1. Flat tori

Let (X, g) be a flat Riemannian manifold of dimension n. We first suppose that X is the circle S1 of length -179669485 endowed with the Riemannian metric -179669285 where t is the canonical coordinate of S1 defined modulo L. It is easily seen that this space X is infinitesimally rigid and that a 1-form on X satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

In this section, we henceforth suppose that n 2. We recall that -179668885 that the operator D1 is equal to Dg, and that the sequence (1.50) is exact. Let h be a section of -179668685 over an open subset of X. According to formulas (1.20) and (1.21), we see that -179668485 is equal to the section -179668285 of B and that


In the remainder of this section, we suppose that (X, g) is a flat torus of dimensio-179667485n 2. We may consider X as the quotient of the space -179667285 endowed with the Euclidean metric g0. In fact, there is a latti-179666785ce generated by a basis -179666585 such that X is equal to the quotient-179665985 We shall identify a tensor on X with the-179665485 -invariant tensor on -179665285 which it determines. Clearly, a tensor on -179664685 which is invariant under the group of all translations of -179664185 induces a tensor on X. Let -179663685 be the standard coordinate system of -179663485 In particular, for -179662885 the vector field -179662685 and the 1-form dxj on -179662485 are invariant under the group of all translations of -179661985 and therefore induce a parallel vector field and a parallel 1-form on X, which we shall denote by -179661385j and -179661185j , respectively. Clearly,


where the coefficients-179660685 and -179660485 are real numbers. Hence the space of all parallel sections of -179659485(resp. of -179659185 over X is isomorphic to the space of all differential forms of degree k (resp. of all symmetric p-forms) on -179658985 with constant coefficients. In particular, the metric g is equal to the symmetric 2-form -179658785 Since the cohomology group -179658585 is isomorphic to -179658385, where x is an arbitrary point of X, we know that the space of harmonic forms of degree k on X is equal to the space of all parallel sections of -179657785 over X.

PROPOSITION 3.1. Let X be a flat torus of dimensi-179657385on 2. Let -179657185 be a vector field on X. Then -179656985is a Killing vector field if and only if -179656785

PROOF: We consider the 1-for-179656385 on X. First, we suppose that X is a flat torus of dimension 2 and we consider the volume form = -179656185of X. According to formula (1.4), the 1-form satisfies the relations -179655985 and -179655785 Since a harmonic 1-form on X is parallel, we may write


Y From the first of the preceding equations, we infer that the function f on -179655185

2 can be written in the form f -179654785 where fj is a real-valued function on-179654585 depending only on xj . Then the second equality tells us that the function f1 - f2 on -179654085 is harmonic and so is constant. It follows that the two functions f1 and f2 are also constant, and so the 1-form-179653885 and the vector fiel-179653585d are parallel. Now, we assume that the dimension of X is-179653385 2. Let x0 be a point of X and let -1796531851 and -179652985 be parallel vector fields on X; then there is a totally geodesic flat 2-torus Y of X containing x0 such that the vectors-179652785 an-179652585 2(x0) are tangent to Y . We consider the vector fiel-179652285 on Y , whose value at x-179652085 is equal to the orthogonal projection of -179651885 onto the subspace -179651685 of Tx. If -179651485 is the natural imbedding and -179651285 is the Riemannian metric on Y induced by g, according to Lemma 1.1 we have -179650985 and we know that is a Killing vector field on Y . Therefore the 1-form -179650585 on Y is parallel. Since i is a totally geodesic imbedding, it follows that


PROPOSITION 3.2. Let X be a flat torus of dimensi-179650085on 2. Let h be a symmetric 2-form on X. Then the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) We have -179649685h = 0.

(ii) We have -179649285h = 0.

(iii) The section h belongs to H(X).

PROOF: Let -179648685, be parallel vector fields on X. If f is the real-valued function on X equal to -179648485 according to formula (1.52), we obtain the relation


Therefore if -179647985h vanishes, the function f is constant; since the parallel vector field-179647785s and are arbitrary, we see that -179647585 vanishes. If h is a parallel section of -179647385 according to (3.1) we see that Dgh = 0, and so h belongs to H(X). Finally, suppose that (iii) holds. Then according to (3.3), we see that Tr h -179647185 therefore Tr h is constant. Formula (3.2) now tells us that -179646885

From Proposition 3.2, it follows that the space H(X) is equal to the space


of all parallel sections of -179646085 According to remarks made in 3, Chapter I, we know that the cohomology group -179645885 is isomorphic to this space, and therefore also to the vector space -179645685 where x is an arbitrary point of X; thus the dimension of this cohomology group is equal to n(n + 1)/2. Other proofs of these results are given in [2] and [15] (see Proposition 17.1 of [15]). From Proposition 3.2 and the decomposition (1.11), it follows that an element h of -179645185 satisfying Dgh = 0 can be written in the form


where -179644685is a vector field on X and h0 is a parallel section of -179644485over X.

LEMMA 3.3. Let u be a parallel symmetric p-form on a flat torus X of dimensio-179644085n 2. If the form u satisfies the zero-energy condition, then it vanishes.


for all 0 s-179643585 L. Our hypothesis tells us that the functio-179643385n on [0,L] is constant. If u over the interval [0,L] vanishes, and hence the expression -179643185 vanishes for all -179642985 L. If x is a point of X, we know that the set Cx of vectors of Tx - {0}, for which -179642785 is a closed geodesic of X, is a dense subset of Tx. From these last two observations, we obtain the desired result.

LEMMA 3.4. Let h be a symmetric 2-form and u be a 1-form on a flat torus X of dimension -1796419852 which satisfy the zero-energy condition.

(i) If the symmetric 2-form h satisfies the relation Dgh = 0, then it is a Lie derivative of the metric.

(ii) If the 1-form u satisfies the relation du = 0, then it is exact.

PROOF: We first suppose that the relation Dgh = 0 holds. As we saw above, we have the decomposition (3.4), where is-179641085 a vector field on X and h0 is a parallel symmetric 2-form on X. According to Lemma 2.6, the form h0 also satisfies the zero-energy condition. From Lemma 3.3 with p = 2, we infer that h0 vanishes, and so the equality -179640885 holds. If the 1-form is closed, then we may write


where f is a real-valued function on X and-179640385 is a harmonic 1-form on X. Clearly, also satisfies the zero-energy condition. We saw above that is parallel; hence by Lemma 3.3 with p = 1, we see that-179640185 is equal to df.


on -179639685 is tangent to the line segment u-179639185. If is a symmetric p-form on X and is the-179638985 -invariant symmetric p-form determined by -179638785, then the integral of-179638485 over the closed geodesic -179638285 of X is given by


where the constant -179637785 depends only on the integers p, p1 and p2 and the basis {1, 2} of R


-179637085The following proposition is due to Michel [46].

PROPOSITION 3.5. The X-ray transform for functions on a flat torus of dimension n 2 is injective.

PROOF: We first suppose that n = 2. Let f be a complex-valued function on X satisfying the zero-energy condition; we also denote by f the -invariant function on -179636185 which it determines. We consider the Fourier series


of the function f on -179635285 where the-179634785 are its Fourier coefficients. We now fix a pair of integers (p1, p2); we suppose that -179634585 and we consider the closed geodesic -179634385 of X, which we associated above with the integers p1 and p2 and with the real number -179634085. We then consider the function on -179633885 whose value at -179633685 is equal to the integral of -179633485 over the closed geodesic-179633285 , where c0 is the constant appearing in the equality (3.5), with p = 0; according to our hypothesis, the function-179633085 vanishes identically. Therefore the sum


for -179632585 Since the Fourier coefficient of-179632385 corresponding to the integer p1 vanishes, we see that -179632185 = 0. A similar argument shows that the coefficient -179631985 vanishes when p1 = 0 and -179631785 Thus the function f is constant and therefore vanishes. Since an arbitrary point of a flat torus of dimension -1796314852 is contained in a totally geodesic flat torus of dimension 2, we obtain the desired result in all cases.

PROPOSITION 3.6. Suppose that X is a flat torus of dimension 2. Let h be a symmetric 2-form and-179631085 be a 1-form on X; suppose that these two forms satisfy the zero-energy condition. Then we have the relations Dgh = 0 and -179630885= 0.

PROOF: We consider the -invariant symmetric forms


on -179630185 determined by h and -179629685, where a, b, c, a1, a2 are -179629485-invariant functions on 11728 We now fix a pair of integers (p1, p2); we suppose that -179628685 and we consider the closed geodesic -179628485 of X which we associated above with the integers p1 and p2 and with the real number u. We consider the functions -179628285 and -179628085 on -179627885 whose values at -179627585 are equal to the integrals of -179627385/ and h/c2 over the closed geodesi-179627185 respectively; here cp is the constant appearing in the equality (3.5). According to our hypotheses, the functions -179626985 and -179626785 vanish identically. The Fourier series of the function -179626585 is given by


respectively. Since -179626085 is a frame for the tangent bundle of -179625885 we see that Dgh = 0 and -179625385

THEOREM 3.7. A flat torus of dimension 2 is infinitesimally rigid.

THEOREM 3.8. A differential form of degree 1 on a flat torus of dimension -1796246852 satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

We now simultaneously prove Theorems 3.7 and 3.8. Let h be a symmetric 2-form and -179624285be a 1-form on the flat torus X, both of which satisfy the zero-energy condition. Let x be an arbitrary point of X and -179624085 be an orthonormal set of vectors of Tx. If F is the subspace -179623885 of Tx, then Y = ExpxF is a closed totally geodesic submanifold of X isometric to a flat 2-torus. Let -179623685 be the natural imbedding; the forms -179623485 and -179623185 Y satisfy the zero-energy condition. If gY is the metric on Y induced by g, Proposition 3.6 tells us that DgY -179622985 and -179622785 According to Proposition 1.14,(i), the restriction -179622585 of the section Dgh of B to Y vanishes. Hence we have


Thus these equalities holds for all -179622085 and we see that Dgh = 0 and -179621885. According to Lemma 3.4, the symmetric form h on X is Lie derivative of the metric and the 1-form-179621685 is exact.

THEOREMS 3.7 and 3.8 are due to Michel [46]; our proofs of these theorems are essentially the same as those given by Estezet [12]. The next theorem, which generalizes both of these theorems, was proved by Michel [46] when the integer p is equal to 0, 1 or an odd integer and by Estezet [12] in all the other cases.


PROOF: We consider the vector field-179620985 on Y , whose value at -179620785 is equal to the orthogonal projection o-179620585f (x) onto the subspace -179620385 of Tx.


According to Lemma 1.1, we have -179619685 and we know that YYis a Killing vector field on Y . Therefore by Proposition 3.1, we see that -179619485 and so the 1-form -179619285 on Y is harmonic. Thus we have -179618885 If -179618585 satisfies the zero-energy condition, then so does the 1-form -179618185 on Y ; by Theorem 3.8, the 1-form -179617785 on the flat torus Y is exact and therefore vanishes.

-1796174852. The projective spaces

THEOREM 3.11. A symmetric space of rank one, which is not isometric to a sphere, is infinitesimally rigid.

THEOREM 3.12. Let X be a symmetric space of rank one, which is not isometric to a sphere. A differential form of degree 1 on X satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

Most of the results described in the remainder of this section are to be found in Chapter 3 of [5]. Let n be an intege-179614785r 1. Let -179614585 be one of the fields -179614385 We set -179614185 We endow -179613585 with its right vector space structure over -179613085 with the Hermitian scalar product



We endow the sphere -179612485 with the Riemannian metric -179611985 induced by the scalar product (3.7), and the projective space -179611785 with the Rie-mannian metric g determined by


(i) We have u, v= 0.

(ii) The vector -179610785is orthogonal to the subspace -179610585 with respect to the metric g.

(iii) The subspaces -179610185 and -179609985 are orthogonal with respect to the metric g.

If -179609585 are non-zero vectors of -179609385 such that the subspaces -179608885 are mutually orthogonal, then we have the decomposition


When -179606385 in the remainder of this section we suppose that n 2. If In denotes the unit matrix of order n, the element



of -179603685 where -179603485 is viewed as a column vector and t-179602785 is its conjugate transpose. We identify p0 with the vector space -179601985 and, in particular, the element (3.11) of p0 with the vector Z of -179601985 The adjoint action of K on -179601485p0 is expressed by


where -179600985is the element (3.10) of K and -179600785 When -179600285 we know that 12238 is also the Lie algebra of -179599785

The following result is proved in-179591085 D of [5, Chapter 3].


The following result is a direct consequence of Proposition 3.14.


In -179590285G of [5, Chapter 3], the structure of symmetric space of rank one is defined on the Cayley plane X. An analogue of Proposition 3.14 holds for the Cayley plane. In fact, the inclusion of the quaternions -179590085H into the Cayley algebra gives rise to closed totally geodesic submanifolds of X isometric to -179589885HP2.

3. The real projective space

Let -179584385 be the complexification of the Lie algebra of G = SO(n+1) and let be the dual of the group G. Let -179584185 and -179583985 be the elements of which are the equivalence classes of the trivial G-module -179583785 and of the irreducible G-module -179583585 respectively.

We view the sphere X = Sn = -179583185 as the irreducible symmetric space SO(n + 1)/SO(n). The set of eigenvalues of the Laplacia-179582685n acting on -179582485 consists of all the integers -179582285 where k is an intege-179581985r 0. The eigenspace -179581785 of-179581585 associated with the eigenvalue -179581385 consists of all the complex-valued functions on X which are restrictions to Sn of harmonic polynomials of degree k on -179581185 According to observations made in -1795805857, Chapter II and by Proposition 2.1, we know that Hk is an irreducible SO(n + 1)-submodule of -179580385 and that the direct sum 12250


Let Y be the real projective space -179578185 endowed with the metric -179577685 which we view as an irreducible symmetric space. According to 7, Chapter II and the isomorphism (2.19), we see that the set of eigenvalues of the Laplacian -179577485 acting on -179577285 consists of all the integers 2k, with k -1795769850; moreover if k is an even integer, the G-module -179576785 is equal to the space of functions on Y obtained from Hk by passage to the quotient. Therefore -179576285 is a dense subspace of -179576085 and the first non-zero eigenvalue of the Laplacian -179575885 acting on -179577285 is equal to 2(n + 1).

We consider the closed geodesi-179575185c of Sn, which is the great circle defined by


The following result is a consequence of the above observations and Proposition 2.29, with -179574685

PROPOSITION 3.17. An even function on the sphere Sn, with n-179574285 2, whose X-ray transform vanishes, vanishes identically.

In-179573885 Chapter II, we noted that the preceding proposition is equivalent to assertion (i) of Theorem 2.23 and also that it implies that the X-ray transform for functions is injective on the real projective space -179573685 with -179573185

Theorem 3.18. The X-ray transform for functions on a symmetric space of compact type of rank one, which is not isometric to a sphere, is injective.

PROOF: According to Proposition 3.14 and the discussion which follows this proposition, each point of such a projective space X is contained in a closed totally geodesic submanifold of X isometric to the projective plane -179573685 The desired result is then a consequence of Theorem 2.23,(ii).

THEOREM 3.18, together with Proposition 2.26, implies that the X-ray transform for functions on a symmetric space X of compact type is injective if and only if X is not isometric to a sphere. Theorem 3.18 is also a consequence of Theorem 2.24.

We shall now establish the infinitesimal rigidity of the real projective space -179571685 a result due to Michel [45]. We first consider the case of the real projective plane.

PROPOSITION 3.19. The real projective plane -179570985 is infinitesimally rigid.

PROOF: Let h be a symmetric 2-form on X satisfying the zero-energy condition. We know that the relation (1.64) holds on the sphere -179570185 which is a covering space of X; therefore we may write


where -179569685is a vector field and f is a realvalued function on X. I-179569485 is closed geodesic of X


Since the Lie derivative -179568985 satisfies the zero-energy condition, we see that the function f also satisfies the zero-energy condition. From Theorem 2.23,(ii), with n = 2, we deduce that the function f vanishes and so we have h -179568785

THEOREM 3.20. The real projective space X -179568385 with n-179567885 2, is infinitesimally rigid.


Thus this last equality holds for all -179567385 and we see that Dgh = 0. According to Theorem 1.18, the sequence (1.51) is exact, and so h is a Lie derivative of the metric.

The proof of Proposition 3.19 given above is due to Bourguignon and our proof of Theorem 3.20 is inspired by the one given in Chapter 5 of [5]. We now present a variant of the version given in [30, 2-179566985] of Michel’s original proof of Proposition 3.19 (see [45]).

We suppose that (X, g) is the real projective plane -179566585 Let -179566085 be an arbitrary closed geodesic parametrized by its arc-length. We set-179565885 and let -179565685 be the tangent vector to the geodesic at -179565385, for 0 -179565185t . We choose a unit vector -179564985 orthogonal to e1(0) and consider the family of tangent vectors -179564785 with -179564585 obtained by parallel transport of the vector e2 along -179564385. Clearly, if u is an element of -179564085, we have


for -179563485 the first equality holds because div h = 0, while the second one is obtained using the expression for the curvature of (X, g). The lemma is now a consequence of (3.12).

LEMMA 3.23. Let X be the real projective plane -179563085 If h-179562585 satisfies div h = 0, then


LEMMA 3.24. Let X be the real projective plane -179562085 If h-179561585 satisfies div h = 0, then Tr h vanishes.

PROOF: According to Theorem 2.23,(ii), with n = 2, and Lemma 3.23, we see that -179561185 As the first non-zero eigenvalue of the Laplacian acting on 12264 is equal to 6, we see that Tr h = 0.

LEMMA 3.25. Let X be the real projective plane -179560585 An element h of -179560085 satisfying div h = 0 vanishes.

PROOF: Let h be an element of -179559685 satisfying div h = 0. According to Lemma 3.24 and the equality (1.53), the symmetric 2-form h belongs to H(X). Then Proposition 1.20 tells us that h vanishes.

Now Proposition 3.19 is a direct consequence of Proposition 2.13 and Lemma 3.25.

Our approach to the rigidity questions, which led us to the criteria of Theorem 2.49 and the methods introduced in [22] for the study of the complex quadrics, were partially inspired by the proof of the infinitesimal rigidity of the real projective plane which we have just completed. The correspondence between the arguments given here in the case of the real projective plane and those used in the case of the complex quadric is pointed out in [30].

The following result is due to Michel [47].

THEOREM 3.26. A differential form of degree 1 on the real projective space -179558685, with n-179558185 2, satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

In the case of the real projective plane -179557685 according to Proposition 2.20, we see that Theorem 3.26 is a consequence of Proposition 3.29,(ii), which is proved below; on the other hand, the proof of this theorem given in [47] for -179557185 is elementary and requires only Stokes’s theorem for functions in the plane. In fact, the result given by Theorem 3.26 for the real projective plane implies the result in the general case. Let X be the real projective space -179556985, with n 2; by Proposition 3.14, we easily see that an element of -179556785 which vanishes when restricted to the totally geodesic surfaces of X isometric to the real projective plane, must be equal to 0. Then the desired result for X is a consequence of Proposition 2.51,(ii).

The following result due to Bailey and Eastwood [1] generalizes both Theorems 3.20 and 3.26.

In the case p = 2, the assertion of Theorem 3.27 was first established by Estezet (see [12] and [29]).

-1795542854. The complex projective space

In this section, we suppose that X is the complex projective space -179553885 with n 1, endowed with the metric g of-179553385 2. We have seen that g is the Fubini-Study metric of constant holomorphic curvature 4. We denote by J the complex structure of X. As in -1795531852, we identify X with the Hermi-tian symmetric space G/K, where G is the group SU(n + 1) and K is its subgroup S(U(n) × U(1)).

× The c-179552785urvature tensor Rof X is given by







Let -179545585 be the complexification of the Lie algebra of K. The group of all diagonal matrices of G is a maximal torus of G and of K. The complexification -179545385t of the Lie algebra -179545185 of this torus is a Cartan subalgebra of the semi-simple Lie algebra g and also of the reductive Lie algebra -179544985 For 0 -179544785 the linear form -179544485 sending the diagonal matrix with a0, a1, . . . , an -179544285 as its diagonal entries into aj , is purely imaginary on -179544085 Then


Then we see that highest weight of the irreducible G-module Hk is equal to -179543585 and that -179543385 is a highest weight vector of this module. Clearly, we have


The fibers of the homogeneous vector bundles -179542885 -179542685and T0,1 at the point-179542485 of X considered in -1795422852 are irreducible K-modules of highest weights equal to -179542085 and -179541785 respectively. According to the branching law for G and K (see Proposition 3.1 of [14]), from the results of [14,-179541585 4] we obtain the following:

PROPOSITION 3.28. Let X be the complex projective space -179541085 with n-179540585 1.



For the remainder of this section, we suppose that n = 1 and that -179539985 We consider the sphere S2 = -179539485 the mapping


where (x1, x2, x3-179538685) R3, with x21 + x22 + x23 -179537385= 1. The two expressions for correspond to the stereographic projections whose poles are the points (0, 0, 1) and (0, 0,-1), respectively, and so we know that is -179537085a diffeomor-phism. We also consider the involuti-179536885on of -179536685 which sends the point -179536485 of CP1, where u is a non-zero vector of -179535785 into the point-179536085 where v is a non-zero vector of -179535785 orthogonal to u. I-179535585 is the anti-podal involution of the sphere S2, it is easily verified that the diagram



Since Hk is an irreducible G-module which contains the function f

-179534885 by (3.27) we see that


According to the commutativity of diagram (3.25), the first assertion of the next proposition is equivalent to the result concerning the sphere S2 given by Proposition 3.17; moreover according to Proposition 2.20, the second assertion of the next proposition implies the result concerning the real projective plane stated in Theorem 3.26.

PROPOSITION 3.29. Let X be the complex projective space -179534085.

(i) An even function on X, whose X-ray transform vanishes, vanishes identically.

(ii) An even differential form of degree 1 on X satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.




5. The rigidity of the complex projective space


We now introduce various families of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. Let x be a point of X, and let -179532485 be the family of all closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X passing through x of the form ExpxF, where F is the subspace of the tangent space Tx generated by an orthonormal set of vectors -179531985 of Tx satisfying -179531785 Let F2,x be the family of all closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X passing through x of the form ExpxF, where F is the subspace -179531185of the tangent space Tx determined by a unitary vectror -179530985 of Tx. We consider the G-invariant families


of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X.

According to Proposition 3.14, a surface belonging to the family F1 is isometric to the real projective plane with its metric of constant curvature 1, while a surface belonging to the family F2 is isometric to the complex projective line with its metric of constant curvature 4.

For j = 1, 2, 3, we consider the sub-bundle -179529985 of B consisting of those elements of B which vanish when restricted to the submanifolds of Fj . An element u of B belongs to N1 if and only if the relation



LEMMA 3.34. Let h be an element of -179525885 belonging to -179525685 Then we have D1h = 0.

PROOF: By Lemma 3.33, we know that h also belongs to -179524985 Hence by Proposition 2.45, with F = F3, we see that -179524785 By Proposition 3.31, we therefore know that D1h = 0.

The equivalence of assertions (i) and (iii) of the following theorem is originally due to Michel [45]. We now provide an alternate proof of Michel’s result following [13, 8].

THEOREM 3.35. Let h be a symmetric 2-form on -179524185 with n-179523685 2. The following assertions are equivalent:

(i) The symmetric 2-form h belongs to -179523185

(ii) We have D1h = 0.

(iii) The symmetric 2-form h is a Lie derivative of the metric g.


LEMMA 3.37. Let X be the complex projective space -179522185 with n-179521685 2. The following assertions are equivalent:

(i) The space X is infinitesimally rigid.

(ii) (3.37)

(ii) The complex (3.37) is exact.

LEMMA 3.38. A real-valued function f on X satisfies -179520685 if and only if it vanishes identically.

PROOF: Let f be a real-valued function f on X satisfying -179519985 According to Lemma 3.36, the symmetric 2-form fg satisfies the zero-energy condition, and so the X-ray transform -179519785 of f vanishes. From Theorem 3.18, we obtain the vanishing of f.


Since 2n is not an eigenvalue of -179519285, it follows that f vanishes identically. In fact, according to Lichnerowicz’s theorem (see [43, p. 135] or Theorem D.I.1 in Chapter III of [4]) and (3.14), we see that the first non-zero eigenvalue of-179519085 is > 2(n + 1); we have also seen that the first non-zero eigenvalue of is equal to 4(n + 1).

The following theorem gives us the infinitesimal rigidity of the complex projective spaces of dimensio-179518585n 2.

THEOREM 3.39. The complex projective space -179518185 with n-179517985 2, is infinitesimally rigid.

The infinitesimal rigidity of the complex projective spaces of dimension 2 was first proved by Tsukamoto [53]; in fact, he first proved directly the infinitesimal rigidity of -179517585 and then used the above-mentioned result of Michel given by Theorem 3.35 to derive the rigidity of the complex projective spaces of dimension > 2. Other proofs of Theorem 3.39 may be found in [14] and [18].

We can also obtain the infinitesimal rigidity of the complex projective spaces of dimension-179517185 2 from the rigidity of the complex projective plane by means of Theorem 2.47. In fact, we apply this theorem to the family F equal to F3 and to the family -179516985 consisting of all closed totally geodesic submanifolds of X isometric to -179516785 according to Propositions 3.14, 3.31 and 3.32, we know that the hypotheses of Theorem 2.47 hold.

We remark that the equivalence of assertions (i) and (iii) of Theorem 3.35 may be obtained from Theorem 3.39 and Lemma 3.33 without requiring Propositions 3.31 and 3.32.

We now present an outline of the proof of Theorem 3.39 given in [14]. Since the differential operator -179515885 is homogeneous and the differential operator D0 is elliptic, according to Lemma 3.37 and Proposition 2.3 we see that the space X is infinitesimally rigid if and only if the complex


is exact for-179515085 all .

We choose a Cartan subalgebra of -179514685 and fix a system of positive roots of -179514485. If-179514285 is an arbitrary element of , we determine the multiplicities of the G-modules 12305 and -179512785 and then describe an explicit basis for the weight subspace -179512985Wof -179512785 corresponding to its highest weight in terms of elements of the eigenspaces Hk; either the multiplicity of C(S2TC) is equal to 4 and the multiplicity of -179511885 is equal to 2, or these two multiplicities ar-179511385e 2. Since X is an irreducible Hermitian symmetric space, according to (2.28) the multiplicity of the G-module 12307 is equal to 2. The multiplicity of -179510385 is also equal to 2; in fact, we show that


Before proceeding to the description of another proof of Theorem 3.39 given in [18], we shall prove the following result which first appeared in [17].

THEOREM 3.40. A differential form of degree 1 on -179508985 with n-179508485 2, satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

PROOF: Let F be the sub-bundle of -179508085consisting of those elements of -179507885 which vanish when restricted to the submanifolds of F1. An element of -179507685belongs to F if and only if the relation


holds for all vectors -179507185 satisfying -179506985 An elementary algebraic computation shows that F is the line bundle generated by the -179506785 form-179506585 of X. Let-179506385 be a differential form of degree 1 on X. Since any closed geodesic of X is contained in a submanifold belonging to the family F1, we see that the 1-form -179506085satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if the restrictions -179505885 of to the submanifolds belonging to the family F1 satisfy the zero-energy condition. According to Theorem 3.26, the latter property of holds if and only if -179505685is a section of F. We now suppose that the 1-form satisfies the zero-energy condition; our previous observations imply that satisfies the relation


where f is a real-valued function on X. From this equality, we infer that


and so f is constant. Since the-179504885 is harmonic, the function f vanishes and so the form-179504685 is closed; hence is exact.

The simplicity of the preceding proof, which is based on a remark of Demailly (see [18]), rests on the correct interpretation of the bundle F. This observation led us to a new proof of the infinitesimal rigidity of -179504285, which can be found in [18] and which requires a minimal amount of harmonic analysis. For symmetric 2-forms, the analogue of the bundle F of the preceding proof is the bundle N1, and its interpretation is given by Proposition 3.30.

We now describe the proof of Theorem 3.39 given in [18]. We consider the first-order differential operator -179503585 introduced in -1795033853, Chapter I. Clearly, if u is a section of B satisfying -179503185 = 0, from the definition of -179503585 we infer that -179502785D1u = 0. The following two results are proved in [18].

LEMMA 3.41. Let -179502385 be a section of the bundle -179502185 over an open subset of X satisfying


Then the 2-form -179501285 is closed.


for all integers k > 1. This inequality is verified in the appendix of [18].

Let h be a symmetric 2-form on X satisfying the zero-energy condition.

B From Proposition 3.19, it follows that h belongs to the space -179500385 By Proposition 2.44 or Lemma 1.15, we see that D1h is a section of N1/. Thus by Proposition 3.30, there exists a section-179500185 of -179499985 over X such that


Then Lemma 1.17 tells us that the equality (3.40) holds; hence according to Lemma 3.41, the 2-form -179499185is closed. Therefore there exists a constant -179498985 and a real-valued function f on X such that


Since-179498485 is parallel, we know that -179498085 Hence the equality (3.40) implies that -179497585By Lemma 3.42, the function f belongs to -179497385. Therefore without loss of generality, we may assume that the function f belongs to H1.

We consider the subspaces


Thus by Proposition 3.30, we see that Dg(f1g) is a section of N1. Then Lemma 3.38 tells us that the function f1 vanishes identically. Therefore -179496385D1halso vanishes, and so D1h = 0. By Proposition 3.32 and Theorem 1.18, the complex (1.24) is exact, and so h is a Lie derivative of the metric.

-1794960856. The other projective spaces

Let X be a projective space equal either to the quaternionic projective space -179495685 with n 2, or to the Cayley plane. Let F1 be the family of all closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X which are isometric either to the real projective plane with its metric of constant curvature 1 or to the sphere S2 with its metric of constant curvature 4. Let F2 be the family of all closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X isometric to the projective plane -179495485 We verify that every surface belonging to the family F1 is contained in a submanifold belonging to the family F2 (see Proposition 3.14, [45,-179494985 3.2] and [17, 3]).

We consider the sub-bundle N = NF1 of B consisting of those elements of B which vanish when restricted to the submanifolds of F1. The following proposition can be proved by means of computations similar to the ones used in [14] to prove Proposition 3.31 and the relation (3.36) for the complex projective spaces.

PROPOSITION 3.43. Let X be equal to the quaternionic projective space -179494385 with n-179493885 2, or to the Cayley plane. Then we have


We remark that the equalities of the preceding proposition imply that the relation (1.48) holds for the space X. Thus we may apply Theorem 2.47 to the families F1 and F2 in order to obtain the following result from the infinitesimal rigidity of -179493385

Theorem 3.44. The quaternionic projective space -179492985 with n-179492785 2, and the Cayley plane are infinitesimally rigid.

Theorem 3.45. Let X be equal to the quaternionic projective space -179492385 with n-179492185 2, or to the Cayley plane. A differential form of degree 1 on X satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

PROOF: According to Propositions 3.14 and 3.15 (see Corollary 3.26 of [5]) when X is equal to a quaternionic projective space, or by observations made in [17,-179491685 3] when X is the Cayley plane, we easily see that


By Theorem 3.40, we know that the hypotheses of Theorem 2.51 are satisfied. The latter theorem now gives us the desired result.

Let -179490985 be the family of all closed connected totally geodesic submani-folds of X isometric to the projective line -179490785 (which is a sphere of dimension 4), or to the projective line over the Cayley algebra (which is a sphere of dimension 8), as the case may be. By means of the methods which we used in 5 to prove Theorem 3.35 for the complex projective spaces, we may also derive the following theorem, which is weaker than Theorem 3.44.

THEOREM 3.46. Let X be equal to the quaternionic projective space -179490085 with n-179489885 2, or to the Cayley plane. If h is a symmetric 2-form on X, the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) The symmetric 2-form h belongs to (-179489485

(ii) We have D1h = 0.

(iii) The symmetric 2-form h is a Lie derivative of the metric g.

The equivalence of assertions (i) and (iii) of Theorem 3.46 were first proved by Michel (see [45]). In [53], Tsukamoto deduced the infinitesimal rigidity of X from this result of Michel, the infinitesimal rigidity of 12313 and the exactness of sequence (1.51) for the sphere of dimension 2; he requires the equality (1.57) of Proposition 1.14,(i) and uses an argument similar to the one appearing in the proof of Theorem 3.20.

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