
THERE ARE COUNTLESS PEOPLE I have to thank in some small way for helping me with this book. Apologies if I’ve forgotten anyone.

  • My wife, Nancy, and also my children, Rory and Dayna, for putting up with all the times I’ve missed a family outing while writing this book. And we’re talking lots and lots of missed outings.
  • Jonathon Kade, for all your hard work helping with the decompiler and Chapter 6 in general.
  • Gary Cornell, without whom this book would never have seen the light of day.
  • Tracy Brown Collins and Rebecca Rider at Apress, for putting up with my countless missed deadlines. Do I need to say lots and lots again?
  • John Zukowski, for all the helpful comments. And yes, I’m still ignoring the one about having a comma in Hello World.
  • Dave and Michelle Kowalske and all my other in-laws, for knowing when not to ask, “Is that book finished yet?”
  • Finally, to my parents, who have always taught me to aim high and who have supported me when, more often than not, I fell flat on my face.
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