Chapter 8. Services

Services are among the main building blocks in Android. Unlike an activity, a service doesn’t have a user interface; it is simply a piece of code that runs in the background of your application.

Services are used for processes that should run independently of activities, which may come and go. Our Yamba application, for example, needs to create a service to periodically connect to the cloud and check for new statuses from the user’s friends. This service will be always on and always running, regardless of whether the user ever starts the activity.

Just like an activity, a service has a well-defined life cycle. You as the developer get to define what happens during transitions between states. Whereas an activity’s state is managed by the runtime’s ActivityManager, service state is controlled more by intents. Essentially, whenever an activity needs your service, it will invoke it through an intent that starts the service. An already running service can receive the start message repeatedly and at unanticipated times. You can also stop a service, which is also called destroying it.

A service can be bound or unbound. Bound services can provide more specific APIs to other applications via an interface called AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language; see Chapter 14). For now, we’ll focus on unbound services, where the life cycle of a service is not tied to the life cycle of the activities that started them. The only states for bound services are started and stopped (destroyed).

In this chapter, you will create a service. The purpose of this service is to run in the background and update your app with the latest timeline from the user’s Twitter account. Initially, the service will just print your friends’ timeline to the logfile. The service will create a separate thread, so you will learn about concurrency in this chapter as well. You will also learn about Toasts and understand the context in which services and activities run.

By the end of this chapter, you will have a working app that can both post to Twitter and periodically check what friends are up to.

The Yamba Application Object

We now have support for preferences in our StatusActivity. We also have the utility method getTwitter() to help us get the actual Twitter object that we use to connect to the online service.

It is likely that we’ll need some of these features in other parts of our application. Instead of copying them from file to file, it would be useful if we could put this code in a separate place that is accessible by most parts of our app. Android provides just a place for that in the form of an Application object.

An Application object represents the common state of your entire application. As long as any part of your application is running, the application object will be created. Most applications use the default class that the framework provides. However, you can implement your own instance of this object and add the common app features to it.

We are going to create our own subclass of Application class and call it YambaApplication. The steps for creating the YambaApplication class are:

  1. Create the Java class representing YambaApplication.

  2. Register the new class with the AndroidManifest.xml file.

The YambaApplication Class

First, we are going to create a new Java class in the same package as the rest of our classes. We’ll call this class YambaApplication, and it will extend the Application base class from the framework.

Next, we’re going to move common tasks into this base object. We anticipate that more parts of our application are going to need to connect to the online service as well as read the preference data.

Notice in Example 8-1 that the Application object has the usual onCreate() method, but it also provides the onTerminate() callback as a place to implement any cleanup that we might want to do. At this point we don’t have anything to clean up, but this is a good opportunity to create some logging information so we can see when the application actually shuts down. We might expand on this later.

Example 8-1.
package com.marakana.yamba3;

import winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;

public class YambaApplication1 extends Application implements
    OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { // 1
  private static final String TAG = YambaApplication1.class.getSimpleName();
  public Twitter twitter; // 2
  private SharedPreferences prefs;

  public void onCreate() { // 3
    this.prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
    Log.i(TAG, "onCreated");

  public void onTerminate() { // 4
    Log.i(TAG, "onTerminated");

  public synchronized Twitter getTwitter() { // 5
    if (this.twitter == null) {
      String username = this.prefs.getString("username", "");
      String password = this.prefs.getString("password", "");
      String apiRoot = prefs.getString("apiRoot",
      if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(username) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(password)
          && !TextUtils.isEmpty(apiRoot)) {
        this.twitter = new Twitter(username, password);
    return this.twitter;

  public synchronized void onSharedPreferenceChanged(
      SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { // 6
    this.twitter = null;


For YambaApplication to be a valid application object, it must subclass the framework-provided Application class. Notice that we also moved responsibility for being the OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener from StatusActivity to YambaApplication.


Twitter and SharedPreferences are now part of this common object and no longer part of StatusActivity.


onCreate() is called when the application is first created. The application is created whenever any of its parts, such as an activity or a service, is first needed.


onTerminate() is a placeholder for us to do some cleanup when the application is about to shut down. At this point, we just use it for logging purposes.


We also moved getTwitter() from StatusActivity to YambaApplication because it’s going to be used by other parts of our application and we want to maximize the code reuse. Notice the use of the synchronized keyword here. A synchronized method in Java means that only one thread can be inside of such a method at one time. This is now important because this method could be used by different threads that our application might have.


onSharedPreferenceChanged() is now also part of YambaApplication instead of StatusActivity.

Now that we have YambaApplication and have moved some responsibilities from StatusActivity to this new class, we can simplify StatusActivity even further, as shown in Example 8-2.

Example 8-2. StatusActivity using YambaApplication
Twitter.Status status = ((YambaApplication) getApplication())
    .getTwitter().updateStatus(statuses[0]);  // 1

We now use the getTwitter() method from YambaApplication instead of keeping it locally. This way, the same method can be reused by other parts of the application that need access to the cloud service.

Update the Manifest File

The final step is to tell our application to use the YambaApplication class instead of the default Application class. To do that, we need to update the Android manifest file and add an attribute to the <application> element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
  android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" package="com.marakana.yamba2">
  <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name"
    android:name=".YambaApplication"> <!--1-->

The attribute android:name=".YambaApplication" in the <application> element tells the Android system to instantiate our YambaApplication object as the application.

So, at this point we have successfully moved common functionality from StatusActivity to YambaApplication. This process is also known as code refactoring and is a good practice as we keep on adding new features to our application.

Simplifying StatusActivity

Now that the functionality for getting the Twitter object has been moved to YambaApplication, we can simplify StatusActivity to refer to that functionality there. Here’s what our new PostToTwitter AsyncTask would look like:

class PostToTwitter extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> {
  // Called to initiate the background activity
  protected String doInBackground(String... statuses) {
    try {
    YambaApplication yamba = ((YambaApplication) getApplication()); // 1
    Twitter.Status status = yamba.getTwitter().updateStatus(statuses[0]); // 2
      return status.text;
    } catch (TwitterException e) {
      Log.e(TAG, "Failed to connect to twitter service", e);
      return "Failed to post";

We get the reference to the Application object via the getApplication() call in the current context. Since we have a custom YambaApplication object, we need to cast the generic Application into YambaApplication.


Once we have the reference to our application object, we can call its methods, such as the getTwitter() method.

You have seen how we have refactored our StatusActivity to move some of the common functionality into a shared Application object. Now that we have done that, we can create our UpdaterService, which will use some of this common functionality.


As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, we need a service to run as an always-on background process pulling the latest Twitter statuses into a local database. The purpose of this pull mechanism is to cache updates locally so our app can have data even when it’s offline. We’ll call this service UpdaterService.

Steps to creating a service are:

  1. Create the Java class representing your service.

  2. Register the service in the Android manifest file.

  3. Start the service.

Creating the UpdaterService Java Class

The basic procedure for creating a service, as with activities and other main building blocks, is to subclass a Service class provided by the Android framework.

To create the new service, we need to create a new Java file. Go ahead and select your Java package in the src folder, right-click and choose NewClass, and type in “UpdaterService” as the class name. This will create a new file as part of your package.

You may recall from Services that a typical service goes through the life cycle illustrated in Figure 8-1.

Service life cycle
Figure 8-1. Service life cycle

Next, we want to override some of the main life cycle methods:


Called when the service is created for the first time


Called when the service is started


Called when the service is terminated

To do that, you can use Eclipse tool SourceOverride/Implement Methods and select those three methods.

At this point, in the spirit of producing a minimally working app at each stage of learning, we’ll write just a little code that logs a note in each of the overridden methods. So the shell of our service looks like the code in Example 8-3.

Example 8-3., version 1
package com.marakana.yamba3;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;

public class UpdaterService1 extends Service {
  static final String TAG = "UpdaterService"; // 1

  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { // 2
    return null;

  public void onCreate() { // 3
    Log.d(TAG, "onCreated");

  public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { // 4
    super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
    Log.d(TAG, "onStarted");
    return START_STICKY;

  public void onDestroy() { // 5
    Log.d(TAG, "onDestroyed");

As in all major classes, I like to add the TAG constant because I use Log.d() quite a bit.


onBind() is used in bound services to return the actual implementation of something called a binder. Since we are not using a bound service, we can just return null here.


onCreate() is called when the service is initially created. It is not called for subsequent startService() calls, so it is a good place to do work that needs to be done only once during the life of a service.


onStartCommand() is called each time the service receives a startService() intent. A service that is already started could get multiple requests to start again, and each will cause onStartCommand() to execute. START_STICKY is used as a flag to indicate this service is started and stopped explicitly, which is our case.


onDestroy() is called just before the service is destroyed by the stopService() request. This is a good place to clean up things that might have been initialized in onCreate().

Update the Manifest File

Now that we have the shell of our service, we have to define it in the manifest file, just like any other main building block; otherwise, we won’t be able to call our service. Simply open AndroidManifest.xml, click on the right-most tab to see the raw XML code, and add the following within the <application> element:

  <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
     <service android:name=".UpdaterService" /> <!-- 1 -->

UpdaterService definition.

Services are equal to activities as Android building blocks, so they appear at the same level in the manifest file.

Add Menu Items

Now that we have the service defined and declared, we need a way to start and stop it. The easiest way would be to add a menu button to our options menu that we have already created. Later on, we’ll have a more intelligent way of starting services, but for now this manual approach is easier to understand.

To add start/stop menu buttons, we’ll add two more menu items to our menu.xml resource, just as we created the Prefs menu item before in The Menu Resource. The updated menu.xml now looks like the code in Example 8-4.

Example 8-4. menu.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="">
  <item android:id="@+id/itemPrefs" android:title="@string/titlePrefs"
    android:icon="@android:drawable/ic_menu_preferences"></item>  <!-- 1 -->
  <item android:title="@string/titleServiceStart" android:id="@+id/itemServiceStart"
    android:icon="@android:drawable/ic_media_play"></item>  <!-- 2 -->
  <item android:title="@string/titleServiceStop" android:id="@+id/itemServiceStop"
    android:icon="@android:drawable/ic_media_pause"></item> <!-- 3 -->

This is the item we defined in the previous chapter.


The ServiceStart item has the usual id, title, and icon attributes. This icon is another Android system resource.


The ServiceStop item is similar to the ServiceStart item.

Now that the menu resource has been updated, it’s time to handle those items when the user clicks on them.

Update the Options Menu Handling

To handle new menu items, we need to update the onOptionsItemSelected() method in StatusActivity, just as we did in Update StatusActivity to Handle Menu Events. So open your file and locate the onOptionsItemSelected() method. We now have a framework in this method to support any number of menu items. To add support for starting and stopping our service, we launch intents pointing to our UpdaterService via startService() and stopService() calls. The final code looks like this:

// Called when an options item is clicked
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
  switch (item.getItemId()) {
    startService(new Intent(this, UpdaterService.class)); // 1
    stopService(new Intent(this, UpdaterService.class));  // 2
    startActivity(new Intent(this, PrefsActivity.class));

  return true;

Creates an intent to start UpdaterService. If the service doesn’t already exist, the runtime calls the service’s onCreate() method. Then onStartCommand() is called, regardless of whether this service is new or already running.


Similarly, this uses the stopService() call to send an intent intended for UpdaterService. This will cause onDestroy() to be called on the service if the service is running. If it isn’t, nothing happens, and this intent is simply ignored.

In this example, we are using explicit intents to specify exactly which class the intents are intended for, namely UpdaterService.class.

Testing the Service

At this point, you can restart your application. Note that you do not need to restart the emulator. When your application starts up, click on the menu, and your new buttons should appear in the menu options. You can now freely click on the start and stop service buttons.

To verify that your service is working, open up your LogCat and look for the appropriate log messages that you generated in your service code. Remember from Logging in Android that you can view the LogCat both in Eclipse and via the command line.

Another way to verify that the service is running is to go to the Android Settings app and see whether it is listed. To do that, go to the Home screen, press Menu, and choose Settings. Then go to ApplicationsRunning services. You should see your service listed, as shown in Figure 8-2.

Running services
Figure 8-2. Running services

Your service is now working, although it’s not doing much at this point.

Looping in the Service

By design, our service is supposed to wake up every so often, check the online service for new status updates, and then go back to “sleep” for some time. And this work needs to keep on happening forever, until the service is stopped. A good way to implement this is to have our service run in a loop and pause execution between iterations. Java provides a Thread.sleep() method that we can use to make the currently running thread pause and relinquish CPU for some number of milliseconds.

Another consideration to keep in mind is that the service could require a good deal of time to make its connection to Twitter and pull in friends’ status data. The behavior of networking calls depends on the type of network connection we have at the moment, the responsiveness of the server, and all sorts of other factors that collectively make up the network latency.

If we run our update operation on the default thread, any delay caused by the network update will cause our user interface to block. This in turn will make our application appear sluggish to the user and may even lead to the Android system offering to kill our application by bringing up the “Force Close or Wait” dialog window, as discussed in Threading in Android.

The best solution to this problem is to put the actual work of the network update in a separate thread. To do this, we can use standard Java threading support, as shown in Example 8-5. The work of a service should often be in a separate thread from the main UI thread, regardless of how little time you expect the service to take. You always need to separate the noninteractive processing from user interaction. When you have network activity, as in Yamba, it’s even more important to keep it separate, but the principle applies to any service.

Example 8-5., version 2
package com.marakana.yamba3;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;

public class UpdaterService2 extends Service {
  private static final String TAG = "UpdaterService";

  static final int DELAY = 60000; // a minute 1
  private boolean runFlag = false;  // 2
  private Updater updater;

  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    return null;

  public void onCreate() {

    this.updater = new Updater(); // 3

    Log.d(TAG, "onCreated");

  public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

    this.runFlag = true; // 4

    Log.d(TAG, "onStarted");
    return START_STICKY;

  public void onDestroy() {

    this.runFlag = false; // 5
    this.updater.interrupt(); // 6
    this.updater = null;

    Log.d(TAG, "onDestroyed");

   * Thread that performs the actual update from the online service
  private class Updater extends Thread {  // 7

    public Updater() {
      super("UpdaterService-Updater");  // 8

    public void run() { // 9
      UpdaterService2 updaterService = UpdaterService2.this;  // 10
      while (updaterService.runFlag) {  // 11
        Log.d(TAG, "Updater running");
        try {
          // Some work goes here...
          Log.d(TAG, "Updater ran");
          Thread.sleep(DELAY);  // 12
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {  // 13
          updaterService.runFlag = false;
  } // Updater

Specifies the constant for the delay between network updates. We could make this configurable via preferences as well.


This flag helps us know whether the service is currently running.


Updater is the separate thread that performs the actual network update. Because the thread needs to be created only once, we do so in the service’s onCreate() method.


When the service is to start, its onStartCommand() method is called. This is also a good place to start our Updater thread and update the flag identifying it as running.


Similarly, onDestroy() is a good place to stop our network update thread and update the flag to show that it is no longer running.


To stop the actual thread from running, we invoke interrupt() on it. We also set it to null to help the garbage collection process clean it up.


This is where we define the Updater class. It is a thread, so it extends Java’s Thread class.


The purpose of this is to simply give our thread a name. Having a name helps identify various running threads and aids in debugging.


A Java thread must provide a run() method. This is where the actual work is done.


This simply creates a reference to our service, of which this thread is an inner class.


This is the loop that keeps this network update going as long as the service is not stopped. Remember that runFlag is set in the service’s onStartCommand() and onDestroy() methods.


The call to Thread.sleep() pauses the execution of this particular Updater thread for some number of milliseconds. Earlier we set our DELAY constant to one minute.


When we signal interrupt() to a running thread, it will cause an InterruptedException in the run() method. We handle the exception simply by setting the runFlag to false so the thread doesn’t keep trying to run again until it is restarted.

Testing the Service

At this point, you can run the application and start the service. If you observe the logfile, you’ll notice that every minute or so the service logs that it ran our job. Also, stopping the service will stop further execution of the job.

Here’s the LogCat output of what is going on with our service:

D/UpdaterService( 3494): onCreated
D/UpdaterService( 3494): onStarted
D/UpdaterService( 3494): Updater running
D/UpdaterService( 3494): Updater ran
D/UpdaterService( 3494): Updater running
D/UpdaterService( 3494): Updater ran
D/UpdaterService( 3494): onDestroyed

As you can see, the service was created and started. It also ran couple of times before it finally got destroyed.

Pulling Data from Twitter

We now have a framework and are ready to make the actual connection to the online Twitter-like service, pull the status data, and display that data in our application. Twitter and Twitter-like services offer many different APIs to retrieve our friends’ updates. The jtwitter.jar library exposes most of them to us via the Twitter class. Perhaps one of the most appropriate methods is getFriendsTimeline(), which returns the 20 most recent posts made over the past 24 hours from the user and her friends.

To use this Twitter API feature, we need to connect to the online service. And to do that, we need the username, password, and root API for our online service. As you recall from the previous chapter, we have already refactored most of this functionality into the YambaApplication object (see The Yamba Application Object). We can reuse all those features here because our service is part of the same application and as such has access to the same Application object.

However, we do need to make a minor update to YambaApplication, because we would also like to know whether our service is running. To do that, we’ll add a flag to YambaApplication and provide setter and getter methods to access and update that flag:

public class YambaApplication extends Application
  implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {
  private boolean serviceRunning; // 1

  public boolean isServiceRunning() { // 2
    return serviceRunning;

  public void setServiceRunning(boolean serviceRunning) { // 3
    this.serviceRunning = serviceRunning;

The flag that indicates whether the service is running. Note that this flag is private to this class, so nobody else can directly access it and change it.


The public method to check the status of the serviceRunning flag.


Another public method to set the state of the serviceRunning flag.

Now we can write new code for UpdaterService and have it connect to the online API to pull the latest status updates from our friends. Example 8-6 shows the final version.

Example 8-6., final version
package com.marakana.yamba3;

import java.util.List;
import winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter;
import winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;

public class UpdaterService extends Service {
  private static final String TAG = "UpdaterService";

  static final int DELAY = 60000; // wait a minute
  private boolean runFlag = false;
  private Updater updater;
  private YambaApplication yamba; // 1

  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    return null;

  public void onCreate() {
    this.yamba = (YambaApplication) getApplication(); // 2
    this.updater = new Updater();

    Log.d(TAG, "onCreated");

  public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

    this.runFlag = true;
    this.yamba.setServiceRunning(true); // 3

    Log.d(TAG, "onStarted");
    return START_STICKY;

  public void onDestroy() {

    this.runFlag = false;
    this.updater = null;
    this.yamba.setServiceRunning(false); // 4

    Log.d(TAG, "onDestroyed");

   * Thread that performs the actual update from the online service
  private class Updater extends Thread {
    List<Twitter.Status> timeline; // 5

    public Updater() {

    public void run() {
      UpdaterService updaterService = UpdaterService.this;
      while (updaterService.runFlag) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Updater running");
        try {
          // Get the timeline from the cloud
          try {
            timeline = yamba.getTwitter().getFriendsTimeline(); // 6
          } catch (TwitterException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to connect to twitter service", e);  // 7

          // Loop over the timeline and print it out
          for (Twitter.Status status : timeline) { // 8
            Log.d(TAG, String.format("%s: %s",, status.text)); // 9

          Log.d(TAG, "Updater ran");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          updaterService.runFlag = false;
  } // Updater

This variable allows access to the YambaApplication object that contains our shared features, such as a way to read preferences and connect to the online service.


We get the reference to our YambaApplication object by using the getApplication() call.


Once we start the service, we update the serviceRunning flag in the shared application object, YambaApplication.


Similarly, when the service stops, we update the flag in the application object.


We are using Java generics to define the timeline variable as a List of Twitter.Status instances.


We call getTwitter() in YambaApplication to get the twitter object, and then call getFriendsTimeline() on it to get the last 20 status posts from the past 24 hours. Note that this is the actual method that implements the web service call to our cloud service. As such, it could take some time to complete, depending on the network latency. Because we run this in our dedicated thread, we won’t affect the main user interface thread while we wait for the network operation to complete.


A network call can fail for any number of reasons. Here we handle failure by printing the stack trace of what went wrong. The actual printout will be visible in LogCat.


Now that we have initialized the timeline list, we can loop over it. The easiest approach is to use Java’s “for each” loop, which automatically iterates over our list, assigning each element in turn to the status variable.


For now, we simply print out the statuses of who said what to the LogCat output.

Testing the Service

Now we can run our application, start the service, and see the list of our friends’ statuses in the LogCat:

D/UpdaterService(  310): Marko Gargenta: it is great that you got my message
D/UpdaterService(  310): Marko Gargenta: hello this is a test message from my phone
D/UpdaterService(  310): Marko Gargenta: Test
D/UpdaterService(  310): Marko Gargenta: right!


We now have a working service, which we start and stop and in a relatively crude, manual way. The service connects to the cloud service and pulls down the status posts from our friends. For now, we just print this data in the LogCat, but in the next chapter we’ll insert the data into the database.

Figure 8-3 illustrates what we have done so far as part of the design outlined earlier in Figure 5-4.

Yamba completion
Figure 8-3. Yamba completion
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