
If you are designing a product, it is tempting to focus on the core of your product only. However, a lot of successful user experience innovation has been done around the core product. Here are some examples:

  • If you are designing a mobile device, you can create user experience innovation by providing great tools for your PC or the Internet that can be used to extend or support the user experience of your device. You will look at successful service providers and maybe ask permission to use their services.
  • If you are designing a social web page, you can look at how to integrate services from other web pages, or you can make it very easy for your customers to transfer account data, friend lists, and so forth from a competing social web page. You can also look at how to integrate your services in a great way for mobile devices.
  • If you are designing video conversion software, you could look at how to download alternative subtitles from the Internet and how to easily connect your computer to a TV.

The trick is to not limit your definition of your product to the actual product itself; rather, you should see your product as whole ecosystem.



Figure 12-1. The first iPod

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