Chapter 23. Event Logs


Event logs form the core of most monitoring and diagnosis on Windows. To support this activity, PowerShell offers both the Get-EventLog and Get-WinEvent cmdlets to let you query and work with event log data on a system. In addition to simple event log retrieval, PowerShell also includes many other cmdlets to create, delete, customize, and interact with event logs.

In addition to the (now “classic”) event logs exposed by the *-EventLog cmdlets, Windows Vista and beyond have a significantly expanded and revamped event logging system compared to Windows XP. The features of the new system are different enough that we expose them through an entirely new Get-WinEvent cmdlet. If you need to read events from Vista-style event logs, you’ll need the Get-WinEvent cmdlet. If you need to read events from classic event logs, the choice is up to you.

List All Event Logs


You want to determine which event logs exist on a system.


To list all classic event logs on a system, use the -List parameter of the Get-EventLog cmdlet:

PS > Get-EventLog -List

  Max(K) Retain OverflowAction        Entries Log
  ------ ------ --------------        ------- ---
  20,480      0 OverwriteAsNeeded       1,933 Application
  15,168      0 OverwriteAsNeeded           0 DFS Replication
  20,480      0 OverwriteAsNeeded           0 HardwareEvents
     512      7 OverwriteOlder              0 Internet Explorer
  20,480      0 OverwriteAsNeeded           0 Key Management Service
   8,192      0 OverwriteAsNeeded           0 Media Center
     128      0 OverwriteAsNeeded           2 OAlerts
   1,024      7 OverwriteOlder            424 ScriptEvents
  20,480      0 OverwriteAsNeeded      39,006 Security
  20,480      0 OverwriteAsNeeded      55,958 System
  15,360      0 OverwriteAsNeeded       2,865 Windows PowerShell

On Windows Vista or later, you can also use the Get-WinEvent cmdlet. In addition to classic event logs, the Get-WinEvent cmdlet supports Application and Services event logs:

PS > Get-WinEvent -ListLog * | Select LogName,RecordCount

LogName                                                        RecordCount
-------                                                        -----------
Application                                                           1933
DFS Replication                                                          0
HardwareEvents                                                           0
Internet Explorer                                                        0
Key Management Service                                                   0
Media Center                                                             0
OAlerts                                                                  2
ScriptEvents                                                           424
Security                                                             39005
System                                                               55957
Windows PowerShell                                                    2865
Microsoft-Windows-Backup                                                 0
Microsoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Ana ...
Microsoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Oper...                                 2232
Microsoft-Windows-Bluetooth-MTPEnu...                                    0

To browse event logs using the Windows Event Viewer graphical user interface, use the Show-EventLog cmdlet.


The -List parameter of the Get-EventLog cmdlet generates a list of the event logs registered on the system. In addition to supporting event logs on the current system, all of PowerShell’s event log cmdlets let you supply the -ComputerName parameter to interact with event logs on a remote system.

Once you’ve determined which event log you are interested in, you can use the Get-EventLog and Get-WinEvent cmdlets to search, filter, and retrieve specific entries from those logs. For information on how to retrieve event log entries, see Recipes , , and .

For more information about the Get-EventLog cmdlet, type Get-Help Get-EventLog. For more information about the Get-WinEvent cmdlet, type Get-Help Get-WinEvent.

Get the Newest Entries from an Event Log


You want to retrieve the most recent entries from an event log.


To retrieve the most recent entries from an event log, use the -Newest parameter of the Get-EventLog cmdlet, as shown in Example 23-1.

Example 23-1. Retrieving the 10 newest entries from the System event log

PS > Get-EventLog System -Newest 10 | Format-Table Index,Source,Message -Auto

Index Source                  Message
----- ------                  -------
 2922 Service Control Manager The Background Intelligent Transfer Servi...
 2921 Service Control Manager The Background Intelligent Transfer Servi...
 2920 Service Control Manager The Logical Disk Manager Administrative S...
 2919 Service Control Manager The Logical Disk Manager Administrative S...
 2918 Service Control Manager The Logical Disk Manager Administrative S...
 2917 TermServDevices         Driver Microsoft XPS Document Writer requ...
 2916 Print                   Printer Microsoft Office Document Image W...
 2915 Print                   Printer Microsoft Office Document Image W...
 2914 Print                   Printer Microsoft Office Document Image W...
 2913 TermServDevices         Driver Microsoft Shared Fax Driver requir...

Alternatively, use the -MaxEvents parameter of the Get-WinEvent cmdlet:

PS > Get-WinEvent Application -MaxEvents 10 |
    Format-Table ProviderName,Id,Message -Auto

ProviderName                Id Message
------------                -- -------
VSS                       8224 The VSS service is shutting down due to ...
System Restore            8194 Successfully created restore point (Proc...
System Restore            8194 Successfully created restore point (Proc...
VSS                       8224 The VSS service is shutting down due to ...
System Restore            8211 Successfully created scheduled restore p...
System Restore            8194 Successfully created restore point (Proc...
Microsoft-Windows-MSDTC 2 4202 MSDTC started with the following setting...
VSS                       8224 The VSS service is shutting down due to ...
System Restore            8211 Successfully created scheduled restore p...
System Restore            8194 Successfully created restore point (Proc...


The -Newest parameter of the Get-EventLog cmdlet retrieves the most recent entries from an event log that you specify. To list the event logs available on the system, see List All Event Logs. The Get-WinEvent cmdlet returns the most recent entries by default, so no specific parameter is required.

For more information about the Get-EventLog cmdlet, type Get-Help Get-EventLog.

Find Event Log Entries with Specific Text


You want to retrieve all event log entries that contain a given term.


To find specific event log entries, use the Get-EventLog or Get-WinEvent cmdlet to retrieve the items, and then pipe them to the Where-Object cmdlet to filter them, as shown in Example 23-2.

Example 23-2. Searching the event log for entries that mention the term “disk”

PS > Get-EventLog System | Where-Object { $_.Message -match "disk" }

Index Time          Type Source                EventID Message
----- ----          ---- ------                ------- -------
 2920 May 06 09:18  Info Service Control M...     7036 The Logical Disk...
 2919 May 06 09:17  Info Service Control M...     7036 The Logical Disk...
 2918 May 06 09:17  Info Service Control M...     7035 The Logical Disk...
 2884 May 06 00:28  Erro sr                          1 The System Resto...
 2333 Apr 03 00:16  Erro Disk                       11 The driver detec...
 2332 Apr 03 00:16  Erro Disk                       11 The driver detec...
 2131 Mar 27 13:59  Info Service Control M...     7036 The Logical Disk...
 2127 Mar 27 12:48  Info Service Control M...     7036 The Logical Disk...
 2126 Mar 27 12:48  Info Service Control M...     7035 The Logical Disk...
 2123 Mar 27 12:31  Info Service Control M...     7036 The Logical Disk...
 2122 Mar 27 12:29  Info Service Control M...     7036 The Logical Disk...
 2121 Mar 27 12:29  Info Service Control M...     7035 The Logical Disk...


Since the Get-EventLog cmdlet retrieves rich objects that represent event log entries, you can pipe them to the Where-Object cmdlet for equally rich filtering.

By default, PowerShell’s default table formatting displays a summary of event log entries. If you are searching the event log message, however, you are probably interested in seeing more details about the message itself. In this case, use the Format-List cmdlet to format these entries in a more detailed list view. Example 23-3 shows this view.

Example 23-3. A detailed list view of an event log entry

PS > Get-EventLog System | Where-Object { $_.Message -match "disk" } |

Index              : 2920
EntryType          : Information
EventID            : 7036
Message            : The Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service 
                     service entered the stopped state.
Category           : (0)
CategoryNumber     : 0
ReplacementStrings : {Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service, stopped
Source             : Service Control Manager
TimeGenerated      : 5/6/2007 9:18:25 AM
TimeWritten        : 5/6/2007 9:18:25 AM
UserName           :

Index              : 2919

For more information about the Get-EventLog cmdlet, type Get-Help Get-EventLog. For more information about filtering command output, see Filter Items in a List or Command Output.

Retrieve and Filter Event Log Entries


You want to retrieve a specific event log entry or filter a log based on advanced search criteria.


To retrieve a specific event log entry, use the Get-EventLog cmdlet to retrieve the entries in the event log, and then pipe them to the Where-Object cmdlet to filter them to the one you are looking for.

PS > Get-EventLog System | Where-Object { $_.Index -eq 2920 }

Index Time          Type Source                EventID Message
----- ----          ---- ------                ------- -------
 2920 May 06 09:18  Info Service Control M...     7036 The Logical Disk...

For more advanced (or performance-sensitive) queries, use the -FilterXml, -FilterHashtable, or -FilterXPath parameters of the Get-WinEvent cmdlet:

Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" -FilterXPath "*[System[EventRecordID = 2920]]"


If you’ve listed the items in an event log or searched it for entries that have a message with specific text, you often want to get more details about a specific event log entry.

Since the Get-EventLog cmdlet retrieves rich objects that represent event log entries, you can pipe them to the Where-Object cmdlet for equally rich filtering.

By default, PowerShell’s default table formatting displays a summary of event log entries. If you are retrieving a specific entry, however, you are probably interested in seeing more details about the entry. In this case, use the Format-List cmdlet to format these entries in a more detailed list view, as shown in Example 23-4.

Example 23-4. A detailed list view of an event log entry

PS > Get-EventLog System | Where-Object { $_.Index -eq 2920 } |

Index              : 2920
EntryType          : Information
EventID            : 7036
Message            : The Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service 
                     service entered the stopped state.
Category           : (0)
CategoryNumber     : 0
ReplacementStrings : {Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service, stopped
Source             : Service Control Manager
TimeGenerated      : 5/6/2007 9:18:25 AM
TimeWritten        : 5/6/2007 9:18:25 AM
UserName           :

Index              : 2919

While the Where-Object cmdlet works well for simple (or one-off) tasks, the Get-WinEvent cmdlet offers three parameters that can make your event log searches both more powerful and more efficient.

Efficiently processing simple queries

If you have a simple event log query, you can use the -FilterHashtable parameter of the Get-WinEvent cmdlet to filter the event log very efficiently.


The -FilterHashtable parameter works only on Windows 7. On Windows Vista, it generates an error: “The parameter is incorrect.”

The hashtable that you supply to this parameter lets you filter on LogName, ProviderName, Path, Keywords, ID, Level, StartTime, EndTime, and UserID. This can replace many Where-Object style filtering operations. This example retrieves all critical and error events in the System event log:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = "System"; Level = 1,2 }

Automating GUI-generated searches

When you are reviewing an event log, the Windows Event Viewer offers a Filter Current Log action on the righthand side. This interface lets you select data ranges, event severity, keywords, task categories, and more. After customizing a filter, you can click the XML tab to see an XML representation of your query. You can copy and paste that XML directly into a here string in a script, and then pass it to the -FilterXml parameter of the Get-WinEvent cmdlet:

## Gets all Critical and Error events from the last 24 hours
$xml = @'
  <Query Id="0" Path="System">
    <Select Path="System">
        *[System[(Level=1  or Level=2) and
            TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= 86400000]]]

Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $xml

Performing complex event analysis and correlation

Under the covers, event logs store their event information in an XML format. In addition to the -FilterHashtable and -FilterXml parameters, the Get-WinEvent cmdlet lets you filter event logs with a subset of the standard XPath XML querying language. XPath lets your filters describe complex hierarchical queries, value ranges, and more.


Like regular expressions, the XPath query language is by no means simple or easy to understand. This parameter can help if you already have some degree of knowledge or comfort in XPath, but don’t let it intimidate or frustrate you. There is always more than one way to do it.

While the XPath querying language is powerful, the type of rules you can express ultimately depend on what is contained in the XML of the actual events. To see what can be contained in the XML of an event, search MSDN for “windows ‘event schema’”. The online reference is useful, but actual events tend to contain an extremely small subset of the supported XML nodes. Because of that, you might have more success reviewing the XML of events that interest you and forming XPath queries based on those. Here are some example queries that build on the -FilterXPath parameter:

## Search by Event ID
Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" -FilterXPath "*[System[(EventID=1)]]"

## Search for events associated with a given Process ID
Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" -FilterXPath "*[System/Execution[@ProcessID=428]]"

## Search for events that have 'Volume Shadow Copy' as one of the replacement strings
Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" -FilterXPath "*[EventData[Data = 'Volume Shadow Copy']]"

## Search for Windows Installer Events associated with Vista SP1
$query = "*[UserData/CbsPackageInitiateChanges[PackageIdentifier = 'KB936330']]"
Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" -FilterXPath $query

Find Event Log Entries by Their Frequency


You want to find the event log entries that occur most frequently.


To find event log entries by frequency, use the Get-EventLog cmdlet to retrieve the entries in the event log, and then pipe them to the Group-Object cmdlet to group them by their message.

PS > Get-EventLog System | Group-Object Message | Sort-Object -Desc Count

Count Name                      Group
----- ----                      -----
   23 The Background Intelli... {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
   23 The Background Intelli... {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
    3 The Logical Disk Manag... {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK}
    3 The Logical Disk Manag... {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK}
    3 The Logical Disk Manag... {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK}
  161 Driver Microsoft XPS D... {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...


The Group-Object cmdlet is a useful way to determine which events occur most frequently on your system. It also provides a useful way to summarize the information in the event log.

If you want more information about the items in a specific group, use the Where-Object cmdlet. Since we used the Message property in the Group-Object cmdlet, we need to filter on Message in the Where-Object cmdlet. For example, to learn more about the entries relating to the Microsoft XPS Driver (from the scenario in the solution):

PS > Get-EventLog System |
   Where-Object { $_.Message -like "Driver Microsoft XPS*" }

Index Time          Type Source                EventID Message
----- ----          ---- ------                ------- -------
 2917 May 06 09:13  Erro TermServDevices          1111 Driver Microsoft...
 2883 May 05 10:40  Erro TermServDevices          1111 Driver Microsoft...
 2877 May 05 08:10  Erro TermServDevices          1111 Driver Microsoft...

If grouping by message doesn’t provide useful information, you can group by any other property—such as source:

PS > Get-EventLog Application | Group-Object Source

Count Name                      Group
----- ----                      -----
    4 Application               {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK}
  191 Media Center Scheduler    {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...

If you’ve listed the items in an event log or searched it for entries that have a message with specific text, you often want to get more details about a specific event log entry.

By default, PowerShell’s default table formatting displays a summary of event log entries. If you are retrieving a specific entry, however, you are probably interested in seeing more details about the entry. In this case, use the Format-List cmdlet to format these entries in a more detailed list view, as shown in Example 23-5.

Example 23-5. A detailed list view of an event log entry

PS > Get-EventLog System | Where-Object { $_.Index -eq 2917 } |

Index              : 2917
EntryType          : Error
EventID            : 1111
Message            : Driver Microsoft XPS Document Writer required for printer
                     Microsoft XPS Document Writer is unknown. Contact
                     the administrator to install the driver before you
                     log in again.
Category           : (0)
CategoryNumber     : 0
ReplacementStrings : {Microsoft XPS Document Writer, Microsoft XPS Document
Source             : TermServDevices
TimeGenerated      : 5/6/2007 9:13:31 AM
TimeWritten        : 5/6/2007 9:13:31 AM
UserName           :

For more information about the Get-EventLog cmdlet, type Get-Help Get-EventLog. For more information about filtering command output, see Filter Items in a List or Command Output. For more information about the Group-Object cmdlet, type Get-Help Group-Object.

Back Up an Event Log


You want to store the information in an event log in a file for storage or later review.


To store event log entries in a file, use the wevtutil.exe application:

PS > wevtutil epl System c:	empsystem.bak.evtx

After exporting the event log, use the Get-WinEvent cmdlet to query the exported log as though it were live:

PS > Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName="System"; Level=1,2 } -MaxEvents 2 |
    Format-Table -Auto

TimeCreated           ProviderName Id Message
-----------           ------------ -- -------
2/15/2010 11:49:31 AM Ntfs         55 The file system structure on the disk is ...
2/15/2010 11:49:31 AM Ntfs         55 The file system structure on the disk is ...

PS > Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
    Path="c:	empsystem.bak.evtx"; Level=1,2 } -MaxEvents 2 |
    Format-Table -Auto

TimeCreated           ProviderName Id Message
-----------           ------------ -- -------
2/15/2010 11:49:31 AM Ntfs         55 The file system structure on the disk is ...
2/15/2010 11:49:31 AM Ntfs         55 The file system structure on the disk is ...

If you need to process the event logs on a system where the Get-WinEvent cmdlet is not available, use the Get-EventLog cmdlet to retrieve the entries in the event log, and then pipe them to the Export-CliXml cmdlet to store them in a file.

Get-EventLog System | Export-CliXml c:	empSystemLogBackup.clixml


While there is no PowerShell cmdlet to export event logs, the wevtutil.exe application provides an easy way to save an event log to disk in its full fidelity. After exporting the event log, you can import it again, or even use the Get-WinEvent cmdlet to query against it directly.

If you want to analyze the event logs on a machine where the Get-WinEvent cmdlet is not available, you can use the Export-CliXml cmdlet to save event logs to disk—just as PowerShell lets you save any other structured data to disk. Once you’ve exported the events from an event log, you can archive them, or use the Import-CliXml cmdlet to review them on any machine that has PowerShell installed:

PS > $archivedLogs = Import-CliXml c:	empSystemLogBackup.clixml
PS > $archivedLogs | Group Source

Count Name                      Group
----- ----                      -----
  856 Service Control Manager   {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
  640 TermServDevices           {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
   91 Print                     {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
  100 WMPNetworkSvc             {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
  123 Tcpip                     {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...

In addition to the Export-CliXml cmdlet, you can also use WMI’s Win32_NTEventLogFile class to back up classic event logs:

$log = Get-WmiObject Win32_NTEventLogFile -Filter "LogFileName = 'Application'"
$log.BackupEventlog("c:	empapplication_backup.log")

After saving a log, you can use the Open Saved Log feature in the Windows Event Viewer to review it.

For more information about the Get-EventLog cmdlet, type Get-Help Get-EventLog. For more information about the Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml cmdlets, type Get-Help Export-CliXml and Get-Help Import-CliXml, respectively.

Create or Remove an Event Log


You want to create or remove an event log.


Use the New-EventLog and Remove-EventLog cmdlets to create and remove event logs:

PS > New-EventLog -Logname ScriptEvents -Source PowerShellCookbook
PS > Get-EventLog -List

  Max(K) Retain OverflowAction        Entries Log
  ------ ------ --------------        ------- ---
  20,480      0 OverwriteAsNeeded       1,930 Application
     512      7 OverwriteOlder              0 ScriptEvents
  15,360      0 OverwriteAsNeeded       2,847 Windows PowerShell

PS > Remove-EventLog ScriptEvents

Both cmdlets support remote administration via the -ComputerName parameter.


Although Windows offers the standard Application event log, you might sometimes want to make separate event logs to hold events of special interest. For this, PowerShell includes the New-EventLog cmdlet. It takes two parameters: the event log name and the source identifier for events. If the event log does not already exist, PowerShell creates it. If both the event log and event log source already exist, the New-EventLog cmdlet generates an error.

After you create the event log, the Limit-EventLog cmdlet lets you manage its retention policy. For more information about the Limit-EventLog cmdlet, see Clear or Maintain an Event Log.

The Remove-EventLog cmdlet lets you remove both event logs and event log sources.


Be careful when deleting event logs, as it is difficult to recreate all the event sources if you delete the wrong log by accident. If you delete a standard event log, you have little hope for recovery.

To remove just an event log source, use the -Source parameter:

Remove-EventLog -Source PowerShellCookbook

To remove an event log altogether, specify the log name in the -Logname parameter:

Remove-EventLog -LogName ScriptEvents

Once you have created an event log, you can use the Write-EventLog cmdlet to work with it. For more information about writing to event logs, see Write to an Event Log.

Write to an Event Log


You want to add an entry to an event log.


Use the Write-EventLog cmdlet to write events to an event log:

PS > Write-EventLog -LogName ScriptEvents -Source PowerShellCookbook `
    -EventId 1234 -Message "Hello World"

PS > Get-EventLog ScriptEvents | Select EntryType,Source,InstanceId,Message

         EntryType Source                     InstanceId Message
         --------- ------                     ---------- -------
       Information PowerShellCookbook               1234 Hello World


The Write-EventLog cmdlet lets you write event log messages to a specified event log. To write an event log message, you must supply a valid log name and a registered event log source. If you need to create a new event log or register a new event source, see Create or Remove an Event Log.

In addition to the log name and source, the Write-EventLog cmdlet also requires an event ID and message. Within an event log and event source, each event ID should uniquely identify the situation being logged: for example, logon failure or disk full. This makes it easy for scripts and other management tasks to automatically respond to system events. The event message should elaborate on the situation being logged (for example, the username or drive letter), but should not be required to identify its reason.

Run a PowerShell Script for Windows Event Log Entries


You want to run a PowerShell script when the system generates a specific event log entry.


Use the schtasks.exe tool to define a new task that reacts to event log entries. As its action, call powershell.exe with the arguments to disable the profile, customize the execution policy, hide its window, and launch a script:

$cred = Get-Credential
$password = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password

## Define the command that task scheduler should run when the event
## occurs
$command = "PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned " +
    "-WindowStyle Hidden -File 'C:Program FilesTaskScriptsScriptEvents.ps1'"

## Create a new scheduled task
SCHTASKS /Create /TN "ScriptEvents Monitor" /TR $command /SC ONEVENT `
         /RL Highest /RU $cred.Username /RP $password `
         /EC ScriptEvents /MO *[System/EventID=1010]


In Vista and beyond, the Windows event log lets you define custom actions that launch when an event is generated. Although you can use the user interface to create these tasks and filters, the schtasks.exe tool lets you create them all from the automation-friendly command line.

As an example of this in action, imagine trying to capture the processes running on a system when a problematic event occurs. That script might look like:

$logTag = "{0:yyyyMMdd_HHmm}" -f (Get-Date)
$logPath = 'C:Program FilesTaskScriptsScriptEvents-{0}.txt' -f $logTag

Start-Transcript -Path $logPath

Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | Format-List | Out-String
Get-Process | Format-Table | Out-String


After generating an event, we can see the log being created just moments after:

PS > dir

    Directory: C:Program FilesTaskScripts

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---         2/21/2010   8:38 PM        278 ScriptEvents.ps1

PS > Write-EventLog -LogName ScriptEvents -Source PowerShellCookbook `
    -EventId 1010 -Message "Hello World"

PS > dir

    Directory: C:Program FilesTaskScripts

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---         2/21/2010   9:50 PM      12766 ScriptEvents-20100221_2150.txt
-a---         2/21/2010   8:38 PM        278 ScriptEvents.ps1

When we define the task, we use the /TN parameter to define a name for our task. As the command (specified by the /TR parameter), we tell Windows to launch PowerShell.exe with several parameters to customize its environment. We use the /RL parameter to ensure that the task is run with elevated permissions (as it writes to the Program Files directory). To define the actual event log filter, we use the /EC parameter to define the event channel—in this case, the ScriptEvents log. In the /MO (“modifier”) parameter, we specify the XPath filter required to match events that we care about. In this case, we search for EventId 1010. The System/ prefix doesn’t tell Windows to search the System event log; it tells it to look in the standard system properties: EventID, Level, Task, Keywords, Computer, and more.

For more information about the event viewer’s XPath syntax, see Retrieve and Filter Event Log Entries.

Clear or Maintain an Event Log


You want to clear an event log or manage its retention policy.


Use the Limit-EventLog cmdlet to manage the retention policy (days, size, and overflow behavior) of an event log. Use the Clear-EventLog cmdlet to clear it completely:

PS > Get-EventLog -List | Where-Object { $_.Log -eq "ScriptEvents" }

  Max(K) Retain OverflowAction        Entries Log
  ------ ------ --------------        ------- ---
   2,048      7 OverwriteOlder            872 ScriptEvents

PS > Clear-EventLog ScriptEvents
PS > Get-EventLog -List | Where-Object { $_.Log -eq "ScriptEvents" }

  Max(K) Retain OverflowAction        Entries Log
  ------ ------ --------------        ------- ---
   2,048      7 OverwriteOlder              0 ScriptEvents

PS > Limit-EventLog -LogName ScriptEvents -MaximumSize 1024kb
PS > 1..10000 | Foreach-Object {
    Write-EventLog -LogName ScriptEvents -Source PowerShellCookbook `
        -EventId 1234 -Message ('A' * 1000)

PS > Get-EventLog -List | Where-Object { $_.Log -eq "ScriptEvents" }

  Max(K) Retain OverflowAction        Entries Log
  ------ ------ --------------        ------- ---
   1,024      7 OverwriteOlder            424 ScriptEvents

Both cmdlets support remote administration via the -ComputerName parameter.


While the default policies of most event logs are sensible, PowerShell still provides commands to help you manage how much information each event log retains.

For permanent policy changes, use the Limit-EventLog cmdlet. This cmdlet lets you limit the log size, maximum event age, and overwrite behavior for the event log that you apply it to. While the size and age limits are fairly self-describing parameters, configuring the overflow behavior is more subtle.

The -OverflowAction parameter supports one of three options. Each describes a different strategy for Windows to take when writing to a full event log:


Discards new entries.


Overwrites the oldest entry.


Overwrites entries older than the age limit specified for the event log (via the RetentionDays parameter). If there are no old entries to overwrite, Windows discards the new entry.

To clear an event log entirely, use the Clear-EventLog cmdlet. If you want to save the contents of the event log before clearing it, see Back Up an Event Log. PowerShell does not include a cmdlet to clear the new event logs supported by Vista and later (as exposed by the Get-WinEvent cmdlet), but you can use the [System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession]::GlobalSession.ClearLog() method from the .NET Framework to clear these event logs. For more information about working with .NET objects, see Work with .NET Objects.

If you want to remove an event log entirely, see Create or Remove an Event Log.

Access Event Logs of a Remote Machine


You want to access event log entries from a remote machine.


To access event logs on a remote machine, use the -ComputerName parameter of any of the EventLog cmdlets:

PS > Get-EventLog System -ComputerName LEE-DESK | Group-Object Source

Count Name                      Group
----- ----                      -----
   91 Print                     {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
  640 TermServDevices           {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
  148 W32Time                   {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
  100 WMPNetworkSvc             {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
  856 Service Control Manager   {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...
  123 Tcpip                     {LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK, LEE-DESK...

To use the graphical event log viewer to browse event logs on a remote machine, use the Show-EventLog cmdlet:

Show-EventLog Computername


The -ComputerName parameter of the *-EventLog cmdlets makes it easy to manage event logs of remote computers. Using these cmdlets, you can create event logs, remove event logs, write event log entries, and more.

If you want to use a graphical user interface to work with event logs on a remote machine in a more ad-hoc way, use the Show-EventLog cmdlet. If the Remote Eventlog Management firewall rule is enabled on the remote computer (and you have the appropriate permissions), PowerShell launches the Windows Event Viewer targeted to that machine (see Figure 23-1).

Event Viewer targeting a remote machine

Figure 23-1. Event Viewer targeting a remote machine

By default, the Windows Event Viewer tries to use the credentials of your current account to connect to the remote computer. If you need to connect as another account, click the “Connect to Another Computer” action on the righthand side of the Event Viewer window that opens. In that window, specify both the remote computer name and new user information.

For information about how to get event logs, see List All Event Logs. For more information about how to create or delete event logs, see Create or Remove an Event Log. For more information about how to write event log entries, see Write to an Event Log.

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