A P P E N D I X  B

Online Exadata Resources

This appendix details some helpful online resources for DBAs managing Exadata. Oracle Support creates a good many of what are termed support notes. We list some of the most helpful, and you can read them—if you are a licensed user— by going to Oracle's support site. In addition, we list a few helpful blogs. The list of blogs is small, but growing. We list four that we particularly like and endorse.

Exadata MOS Support Notes

Listed here are several good online notes for managing the Exadata platform on My Oracle Support (MOS). Some of these notes are living documents, meaning they are continually updated as new software versions and patches become available. MOS Note 888828.1 is a must-read for anyone responsible for administering the system. It contains critical information about supported software releases. Some of the MOS Notes listed here, such as 757552.1, are simply placeholders for dozens of other important documents you will want to be aware of. Obviously this is not a comprehensive list, and there are many more good technical documents for Exadata on MOS. But we hope you find this list helpful in getting you started off in the right direction.

Helpful Exadata MOS Support Notes


Exadata Bulletins and Blogs

Following are some helpful blogs. Some focus on Exadata alone. Others, such as Tanel Poder's blog, are more wide-ranging and cover the gamut of Oracle Database technologies.

Expert Oracle Exadata Blog:

Kerry Osborne's Oracle Blog:

Tanel Poder's Blog:

Andy Colvin's Blog:

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