
Sample Data

If you wish to follow the examples used in this book—and I hope you will—you will need some sample data to work with. All the files referenced in this book are available for download and can easily be installed on your local PC.

This appendix explains where to obtain the sample files, how to install them, and what they are used for.

Downloading the Sample Data

The sample files used in this book are currently available on the Apress site. You can access them as follows:

  1. In your web browser, navigate to the following URL
  2. Scroll down the page and click on the tab Source Code/Downloads.
  3. Click the link Download Now, and choose a directory where you will save the file

You will then need to extract the files and directories from the zip file. How you do this will depend on which software you are using to handle zipped files. If you are not using any third party software, then one way to do this is

  1. Create a directory named C:HighImpactDataVisualizationWithPowerBI.
  2. In the Windows Explorer navigation pane, click on the file
  3. Select all the files and folders that it contains.
  4. Copy them to the folder that you created in step 1.

The Sample Data

Once you have installed the sample files you will see the directory/folder structure shown in Figure A-1.


Figure A-1. The sample data directory structure

The directories contain the elements outlined in Table A-1.

Table A-1. The Sample Data Directory Structure




Sample Excel files and source data text files.


A backup file of the sample SQL Server database.


The images used in Power View.

Multiple text files

Source files used for Power Query.

Sample Files

There are many sample files included; several are not referenced in the text of the book but are given as examples of what can be done with Power View.

The key sample files referenced in the book are detiled in Table A-2.

Table A-2. The Sample Data Directory Structure




The Excel file containing the sample data used in Chapters 27 for Power View


The Excel file containing the sample data used in Chapter 8 for Power View


The Excel file containing the sample data used in Chapter 14 for Power Map


The Excel file that is the basis for building the Power Pivot example in Chapter 9


The Excel file that is the basis for building the Power Pivot example in Chapter 10


The Excel file that is the basis for building the Power Pivot example in Chapter 11

The various source files used as import examples in Chapters 9 (for PowerPivot) and 12 (for Power Query) are essentially stored in the HighImpactDataVisualizationWithPowerBI directory.

Sample Database

If you intend to follow the examples in Chapter 9 on PowerPivot or Chapter 12 on Power Query, you will need the sample SQL Server data set in the CarSalesData database.

This database is available in the sample data as the file CarSalesData.Bak in the directory C:HighImpactDataVisualizationWithPowerBIDatabase.

Before you can load this database, you will need access to a functioning SQL Server database instance. If you need to, you can download and install the free SQL Server 2014 Express version. It is currently available at the following URL:

Once installed, you will need to restore the database backup. To do this

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio Express.
  2. Open a new query window by clicking New Query in the toolbar.
  3. Run the following script.
USE [master]
RESTORE DATABASE [CarSalesData] FROM  DISK = N'C:HighImpactDataVisualizationWithPowerBIDatabaseCarSalesData.bak'
,MOVE 'CarSalesData'
TO 'C:HighImpactDataVisualizationWithPowerBIDatabaseCarSalesData_Data.mdf'
,MOVE 'CarSalesData_Log'
TO 'C:HighImpactDataVisualizationWithPowerBIDatabaseCarSalesData_Log.ldf'

The database will be restored, and can be used in the examples.

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