Chapter 3. C# Syntax Overview

This chapter introduces you to the syntax of the C# language. It's assumed that you have a reasonable amount of experience with C++ or Java, because C# shares a similar syntax. This is no accident. The designers of C# clearly meant to leverage the knowledge of those who have already developed with C++ and Java, which are arguably the dominant languages in object-oriented (OO) software development.

I've noted nuances and differences that are specific to the C# language. But, if you're familiar with either C++ or Java, you'll feel right at home with C# syntax.

C# Is a Strongly Typed Language

Like C++ and Java, C# is a strongly typed language, which means that every variable and object instance in the system is of a well-defined type. This enables the compiler to check that the operations you try to perform on variables and object instances are valid. For example, suppose you have a method that computes the average of two integers and returns the result. You could declare the C# method as follows:

double ComputeAvg( int param1, int param2 )
   return (param1 + param2) / 2.0;

This tells the compiler that this method accepts two integers and returns a double. Therefore, if the compiler attempts to compile code where you inadvertently pass an instance of type Apple, it will complain and stop. Suppose you wrote the method slightly differently:

object ComputeAvg( object param1, object param2 )
   return ((int) param1 + (int) param2) / 2.0;

The second version of ComputeAvg is still valid, but you have forcefully stripped away the type information. Every object and value in C# implicitly derives from System.Object. The object keyword in C# is an alias for the class System.Object. So it is perfectly valid to declare these parameters as type object. However, object is not a numeric type. In order to perform the calculation, you must first cast the objects into integers. After you're done, you return the result as an instance of type object. Although this version of the method can seem more flexible, it's a disaster waiting to happen. What if some code in the application attempts to pass an instance of type Apple into ComputeAvg? The compiler won't complain, because Apple derives from System.Object, as every other class does. However, you'll get a nasty surprise at runtime when your application throws an exception declaring that it cannot convert an instance of Apple to an integer. The method will fail, and unless you have an exception handler in place, it could terminate your application. That's not something you want to happen in your code that is running on a production server somewhere.

It is always best to find bugs at compile time rather than runtime. That is the moral of this story. If you were to use the first version of ComputeAvg, the compiler would have told you how ridiculous it was that you were passing an instance of Apple. This is much better than hearing it from an angry customer whose e-commerce server just took a dirt nap. The compiler is your friend, so let it be a good one and provide it with as much type information as possible to strictly enforce your intentions.


Expressions in C# are practically identical to expressions in C++ and Java. The important thing to keep in mind when building expressions is operator precedence. C# expressions are built using operands, usually variables or types within your application, and operators. Many of the operators can be overloaded as well. Operator overloading is covered in Chapter 6. Table 3-1 lists the precedence of the operator groups. Entries at the top of the table have higher precedence, and operators within the same category have equal precedence.

Table 3-1. C# Operator Precedence

Operator Group

Operators Included




Member access


Method invocation


Element access

x++, x--

Postincrement and postdecrement

new T(...), new T[...]

Creation expressions

Object and array creation


Gets System.Type object for T

checked(x), unchecked(x)

Evaluates expression while controlling the overflow checking context


Produces default value for type T[a]


delegate {...}

Anonymous function/method



+x, -x

Identity and negation


Logical negation


Bitwise negation

++x, --x

Preincrement and predecrement

(T) x

Casting operation


x*y, x/y, x%y

Multiplication, division, and remainder


x+y, x-y

Addition and subtraction


x<<y, x>>y

Left and right shift

Relational and type testing

x<y, x>y, x<=y, x>=y

Less than, greater than, less than or

x is T

True if x is convertible to T; false otherwise

x as T

Returns x converted to T, or null if conversion is not possible


x == y, x != y

Equal and not equal

Logical AND

x & y

Integer bitwise AND, Boolean logical AND

Logical XOR

x ^ y

Integer bitwise XOR, Boolean logical XOR

Logical OR

x | y

Integer bitwise OR, Boolean logical OR

Conditional AND

x && y

Evaluates y only if x is true

Conditional OR

x || y

Evaluates y only if x is false

Null coalescing

x ?? y

If x is non-null, evaluates to x; otherwise, y


x ? y : z

Evaluates y if x is true; otherwise, evaluates z

Assignment or anonymous function

x = y

Simple assignment

x op= y

Compound assignment; could be any of *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, or |=

(T x) => y

Lambda expression (anonymous function/method)


[a] You can learn more about default value expressions in the section titled "Default Value Expression" in Chapter 11.


These operators can have different meanings in different contexts. Regardless, their precedence never changes. For example, the + operator can mean string concatenation if you're using it with string operands. By using operator overloading when defining your own types, you can make some of these operators perform whatever semantic meaning makes sense for the type. But again, you may never alter the precedence of these operators except by using parentheses to change the grouping of operations.

In expressions, operators with the same precedence are processed based upon their associativity. All binary operators except assignment operators are left-associative whereas assignment operators and the conditional operator (the ternary operator) are right-associative.

Statements and Expressions

Statements in C# are identical in form to those of C++ and Java. A semicolon terminates one-line expressions. However, code blocks, such as those in braces in an if or a while statement, do not need to be terminated with a semicolon. Adding the semicolon is optional at the end of a block.

Most of the statements that are available in C++ and Java are available in C#, including variable declaration statements, conditional statements, control flow statements, try/catch statements, and so on. However, C# (like Java) has some statements that are not available in C++. For example, C# provides a try/finally statement, which I discuss in detail in Chapter 7. In Chapter 12, I'll show you the lock statement, which synchronizes access to code blocks. C# also overloads the using keyword, so you can use it either as a directive or a statement. You can use a using statement in concert with the Disposable pattern I describe in Chapters 4 and 13. The foreach statement, which makes iterating through collections easier, also deserves mention. You'll see more of this statement in Chapter 9, when I discuss collection types.

Types and Variables

Every entity in a C# program is an object that lives on either the stack or the managed heap. Every method is defined in a class or struct declaration. There are no such things as free functions, defined outside the scope of class or struct declarations, as there are in C++. Even the built-in value types, such as int, long, double, and so on, have methods associated with them implicitly. So, in C#, it's perfectly valid to write a statement such as the following:

System.Console.WriteLine( 42.ToString() );

A statement like this, where a method is invoked on the immediate value 42, will feel unfamiliar if you're used to C++ or Java. But, it emphasizes how everything in C# is an object, even down to the most basic types. In fact, the built-in type keywords in C# are actually mapped directly into types in the System namespace that represent them. You can even elect not to use the C# built-in types and explicitly use the types in the System namespace that they map to (but this practice is discouraged as a matter of style). Table 3-2 describes the built-in types, showing their size and what type they map to in the System namespace.

Table 3-2. C# Built-In Types

C# Type

Size in Bits

System Type


































































For each entry in the table, the last column indicates whether the type is compliant with the Common Language Specification (CLS). The CLS is defined as part of the CLI standard to facilitate multilanguage interoperability. The CLS is a subset of the Common Type System (CTS). Even though the CLR supports a rich set of built-in types, not all languages that compile into managed code support all of them. However, all managed languages are required to support the types in the CLS. For example, Visual Basic hasn't supported unsigned types traditionally. The designers of the CLI defined the CLS to standardize types in order to facilitate interoperability between the languages. If your application will be entirely C#-based and won't create any components consumed from another language, then you don't have to worry about adhering to the strict guidelines of the CLS. But if you work on a project that builds components using various languages, then conforming to the CLS will be much more important to you.

In the managed world of the CLR, there are two kinds of types:

  • Value types: Defined in C# using the struct keyword. Instances of value types are the only kind of instances that can live on the stack. They live on the heap if they're members of reference types or if they're boxed, which I discuss later. They are similar to structures in C++ in the sense that they are copied by value by default when passed as parameters to methods or assigned to other variables. Although C#'s built-in value types represent the same kinds of values as Java's primitive types, there are no Java counterparts.

  • Reference types: Often defined in C# using the class keyword. They are called reference types because the variables you use to manipulate them are actually references to objects on the managed heap. In fact, in the CLR reference-type variables are like value types variables that have an associated type and contain a pointer to an object on the heap. You, as the programmer, use the class definition to define those objects that are created on the heap. In this way, C# and Java are identical. C++ programmers can think of reference type variables as pointers that you don't have to dereference to access objects. Some C++ programmers like to think of these as smart pointers. Often, when one refers to reference types in C#, one means objects that live on the managed heap. However, a reference type variable is used to interact with the objects on the managed heap. Reference type variables have a type associated with them and contain a pointer to the object they reference. For example, the reference type variable's type could be the same as the object's class that it points to, a base type for the object, or its type could be that of an interface that the object implements. Naturally, several reference type variables could reference the same object instance at the same time. In contrast, value types contain their data rather than a pointer to the data. Figure 3-1 is a diagram describing the scenario of two reference type variables that reference the same object on the managed heap. The diagram depicts how each reference type variable has a type associated with it.

Reference Variable Types

Figure 3-1. Reference Variable Types

Value Types

Value types can live on either the stack or the managed heap. You use them commonly when you need to represent some immutable data that is generally small in its memory footprint. You can define user-defined value types in C# by using the struct keyword.


The next subsection covers enumerations which are declared with the enum keyword. The enum keyword also allows one to declare a value type.

User-defined value types behave in the same way that the built-in value types do. When you create a value during the flow of execution, the value is typically created on the stack unless it is a member of a reference type. Consider this code snippet:

int theAnswer = 42;
System.Console.WriteLine( theAnswer.ToString() );

Not only is the theAnswer instance created on the stack, but if it gets passed to a method, the method will receive a copy of it. Value types are typically used in managed applications to represent lightweight pieces or collections of data, similar to the way built-in types and structs are sometimes used in C++, and primitive types are used in Java.

Values can also live on the managed heap, but not by themselves. The only way this can happen is if a reference type has a field that is a value type. Even though a value type inside an object lives on the managed heap, it still behaves the same as a value type on the stack when it comes to passing it into a method; that is, the method will receive a copy by default. Any changes made to the value instance are only local changes to the copy unless the value was passed by reference. The following code illustrates these concepts:

public struct Coordinate //this is a value type
    public int x;
public int y;

public class EntryPoint //this is a reference type
    public static void AttemptToModifyCoord( Coordinate coord ) {
        coord.x = 1;
        coord.y = 3;

    public static void ModifyCoord( ref Coordinate coord ) {
        coord.x = 10;
        coord.y = 10;

    static void Main() {
        Coordinate location;
        location.x = 50;
        location.y = 50;

        AttemptToModifyCoord( location );
        System.Console.WriteLine( "( {0}, {1} )", location.x, location.y );

        ModifyCoord( ref location );
        System.Console.WriteLine( "( {0}, {1} )", location.x, location.y );

In the Main method, the call to AttemptToModifyCoord actually does nothing to the location value. This is because AttemptToModifyCoord modifies a local copy of the value that was made when the method was called. On the contrary, the location value is passed by reference into the ModifyCoord method. Thus, any changes made in the ModifyCoord method are actually made on the location value in the calling scope. It's similar to passing a value by a pointer in C++. The output from the example is as follows:

( 50, 50 )
( 10, 10 )


Enumerations (enums) in C# are similar to enumerations in C++, and the defining syntax is almost identical. At the point of use, however, you must fully qualify the values within an enumeration using the enumeration type name. All enumerations are based upon an underlying integral type, which if not specified, defaults to int. Thus, enumerations are also value types.


The underlying type of the enum must be an integral type that is one of the following: byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, or ulong.

Each constant that is defined in the enumeration must be defined with a value within the range of the underlying type. If you don't specify a value for an enumeration constant, the value takes the default value of 0 (if it is the first constant in the enumeration) or 1 plus the value of the previous constant. This example is an enumeration based upon a long:

public enum Color : long
   Green = 50,

In this example, if I had left off the colon and the long keyword after the Color type identifier, the enumeration would have been of int type. Notice that the value for Red is 0, the value for Green is 50, and the value for Blue is 51.

To use this enumeration, write code such as the following:

static void Main() {
   Color color = Color.Red;
   System.Console.WriteLine( "Color is {0}", color.ToString() );

If you compile and run this code, you'll see that the output actually uses the name of the enumeration rather than the ordinal value 0. The System.Enum type's implementation of the ToString method performs this magic.

Flags Enumerations

Many times, you may use enumeration constants to represent bit flags. You can attach an attribute in the System namespace called System.FlagsAttribute to the enumeration to make this explicit. The attribute is stored in the metadata, and you can reference it at design time to determine whether members of an enumeration are intended to be used as bit flags.

Note that System.FlagsAttribute doesn't modify the behavior of the values defined by the enumeration. At runtime, however, certain components can use the metadata generated by the attribute to process the value differently. This is a great example of how you can use metadata effectively in an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) manner.


AOP, also called aspect-oriented software development (AOSD), is a concept originally developed by Gregor Kiczales and his team at Xerox PARC. Object-oriented methodologies generally do a great job of partitioning the functionality, or concerns, of a design into cohesive units. However, some concerns, called cross-cutting concerns, cannot be modeled easily with standard OO designs. For example, suppose you need to log entry into and exit from various methods. It would be a horrible pain to modify the code for each and every method that you need to log. It would be much easier if you could simply attach a property—or in this case, an attribute—to the method itself, so that the runtime would log the method's call when it happens. This keeps you from having to modify the method, and the requirement is applied out-of-band from the method's implementation. Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) was one of the first widely known examples of AOP.

Using metadata, and the fact that you can attach arbitrary, custom attributes to types, methods, properties, and so on, you can use AOP in your own designs.

The following is an example of a bit flag enumeration:

public enum AccessFlags

   NoAccess = 0x0,
   ReadAccess = 0x1,
   WriteAccess = 0x2,
   ExecuteAccess = 0x4

The following is an example of using the AccessFlags enumeration:

static void Main() {
   AccessFlags access = AccessFlags.ReadAccess |

   System.Console.WriteLine( "Access is {0}", access );

If you compile and execute the previous example, you'll see that the Enum.ToString method implicitly invoked by WriteLine does, in fact, output a comma-separated list of all the bits that are set in this value.

Reference Types

The garbage collector (GC) inside the CLR manages everything regarding the placement of objects. It can move objects at any time. When it moves them, the CLR makes sure that the variables that reference them are updated. Normally, you're not concerned with the exact location of the object within the heap, and you don't have to care if it gets moved around or not. There are rare cases, such as when interfacing with native DLLs, when you may need to obtain a direct memory pointer to an object on the heap. It is possible to do that using unsafe (or unmanaged) code techniques, but that is outside the scope of this book.


Conventionally, the term object refers to an instance of a reference type, whereas the term value refers to an instance of a value type, but all instances of any type (reference type or value type) are also derived from type object.

Variables of a reference type are either initialized by using the new operator to create an object on the managed heap, or they are initialized by assignment from another variable of a compatible type. The following code snippet points two variables at the same object:

object o1 = new object();
object o2 = o1;

Like the Java runtime, the CLR manages all references to objects on the heap. In C++, you must explicitly delete heap-based objects at some carefully chosen point. But in the managed environment of the CLR, the GC takes care of this for you. This frees you from having to worry about deleting objects from memory and minimizes memory leaks. The GC can determine, at any point in time, how many references exist to a particular object on the heap. If it determines there are none, it is free to start the process of destroying the object on the heap. (Chapter 13 discusses at length the intricacies of this process and the factors that influence it.) The previous code snippet includes two references to the same object. You initialize the first one, o1, by creating a new object. You initialize the second one, o2, from o1. The GC won't collect the object on the heap until both of these references are outside any usable scope. Had the method containing this code returned a copy of the reference to whatever called it, then the GC would still have a reference to track even when the method was no longer in scope.


For those coming from a C++ background, the fundamental way in which objects are treated in the C++ world is reversed in the C# world. In C++, objects are allocated on the stack unless you create them explicitly with the new operator, which then returns a pointer to the object on the native heap. In C#, you cannot create objects of a reference type on the stack. They can only live on the heap. So, it's almost as if you were writing C++ code, where you create every object on the heap without having to worry about deleting the objects explicitly to clean up.

Default Variable Initialization

By default, the C# compiler produces what is called safe code. One of the safety concerns is making sure the program doesn't use uninitialized memory. The compiler wants every variable to be set to a value before you use it, so it is useful to know how many different types of variables are initialized.

The default value for references to objects is null. At the point of declaration, you can optionally assign references from the result of a call to the new operator; otherwise, they will be set to null. When you create an object, the runtime initializes its internal fields. Fields that are references to objects are initialized to null, of course. Fields that are value types are initialized by setting all bits of the value type to zero. Basically, you can imagine that all the runtime is doing is setting the bits of the underlying storage to 0. For references to objects, that equates to a null reference, and for value types, that equates to a value of zero (or false for a Boolean).

For value types that you declare on the stack, the compiler does not zero-initialize the memory automatically. However, it does make sure that you initialize the memory before the value is used.


Enumerations are actually value types and even though 0 is implicitly convertible to any enumeration type, it is good design practice to always declare an enumeration member that equates to zero, even if the name of the member is InvalidValue or None and is otherwise meaningless. If an enumeration is declared as a field of a class, instances of that class will have the field set to zero upon default initialization. Declaring a member that equates to zero allows users of your enumeration to deal with this case easily and, one could argue, creates more readable code.

Implicitly Typed Local Variables

Because C# is a strongly typed language, every variable declared in the code must have an explicit type associated with it. Starting with C# 4.0, that rule is relaxed a bit with the dynamic type that I introduce in Chapter 17. When the CLR stores the contents of the variable in a memory location, it also associates a type with that location. But sometimes, when writing code for strongly typed languages, the amount of typing needed to declare such variables can be tedious, especially if the type is a generic one. For complex types, such as query variables created using Language Integrated Query (LINQ), discussed in Chapter 16, the type names can be downright unwieldy. Enter implicitly typed variables.

By declaring a local variable using the new var keyword, you effectively ask the compiler to reserve a local memory slot and attach an inferred type to that slot. At compilation time, there is enough information available at the point the variable is initialized for the compiler to deduce the actual type of that variable without your having to tell it the type explicitly. Let's have a look at what these look like.

Here you see an example of what an implicitly typed variable declaration looks like:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class EntryPoint
    static void Main() {
        var myList = new List<int>();

        myList.Add( 1 );
        myList.Add( 2 );
        myList.Add( 3 );

        foreach( var i in myList ) {
            Console.WriteLine( i );

The first things you should notice are the keywords in bold that show the usage of the new var keyword. In the first usage, I have declared a variable named myList, asking the compiler to set the type of the variable based upon the type from which it is assigned. It's important to note that an implicitly typed variable declaration must include an initializer. If you tried to state the following in code, you would be greeted with the compiler warning CS0818, stating that "Implicitly typed locals must be initialized":

var newValue;    // emits error CS0818

Similarly, if you try to declare a class field member as an implicitly typed variable, even if it has an initializer, you will get the compiler error CS0825, stating that "The contextual keyword 'var' may only appear within a local variable declaration."

Finally, you may be used to declaring multiple variables in one line by separating each identifier with a comma, as in the following two examples:

int a = 2, b = 1;
int x, y = 4;

However, you cannot do this with implicitly typed variables. The compiler gives you the error CS0819, stating "Implicitly typed locals cannot have multiple declarators."

Type Conversion

Many times, it's necessary to convert instances of one type to another. In some cases, the compiler does this conversion implicitly whenever a value of one type is assigned from another type that, when converted to the assigned type, will not lose any precision or magnitude. In cases where precision could be lost, an explicit conversion is required. For reference types, the conversion rules are analogous to the pointer conversion rules in C++.

The semantics of type conversion are similar to both C++ and Java. Explicit conversion is represented using the familiar casting syntax that all of them inherited from C—that is, the type to convert to is placed in parentheses before whatever needs to be converted:

int defaultValue = 12345678;
long value = defaultValue;
int smallerValue = (int) value;

In this code, the (int) cast is required to be explicit since the underlying size of an int is smaller than a long. Thus, it's possible that the value in the long may not fit into the space available to the int. The assignment from the defaultValue variable to the value variable requires no cast, since a long has more storage space than an int. If the conversion will lose magnitude, it's possible that the conversion may throw an exception at runtime. The general rule is that implicit conversions are guaranteed never to throw an exception, whereas explicit conversions may throw exceptions.

The C# language provides the facilities to define custom implicit and explicit conversion operators to various types for your user-defined types. Chapter 6 covers these in more detail. The exception requirements for built-in conversion operators apply to user-defined conversion operators. Namely, implicit conversion operators are guaranteed never to throw.

Conversion to and from reference types models that of Java and of conversions between pointers in C++. For example, a reference to type DerivedType can be implicitly converted to a reference to type BaseType if DerivedType is derived from BaseType. However, you must explicitly cast a conversion in the opposite direction. Also, an explicit cast may throw a System.InvalidCastException if the CLR cannot perform the conversion at runtime.

Array Covariance

One kind of implicit cast is available in C# that is not easily available in C++, mainly because of the default value semantics of C++. It is possible to implicitly convert from an array of one reference type to an array of another reference type, as long as the target reference type is one that can be implicitly converted from the source reference type and the arrays are of the same dimension. This is called array covariance. For example, the following conversion is valid:

public class EntryPoint
    static void Main() {
        string[] names = new string[4];
        object[] objects = names;  //implicit conversion statement

        string[] originalNames =
            (string[]) objects;  // explicit conversion statement

Because System.String derives from System.Object and, therefore, is implicitly convertible to System.Object, this implicit conversion of the string array names into the object array objects variable is valid. However, to go in the other direction, as shown, requires an explicit cast that may throw an exception at runtime if the conversion fails.

Keep in mind that implicit conversions of arguments may occur during method invocation if arguments must be converted to match the types of parameters. If you cannot make the conversions implicitly, you must cast the arguments explicitly.

Boxing Conversion

Finally, another type of common conversion is a boxing conversion. Boxing conversions are required when you must pass a value type as a reference type parameter to a method or assign it to a variable that is a reference type. What happens is that an object is allocated dynamically on the heap that contains a field of the value's type. The value is then copied into this field. I cover boxing in C# extensively in Chapter 4. The following code demonstrates boxing:

public class EntryPoint
    static void Main() {
        int employeeID = 303;
        object boxedID = employeeID;

        employeeID = 404;
        int unboxedID = (int) boxedID;

        System.Console.WriteLine( employeeID.ToString() );
        System.Console.WriteLine( unboxedID.ToString() );

At the point where the object variable boxedID is assigned from the int variable employeeID, boxing occurs. A heap-based object is created and the value of employeeID is copied into it. This bridges the gap between the value type and the reference type worlds within the CLR. The boxedID object actually contains a copy of the employeeID value. I demonstrate this point by changing the original employeeID value after the boxing operation. Before printing out the values, I unbox the value and copy the value contained in the object on the heap back into another int on the stack. Unboxing requires an explicit cast in C#.

as and is Operators

Because explicit conversion can fail by throwing exceptions, times arise when you may want to test the type of a variable without performing a cast and seeing if it fails or not. Testing type via casting is tedious and inefficient, and exceptions are generally expensive at runtime. For this reason, C# has two operators that come to the rescue, and they are guaranteed not to throw an exception:

  • is

  • as

The is operator results in a Boolean that determines whether you can convert a given expression to the given type as either a reference conversion or a boxing or unboxing operation. For example, consider the following code:

using System;

public class EntryPoint
    static void Main() {
        String derivedObj = "Dummy";
        Object baseObj1 = new Object();
        Object baseObj2 = derivedObj;

        Console.WriteLine( "baseObj2 {0} String",
                           baseObj2 is String ? "is" : "isnot" );
        Console.WriteLine( "baseObj1 {0} String",
                           baseObj1 is String ? "is" : "isnot" );
        Console.WriteLine( "derivedObj {0} Object",
                           derivedObj is Object ? "is" : "isnot" );

        int j = 123;
        object boxed = j;
        object obj = new Object();

        Console.WriteLine( "boxed {0} int",
                           boxed is int ? "is" : "isnot" );
        Console.WriteLine( "obj {0} int",
                           obj is int ? "is" : "isnot" );
        Console.WriteLine( "boxed {0} System.ValueType",
                           boxed is ValueType ? "is" : "isnot" );


The output from this code is as follows:

baseObj2 is String
baseObj1 isnot String

derivedObj is Object

boxed is int

obj isnot int
boxed is System.ValueType

As mentioned previously, the is operator considers only reference conversions. This means that it won't consider any user-defined conversions that are defined on the types.

The as operator is similar to the is operator, except that it returns a reference to the target type. Because it is guaranteed never to throw an exception, it simply returns a null reference if the conversion cannot be made. Similar to the is operator, the as operator only considers reference conversions or boxing/unboxing conversions. For example, look at the following code:

using System;

public class BaseType {}

public class DerivedType : BaseType {}

public class EntryPoint {
    static void Main() {
        DerivedType derivedObj = new DerivedType();
        BaseType baseObj1 = new BaseType();
        BaseType baseObj2 = derivedObj;

        DerivedType derivedObj2 = baseObj2 as DerivedType;
        if( derivedObj2 != null ) {
            Console.WriteLine( "Conversion Succeeded" );
        } else {
            Console.WriteLine( "Conversion Failed" );

        derivedObj2 = baseObj1 as DerivedType;
        if( derivedObj2 != null ) {
            Console.WriteLine( "Conversion Succeeded" );
        } else {
            Console.WriteLine( "Conversion Failed" );

        BaseType baseObj3 = derivedObj as BaseType;
        if( baseObj3 != null ) {
            Console.WriteLine( "Conversion Succeeded" );
        } else {
Console.WriteLine( "Conversion Failed" );

The output from this code is as follows:

Conversion Succeeded
Conversion Failed
Conversion Succeeded

Sometimes you need to test whether a variable is of a certain type and, if it is, then do some sort of operation on the desired type. You could test the variable for the desired type using the is operator and then, if true, cast the variable to the desired type. However, doing it that way is inefficient. The better approach is to follow the idiom of applying the as operator to obtain a reference of the variable with the desired type, and then test whether the resulting reference is null, which would mean that the conversion succeeded. That way, you perform only one type lookup operation instead of two.


Support for generics is one of the most exciting evolutions to the C# language. Using the generic syntax, you can define a type that depends upon another type that is not specified at the point of definition, but rather at the point of usage of the generic type. For example, imagine a collection type. Collection types typically embody things such as lists, queues, and stacks. The collection types that have been around since the .NET 1.0 days are adequate for containing any type in the CLR, since they contain Object instances and everything derives from Object. However, all of the type information for the contained type is thrown away, and the compiler's power to catch type errors is rendered useless. You must cast every type reference that you obtain from these collections into the type you think it should be, and that could fail at runtime. Also, the original collection types can contain a heterogeneous blend of types rather than force the user to insert only instances of a certain type. You could go about fixing this problem by writing types such as ListOfIntegers and ListOfStrings for each type you want to contain in a list. However, you will quickly find out that most of the management code of these lists is similar, or generic, across all of the custom list types. The keyword is generic. Using generic types, you can declare an open (or generic) type and only have to write the common code once. The users of your type can then specify which type the collection will contain at the point they decide to use it.

Additionally, using generics involves efficiency gains. The concept of generics is so large that I've devoted Chapter 11 entirely to their declaration and usage. However, I believe it's important to give you a taste of how to use a generic type now, since I mention them several times prior to Chapter 11.


The generic syntax will look familiar to those who use C++ templates. However, it's important to note that there are significant behavioral differences, which I'll explain in Chapter 11.

The most common use of generics is during the declaration of collection types. For example, take a look at the following code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

class EntryPoint
    static void Main() {
        Collection<int> numbers =
            new Collection<int>();
        numbers.Add( 42 );
        numbers.Add( 409 );

        Collection<string> strings =
            new Collection<string>();
        strings.Add( "Joe" );
        strings.Add( "Bob" );

        Collection< Collection<int> > colNumbers
            = new Collection<Collection<int>>();
        colNumbers.Add( numbers );

        IList<int> theNumbers = numbers;
        foreach( int i in theNumbers ) {
            Console.WriteLine( i );

This example shows usage of the generic Collection type. The telltale sign of generic type usage is the angle brackets surrounding a type name. In this case, I have declared a collection of integers, a collection of strings, and, to show an even more complex generic usage, a collection of collections of integers. Also, notice that I've shown the declaration for a generic interface, namely, IList<>.

When you specify the type arguments for a generic type by listing them within the angle brackets, as in Collection<int>, you are declaring a closed type. In this case, Collection<int> only takes one type parameter, but had it taken more, then a comma would have separated the type arguments. When the CLR first encounters this type declaration, it will generate the closed type based on the generic type and the provided type arguments. Using closed types formed from generics is no different than using any other type, except that the type declaration uses the special angle bracket syntax to form the closed type.

Now that you've seen a glimpse of what generics look like, you should be prepared for the casual generic references mentioned prior to Chapter 11.


C#, like C++ and analogous to Java packages, supports namespaces for grouping components logically. Namespaces help you avoid naming collisions between your identifiers.

Using namespaces, you can define all of your types such that their identifiers are qualified by the namespace that they belong to. You have already seen namespaces in action in many of the examples so far. For instance, in the "Hello World!" example from Chapter 1, you saw the use of the Console class, which lives in the .NET Framework Class Library's System namespace and whose fully qualified name is System.Console. You can create your own namespaces to organize components. The general recommendation is that you use some sort of identifier, such as your organization's name, as the top-level namespace, and then more specific library identifiers as nested namespaces.

Namespaces provide an excellent mechanism with which you can make your types more discoverable, especially if you're designing libraries meant for consumption by others. For example, you can create a general namespace such as MyCompany.Widgets, where you put the most commonly used types of widgets. Then you can create a MyCompany.Widgets.Advanced namespace where you place all of the less commonly used, advanced types. Sure, you could place them all in one namespace. However, users could become confused when browsing the types and seeing all of the types they least commonly use mixed in with the ones they use the most.


When picking a name for your namespace, the general guideline suggests that you name it using the formula <CompanyName>.<Technology>.*, such that the first two dot-separated portions of the namespace name start with your company name followed by your company's technology. Then you can further subclassify the namespace. You can see examples of this in the .NET Framework—for example, the Microsoft.Win32 namespace.

Defining Namespaces

The syntax for declaring a namespace is simple. The following code shows how to declare a namespace named Acme:

namespace Acme
   class Utility {}

Namespaces don't have to live in only one compilation unit (i.e., the C# source code file). In other words, the same namespace declaration can exist in multiple C# files. When everything is compiled, the set of identifiers included in the namespace is a union of all of the identifiers in each of the namespace declarations. In fact, this union spans across assemblies. If multiple assemblies contain types defined in the same namespace, the total namespace consists of all of the identifiers across all the assemblies that define the types.

It's possible to nest namespace declarations. You can do this in one of two ways. The first way is obvious:

namespace Acme
   namespace Utilities
      class SomeUtility {}

Given this example, to access the SomeUtility class using its fully qualified name, you must identify it as Acme.Utilities.SomeUtility. The following example demonstrates an alternate way of defining nested namespaces:

namespace Acme

namespace Acme.Utilities
   class SomeUtility {}

The effect of this code is exactly the same as the previous code. In fact, you may omit the first empty namespace declaration for the Acme namespace. I left it there only for demonstration purposes to point out that the Utilities namespace declaration is not physically nested within the Acme namespace declaration.

Any types that you declare outside a namespace become part of the global namespace.


You should always avoid defining types in the global namespace. Such practice is known as "polluting the global namespace" and is widely considered poor programming practice. This should be obvious since there would be no way to protect types defined by multiple entities from potential naming collisions.

Using Namespaces

In the "Hello World!" example in Chapter 1, I quickly touched on the options available for using namespaces. Let's examine some code that uses the SomeUtility class I defined in the previous section:

public class EntryPoint
   static void Main() {
      Acme.Utilities.SomeUtility util =
         new Acme.Utilities.SomeUtility();

This practice of always qualifying names fully is rather verbose and might eventually lead to a bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome. The using namespace directive avoids this. It tells the compiler that you're using an entire namespace in a compilation unit or another namespace. What the using keyword does is effectively import all of the names in the given namespace into the enclosing namespace, which could be the global namespace of the compilation unit. The following example demonstrates this:

using Acme.Utilities;

public class EntryPoint
   static void Main() {
SomeUtility util = new SomeUtility();

The code is now much easier to deal with and somewhat easier to read. The using directive, because it is at the global namespace level, imports the type names from Acme.Utilities into the global namespace. Sometimes when you import the names from multiple namespaces, you may still have naming conflicts if both imported namespaces contain types with the same name. In this case, you can import individual types from a namespace, creating a naming alias. This technique is available via namespace aliasing in C#. Let's modify the usage of the SomeUtility class so that you alias only the SomeUtility class rather than everything inside the Acme.Utilities namespace:

namespace Acme.Utilities
   class AnotherUtility() {}

using SomeUtility = Acme.Utilities.SomeUtility;

public class EntryPoint
   static void Main() {
      SomeUtility util = new SomeUtility();
      Acme.Utilities.AnotherUtility =
            new Acme.Utilities.AnotherUtility();

In this code, the identifier SomeUtility is aliased as Acme.Utilities.SomeUtility. To prove the point, I augmented the Acme.Utilities namespace and added a new class named AnotherUtility. This class must be fully qualified in order for you to reference it, since no alias is declared for it. Incidentally, it's perfectly valid to give the previous alias a different name than SomeUtility. Although giving the alias a different name may be useful when trying to resolve a naming conflict, it's generally better to alias it using the same name as the original class name in order to avoid maintenance confusion in the future.


If you follow good partitioning principles when defining your namespaces, you shouldn't have to deal with this problem. It is bad design practice to create namespaces that contain a grab bag of various types covering different groups of functionality. Instead, you should create your namespaces with intuitively cohesive types contained within them to make it easier for developers to discover your types. In fact, at times in the .NET Framework, you'll see a namespace with some general types for the namespace included in it, with more advanced types contained in a nested namespace named Advanced. For example, you will see the namespace System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced defined in the .NET Framework. In many respects, for creating libraries, these guidelines mirror the principle of discoverability applied when creating intuitive user interfaces. In other words, name and group your types intuitively and make them easily discoverable.

Control Flow

Like C, C++, and Java, the C# language contains all the usual suspects when it comes to control flow structure. C# even implements the dastardly goto statement.

if-else, while, do-while, and for

The if-else construct within C# is identical to those in C++ and Java. As a stylistic recommendation, I'm a proponent of always using blocks in if statements, or any other control flow statement as described in the following sections, even when they contain only one statement, as in the following example:

if( <test condition> ) {
   Console.WriteLine( "You are here." );

The while, do, and for statements are identical to those in C++ and Java.


The syntax of the C# switch statement is very similar to the C++ and Java switch syntax. The main difference is that the C# switch doesn't allow falling through to the next section. It requires a break (or other transfer of control) statement to end each section. I believe this is a great thing. Countless hard-to-spot bugs exist in C++ and Java applications because developers forgot a break statement or rearranged the order of sections within a switch when one of them falls through to another. In C#, the compiler will immediately complain with an error if it finds a section that falls through to the next. The one exception to this rule is that you can have multiple switch labels (using the case keyword) per switch section, as shown in the following code snippet. You can also simulate falling through sections with the goto statement:

switch( k ) {
   case 0:
      Console.WriteLine( "case 0" );
      goto case 1;
   case 1:
   case 2:
      Console.WriteLine( "case 1 or 2" );


The use of the goto statement is generally considered bad programming practice as it can create code that is very hard to maintain, among other things. Even though it is available in the language does not mean that you should use it frivolously. That said, there are very rare cases where it is applicable, however, any time you find yourself using a goto statement, I advise you to scrutinize your design and evaluate whether the introduction of goto reveals a design flaw.

Notice that each one of the cases has a form of jump statement that terminates it. Even the last case must have one. Many C++ and Java developers would omit the break statement in the final section, because it would just fall through to the end of the switch anyway. Again, the beauty of the "no fall-through" constraint is that even if a developer maintaining the code at a later date whimsically decides to switch the ordering of the labels, no bugs can be introduced, unlike in C++ and Java. Typically, you use a break statement to terminate switch sections, and you can use any statement that exits the section. These include throw and return, as well as continue if the switch is embedded within a for loop where the continue statement makes sense.


The foreach statement allows you to iterate over a collection of objects in a syntactically natural way. Note that you can implement the same functionality using a while loop. However, this can be ugly, and iterating over the elements of a collection is such a common task that foreach syntax is a welcome addition to the language. If you had an array (or any other type of collection) of strings, for example, you could iterate over each string using the following code:

static void Main() {
   string[] strings = new string[5];
   strings[0] = "Bob";
   strings[1] = "Joe";
   foreach( string item in strings ) {
      Console.WriteLine( "{0}", item );

Within the parentheses of the foreach loop, you can declare the type of your iterator variable. In this example, it is a string. Following the declaration of the iterator type is the identifier for the collection to iterate over. You may use any object that implements the Collection pattern.[9] Chapter 9 covers collections in greater detail, including what sorts of things a type must implement in order to be considered a collection. Naturally, the elements within the collection used in a foreach statement must be convertible, using an explicit conversion, to the iterator type. If they're not, the foreach statement will throw an InvalidCastException at runtime. If you'd like to experience this inconvenience yourself, try running this modification to the previous example:

static void Main() {
   object[] strings = new object[5];
   strings[0] = 1;
   strings[1] = 2;
   foreach( string item in strings ) {
      Console.WriteLine( "{0}", item );

Note, however, that it's invalid for the code embedded in a foreach statement to attempt to modify the iterator variable at all. It should be treated as read-only. That means you cannot pass the iterator variable as an out or a ref parameter to a method, either. If you try to do any of these things, the compiler will quickly alert you to the error of your ways.

break, continue, goto, return, and throw

C# includes a set of familiar statements that unconditionally transfer control to another location. These include break, continue, goto, return, and throw. Their syntax should be familiar to any C++ or Java developer (though Java has no goto). Their usage is essentially identical in all three languages.


This chapter introduced the C# syntax, emphasizing that C#, like similar object-oriented languages, is a strongly typed language. For these languages, you want to utilize the type-checking engine of the compiler to find as many errors as possible at compile time rather than find them later at runtime. In the CLR, types are classified as either value types or reference types, and each category comes with its own stipulations, which I'll continue to dig into throughout this book. I also introduced namespaces and showed how they help keep the global namespace from getting polluted with too many types whose names could conflict. Finally, I showed how control statements work in C#, which is similar to how they work in C++ and Java.

In the next chapter, I'll dig deeper into the structure of classes and structs, while highlighting the behavioral differences of instances of them.

[9] A type implements the Collection pattern if it either implements the IEnumerable (or IEnumerable<>) interface or implements the public methods GetEnumerator and MoveNext as well as the public property Current. In other words, a type need not implement IEnumerable in order to work with the foreach statement although one typically implement the Collection pattern by implementing IEnumerable (or IEnumerable<>) in one's types.

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