -179029185W is a homogeneous G-bundle and it is easily seen that (8.1) is an isomorphism of homogeneous G-bundles over X. All the vector bundles appearing in the decomposition (8.11) and the bundle E are homogeneous sub-bundles of -179028985S2TC; hence the fibers at x0 of these vector bundles are K-submodules of -179028385S2TC,x0 . Moreover under the action of the group K on -179027585Cm+n, the subspaces Vx0 and Wx0 -179027385of Cm+n are preserved; in fact, the fiber Vx0 is a U(m)-module, while the fiber Wx0 is a U(n)-module. The fibers at x0 -179027185X of the vector bundles


and the morphisms of vector bundles (8.3) and (8.4) are G-equivariant, and hence the restrictions of these morphisms of vector bundles to the fibers at x0 are morphisms of K-modules. When m, n 2, we know that these morphisms of K-modules are non-zero. From these remarks, we infer that the morphism (8.20) is an isomorphism of vector bundles and that the mor-phisms of vector bundles (8.3) and (8.4) are injective. Since the rank of the vector bundles-179026685 (S2V )+0and-179026185 (S2W)+0are equal to m2 - 1 and n2 - 1, respectively, from the decomposition (8.7) we now see that the vector bundle E3 and its sub-bundle -179025685(S2V )+0 (S2W)+0have the same rank; we thus obtain the equality (8.10). On the other hand, by a dimension-counting argument, from the decomposition (8.2) we now obtain the equalities (8.5) and see that the morphisms (8.3) and (8.4) are isomorphisms. In fact, we have



From Proposition 2.18, we obtain the following:

PROPOSITION 8.2. The symmetric space GC-179024885n,n is rigid in the sense of Guillemin if and only if every even symmetric 2-form on GC -179024685n,n satisfying the Guillemin condition is a Lie derivative of the metric.

The notion of even (resp. odd) symmetric p-form on -179024285CP1 defined in -1790240854, Chapter III, coincides with the one introduced here on -179023885GC1 ,1. Hence from Lemma 8.1 and Propositions 2.20 and 3.29, we obtain the following result:

PROPOSITION 8.3. Let X be the symmetric space -179023085G

C1 ,1.

(i) The X-ray transform for functions on X is injective.

(ii) A differential form of degree 1 on X satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

Since the space G

C1 ,1 has rank one, the first assertion of this proposition is also given by Th-179021885eorem 2.24.

3. Highest weights of irreducible modules associated with the complex Grassmannians

Let m, n 2 be given integers. We pursue our study of the complex Grassmannian X = GC -179021285m,n. We consider the Lie algebras -179021085g0 and-179020885 k0 of the compact Lie group G = SU(m + n) and its subgroup K. The complexi-fication -179020685g of -179020485g0 is equal to sl(m + n,C), and the complexification -179020185k of the Lie algebra -179019985k0 admits the decomposition



is the system of roots of -179019385g with respect to t; if we set


are G-equivariant isomorphisms of vector bundles. Therefore the fibers at x0 of the homogeneous sub-bundles of -179018785S2TC which appear in the right-hand side of (8.11) are irreducible K-modules, and the morphism



-1790179854. Functions and forms on the complex Grassmannians

Let m, n 2 be given integers. In this section, we describe explicit functions and symmetric 2-forms on the complex Grassmannian X = GC -179017585m,n, which we view as a homogeneous space of the group G = SU(m + n).

Let S-179017185m,n be the space of all complex (m -179016985+ n) × m matrices A satisfying tAA -179016785= Im. We view Sm,n as the Stiefel manifold of all orthonormal m-frames in Cm+n; the matrix A of Sm,n determines the m-frame consisting of the m column vectors of A. The unitary group U(m) acts on Sm,n by right multiplication and we consider the quotient space S-179016285m,n/U(m). The mapping


sending the element A of Sm,n into the m-plane spanned by the m column vectors of A, induces by passage to the quotient a diffeomorphism





are non-zero.

Since is






-1790142855. The complex Grassmannians of rank two




According to (5.59), the quotient of the complex quadric -179013485Q4 by the action of the group of isometries of -179013285Q4 generated by -179013085is isometric to the real Grassmannian -179012885GR2 ,4 endowed with the Riemannian metric -17901228512 g, where g is the metric on -179011885GR2 ,4 considered in 1-179011385, Chapter IV. Hence the commu-tativity of diagram (8.58) implies that the space -179011185G

C2 ,2 is isometric to the Grassmannian -179010785GR2 ,4 endowed with this metric -17901028512 g; moreover, a symmetric p-form -179009885u on the quadric Z is even (resp. odd) with respect to the involution if and only if the symmetric p-form -179009685u on GC2 ,2 is even (resp. odd). From Proposition 4.14 and Theorems 6.47 and 6.71,-179009085 with n = 4, we deduce the following three results, the first of which is also given by Theorem 2.24:




The commutativity of the diagram (8.58), the isomorphisms (8.61) and Theorem 6.52 give us the following:

Theorem 8.11. Let X be the complex Grassmannian -179008185 An even section of EX over X, which satisfies the Guillemin condition, vanishes identically.

-1790075856. The Guillemin condition on the complex Grassmannians





be the inclusion mappings corresponding to the decompositions (8.70). The first decomposition of (8.70) also determines an injective mapping




-1789860857. Integrals of forms on the complex Grassmannians








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