
In this chapter, I have explained some of the many challenges that you will meet inside your company or organization when you propose your great and maybe successful user experience innovations. There is no easy way to do this, and I have personally worked for many years to make the need for user experience innovation heard in the companies that I have worked for.

We did, however, eventually manage to bring together one of the first multidisciplinary teams at Nokia, where my innovation capabilities managed to flourish. Before that I worked directly with product managers, engineers, and even CEOs for several years to push my messages through—often with success, but also many times without. I have managed to put my user experience fingerprints on a large number of specific products, and often on a case-to-case basis, simply by delivering good user experience innovation and design, with good backup from user insights and user data.

I have been behind a large number of user experience innovations launched in products, and I have seen innovations become successful when there was a true user need. I've also seen some of my innovations quickly become forgotten. But what has always driven my passion is a desire to meet a single customer who tells me how great a function that I designed works—and a desire to see millions of users using a function that I designed. And it is exactly this passion that is the most important element for facing organizational challenges, stubbornness, and so forth.

In other words, I'm not saying that this part is easy, and I'm not saying that there's one single solution, but I do think that great ideas and the right approaches to user experience will flourish in almost any organization. But it requires some work and selling.

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