Chapter 8. Odds and Ends

Pointers are vital to almost all aspects of C. Many of these areas are fairly well defined, such as arrays and functions. This chapter examines several topics that do not neatly fit into the previous chapters. Coverage of these topics will round out your knowledge of how pointers work.

In this chapter, we will examine several topics related to pointers:

  • Casting pointers

  • Accessing hardware devices

  • Aliasing and strict aliasing

  • Use of the restrict keyword

  • Threads

  • Object-oriented techniques

With regards to threads, there are two areas of interest. The first deals with the basic problem of sharing data between threads using pointers. The second discusses how pointers are used to support callbacks. An operation may invoke a function to perform a task. When the actual function called changes, this is referred to as a callback function. For example, the sort function used in Chapter 5 is an example of a callback function. A callback is also used to communicate between threads.

We will cover two approaches for providing object-oriented type support within C. The first is the use of an opaque pointer. This technique hides a data structure’s implementation details from users. The second technique will demonstrate how to effect polymorphic type behavior in C.

Casting Pointers

Casting is a basic operator that can be quite useful when used with pointers. Casting pointers are useful for a number of reasons, including:

  • Accessing a special purpose address

  • Assigning an address to represent a port

  • Determining a machine’s endianness

We will also address a topic closely related to casting in the sectionUsing a Union to Represent a Value in Multiple Ways.


The endianness of a machine generally refers to the order of bytes within a data type. Two common types of endian include little endian and big endian. Little endian means the low-order bytes are stored in the lowest address, while big endian means the high-order bytes are stored at the lowest address.

We can cast an integer to a pointer to an integer as shown below:

   int num = 8;
   int *pi = (int*)num;

However, this is normally a poor practice as it allows access to an arbitrary address, potentially a location the program is not permitted to access. This is illustrated in Figure 8-1, where address 8 is not in the application’s address space. If the pointer is dereferenced, it will normally result in the application’s termination.

Casting an integer to a bad location
Figure 8-1. Casting an integer to a bad location

For some situations, such as when we need to address memory location zero, we may need to cast a pointer to an integer and then cast it back to a pointer. This is more common on older systems where a pointer’s size is the same size as an integer. However, this does not always work. The approach is illustrated below, where the output is implementation-dependent:

   pi = #
   printf("Before: %p
   int tmp = (int)pi;
   pi = (int*)tmp;
   printf("After: %p

Casting a pointer to an integer and then back to a pointer has never been considered good practice. If this needs to be done, consider using a union, as discussed in the sectionUsing a Union to Represent a Value in Multiple Ways.

Remember that casting to and from an integer is different from casting to and from void, as illustrated in Pointer to void.


The term handle is sometimes confused with a pointer. A handle is a reference to a system resource. Access to the resource is provided through the handle. However, the handle generally does not provide direct access to the resource. In contrast, a pointer contains the resource’s address.

Accessing a Special Purpose Address

The need to access a special purpose address often occurs on embedded systems where there is minimal operating system mediation. For example, in some low-level OS kernels the address of video RAM for a PC is 0xB8000. This address holds the character to be displayed in the first row and first column when in text mode. We can assign this address to a pointer and then assign a character to the location, as illustrated below. The memory layout is shown in Figure 8-2:

   #define VIDEO_BASE 0xB8000
   int *video = (int *) VIDEO_BASE;
   *video = 'A';

If appropriate, the address can also be read. This is not typically done for video memory.

Addressing video memory on a PC
Figure 8-2. Addressing video memory on a PC

When you need to address memory at location zero, sometimes the compiler will treat it as a NULL pointer value. Access to location zero is often needed in low-level kernel programs. Here are a few techniques to address this situation:

  • Set the pointer to zero (this does not always work)

  • Assign a zero to an integer and then cast the integer to the pointer

  • Use a union as discussed in the section Using a Union to Represent a Value in Multiple Ways

  • Use the memset function to assign a zero to the pointer

An example of using the memset function follows. Here, the memory referenced by ptr is set to all zeros:

memset((void*)&ptr, 0, sizeof(ptr));

On systems where addressing memory location zero is needed, the vendor will frequently have a workaround.

Accessing a Port

A port is both a hardware and a software concept. Servers use software ports to indicate they should receive certain messages sent to the machine. A hardware port is typically a physical input/output system component connected to an external device. By either reading or writing to a hardware port, information and commands can be processed by the program.

Typically, software that accesses a port is part of the OS. The following illustrates the use of pointers to access a port:

   #define PORT 0xB0000000
   unsigned int volatile * const port = (unsigned int *) PORT;

The machine uses the hexadecimal value address to designate a port. The data is treated as an unsigned integer. The volatile keyword qualifier indicates that the variable can be changed outside of the program. For example, an external device may write data to a port. This write operation is performed independent of the computer’s processor. Compilers will sometimes temporarily use a cache, or register, to hold the value in a memory location for optimization purposes. If the external write modifies the memory location, then this change will not be reflected in the cached or register value.

Using the volatile keyword will prevent the runtime system from using a register to temporarily store the port value. Each port access requires the system to read or write to the port instead of reading a possibly stale value stored in a register. We don’t want to declare all variables as volatile, as this will prevent the compiler from performing certain types of optimizations.

The application can then read or write to the port by dereferencing the port pointer as follows. The layout of memory is shown in Figure 8-3, where the External Device can read/write to the memory at 0xB0000000:

   *port = 0x0BF4; // write to the port
   value = *port; // read from the port
Accessing a port
Figure 8-3. Accessing a port


It is not a good idea to access volatile memory with a nonvolatile variable. Using such a variable can result in undefined behavior.

Accessing Memory using DMA

Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a low-level operation that assists in transferring data between main memory and some device. It is not part of the ANSI C specification but operating systems typically provide support for this operation. DMA operations are normally conducted in parallel with the CPU. This frees up the CPU for other processing and can result in better performance.

The programmer will invoke a DMA function and then wait for the operation’s completion. Often, a callback function is provided by the programmer. When the operation completes, the callback function is invoked by the operating system. The callback function is specified using a function pointer and is discussed further in the section Using Function Pointers to Support Callbacks.

Determining the Endianness of a Machine

The cast operator can also be used to determine the endianness of architecture. Endian refers to the order of bytes in a unit of memory. The endianness is usually referred to as either little endian or big endian. For example, for a four-byte representation of an integer using little endian ordering, the integer’s least significant byte is stored in the lowest address of the four bytes.

In the following example, we cast an integer’s address as a pointer to a char. The individual bytes are then displayed:

    int num = 0x12345678;
    char* pc = (char*) #
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        printf("%p: %02x 
", pc, (unsigned char) *pc++);

The output of this code snippet as executed on an Intel PC reflects a little-endian architecture, as shown below. Figure 8-4 illustrates how these values are allocated in memory:

100: 78 
101: 56 
102: 34 
103: 12
Endian example
Figure 8-4. Endian example

Aliasing, Strict Aliasing, and the restrict Keyword

One pointer is said to alias another pointer if they both reference the same memory location. This is not uncommon, and it can present a number of problems. In the following code sequence, two pointers are declared and are both assigned the same address:

    int num = 5;
    int* p1 = &num;
    int* p2 = &num;

When the compiler generates code for pointers, it has to assume that aliasing may occur unless told otherwise. The use of aliasing imposes restrictions on compiler-generated code. If two pointers reference the same location, either can potentially modify that location. When the compiler generates code to read or write to that location, it is not always able to optimize the code by storing the value in a register. It is forced to perform machine-level load and store operations with each reference. The repeated load/store sequence can be inefficient. In some situations, the compiler must also be concerned about the order in which the operations are performed.

Strict aliasing is another form of aliasing. Strict aliasing does not allow a pointer of one data type to alias a pointer of a different data type. In the following code sequence, a pointer to an integer aliases a pointer to a float. This violates the strict aliasing rule. The sequence determines whether the number is negative. Instead of comparing its argument to zero to see whether it is positive, this approach will execute faster:

    float number = 3.25f;
    unsigned int *ptrValue = (unsigned int *)&number;
    unsigned int result = (*ptrValue & 0x80000000) == 0;


Strict aliasing does not apply to pointers differing only by sign or qualifier. The following are all valid strict aliases:

    int num;
    const int *ptr1 = &num;
    int *ptr2 = &num;
    int volatile ptr3 = &num;

However, there are situations where the ability to use multiple representations of the same data can be useful. To avoid aliasing problems, several techniques are available:

  • Use a union

  • Disable strict aliasing

  • Use a pointer to char

A union of two data types can get around the strict aliasing problem. This is discussed in the section Using a Union to Represent a Value in Multiple Ways. If your compiler has an option to disable strict aliasing, it can be turned off. The GCC compiler has the following compiler options:

  • -fno-strict-aliasing to turn it off

  • -fstrict-aliasing to turn it on

  • -Wstrict-aliasing to warn of strict aliasing-related problems

Code requiring strict aliasing to be turned off probably reflects poor memory access practices. When possible, take time to resolve these issues instead of turning off strict aliasing.


Compilers do not always do a good job at reporting alias-related warnings. They can sometimes miss aliases and may sometimes report alias problems where they don’t exist. It is ultimately up to the programmer to identify alias conditions.

A pointer to char is always assumed to potentially alias any object. Thus, it can be used safely in most situations. However, casting a pointer to one data type to a pointer to char and then casting the pointer to char to a second pointer data type will result in undefined behavior and should be avoided.

Using a Union to Represent a Value in Multiple Ways

C is a typed language. When a variable is declared, a type is assigned to it. Multiple variables can exist with different types. At times, it may be desirable to convert one type to another type. This is normally achieved with casting but can also be performed using a union. The term type punning describes the technique used to subvert the type system.

When the conversion involves pointers, serious problems can result. To illustrate this technique, we will use three different functions. These will determine whether a floating point number is positive.

The first function shown below uses a union of a float and an unsigned integer. The function first assigns the floating point value to the union and then extracts the integer to perform the test:

typedef union _conversion {
    float fNum;
    unsigned int uiNum;
} Conversion;

int isPositive1(float number) {
    Conversion conversion = { .fNum =number};
    return (conversion.uiNum & 0x80000000) == 0;

This will work correctly and does not involve aliasing because no pointers are involved. The next version uses a union that contains pointers to the two data types. The floating point number’s address is assigned to the first pointer. The integer’s pointer is then dereferenced to perform the test. This violates the strict aliasing rule:

typedef union _conversion2 {
    float *fNum;
    unsigned int *uiNum;
} Conversion2;

int isPositive2(float number) {
    Conversion2 conversion;
    conversion.fNum =&number;
    return (*conversion.uiNum & 0x80000000) == 0;

The following function does not use a union and violates the strict aliasing rule since the ptrValue pointer shares the same address as number:

int isPositive3(float number) {
    unsigned int *ptrValue = (unsigned int *)&number;
    return (*ptrValue & 0x80000000) == 0;

The approach used by these functions assumes:

  • The IEEE-754 floating point standard is used to represent a floating point number

  • The floating number is laid out in a particular manner

  • Integer and floating point pointers are aligned correctly

However, these assumptions are not always valid. While approaches such as this can optimize operations, they are not always portable. When portability is important, performing a floating point comparison is a better approach.

Strict Aliasing

A compiler does not enforce strict aliasing. It will only generate warnings. The compiler assumes that two or more pointers of different types will never reference the same object. This includes pointers to structures with different names but that are otherwise identical. With strict aliasing, the compiler is able to perform certain optimizations. If the assumption is incorrect, then unexpected results may occur.

Even if two structures have the same field but different names, two pointers to these structures should never reference the same object. In the following example, it is assumed the person and employee pointers will never reference the same object:

typedef struct _person {
    char* firstName;
    char* lastName;
    unsigned int age;
} Person;

typedef struct _employee {
    char* firstName;
    char* lastName;
    unsigned int age;
} Employee;

Person* person;
Employee* employee;

However, the pointers can reference the same object if the structure definitions differ only by their name, as illustrated below:

typedef struct _person {
    char* firstName;
    char* lastName;
    unsigned int age;
} Person;

typedef Person Employee;

Person* person;
Employee* employee;

Using the restrict Keyword

C compilers assume pointers are aliased by default. Using the restrict keyword when declaring a pointer tells the compiler that the pointer is not aliased. This allows the compiler to generate more efficient code. Frequently, this is achieved by caching the pointer. Bear in mind that this is only a recommendation. The compiler may decide not to optimize the code. If aliases are used, then the code’s execution will result in undefined behavior. The compiler will not provide any warning when the assumption is violated.


New code development should use the restrict keyword with most pointer declarations. This will enable better code optimization. Modifying existing code may not be worth the effort.

The following function illustrates the definition and use of the restrict keyword. The function adds two vectors together and stores the result in the first vector:

void add(int size, double * restrict arr1, const double * restrict arr2) {
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        arr1[i] += arr2[i];

The restrict keyword is used with both array parameters, but they should not both reference the same block of memory. The following shows the correct usage of the function:

    double vector1[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4};
    double vector2[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4};

In the following sequence, the function is called improperly with the same vector being passed as both parameters. The first statement uses an alias while the second statement uses the same vector twice:

    double vector1[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4};
    double *vector3 = vector1;


Though it may sometimes work correctly, the results of the function invocation may not be reliable.

Several standard C functions use the restrict keyword, including:

  • void *memcpy(void * restrict s1, const void * restrict s2, size_t n);

  • char *strcpy(char * restrict s1, const char * restrict s2);

  • char *strncpy(char * restrict s1, const char * restrict s2, size_t n);

  • int printf(const char * restrict format, ... );

  • int sprintf(char * restrict s, const char * restrict format, ... );

  • int snprintf(char * restrict s, size_t n, const char * restrict format, ... );

  • int scanf(const char * restrict format, ...);

The restrict keyword has two implications:

  1. To the compiler it means it can perform certain code optimizations

  2. To the programmer it means these pointers should not be aliased; otherwise, the results of the operation are undefined.

Threads and Pointers

When threads share data, numerous problems can occur. One common problem is the corruption of data. One thread may write to an object but the thread may be suspended momentarily, leaving that object in an inconsistent state. Subsequently, a second thread may read that object before the first thread is able to resume. The second thread is now using an invalid or corrupted object.

Since pointers are a common way of referencing data in another thread, we will examine various issues that can adversely affect a multithreaded application. As we will see in this section’s examples, mutexes are frequently used to protect data.

The C11 standard implements threading, but it is not widely supported at this time. There are numerous libraries that support threads in C. We will use Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) threads since they are readily available. Regardless of the library used, the techniques presented here should be applicable.

We will use pointers to support a multithreaded application and callbacks. Threads are an involved topic. We assume you are familiar with basic thread concepts and terms, and therefore, we will not go into detail about how the POSIX thread functions work. The reader is referred to O’Reilly’s PThreads Programming for a more detailed discussion of this topic.

Sharing Pointers Between Threads

When two or more threads share data, the data can become corrupted. To illustrate this problem, we will implement a multi-threaded function that computes the dot product of two vectors. The multiple threads will simultaneously access two vectors and a sum field. When the threads complete, the sum field will hold the dot product value.

The dot product of two vectors is computed by summing the product of the corresponding elements of each vector. We will use two data structures in support of the operation. The first one, VectorInfo, contains information about the two vectors being manipulated. It has pointers to the two vectors, the sum field to hold the dot product, and a length field to specify the vector segment’s size used by the dot product function. The length field represents that portion of the vector that a thread will process, not the entire length of a vector:

typedef struct {
    double *vectorA;
    double *vectorB;
    double sum;
    int length;
} VectorInfo;

The second data structure, Product, contains a pointer to a VectorInfo instance and the beginning index the dot Product vector will use. We will create a new instance of this structure for each thread with a different beginning index:

typedef struct {
    VectorInfo *info;
    int beginningIndex;
} Product;

While each thread will be acting on both vectors at the same time, they will be accessing different parts of the vector, so there is no conflict there. Each thread will compute a sum for its section of the vectors. However, this sum will need to be added to the sum field of the VectorInfo structure. Since multiple threads may be accessing the sum field at the same time, it is necessary to protect this data using a mutex as declared below. A mutex allows only one thread to access a protected variable at a time. The following declares a mutex to protect the sum variable. It is declared at a global level to allow multiple threads to access it:

pthread_mutex_t mutexSum;

The dotProduct function is shown below. When a thread is created, this function will be called. Since we are using POSIX, it is necessary to declare this function as returning void and being passed a pointer to void. This pointer passes information to the function. We will pass an instance of the Product structure.

Within the function, variables are declared to hold the beginning and ending indexes. The for loop performs the actual multiplication and keeps a cumulative total in the total variable. The last part of the function locks the mutex, adds total to sum, and then unlocks the mutex. While the mutext is locked, no other threads can access the sum variable:

void dotProduct(void *prod) {
    Product *product = (Product*)prod;
    VectorInfo *vectorInfo = Product->info;
    int beginningIndex = Product->beginningIndex;
    int endingIndex = beginningIndex + vectorInfo->length;
    double total = 0;

    for (int i = beginningIndex; i < endingIndex; i++) {
        total += (vectorInfo->vectorA[i] * vectorInfo->vectorB[i]);

    vectorInfo->sum += total;

    pthread_exit((void*) 0);

The code to create the threads is shown below. Two simple vectors are declared along with an instance of VectorInfo. Each vector holds 16 elements. The length field is set to 4:

#define NUM_THREADS  4

void threadExample() {
    VectorInfo vectorInfo;
    double vectorA[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0,
        9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0};
    double vectorB[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0,
        9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0};

    double sum;

    vectorInfo.vectorA = vectorA;
    vectorInfo.vectorB = vectorB;
    vectorInfo.length = 4;

A four-element array of threads is created next, along with code to initialize the mutex and an attribute field for the thread:

    pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];

    void *status;
    pthread_attr_t attr;

    pthread_mutex_init(&mutexSum, NULL);
    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);

    int returnValue;
    int threadNumber;

With each for loop iteration, a new instance of the Product structure is created. It is assigned the address of vectorInfo and a unique index based on threadNumber. The threads are then created:

    for (threadNumber = 0; threadNumber < NUM_THREADS; threadNumber++) {
        Product *product = (Product*) malloc(sizeof(Product));
        product->beginningIndex = threadNumber * 4;
        product->info = &vectorInfo;
        returnValue = pthread_create(&threads[threadNumber], &attr, 
                            dotProduct, (void *) (void*) (product));
        if (returnValue) {
            printf("ERROR; Unable to create thread: %d
", returnValue);

After the for loop, the thread attribute and mutex variables are destroyed. The for loop ensures the program will wait until all four threads have completed. The dot product is then displayed. For the above vectors, the product is 1496:


    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
        pthread_join(threads[i], &status);

    printf("Dot Product sum: %lf
", vectorInfo.sum);


The sum field is thus protected.

Using Function Pointers to Support Callbacks

We previously used a callback function in the sort function developed in Chapter 5. Since the sort example does not use multiple threads, some programmers do not call this a callback function. A more widely accepted definition of a callback is when an event in one thread results in the invocation, or callback, of a function in another thread. One thread is passed a function pointer to a callback function. An event in the function can trigger a call to the callback function. This approach is useful in GUI applications to handle user thread events.

We will illustrate this approach using a function to compute the factorial of a number. The function will callback a second function when the factorial has been computed. Information regarding the factorial is encapsulated in a FactorialData structure and is passed between the functions. This structure and the factorial function are shown below. The data consists of the factorial number, the results, and a function pointer for the callback. The factorial function uses this data to compute the factorial, store the answer in the result field, call the callback function, and then terminate the thread:

typedef struct _factorialData {
    int number;
    int result;
    void (*callBack)(struct _factorialData*);
} FactorialData;

void factorial(void *args) {
    FactorialData *factorialData = (FactorialData*) args;
    void (*callBack)(FactorialData*); // Function prototype

    int number = factorialData->number;
    callBack = factorialData->callBack;

    int num = 1;
    for(int i = 1; i<=number; i++) {
        num *= i;

    factorialData->result = num;


The thread is created in a startThread function as shown below. The thread executes the factorial function and passes it factorial data:

void startThread(FactorialData *data) {
    pthread_t thread_id;
    int thread =  pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, factorial, (void *) data);

The callback function simply displays the factorial results:

void callBackFunction(FactorialData *factorialData) {
    printf("Factorial is %d
", factorialData->result);

The factorial data is initialized and the startThread function is called as shown below. The Sleep function provides time for all of the threads to terminate properly:

    FactorialData *data =
        (FactorialData*) malloc(sizeof(FactorialData));

    if(!data) {
        printf("Failed to allocate memory

    data->number = 5;
    data->callBack = callBackFunction;



When this is executed, the output will be as follows:

Factorial is 120

Instead of sleeping, the program can perform other tasks. The program does not have to wait for the thread to complete.

Object-Oriented Techniques

C is not known for its support of object-oriented programming. However, you can use C to encapsulate data using an opaque pointer and to support a certain level of polymorphic behavior. By hiding a data structure’s implementation and its supporting functions, the user does not need to know how the structure is implemented. Hiding this information will reduce what the user needs to know and thus reduce the application’s complexity level. In addition, the user will not be tempted to take advantage of the structure’s internal details, potentially causing later problems if the data structure’s implementation changes.

Polymorphic behavior helps make an application more maintainable. A polymorphic function behavior depends on the object it is executing against. This means we can add functionality to an application more easily.

Creating and Using an Opaque Pointer

An opaque pointer can be used to effect data encapsulation in C. One approach declares a structure without any implementation details in a header file. Functions are then defined to work with a specific implementation of the data structure in an implementation file. A user of the data structure will see the declaration and the functions’ prototypes. However, the implementation is hidden (in the .c/.obj file).

Only the information needed to use the data structure is made visible to the user. If too much internal information is made available, the user may incorporate this information and become dependent on it. Should the internal structure change, then it may break the user’s code.

We will develop a linked list to demonstrate an opaque pointer. The user will use one function to obtain a pointer to a linked list. This pointer can then be used to add and remove information from the linked list. The details of the linked list’s internal structure and its supporting function are not available to the user. The only aspects of this structure are provided through a header file, as shown below:


typedef void *Data;
typedef struct _linkedList LinkedList;

LinkedList* getLinkedListInstance();
void removeLinkedListInstance(LinkedList* list);
void addNode(LinkedList*, Data);
Data removeNode(LinkedList*);

Data is declared as a pointer to void. This allows the implementation to handle any type of data. The type definition for LinkedList identifies a structure called _linkedList. The definition of this structure is hidden from the user in its implementation file.

Four methods are provided to permit the use of the linked list. The user will begin by obtaining a LinkedList’s instance using the getLinkedListInstance function. Once the linked list is no longer needed, the removeLinkedListInstance function should be called. Passing linked list pointers allows the functions to work with one or more linked lists.

To add data to the linked list, the addNode function is used. It is passed the linked list to use and a pointer to the data to add to the linked list. The removeNode method returns the data found at the head of the linked list.

The linked list’s implementation is found in a separate file called link.c. The first part of the implementation, as shown below, declares variables to hold the user’s data and to connect to the next node in the linked list. This is followed by the _linkedList structure’s definition. In this simple linked list, only a head pointer is used:

// link.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "link.h"

typedef struct _node {
      Data* data;
      struct _node* next;
} Node;

struct _linkedList {
    Node* head;

The second part of the implementation file contains implementations of the linked list’s four supporting functions. The first function returns an instance of the linked list:

LinkedList* getLinkedListInstance() {
    LinkedList* list = (LinkedList*)malloc(sizeof(LinkedList));
    list->head = NULL;
    return list;

The removeLinkedListInstance function’s implementation follows. It will free each node in the linked list, if any, and then free the list itself. This implementation can result in a memory leak if the data referenced by the node contains pointers. One solution is to pass a function to deallocate the members of the data:

void removeLinkedListInstance(LinkedList* list) {
    Node *tmp = list->head;
    while(tmp != NULL) {
        free(tmp->data);  // Potential memory leak!
        Node *current = tmp;
        tmp = tmp->next;

The addNode function adds the data passed as the second parameter to the linked list specified by the first parameter. Memory is allocated for the node, and the user’s data is associated with the node. In this implementation, the linked list’s nodes are always added to its head:

void addNode(LinkedList* list, Data data) {
    Node *node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    node->data = data;
    if(list->head == NULL) {
        list->head = node;
        node->next = NULL;
    } else {
        node->next = list->head;
        list->head = node;

The removeNode function returns the data associated with the first node in the linked list. The head pointer is adjusted to point to the next node in the linked list. The data is returned and the old head node is freed, releasing it back to the heap.


This approach eliminates the need for the user to remember to free nodes of the linked list, thus avoiding a memory leak. This is a significant advantage of hiding implementation details:

Data removeNode(LinkedList* list) {
    if(list->head == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
        Node* tmp = list->head;
        Data* data;
        list->head = list->head->next;
        data = tmp->data;
        return data;

To demonstrate the use of this data structure, we will reuse the Person structure and its functions developed in Introduction. The following sequence will add two people to a linked list and then remove them. First, the getLinkedListInstance function is invoked to obtain a linked list. Next, instances of Person are created using the initializePerson function and then added to the linked list using the addNode function. The displayPerson function displays the persons returned by the removeNode functions. The linked list is then freed:

#include "link.h";
    LinkedList* list = getLinkedListInstance();
    Person *person = (Person*) malloc(sizeof(Person));
    initializePerson(person, "Peter", "Underwood", "Manager", 36);
    addNode(list, person);
    person = (Person*) malloc(sizeof(Person));
    initializePerson(person, "Sue", "Stevenson", "Developer", 28);
    addNode(list, person);

    person = removeNode(list);

    person = removeNode(list);

There are a couple of interesting aspects of this approach. We had to create an instance of the _linkedList structure in the list.c file. It needs to be created there because the sizeof operator cannot be used without a complete structure declaration. For example, if we had tried to allocate memory for this structure in the main function, as follows, we would get a syntax error:

    LinkedList* list = (LinkedList*)malloc(sizeof(LinkedList));

The syntax error generated will be similar to the following:

error: invalid application of ‘sizeof’ to incomplete type ‘LinkedList’

The type is incomplete because the compiler has no insight into the actual definition as found in the list.c file. All it sees is the _linkedList structure’s type definition. It does not see the structure’s implementation details.

The user’s inability to see and potentially use the linked list’s internal structure is restricted. Any changes to the structure are hidden from the user.

Only the signatures of the four supporting functions are visible to the user. Otherwise, the user is unable to use knowledge of their implementation or to modify them. The linked list structure and its supporting functions are encapsulated, reducing the burden on the user.

Polymorphism in C

Polymorphism in an object-oriented language such as C++ is based on inheritance between a base and a derived class. Since C does not support inheritance we need to simulate inheritance between structures. We will define and use two structures to illustrate polymorphic behavior. A Shape structure will represent a base “class” and a Rectangle structure will be derived from the base Shape.

The structure’s variable allocation order has a large impact on how this technique works. When an instance of a derived class/structure is created, the base class/structure’s variables are allocated first, followed by the derived class/structure’s variables. As we will see, we also need to account for the functions we plan to override.


Understanding how memory is allocated for objects instantiated from a class is key to understanding how inheritance and polymorphism work in an object-oriented language. The same is true when we use this technique in C.

Let’s start with the Shape structure’s definition as shown below. First, we allocate a structure to hold the function pointers for the structure. Next, integers are declared for an x and a y position:

typedef struct _shape {
    vFunctions functions;
    // Base variables
    int x;
    int y;
} Shape;

The vFunction structure and its supporting declarations are defined below. When a function is executed against a class/structure, its behavior will depend on what it is executing against. For example, when a display function is executed against a Shape, then a Shape should be displayed. When it is executed against a Rectangle, then a Rectangle should be displayed. In an object-oriented programming language this is typically achieved using a Virtual Table or VTable. The vFunction structure is intended to serve in this capacity:

typedef void (*fptrSet)(void*,int);
typedef int (*fptrGet)(void*);
typedef void (*fptrDisplay)();

typedef struct _functions {
    // Functions
    fptrSet setX;
    fptrGet getX;
    fptrSet setY;
    fptrGet getY;
    fptrDisplay display;    
} vFunctions;

This structure consists of a series of function pointers. The fptrSet and fptrGet function pointers define the typical getter and setter functions for integer type data. In this case, they are used for getting and setting the x and y values for a Shape or Rectangle. The fptrDisplay function pointer defines a function that is passed void and returns void. We will use the display function to illustrate polymorphic behavior.

The Shape structure has four functions designed to work with it, as shown below. Their implementations are straightforward. To keep this example simple, in the display function, we simply print out the string “Shape.” We pass the Shape instance to these functions as the first argument. This allows these functions to work with more than one instance of a Shape:

void shapeDisplay(Shape *shape) { printf("Shape
void shapeSetX(Shape *shape, int x) {shape->x = x;} 
void shapeSetY(Shape *shape, int y) {shape->y = y;}
int shapeGetX(Shape *shape) { return shape->x;}
int shapeGetY(Shape *shape) { return shape->y;}

To assist in the creation of a Shape instance, we have provided a getShapeInstance function. It allocates memory for the object and the object’s functions are assigned:

Shape* getShapeInstance() {
    Shape *shape = (Shape*)malloc(sizeof(Shape));
    shape->functions.display = shapeDisplay;
    shape->functions.setX = shapeSetX;
    shape->functions.getX = shapeGetX;
    shape->functions.setY = shapeSetY;
    shape->functions.getY = shapeGetY;
    shape->x = 100;
    shape->y = 100;
    return shape;

The following sequence demonstrates these functions:

    Shape *sptr = getShapeInstance();
", sptr->functions.getX(sptr));

The output of this sequence is:


This may seem to be a lot of effort just to work with a Shape structure. We can see the real power of this approach once we create a structure derived from Shape: Rectangle. This structure is shown below:

typedef struct _rectangle {  
    Shape base;
    int width;
    int height;
} Rectangle;

The memory allocated for the Rectangle structure’s first field is the same as the memory allocated for a Shape structure. This is illustrated in Figure 8-5. In addition, we have added two new fields, width and height, to represent a rectangle’s characteristics.

Memory allocation for shape and rectangle
Figure 8-5. Memory allocation for shape and rectangle

Rectangle, like Shape, needs some functions associated with it. These are declared below. They are similar to those associated with the Shape structure, except that they use the Rectangle’s base field:

void rectangleSetX(Rectangle *rectangle, int x) {
    rectangle->base.x = x;

void rectangleSetY(Rectangle *rectangle, int y) {

int rectangleGetX(Rectangle *rectangle) { 
    return rectangle->base.x;

int rectangleGetY(Rectangle *rectangle) { 
    return rectangle->base.y;

void rectangleDisplay() { 

The getRectangleInstance function returns an instance of a Rectangle structure as follows:

Rectangle* getRectangleInstance() {
    Rectangle *rectangle = (Rectangle*)malloc(sizeof(Rectangle));
    rectangle->base.functions.display = rectangleDisplay;
    rectangle->base.functions.setX = rectangleSetX;
    rectangle->base.functions.getX = rectangleGetX;
    rectangle->base.functions.setY = rectangleSetY;
    rectangle->base.functions.getY = rectangleGetY;
    rectangle->base.x = 200;
    rectangle->base.y = 200;
    rectangle->height = 300;
    rectangle->width = 500;
    return rectangle;

The following illustrates the use of this structure:

    Rectangle *rptr = getRectangleInstance();
", rptr->base.functions.getX(rptr));

The output of this sequence is:


Now let’s create an array of Shape pointers and initialize them as follows. When we assign a Rectangle to shapes[1], we do not have to cast it as a (Shape*). However, we will get a warning if we don’t:

    Shape *shapes[3];
    shapes[0] = getShapeInstance();
    shapes[1] = getRectangleInstance();
    shapes[2] = getShapeInstance();

    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
", shapes[i]->functions.getX(shapes[i]));        

When this sequence is executed, we get the following output:


While we created an array of Shape pointers, we created a Rectangle and assigned it to the array’s second element. When we displayed the element in the for loop, it used the Rectangle’s function behavior and not the Shape’s. This is an example of polymorphic behavior. The display function depends on the structure it is executing against.

Since we are accessing it as a Shape, we should not try to access its width or height using shapes[i] since the element may or may not reference a Rectangle. If we did, then we could be accessing memory in other shapes that do not represent width or height information, yielding unpredictable results.

We can now add a second structure derived from Shape, such as a Circle, and then add it to the array without extensive modification of the code. We also need to create functions for the structure.

If we added another function to the base structure Shape, such as getArea, we could implement a unique getArea function for each class. Within a loop, we could easily add up the sum of all of the Shape and Shape-derived structures without having to first determine what type of Shape we are working with. If the Shape’s implementation of getArea is sufficient, then we do not need to add one for the other structures.This makes it easy to maintain and expand an application.


In this chapter, we have explored several aspects of pointers. We started with a discussion of casting pointers. Examples illustrated how to use pointers to access memory and hardware ports. We also saw how pointers are used to determine the endianness of a machine.

Aliasing and the restrict keyword were introduced. Aliasing occurs when two pointers reference the same object. Compilers will assume that pointers may be aliased. However, this can result in inefficient code generation. The restrict keyword allows the compiler to perform better optimization.

We saw how pointers can be used with threads and learned about the need to protect data shared through pointers. In addition, we examined techniques to effect callbacks between threads using function pointers.

In the last section, we examined opaque pointers and polymorphic behavior. Opaque pointers enable C to hide data from a user. Polymorphism can be incorporated into a program to make it more maintainable.

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